THE ECU ANTON TEIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. 3IAY 19. 189(5. Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Fourteenth Anniversary of Organiiation of Plymouth Congregational Church C. E. Society Celebrated. The Christian Endeavor society of the Plymouth I'unRreRutlonul hur h was one t'f the first t be urbanized ill this county, unl lust evenluK marly l(M West Side coplt; celebrated the foul t tenth anniversary or it inception with a banquet kIvcii in the festival room of the church. In charge .f the supper were Mesdnmes A. i'.. Kynon, liicliard Owens. William James. At. I Kavis, 1. R. Williams, Henry I'ursons. Joseph ItuKhcs ami Thomas V. Phillips. Af ter an hour's Immune to the hmintiHius board" the speeelnnHkltlK 1m sun. Charles K. Daniels was tnustmuKter. Kev. Thomas Hell, pastor of the church, offered an Invocation. Then the first tntuit was culled for. "Christian Endeavor." I.y Nellie Moiku'i. A letter l!c Jonathan Edwards, nr pur-tor of the church, was reatl by inc toasttnaster. It bore Free II iik and Rood wishes for the future success of the society. .Miss MaKKle I rlce (save an Inter-stinK talk on "(.'oiii pefidlum KfTort." W. ",. Thomas re sponded to "railed Early." Daniel Thomas, a iuiik baritone singer, responded to u request for a nolo. Mr. Thomas was foHmveil by a talk on 'Continental Expeditions!" by ltii hard Owens. The subject was treut ed In a covninclim way. Miss Margaret Iavls told lecltlnnly or the enjoyment of conimuiilon. Her subject was "I'raycr .Meetiuit'." Cheerfulness and Its ncouruReinent from a, social way was treated upon by Daniel Heese, and Miss Sarah 1.. H utiles lod of the Sunday school. Miss ,Jennle Price responded to "Cheerful En ' thusiasm Hour." "Christ Karly." a toast referring to Juvenile effort, hud been allotted to Haydeii Oliver. The little fellow made an effective response. Miss 'Annie Wllllimitf sanp a solo. Among- those who spoke were Ulchard Phillips. A. Phllllos. Kev. W. II. Slub blebine and Uev. Mr. Hell. Those who sat at the tables were: Kev. and Mis. Thomas Hell, Mrs. Ho mer Price, the Misses Aixnes Joseph. Kate V. .lames, Lulu James (3 windy Joseph, Hrace Evans. Until Lewis, Mary Owens. Sara lltitrlies, Jennie Price. Margaret Phillips. Martha VauKhn. Mary .Morgan, Elvira Davis, Murv Watkins, Margaret Huberts, Km ily Williams. Jennie Williams, Mar Baret Harris. Jemima Jones, Ktliel lilehards. Sadie SI. Kdwards. Utile James, Hessie Evuus, Mary J. Phillips, Anna I). Williaiiis. Alice Kvans. Mur Karet It. Davis. Lizzie Price, Jennie Lewis, Nellie Morjran, Llla o, Kvans, Alarsaret Price, Delia I Kvans. Han nah Thomas, of West Huston; .My vanwy Williams. Alaltle Davis. Mar garet Kvanti. Anna Davis. Bromven Joseph. Uly Joseph. Alary Thomas, Ed na 1). Kvans. Laura Htinhcs. Jessie Lewis, Annie (in vie, Jennls Lewis. Jen nie Daniels. Mattlv Kdwards. KIiirs ton: Lizzie J. Davis, Annie Wllklmi and Abel Stover, Charles CadURan. William James. John T. James. Albert Siover, Llewelyp Davis. Evtretl Davis. Hayden Oliver, David owcui, Thomas Eymm, V. !. Thonins, ThoniHs K. Kvans. Dan iel Jay Jicese, Knirys S. Joseph, Mr. Aleyers, Thomas Huberts. A. Phillips, Daniel Thomas. John Thomas. Nathar lei Davis, C. A. Euns. .1. I,. Kicharils, Parry H. Thomas. Itichard PhilllMs. I'.lchard Owens, A. (:. IC non, Henry A. Parsons, Comer D. Reese. Professor !. W. Phillips and Kev. W. H. Siuhble blne. DAMAOK FKOM WATErt. At 1 o'clock yesterday inoinlnr; the Are hydrant at the corner of J lock Ktrecle and Sooth Alain avenue, was tapped by a representative of the lire departmi lit. The Hood of water rushed down Alain avenue to Luzerne street, mid thence down through Kclley's patch to th- Hat. Many were awak ened from their sleep by the round of the stream. They thouuhl that the re cent settling had broken the wnter main on North Alain avenue. Investi gation showed the real cause The rush of the waters ilamnRed the street car trnck at several places. The road tied on Alain avenue was torn up to the depth of two feet at one point. THEY ATK QCA1L. Several families of Pppev Eynon street ate quail suppers last eveniiiR. Hen!, live, wild Uail were found In the bark yards of several lots on the southerly side of Eymm street, near the Hound Woods. The mountain tires have caused the pome to Ily closer to the bounds of civilization. Yesterday a dead quail was found in the yard of V. 1. Jones' House. NEWS N(.)Ti:S AND PEKSON'ALH. A sin of Air. nnd Mrs Wlllinni .X.... of l.ulS Hrown's from' ImmeT nolm "Z Vrm ynd up to a late hour las, 'A Z? Z ? Z court, disappeared iviuriM'ti. inn tiniii-r. hn .,.., fled of the case. The boy wore a cap WHAT ABOUT So - Suits from. those ors, dark a from Mr $10, $12, HE - Square Dealing Clothiers, of th? Stibtirbs. and a blue waist with white stripes. He was six years old. The funeral of A. J. Martin will take plaee this morning at ! o'clock from the M home on Scranton street. Aiass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's church. interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemeteiy. The Sunday school of the Plymouth ConRrcRatiomil church will durlntc tne sumnv r meet at 12 o'clock ir.steau oi at 2 o'clock. At noon today Allss Alice .Miller will be wedded to Frank Williams, now of Wliliamsport. at the Washburn street heme of the bride's father. T. Al. M I'.er. Colonel Monies Port. C-rand Army of the I! "puliiie will have rhaw of the Memorial Day services at the Wash burn Street cemetery. Ilev. V. P. Doty, of the Hamilton Street Metlu ill-t Epis copal church, will le the speaker. The board of trad! will banquet to nhrlit at Fain bild's hotel. Keystone lodRe. I.oyal Knight of America, will celebrate its anniversary on Alay "s. Peter CosRrme und John Van Stone are building houses on Klin street. Louis James and Jonah Dux Is, of Kynon street, wi re In Hazleton Satur day. Miss I'stlvr Watkins and Miss Amanda Twinlns spent Sunday In the country. Miss Macule Joins.' or North Hyde Park avenue, entertained a few friends last eveniiiR in honor of visiting dele Kates to the convention of the Kupttst Young People's union. The Sunday school class of the Washburn Street Preshyt-rlan church will hold a social next Friday evening. A silver collection will be taken at the door. Once this is pussed the ventur er may enjoy Ice oleum, stiawberrlrs and other delicacies. csl Side Uii.iiic Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de Bler.K a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, ut 101 South ilain avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. rHOTOaRAPIIEH Cabinet Photos. U0 per dolen. They are last lovely. Con vince yourself by cnlllng nt Startler Photo Parlors, lul and 103 South Alain venue. SECOND HAND FT7RNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tool. etc. Call and see the block of J. c. Kins, 10-1 ami lttiii Jack tan street. ;ki:i:n kiuui:. V.. II. StuiRes and family have gone to their sea side home at Southport, Conn., to spend the summer. Th- liven KidRc Presbyterian church xvlll have an excursion to Lake Ariel Saturday. June 6. Six youiUT men from the KUIrc made n run to Honesdale Saturday on their xvbeels and returned Sunday evenlni?. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ..Keller and Air. and Airs. Tyler, of Wllkes-Harre, were the cuests of F. J. Iledrick yesterday. .Mr. and Airs. II. Al. Colo attended the funeral of Airs. Cole's uunt ut Alont rose. Sunday. T. I!. Howe and family, of Capouse avenue, drove to Aloscoxv on Sunduy II. A. Williams and daughter, or Kast Market street, and (1. It. Deliick. of Sanderson avenue, left on the ft.:! train yei-teniay afternoon for Kansas. Quite a deleRalion of our youiiR people were ut the station to see them off. Miss Kate Davis, teacher of A Pli marv Rtade ut No. ;s school. Rave a party' to her pupils yesterday after noon. Kobert Hebee. of East Market street. has returned from a trip throng!: the western states. lie reports the Rluss business very dull out there. Edward Fuller expects to occupy his new house on Dickson avenue this week. Thomas Cooper, of Alarion street, has Rone to WlllliimsburR. xvhere he has secured a position in the class xvrrks. Hev. Aldrleh. of the Hrace Heformed church, trnve a HIHe study last niRht at the Creen HldRe Woman's Christian Temperance union rooms on Penn live line, near Marion street. The studies xvlll be continued from xveek to xveek on Monday nights, and tha public tire earnestly requested to attend. DL'NMOR V.. The Young Ladies' Allsslon circle of the Presbyterian church will hold a Mother House rhyme social nt the resi deuce of Allss Annie Itlshop on Fifth street on Thursday evening. 1. 11. Paul, of Carbondale. xx-as the guest or Miss Ed It It Klpley, or Monroe avenue, sunduy. x ictor lieenn r is erecting a barn In the rear of his Dudley street residence, 1 in' uiwri renins association held a mectiliR at the residence of D. K. Ilar- ton, on Dudley street, last evening. After the business had been transacted an Informal social whs held which wus greet ly elilfived bv all. 'I lie Italian societies held a hall at Piiisi hell's Keystone garden last night yyiiieu was largely attended. fin' Ladies' Aid and Hnxvorth li nen.. societies i if the Methodist Enlscoiuil I V'YT" TM" for a nion.'h'"" '" hM tlmB The Young Alen's TenmeiHrieo i.ttor nry and Heiievolent society Is erectlnff YOUR Suit? You need it right away. We have the finest and largest line of Spring in the city to choose We ve dark suits for who like sober col blue and black and brown mixtures. we nave, also, some rather startling Checks and Piaids ranging in price $15 10 Hattsrs and Furnlshars. $20 SAIV1TERS handsome new Iron fence in front of their hall on Chestnut street. PKOV1DENCE.- Miss Marv Mead, of Holllstervllle. is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Airs. Henry Mead, on Parker street. David Trevor Jones, son of neese Jones, of Klrtland street. Is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Heorge A. Dlckerson. of Putnam street, has returned from a visit to his parents in Flanders, N. J. William Heed, of William street, leu yesterday for Columbus, ).. xvhere he will represent tile Ken ftlen oi inis luce at the nutionat convention of that order. Hoi ton Jackson, son of PaylnR Teller Jackson, of the First National bank. Is IsitliiR ut the home of his parents on HolllHter avenue. Air. Jackson is en- sIkii on the bultleshlp Indiana., and Is now enjoyiiiR a short fuiiouRh. Anthony .Murphy, of (..eorge avenue. xvus arrested yesterday mr larceny on warrant Issued by Alderman Fldljr ut the Instance of the Kosehud Base hall club, a Juvenile organization. At the heariiiR he was tilled $:l. K. J. Jones, of Wilkes-Uarre. xvaa a North End caller yesterday. Uncoln led ye. No. 4!rj, Independent Outer of odd Fellows, will III the near future present the past Rrand members of the lodRe for -live years, with souvenir budRes. The men xvho xvlll re- 'Mwuril Edwurds, William H. Jones, eive this honor are Flnluy I loss, sr.. Ceorire T. Matthews, Captain H. J. Kd- xvurds and others. (iarlield lodRe, Loyal Knights of mciica. xvlll have an entertainment ami social in the lodRe room on the lust meettiiK nlijht of the month. Anions the North End residents who xvlll attend Hie funeral of Thomas Pow ell, son of John It. Powell, squib manu facturer, ut Plymouth, today, are Airs. William H. Sims, Air. and Mrs. Thomas Kvans and others. Miss Katie W'ulsh. of Atlantic City, Is tielna- entertained at the home of Mr. und Airs. John ilannon, of lliick ave nue. SOUTH sidk m:vs. The members of the William Connell Hose company went to Aluoslu las: niRht to participate In a parade Inci dent to the opening of a fair under the auspices of a nexxiy-organized lire com pany of that town. Frank Mueller, proprietor of Centiat park, save a Riand opening last even iiiR. The funeral of Charles, son of Air. and Airs. Klchard Fleming, of Palm Btreet, xvus held yesterday afternoon. Inter ment xvas made In Hyde Purk cemetery. Jacob J. Koblnson Is not able to be about ouiiiR to a sprained foot received In a full trom his bicycle. MINOOKA. John Joyce, of Gllmore avenue, xvho left home about one year ago on an extended Western tour, has returned home. The Stars Juniors and the City Line fftars crossed bats on Burke's ground yesterday morning. The game was close and exciting and wound up In a gurison llnlsh In a victory for the latter by the score of fi to tt. Alessrs. P. J. Uuinn and Patrick Mul- herln will represent the St. Joseph Total Abstinence and Henevolent soci ety ut the Freeland convention Tues day. County President Dawson, of the An cient Order of Hibernians, visited Divi sion No. 11 yesterday. Air. and Airs. Patrick (ilennon, of Nuntlcoke, visited Alinooka friends Suiiduy. Thomas F. Coyne xvlll represent toe O'Connell council, No. 184, Young Alen's Institute, of this place, at the first grand council of the Pennsylvania jurisdiction xvhlch convenes ut Scranton today. Patrick Fallon, of Carbondale, was a visitor in town yesterday. Thomas Costello, of Kingston, visit ed Alinooka friends Sunday. Air. and Airs. Patrick Ulennon, of Nuntlcoke, xvere the guests of Alinooka friends Sunday. Juhn Joyce, xvho left home some few months ago, has returned home after an extended western tour. William Thomas Is In Pittsburg in at tendance at the state convention of the Odd Felloxvs. A wandering veterinary dentist was doing the toxvn and a number of the horse oxvners yesterday. P. J. Mulkern xvlll Journey to Kree land today to attend the annual con vention of the Scranton Diocesan union us the delegate of the St. Joseph Total Abstinence and Benevolent society of tnis place. Allsses Haley and Cotten spent yester day at Holllstervllle enjoying the hos pitality of the mountaineers. Airs. Al. Foriister Is erecting an addi tion to her residence on Stafford street. A "tip" Is going the rounds among the sporting element that a finish fight will take place about June 1 between two well-known local pugs. The Big Six ohallenge the Clreenxvood Blues for a game on Alay L'4 at 10 a. m. Tom Coyne, inanacer. A large delegation of the O'Connell council, young Alen's Institute, of this place xvlll attend the reception of dele gates ut Scranton tonight. Allss Alary J. Loughney and P. ,T. Qulnn will par ticipate in the entertainment. Buy The Tribune for the best sport ing news. BREAKER BOSS H0RAN DEAD. Depurled This Life nt the Lncka xvuiinu Hospital 1 t'stcrdii). John Iloran died at the Lackawanna hospital yesterday morning ufter an illness of but a few days. He xx-as ad mltteil un Saturday. He xvas a slate picker boss and for the past fexv years was employed at the William A. col liery In Connellton. The reniulns xvere removed to the residence of his cousin John llorini, of Stone avenue, and ar rangements for the funeral xvlll be made today. Iloran was a bachelor and worked at the Aleadow llrook breaker of William Connell & company, for upwards of fif teen years. AMPUTATION WAS NECESSARY. tight Limb of Thomas f'nn-y Cut Oil' lleloyv tln Knee. j nomas rarey, or tne West Side, a miner In the Centra! shaft, underwent an operation at the Moses Taylor hos pital last night, amputation of the right mnu Deiow the knee being necessary, He Is 32 years old and married. Yesterday morning he wbh Injured by a fall of rock and his limb waft crushed so feurfully thut there was no possible chance of saving It and amputation had to lie resorted to. He xvas otherwise severely injured and his recovery is not certain, but conditions at present are lavoraoie. KUHLMAN SENT TO JAIL. ( aught Killing thv Cash limner in Muhi y's Hotel West Side. Fred Kuhlman, of the West Side, who was caught taking money from the cash draxver behind the bar In Steven Ma- bey's hotel on North Alain avenue, West Blue, was glx'.en a hearing yesterday by Alderman Kellow, of the Sixteenth ward, and in default of ball was com mitted to the county Jail, Mr. Alabey hud been missing small sums or money lately and a trap xvas sex 10 caicn me inter, wim the result mat Kuniman was caught, -i MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Hex lew. New York, May IS. During the early dealings at the Stuck Exchange the market ruled weak. The engagement of 11,100,000 gold for shipment to Eu rope, all withdrawn from the sub-treasury, and the selling for foreign account, estimated at fully 10.000 shares, due to the lack of posltlx-e knowledge of the people on the currency question of the leading candidate for the Hepubllcan nomination for the presidency having depressed prl-es. The loss In the Inter national Issues was about a point In Louisville and Nashville. London sold nearly 10,000 shares of Louisville and Nashville and St. Paul and local tra ders sold Manhattan and 'Sugar xvlth more effect than usual. Manhattan broke 2 per cent, to ltKH4, the quarterly statement still exerting an unfavorable Influence. The talk of a reduction In dividends on account of cable competi tion, however, did not reeive general credence. Sugar xveakened on the re duction of cent In retlned and on ru mors of unfavorable developments In Cuban affairs. A tlrm xvlth Washing ton connection xvas the most conspicu ous seller of the stock, xvhlch fell from to 121. In the afternoon trading the market displayed more resistance and there was accordingly a disposi tion to cover short contracts. Keports xvere current that congress would ad journ early In the coming month, and this, with the comparatively small en gagements of gold for tomorrow's Eu roiean steamers, helped to make a lit tle bullish sentiment. In the afternoon rally .Manhattan. Sugar, Tobacco, Chi cago Has and Consolidated Has xvere prominent. Consolidated (his first de clined from lfifi to Vtiht, and later rose to 15ti. The decline In the stock wus due to a report of the Incorporation of a new concern called the Nexv York Fuel and Light company. In the late trad ing the market, xvhlle dull, was tlrm. the shorts being the most prominent buyers Up to the close. Speculation left oh firm, xvlth prices anywhere from to per cent higher on the day. Sugar lost ? per cent, and Manhattan "'4 per cent. The reduction In the price of refined ac counts for the weakness of sugar cer- tlllcates. Total sales xvere lL'6,ti59 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LtVN. AL. L1SN & Co., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stuck broker, 412 Bpruc street. Op'n- High- Loy- Clos- Ine. est. out. lmr. jxm. looacco t:o. ... . w tia 121 14' 1it Kill 104 79J, 18'4 31 W 24" 1W4 24 2i'4 IOUI4 h; 24 42U Am. Sugar -Kef. C0...122H 122S 121 ,( Ateh., To. & fl. Fe. 74 15--4 67, US Ches. & Ohio Chicago Has Chic. A N. W Chi H. & y (hie.. Mil. & St. P. Dlst. & C. F (len. Electric l.rftke Shore ltM i; .letig . ; . m .hk',1 . (!! i"'1i 104i 79' 77'i, Mi, HtfH 77Vi 13', 34 14!' Louis. A Nush CU',S 24 iii iOI'i 23 U M. K. & Texas Pr. . 2IVj.;-i Man. Elevated . mi nil ' Mu. Pae Nat. Lead .... N. J. Centrul . ... nr,', ...101 ... 7 ..24 ... 42(4 ... 26';, 2."i'. 101 2..'i N. Y. Central H7 2tii 4:1 air 11 Wi 2i', 5' 1 171., 44 10 07 43 N. Y.. 8. W. Pr, Omaha Pae. Mail Phil. Koadimi' ... 23'k II 29i 2iHi 7's 1 7 , , 6 11. 11 2',i 20 17'i 84' a ! II' 30 Southern K. R., Pr, Tenn., C. Iron .. W4j union Pacific Wabash Wubash, Pr Western I'nlon .... W. L P. 8. Leather. Pr. V. S. Kubber .... 3 7 17Mi S4t ST. 05' 23j '3 23' a 2J" CHICAUO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clo- WHEAT. lug. est. est. Ing. July C2Xj, U2'i III (IPi September Kl lil'i til"! iy CORN. July l!ix ls'j ifl'i 19-1, September 1H:14 Is". lit'., 19Sj OATS. July 2!).j 20-'-j 2!l'.. 204 September 30' SU'" 30si, LARD. w July 4.t!7 4.t!7'i 4.iij September 4.80 4.S0 4.77 4.77 PORK. July 7.7i 7.80 7.lTi 7.1V1 September 7.90 7.92 7.S2 T.S2 Scranton lionrd of Trade Kxclmnge QuotulioiiAII Quotation Iluscd on Par of 100. Name. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank Scranton Lace C'trtain Co National Boring Drilling Co First National Bank Scrsnton Jar & Btopper Co Elmhurft Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank , Bonta Plate Oluss Co Scranton Car Replacer Co , Bid. AskeJ, 140 60 ', C50 100 'io 2oe !00 li 230 160 W 20.30 Scianton pacaing x-o. Wfnton Mill Co .. ... Iron & Steel Co Third National Bank 3Ti0 Throop Novelty Al'f'g. Co Scranton Traction Co 17. BONDS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgare due 1818 Ut People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 lit Scranton & PHtBton Trac. Co Ut 99 People s Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... Lacka. Township School 6.... City of 8cranton Street Imp S Borough of VVIntnn 0 Alt. Vernon Con! Co Scranton Axlo Works 110 100 102 102 100 83 100 Xcxv York Produce Market. New York. Alay 18. Flour Dull, cas: iiiKiuinu'eil. Winter wheat l.ow gral'-s Jl.73a2.HO; do. fair to fancy, $2.fi0a3 65; do. patents, $3.7ua4; Alinneauta char, $2.!V0a3 10 do. straights. $3d3.50; do. patents, (3.4."iu4.3u low extras. 1.7.".a2.90: city mills. S4.10a4.LM do. patents, 4.J30a4.3u; ry mixtures, J.'..'ioa 3.30: suuermie. sa.'.i; line. 51.1 .ui. ill. Southern Hour Dull, steady. Rye Hour oulet, steady ut $2.40.i2.SO. Corr.meal- Dull, steady; yellow western, $2.03a2.1o Hrandywlne, $2.1u. Rye Nominal. Bar lev UuJet: ungraded western. 39a4b Wheat Spot market moderately active u. lower, closing II rm; f. o. b., o. to ar rive: ungraded red, iHia7iiL-.; No. 1 northern 7(Aic. to arrive: options were fairly live und closed weuk at Sna'ic. decline on Increased stocks, small decrease In visible and free local liquidation: No. 2 red May, ig'i.-c; June, US'sc.; July, line.: AurusI 07-lic.: September, 61c: December, d'J's 70-Vc. Corn Spots dull, tlrm: No. 2 at SSVnc elevator; i(sc. attoat; options dull unchanged to 'e. ileellne: May. ai'te July, 33V.: September, Siie. outs Spots fairly acllx-e, tlrm; oplluiis dull, easie May, 24(hc; July, 24'ic: spot prices No. ut 2l'ia24ic.: No. 2 white. ;,.: No. Chicago, 23'.je.; No. .1 at 24'ic: No. 3 white, 23',4a23'i.e. : mixed western, S,",a2iie. ; white ilu. 2i;u2Sc; white state, 2lia2c. Jtecf--yulet, sternly : family, ValOe.; extra mess. 7a8e. Beef hams Dull, $1 l.30:ili'i. Tlereed beef Slow; city extra India mess, 1 Julie. Cut meats Will, weuk: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4'4c : do. shoulders, 4'4a41iic. : do. hums, 9ul2e. Lard Quiet, easy; western steam, $4.83; city. $4.23: May, $4.83; rellned, dull; continent, J3.23; South .mcrleu, $5.30; compound, 4',aH.ic. Pork Kasy; quiet; old mess, J8.73u9.23; new mess, J9.23u9.73. Ilutter (julcl. ubout steady. Cheese .Moderate demand; state large old, Baltic; do. ifew ;v4uS''4e. : do. small old, 4',!al0e.', new, 8'jtc; part skims old, .'lat'-ji'.; do. new, uSe.j full skims. 2a2'v. Eggs Puirly ac tive; state und Pennsylvania, He; west ern fresh, 9ulo'4c; do. per cuse, tl.25a2.IO. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Alay 18. Provisions con tinued steady, with u moderate jobbing demand. We quote: City smoked beef, II '.,,u 1 2c.: beef hams, Jl.'iuiu.rO; pork, fam ily, $!0.50all; hams, S. I', cured, In tierces, S'saO'ic ; do. smoked, lUjalO'sc, as to uv- Some over-anxioua people in Wall mroot and London are pretending to fear that th pmi bllity of Mr. JIcKinley's elevation lo tho pres idency meanfl Free Silver and iiiflitlon and theo same people who nr now predicting eu lainity wera tho loudest in their nredictinua of unparalleled prosperity with "TnrifT He form" four years ago. Don't let them fool you. We're going iu to better tlmon, nothing can atop ua. BUY STOCKS NOW Send for our Bally Market Letter, lt'xvlll t 1 yon the best lnvetinets. also our book, "Speculations Fully Explained." E O. THORNBURGH A CO.. RANKSIIS AND BBOKIHH, 30 BOND STREET, NEW YORK. Uptown Olllce, N. W. Cor. B'way A jiat St. 1 : nn j i 1 b 1 . . MUNYON'S KIDNEY CUEIE Munyon's Kidnev Cure cures nain In the back, loins or groins from kidney disease, putty ami Habby face, dropsy of the feet und limbs, frequent desire to pass wale, scanty urine, dark-colured and turbid urine, sediment In the urine, gravel in tile bladder and too great a fl iw of urine. Price. &ic. Munyon's Dvsiicrnia Cure nosltlvelv cures all forms of iniHxestkin and stom ach troubl-'S. Price ii cents. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom falls to relieve In one to three hours, uml cures In a few days. Price cents. .XI mi von s itallxer restores lost noxvers to weuk men. Price $1. Persunnl letters to I'rofej-sjr Mlltivrei. ISifi Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., an-sxx-ered with free medical advice for any disease. DOCTOR YOURSELF A Separate Cure for Each Disease. At All Druggists, 25c. a Bottle. erage; sliles, rlhhed. III salt, Sc.: do. do. smoked, fe-juoc; shoulders. plekle-ciirid, rlu3a4e.; do. do. sniuke-l, Jitulilje.; pienle hums. S. P. cured. 3',a.V'4e. ; do. do. smuKed ''ia'-3,!'.; bellies. In plikle, uecordliig to averuiie, loose, 4-'4a.i4e.; I.ivaktasi biieon, Tniie. for round und Jobbing lots, us to brand und average; laid, pure, city re tlned. In tierces. i'..;i.V',e. : do. do. do. Ill tubs, fiu'ie. ; do. butchers', louse, ..;t 4:V ; city tallow, III hugsheuds, :4e.; coun try, do.. 3u3c. us to nualitv. und cakes. 3'-.e. Toledo lira in .'tlurkel. Toledo. (.. Mav 18 Close Wheat Cash, U7'..e.: Aluv. ;;:'ii.: July und Ausust. IKy'e. ; September. 04e. x'ora September, 31-i4e.; No. 3 yellow, 2e.; No. 2 ut 2VV-'.; iXo. 3 at 2.i'4c; No. 3 white, 30'uc Outs No. 2 at '.,e. : July. "iV'.e. Itve N'o. 2 ut 37e. ; iiiiinliiul. Ouvernecd Cash, $4.30; October, $4.(10; nominal. Receipts Wheat, 2,918 bushels; corn. 11.278 bushels: omU, none. Shipment! Wheal, 3.7m bitMhcls; corn, 3,200 bushels; outs, none. lititlnlo Live Stock. Buffalo. X. V.. May 1S I'm l.riil lower for heavy and common; fair to ac tive and higher for good hanily butchers'; heavy steers. J4.lou4.l3: good buteheis'. J3.83u4.10; mixed butchers', good to choice, 3.30a3.Ull; bulls, good to choice,- J2.li0a3.23; good stockcrs, J3.23a3.30; feeders, $3.t0a3.7.i; Iresli cows and springers, dull and lower at $25u32. Hoks Steady; Yorkers, J.l.fi3a 3.00; pigs, J2.;Ui3.03; mediums und nilx ?d paekers, $:!.3liu3.33; heavy grades, $3.4i43.43; roughs, Wnli.lO; stags, J2a2.V). Slieep and lambs Slrong to sliude higher for huny lambs; sheep steady; prime lambs, $3n5.l;i; fair to good, t4.Mu4.9o; culls and couuno'i, i3.liOu4.40; good mixed sheep, J3.4Ha3.03; cull and common, t2.uuu3.23; export lumbs, t4.70a4.8o; export xvelher sheep, J4u4.13. ( hicngo Live Stock. X'nlon Slock Yards. .May 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 12.U00 head; market xveak and 10;. lower; common to ejflra steers, J3.loat.40; stockers und feeders, J3.83a3.90; cows and bulls, I1.ri0a2.35: culves, $;'i; IVxans $2.15a4. Hogs Receipts. 32.000 head; mar ket llrm and 5c. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots. $3.25.i3.47!:; common to choiee mixed, J3.25n3.5il; choice assorted. t3.50a3.5Ti; light, $3.3ii.i,'I.:m:. pigs, J2.75a'l.5'i. Sheep Rei-elpts. I0.0110 head; murket 'lrni and 10al3c. higher; inferior lo choice, J2.30a 3.90; minus, jj.uo.Ij. When Baby was sick, wo gave her CoRtorla. When slie was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, Whoa she hud Children, she gave them Castorla, EVA M. HEtZEL'S Superior Fac? Bleach Positively Removes All Facial Blemishes. Azales Fact Powder is superior to any f;e' powuer ever maiiuraccureu. Used and eo:r neuried by leading aocii'ty and Drofauieii ' oemutlos, nei lecauso it lives tne beat Dosalbl effect and never leaves the akin rough o arnlv. hrice fit) ciinta. thrlxogenc, Nature' Hair Grower, la the greatest limr in v iterator of the present pro irrewive aire, boinv purely a voKitahle fotn- pound, entirely haiuilias. mid nmrvelotn i.i is benellnent csectyi. All disoasi-a of U10 line an1acapare reatiilv cured by the unci or 'I hrixngtnn, Prlen oil ecnta and tl. For sale nt I . M. Hntel's Hair-dressiug and Miinlourn Parlort. !0 Lackiy war.:, ave. and No. 1 l.uu nin Building, Wilkea-Barre. Muil ofilori filled promptly. DU FONT'S RIMING, BUSTI.'IG (NO SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, juzerne county, i'u.. unci ut vvu mlngton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVIiNUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AlinNCIES: THOS. POrtD. Plttston. Pa. JOHN H. SMITH SON. Plymouth. Pa. I'J. W. ML'Ll.WAN, Wllkes-Harre, Pa. AirentH for the Itepauuo Chemical Com pany's HiKh Explosives. ON THE LINE OF THE S PACIFIC 11 'tew LIU are located the finest flshlnir and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canuda and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Cunndlan and Cnlted States Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle, Tucoina, Portlund, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throuitht trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtnins and specially adupted to xvanls of fumlltes may be had xvlth second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other linen. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway , New York. iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiRiiinii my THE :. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Wonderful Bargains in Lace Curtains. 100 pairs of Nottingham Cartalas. lares siae, choice pat- C OA terns. uuullv sold for $1.50 a pair, at (10 pairs of llrussel Kffects. Cnrtalna new. choice patterns, extra klic, unuully sold for VJ.SO a pair, at , IS .Ill palm of Irish Point cnrtalns, usually sold for Sti.00 a pair, at ft a g M a Onr entiro line of Draperies sad Curtains al samo reduetloaa. Remarkable Values in SHirt Waists. f O doien of Stripes nnd l.inen Color, large Bishop sleeve, JKr ' nicely made, usually boIJ for l. 01). at "w 40 doaen assorted Waists In Persian. Ktrlpea, Plaids. Checks, etc., dotaclivil collars, white caffs, usually sold for Oftr $1.25 lo $1.50. OI yw" Immense Reductions in Millinery. In Millinery o shnxv a slock which Is unexcelled. If iadeed equaled, nuyxx hcio InScrunton. '25 Handsome Hats and Bonnets at $2.9$. Trimmed with Persian tHibbon. French Flowers and Aigrettes, vary beautiful; every woman will agree thut they are worth $4.00 to $5.00 ii'io Sailors, in ull colors, for 1 niese und children, at 19a 7,'ic Trimmed Sailors, in a choice line, ut - :9 "m Sailors, in all colors, new styles, at 4Sc Also a Complete Line of Window Shades. If you want a good fit, best goods and fair prices, get one of our AWNINGS Drop aline to our Scranton agent, Frank Barber, General Delivery, and get prices. We do not compete with cheap concerns, but give best value for least mone'. Not "How Cheap?" but "How Good?" is our motto. ! I J IIIUIIIIIIII Ull IllllllllXi IIIIU I bill VVil iOd Park Avenue, Binghamtoo, .V Y. Baldwid's THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE T i CONNELL CO,, 434 L1CKAW1NNI. HVEi.UL JAMES IVIOIR, Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bank. He baa now in a Comprising everything requisite for flue Merchant Tailoring. And the same can be shown to nilvantaKO in his splea diaiy fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Headers of The Trlh line to Call on "01.0 RELIABLE" In His New Business Home REVIVE RESTORES VITALITY. fm.-n litr. Made a .stUay.jjwei wan Mtknfff.$r of Me. THE GREAT sotli Hoy. PHEIxTCII r5.233VIIIDY prodiires the nlwre remilta in no ilays. It acl( i myiTlnlly and quickly, tiui s wlii'n all otbera tail Voiiuninaxyillri'iiaiu tluur lout manhood, and old mm will recover their yniitliiul vmor by uinii Ui:VI 0, It (illicitly anil anndy rentorea Nervoun neiiH. I.oht Vitality, Iinrotelicy. NiKlitly tiulMloni', Lost Power, Failing Ueiuory, Wwliim Dieeawn. and all ( fleets of iscH-ebuiw or eice.sand liidiscretioa. ". I.icli iinflts one for mudy, bmlnfBH or marrieso. It c t only eurcH by utartlug nt the pint ot d. learnt, bill ut a great ncrxetnnle and blood builder, brlna-'-x back the pink clow to iinln eheeksaadre to imt the lire of joutb. It m-nrdu o!f tnmnlty ina I oaKuninuou. Insist oa liavius 'thor. It ran be carried In vest pocket. By rar.ll 1.00 per paekue, or eix for SS.OO, with a pes) in written sunrmilee to cure or. refund io money, Ciiviilai'lroc. Addreas nrn,,;,,,-,. r.0HlflCi.r For Ml by MATTHEWS BROS., DrufflM. bcranton, Pa. II ! I 111 i 2.2s 4.50 a crand barcala, fall slit, --t----rf---r THE FROTHINGflflM. Wagner Hcl. l.esseesand Managers. ONE Wri-K, COMMKNCINU MONDAY, MAY 18. THE UREAT B1U SHOW, Kennedy's Players, IXCLUD1NU: Tho Greatest Living Pun Maker, MR. JOHN J. KKNNKDY. Tho Powerful Homnntlc Actor, MR. UUultUK W. BAKHIER. The Bcuutlfiil, Artistic and banclns; Sun beam, MISS KM. MA DR CA3TKO. Together with their ewn orchestra tni niiigiUlleent specle.1 scenery, will Ap pear In a repertoire of the lateit mortem successes. Monday "The MlilnlKhl Kxpress." Tuesday 'The Fhoenlx." Wedneaduy "The Two Orphans." Thui-sduy "The Two Thieves." Friday "Tracked Down." Saturday "Around the World In Eight. Days.'1 Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 eft GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE N. U. This Rri'Ht company has just fin Ishoil a four weeks' contlnuoiiR cnpaite mcnt ut the Orlswuld Opera House, Troy, N. y to the blftKest business In the his tory of the houxe. Sulo of seats now open. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ONE WEEK, MAY 18. Intsrestlnj. Scientific. Very Laughable. The Fsmous Lnequaled Hypnotists, Apnoared week April Si, at Wllkes-Barre, 7 erforinmici'S. 8,!01l persons. Wxelt, May 4, Read i nir, 7 performances, K.2II. This Is tbelr second week. Klrei. 4 perforuiances, 4.IW I aec IS leisons. Clergymen, lawyers, scientists, radeamen. women and children, everybody highly delighted. Prices, Gallery 15c, Entire Bal cony 25c, First Floor 50c. Salo of siat.s opens Saturday. STEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged th Leading PIANOS 01 the WorlsV DECKER BROS., KRANICHE & BACHE and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find a complete stock and st prices as tow as th quel Ity of the instrument will permit at N. A. HULBERT'S music STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. Scrantoa CALL UP 3682i CO. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 ' 0 131 MERIDIAN STREET. SI. W. COLLINS, Manager. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best quality for domestlo us end of all size. Ini.-linlliiK Buckwheat and Uirdseye, dellverml in uny part of the City at the lowest nrle. (irdors received ut the Office, first fluor, Cci!ninoiiweiiltl bsjlldlng, rodm No, 6; telephono No, '.'6it. or ut the mine, tele, phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH.