THE SCI? AM UN TK1IJUNE MONDAY MOUNTS G, MAY 23, 1896. ! r i . i WYOMING POP!!!' EASTERN LEAGUE BASE BALL GAMES Wilkes'Barrc Now Takes a Hand at Tail Eud Hcaors. SCRANTON GETS OUT OF UST PLACE Johntiuu Wan in t'ie Form nud Vol tiood Sapiort"M iiWe-Barre Love Saturday ud Snnday Gaines. Saturday' Results. Scrantra 3 Syracuse Rochester 4 Wllkts-Barra. Provldcaca Bufiala Sprlagllcld Teronta Yesterday' Results. Rochester... Previdtace., . 6 Wilkes-Barre. Buffalo Scranton put up a good article of ball Saturday and Rave good support to Johnson, who was in his. usual fine form, and this combination won from the fast-fleldlns Syracuse Stars. The result pulled Syracuse out of first place down to third, Rochester and Provi dence tlelng for first place. But what seems more Important. Scranton pulled out of the eisfht hole and Wilkes-Barre tumbles into it, through Saturday's defeat by Roches ter, and went one deeper again yes terday. Percentage Record. P. W. I P.C. .6'!? .l.ltt Rochester .... Providence ... Syracuse Toronto Buffalo Springfield ... Summon Wllkes-Barra St 21 7 8 8 12 14 1H It 21 20 2t .i0 .-H .3:13 .273 21 19 22 tt Today's Eastern League Games. Scranton at Syracuse. Wllkes-Bnrre at Rochester. ., Providence at Buffalo. Bprlnglield at Toronto. THE TIDE TURNS. Johnson Was in Fine Form and Received Brilliant Support Latham, Mafulre (Md Rafferty Play Great Ball. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Syracuse, May 23. Scranton won the Kame from the lenders today through Inability to hit Johnson and because of Mops' two errors. Both Johnson and Whltehlll were in good form, but Johnson pitched altprether the better game. In spite of thN had the Stars' Khortstnp not made his two fumbles, two of the three runs by which Scran ton won the game would not have come In. Maguire played a quick, snappy game at short. Latham played a good game at third, but was not accurate In his throwing. He made one timely hit, which scored a run. Johnson had the Stars at his mercy from the start. Mlnahan's double, followed by Carey's single, scored their only run. Rafferty did bold and timely hitting for Scranton and he caught a good game. STARSKSPERATE EFFORTS. The Stars made a' desperate effort In the ninth,, when Rellly got hit, stole second on Haffertv's error, but eat out on an attempt to reach third. The fielding features of the game were the great work of Rellly and Carry. The Scrantons piayed a good, ging ery game, generally clean and snappy, If not brilliant. Latham has added ginger to the team by his coaching and base running. The Scrantons won the game on- Its merits. They got six hits In the first three Innings without scor ing. Harper, owing to the kick from Ro chester that he must play there It any where In the league, will probably not wear a Scranton uniform early, SYRACUSE. A B. R. H. 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 P.O. 0 11 0 Kagan, 2b ... Garry, cf .... Mlnahan, rf , Carey, lb .... ReiUy, 3b .... Smith, If Moss, ss Hess, e Whltehlll, p Totals 30 1 4 27 13 SCRANTON. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. Latham. 3b r. n i i b 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 6 22 Hutchinson, 2b 4 0 1 4 Meany, rf 4 0 10 Ward, If 4 0 10 Pluck, cf 4 0 11 Horner, lb 3 1 0 16 Rafferty, c 4 2 3 5 McGuire, ss 3 0 10 Johnson, p 4 0 10 Totals 85 Syracuse 0 0 10 27 10 0 0 0 1 3 0 0-1 0 2-3 Scranton o 0 Earned runs Syracuse, 1 First buse by errors Syrar Scranton. l. rs HvrflniiuA 9 Hot-un ion, 1. Left on buses Syracuse ti: H.-nin. ton, 0. Two-base hll-Mlnuhun. First base on balls Off Whltehlll. 1; off Johnson. 2. Struck out-By Whltehlll, 1; by John yon, 4. Sacrifice hit McGulre. Stolen bases Rellly, 2. Hit by pitcher By John son 2. Passed balls Rafferty. Umpire Gaffney. Time-1.30. SUNDAY GAMES. Wilkes-Barre Lost the Third Straight to Rochester. Rochester, N. Y., May 24. About 6,000 rooters saw the home team take the third straight game from Wilkes-Barre club at Riverside park this afternoon. Day was in the box for Rochester and Kecnan occupied a similar position for the visitors. The game was hard played on each side and neither of the pitchers were hit hard. Shannon's home run In the second in ning seemed to daze the visitors and they were unable to bunch their hits. Three double plays are credited to Rochester while Wilkes-Barre has one. Umpires Crane and Stearns who offici ated did not meet with universal satis faction, but their mistakes were not costly to either team, Score: ROCHESTER. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. K. iiouenus, ir 4 2 2 4 0 Shannon, 2b 5 2 12 0 Daly, rf 4 0 1 1 0 Beard, ss 4 0 110 Mulvery, 3b 6 0 0 0 1 Dooley, lb 5 0 0 10 1 Johnson, cf 2 10 4 1 Boyd, o 4 0 2 8 0 Day, p 4 1 0 0 1 Total 37 6 19 '28 12 Keenan out In field fly. WILKES-BARRE. A.B. R. H. P.O. Griffin, cf .... Bonner, 2b ... Lcxotte, rf ... Betts, if Karle, lb Smith, 3b Digglns, as ... ' McMnhon, ss Kecnan, p ... 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Totals Rochester ... Wilkes-Barre ....34 ..2 3 ,..0 0 10 27 0 0 1 0 0 2 8 1 0 o-e 0 0-3 ' Earned runs Rochester, 2 Wilkes ,T .. . . a T . 1 nAAkMAH 1 IIOIIV, Mi A31t VII UHHtlBIWlllin,lui i I Wllkss-Barre, T. First buse on balls Off Keenan, 4; on Day, l, strucirvout By 1U snail. lj by Day, 2. Bom run ffhan SF 23 :8 Hi HH Coal Eictasfl Effing, AVENUE. PRICES PREVAIL. non. Three-buse hit Ej'.tiww. Two-tai (ills Daly. IU-mim, lu-tH. Stolen bas Shannon. Johnson. lXu!;le plays Onoly anil lit aril. H-ard mill looly; Slulvey lo .Shannon to lJuuli-y: MrMuhon lo Hoiinir to K:u If. t"iniiies CVane and sJiearns. Tiuie 1.33. I'rovidetice at Huftalo. Unffalo.N. Y., May he gamp at Olympic Park todiiy was a rejulr slugging muU'h In which the clam digh'erK ot the better of the argument. The liuftalfis tried three pitchers with no great success, although Wadsworth did the best or the lot and if he had been in the game e.t the start they would probably have won. Friel was knocked all over the lot in the seventh and eighth, 1 Unison replacing him with but little better succwa. There was no bits than five home runs la the game and all were long and hard drives. Two baggers were the order of the day. There were fully 7,000 people present to witness the contest. Score: R.IUJ. Buffalo 3 1 1 0 0 0 6 4 1 Hi 19 0 Providence 0 552821 0-23 2S 2 Batteries Startzetl. Iteration, Wads worth uml Smith; Frlel, llodson and Dix on. Umpire Uoescher. Other Saturday tJames. At Buffclo- R.H.E. Providence 11 It 2 Buffalo 10 14 Butteries Rudderham und Dixon: Can non and t'rquhart. L'uiplre Doescher. At Toronto R.H.E. Springfield ti It 1 Toronto 5 12 1 Batteries I'oUKhlln and (iunxoti; Jioran and Dowse. Umpire Swartwood. At Rochester R.H.E. tV'llkes-Barrc 2 7 1 Rochester 4 il 4 Batteries McFarlsnd nnd Boyd: Luckey nnd Digging. Umpires Crane und Stearns. NATIONAL LEAGUE. The three Sunday games brought no changes in the positions of the clubs. Cleveland still has a lead of one game. Frrccut..e Record. P. W. I,. P.C. Cleveland 27 IX 9 .01 Cincinnati 31 2 11 .HT, Boston 2 18 11 Ail Pittsburg 27 II! 11 J91 Baltimore 29 111 13 ,t2 Chicago 31 17 14 ,M8 Philadelphia 29 15 14 .i.U Washington 29 II 15 .183 Brooklyn 29 12 17 .414 New York 29 11 18 .379 St. Louis 30 11 19 .37 Louisville 30 7 23 .233 Saturday Games. At Cincinnati Now York Cincinnati At Cleveland Boston ... , Cleveland At I'lttsburs Philadelphia Pittsburg At Louisville Baltimore Louisville At Chicago Washington Chicago At St. Louis Brooklyn .St. Louis R.H.E. 4 8 2 2 7 6 R.H.E. 5 9 3 13 18 8 R.H.E. 7 11 7 15 Pi 4 R.H.E. 13 11 0 4 9 7 R.H.E. 9 10 8 11 16 7 R.H.E. 0 14 2 ,. 3 9 1 Sunday (iumes. At St. Louis R.H.E. St. Louis 2 0000100 X 3 ti 2 Brookly n 000002000 2 5 1 Batteries Donahue and McFarland; Daub and Orlm. Umpire Hurst. At Clncinnutl R.IT.E. Cincinnati 11021100 xtfll 1 Louisville 0 0000000 0- 0 4 2 Batteries Foreman, Rhlnes and Peitz; Frazer and Warner. Umpire Keefe. At Chicago K.H.E. Chicago 0 000 1 0 0 2 0 1-4 9 1.. Washington 0 100100 I) 10 3 6 5 Batteries Friend and Klttridire: King. i German and McGulre. Umpire-Sheridan. STATE LEAGUE. Saturday Gaines. At Hazleton Hassleton 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 C'arbondale 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0-7 At Lancaster Lancaster 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 Easton 0 90000000-0 At Philadelphia Athletic 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Pottsvllle 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 02 At York York 2 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 09 Shumokln 1 8 0 1 0 4 4 0 x-18 BASE BALL GOSSIP. Harper will pitch for Scranton not withstanding tho kick registered by Rochester. The latter s protest was ot no avail, and President Powers on Sat urduy night wired the Scranton own ers here und Manager MeDermott at Syracuse to put Harper in the box at any time. He will probably pitch against Syracuse today. www All the hue and cry about Tom Tower feigning Illness or that he Is sulking nnd don't want to play with Scranton Is pure rot. Power has been a very sick man, and now he is not well by any means. Kluce he agreed to pluy for Scranton he has been honest in his wish to get in the game and he was more than anxious to do so utter he learned of what tin; Scranton owners had done to protect him against the wiles of Kuntsch. What this favor was Is now a piece of unwritten his tory, but Tom Power Isn't the kind of a man who spits on a kind olllce. He looks the shadow of his former self. but sits on the Scranton bench each day and practices! occasionally. He Is supposed to be recovering from a seri ous attack of gastric fever. There is no truth in tho report that Manager McDermott Is to be dismissed or that negotiations have been opened with anyone to succeed him. The ru more started from a paragraph in Sporting Life to the eftect that Con Strouthers was on his way here to take charge of the team. Said one of the Scranton owners last night: "The story is false. It is a difficult thing to state what may at any moment be done to change the ca reer of a losing team. Often seeming' ly good players are released, seemingly bad ones signed, managers suspended and scores of other things happen. We have decided on none of those. ve have simply given Manager McDermott unlimited scope and have usslsteu with every means at our command. Re cently changes were made In the posi tions and personnel of the team and I suppose that is what gave rise to the rumor of McDermott s prospective re lease. We have not announced our selves ready to make any such sweep ing change as that, . There is still a third rumor to deny. Scranton is not after five players of the Carbondale club, which will prob ably by this noon no longer represent the Anthracite City. When the Scran ton management heard of Carbondale's threatened death, negotiations were opened for First Baseman "Bill" Mas- sey, Shortstop Cargo and Left Fielder McQunde, That was on Thursday of last week and befcj'e the Scranton players were assigned new positions, Manager Swift and the Carbondale di rectors conspired to meet In solemn session every two or three hours and kept raising the price for the players until the Scranton people became dis trusted and declined to negotiate fur ther. Finally a satisfactory price was conditionally set on McQuade, but It was put In such a way that the player was not positively sold, even If the term were accepted by Scranton. They were accepted and now everybody is watting to know If Manager Swift, who tema to contract aa well as manage the CarboaJal club, uiuve the coujitk'ti. Is coins; to re- IVt Esgan has not been taken out ft tlie came l -cause of inefficiency. He brnke the foreringer of his right htttd in t-iuffulo aim ilay?d three KUiiRS while tnus disabled. It la not sliance that he made an error a min ute under such circumstances. . PiUher Ed Herr has been released. He rcr.i lied here from Syracuse Satur day ninlu. It is unfortunate that H-rr has nut hud a fair chance to show his tval ability. He la a hoi weather pitcher and will yet pruve that he is a valua'de man In the box. Herr says that Latham has inspired a new life and spirit into the wholo team. speaking of The Tribune's conten tion that Harper would be permitted to play with Scranton as there was nothing to show tiiat Scranton had conspired to get the pitcher away from Rochester through the National draft or purchase, the Springfield Union says: "The question of 'precon ceived' rascality does not enter into the case at all. The rule was made to pi-event dishonesty nnd Is Indexible, though there Is no question of Scran ton's honwty In the matter." The rale Is flexible, "Sy," as is every rule of the National agreement and llaroer will pitch for Scranton on the merit of the case and the motto "Rules Be Hanged." BASE BALL NOTES. Rorhfstc-r was the only home club to win Saturday. Latham accepted 7 chances out of 8: Rafferty the rarac; Mugtiirtt ail of 7. und Hutchinson ail of 6. What's the mailer with thai. The coaching by Latham was a power ful factor. The Tribune argued that Hutchinson should he placed at second and Mafruire at short. The two games ployed with .'lie men In those positions shows that the change was a wise one. It looks as though Tom Kelly is due for retirement as nn experimental umpire in the Eastern. Ned Crane and Ban Stearns umpired nt Rochester Saturduy. Crane seems to be a permanent fixture If he leuves the cup alone. "If Charley Hoyt wroto a play for Arllc Latham, Instead of Anson, and booked the show in the twelve league cities, he would not meet with a frappe and a 17,0U0 low," says Duncan It. Harrison. "There Is more originality about Lath than seven-eights of the slapstick buffoons who kick each other In -the face, fall on the lungs of their pants when tho cymbals clink and cull it comedy." The games announced to be played here tomorrow anil Wednesday with KochcstMr have been retrarsferred back to the lat ter city. Inability lo find tlons here on account of the Brand torn mnndery conclave wus the cause of it. Latham passed through hero in a sleep er on tho Lackawanna road Saturday night. He was en route for New York to see his wife, but will return to Syracuse In time for today's game. It Is the popular impression among the players that John Ward will be seen at the helm of a major league club within two mouths, cither In Louisville or In the east. Indeed, It Is freely hinted that popular sentiment in New York wlil api-enl to President Freedman, praying for Ward's return to Ihe New Vork club, ni the sue- cessor of Arthur Irwin. Ward wo? offerjil a llve-yenr contract nt ?6,u0 per yejr by Pr Stucky, picaident of the Louisville C1UO. .Manage! SIcGnnnlirle. of the Louisville, thinks well of "liontiniT Bill" Musamucar, and will keep him on first base. At St. Louis reporter in throwing n Ir u rel at Rocer Connor, said thai Von I'.er Ahe's players were fooling optlmUitlc over Roger's appointment. Chris In reading tho Item halted and looked proguy when he struck "optimistic." "Dot's anoddur von or dose roasts, v en dose tammct reporters spring dose Jaw-b-e.tklng words they are knocking der club," said Chris to .MucKcmuss, nis secretary. rne .now vorK unre Ftall league has dropped suddenly out of existence. 1 1 4 failure was tine to the withdrawal of Am sterdam, JohnBtown, Gloversvlllu and Schenectady. AMATEUR BALL NOTES. At Factoryvil'.c (Saturday) KEYSTONE. A.B. II. R. P.O. 1 0 2 3 3 11 3 0 0 Wilson, ss 5 1 l Smiley. If 5 3 2 Keynolds, 3b o Zung. 2b 4 lleardsley. lb 4 Gardner, c 4 Marsh, cf 4 Mathewson, rf 4 Stanton, p 4 Totals 30 7 27 17 TLXKHAXNOCK. A.B. il. it. P.O. A. 1 7 1 0 2 0 0 0 s Harding, ss ... 0 t'ourtrifa'ht, 3b . Hemier, J I) .... Chamberlain, c Mentzer, 2b .. Miller, if Stark. If K. Harding Kuhoe, p .. Totals .. cf .37 8 24 19 g Score 9 to 3 In favor of Keystones. The regular Young Mon's Christian As sociation team and the team of the rail road branch of the association played Sat urday at Athletic park and the ruilrouders won by Hi to ti. Loftus, who pitched for the renulars, was not at all effective und the field work of the team was very ragged. The Shamrocks of Avoca would like to meet the Consumers May 31 on the Sham rocks' grounds. Answer through The Trib une. Frank Mulrooney, captain. About 2,000 bane ball enthusiasts conxre. aated on Coyne's ground's yesterday afternoon to witness the game between the Mlnooka and the South tilde teams, Dlskin uml Fjllon were the opposing twlrlers, und both pitched steady games. The fielding of bolli teams was ragged, but luck favored the visitors. The gums was devoid of any sort of gild-edged play, lug. S:ore: Mlnooka 0 3 0 3 0 f0 10 8 7 10 South Side 16100260 x 14 7 t Batteries Ijlskln and LuJdon; Fallon und Viiugh:iu. Umpire Luwry. The Dashers Would like to play the West Side Juniors u Katrw of ball on Tuesday at 2.31) or 3.00 p. 111.. .May 2ti, on the l.ltllo Woods' grounds. Answer through The Tribune Tuescl.iy morning. Joe Haslcy, manager; David Hopkins, e'ttptaln. The .Mlnooka Stars, Jr., challenge the Violets for a game on June 1 on Burke's grounds, i.Mnooku. Answer through The Tribune. A. Alcllugh, captain. The baso ball teams of No. 1st. Young Men's Institute, of .Mlnooka. challenge the team of St. Brenden. No. 213, of West Side, for a game on June 1. P. Laity, manager. The Sliders defeated the Defenders cf Dunmore on Saturday by a score of 12 to II. Butteries Sehulis and Harte for Slid err,; La Fountaine nnd Keilum for De fenders. lXioTcLtB'SRUN. About Forty .Henibrrs Enjoy n Ride Down the New IJonlevnrd. The Ixlon Bicycle club met at Elm hurst Saturday afternoon and rode home over the Elmhurst boulevard In the evening Some of the members went to Elm hurst by train; ethers went by wheel. Many reached there before 6 o'clock nnd had supper nt the Elmhurst hotel. About forty made the run to Scran ton. THERE IS A NQEBINESS f.EOUT OUR LATEST STYLE OF That Is Positively Striking. Furnisliinq; Goods. Cor r it Ideas iu l'uucy Shirts, Ex clusive and Hicli l'nttcrus. f I.owest 1'riccs Prevail. I P, ii 4 is tPRUCB STREET. ' o LACKAWANNA AVE. SPRING HATS mm DECORATION PAY RACES. Ccntlentea Drivers Will Conduct a .Heeling at the r;iviu- I'ark. On Decoration day the Gentlemen's Driving Club will conduct a race meet at the Driving Park. This was decld Suturday rht at a club meeting at the Wyoming' lioiw. The events will be the two club and two professional taoes of three beats each. The entries aie not cotnpkte nor have the prises been decided upon. HE WILL NOT DISBA.ND. .Vuuuurr Swift of t iirbonuale flub fins Chaajrt d His .Mind. !ia?!iton, Jluy 21. .Martin Swift, manager of the Carbotuiaie State LeagU" l'.usc Bull club, returned here from Pottsvllle today and has changed his mind tibntit disbanding the team und wiil continue the trip to !hamokiii au scheduled. Negotiations to s-11 several players to the Scranton Eastern Leugue team are In proi;rrs:i, however. Ithcuniutisra (. tired in 21 T. J. F.luekmore, of llaller & Ulr.rk mnre, Pittsburg. Ph., says: "A short time time I procured a bottle of "Mys tic Cute." It got me out of the house In twenty-four hours. I took to my bed with rheumatism nine months ago and the 'Mystic Cute' is the only medicine that did me any good. I had five of the best rhystclans in the city, but I re ceived very little relief from them. I know the 'Mystic Cure' to be what It is represented and take pleasure in rec ommending It to other poor sufferers." Soid by Cnrl Lorenz, druggist, 418 Lack awanna avenue, Scrunton, Tfca Easiest V't;c3l for Ladies To Mount I a Vlcto- la. It hits the lowest au I strong-it frntne and cannot be cttialud for coiniort, Victors. Gutulruns, Relays and V yiineivoiKlii, in eudloss variety, now on ex hibition at our stiir. I l Will I I IS !?S f 0 I it ISl III ISjiJiV V ' ,1, Ei, tW I IJifH Ui il i j"' UililEil3U 4 DON'T FAIL TO SEC TH WOI.P AlMriJICAN, The Tlrrst and Hlrtest I Oraitc V heels fi nd? Ir, An eitca. 1806 Wheels, lrtu-l;l in tvery Particular, $,iS.;o. Cense ndsoe. ti. R PAIeKl'lt, 321 Spruce Street. You Cta Save Sis to tio 011 Your bike. , .Jafh cranton, Tuesday, May 26. Cirou:!il5 on th Providence Road, Opposite Base Ball Park. Take Providence, Archbuld I'cckWIle or Oly pliant Cars. r cars. 4 trains. fly .u'lMTESouixmi frmffti HI I i S '3 P. ..4V" BMiOCEPORT.COKK. I i 1,3 H I S, Yir "StiOr.TIIWF.Ir.Uva AV LONDON. CMC efui or rowr tiAins't pabis. thance-. At Ul'lNttS CfrsCE, NEW 3 Rings, 3 Stages, Racing Track. ASD MONSTER AERIAL ENCLAVE. IlW STARTLING AND SUBLIME CIRCUS ACTS. EVERYTHING. JUST AS ADVERTISED. Cnlv Bhow endorsed by Cl-.Myy. No False l'retenso.t. No Exaamerations. GREATEST AERIAL EXHIBITIONS EVER SEEN. Til Most Reiiownd lll slr Porfotmers in the World, tiluriously Thriilltia Dives, Flights aud Ca:ches ALAii, the Human Arrow , Kliet from a Hugo Ancient (.rou,low away into kimce. mm m ,M-irpu nn-AvsMi rm 5 Trained Horses Performing at One Time MAGNIFICENT EQUINE SPECTACLE tuj Ktift5hBta tx SPLENDID CHAMPION EQUESTRIAN DISPLAY. 3 Cliutntilon Male and Female Bnrelwk Plders in th Most Vnrlo.l Kinds of Export and Darin Kidiua Aols. 1 HE NV.W WOMAN ON HORSliBACK, with Lady Clowns, 1 aly liiug Masteis, and Lady Uuf et Holders. L'isWSa WJ B1 v ti m:ii.iKicmiM. tu.t TLv i ,fh "i - r - " ' r;w. v -.'7.ZI THE GEY TWO COMPLETE Rorda ot Eiephauts, S tirortw ot Cim-ls. 1 Flock Ostriches. S3 Cages ot Wild Beasts, Togoth r witli many Amuials iu l,s.:ili. JOHANNA, THE FANGUS GIANTESS GORILLA. Only ons In Captivity In tint World. B jven Dens of Performing Animals. And In Addition to all tho Myriad Wonders, Tho Grand, New, lictureuqitrt, Romuntlo tihterininnijiit, REALISTIC ORIENTAL. INDIA, Representing Oonnlno Natives of the Orient In Every Phas of Mfs. Presntiteil just as they hnre existed for ages In their own omtntrv. Bit dliist Pri 'sts, Baornd Datving tt rls Ti sr. Hilver and P.vll M.l n-rr. Ooeonitit Tree CI tubers, Cotts I iwaris, RHAL EAST INDIAN FAKIRS AND EXPERT JUGGLtRS, Aludrns I)nt hir tllrls Kandlan nnd rinit e.L neers. ti).' tu r witn tn-.-le l-'um.ius, enema To.'.iiil.s, Toole, imp emnu;., .Vusieal IuttitiniontB, Oii flatnn es nnd Devices. MIGHTY NEW FREE STREET PARADE. With the Boverclgus of tun World reoresensd, toirsther w'th the military uniforms and in usle of all nidlnus, at 9 u. in. ou day nf show. LOWEST EXCURSION RATKS ON ALL RAILROADS. Two Pertoitnniicos Dnily nt 'i nnd 8 p. m. Honrs Open an Hour Kiirllsr. Admission to Letyililn 60o. Children L'ndar B Yenrs Half l'riea. Bcssrvsd icatf at regular nrlne nnd admission tlclceti at usual sdrnnoeat UATTBSWS BROS DHUG MOWS, I ffl LutwBM Avenua, There An Nsw M4; la Aaierica Cycles Ghsap.Higti Grade Hombor Quality W Sell High Grd: and Husaber Quality. Funster Quslily $110 Union Deck-a-Jask 100 Eiia 75 Drop in and Examine ths Brown Lip ctijrircjMj ileal- on Cur CKACl.-A.JACK. CHASE & FARRAR Linden Street, Cpp. Court House. JV'i& e. If you haven't you'll soon get one, and in that enso it will pay ymt to look at tlie SPALDING AND KEATING For lightness and durability they are unexcelled. Call and eet them. C. M. FLOREY i:2 WYciaiiG mm, 434 Lackawanna A vena. Wiuton Dicyclcs arc guar acteed. "The Winton is a Winner." The tluot Cononell C Of all kinds, manufactured at siiof ootke at TIic Tribune Office. ;:tci5ysrjOTC5raiKaPLi5-atfi rA F l "7 19 B fc. WASH BFAt'Of AllTSt "T 100 CACH3 AND CHARIOTS. i2co People Employed 12 TENTS C0VCRIK3 12 ACRES YOP.K.CI1 Y' MENAGERIES IN THE WORLD. II ii u n you a mmi WHEEL? 1 unif vnm mnm m m blUI We Are Showing an Elegant' Assortment of We Supply rioth Proof Cloaks New York Cloak and Suit House, Francis Fitz Gibbon, 132 MM THIRD NATIONAL BANK Op SCRANTON.. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. 2,000,000 BARRELS Alade and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, Total Product of 111 nn I) The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in r iiRlanJl Ireland ami Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in the world. ME6ARGEL wholesale agents. Appropriate Buildings GW.isute Dividends Exceptionally Fair. General (SOME Industry Justly Keeps LUMBER II&vinq Naturally. Our Present Quality Retains Steady TRADE Upon Value. With Xpectancy, Yours Z-zling 422, &c. Richards Lumber Co., Gomith Bl'D'g. Scranton, Pa. IRON AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rir ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup. plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheelt, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEHBENDER SCRANTON. PA. I X. v,.",. Result la 4 weeks. For by JOHN H. PHILPa run oiiit imimn RKU -Nil nUUuLV --At--$5.00. Bag With Capes, Jackets, and Suits. ST IU YIGOB CONNELL fill Whtn In dtwtit what to twt fcr KtrroM DHttty, Loh of liml fowcr (In dfhir ie)i ImpoteniVi Atroptiy, Varicrxilt tnil iMher weaknwuM, from tnv cut, u Seilno rill, Itini cricckeU and full vifor quickly miNM, If neglected, uc trwihlca rttutt fkwlly. Milled tnyvhsr, ertlrJ. forft.OD) botM (ur S5.00. With vrrv nnler vlvt itf al titrr.ttt to euro or rcTind tho moatye Arlttrm T&A.L MRDICtNB CO.,ClvtlM, Ohl. 1 , fhfmolU oof. Wyoming Avonun . ' .-'
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