THE SCTIANTOX TTIIBUXE MONDAY MOItXIXG, MAY IS, 1S93. GASBOHDALE. ir.evb'r will nl'.npe rot thot nlvprtljs ra'pfs, oHm for tab work. (ind Items tor ub:io3tnn lft at the r-t:il.ii-h:n nit c,t fc.lanr.on ft Co.. rews.l.-al rs. North Mala ureei, aUI n reive prompt attention; oi dcj open trom S a. xa. to li) p. m. FOUR KEN ARRESTED. They Ilatl Front 1'iircM ity "lid Are Kapid Chief McAiu'ivw arrested four yoWni; jinn from Forest t'iiy Maini'day at tin irstnm-e "f Liveryman Avery, of t ii a t piece, wim suld that tli- yoiitip; men 1 ail hired a rial from him " K'1 -'ry-til luxe. Soon after they ! it Fnie.-t t'ilv. st in.- nne came ir.t ihe liveryman i.iui s:;id that ihe your."; r.i :i v.rc driv inr; llio hnrs at tin- t ; of their speed 6 Ml otherwise misusin;: tr.em. AVi'fv at our.- started in pursuit, ami rt tin- lake found Hi'- men hail K' H'o to th:i city. After uotifyiiisT .Mi Aiuln ; they started tuRi'tlt'-r to search for the irt.-sliitr properly ami found, it iu from of Luila's, i.a .'mull Main sliest. The yams; men were inside anil v. c o soon p'ueed under arrest. Tiny are indis,--naat ami say the horses hail lint been mi-uisod. Tiny claim they ha.l no tight to lie a n ested. HORSE l.NJL.U:D. It n Ifnnii'i: Away iiikI H:;il a I5ttd Fail. we'd: n inure dashed no Mali. !-tleet caUSillK tOllSidi l Mhle eXcitt lliellt amonr; ied, sl' lans and driw of ve hieh .-. who luii i i -illy i!"t out of iis way. Near tile opera house an nlteinnt was made to s,toi tl:o l'rafitie hut it leaped tonne i-ide.. A i.ireo advertising hoard ns standing nearhy and into tills the h use iint with a crash, and was thrown t" the ground, llcfore he could iv t mi the animal lv.s ear.uht. It was so cNhansted and hint that it was hardly al.le to move. T!i re wa a l:ir,;e cut over one eye and (.'.her cuts on I he I'ody. Tlie horse Is nwneil by Hubert ISensnn. of I'owileily road, wlm will he caused unite a lo-s by tlie Injuries to th- horse and wm: on which was completely Wi eeUi i. AWARDED TO C. L. CELL. li A .lei nun .IS it n ;cl (lie onlracl l'i)i' t In rv I'leslivlcriati I'nrsanai!!'. Tlie cortrset for the new I'r sbyier lan ai'somiee was awarded Hataniiy alteriioon to C. I,. Hell, of .1. rmyn. There were three olher bidder- besides Mr. Hell: T. t". Holiinson. W. II. Kdcrett mid A. T. TliTany, of this city. The lieure in which the contrast was it warded was not sivcii. Init it wan con l id.'iaidv unili r those of the ot'ter bid ilcrs. 'i he buil'llmr must he conildi ted by tlie ir,:h cf Noveinher. Tin- eontrncl lor ressatlnir the cluircli lies hci n vlveii to the (irnml Hanid Kcl'.ool Fui nl:- hilar omenny. Tlie sials w ill be or ros wooi v. ilh brass trim lninus ;i ! il veneer d Vhey xmII H'olal ly be inre hy the luth of July, ami v, ill cost about ?..'iiJ. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEWS. Miss ICllie Yailil-iuark. of Harlield B venue. Is visitiim in Wnymari. .Mies Kitnice Hrysoii, of Sal. in ave nue, is spending a few days In I'liffoid. Henry A. Lewis and Mi-s N. IlieOweii. liotli of this iii;, were married at the llopie of I In- bi iite Tnursday e vellill!-: liy Hev. Illinm 'villi. r. of the I 'rovidema Melhodlst Kpisi opal church. Mr. and Airs. I'ct-r Hi nni It and Miss Maud Ktewarl, of ('lili'ord, were vlsilms In town Friday. Mrs. Het-r of Clifford, is siieiidlnj; a l w days villi her ii"!. e, Alis. I''re.iei i. i. of (iai llcld a . "i iie. An en!, rtui.-iii.oiil will be e;iv,,n I,, vntts on Wednesday cveniujr. slay 'It, under Hie auspices of I lale Hinli sohe.,1 .,,ot ; Tii hi Is an- now helm,' disp-s tile a"nir. An cM-elleid pi ih all cd of for o.! raiuiiio lias I. eei, piepali d. .Mrs. I'unlel Henan and Miss Sarah 1 'o il. of '''orest CHy. visited frieialii in be n last ivi',1;. Marauerile. tlie eiv'lit"eu-iiH.i!lis-old child of Mr. and .Mis. William Malloy. of liroolilyii street, is seriously 111 witii preiinionhi. Albert Siaats has resigned hi:, m si lion as l -nvjneer nt Untej A til ill aeite lo iii '- ..l a siaill-ir one at I in- Intel naiioii i.i hotel at .Via. vara Fails. Mr. nml .Mis. K. li. Ituckalin. of ;n rre. snent Sunday with Mr. nml Mrs. Frank L. Kilpairick, of n&rto . i:y. line. .'Irs. Parry Harrisnn is lui; n-..viu:v. .ii.-:. ihisella '.'ra'ie will leave (-morrow .or a few tyo"l:s visit with fri-uuls In N'i w York. siiss Hi.tie Comer is the nm-st i f fi ! nds it: Scianpiu. .Mrs. Or. Kln.i-Yail is on tile mead a few days' illness. .la.n.-s Kenv. i.rihy was a visitor in V. iiki s-I'.arr last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Tin n noil, for merly of this city, bean how eke-pin-: In Pcrantoa last week. i tl . II' the Ita' s Mrs. Winylow' s fulfil!.' Tcciii. J-'oothimr f-.riiD Ins Kuii used for over nifty Years nv Mil. !:.-!ie of Mother-: fur L.eir Children rsiille Teeliilar. with l'oi'fect Sueci-sa. It Soother: the Child. Softens tl": Gums, .'Hays uil rain; Cures Wind Colic nml ii Is the best rc:n;dy for Diarrhoea. Sold n by l'l '.iHoif t:i in every part of tr wiirld. j He sure and as!; for "Mrs. Winslow 9 i f oothina: f yrup," anil take no oth?r i V.luu. Tweii'.y-llve cents a bottle. AVOCA. I'uriuK Cue past wee!: nimors hav been i iiiuilnti'd about that Lymonu's hall, at Mooslc. in which the' .Moasic JiiiMo cnmiiany will conduct a fair ho frliinlnu this cvenlnat. 1 In uii.a'V coa ditlon arid unlit for public purposes. The Hose company and .Mr. I'yiimi-d knew that the bulldini? would stand more strain than It cudd possibly xrt. on this ('Ci'i'sinn. hut In order to estab lish ihnt fact in the minis uf tl.e people, they had J -.h;i Xels.m. buildinif in ppeetor for the city of Sornnton. make It thorough investigation of the l.ulldlT and la I'-.'inmiuiecrl It (is perfei tl;' nuf", lie aiso says that tho huildinir Is, with few e.M'iuitlnns. as strong as a ware house usually Is. and for hall mpp scs Is very well built. Anyone attiiuilnu the fair need not let the thoimht of (ianper in this line mar tin pleasure of the evctiliifT. The Ladles' Missionary soeletv of the Presbyterian ehurch will hold their ve.rular monthly social nt the home of Mrs. James Oinham, of Vine street, on Tuesduy evening-. GREAT SfiLE OF BODY DRG5SELS CARPETS. Wo have no fortune, to Rive nwny, .nit wo jriuii'iuilco you hoo.Ih al: less than nny other liouso in the Irmly. Your (.'lidino't'roiu our stock, which is coinpiuto at $IC0 Per Yard. I.cnienihi'r wo ilou't reserve nny thini: These gondtj eoMclat of nil the K'H'liit?; iitukvs. Conio early uud inako your HeleotiuliH. J. SCOTT ING LIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER .419 Lackawanna Avi" Mis Carrie McKay. 'A I'lains. I ; H-ullia; m tew days with her sister. ; ill.". Hose Xc.vlin. of .Main street. Jlisses 1211a Cumin. Kil l OWlalloy. Affiles Monohan ami Kl!a Qulnn spent , Saturday with Mends in Wlikos-Lurre. luhvard (iilr of the West Side, has , piirciins.d th- Welter ii-tidem".-on Lin- coin hill. . J l.oi ii; .McMillan, mine foreman of i No. l:i colliery, ami Arch l.imlsay. of Wsmiuii'-.'. i miti rrplaie u. trip to Scot land in the ferc;nrt of next month. 'i he Avora Hose company will par t'eiiiate In tlie .Ve -sic llcse comiiany ariule this, a 'tei noon. Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Weddlo. of Main, stivi t. arc icjoii iii;: over the arrival of a sen. Til" Knworlh !"arvio of the Methodist K;.i. , i.-.t.'l clittr. it I. i.i ulcd th ' sev enth auniicisaiy of tile orsratilsa'.Ion of the ":.sni' hot eV. liint.-. All excellent rro'iunintc u.iu rendered by the luem I .rrs. The contract f.:r rauinj; tin" No. .1 school pr.uind has In en to .lar.n . S. c'B.r.liholl, his bid hiivlnr: been t".e lo'.vr.-i. ui::vi-.A. The (i-reluis or Marty. Avora .ml Ilmrai slow ii boiomrhs nu t in Institute session ontar lav uioi piii'T at the !U:r ye.i ; i ; r 1 1 e' h-oi and discus il varioi-s I iter. : i in;,- topic, in v.-l.lcli a llvi !y in t rest v as iiv.i.ifest. d l.y nil fa-es- nt. Hi ...i..-ser ;. Ki,n deliver, d tin op v',..;; address in a few letereslln ,' reinar'i.s which ivore very well received. I'ru resser T. J. l.lcCaiim.n, of WilU-s-liarie. was next nnimaneed. lie hose for his i-i'.'ijeet (ftcienl illc 1 liscover'es." .Mr. MeC 'an.'in came in II eouipP' d with .'.n.a'.itus neeessarv to Iilustrati' rem:: !..::. i n- iMoerini' ins proven ui- .in.r s: nd if rnctiecd nccasionally in tiie s'-l.e d lo i.n wonid prove bl ileail to tin- imp'is. Al.ioas the oxp: la ments v-form ii v.-.-re those with oxy;:en a s! -.'Hivon mises, i;as lai'ni.s. mid vo.:nie i;rU!':i'HS. Miss Anna H.--lde. of Avoen. clearly recited "'l lie Wnmieria:,- Miniurcl." i'rofessi.r ii..!'.. ...i; I Ilinnioehlv :irrr"-:iT.ii .1 hi - ih' in bea' lari:aa'-'e. M s. Miinie Kearney read a. well prepared puper on -iTimai-y Worh." Tie- last sneaker was I'lel'i'S sor Wlih 1. of I'itlston. His subject was "School .Valine: -nc'iit" ami was ad dressed to b all directors and teachers relating his o.'-n exp-riciice dm in;.' his ti mi in tin- nrofess'siii. ids remarhs were apphiulsd by all. iiisiitnte closed v. Illi a vootd dart by .Miss llissie We'obcr nml brother. Charles. Hubert Welibcr waa pianist. .YiOOSlC. Mrs. C. 1. i-'hui Hand, of I'lrantoli. and Mrs. Vr. t iih the V.'o- i.i men's C'l-.ristian T. mi Tiiursday evenlni r.iii raac.. union !'.t tile holm of !, oil .Mi:1 II Street Mir. Oeo.-.-e Tri E. Hniiir.i ad ami v .-He were il ls 111 Serai:lo:i yi- t.n day. Tim iiu',' in, peet-r of 1'crir.tmi inspected Die h.-.ll of .lo'.in L'ymoml. on feain stlecl, and pronounced it perfect ly saf Moosie Hose company No. 1 will hold lis Mist fair this week. 1 r will i-mn-l.ieuiv this (Monday) rveninK and will be continued four days. Tlie residents of the vicinity should turn out and as sist Hie boys in Kelt in?? appa. tus to re sin lire. -- - - taliis fr Tin: tdik. Dr. I'.rowii. of St. Louis, was walkiiiK laaiie has m e niiilil ivin n lie neeo-i-eil l..v a foot.iail. (i-iiiaie your money." i i.i "l lie Hi...:'. As ill icit a. ihuiiaiil tee hesiiir l.irin .l aa.l In an offeiid.-.l lone said: '.'.list ill"' van il.'.ii. over hers? ii l!i. oilier si.'.e i.f Lie street; I'm waikisiK this v;,;,. nr. self." Witii a niiiltereil apol- C';y for ill. III. Hell of cl!.'.eite til- Wollill-ie' a 111.-ileil il. tile iluilllHSS. t.,1 u. S.'cie it is s V, -i :'r ui liel !' i f i ih iv ! ' i;'i rent ni. sic ol" .1 a p. II. . :'.!. T! d lo lieo ..use a r phy.V'Ci.i.ts .1! I no: si, ice ia. u a ml; l:l have lid urn tin. ill : lei a e a .; he e.e.'tly I as aa ia- t have ihe lysliiji fully ai.iit ..:nr mil r. nil il sat Isi; in : slaliic pli (SI. 1 1 1 in s a si. si i, n iii.-.'. i I ii iet.-. no i!..n: :.' .- I I n your I. you." When tiie Dllelass 1.1,1 w s sliiovn I i me of the ILisshin 1 1 rural , lioin In- t iler m i it! -d. the h ie Mm-, diaries '.t - .in. i he look. a : 1 i lie pnrlr.iit id ihe.i si-i.!. dryly: Tile pur- ; ,!i ti.i la-rha, ; ! la- hair i I J" , i'J sic I. .(i briiiil.lil. nisi '.!l ; .-i.." "H:.:. oar ine. jeslv. ymi j I'le prince, s," arswe -cl ih- , ls. laid bel li sell! So ; "No. 1 ha; is Iriie," s:i ; I t he I 1 know eeur: ii.iiiitel's," till irsP is iii; f ill. Lie i ska: to ii net l:r. a IJuianl, I Uer-heri "la; I yiam;; i. niiis': ! r-m a lea aliiu.).: li e Ii'a r is tin V.'asnlm loll I . ias. .1 to u v. sn.le ro. ont of lawn went .- set las: v. t S'le Wiis i:.- i:l! fiel of psopli'. slid rail I u rwi:'-' V. ' Villi I sl-evcl a I she went a Pun iry'.ai; lo y by his. rir'il naai". Sin n aaiazi'i: uimiher nl' names, csine to one ilis!lnj:uislii I she pans.d In .nsiuir. "I :Uy e'.-e's raine." sue sai i, try lo i-cnn ..niei- ulirs I i.iu when sin loohimt inuii i.n.ov cvei-yli. -la", when I ii in lumpleiely a! sea. " i in n you re iiol fir wrong." snld th"' 'lis:i:i:,uisliei luukhiK ni. in; "m' name Is Atwat.u." ( isinian pral'i -sius : iil-niinii. d, leu nou e tu'overblully i.h- ol t he. n so .if si. urn. lie r.o- I i limn i ri.lcss.ii- I ins .1 uue ii:iy l:i he 1-1: iap a l.ire b in- uue; in. . ,n Im " he t.-Ui v. .at i!m s. nil t nil "WI y. tals is llm ii u. ..": !.!:(," rcpiii'il .'l '., I i? W'.ll. he nm kn.nv romi l, anil I'll r. i ipi u- ' r-:iry o: yn: el. "is lilil n veurs sou Kara-. 'is unci P. an !K l:iai at a iviPii. .'inury .1. lissnwui Pi pr. -in: la rs. an i u I ihe at a I'i'.'iM,:: of '.he nii.'hu; I'iiilurs. A lady v,s lie i-iuil riiw of li:. stopped i.iuyl!'!.. ".'.i i ai. I play in ! wo-fo hi 'till.', :1N-I h:htV", ami ills ri "i.a c v-.. fully. a); 1: ir.i If Tlie vini'r. lie naid. "il. 11- li Il'e V. il.Ul yaa :l The hi.'y sinit up n w...- I'Ois'lui-k'.! s: Tiie ahh -i.:-'P. i! mini i':.;r.r cut of l!:e ra il ma, v.ipiiii; hi.- l,n:..l :u rcss ills ninulh. The ft.-.-ntlemnn in Ihe hei:; il and shei : ir.. user .'.' pinneaeil lh:n an i sa;.': "i,' n n i : i oil frii ml. cm 1 :-:;,lil In ns.ui.ii.n ; :i..i: you liae bs. n tains. ;in-.; v.itu Lu ll inuii rum : lluai . .saw. aiili-bi'ii.ietl one. "I only laid i he r. uud miiis-s you ever wnr! .":'il or my fade yon am t no a a )-i-v pry ;i t,.. Ki'ts." "What is your eulili!:,-, iu-s..'. Tin a diver." A newspaper w: lepers V.c 1'htliuleil'hlll liape this s'ery en a pr neely i aP rial' cr.uiitiv osr. Wl: mail, w ho ssnuii : .. hiiato.i to inn' nl ,v s, is iiYil'vir about tsiiiu e rtain si ipitor. wii : niciiis arc t'.tiuoii ' ll went to n's in He's ci ir:hi. mi tlie ni r;islr.:i of a Ph.r rcscpilea. Tic li-sl person she s.nv was lie "sis'. I iiituseif. lis her in-run 1 courteous-, i ly. "1 came to set the luuu uawns." said sh". Tlie senator (i!iin.."l l.".o tlis reat drawlnn-roori r.t His .hir.le an 1 , p-lesm of bar!' shoulders. "Dr.a'i you think Ihcy nee. I all ihey havi '.'" said he. j Anothe old linly w Ii.i had p.-iisnd he:': fiiur-scors yeiir.i, and who was allowed hy : leu' chUilr. il lo eontiiiu" th" formality of ! "heeniiiK house" to hu'.nn:' her miwilUm;- I ncss to iicluinivlnih.'i- the ii.lvuai'i's of tini", I remarkril one day that she thniiKht she i would tulle a journey of s. v. ml Intnili " ! miles to visit her eldest d:iii?,nler. who j was herself e craiidmnth u'. Her son, who win. well past .Mi, ashed her If she .lid not i w :i lit hlin to iicromn jay her and loolc lifter her on the trip, fh? replied: "No, 1 don't wan l to be bothered with Ihe earn of children." (iniirt Kmiin Impudence. From the Northwest Mnpaslnp. fine ilny Tom Lo;:an. an (in-eanii lawysr ami i'ti in-e'."i'iite w.t"-, was ariiuinu a c.i;.i hefoi'L Chief .liudiee Ci'eilie of til" ku lu'iine eonrl. of what was then I'm. terri tory of Washington, to him was a backwoods In wye" niuncd llrowne. Lo Kan coal Intiiiliy referrel lo Lie eoiuisel on the otiur side ns if his name were spelled "Lrowiiy." to the evlipuil amioy nnce of that (,u nlleimin. At last tlm judKo Iniiufereil, reniarkliiK! ".Mr. LoKiin. this Kentlemuii'H name li spelled H-r-o-w-n-e, and Is pronoimeo'l llrowne, mil Lrowny. Xow, my iinme is spelled G-r-e-p-n-e, bill you would not pro nounce Il Greeny, would yiiu'.'" "That," replied Loitan, xravrly, but with ft merry twinkle In Ills eye, "depends en tirely on how yiiour honor decides this ense," . EOW TO LIVE FOR 200 YEARS You Can Do This, According to a Cali fjinia Auli.ori'j-. OLD AGE 13 A MLRE DISEASE A circtuuU' Did Snlti Cue Down, It Is ( IninictlTlic y.nn Who iit tit lilt) Dies a ( cati-.i) Too Saou-TIu' 1'rojn-r !'txu! lt I'rctou t5i!i'"s Lite. 1'ioni iiic N'etv York Sen. A n. an is ::o;;er as old as he feeis, not a woiiian as obi as siie looks. Hvery- 1 liody Is as yt.utiK as his or her ai t. r'e s, ' ami nm- depends tntirely ui'on the I si dividual. At least, Hint Is what Frank ('. Haven, of Oakland, I'al.. a'.nn to ! pr ve ia an insreiiious coaipih.tie't uf I the le i ii'a; ru'.I'orities on b-isri vity, '' puid: ea.l nml r the till" "f "Tl: 1'ossi j 1 iiity ol i.ivias Two liumlred Years." "siieii won hi s as Lewis I'.iiaao. Addi- son. iliiam Kinm ar. l'e Haey Hvans. I and Or. Ihnmet I -nsi'ture a'e amonK' i the u nl' r.i c.tii.t d to suppoi t the t!ie ' or tt'tu il is possible l.u t:!.y one will j In; to observe tempi l-i ace in food and IdiliiK to retard senility. .Mr. Havens j prej. cts the seductive idea that "old :if.e is a cu'';:h!e liis-a.e." Lewis ('oiai.o, v.iio was a vt ry pay j bey until he was fo'ty, lv c! anj.'imi Ilia I Irrcvular and iftempevaie ivcile of life toon- of perfect sohre;y, hcd to pass bis. leeth year, lie made n btisinis.i of I liviajr. He was in a end way when he j Iii: t conceived tile il . of hcini; RVi at ! - ." in the hu '.y sense of rmr eopy- boo',., t 'aehie.Ms. when by r.inny a lion!;, rrui'li, and i urve and monotoninr: iler I nt Eon we learned that "The son,! niv the I only i.-eat." lie confesses that he was a victim ol colic. (Tout, and had a sloin- if. Ii 'i neraliy out of ord.i, and. wlint I was w use. and can be keenly nnpreci- ated by many a citisi n of this pi tropo j iis whose spirits are dampened hy th" ; Haines hill, he suilrr-d from "a per;iei j tin I thirst." He taur.'lit iliat a man is , not of re?.l worth until he has reached fifty yi ais, uinl suiaed couirol of his ; passions. A SOI'N'1) OLD MAN. He reduced sobriety to two things, namely, iiuality ami (iminlity. The llrst namely, i uaiiiy ami (imiiuiiy. 1 ue in si consisted iii not . alln.-' fontl or drlnklnn ! wines prejudicial to i!,e stoma, h. The seeond consisir.l in m eatimr more; than the stienael, con!.! di-rst easily. : i A I Hie arte of fourscore he wrot ' a trua- tise on Ih,' ";oire and Certain Methods ! of a l.omr and Hiiilthy Life." lie died it: I "l'i, as.!, necoruiU'r to his i irrauii'lauyiip r's t 'stim,.nv, when' .e "l'clel,.', ills last i'l itii lie was an lu ' spir i : Ihk ami convlncim;- proof ( f I'.ln : Hicoi-y." She reports, ' his min i did not : decay, lie nevi t- us d i.or had need of ' spi i tacics, neither lost lie his heariir,'. I and he preset veil his voice so clear ami harmonious, at tlie . ml of his life In in IT Willi as much Htremrth as lie did m,'o of -'i y. ars." As he advanced ars lie lessened rather than lu ll his ii'.i.intity of j'e.ul, ilioiin!..h- lit til I In y ! . rcu im: his .!:: l-.y d. -s. till at hist tlm yolk of an ejrir suttiseil for a un a!. Al tiionh ii docs not appear lie was stout, he did mil "i rystalliKc in a .lueer l.-ttise," as not a few noble believers ill i a n extreme ten pernnce diet do. I William Kimiear is more specific In his inform;. lion on Lie way to koo'i alive if one is careful not lo front a : cal lo car or crawl noder a speediiuv bl : cycle. His sciealiiie formula svoaid not i lie . i ieai ions In cltlur case. He lloiils thai investhcitloa ami experimeat . prove liiat the chief eliaract u islies of ! o!. I a ue el.' d nos'ts of earthly matter of a :.-.'i ill, mi, s and lil.riP'Ui : civ.. motor ia Hie I.uuaui sysleai. Carloaal" iiml ; phosphale of lime mix -.l wiil'.li .nil u' sal's i I a calcareous iiati::' have been found to I'-jrni- h the :-;i ester part of tin"" instill1. .1. po.-lls. Ca li areotis. mat ter produces partial essilioi.tioti of iho i In ai i. thus causing imp. rl'eci circiila ; (I'.n, ami, as a naiural consciueiice, m : l-.u.'.res v.ilh nuir.liea. ail i Ihoviii. s assert llvii Hi" frreabu' number ! of pi'ople past (in su''''"r more or less i I'.o!,: art-rial v-s!i'icatiiii vhich hrln-rs - a! eiil obstructions In the pi-per ai.d liei.llh.v . iii uia! !:.:. of tic PJoml. i'Vei-1 . Si's uly ycciii i illation I ,-t -m Is I -l tlilni.' i of I'll' to I drh a vo a re ,i, ...... ...sits iu (in- s; lo in i to ! .oii;.r. Tim ii: a ru In w la: t i'o : I'oaiix nod I',- Im-l.s. anil death, 'i'l' V ' ks tin ca' d ll.u in a dm'li. ai .i'-i eus emu if limy wer. u-dlm; 1. It h n Is i.meapli. ila -us i t-ote ; f i cn !.:!!! tile llplloidei S a dramatic in ... i,,caK- to i:.-- si ytiiiii.r v,.,, o: . ss of ;c-ti-oy!nK life mis salts d - of Lie : ter. s! ; ' cover ; i'at ( I U Se i by mi uir nla ins i :'.!. ni mis of by t "ni ! posited ail ; In i iiirishinu; b'.ood." ton! Unit mi" of :"-rils U oxy.Tcii. liken Into our mid in our bo ''!. -ar i.isc'.ar of the Mi'jiv s of ! It Is harro'.cim: ! the most villainous n ( ixyn-ii that v e ii.'.vi ! very herns ami liar! ' s-ims. Think of it! ! li: t "the m ia-ln of o:..1 . !d :". nam. ly. on:-, n "liter, can Si! ;l. Ii e ,l( iiol! K'.-n." Tile Vi.letail.l I .'.till 1' " e ci: ieareeus d. '. i..- Sie tllil il" e;l'l. r in.- lead cf "th" s assists ill tin do; iilu it'.IUs aid ;cl I to tin -pii"' ic it'U- i d". c.v.v- ti-ac atmu l.i.'.s ;t.t it on i!'... hio. ind in i.f- -'.' '-(.-.-.vinir i..-:..:. liivad. il is vol. d. . r! "ill. tab' of il ntY' sLiT . f life." It ftreaily ";o it of i nieureiuis iiru Si'lt is I i'ii"f nl. Sprinfr si. I'.owbo nnltv ..noted, says; "It l'.at. d thai wilier of i'.n y c.nliiins sa mu.:)! ( a ;- ler i .nmon is als . an ant 1 i-Pic e ip.aili ar. i o ! l.'l'sri w Ilt.'l I' up h:::. I a . rit lo.'a!. Hint i. ; Iruihir: nm limo l .i;re '7 ti b. w J'l'.'spici:! Ismic Lewis of ,'i'le.l 111! -;iliiti:l lid'oii- Olei), Ii lint i lii"-ilv L sccliou. He has iiei1 ill Clinloli t'o. V."' yciir-, sunt li;;s liecn inv-iili-hl nl' t'..- al'ina I'.auU jn ycuiis. Ile uiiiifiy ;'.'..': in t hi' inei'ii of Mood's .-ai'.-a-l I:!.;, and v. i.i. I he s.'iys is 'worthy ;;. . "..ii ni. jMI lii'.uiii!;ei's litiil ii ;. nl's S:,-.-;.ii'blu ici'Uiiai ly uitt((l to their m ci!-. li niaics iure. rich, red lilomi, am! twin tliis coiiies nerve, liicplal. bodily ami dice: live sll'eiiolh. "1 nm gl.ul to say flint IU-.o:i's har:m:a rllla is n very food medicine, cspceiiilly ns u bio. d i.iirilicr. Il lins done mu (food n.r.u.v lime. Ti r several jta:s I Bufitixd greatly with paiuo of In ono eye nnd nbout my temples, es pecially at night whin 1 had been having a hard clay of physical nml mcntiil labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's S'arsapHrilln which cured mc of rheumatism, neuinlKia nnd liiiirinilie. liood's Sitrsnpiirilln h as proved itself n true friend. 1 also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels rcgulnr, and like tho pills very muck." Isaac Lewis, Subina. Ohio. - . l .ij Sarsapartlla Is the One True r.looil Purifier. Alldnmsliti. ?1. l'reparcil only hy V. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Muss. j n rtit are lironipt, eflli'lent nnd nOOU S FillS easy In ffteut. Wceiits. Neuralgia quantity each day will In forty years Iihi taken us much, into the body us -tvuuM form a illar of Holid chalk or marble as laise as a piud-slsed man."J lie refers the doubting to the "furred' or plastered look on the bottom of tea kettles or steam boilers. Lr. YVIr.ckler oroved. to use his own words, that "a sinirie brutal fact can knock down the most beautiful itiiwt ical structure." ile. having lived for a lone- time as a vegetarian, made ihe disagreeable discovery that his aiterles In nan to show sians of iitheromatous lieKeiieration (chalky deenrationl. He accredited it all to Ills use of vegeta bles, and quotes ronvincinly from Dr. Morin of l'aris, who states, "Vegetable lo i i, her in mineral suits than that cf animal orlirin. In t rod uc s more min ori.l s.,it.H pu,, Die lib. id." Haymond has in a. rvt d nuint vous cases of chalky I ii: nosita In a imi-aslcry of vefretarian I friar.-, i thers that of a prior. siar.i'y "J years old. v.liose art : i s I v. re i nsi !era ly hardened. A n .v. l i mi .. m, by na.iie i'leille, tes(iii-s to ! liaviPK seen numerous s of athero ! meti. us d.'irem ation in li.ur.l ay and (.'aiculta. where many People lived ex ' I'.sive!..- on rice. ti. Inevitable eon . ci'i.-n.n is: " A vegetable diet ruins the : ! lo ,1 V"-S'ls, ami makes nne prema turely old, !r it is true a man Is as old us his arteries." ( nr. Ouhhr sui.porls the forcse'insT nrs-Pt the .es;v(i, Dve i:inllti.s of veire- i tables hy sayina: "It seems to m- that the iiourisl'mcnt. so di. dent in the i cases respectively of each class, pmr i rn ! rich, crumtrv and town, would h- able to fii'-n'e.ii us witii a satisfactory ! i :'lni'!'ti'.n of the f ct mib-d. Will:. ! onecicMi livis oi i'u ip.iliy on ilesli (ilit-ir ; favorite v aetahl s eiashrroms. truf- ! Mi s, nsi'-fi'i'c He ma, Ives lamely- i nroxidid with th" nitt'o-; 'ii ous prlncl- i ph.'i, ti e other class Is sustained on ! Vi-retable substance!!, l-iyd. peitatoes. J ! ( sb; aces, snlaris. ::v! t!'e mils- or l ean i species forming the basis of their feed." ; ! T!!K 1'UOiT.l; HTI'T. i Hut to ! vert to the "lif.. p'vservcrs." 1 1 Fpon t;',e ill. lie side to dislil'.ed water i Is aware' ,1 t'c ei.iel pl.t-c. Mixed with 1 ilikiti d phosphoric acid it is tlie most . : .. a. ;,,;,;! i ,;-t Till ol an; i thin;; to cl.-.lvi essilie ri-tu-r. 1 Ustilb i v.-siei. with thotit leu or p.'t' .n ilio'.).-; of oiluu d phosphoric acid la 0:1. h jrlr.s fnl. is n ei pimeinied to be tahell dally. Tl.e rati nial mode to keep physical de cay aim detoriora'.ion al bay is shown Co iie, to avoid all foods rich in earth ralis and to consume lum-h fruit, es pecially Juicy, uncooked apples, orani,--es, lljfs, dates, and bananas. ISecf and old mutf. n an overcharged with earth - -.. . , , r , ., V uf- "' '''"I'l " vol;-l: but llsli. bou.l. y, your..: i.ui ion, o al, ndlk. c:,:,s, V-V" . V-.V VIVl - l" -I V. '-J '',. ; " i'.V.' ' .! tllici'liy leeommemh d. Sonii is cstra- ci.ed. so Is ordinnvv c c.rse sho!e-i:"al bread, which conrains ",;v;re i'tin liable ii .in . i::i" "i tel. c:'o i-, ii. i -o thei-em-hiy i.;. si. .1 i'S white bread." i:v .Id tested in thil! : llei-s is bctlor Ihan ni.v nt In i-1 ind. Yoi'StiilR c-nverls the st- i-.. h i--t i iK .';li ill". V.ieb i f f is compiled I y the It'ds- ton rtfaliii club ars la the volume, ard cslraeis ale idvep !-om t,:" imoh of tip) Hnlslon Ihalth clu'i to niv that car lioniicti'tis f".u!.- th .1 rui'Vl.e b'ttily nitre".-, -as. which lir.ild the lis- if the hei1)-, -.nd which feitn tile 1 1. ind s::!;s a"-;! furnish the f'-i! re.;ii'.n d for (he Irani. :v: the only 1 i'i'1 siioiiiit i i "l'liik-ui ol by ires who would tn.ioy I:', .n:r two hun ii ii ye:; rs. Those who are ia tin if advane:-.! youth, or in tin il- iiis t wrinkles, on:..-t-.he Iniirt. Iir. I lepsamre s.iyn: "Ik'Ullty will become lo he reco"! :.ed as no nnus (he properly of youth than of old .'.-e. An Immature pcjcii may he symniilrici-l, bin il dais not reach perleclhni until il is mil only i'ldl.' I'.r:ivn. bet ful'y m ilured as wi il. '- t la Hie I'omiiijr lime will Ihe i, an or v.'Ui'an i'l f:u:r or live score ye sup; l ior In tlie s ":se of beauty senses p. tl.e iciith or maiden ty us tile bri'liMH ninl fras.r.'i.. in i.i .' II of l,ea-.-cn-.i is i d i; Is.-s a.-.. I'-." f-iata.- if a-, -ui- ::..; but r.!i"Si- d. :-ip r:or to li-.e cai-rle, ; and one. I.ou .",'. : si tiauii ii'lcal it i Ti ls m:;. i.t seciii but a no. li. were u not i-'r tin- re.vln'ioiis i jr. il lays anil ihi.a-''t lea:-'. : i. run- be tiii l :is- ,-'!i .''l-y i-'c "the ntnlelic to. n. i I a;-- iiith 'us op. n ami ui:"i'iiik!"d 1 row. ,.!!! no May defoi laity :::,d no!y iii riu of is a- auor a tal o.s 'use. 1 1 all u H is . n ill' ii -i si your U li.'e. ilia: sulled do., n." iJ-n't ill" cloij is. (he shlbi.'oiei !i )!' ;iYt'AO':'::-ai. hit :!-. llr.ll Siull a TllillS l-X'-sis, SCSCNtiK All llfflllt to 1.5 i v. !:. cliolo;":!" two yi rions h: i.ii-hi d . which . . r.-et "I. W. i-'e li I. 1 . is ha: '..until i nun , ulory hive, oh'-m '. of ihe . who ; V.:le psy- to,- liis lam lie.ill.pv va- Inv. uu li:-. :as . suiii- u lain well-delim d fr c.s i.j vcisaee of liyp'u tisin (Ml n lie o!T l)r. Sc.-ipture has just lull (Mull announce. Ihe diseovijiy. ;e lime .T-o, of wh''-h l'.e a method o,' me.'siprm found : v.-sy dis-powi r. a to pied :re h the cot-al i; 1 aliu -'.i a.'. o.: -. o m nsu ". 1 s e -a;:-": iive e!:', rt ; Im-, '" ca -r liciii. U u ini-.t'u lis of t ii't-ns'iy to re nc- that d ti nes, " m as- whe ie h sical eiierivy can b" nred, nml in cruise a pel son by w.ilk- li a ct nc In so: t wl-cre ih nc.niher of f. ct to s e a re Is no;' . 1 n f.n t. hyp- autism is lo be a wonderful "force." wh'eli is just . m ".-'..Ire f i i-.i tlie the cloud '.:' i li'iihi an!- m v I I h lin t 1 ol t-oii r-1! it for aires, and 'vh.ieh tnu.-t now I i clu' sed iinnmir h :;itii'.iaie rml ' sel'titillc iihiuionievn. r.. i f th" Up'e'd expei'tmcnts tried bi In-, y u i-tor . In e n!une!l"ii wi h Pr. C !'. i'snshere, was on 'he s.-'iis:' o" l-eariuir. A person frori outside lb ' blh.u-i'tory v.-Vild. be invlti d to inter; for the purpose i f l'nvl:')? his henrlrnr I 's-i- l. l 'e w is placed in n m rf eliy oe;,.( I'eolU. If- v.-ps told that a li'le r" h rounder on the table in ;i'ule h'm w -phl malii n elie':, and that !h"n a i ry faint clh k would !'. pr-idnerd In ! :he room. Th" tone at P-rt would P. i Inn 'n!nt to be heard hut irr-'1it:i!ly would :-inv loud'-r. Just as ronii a. h" heard th" lone lp. was to press a 1 ; tehnrraph kev. Ile was lift nloim, I ' am! the e::periire:iter went to t' e tip- naratus in another l-o.uni, v.diere h.'l could maoi'ielate the teleirran'i ,-"y. I th. tevo i-ument end t'-o n enriliuc; ai'paratu'j. Me first ?nade he snunder ' in the nih"r room click, nnd tlnn hl slowly In. ueascd the lap nalty of the ! Pun- lid Ihe ps r-nn ,m I hoard it. A j ri"-ord cf the I: tensity of tlie tone was 5 then made. I his was repented ten ti-si':'. .rt.-r that no ton" whatever ".-ns nee 'e l. It was snHlclert In nia'u t' e sou din' i II k i nd ti e p rs ui w uld. after a second or two. deel ire that h- ! luard .he (one just b"f re. This could be repealed nn oft t as ih sh' d 1 'I'll" tone in si'eli eases was n pure hrl- lucinnt'op. pindtieeil by si aryesilona ! ff( m the tirsl t-n exp rlnmn'R. I In a K'lV'lar manner hnllm Inntl ons of rtiull, of taste, of touch and of heat I were nrodiiced. nml It was rven found I p.-s'-lbl.' tn makf n person a'tuMly F'e ! an object thrt did not -exist. Strnncp to sac, also, nlthnnch nil' the people i es; erimerte ' uiion we:e p r orep.- sane nnd norninl. yt the virions halluelnn toty rymntoms of Insanity cnild bp produend on a small eonln by nimrn- Pi'inte snurirc-tlops. Almost as etii'tiius I Is the fnet that tliev iv r" n'd hyp -nl-h'cd In cry way wlinloee-. Tip. s'erlp "" vri-nrds no a feft relent factor In 'Iv ppp'ie it.ln-i of h's r" til's t'-e fnet ; ""it tluy op"n nut fl frn't'"! fl Id of 'n Vest ln 1 1 ie tn(n n-!!'-(1 .o-em-i. Tl". ' IT en test . tMle IntPi'est 'les In th" pr f ti-nf ri.w.( nr. n"t n"l'y ab t,oi'.nl, hvt nro rroinn on fp'ou'.! its nil (ho tltr". We nurrcleps a-o Ihdi'eneel J "pnttei'aitv ' by sue-e;. sft'.n without 1 pnn.vlnp' (f. Ov-ln? to surTestlon. ! nou-h o1 w'hnt ve ere ! not title; much of what we think Is false. ; 1015 YOI SCHAP-IIODK Little items of Suro-tc-bc-l'scf ul tnfrn- mrttlo". Tho cvtrr.prp di'tdh of tin rea, In yaiUfl Is r.s follows: Pacific, t.Wi; At lantic, 4,0oG; Indlah, S.CiS; Antan tto:jen discouraged. GCOO AND SUFFICIENT REASONS FOR THE ELUcS. Doctors t ail to I'Vilaml Syniptoma That Ate liauvj s-iynuls. A murked trait in M-onian's character is to jiluco iinplu-it coniiJeiico iu her pliysiciaa. A munmubt work entirely from the ory m the trcatiucut 0 or female , is- i.:sciircs, .' for unfoi- " A tnmitelv I acta nascn unon actual ( kiu.wlctlc;c, 1ic1oij! to tho fcmalo scs alone. Many wo- men who peri iKlical'.y suf- fer ".vith at tacks of faint ncsr., diz Kincss, extreme lassitude, don't euro" or want-to-be-ieft-nlone feeling, do Hot at 1ir.,t rculi-.o that tlieso are tho infallibli symptoms of womb trouble, uud tho foreruuiicrs of great sufl'eriiip. Soon tlioy jrow 1o feci that tlia doctor iloen not understand their case. Thon they remember that "a woman beat understands a v.-omun's ills," uud turn t'j Mrs. r'nlihnni. Tin following loiter is but one post- UiV i . i.' !i.i! ration of this fact . ur ye::rs vgo I bcan to suffer vlth frreat weak ness oi tlie jjenrra tivo organs. My wotub was pro lapsed; I stiifored with eontintiiil backache and all . ., , , . twc': , the. other pattw F j?" : ceecnrKiny i'f( frX fc Wl:n X V V i ,..,, tried doctor tutor ' doctor, had ! r.,K.rilUims Tht, fi!inl opera tiou , niter which I becamja total wiei k. was ri'rap'nir of the. i womb. A friend, one day, recom ; mended to my husband your Com- Ipavud. lie bou.vlit ilia u botlle. The i relief I experienced after takinrj it, ' was wonderful. I continued its tisa, ; nad I t:m "V.t'l losay lay recover; is a p-rfcst Bitrpriso to everybody that knows, me." Ml'.s. 11. lil.l MM, 4U-10 Sun VranijisL-o Ave., St. Leui.;, -Mu. 9.1:00; Ac tic. 1 Aii 0 : Medit rrtiner n, 1,--.Tii; li-e-li. 2"i; l.uftiish Channel. 110; A-.irhii:.'. !'.: li. itic. All -ia.Viie cf Ih" utt Hli'iltf tir:ifim ily (.:' i-.fv-i a c.u.y- the .lapa s s,: is in the fa t thai rec nt rr.easur: nei.ts iaiaui cf aa Infariiry reirimeiit rh.ow :i.i v iriaiiei s . :;i aimr two li:c.':. s iu le.ijvil or twiuiiy puuiids In weir hi. Li.tle Hi,.-, an Inch ami a half in vn : y i rool in ill- w. nise.-e uiimLil"s. 'il: a'.-cl'll.'"8 d: eh,- :.: l!i '.'. 1 ... nirllis. o ol' t)Iil!e. 'I'll lie claimed V.,-e t.lh, i . u I.i t i i a pu u. I'lipht lis. are those lliC ilea inly propoi-tlomd it a man should wei that . Iwentv-ci, 111 ioi;;n.s lo every foot of hi h-)A. i'viuy !i 1 w ill I'.el : (. p i I is a sliMPlle" miy o. i. i a i.ii'.eil 1- ' H'h !' : V I I 1 ss o i r ii' : lai ' '" r I taiw s H at a hmpe i i -t man linen: io '.-'ly. It or,. r ia the IP. i !s! cav i. i'.o bl'.'l dis- mns: lie still. If h d ies 1- : : fill i tl 1,1 i; IP my to m without lioinr; him in- " . ., ::'. a Ihv-uil of ' ui'ler's s lk i la .' ( '.'. : .' i: ordir: of i lire. ce: i. si!-. Ih :,."iio. The dec rl i:peh ,i, ,..,(.-, Mm-.: d A m w Ihut ail ' t "..: ;'.- ;', n . a h .r of steel. ' i. thr. ,-d '.-. 111 I . ii" a wePr'- t ":!: Vi.l.' l. uliout "n p..-r au-r i- ile p. a ute. I thr. ad or ti, .. pest t Id mine In (he world is 1 I'al.: ile. I'.. 'I.-jao l'e. t: the ! p.-, r a,!.,., p, ,.t i 'arson Cl.y. V ::.-'iu r .a. i".v In rennsylvanln provides fin s-riti'i:-' hci'.Uof.ire mi.. ! ciiteil, ni'd all that may hereafter be dene, for any pu.ipos v.hnt ver. shall have the sum." leonl and effect rs orrilnary wiltlna-. ad (hut. the word "winner" eescriloq: In (be laws of the plat" (.hall b" b"M to inrlud" tvp-'wr't-'nrr. This is the flr-t -u'e that 1ms him lernl'Z'-il Im work o' th.- typewriter. Curr, nt let. r.v.uvc. Fllieurnn; i.;: I. lii-cd in 'M Tltmrs. T. J. Plaekr.ioi e. of Hull r Plnck lpore, l'iltsl.ur:;. Pa., says: "A short time si i.i I pn neip-eil n bolt'e of "Mys tic Cure.' It r,ol me out of the hoiis" in tv.-er.ty-four hours. 1 tonic to my bul with rheumatism nine months a;ro and li:e Mystic I fit re" Is the only medicine that did me any pned. 1 had five of the best physicians In the city, but. I re ceived very little relief from them. I know the 'Mystic ''ino' to he what it Is represent! d ami take pleasure in ree oiiimi'tidiniy it t ) other per su crers." Fold by Carl Lnrei.',:, drtinsist, 411s Lack awanna avenue, Scran ton. hm4 OiD .1.. V- ,"'lf.ili;'."i:.:f''. .'..e,"r-V-j:; AYLESWORTIJ'S k ieat mm f!;.c Fiac:-;! In the Ciiy. Tiie l.:tcst im$rwi f;irnls?i lujjb anil far keeping meat, batter and efj9. 223 Wyoming Ava. It r -.--( ::;,..;tv ' (C ? -r-Try i. . FCIi THE WEEK Monday, SPECIAL BARGAINS AT 0Q AKD 422 Dr7 G;:di &9!ii'cii5ll'arho'l 'oweliuc LinMl lisishud, U- q a'.ity. only jr.jC Cu ).8'!i s . r-oiii-uu liuiit Kliirtinif Ciimbrie, hes:. quaiiiy, only ic -ri jeuccs hfiivy tucuni bbakrr Fi..i.u 1. U" quality, naiy a; lspif. "-. ( 1 1 iir Munlia. ex ra KikiJ 7r :.i:y, tinly Jc 1- piei-i'.) ja. iii Liuu. liliu'.i-hJ, mil 'il oil turlny r.ul, w-ortu :) 'i: t i 'liir y:i r.i. only sjc 11' pa nes .1, pm. o lre-5 : ilk, llwrf 1 ntl.u wcrili EI3 vaJ. only... 14c Si pun has, 1 urt.iiiis. "I.; yuids v. u:! Jiaa piir. e. lv... .51.50 Cu.Ta a 1' l? a nl trimmnipi. a I cmi'l l.u-., cr.tra qtulity worth i'Os, only jee PO pu rs Liicii t'nrtiii i, a yi:r;la Ion-', w.irtli fl.:a pair, only 70c All our I)i'ij tin 111 s Ilia- at Iflo to .He j rd, ruiluord to aoc Sp'dil ia Oj? 23: D Dirtmia'. Tor Moii'lay only. v will lines on sa 0 l.'oiiiBii'Ut 'Sit: arltcli-a ut L'rc in a. X.i tiiau - of ea-a to any oao persun. Uie-Jriiias. l-fl Cnilirclks, wo-th J1.0),at . SJ L"nibrciia3. worth Jl.oti, at., ...60c .$1.00 I llJb' WjiP. 1 cas5 Infiuitn' I.ncj Caps atil 400 and 402 Lackawanna Ave. r-h T32 3 Wc Have Never OffiPETS That approacliel the present one in every desirable quality, tlie colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety greater and values far beyond anything we ever did, Draperies and Upholstery Our Decorcitora are practical men, of long experience, formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ; they will pcucii you a sketch, or give you original drawings iu color.-i while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmoniz?'' ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture. II!!. Si Opposite JVInln Taiiarcs to .lie Wyuiaiiij Itouie. THED3CKS0N TtIAUFACTURINGCO SCaA:!T0N AND WILKCS-C3ARRE, PA., Monufocturors of tellies, State ni Engines, Boilers, iig!sti:;3 m Kum emckikery. General Office: SCRANT0N, PA. Wa ' 'AM A I U In mm (s' ?; fi Mow TaMe i : . ,U ! I $1 These tables ara unique 6 2; nnH rlnrnh lc. We know none so well adapted for lawn j Jif n?SS that frOITl or porch-just the thing for t ... . .j, I country homes so rustic know th'jy are as near inue structible as tablc-i can be made at many times tlie price and we feel sure they won't remain long iu stock at :! era n R I 'A lil L-:l .;1 " '1 I A . h3 TP i i'vvmw'';,rv f 0 ( Vt u nvu Vi 1 GG!SfOC!N3 P May 18, LACKAWANNA AVE. lla'R. worth ntlc to "fle purh. only.asc Iiuoiiin CUildroB' Wh.ta Urca, woi-tli Wo. only 50c 50 Infants- I.o t ii U-i-rl'li)Ri'.' BUToly lulirjid-rea, wortli 11. Tli to S1U3, ouly $i.s L-rJles' Wrippirs. iVO Assorlol Siylrji. worth tl.2) tf tpLtil curb, your cuoici at $1.00 Cloak D pirirot. iftl down Lr.ili b' Laundrrd Bklrt, K;wrl.l (Hfi. quality, for 40c No m ire than 3 to a.iy ohm r.eiaou. 50 Lndi's anil MIm.' all ool cltitu I'niicn. worth SI. 75. only ...75c 5l I.adtea aui Lises' Si.k t'ancs, extra tfocd worth, SiUI to iUlo. ouly $3 63 Lidles' Furnlsuli Gio-ls. 1 cam Ladies' tin Ribbed Vest", worth li -, only 15c 10J doz ni I a.ll' i' Nicht Unwna, wotth SI :!c ta SI 75. only aoc 63 d. .7.111 I ndies' 1Vig.1t ' Uowiu, wortli 51.U0, only 69c Gia'.i' Furaisiiinj Gwdi l rm tfpnts' ftaa Kilibcd Bhiita and Iirawmti. extra Kood CUo quality, at 39c 1 c.ii (JeutH1 Flklbn'x:aii Sbirts and Prawers, wortli itoe, at aoc Oralis' 2.'.o Sus'ibuiIlts, at 11I1C lA&.ULkAIAAAIII ESTABLISHED 1873. li:!Ent3F3!l Ts'cplicna Gall 5154. - Offered a Line of mi m ft! till., 408 Lackawanna Avenue. fill y people beare 01 ibis day We Will si you I dispose of a ifc f?reafa Ioioi naf hral gpouJtb Ta bles for I i ll ? Worth Three Timss as Knelt 1 225 & 227 Tr 01 v rAoM wyomikc i; AVE. C'PZCIAL HONDA Y E ILE will ')3 flilvcrlisctl hi tlie Sunday Tapers. t