THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNIXG, MAY 10, 1890. BATS TRIMMED FREE. MILLINERY, 421 Lackawanna Avenue A STIRRING SALE OF Stylish. Hats! Bonnets Tukn Die -lly nil tKthi-r. wo susiif-t ItnTf htc nut so nuiny l(i:.M.l,Y I'KKTTV lluls ami lltiiini-ts in all of ll u we liuvo rruiiy for mile thin morning. You m-vrr saw sinh ntyllsh tints, t talnly not for mo llttlo nimuy. No nutter how fi-w ilollars yon mi-aii to Hnn I yon ronliln't mine to u belter plate for one thiit'a in the very nick of fashion. Wit have seleete'l about Tiii beautiful Ham that were $.'i.uu and t'i.w each, und marked them $2.48 and $2.98. All of our mul JI.'M Trimmed Ilut.s have been murked ilown to 31.98. Wo have tnkNi aiiout one hundred nirt fifty of our iltifht imported Mattel llu; that were Jlij.tu and $12.w each und marked them all $4.98. TRIMMED LEGHORNS For Ladies, Misaes and Children, $ 48, $1.73 and $1.98 Same quality wouM cost double the money elsewhere ami would not be as artlftleully trimmed. CHILDREN'S HATS, Prettily Trimmed, 98c, $1.33 and $1.48 Perfect styles, fully trimmed and best muteriaJa. HATS TRIMMED GERSON'S, 421 " CARBONDALL irteaoVrs will plcnse note that advertise ments, orders for Job work, und Items for publication left nt the establishment of Shannon Ar Co., newstlwilTs, North Mtln treet, will receive prompt attention: of iic open Horn 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J THE PARADE TODAY. Tin- ttoulc Mill i:tcnel Ovi-rAII tho I'rini-ipli- Strri'is. Today Is the opening day of the An cient order en lii'is' state c inven tion and everything thut c-un possllily help in nuikliiK It r. success has been It'll. The convention iporn nt 10 o'clock In j the Opera huilS". where the l legates I will present their credentials, after i 'which tlity will adjourn tint. I ul'ter : ' the pii:ide. I The local Ancient Order of llihern- I l.iiiv IV.nrd i,f l-Xn stieictv. IV. V- ' eial delcKatloiiP from nclKhhorltiB tnwns will purude the utreits in the tifternoon. The parade fiunis on .Main Htreet, the rlpln restlriir on Lincoln nvenue, ami Ua Iln? f nutrcli will he as follows: Down Main tt. KlKhlh. to Church, to Lincoln, to Main, to Hf-li-m, to ninnlaff. counter tniirch on l-lliulaf;' street, to Uiver. to KlKhth, to Jli-.ln. to Snlem nnd dlsierse. The irrnml nrushal of the day will lie W llllne Malloy und h" will be ns Klste.1 by the follnwliiB uhis: William IVel, 1 . .1. ilealey and M. H. Matlt r;it. Ail of the delejtPtes w ill he pi-' sort ut Hie production of "A mill Na I'uKue." liy th- ilarrlck Dratnatic society. A hivtxi' nuin'MM- of tickets have ulready lueii sold., anil there is no doubt hut v.l at the house will b" tilled. The convention closes Thursday rlicht. A farewell bniuiuet In honor of the delegates will be Riven on that nlfrlit nt Hotel Anthracite. BRIDGE AT SEVENTH AVENUE. ilir. Heers Would Like to Erect Om ul Tlmt Htiec. Whin It was decided that the new lirldfces ut Sixth. Kulem ami Kinhth ave nues should be built, it was also decided that nothing should be done to the one ut Seventh avenue as It was thought the expense would be ton irreat and II could be let i;o until another y. ar. Mr. 1 leers, who is repivsentini; tin- Melan Arch Construction company who have the contract for the other bridges, wishes the bridK" to be erected ut that place at once und hus a proposition which he has placed before the city councils. Mr. Ileers says that If the contract lie Riven to his company the company will (rive the use of it free for one year, wit li mit interest or uuy other expense. The only condition that he makes is that one year from the coniiletlon of tile lirldne, that the city will issue boiulu to pay for the same, in the meantime RiviiiK them a paper or u voucher for the indebtedness. SUPT. WHYTE PROMOTED. Hp Receives n Itewnid Tor His Mnny Yonrs' Service. Superintendent John W. Whyte, who for the last seven years has been en Rfitfed ns mine superintendent at the Northwest mines, has been promoted to general mine superintendent over the KdRerton, Highland l'ark and North west collieries. The jiromotlon Is one which has been won by hard and faithful work and General Superintendent John It. Shep herd, who made it shows that he is a Kood Jitdse of men. Mr. Whyte in his former position was held In the great- GREAT SALE OF BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. We have no fortune to give away, but we KUan" .vou goods at less tliau any other house in the trade. Your choice from our stock, which is complete at w $100 Per Yard. Remember we dou't reserve any tlilni? These goods consist of all the leading makes. Come early uud make your selections, J. SCOTT INGLIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER , . , , 419 Lackawanna Aw, HATS TEIEED FREE. wr it r r -ni u M , n?f MILLINERY, 421 Lackawanna Avenue Straw Shapes TAKE ATUMBLE The iriee are lower than yon have ever known them to Im $ Hats. l.-'i lluls, U.'M Hats uutl JIMm ll.its u!l tuarketl down 10 50c. Each. All the newest shapes, be-tl nuulities of fine Milan Straw. Satin Straw. Tuscan. Iteriiln.i und fashloiiable rotmh Itiael.-t. ull to Ktl at fille. eut'h. CHILDREN'S HATS In Vine Straws, Mixed'ls. und Satin Straws, were 7".e. ami l.uu. all to fco ut 25c. Each. LEGHORN HATS Cienuine l.rglioriix. Rood iu:-.llt3 only 39c, 48c, 69c, 73c, 98c These me lower prices than other mores ran buy tliein for. SAILOR HATS (lur ISc. Sennet t Trimmed Sailors have caiistl a great niatiy ImUations to be plaeetl on Kale at other Holes, inn-,-can eti;al ulir.-t ill sMyle. Ilnlsh a ml nunlity. At 7::,'., !. and S 1.2.1 I'U-.e Milan mil Satin Straw Sailors, worth from 1..V 10 Panama Sailors. Kin-st (jimllty. 41.7S untl SI. SIS. t.'urreet shades, Siilin linc l. RIBBON SALE FLOWER SALE A urleo cut In Klltlmns a:vl l'lawcrs that yliiniM Intt rest all atlies tiiat si inly e. oii ouiv. (lur funnel- low rlf.-s ml t iiee (rot' Is have been still further ivdurid und make u rema'-kuble offerinK of new untl styli.h Kouds at half value. FREE OF CHARGE Lack'a flu?, Scranfon.lj est esteem by the men under him. and they are ull eager to Rive him their congratulations. Dr. V, It. Morrison .Now. The many ft lends of Y. K. Morrison will be ulad tt hear that that younif man has successfully completed his course at Jefferson Medical college, I'hilaiU'lidiiu, and In now a full-Hedged M. 1. Tile commencement exercisi'S of the class took place last Thursday and Mr. Mollis hail an excellent standliij; in the laiKt! number. Mr. Morrison was recently uppolnted to the staff ut St. Joseph's hospital, ut lleudlnx, ovr the heads of many competent students. PERSONAL AND OTiiEK H EMS. Miss Jessie Watt has been the Km st of Airs. A. I.. Uuker, m Sctuiitoii, lor sev ei al days. "Irs. S. Holion and M!ss 1'olton are nt their co; tuM ..- at Ci y.uul Lake. Mr. and Mis. II. J. 1'elr.f and Son, Cleliwood, of Scrunton, are the gilt sts of the former's, parents, .V.r. and Mis. HtiKli JlcConili, on Cailieltl avenu.-. C. W. Uly has resig ud with It. IS li. Kinback and will open a barber shop about July 1. Mrs. S. U. liakrr will leave for New York toilay to visit Mrs. Louise Kn siff'i. foi im rly of this city. H. .1. Shannon, 1'. F. Koxe and J. J. O'.Neil, of this city, rode to I'.aw ey Sunday on their wheels. Mrs. Hryden, of (reranton. who lived for many y ars n Surlni? stre, t. this it, is seriously ill, and Is not exi ea ed tt) recover. Mrs. John lluian and d-uifhtcr. if Wayne sire. t. spi rit ilunduy w.tli lei i- tlves in tlreen Itldfre. Hern, to Mr. and Mrs. It. H. l.-y- nolds. a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wheelt r, a son. Joseph A. Iloole will leave today for Nr-W York, where ho will be )oii.ed Tty his brother. I'imiii liulTulo, ami t' frc'her tle y will sail fur Kunnie, to make a tour of the continent. Mrs. Joslah VardeimarU Is vlsitlns her mother in Scranton. H. K. SpanRenhurtr. of (-olunibt-s, O., Is the must of hi" brother, Simon KpraneiihiirK, of Spring street. .Miss Itine Daley, nl WasWIritflon strt.'t, wjis the irt'.esl of Mrs. William Kiveiiburu. of It a.-to! y vide. Inst wi ek. (ieon;e Male, of Wyoming Htreet. Is home on a visit t,i his parents. lie Is In a pharmacy In New York. Mim. Monroe Tyler, o ror st city, spent toilay the guest of her dinmii tet, Mrs. (Jeoifje J. Ileutoli, on Saiem avenue. Thomas I !all:n;her. of Wilkes-Ham-, is visitlnK at the home of hl-i coi.sln. Jit.nns Nealon, on South Clint eh str'et. .Mr. and ?lrs. John Mulr. of olyphant. tipent Sunday with friends In this city. Mrs. Michael Kellv, i-r South Main street, returned Saturday, afttr a two months' visit with her damrl ter. Mrs. M K. Wnlsli. of Brooklyn. N. V. W. I). Kvnns has reltiin-d from New York, niueh imnrov'tl In hen It n. He has withdrawn from th" r.anhvaie f'rn with which !v- was connecte I. Tlie I'trm now is MnhlMeld K- I'urdy. Messrs. W. F. MeAndrew and P. F. Tace, of Pot tape street, wee t!-e Bin RIP of J. J. MeAndrew. of Olynbent. Miss Nellie Lyme left y. st -rd y morn InK for Mot-nt Hone, wh 'l'e she will enter the mother house of the Sisters Charity. Mrs. Sarnh V. Cnrdner nnd urandsnn. Cardner fl'Iioyle. left on Saturd--y f ir a three weeks' visit with relatives tn CT.flord. . OI.YIMIANT. On Saturday afternoon the examina tion of the puolls of the public schools of Wlnton, Blakely and OI pliant took place In tho central school building of this place. Thirty-six passed success fully. Those who timd" 90 per cent, or more, are as follnws: Eva Vessy. Liz zie McUinty, Kttle Dougherty. Grace Lynch, Jennie Patten, Katie Hovers, Olyphant; Lillian Taylor. Ksther Sit greaves, Blakely; Klla Mcdurl. Mary (lallagher, Wlnton. Those who passed 80 percent, nre Kva Kelly. Annie Hene ghen, Lillian Matthews. Charie Crlp pen, fiadle Nealon. Kttle Heban, Mary Dougherty, Olyphant; Mabel Plumnier, Mildred Howe. Charlotte Lloyd. DeFor rst Vail, Blakely; Annie Cummlngs, Wlnton. The pupils who averaged from 75 to SO per cent, are Agnes Nor ton, May Kvans, Mary Fly nn, Oly phant; Myrtle Peck, A. J. Clapman, Maud Bell. Blakely; Mbses Carrie A. Kenyon and Rertha Williams, of Blake ly; J. A. Moyles, of Wlnton, and M. W. dimming and Miss Hattle Murphy, of this place, were on the examining board. On Sunday afternoon Itusscll, the 6-yenr-old son of Kobert McKlntz, of Scotch street, wandered away from his home. The boy was not missed until late In the afternoon, when the parents instituted a seurch for him. Searching parties were organized and scoured the woods nearly all the night looking for the lost boy. Word was received yes terdaly morning that the . child waa picked up by an officer In South Scran- ton. lie was brought home and when questioned as to his whereabouts he stated that he wanted a ride and Rot on a street car and rode to Scranton. Hugh Shannon, of Carbondale, Mas a caller in town Sunday. James Jordan, Jr.. spent last eveniiiK in Avocu. Mis. John Ferguson lias returned home from u visit in 1'ike county. A team of horses owned by .ivr man Adair became f rinhienod on lihtke ly street esterday afternoon and start ed down the street at a furious rate. When opposite the residence of J. M. I in II. the team colltcd with a telegraph I Mile. One of the horses hud its back broken and had to be killed. The school board met last evening and transacted Its tinal busln.vs. The new board w ill I'liruiiUe on June 1. "Smiim A iimn" will be produced at the Father Muthew iiera house on Frl uy evdeiiliiK un..-r auspices of the Catholic Y unx Men's Total Abstinence ami lieuevolent s. letv. to coTnmeni orate their twenty-seventh annive.s ar. A parade will lake place previous to the iierformance. JKK.MYX. The Choral union, untler the auspices of (he Ladies' Aid society ot the Meth odist episcopal church, will render the following programme in the F.piseopul church on Friday evening. May !. The proceeds or the contort will be used in liiiiidatitig the debt on the parsoime of the church: offertolre niuich. Miss Muigaret .Maiile; glee. "The Slimmer." Choral union: recita tion. "How Luhenst-lii l'Uyed." Ml.-s t Since Winehell; march. "The S;rj er'.s j Song. Mule chorits; duet, "'ill - Tw. , Sailors." .Messrs. Creep and Jo;l ng; j quart -t to. - Sweet the I I ck lr , s j Song," .Mis-s Criillths. Hogarth. Bak er ami BciiKiiiigh: tr.milone u 'o. Joint 'Jay; rcclt.itlon, "Tin- IMaiing So ciety." Wllliani l-i owe; di'et. -The Mln- tile (Sun at S. a " Mr. und J.Irs. vVarne; I cornet dint. .Messrs. lii.Raith nnd I St pheiis: idnglng. "On t!:e March." j male chorus; recitation. "I'oieisa iews of the StEtuo," VViilie.m Howe; dm t. "I Fel l Thy Angel Si l:." j Mes-rs. Cr. en aril Mcrtis; vocal s Ho. V.n Hit to! Ings; leeit't 'iii, "i-'am's , Lett rs." WI Man; anthem, "And tin- Cb ry of the Lord." Cr.o.ul union. p;tj ,n were exiir.ilacd nt th - ci'iitiai cxarnii.atloa hi Id in the high school hui!dl!i;r Saturday, May i 1H. The hinhest iiwiast- was made by ; Mis Small Muilep, of Jertt-.yn, her i mailt being I)", ir cm. tdio: ; ars fron. this pla.-e ma le aveiages ns ; ftdl.ius: Oeorge Hair 8. til; Sadie Nieii- olson, !n: liaisy Killan. Nt; T'nlph WRiir.g, x7: Iliury Van Allen. 81; .les-le Williams. "S; llr.rry CSj Iflltl-.a. 7,1; Mvr.i Hills, S'S: Lizzie Thomas. SI; John Mc Oo.T, S4; Corn Fowler. M; Jessie Win ter. ii; Hnttl Mason. M. From Arch bald pupils made averages as follows: Saiah keoi-n, NX; Anra Coivo-. an, TB; lin ma tlerblg, 70; Itichard Foote. SI; Krtle Cumnmigs. CT; Knlhrviu- Mui- hy. 71. From Siolt: Uutherfo:d Mat thews, ,SS; Susi- Cure, ',0; Muy .V.c l.a'.ighlln. V.: The local Indite of the Knlfrhts of I'ythlas have I. sued Invitations for a Miclal cntertninmei.t to be given In C-e Odd Fellows' hall on Jur.e 5. This Is the date of thtir organisation. The Sons of Temperanc? will hold a social n.'ter their regular meeting on Tuesday eve iini-. All the me.nbers are requested to be pri st nt. The ,ler:i.yn Con. clary nisnclatlon will hold a business meeting tomorrow evening. Impoi taf.t I tisiness Is to be transacted ut this mcitlag of the asto ciation. Yisterday art' iiioon a sl'glit fire oe cuiretl nt the "salt peter" hous of the l'owtler ctnrpatiy's buildings. The Del aware nnd Iliitisoii whistle culled out Crysti'l Fire ci r.i any. which seon had the lianas untie:- c nlr 1. The damage . i!,-n-.' was slli't. 11. V. I 'ovarii, liliiitul ol' tus iicht.olii. was l i Da'toa Suturdrty. win re he iv.! -i ope of tlie board app ilr.te.l to exari ice pu lis in ti nt nt'oi. Oscar V. oJI'e, who bus I ecu engaged a.-- liook!:t. I er for J. D. St'iel-er ft Co. for the p:o't year, ban nslg -ed his po sition ni tbet plare t nd will reside In Srianton. wm-i-:- he is en;.T:iged in oi'- llee work. ,',Ir. V.'i Ife h?is ir a 'e a li ist ' of friends during his ttiy In t'.ls plac, i who will regret to hear of his 'removal i to Scranton. I - j If the Hahy Is futlitis Teeth, i Mrs. W inslow' Soothing E: rup hai i been used for over Fifty Years ny Mil- ns ot Mother- for tlielr Children W liie; i t i Litiiif... nun ut't-i nutjeess, ! It Soothes the Child. Softrr.s tlio Gums, j .ilnys all 1'nln. Cures Wind Colio nnd is the best re-.nudy for Diarrhoea. Sold I y irugglsts In every part of t!. world. while Teething, witii Perfect Success. He sure und ask for Mrs. u Inslow a Soothing Syrup," and take no oth?r kind. Twcnty-iive rents a bottle. TAYI.OK. .Miss Surah J. i'lov. i Igbt and John l'lowrlnlit were in Throop Sunday. William l.yetly. of South Taylor, Is nov'ng In'.u the house of John Price, formerly occupied by John Kdwards. John Cordon and wife, of Scranton, visited friends here Sunday. Rev. Kvnns, of liryn Mawr, preached lit tlie Congregational church last even ing. Tills evening the blind plunlst, John llowells. of Hyde Park, will be present ut the Calvary Baptist Church Literary society tnectliif,. There are several numbers on the programme to be ed by him. D. Williams, butcher. Is breaking giound for a new block on Bidge street. Mrs. It Llewellyn is preparing for a trip lo Wales in a course of a week i tie loiiccrt by the band Saturday evening was a "mince." The gang of men emplayed at Taylor niine lepairlii;; ale progressing rapidly. The examination conducted at the graded school Saturday consisted of sixteen ehlldien. w ho all qualified them selves except one to try I he Seruntim examination next Saturday. ' What organisation n . m..xt , fa. vol- the imlillc with a concert? It will have to be of a high grade to be equal to the lirst. "Well begun Is half done." ' - How to lire nil Skin Dim uses.' ' Simply apply "Swaynu's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, ail eruptions on tho face, hands, nose, etc.,, leuvlng the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing und curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayno's Ointment. W YOMIXtJ. Miss Fannie Hyde, of Wllke3-Rnrre, spent Sunday with Miss Maggie Swlt sser. Miss Bertha Martin, of Plains, sprmt Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. N. H. Meln gor. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Unveil sp:-nt Sunday with her sister. Mrs. lt:ihert Turner, of West Pittst.m. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Dymond attend ed the funeral of the former's brother at Lackville, Sunday. Mes.t-rs. Stanley and Oliver Weiss were callers at Rear Creek Sun day. Mulford Berry, of Kingston, was the guest of .1. M. Hmlth Sunday. asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's llll. Pmnll la size, tasteless, cfllcient, tUorotiijli, As one man said: "You never know you have taken a pill till It is all over." lq. C. 1. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. Pills The ouly pills to take with Hood's gariaparllla. Hoods Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report WILKES-BAHRE. LAKE PGYNTELLE. A fomiuittce ol tin- W ilLes-Uarri l-rei ( tub Visit II clerdii. A committee of the A 'likes-Bane Fiess club visited Luke l-oyntci.e yes terday to liisnect tin- place and report us to the advi.-ubil ty of holding tlie uti nuul club picnic and excursion then-. The committee was made up of the fol lowing named gentlemen: C. B. White. T. J. Walker, F.llas CoSnn, Michael K Doughcr und K. A. Niven. representa tive newspaper men ol Wilkes-Hurre. Tluy came to Sei anion ovrr the Jersey Central In charge of l-asfcnger Agent J. H. Swisher, whose solicitous can over the scribes never relnxed. Ar rlvid here they were taken In hand by Division Sunerinteiidint Williams and Freight and Passenger Agent lorn Filt er ft. of the New York. Ontario and Westel n road, who accomnanicd them to the Inke and were over-generous in their courtesies. The Journey thither was fraught with the keenest entertain ment involved In the opulence of the scenic charms that were unfolded to the delighted vision neatly from start to finish. A run of about an hour brought the visitors to the i'oyntelle station and to a glorious dinner supplied by Land lord Simms, of -he Peynlelle house, a handsome new structure, attractive and inviting in every sense. Th" scribes arrived with appetites sharp en! d by the Inbreathing of the exhiler atlng ozone that drifted througn til!) open car windows from the breezy hills en route, whose aliunde Is greater than that of any other in the state. On the train was lee King Cta.ner. w hose Sum mit Lake farm Is only a half mile west of Poyntelle. This lake supplies ice for the big markets in winter and thou sands of tons are cut and shipped an nually. Some idea can be formed of the cool ulr of the region round about Poyntelle, when it Is stated as a fact that the snow banks of the late winter have only melted away within the last week. The Ontario and Western stops within a few hundred feet of tjie ning nlilcent short of water, which is fringed on all Kldes by i trees, whose graceful branches bend j over the shimmering waves as they break on the pebbly shores. It Is an Ideal nlenlo ground, provided with a platform for dancing, row boats and other paraphernalia. The romantic may wander at will through primeval forest aisles canopied by foli age lm'.ieiietrable to the sun's rays. There are sylvan haunts and silent grottoes innumerable, and far-reaching points whose pathways are covered with yielding moss and myriads of wild flowers gorgeous In their bright culors. There uie good roads for driving or bicycling in and about Poyntelle, and numerous nolnts of attraction for the visitor. Within sight of the lake Is Sugar Loaf hill, S.fiuu feet above the sea level, und suld to be the highest In the state. It can be easily climbed. With in a short distance lie no less than seven charmin lakes which offer spe cial delight for the llshernuin as well as the stranger who 1 ives the beautiful lu nature. Lake IVvnlelle Is the largest, mid covers a sonee of about 2HU ueres In altitude it is (MO reft higher than Fai vlf w- or tilrn Summit. IMCCiiYJI.I.K. The members of Oriental Star loth;e, Flee and Accept, d, will hold a regular cinimunicutlon this Tuesday evening. The Hoclal mid entertainment of the Mithodist Kplscopnl Sunday school w ill be held tomorrow ( Wednesday even ing. Supper will be served from li lo S. The entertainment will begin at X o'clock, after which lee cienm, cake and lam y articles will be for sale. Chsrles I'urntit i loved his family last Friday to Dulph's patch. William I yne. of Uiinniore. vlsiled his parents here last Sunday, Air. und Mrs. P. i"nediei:r. Mrs. William McDonald, of Provi dence, called mi her manv friends here yesterday. Mr. und Mrs. John Morris. Thomas Swales und Danhl Sarnie the fum-rul or their neuh-w nt Iuryea lriit Sunday. - iiioxTwosj;. A S' liniis runaway occurred on Fri day when M. J. (Srilliths ami his son, Oerrl, were violently thrown from a buggy on Wilson street. Mr. (Srilliths was hurled nsalnst the embankment by the roadside and sustained a frac ture oi" two ribs In addition to Several severe bruises, while Cirri injured his hip and also waa badly bruised. The horse was soon captured und was but nil General and Nervous Debility. Weakness of Body nnd Mind, Kffects of Krrors or I'ixcusses in Old or Young, ltobusl., Noblu Manhood fully Hestoruil. How to Knlnrge nnd Strengthen Weak, In developod Portions of Hotly, Absolutely na fai II tiff Houiu Treatment. - Ileneilta in a dr. v. from 50 Stuten ami Foreign ftnitntpinu. Kfittrl lYtl Tloar.i.lnttva Rixib ttr- ' nlunuLlun aud uruois. tnuiied Ifieuletl I free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Ccir-p'sxlen Presen'sd DR. KCDRA'3 viola mi Betnoves Frwlile, Pi-np!cj, Liver Moles, iiic!:Scisd, Cu!)a?n and Ten, aud i jr2:i tho iil:lu to 1. crimi nal frcthnc&i, prod'.iBia,; a,' nnd he'liiiv c:im. u I pleilon. Kiirer'..irt.sVif:n yireparatiors a: a .n -:-- .ij csug'ili'j:,vt lauiioa Jor lOt-.i liriTmlpri. At nil ttcud for Ciroulur, VIOLA GKW fcOAP J t"rlr Ifroiapviblt u ft fkln 'u;iivlnB i"Pt U3''l T.r itia talwt, nuil wltb-ut ft rtvtl lirfitm n'lr.-'.y. A'v:avlT nut xl dcUeljr mtc4 miM. At nt.-r.lvi, Pr'fl'j '-:3 0:t, C. C. D1TTWER r;C, Tc-.'.eoo, O. For sale by MATTHEWS BUOS. and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa. Snbckub it Tun HiostoT MtDicm AuTHonmi- i:,n.MXTt W'u euro yen. witiilrrfiil l.min to Puff'Tf-r. fritinl'nliU, fcioreTlirnne. in:infiir;ii .tiieoncniiii ,7,Cv oniA h:viii, iior.i c "-iA nuiirii,Vi,Vl-(.i.. Alieltli-lt'il. tvmni' run.. nlA'..t. tri no., . In pnpet. wat'T to tin en ttr-t liuilnnliin of en'i.. I'onllouPd VB Klftfll lVrmuncnt 'iir. Rnlhlm Uiin mrj-iatcKii or money rol on.tetl. HVIre, " n.. Trial fp-e at Dnurihtii. Ileniatorrd mulk JU outtuw k D. Cu'JlrtiH, Lr., Ibnx Eikij, KioIl, atrar-:rncjfcirai MFN IM til ho Mirefit an. I ufi-t rnmedy for mkll (IVU h. ,!,, UlMCOlARetoniH. Itl'U.Sill Ithnmentrt Soreii, lliirnii, rii'iw tVonacrrnl rim My mrPllt,SH. rloe,actn.nlinia-D r ar by i.iiUi pruriw. Arti'rtusninitiirtti. DHL' For sale by MATTHEWS BSOS. ana JOHN H. PHELPS, Bcranton. Pa. i i slightly Injured, tlie buggy, however, was demolished. The horse took fright at soire object in the road. .Vis;- I. lln 1. 1 rucku s with l-e-- sister. Mrs. :. ". Scoit. of Philadelphia. Is at N'agura Falls. N. V. Arther L. Tituiaii has tvutcd on. of the i o: t houses on South Main street. As be stiii enioys the freedom of i her, is rurdlv a i!.Jdiic.loii to be m i le save th,t K,. will soon welcome to Mol'.lrcse, a f.iir bible from Klmiru. But recently rear the station and ncur Arthurs home I found a pastel, oaid card with which the merry wind had played capers. On one side if ad "iioins; to get iva'-rled," on the other was an advertisement of some furniture cunptiny. By the rule of three it seems that i ll cuinstanclul evi dent e is going to convict him. The lili-stratt d Montrose Kopublio-iii Is licit r everv we"k. The genial proprb bus serin bound to print the ri-ws. lib fate it nnd with hall i tone tuts at that. The "local Is row uni'er the crMM'ship of Ce. rge Frazler, whose father for so many years was the owner of the mpr aril the excel I 'iice of Ms work, the graceful manner In which he garnishes his articles show that he bus Inherited the facile pen of his father . The peonle's party convention was h Id here on Frldnv. S. K. Webster. Brooklyn, wns f -U-t ted chairman and Stephen J. Noithrcn. Montrose, sec retary. Then the division was made. The "rlate" v.t nt through with one grand, sweet song. Here It Is: Con-giefsn-nn. Fifteenth district. Charles P. Shnw, Bradford county; representa tive. '1. W. Weston. Brooklyn F. P. liolllster. Montrose- sheriff, J. T. Jen nings, New Milford; rodder nnd re corder. P. B. Clllett. New Milford; commissioners, II. J. LePnrr. New Mil ford. O. W. La.nb. Jacks'in: auditors, F. If. Bunnell ami It. W. Luce; dele gate to rational convention, W. C. Dea con, alternate, B. M. Brush; delegates to state convention. F.. W. Wntson, William Walworth. P. N. Hall, C. A. Main. C. A. Sweeney, Patrick Dono van and J. H. Trncey. ' Rlieiiinntism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benetits. 7ii cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz. druggist, 418 Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton. No Air, No Life. Pneumonia! snfltocatcs, because the! ' tubes get? Mf solid, and t keep airj C from the! lun,?;3. Dr.! Acker's English Remedy! reduces the inflammation, j so the patient breathes I freely, and is soon well. J Miss R.Kay,354 W.asd St.,N.Y.. says: "When thrc; with inieunioniu, J too!; ore b.-ittlc of I )r. Acker's Ktv.(! Remedy, and the? pain and cough disappeared." j 3flzes, 25c.;5Cc.jSI. A110rr.(Ti3ts. t AcKtliMl lin-lMiru..lti lsrliuniVrssi.. N.Y. X t oi ...... ........., t ASK Wllkfc jKLET ON GIVES THE ANPl5AiyTr:lY54F FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC inilUC CO SCRANTON STATION. "'..f?.,l'.t AYLESWORTH'S The Finest la the CiSy. The latest InDrcTcd fnrntsh. lagi add apparatus for kecpiag it) Duner and ctga. 833 Wyomlns Av. WMtWWHW .-T' It 1 T P&r 4 a0 Iff SOI!) HEAT 'MARKET FOR THE WEEK Monday, SPECIAL 1SARGA1NS AT it -C0 AKD 402 Dry Cjcdi OH tipro i flla -ho 1 Toweling L.'nn flnixboi, te q ia'.lty. only 5je &I p oe-B .-i-'o.ienn light Shlrtluf (.ambries bu1 qu.iry. onW S5 p;rrt hnavy visum 6liiUr Flunui-L i.-quality. odIv 18 pici'f. C ca i r MnsiiB. x ru giKid 7o (j')uli.y. rnily 3-:c '- piiTPs 1'nlilo Unn, bimcbtid. ' tinhl-icli-d nnd turkey red, wnrttt ic t 40e ynra, only jac IS pit-em J.iuaiima I)r..- M.k, now uuttnrm, worth Sic W,1. only. ..19c ra r Lno. itrtaiiiH. :1 yarns out. wnrth r--'.Vi ly....$i.o Cu-tan Pfl aaid irimmiiiRH. a l n:iiilnt, extra quality worth i0e. i.lily Jsc 00 tiai-H 1.r.- furt.iia. yurja lonr. worth $l.i pair, oaiy 70c All our DrvHa Ooods wiling at :Jj to 4"io yard, reduof d to 30c Sjrciil ft Oar 25; Dipirtmin". tor Monday only. n wilt plnca on na e li ditleient 2.V articlia ut l'.''s- i a h. No mitra tliau 'S oi each to any oae pcraun. Uab;el!zs. In rmhrcllca, worth 6qc SO L'lBbrnllr.a, worth $l.W, at... .$1.00 . Iifauts' Wr. 1 casa Infanta' Lac a Caps nui 400 and 402 Lackawanna Ave. We Have Never CARPETS AMD RUGS That approached the present one in every desirable quality, the colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety greater and values far beyoud anything we ever did. Draperies and Upholstery Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience, formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ; they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings in colors while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmoniz ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture. Opposite Alain Tntranct! to '.lie V eming House. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-3ARRE, PA., Manufacturer, of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. 'TWOULD BE A NICE LOOKING If you had this set in it. The accom pany ing cut shows the style of tht six chairs hieh hack, carved, line caning. MMB0AKU near 4 wide elegant design, hevel mirror, nlnsli lined drawer. linen drawer, and a drawer for other tin tius beside the roouiv cunhoards and well arranged glassware shelves. TABLE. Pol ished oak, carved panel,!) heavy twist- -.1 1 III H.-K, MlllJillUtu-U ft' ' ;. on (he 'giant frame,' a dovetailed brace, mia preventing tlie spreading ol Uie rails, top 40 inches lung. THIS SUIT, CONSISTING OF EIGHT PIECES, FOR CASH OR CREDIT. DINING HOOI 13 May 18, LSCKSV.'ftJM AVE, Hata. worth !Wc toV!- aacb. only.ajc oion OhUdru' Whit Urwti worth IWa only W Infanta- Lo ,p C a-hmeroCbiki nicatjr mbreldered. worth ai rs to tLVi, only Mies' Wrippjrs. '"i.?01"'!' Sf3rle- wrtb tl.SJ to - v, 1 u.l iuuioi a i 91. M Cloik D parimsBt. i00 dozen Lartb a' Laundred Shirt WaUtn. 8o quality, for 4c Mo mora than 3 to any one pemoa. 50 Ladli-n' and MWn' all wool cloth C'apaa. worth 11.75. only ...lie 50 Ladiea'and Wiiwa' Hiik Caa, extra good wortb, $5.00 to 58. " only J 5 Lidies' Furnlsblig Giods. 1 eaae Ladlea' One Ribbed Vcata, worth Sic, only 150 100 nnaii l adiea' Nlifbt Oewna, worth 91 tl to t ";. only aec 63 dnren Ladies' Night Uowns, worth 1.00, ouly ...60c Guts' Furnishing Goods . 1 can Denta' fine Ribbed Bhlrti-. and Urn were, extra good SOe quality, at joc - 1 cm Genu' Balbriiriian Bhirta ' and Drawer, worth k-, at aoc Gents' :':c Sa8(endera, at u'tc ESTABLISHED 1873. iiimiiiiiii Telephone Call 5154. Offered a Line of 4G8 Lackawanna Avenue. 18 225, 227 and 218 Wyoming Ave Cuts of Sideboard: In the Truth, Times and Republican. Cut of Tabic In the Truth, COMKKCIMi i. illiA II! 1 Eli., mw & co., I Willi 1 8 I