V. TIIE . ' SCU AUTON TRIBUNE ; FBI DAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1896. THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Will place b;;loic (he ppblic (be great est bargain of Shirt Waists that ever took place iu the city ofScrauton, and vc may claim ever in this country. The following letter received from one of the largest manufacturers in the United States, will explain itself: I!ll!KK.VKK.I.I, K'l'KAlSS & Co., & Co., ) rHt li, 18'JC. J i, 48 ami fit) oimter Ji KW loitK, JItty .Messrs. l.chcck A; Curin, Scran ton. ;'NT1.i:mi:x-v accept your oiler for our entire stock of Shirt Waists- NILS Uoen in all; also all our tine pieee goods, consisting of I'ercales, l.;tjis. .llimities, etc. This is the greatest sacrifice sale Me have ever tnuiic, as' you net these noD'Js at less than ROc. on the titular. Verv truly vmira. BIBKENFELO. STRAUSS & CO. The reason of this immense saci il'e of the manufacturer to us nt the height of the season is that their factor v at Mott Haven, N. V., has been condemn ed by the building department and must be vacated at once. We shall sell these guods in three different lots. Choicer goods have never been shown. LOT m l- Wortta from Ji.oo to 51.50, Leader's Price, 6ik LOT NO. 2.- Worth from J 1.50 to Si-75, Leader's Prlee, M)c LOT XO. .1 Worth from $1.75 to $2.25, Leader's Price, 81.25 Every lady should take advantage of this sale. JlfWe will have the piece goods on sale in a lew days, of which due notice w ill be given In daily papers LEBECK&CORIN NICHOLSON. 13. C. Graham, of Tunkhnnnnck. was a caller In town 'Wednesday and wltness 1 the ball irnim. Mm. Mnttlda Williams, who Is ill years old. mother of Chai'les H. and Oscar VllIlunis. leaves today for Orange. N. J., to spend the summer months with her ilauirhter. Mrs. John N. Williams. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Uean Sampson, of Tunk : bannock, fulled on friends Wednesday. Mrs. A. ". Hum, wife of Conduetor Bond, of the loeal nasseiiprer train, Ib quite seriously ill. our youiiK people will pive an Infor mal dance at the opera house this even ing. The birthday Borlnl given by the TCp Voith leasue on Wednesday evening Was a success In every respeet. Mrs. Fuller und daughter, of Carbon dale, have moved to this pluee with the expectation of making it their future home If they like It here. our base ball team are now very inlet. Incitement all over. The Tri tons, of Tunkliaiinock, cume up Wed nesday evening and served them up 11 to fi. Our boys lead the Tritons 6 to 2 ut the fourth Inning mid then they Plopped and the Tritons took the rest. Mr. and Mis. 1). . Titus left thp fore part of the week for an Indefinite visit to their daughters, Mrs. James Os terhout at VunxKutuwney. Mr. Titus went ln I'itlthui'K to attend the grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows In Mcyslon there. OI.Y1MIANT. Mi's lii ace Winelni wits pleasantly sur-prls-'rt by the pupils uf her elocutionary clusr ut ilie residence of .Mrs. K. , Kn fluii, of Blakely, on Wednesday evening. Tile evening was delightfully passed in Hiuiies and musical selections until aho it in o'clock, when n dainty repast whs serveil by the hostess. Among those pies elit were: Misses Jennie. Ward. Kditlt Me!- Mers, Nettle Alasi ii, Jossiu Cullender, Ola Carpenter. Tillle Davis. Muy Hrunrtiiv, Altu Hopkins, Hcritntuii; Annie Prless, Ann Uull Masters, Leonard Carjnter, Johnnie Davis ami Hex Kelly. .Miss Maine OWIulley Is visiting rela tives at I'arbondale this week. Airs. Frank orchard, of Curbomiale, Is ;thc guest of lu r mother. Mrs. Jennie Voyle, of Lackawanna street. The Troop band, ill their new uniforms, paraded our streets last evening and dia coursed some rood music, -Miss Marie Jones, of Hvde Park, was the guest of Mrs. A. F. Clans Wednes day. Mrs. Evan Evuns, of West Pulsion, Is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Huines, on the West Side. ' A social will be held In the Susquehanna Street Baptist chureh Monday evening, June 8. Strawberries and Ice cream will be served. Mike Snowfosky and Mike Cnlofot were arrested yesterday as being Implicated in the riot In which Officer (llbbnns was as. ysaulted on Saturday nljrht. Thev were given n hearing before Burgess Howard lust evening. The gave evidence that thev paw Lahonkey, who Is now In the eoiint'v Jail, strike Olhbons. They were held til the sum of to ball for their appearance bs witnesses. GREAT SALE OF BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. We have no fortune to jjive away, but we KUurprUee ,vou goods at less than any other house lu the trade. Your qhoice from our stock, which is complete at $100 Per Yard. ' Remember we don't reserve any Ihtnar These goods consist of nil the ' leading makes. Come early and make your selections, J. SCOTT INGLIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER - - 419 Lackawanna Ava GARBONDALE, rR.Anr wtll ptease not that advertise ment!,, orders for Job work. ant Items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon A Co.. newsdealers. North Main atreet. will receivo prompt attention; of hc open from K . m. to 10 p. ni. ) CLOSED LAST EVENING. The Stale t'onveittiou of A. tl. II .Hat. Bern Vcrv Sin-et'o"liil. After three days the state convention of Ancient Order Hibernians, Hoard of Klin, closed last eveniu uml it has, without doubt, been a very successful and pleasant one. Kverythlng that could Im- done to make the stay of the delegates iii this city one which they will not forget, and judging from the abundint praise which is heard on all sides the efforts of the locul Ancient order liibeniit'iis re not without ef fect. The delfgites think t'urbondale very hospitable and are Mh to leave for their lioines. The principal business of yesterday uftenioon's meeting was the election of state delegate. There were three nom inees for the titflce. Joseph Mcl.ullehllo, t.r Philadelphia: M. ti. Neary. of May lielil, and tl. T. liolatid. of Scrautoii. The llrst vole resulted In r.oland's fu or. but us he did not receive it major ity of the votes cast a second ballot was taken in which he was elected. It has been decided to divide the state Into ten sections and crgiiiilzcr being elected for each section. It Is his duly to endeavor to organize divisions of the order In his secthm. The organizers elected are as follows: First district. Thomas llurke. of Allegheny; Second district, JoPii J. Neurits, of Cumbria county; Third district. John tiibbons, i f I 'lair county, who was uIm appointed for the fourth and lifth districts; Sixth district, J if tit Lynch. Luzerne county; Kiglilh district. Patrick McLaughlin, of Philadelphia; Ninth district. Neul Sweeney, of Plymouth: Tenth district, John Mcllnle. of l.acknwnnna county. Several nihil esses were delivered last evening by prominent men In the soci ety. John T. Lrtinhan, esc.. of Wilkes Harre, and Colonel K. J. Fitssslmmons, of Scranton, both spoke. After the session lust evening a fare well banquet was tendered the delegates at Hotel Anthracite. Proprietor Oiim- iter had prepared an elaborate table and the rooms were prettily decorated. Ir. T. C.. Fllzsimmons was toastmaster and during the evening many witty and enjoyable speeches weiv delivered. WOOD'S COMMENCEMENT. Class Oiliccr Fleeted uud Arrange. nicntx l title. The class which will graduate from Wood's P.uslness college this yeur Is un usually large. They have been given a thorough drill during the past few weeks nnd those who successfully passed the examinations number thirty seven. This is the first class graduated from the college and the number is very creditable to the faculty. The class met yesterday and elected the following members to represent them. Business department, John T. Jen kins, valedictorian : Miss (iertrude Harding, salututorlan; John J. Nolan, class orator. Short hand department. Miss Kather inc Orady. valedictorian: Miss Mary K. McDonougli, presentation address; Miss Ada M. Lutey, honorary essay; Prank Bchoonover, class prophet. THE LECTURE TONIGHT. Mrs. l'cnry .liny Arronipnny Lieu truant I'cary. The largest audience of the senson will probably greet Lieutenant Peary ath the Ooefa House tonight. The number of tickets sold Is already very large and applications have been made for some front Scranton und Wllkes Barre. Very little need be said about the lec ture. It Is something which will be very Interesting and Intellectual. Lieu tenant Peary will relate his experiences ill the frozen north. He Is a tine speak er and the stereoptlcan views which he shows will add much to the lecture. Lleutennnt and Mrs. Peary will pro bnbly remain In this city as the gtrests id' Mr. and Mrs. Orogory, over Sunday. They Intend to visit a coal mine und ty take a trip over the Gravity. For it New Hoof. The Welsh Baptist church in this city will be improved soon and other things done for the comfort of worshippers. The Welsh Baptist association which met In Scranton recently donated money for a new roof. It will prob ably cost about $100 and bids for the work should be lyft ut William 1. Wil liams'. The members of the church ap preciate the association's gift very much. I'iugcr Amputated. Patrick Moran. who had his hand caught In the cog wheels of a derrick at the Sixth avenue bridge, went to the hospital yesterday, where Dr. li. C. Wheeler amputated three lingers ut the knuckles. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. A twin for the accommodation of summer boarders will be run over the Uiavlly between Carbondale and Way mart, each day commencing May 2Sth. Father Judge, of Hawicy, was a v. si tor In this city yesterday. Michael Loft us and John McDon ougli. of iioidot: uveiiti' have It ft for a summer vacation duririt which time they will tour ihe K.u.-teiii States and visit the fur west. Mrs.' .S. I!. Swingle, who has been seriously ill for the past tvo weeks Is able to sit up iriittle each day, but Is not yet out of danger. lJuvid Davis, of Drumniond avemi ', who bus bron quite ill for the last wvek, is able to be ubollt ag till. Mrs. T. P. McXully, of Furvlow sttii'et. entertained several of trt e dele gates to the Anclcnl order Hibernians convention at her hi, me on Wednesday evening. On Thursday next Ml. s Jennie Ho 1 plns and James Wells, of New Ceme try street, will be united in ti'.anlage. Mrs. Davis, of Kivcr street, has re turned after a week's visit with friends In Piitersoii. N. J. .1. U. 1'i'tld. night freight c!evk and ticket seller nt the Delawaie and Hud son, union depot, left yesterday for hU homo In Michigan. He will be. gone about u mouth and will be accumj a; lei by a bride on his return. .Tnms Collins, of Hotel Ar.tlr ac!te; has resigned his position nnd will leave nt once for New York city, where li ha ben off red a more lucrative place. MartJn liarte will t:ikc his place at the Anf hrnelte. Several applications for tickets to the Peary lecture have been received by Prof. Oregnry, from Scranton anil Wllkcs-Barre people. Miss Helen Puttrrson entertained a iliousness Is caused by torpid liver, whicli pri'vetits diges tion and permits food tn ferment uml p'.itrif y In the Itnmacli. Then follow dizziness, headache, ooc limomliiii, nervousness, uud, Pills If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's rills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, ours hearincho, dlrzlness, con stipation, ctn. 30 cents. Hold by all drugtrlsts. The only Pills to tak with Hood's bursauurUla. luurihcr of frlnds on Wednesday even ing in honor of th:MlaeB Singer, of Scrsnton. lr. liailey has returned from a short stay In New York city. Miss Mary Watt left yesterday for a visit with friends In Prooklyn. N. Y. O. H. It. Kolietts. of t'htlaiielphia. grand secretary of the American le gion of Honor, arrived in town yes terday afternoon. He will remain for the meeting to be held in the Odd Fel lows hall on South Church street to night. JKK.MVN. The Itrownson Literary society held a very interesting meeting last evening. The following programme was given by the members: Kssay, Miss Mary Mar tin; vm-al solo. Miss Sadie Timlin; de clamation. Mis Kate McOovcrn; vocal solo, John W. tiiant; address, "Arbi tration and War." P. H. Hergen: vocal solo. Andrew M -eliua; select reading, Miss Mary gniiiu. Next Monday evening council will hold a spcclul session. Kids will be opened for the construction of the pro posed water works and the request ot the cinder path asseiatioii perhaps taken up. The committee of the cin der path association was present al the last meeting, but their request to run a cinder putti through the borough was lulit upon the table. Through a typographical error In The Tribune, Jerinyn news of Tuesday's Is sue, the names of Lizzie llattenherg. S'i, and Ida1 Carter, 7. were omitted In the report of the central school examina tions held In this place. Class No. III. of the Methodist Kplsco pal Sunday school, held a very success ful lawn social on the lawn of their teacher. Miss Katie Sampson, on Second street, Tuesday evening. The proceeds are to be used by the class to buy their s of f-e new carpet for the Sunday school room. Miss I lu it le Mason, of Pecond street, Is very ill if oni an uiuh k oi uipniiieii.t. Miss Minle l,a Kue, of Cemetery street, visited friends in this place yes terday. Conductor Kachurlus, of the New York. Ontario and Western railroad, has resigned his position on that road anil accepted a similar one on one of the Western railroads. Mesdames Langman, Hockuday and Adams left Tuesday morning for New '"" ' on tneir way to r.ngiami, where they will visit relatives. l oui:st CITY. On Friday. May 29 the Methodist ladies will serve a supper In the base ment of the parsonage. Tlie district convention of the Pa triotic Order, Sons of America will meet her on July 1. The district Is composed of the counties of Susque hanna, Lackawanna and Wayne. A free entertainment will be given In thfl evening by Washington Camp, of For est City. The annual convention of the Sus quehanna County Sunday School as soc'atlon Is being held here today. The dosing cxerclFV of the Forest City graded schotd were held In the Opera House Wednesday evening and the programme announced In the Tri bune was fully cnrled out. There was n large attendance and everyone thor oughly enjoyed the exorcises. School closed yesterday for the Sum mer vacation. Kntei prise Hose company has rec?lv edah invitation to take part In a parade to be held In Cnrbondale in connection with the celebration at that place on July 4. A Law and Order League was or ganized at the Baptist church last Monday evening. Another meeting will be held on Monday evening next. The league has for Its object the sup pression of Sabbath desecration. An entertainment and supper will be held at the Presbyterian church next Wednesday evening. Tickets will be sold for the entrtalnment and supper will be free. T. P. McOormlck attended the Young Men's Institute convention at Scranton ns a delegate from Forest City Branch, No. 402. M. J. Welsh nnd John E. Bell were delegates from Division No. 1, of this place, to the A. O. 11. convention at Carbondale. If the Bnby Is t utting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow':: Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil liens of Mother.-! for t:.eir Children while TeethlnK, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums, .'.Hays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and U the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold By Druggists In every part of the world. Be Bure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth?r kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. M PKlCF.IiUKG. The council held Its regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening. Among the important business was the accept ing of the treasurer's bond for the sum of SlO.niH) despite the protest of the In vestigating cnniinittce, and the passing of u motion to draw up nn ordinance taxing all poles standing iu the bor ough. The entertainment given by the Tou hlll family for the btetellt ot the Merman church Wednesday evening was indeed one of the best ever given In our town. The rare musical ability of this family furnishes lots of enjoyment for muslc lovers. The attendance was large. It has at last been decided that the culvert running under the sidewalk at the low er end of the Johusou No. I prop erty belongs to that property. For some time back it bus been blocked and consequently t. sitiewuik at this point ts stininergLU. The committee in charge of the par ade on the Fourth of July, met Tues day evening. A large delegation from the uitTeient societies was present. .Messrs. William J. Williams. John D. I Bray. John Sirwatku, Kdward J. Burke, I and Thomas peach were apoluled ay a ! committee to solicit the town for tlre j work and request each business man to I decorate his place of business on that day. AVOCA. Messrs. J. J. Buckley, V. J. Shannon nnd A. .1. Healey are representing the tem perance soiielle;' of this town at the Dio cesan convention at Frce'iand. A rt olion was tendered Itev. J. Jones by his many friends, on Tuesday evening at the Primitive Methodist parsonage. A . e" u o.n e1""' '-"i n ii-iainni ami the evening happily spent. Itefreshinenls were served. The Albion band attended the Moosie fair on Wednesday evening and brouijilt with them a large ileleKiilton from tills place. The Ladles' Mlsisonury society was given a rece;itlon at the home of Mrs. Janes tiraham on Tuesday evening. The exil ing was pleasantly spent and a neat sum whs realised. Air. and .Mrs. Theodore Hogan are re johinx over the arrival of a daughter. The St. Aloysius' foiiety will meet !n thtlr rooms ut 'i u'clock on Sunday after noon. .Miss Maggie Ackerman. of this place, will be a member ot tiie Kiaduating cutis of the l'luiuon high sctuol this veur The .Moosle l'opuliirs Will meet the I'iits lon City team on tne We.-t bide Driving fu!klu: uiternoon. A spirited encounter s expected. .Miss Jennie Newlln Is visiting friends in Plains. The Daughters of Pocohontas will con duet an ciiiert.ilnmt nt and lestleal In tlic odd Fellows' hall on Monday evening. There will be a social after the entertain ment. Postmaster Fltzslmmons Is doing Jurv duty this week. 'file SarsHcld Literary club hns offered a prire of Sin for a tug-of-wtir between the teams frtm the 0'Alea,Tlicr club of brraiiton nnd the Henry Graltan club r.. Pltinton. The contest will lake place'; t their mutual picnic r.t Miller's Orove, Muv 3d. The Grnttiina defeated the o'Meoplicr some yearn ago and the eoTi'.ng conte.U will create much Interest to those who at tend. The Qrattan teum will comprise the following: MRtt Daley, Oliver Burke, .Ichn P. Ksrr.ty, Ar.drev Divers, .M. F Gill, Martin Howley, J. H. Tljue. ltich. ard Burge, Dolob (Jlennon and John Mo-Clave. WILKES-BARRE, THE FUNNY SCORCHERS. They Attempt lo ttidieule a t'ily Or diuance and Laud in the Lockup. The scorchers and their friends, the fresh young bicyclists, became exceed ingly funny Wednesday evening, and started in to have a real good time, but the police went thetu one better, and by the time the police got through with their turn in the fuii-makiiig. the riders were sick of their undertaking, and returned to their homes sadder but wiser. The proclamation of the chief of po lice. Issued a few days a'4. notifying bi cyclists thut the ordinance governing the riding of w heels within the city lim its must be obeyed. I he indignant youths have been planning bow to circumvent and yet keep within the pale of the law. Last evening, as if pre-arranged, several hundred bicyclists nssembh d ut dlficrent nluces and ubout N o'clock rturted on their rounds of the city. Some of them wore mining lamps, others carried Chinese 1. interns; bi'r hot lex with lighted candles stuck lu the necks; barn und house lanterns; big headlights, torches and lights of every conceivable kind. Some of the riders t arried sleigh bells, but the majority of them were fitted out with heavy cow bells, butchers' bells and lish horns. The din und noise was something aw ful. They rung their bells Incessantly, tooteil their horns continually und made night hideous with their fearful clatter. After the business had become too monotonous the police started out on the war path and gathered In disturbers of the peace us follows: A. Myrels. Jo seph Kelley. H. li. Oriltln, J. I. C.elscr, August Melhauscr, 11. Kenwoiihy. Hd iiiund Nichols, Adum Kraft. John Sny der and Fred Price. The prisoners were fined $-' each and costs by the mayor yesterday morning. Died in u t'hnir. Mrs. F.llsabctli Muddock died sud denly Wednesday morning while sit ting in a rocking chair at the home of her son, William Dickson nt Htiulock Creek. She Is survived by James and Mapes Dickson, Mrs. John J. Cndwal lader, uud Mrs. Martin Bubble, of this city. Trying to Stive Nindish. John T. Lena ha n. esq., left for Phila delphia yesterday afternoon, where he will argue the motion for a new trial on the Wlndlsh case before the supreme court. WIndish was convicted ot the murder of his wife in Hughestown bo rough. Dog t'nlchcrs ill Work. The dog catchers captured three dos. among them being a full blooded ptnr. They will be kept 4S hours, and if not reclaimed at the end of that time will be killed. Pitt-ton Closing Movement. The move for early closing was iiiHiig; rated last night with a street parade, in which li" dei'ks, the Leek Cornet bund and the Star Drum corps participated. A mass meeting addressed by prominent citi zens concluded the demonstration. T1m clerks epxeet to succeed, as they have pub lic sentiment with them. FACTOKYVILLL. Memorial Day will be observed in the usual way at this place. The Captain K. J. It Ice Post, O. A. It., and Ladles' Circle will meet at O. A. It. bull on Main street Saturday afternoon, .May 30 at 1:30, sharp, nnd proceed from there to Evergreen cemetery where they will decorate the graves of our fallen heroes. After the decoration services the assembly will be addressed by Key. Octette, of New Mllford, and Kev. Sor rell, of Dulton. In the afternoon and evening the Ladies' Circle of the Grand Army of the Kopuhllu will serve Ice cream and enke on Dr. E. T. Whenton's luwn, ust below the cemetery. Memorial services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday, May 21th. Rev. H. H. Wilbur will deliver tne Memorial sermon. The Hice post and Bice circle will attend services in a body. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, of Wilkes-Barre, visited friends In town this week. Jermyn base ball club nnd Keystone team of this place played ball on Key stone's grounds Wednesday. Score 17 to in favor of Keystone Academy. Jesse D. Caryl, of Scranton, and Miss Kdlth Miller, of this place, were mar lied Thursday at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caryl huve a large circle of friends who Join Inw shlng them a long life of happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker are spend ing a few days with their nous ut Scranton. H. L. Harding's residence presents a very pretty uppearance with Its new coat of paint. Mrs. Surah Klce circle holds Its last regular meeting Saturday evening, Muy 2:1. F.very member is requested to be present. Tunkhnnnock and Keystone academy will cross-buts 011 Keystone grounds, Saturday at 2:30. Mm m A can now wear a collar as snctlcss as that of the man in a dress coal. How ever dirty his work, the workman can have a clean collar every day witb out cost if lie wears tbc TRAOf INTCnttNCD It can be cleaned in u twinkling by the wearer, with n wet cloth or sponge. It combines satisfaction, economy und comfort. No frayed ethics to chafe the neck. The '''Celluloid" collars mid cuffs are the genuine iutcrlittcd poods with a "Celluloid" surface and bear the above mark. They are water proof. All others are imitations. If your furnisher docs not keep thctn send to us direct. Collara, 30c. eacll. Cuffs, 40c. pnir postpaid. TUB CELI.t t.OII) COMPANY, new 'fork. S APO L I O 'tiSLSSE L0B3'5 BOOK FRIHG "o "11 scC'reru cf l:KNm.'SOF YOl' I", iprfT VlUt'R ic.i.l u:si:.Sl'.: OK AUK A...: VtOMLK. t.t.4 i RgL...; eiuil: brand; ft'.-oarc't imlsrt and 111 Ui Ir.'n. 'iroi''mnt uvmii tri. t'.jr lie.fli'iitla', a; .1 n 1 1'ttv iiaick r-.ire ;'.). ntit-l ', Mm t pr uj iAuHuj, I v.li (mlllTel ouin oj. .'rite or cth, D I 349 N- 19th St PI llndn , Pn atuIUSiw yoitri' coiiUunutu praaUc. id ' 7 HU ( r.fj" JUMPER W03LVyS INFLUENCE. .The influence of women upon th civilization ot the world, could never be mcusured. Because of her, thrones have been established and destroyed. The liakU of her eye, the touch of her hand, nnd we have th marvellous power of women, glorious iu the possesion of perfect physical heuUu. Lydia, E. Pinkhaui, by her wonder ful ducovery of the " Vegetable Com pound," bus done much to place this great power iu the bunds of women. She has lifted thousands uud thousands out of the misery brought by of the womb, and all the evils that follow diseases of the uterus. The " Vege table C 0111 pouud" re stores natural cheerfulness, de stroys despondency, cures backache, strengthens the muscles, restores the womb to iU normal condition, and yotl are chauged from a physical wreok to tho joy of your home and friends. By "the way the leading druggist tell us that the demand for Lydia H Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound U simply beyond their power of under standing, and what is best of all, U docs the work and cures where the bubt physicians utterly fail. THE 1 ROOMS I AND 2, C0.H1TH B'L'O'G, SCRANTON, PA. MADK AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALK WORIiS. LAFLIM & RAND PUWDGR CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Ttattorlcfl, Klortrlrt Csuloilers, for tx plotii in blust.s, SuL'ty Fiisd . d Repaano Chemical Co. 's explosives, E. ROBINSON'S SOUS' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY : 100,000 Barrels per Annum CN THE LINE CF THE !I PACfPIC 0 are locateil the llnest llhin,-r nnd huntlti,; Miotm.la In the world. Descriptive boolta 011 application. Tickets to all points In Maine, CiinaUa anil Maritime Provinces. Miniicupoli;', St. I'iiMl. Canadian an.l t'nlter r.i:ite?i Northwest. Vnnvouver, t-i-attle, 'lacoma, Portland, Ore., San Kiar.cisco. First-Gr; ass miw, ana Uinin? usrs attaclied to all throught traina. Tourist cam fully titled with bodiliiur. onrtiittiM and specially atiapted to wiintrt of families may be had with second-class tickets. Kites always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tablus, eto., on application to E. V. SKINNER. G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. DUPONT'S mi.ilKG. tLSSTHG SPORTING :ntlfacturocI nt the Wapwnlloi)on Mills, Luaerne county, I'ii., and al Wll ndniitun, Delaware. HENRY BELSN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVCM'H. Scranton, Pa. Third National Eanlt Kulldlr.B. Atin.VCH'8: Tiros. roni. iMttston. r.i. ,K)IIX 1?. PMIT'l A' ft(i. i'lymou'.h. Va. V.. W. MI'l.l.KJA.V, WilU'M-ltcrre. I'.i. Akciui for tho ltcpatiuu Ciieuiiual Cuni Itny's liltli Kxpioi'ivt. WILLIAM S KILUR, Alderman Etii Ward, Scranton ROOM3 4ANO 5 OAS AND WATtifl CO. CUil.D.Na, CCEKER WYOillKG AYS. AilD lEiuER ST. OFWCn KOUrt9 frc a 7.ro a. m. ta 9 p. tn. (l hour IntormlhKluii for dinner a.ij upper.) ' Particular Attention Given to Collections. Prompt rettlcmcut UufirnriccU. Your BuU DtM U KupccUuliy Sotleltei. 'IcUpliune 134. hssar mi Mi ii m 1 I0S1C POWDER mV. HDD BLASTING POWDER m li 1 FOR THE WEEK Monday, May 18, SPECIAL BARGAINS AT I 400 AH3 4C2 Dry ZrAi 60 niece. Rlwhnt Toweliiig LiD-n fl'iwued, ii'.ia'.ity. only jjc SU piarrs r.eiarirnn liaht ShlrtiiiK I itnibric, bti unlity, ouly ajc 5 piecen henvv t-reiini Shaker Flauurl. ii.!qu.lity. only i; 18piecn (! , I tr Mum in, es ra Bowl 7c quaiily, only jlc Ti rie.'eH iaU. l.iu.n. bleachxd, ' uiihltv:.li u umi tttrkey red, wortB ic to We yra, ouly jjc 18 piow, JjpuneHO Dre-s snt, nT l atterci, wurth uoc yard, ouly...ic K pan Lane ('nrtaiaa. 3U yards 'on, worth fSM p.ir. oi1ly....$i.So Curt.a i'olrg and triniining. ad eiiui plots, extra quality worth SOc, only jg CO pairs Laeo Oiirtd-'S, S yards lour, worth fl.tU pair, ouly 70c All our Dren Unr.il, -l!mg at 3Ue to 45c yard, reduced to. ..joc Special in Our 25: D'parlmin; For Monday only. w will placo on a 13 difteruut Sir artinlea ut lL'tn en. h. Ku ui.ire. toau 2 ut ouch tu may onti peraou. Umbrellas. 100 ITmhrelUa, worth l OO.at HO UuibrolUs. worth 11.50, at. . lifauts' Weir. ...ooc .$!.! 1 eai Infanta' Luc 3 Caps and A(( an1 A( I uim tua uavivavvaiiiia nvc. mi We Have Never ttiffETS Ml M Tbat approached the present one in every desirable quality, the colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety greater and values far beyond anything we ever did. Draperies and Upholstery Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience, formed' employed in the Largest Houses in New York ; they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings in colors while you wait, aud be helpful to you in harmoniz ing Wall Papers, Carpets aud Furniture. Opposite Wain f-'ntrnrce to tlie Wyoming Housa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGS SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qsneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. wJk EVERY I ITTI P HPI orni TMTQ 3 , i At our store wi'l save anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00. We stnte this as a fact, not as an idle boast. Go around and see what kind of a suit you can get for $9.50 at the other stores, then come here aud get the same thing exactly for $7.00. More important still, if you haven't got the money, we will trust you. Any honest man's credit is good in this store. We will sell him stylish clothes and he can pay for them a little at a time, and he can enjoy the pleasures that good clothes afford all the time he is paying for them. Come in and talk to us about it. I " ffcsSee Monday's Sale in Sunday's Papers. COS!UEKCING Fair LACKAW.NNA AVE, i .", Ti!, to " e'eh. ouly . 15c U(i l.',Ioien CUdim' Whita Uroawa Jlil "Will TO-, only m0Q ftv Infants' I.o.ik- CaiUiEoraflnaka. r ? "'''"""lered, worth 1 IS to l.n, oaljr , Si.as Ladies' Wrippars. U.AJ."01'"4 "'y''- worth to eaco. your vboio.at $i.ou Cioik D pirtmsat. ZOO dozen Ladira' l.aandred Shirt Wai.tt. spsei.l IMc quality, far 40c Nw mora than S to any one paraoa. SO Ladies' aud Mluss' all wool cloth Capet, worth II. To. only .. .7c SO Ladies' ani aliases' Silk Cupss. extra good worth, $5.00 to KT4. only $3.65 Lidies Farnlshlag Gmjs. I can Ladies' Una Ribbed Teatr, worth ItkL only 150 100 dozen I ultra' Night Uavras, worth Si K to tl.T'i. only 90c K dazen Idtd.ea' Night Uowua, worth Sl.oo, only 60c Giali' FurnisbiQg Goods. I rasa Oenta' Has Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, extra good (Vo quality, at , 30c 1 asm Gents' Balbriiccau Shirts and Trawera, worth 3V, at 30c dents' 2!o Suspenders, at iifec 1 I ESTABLISHED 1873. II!III1III3 Telephone Call 5154, Offered a Line of 408 Lackawanna Avenue. Kach cent and each dollar saved on clothes helps to buy something else. In the course of a year a man will be able to save a good many dollars if he is careful to buy at the store where prices are always lowest and qualities are never slighted. The man who buys his SPUING CLOTHING 225, 227 ani 218 Wyoming Ave ran, son & oi,