TDE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY HORNING. MAY IS. 1S9H. pi The Sahara is a arlen compared to' a dreary desert of blank wall or wall covered w-tn'oM'.y papir. Nothing yon cm d to a room noth inn yon put into it will make it cosy and cheerful if the wall decorations re not what they should le. hi lact the walls should have more attention tha" the Hour. We can make your rooms look "lovely," or beautiful, witli selections from our very large stock of new and bright thiiij-s for walls which will please all tastes and suit all poc'ietliooks. We can deco rate a cottage or a palace and at hall Xew York City retail prices. M. NORTON, 'zz Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. $2 South Main St.. Wilkes-Iiane. , Cholce.ltcavy. Clean. Bone Fertilizer, lur Lawns. Linseed Meal, Liirap Rock Salt, fr'or Horses an J 4ows. We Wholesale On!y. II WESTOII 111 CO. JCPMTOS, OLYPHaST. CA980RDALE. he cf mm THE GENUINE Hnvo tlie iuitials ., B. & CO. imprint J in each cigar. GARNEY, BROWN & CO., RUI2JF1CTU03, COURT HOUSE SQ. I'lKKSONAL. Attorney M. J. Honuhoe ami Hon. Juim '. yiihinun have funned u law pnrtii"r xhV unit t liiir ullircH me In Hit- .Meal'."' liulldliiK. .Mr. ami Sirs. John ('. Newman, of llen diTlown, I'.i., are xii'-ntliiiK tltoir Iiom-y-'union In Scriinlnn nn liie Kite. us uf KM Itpinlor, nf Kast .Market street. The followinif from tills elty will leave thin niorniiiK to attend the state ooiiven t ion nt n,, Fellows tit i'ltt-diiiix: W. Onyliinl Thonins, K. C. Dean. I'. J. Vei ter. A. A. Vosliurit, I.ouls Wenzel, 1,. tS. Helmut., J. H. Kelly. Henry James. Tin. in. as .1. Williams. Philip Dlppre. John Kern. Frank T. Sim-Ken, i;. C. lie-Tern at I Will iam K. Th'jnias. Tluy will lie m-cnnipii. nleil Icy Tiioniii's .lay. Jermyn: I'm- l-'ineh, linnmore; II. J. Hehetik, .Moscow; K. ' . Uanyon, Clark's Green, ami John .Mettit. Slosiiow. A. LEE, THE DRAYMAN, DEAD. An Old Resident and I'nniiliiir l'i;';:ri' in ll-.e Central City. Alexander, fine nf the oldest and best known rolored residents of this city, died yesterday lnornlnK at 2.40 oYlin'k after an illness of neven months' duration. , He was OS years of a;,'e and has been n resident of this city since 1st:;!, when ln c-aiiiu from the South and started In the dray business. Fur a ciuarter of a century he lins been n familiar figure 'around the- Hcriuiton house corner Tilierc he hud his stand and it Is safe to Hiiy that there is not a Si-nintoniun who has reside ! liete for any lenath of time to whom he is not known. His wife, two ilaURntoiv. Sirs. G. W. Itru'.vn and Kmi'.y, and three sons, Fred, Cleome and llerl. survive him. The funeral will take place from How ard I'tace African Methodist Kplscopni church tomorrow afternoon ut 2.S0 o'clock. Interment in lJunmore ceme tery. 1 FOR WOMEN, IN BLACK A33 BROWN KID. Women's Brov?n Glace kid tfQ j Century Lace Boots $J'j All Widths and Sizes. iehank &: Koehter; 410 Spruce Straat. wm mm m- nt n era PSPILlPiiliS et . THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST No Truth in the Bibls Is More Clearly Dw'iiucd. REV. CR. McLEOD S ABORNING TOPIC The Second Advent Ku Heeu Hie Cliritinu liiitivtini Ilojie Ho Mill t'onif in (ilory mid Ma-iiiili-cc;ice--lurriOM" of thi Ailvcnl. A timely sermon -was that ireached by i;e-. l'r. Janus Skl.tod yesterday hioniiiiK in tlie First I'lvsbyterinii cliurch. It was on the second coir.ittK cf I'hrist and from the text: "The same Jesus which Is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come In like maimer as c have seen It i in k Into heaven." Acts, 1. . i'l. .MeI.eod n fell' d to the text as wot Us i,( i;,., d cheer uttered by two of Hod's. an';, ls at the lioie of the Asien sion. tie siiid tiiis fact ami the value of I'hrist's Asc elision were dwelt upon last Sunday and made appropriate yester day a cari.-ideiatlon of tlie second com ItiK. lie tvniaiked: Will Christ come liaek rualn to Ihln world? No until is more eb aily reveal. 'o in t!ie ltiliie. It is re, k .ited so cfien and in io nia:iy var.iii!f eireuai.-itaiiei ; that -dare not ooulu it. "We look lor the Savijr the Lord Jesas CV'i.-f : aid St. Paul to Hie I'hllijipians, etui that .-Iioiild be the atiit'.ide of all Christians. The In avwi mart limi. mini lac time oi la, res'ituiioii uf all tiling-, winch liod hiia rpoken by the mouth uf all liis holy pro. pin ts since Hie world In-Knii. Cut w.t a these times are I'nbilled, then shad i.ll the tribes ut" the' earth see the Son aui .Man coming in tlie clouds of he.uca vwt a power and trrcat nlor.. "livery eye- s'ei'i i ce Him'' we are told. Hie early Chris, till lis Wire nr;;el to ilve soberly, rij:h toasly an, I godly, mil ihey vviv em-, ti-- Ugtll tO .10 FO b.v lo I'.lli,; ioi tllat tlle.J. J hope and the glorious cp,icar:iii of m'r jrrcat Co l ri.'.vii.r. ..' .-lai l What lilt iiiikcN sal I lo Ciirb :'a disciples a! '.a, time of liis ascension will he literally fni- lllied. iviiKX wii.ii ciinisT comi:? The lir.-t advent or Christ vvus a een-, r aroiiii.l wiiich i evolved the holiest llionnais and In pi s of c.oTs I" ople lor tbou-an-..-i of years, and. Men so. n.s seem I iMli. at is ar.oiinr enter aroand, wiiieii the ihouuh.s i ad im i.c- of I l.risi.aiis h ive l.t-o i-;.v.-.t . i:s? .-.n.e Ills as, cn -it, a. nil ai.ii'ial ,:i'.!i l!.-;. im.y coiitimie lo re-j si.r.c for lii.rn.;:!, is t mr I. '' I may delay ti;.- ceiniiu', tial nevei thel ;s j Ib-'rs cnni'illi;'. .111.1 lie Will Mill1 ill tile flo- nc-s i,!' inn. -that means lie will conic just a! the li'-.ll! Illllc. Tin- t.aic of hit Lord's second advent has lei n a .-iii.jcci of c... u:nci-y all al mi; I :ie tl.. . Til i' re ll.-i e be ll ( ill islb.ns Wa.i e van.-' ul' liie s.-c.ii. I a ixeni have b. i ipjac i s e:'l".a-ells as thu-ie of the 'I'lli -'a. toniar.-i. 'i la re li.ive b c,i int -: ii i o-ra of libs ropiieey v. mi.-c inii-n r, lira i , a ". ' , lo niiiler -tai. I than Ihc prepliccy lis. if. hi.ipe oi i'iii' friends arc eiy sure thai lice see n:. ccuniiiK of Christ will be ,re-n'illuil.iab ii'.nets who are as ic. vnu: nod as learmd III I he Script nn s in,, ipdte as sure liiat our laird's s, con t i.'l- viui will lie i..-; - :i : 1 1 1. -1 1 i : 1 1 1 . ( I.'-"- would have us believe lii.i: Clirist. Wil li He eoalrs. will ivilill in iersoll o.l III," lliione of liavid fur a thoiisainl years; i far laiL,cr body of devout Christians tun no such iib a. Tlu-y believe that liis ivd.,i will be h M il. pintle ( brislians niahe a .renl deal of tile lillle ulnar I .at ,1's eolllini'. bill tile ex ile: lime is uaiii'.Oiina:'.!. II Is ihe fa 't of His cnniin;: iha: Is ia; uriant. ll is leaaiii to liiiul; thai a r. " d mnidi'i' of s 1 1 1 1 .' s ail- Have live I ami haw- v in to idory without l-.uouiio; or wliuout ( al ia;.: anylhii:;.; alieu; lie- .re-itn,i. iia-ai or p.lsl-rilile.lcil c, 1 1 1 1 l'0 i 'l'S y . II till) i xaet lime of o"r i.erd's s, , iunl itdvci,: w, in as ilnoerlant a sou;- Cin ;si n:n ' -..ii.-, have us ll.die.e. it K.lldd surely have l e u llior.-i i baric ivu .;. il. I up. it is ll"! clearly n waled. It is hidden from lid's aiiic is. ll is. a s: . r.-l tliiny wnicii ne lonvs esclusl'. ily lo lioJ. 'I o tic eoininccl lllal He will not come soon, but la believe lie vvi.l eilil,- s:. nil-. on uiul a, i In- rlK'iit liine-a't l to live as Christians oiiuhi to live in vb iv of Ihat i.n'l. an. I .' i'..l. .i:iy lor liis .;; pearlr,,';, is a suier mark oi ih ;y and of l hrbl ui a InlelliKciiee than it is to Kim i u liiusiasiie over a tliearj,. or to become -est:le over tile colli. Ill da t ion of mat W illi ll may be only a pleasant liieam. ilnW Wild. Cllltl.-iT coMil? V'h'ist will eoiiie back liom h aven in lc lame m.uiiit r as lb- i'.,-at to ilnni'.'i, lie was so;u K.i.iDf aviiy. aco lie vviil l, seen I'iBiiii.'.; Lack a;,,;u. Il.ery eye shall sec 1 1 1 ll 1 . A i loud rcei ivi d Mill out of ihcir sit-Hl. Iti hold, tie chad come wit li elands, liis Hccul.'il coining will illfiVf widely Indeed iroin His llrst advent. Al His Ins: ,ui nt lie came in Hi'eal huniiii atioii. Ai His second iidveui tie will Ci.iue' In Kr. al (,!otv. He will come siirruiinili d wiih all I lie (,Kii y of heaven u thousand thousainl cf aim Is ministering; unto lljiii, ai; I ten iliousan l Unit's ten thousand ro, oid aoout iiuii; all v.urslihdnn limi. bii'l it Is tin' purpose i.ii I results ul oiip l s seciai l iiiivat in wnleli tile ctuiivn and ti." world are most deeply iniei-este I. -. ill lie came lo set no an. earihly kitiri i mi, lo resio.e tlie .1 ws and lo rely a in .ieiusalciii for a ti'.ui.and 'earsV So soiae say. Wi. will not ilt'icitss ilia, ipastioii; il is not an essential ijaisllon. 'lucre an other matters cohiiict.ed witii Ins u'iv.-nt which are Iniinl.i'ly more important. Ulicilur lie will sit in liie throne of lia vid In any literal sense is a small matter compared Willi theie plainly reveal c. trains, namely, thai lie will come to vin liicale His people whom lie has r,, to raise tile il.u l, to Jit i;e l!:e world, lo rewaid tlie peuiicn; ilKii:euus, to punish the iiiipeicicnt and to be ero'.'.nc.i by ill Inn lliucnt creatines Klim of Kin;,-s and Lord of Lords. In St. Paul's letter lo the I'hMlppians ho says: "We lool; tor the .--avior, toe Lout Jc us Christ, who shall ehaiiK.- these 1,0 dles of our !iiini:liatlo:i and la-hloii il.eM like nntu tin- 1. 1 iv of li'. Klorv " Tnat is a p.reut !!..! bes-,d Vhen and how toe Jews arc to be convened; when and how aniiehrist is to be o ,1'tiiro.ui ; when. and liuw the battle ut Ai-ui.inediiou is lo be fi.'lulil these ure Sieellhnlve questions. Lot Hie fact that Jesus Christ will raise the dead at His cotnim; is plainly and positively suited. Jn some way or other these bodies of ours, which will die and mimile with the dust, will be n-surri-et-il and levivill -,l These iiO'iies III which we have sinned and suffered, in vtliidi we have ivj.iiecl and wept, 111 which we have cxpcriencci sirens-til and weakness. In which we have been sick and weary t hc-e badics of our huniiliatlon will be ehaiiKc! in; I uloriiii d and prepari'l, so as lo lie t!ic evrlasiiie, conipaiiion and abode uf til. ir redeem -d spirits. MKK CHUIST'K Ib'UV. Whatever be the nutiii-e and the a'upcar ance nf thai human bo ly ninl reasuiiabl'. 1011I that t.'hrist now has in trlory, such will be the nature and the appearance ot Hi's relecnied und Klorimd people. Tneu He shall appear, we shall lie l:ke llim, fur we shall see iliin as He is. Tile liody of His (.lory is not the body of His liniu'lllii tion. t.or will tlie beiiy of our nlory be the body of our hiiuiillatloa. And this rb.ri- ous eaani-'t' is to tano place at the coining of our LurdI The c;y thotiKht of it is enough 10 make the lame man leap us a hart, and tu cause the tongue of the dumb to Sillfl. Heboid, 1 come (iliel;iyl Christ's cotn ln will he sudden and His work, when He comes, will be as sudden. The channel that He will ffect will be Instantaneous. Jl will not take Him Ioiik lo raise the dead and chaiiRe Hip living. In a niom.-nt, in the twinkllm; of an eje, al the lust tramp the dead shall be raised incorruptible and We shall be ehanned. This Is (Jod's wold, and that will be God's work. The best preparation for Christ's sec. ond advent Is to be thoroimldy Inteio-d. , in His (list advent. He came, to seek and to save the lost. Are we anioiiK the saved?. If we have cried to Him for mer cy; if we tire trusting In Him now ; If we are trylm? to live soberly, riuht-ously and rfodly, then all will be well ut His cominw; for when Christ, w ho is our life, phull ap pear then shall we also appear w ith Him In itlory, and so shall we be ever wlin the Lord. EPWORTH LEAGUE SERVICE. Oruiiiiinlioii's Seventh Aiiiiivcistiiy ( omincinorntcd !:y Spccinl Service, Yesterday was the seventh annivers ary of the Kpworth leiurue, and the event was observed b.v ppeclal pervtces by chapters throUKhotit the country. In Klin l'ark church the service was held from H.SO to 7.110 o'clock In the lec ture room und Key.- Dr. C. M, Glllin, the pastor, preached a sermon especially for leaKti? members' and younjr peqple. PreBliient G. kK VVhlttemore eo'niltict- v- "ni fj the leairue service. It included spe liiil soups ami responsive readl.iirs un.l a prayer by Or. l.itlin. The president read u paper on the "ProKress of the League." anil rvpoits were made by the mercy and help committee throuK'i V: T. Yost, chali ir.a:i. and by the tlrvn ti.mal committee through I' A. iVaiol Ii.iiti. ci.aii rtian. 'i in- sci'vice clo&cl wiili the saying of the consecration vow in unison. Dr. C.itlin's seinion had to do with the lencue's motto. "Look l"p. Lift li." lie lidded the sentiment "Go l'p." tak in;j for his tcjrt Kz-kiel I. S: "He went up by n:;irs." In the discourse it vn. argued that the yumiK shot:!,! fulliil the purp.'se of soinsl upward than niakins it 11 rneie mnit'T of intention. Step by step, steadfastly, fearl-s.dy. but always mdnp. was. said Dr. Gii'in, the only way. AT THE PEN.N AVENUE CHURCH. - Its I'lilpit V 11s Occupied y 11 (.'iitcii Vestcnlny. A peculiarly Kitted speaker, Itcv. Al bert J., I'll. D.. of t'hicaiio. occupied the pulpit in the I'enn Avenue Hat tist church yesterday. Dr. Steelmim is a younjr man anil for three years has pursued a coMrae of study tit the ("nivcisity of Chica.'io, which i r.rned him the decree of i'h. D I'l 'i:Viou.':i lie 5:ad for six yer.vs been In (haiKe of t!v Americaii liaptlst mis sion in tlie City of SU'xico. He has been preaching since the early ds'luics. FEAST OF WEEKS. Jvw isli festival is lie in.' t'elihiiiti d l iiiilcti Street SyntitriiiTiic. I.'i t nl rlit in the Linden Street symi Koi uewas ci nimcinorat Hi t ei'iiita ust. The i'esti itl is ibserdaii as tile "P'cast i f 'i i i;s" and letall-i the. oi livct y of the Jews iroin spiritual b..tula,-?e. The I'"east also lecails the k!vI"K of tile In caloRue from Mount Sina!. Ibibbi .1. lueilielit last ni;rUt preached a timely I'entacostal sermon. The chinch was decorated witli palms und Powers, mid there was a special music 1 tc.ciaiiinie by an nusmeiUed choir. A similar service will be held in the t-ynugi'KUc this morning. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Ho!;.- communion w as administered at St. Luke's Kpiscopnl church at 7."i a. 111. Ib v. I'.ic-Ti ts Isrnel ineaclieil in the cveiiiiiK ut SI. Shirk's mission. lJnn-llloi-c. "S one Funis we Sleet" w as liev. W. II. Sltlbbltbinc's evening subject ill t'al Viit y lefornied ( liiirch. I lev. H. W. Luck, of Lew isbtlt K, pri I'.eb.i d the 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ! 1 1 Herman In the Upvi; !:i lii'-l'nlted Kvanselleal church. Ib'V. Dr. ('. IO. lbibinsotl's evefini; tin til" In tb" Second' Hresbyterinn eliuich was "iimi to Treat the limb, or W'luit lo do with the I 'hyslcal Man." Tlie Itl'lei noon i;iispe lllctiuK lit Voiiiik' Wiiineii's Cliristliiii ussociatioii l ull yestcrdiiy wits conducted by Miss Nellie .1. Al'u 11, ho is college secretary for I liis sta le. Al the 1'crvices in 'tallroad Yountf Slea's. chHstiiiu .tsierdny aflel lloiai ;;!Mc a.ii.l foi'i iffii mission work was ili.-etis.-"d and special music was. retrd-ivd. Ib-v. Thomns M. ilamlty. nf dvet-tnn. lhadlnr.l eoiiuiy, lias been appoitileil b.v lit. II'".. I ilshop 1 1'ilurn to sneer ed tile liev. .'idlll .1. I '1. Pel t;. . dee'.cis.'d. lis pastor , f St. J. din's Catholic church of li'iii'sd.ile. The iiiiiiiiul convention of the Tri County Cb.ristiau llieiec.vor tinion will beinld in I'ittsii.n ne-.t l-'rid-iy. liev. 'I'. I'l. Jcpsoll. pastor of tile Itereall lilip- tisi eltiirc I:. I 'nrliondale. will preach the eonvetition s rni'in. A. V. Howef priaehl'l in the Green Uid;;e I 'reslij t' l iun cloircli in the movii i 1 1 M". At T.-bi p. 111. special services f 'f IVOIllell i 111 ly Were held I' Hie lUIS- pieis 11 the Voiipi; Woiiien's Christ in n i:s.-oi int:o:. .Miss Carson, the i'iin;ci Ist, e unllleteil the meet illK. At T.i'.n o'clock last evening Miss Sara Cnr.-eni aibircs.-'-d a wonn-n's mass meet bur ut tic Co ci ,i Ride,. 1 'r. si 1) p'l'i 1:11 cliiirch. The In rwe audience room whs criiw i'td with women who li--t iu ,1 wit ii the eh S.-.-I attention to Miss Cur-son'.-- clcitiiciit and practical words. TUESDAYS CELEBRATION. I'ros r:i ;n in c the Sous ot' 1 clciiins Aniiivei'Mii ! . The followini; prnirramtne will be rendered ut the eyoroiscs to be held by lileuteiiunt K;:ia S. (iriflin p.ial. Ca'iii No. S, Sons of Veterans, on ll; occasion of their fifteenth atinivi rsat y, to be held on Tuesday tiiiiLy. Siay III. beluiiliiK at S o'clock, ill K;;ra S. (irlllin Post hall, over First Nation::! b.i.ik on I.acka waiitia nvi nt;c. An invitation I' is tended to rll veterans and their fami lies to attend. A :lnii.:sion f:'"0. 1. Addr. of w. 1 cc ic. J. it. Tli.uiiaii, ejiiiiiirnile I t-ii ixi Army oi' the Kc I'.-t ubll". 1'. Heroic March, llaydeii Laujo and Guilar club It. Selection c.iliiinbin guartilie J. Itecitatiuii .Miss Nellie Thomas Vocal solo Suss Ada Yon Slcfch ll. I'iano solo ...I'rol'es.-or Charles Johnson 7. il'-ci:ntion Siiss Susie l-'nher Norma'idie .Minch. ii.i.vdeu Ivinfo and GuPar club !i. I nn t .Misses Thomas and Fish-d- in. Kcciti'.tinn Cl'irb.-. i ailv' 11. I'iano sola Miss Larctin S.o -k 12. 'oci;l soio l::. Address ... 11. I'iano duet, 1',. Selcelion .. hi. Ilanio solo. vies Nellie 'I'll. or., is liroii . r J. Archie Junes .Columbian ituartette 17. Leeii.tiion Sliss Grace Goodrich Is. Piano solo ..I rofessor Cliarlcs Jchnsoa 111. Duel .Messrs. J. A. ami I'red .loncs in. Address . J. Colborn 21. I'iano solo .Miss IMiih lliuiliei ly HI Selection, li Hayilen it.irjo and Guitar club i'l. I'iano solo ..Professor Charles Johnson COMING ATTRACTIONS. John J. Kennedy nr.d his jrront com pany of players will lie nt the Froth iimhnm nil of this week when popular prices will prevail, ilesides Sir. Ken nedy, who Is n urefit fun maker, the company consists, cf the clever actor, Goor;re V. Hurt i r, and t!i" uifttd danc- :, Siiss lunula De Castro, ale union;, the members of the company. The company has its own special orchestra nnd miiKtiili cent scenuy. "A SlidniKht Kxpress" will be the bill for tonight. Of the Suref who w ill be seen nt the Academy of Siusic nil of this week the Heading liernld says: "Tlie brief lec tuies on hypotism with which Mr. 'Pnire pit faces the performance uicli niKht ure most Inti resting and instructive nnd those who have altemied every enter tainment have acquired some consider able knowledge of the nit. Tlie per formance lust nlKht was very nearly n coniplcte change from those cf last week, one of tlie most canvlncinR parts of it was Sir. Suite's throwinpr hito a hypnotic state snnie half a dozen per sons In the audience." rinns for n Chiidrcii's WnvJ. The executive committee ( f the Lurk awanna 1ms: itp.I has Instructed Archi tect Hidden to prepare plana for n children's ward. It will be Hlx'lil feet In size and two F'.nriM In hoiirhtn ami will be built on the Mulberry street side of the hospital lot. When the plans are completed tin y v.iil be submitted to tne state board of charities tor ap proval. -- - - . . I'l. ion i!ii)(!e stolen.' Farly Saturday mornlipc u Fnlnn cycle mvili il liy Conduelur Ii. S. i'-WHKe, of Hie Itliiomsluu'i;' dhlslon of the Dela ware, L'ickuwaima nnd We:-tern mil road, was stolen from th" St. Charles betel mmple room. The Ihlef entet-id the namile loom from the hotel corri dor nnd mode his escape throipsh n door Into the alley Utween the St, Charles nnd Connell'H hard'viue stnro. Pillsbury'g Flour mi.. hove , liy uf. 17,500 barrels u Cay. capne. ! PLAN TO POPULARIZE i THE PvACE TRACK An Appeal to D. Made t ; the -Ja-tars for Ciifcient Lev. s. THEY ARE NOT FAVORADLE NOW I Dr. il!;nm Iltii'icrly's Views un tar 1 Suh.ici tAn IMorl V ill lie Muii to Invi ttrn tlcctod lo the Xct l.i",is Intttre ho i'.l Secure Aiuecduienis to tin ::.istint: !ttp, Citizens with the IcTiilative bee In their bonnet will iiml it to their Inlcr ist to know that turfmen and farmer.; in not only this county, but thi'ouhc.'tt the state, have decided to agitate the cnaetnicrt of laws fjovernlnK tlie race track, which will ponuluri-e tlie sport in I enn'sviv.-.r.i.i. Dr. Wllliani Hnwrty o;itllned tle sur .iect to a Tribune reporter. !!". as i well known. or. f the most proiu Inent horsemen in Scranton. TP. P. i -tor said :hat the race track frcai n business :oiut of view h.-.s n crcat iu tliunce upon the prosperity of farmers. When : man rr.Isi s nn uniinal that possesses spied, be is aide to disi..:--i- of It with profit through the exldcnce of tl". rnee track und Mich belniT the case, stock (rmi nro ktpt and the owner;' reap : sidistuntbil protit. I'nt for the track, a man witli a fast horse for rnl would have to bnijwln with s 'in -wealthy !'crprin Inclined to buy. an-i thru wo.nk! no yield a fair value to th" seller. Those in '.his wlio are seek Iiik' '.he state 1' ylslamre will he r.skid to d line their views on the subject nnd it Is untn-e. ssary to add that If there should be any statesmen with conseii ti l i. ms sorti'ilcs ap'oliis leuralix inr; Hie race track such cp.nret rcn'on pldy expect the support on eh ilion day of the horsemen. i.i.i:.mi:nt ok T n-. llnpKeity was willinn to concede that there is an I'l 'im iit of pramblinu; ytirroiindinR the track that iirous' s moi-'l oppiisliioii. His answer to tills Is that the true horsemen nro nmoitK th- se who are most bitterly opposed to making a track a place where men are shorn cf their cash. There Is p vast d iii' fence between b"'ti;:': In a legiti mate way within rcasonnble nnd sen sible rrntinds on the result of n horse race and downright unmldinpt. s In severt'l states laws are now in force allow Inir racinir. Tlmusnnds of the best peotile in the country uo out daily In s-eusiiii to see a contest of Sliced be tween two or nm.iUK more of the nobl est of titiliniila. There Is nnlhinjj' In lltnl. notliiiiir disirustlnir. There is a betting I rink' for those who fee! that they are abb- tl.rotn:h s.hri wd fori sifiht to pick j the vlniiimr horse In (he race. If they v.'t'.nt to Iiuiul'-ro in a bet !( them do ' It under proncr circtiiiiserilied condl I tiens which e'"ect!vey bar the po'-sibil- It v of linaiicial ruin. Is wiial ihe doctor i says. I l.t iV I'l iI'' T!IK S I'M! i'l'. Ho iiri'ltes that il is not for the piir l pose of inuinluli'itiK' a ivuiiiblini: lusiitu -Hon that tneu ci :nb',:ie und build u race I track: they arc a'-tittitcd b.v Hie nine love of liorseniMI'sliio, lollali'ii! also of ; deriving a fair eotilvalert In Kate ro ; ceiots from '-he p.oolc w ho Joiiriiev to j S"e the races. And in order to brin;; i it 1 1. hi r laws (hut wbl lint inoiiize with 1 tile llevebC'lllcnt of Ihe tacillK' itlillll i try in this phase, tluy are astir cow j to procure from the prospective eiindi j (lutes for the letWIulur.- I ledites to sup-, i port any reasonable laws, relati.iK lo j the subiecf. I The Jaws on lair 'acini; now in if. ! feet in f'eiinsylvn: ia are t'si nt, Inca-iu in siiroe ies.u;ets Mevl u modi tiicc tioti is what Isde ited. Doctor IPit'i:, rty pave his as -'i'l'. Hu e tha'. the matter will be puslu d iliiriau the next c.tnip:i'.i,'n. NEW PLUMBING RULES. Srdtiti.ry Ctmiiuissit'fi Fiiiishtd Us Work on Saturday auii ii is Now R'.'aJy tor Adoption. The work of formulatlni: the new sanitary plunibir:;-,' riKiilaiiomi was com). h. ted on Saturday by liie spciial coiiiinissiiui coiisIstiiiK of Siiisler l'lumbor SI. T. Ilowby, of the linn of I: ! . & SI. T. ilowley, Aichitctt F. H. Hrow n. of the til ni of Frown Morris; Dr. V. 10. Allen, hi tilth odiccr. nnd I'tiilditiK Inspector John Nelroii. The new code will be siibiiill t.d to the board of health at Its next mo: ting. I FpOll it I llie lil 'iue jv .!! Iv.: ,P"t will e i Into ebeci. Ail pliiaib, v.iil have lo re:;'b'tcr ::tiii ta'.c oi;i icrtili cates, which ill ' bo iri! v id I. sue to i those who prove oo;u;: 'teni y by i;vpi.l'i ence or an exu mina l ion. Hereafter plans for plumldiiff work ! will huve lo be submitted to und ap I proved by the pluinbintr Inspector, an I oiliee which the ruler, coiit'.-nipluie. I'n 1 til such time as the Inspector is ap I pointed, width v.iil proiiahly be next ! year, the buib.iin; liisicetor will cx I amine plans. Atiiutur the new riHiilitions is one j prescrihiiif; that nil water closet work i shall bo open: that is. uncased b.v wood I or other such material. All soil pipes id or under a holme must be of cast I iron, so as to prevent the escape of sewer Kits. Slati rial wi'l lie examine 1 before beitiK used nnd when the job is completed It will be tested by the in spector. The coJe contains liity-slx rules in all. FOR THEFT AND FORGERY. Joseph leiier Mcnls 11 Checli, I'ortres the F'.ndorsenictit nn.l I'usscs It. (me Joseph I'cp" .' Is helur soufrht after by the police for tlie tlieft of 11 chick and forgery. On Friday he wus In the oflice of liob ert Adams, secretary of the Spring Hronk Water eotrntiny. and when no body was about, abstracted a check for .",D. made tmyuble to Joseph Steln-hatti-r, of W!!Ues-l!arre. Pepper took the check lo I'osner's clothing store on lower Lackawanna avenue and pur- Tli Hew- hoe "Store OF 1 lam IN THE 1 & mm Ccr. Wasiiinoii and tym, Expsct io sm 111. Kl III ill-IS, chase,! a suit, receiving several dollars in change. When Sir. Posmr attemptej to cash the check at the Kirst National liunk. he discovered that the indorsement was I a forRery. the bank oiiicials t eiiiff fumi j liar v.-i'.is the pa.w. s -'.tiaturo. .Mr I'o.-.'.er .i-.etM.p. ., ;,'..t i.u. a. . a I lepper's n-r-sf, bnt as y.t he Vas net I leva ci'.ptuttil. WANT THEAl TO CRESS ALIIIE. Kmidoycs of Scranton Trni'tio:! Co. ! iiut lion the tUuc by July 1. I An order has been issued I y tiie mm- j rsenitiit cf the Scrar.ten Tv-o lion c:n- i p-iry. il:i. lin tiait all the employes on the street cars shall equip them s.'Ivcj v,::h a l.iuir uniform. The men nit:. I cor.ip!;- w ith the order l.y July 1. The caps of tlie corduvtora aie to have a sucare i : ow n and straight piak. nnd those of the niotormen nr.. to be I .'11 shaped atui have a round peak. I The coi.t is to be i f ack cut. double j breasted, and live Ittttoaid. ii.ti-.i 1 men will not be ivnuirid to Pt ihein s lyes witli uniforms until they arc in tile employ of tlie company two months. I:EAT WAS THE CAUSE. Son nf Mr. i;ul Sirs, t'lciain-, of ;'i.5ui Street. Frii'-liiitcd Sutnrdav. The twer:ty-nioutl:-old son of Mr. nn.l Sirs. Thomas i'h mint., of Falta street, died ruiidctily S.'tutday, affected by the Ik art. The child wan cut of the Incise only tive minutes when his mni'.i (.r li und him mi' 'oesclnus in the yard. She situ itiimciPat. ly for Dr. J. A. JIanley, and tlioui:'n the dor tor culled vi ry ptcpipily the child was d. ad when he reached the house. An cx:ir.:ir.a'.to:i i-h owed thht P. cut had br.iU:;!it on ".'ii vi'.lsiutis, which ended In . .llcnioritil Ihc, O.-dcr. lleadiltiarters itiairire Hill post. No. MO, Department of I'ennsylvntii;'., Grind Alley of the Kepuhlic, SIooslc. Slay 11. is:1!!. Cen ral order No. 1: l-'itst lieorjre Hill pi -t will observe d-cy on Saiunlny. Slay "a. nnd It ; earnestly desired that not only the inf ill! a rs of the post, but nil old sol diers limi sailois unite with us in Kivlns honor t i our heroic dead. Second The following order of the day will n.iveru the post: At II a. m. Comrades Tiukleraiiirh. Heeler. Vil lard. .Millecand Weiseiitltie will proceed I to the err!, terb-s at Taylor and Sii- I tu. ni.d plant ill.- linn. j 'on. l.-.d' ' Wllilani Sainb-rs, ("aarle:; Mitidcrs. ,iii;.in Wibber. James Woo-bet- und ,J,.;-,ri Christian to t'ne I.air,' cli.Te and Catbci'c, at Avoca. Comrades Grocer. Haiuiin. Porter. Jlcad. 1'. tin. Tieulinson, Neal. Anita and Knatf lo the Marcy cemetery. At 1 p.. m. post will 'arseniblo'at post hall in Sloosic in full uniform nnd wea'--inir memiiiial bad"; s; line of march will lie taken nn at 1.,';n sharii. Third To all societies, oicianizallon.i, schools and every one. wo extend a cor dial Invitation to assist In these ser vices. The members of tile post will meet at ( omnmndcr Snyder's Sundae, May HI, at in a. m. in fun uniform, weurliic, ine I M.riiil biid;;es. to attend di ne ser vices at the i'ritaitivo ;,,.tho lbu Kpls copal eliuich in Aim i. i!y oriU ,- G. M. Snyder. . , I'est Commander. John Chi i.-tian. Aduiant. !mioii:ii I h.itiyc in Dcliiwiirc and limi su ii Time Table. nn Aioinhiy. Slay Dili, trains v. Ill leu vi' Sera nt m rs follows: For I 'at liet'dale .",. ! '.. s..'",, 111.!:, a. m.; lL'.nn noon: l.t. l'.ii, :i "," a",", ..'".. 7. .",7. !). Hi. in.::n. ii.;,.-, p. "' For Albany. Saraloe.i. SIoiiIiihI. Hus ton. New Kiifiland ludnts, etc. r,.;, a. tu.: L'.::o ti. ni. For I loiic.idiil' .",.!.-,, s.r.r,. m. i.-, a. nt.: p-mi noon;, r,.j. , j, For Will;; s-l lurre-ll. I',. 7.-1.-, x F, 'I ::K l".!.i it. in.; Pl.ii:,. i.l'ii. h.:;ii, :;.:;:. .1.41', M, 7.1V1. !.."!. H.:'s n. m. For Ni ,- Vork. i'liihtdclphla. etc., via la Iiecii ail' y 1 . 1:,, 7.4-, .,. ,.; Pi. nr.. J..:o. -1.41 twiiii Kiaek Diuniond cxpn ss 1 p. m. For Feiiiisyhaola railroad points (i. :"i. Ii.HS a. ni.; i'.::n. 4.41 p. m. For Western points, via I.chi.'-'h Vol ley ra!m:'il-7. 1", 11. m.; u.n:,, ;,.:;.( (with Flack Diamond express), .:a 11. us ji m Trains will arrive Scranton as fol lows; From Carbondale am! the North fi.4'i. 7.411. Mti. Il.lll, la. 40 n. in.: j i;o noon- i.or.. J.7, 4.7, a.!;,. 7.1c. 11.:;:; P. m. T'liun Wilkes-Mcvrp nnd the South .'.'n, 7..'iil, s..-,n, pi.pi, 11. a. m.- 1 It! L'.ll. :;.4-:, .'.L', li.jt, 7..-,:;. (),o:;. i.i.-, ij-.; p. 111. 1 ' " - v WONnFrtT't'T; nre Co cures nr-com-pllshed by licd's!Pa ami vet it i 1 only b. e ie. . ., o t's P." i.ii'a.IHa fl". one trie lean.! iniiiner, ln.-ikes pu-e rc luuitiiy Lluoil. IIOOD's! TILLS for the liver nnd bow r'ent'y' caM1''' yU b''ul"I"ly and chi 4AAiJi I&AAA.V, Way Ahead Of last year, department Kvcry Not a store in Scr.r.i- ton sliowinjr such a gathering of new goods, and prices even our competitors wonder about them. I Lddies' Watch i 1 l Solid 14k gold, good weigiit. rine war ranted Hlgiu move ment. No better watch was ever sold for 30, but we bought low and you can have one at near half price. $17. Tea Spoons To you that were disappointed in get ting a set of Rogers' genuine spoons week before last, wc just say come after i Lo day. We got 100 sets more at same price, zyc vor 6. I REND 303 j 3 LecIo. i;v. 'rvv'irr;WV'VTrvv'-vvv i IXii i '3 Mm Oo'iiage. IVctty lot.!; j-reuier axid Ciip;ctl:ul CDviiC'iir.ivuts. Jaidcj r.ictei. Flower Stands and Tcdcs tals on wlikli to put them add to the licauty of tlie ctttae ; show I !;inls and llowcts to Isticr ad vantage. It isn't necessary to life tl:c "best china" or ui:i!;e out sviih kitchen crockery. cry attractive dinner and tbilet ware can 1c boucht fi r very little money uow-a-days, cheaper lar than tlu commonest stoneware of uot so very Ion ao. Wc are t::;:ki:!o a fejture of Suin in cr ccttae trade. Lamps, Lnn-terns-'thers tie lots of necessi ties as v.'cll as comfort surges tin ns here. r7 u ma rial! WEICEEL li UILLAR, Walk' in and look tiroiinJ. a, uvjy i, .THE DIFFERENCE . lmy nulit. I' tlmr slight qimlit'y if ; rr:LV.tir:tiH'f. V want th- triuli' ol' in n : whi) ( ii'Minzo liy havmu' tlitr i-cfrjar ut' t in tu hi, at crciiomiciil iirici-". V'o'ron'v J an.ions lor vour lirst- oi-doi. Athjr tint you'll tomt) lit'H' auyvvay. ll KNOX AND STlTriON AtP.aNCY. fw-e fc . Aficr mm. n LiwiiiUi The doctor is now locatyj over the ruinous Shoe Store, U-li Lack wunnu ah.'iuie, where he maybe consnltcvl 011 all cases vt Lye, liar, 'ose and 'fci'-ront trouble. Special care given t difficult live I'iltin-.!. m mi wA LAWN f,i0WI5!l. Is fit i-l witli nn impr vm1 Cutter Ilur of sol M t? sici-l t-'iiiiitinMl in inl. . Tin Knives liavo u vo-'iivo 4&!ienr" mt nml nro iv-vil: I m! )y a i r.rvuL imitwvl 'Alicro ntntctt.p AtMiislrtieni." 'lint H!:it MinM ;i l'hn.;n!ior-bironz j Ihvii ijn.s. ntttit:: uwatly tts . i i inics in l'umii.itf. 'i'liiH Lj;n:Iriii.' litis a i,mv liiall able iruu huii-ill- h: are iti miv i" i. In sinipp -ity fl eormrniftion. onseaiul tww rary in .pci ation, dnrttliility and lini-!i, this mower un-lnubtcUly tno hvt "liyht" mow er in the market. PRICE- 12-lKCil9 .. 1 1 111 liO WH!ST0;i HEiJUl THE 101 rati a, RC3ii!3 I m 2, COrLT!! DI'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. HSIilfiS tai) ELASTISS SI.VDH AT MO03TC AND IU.'3H DALK WOrUiS. LAI-'M.N & RA.NU I'OWDUR CO'S 0RANGE3 GUN FOWDER Klectrlc lintterii'S, I'luctric KxiilodeM, fir cx ploi!Pi(,' bliiHts, Safety Push, ui.d Repaano Chemical Cj. 's u:-!:otv2s. WW COo 9 11 m si ins 21 M SB 831 UM An clcsaat ar-sortnictit at t ices that are very low consideriu; the iitialily,, etc., is Lliuo slmv, a at our store. If you are tUiukln? of buyinj a Spring Suit cal I in anil loo"; at our stock it Vitll do you gcoil. and ui, ton, of course. Wc arc almost suro you will buy cannot resist GUii HAT Al-D rUHf!SS!S!?!G GOODS DEFT Is replete wilh cveryiliiutj that is new and; all the latest styles anil alurs. Cull iu aud be eoaviaced. Glihisrs, Ifeuerau Furmsrisra On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Also the Largest. (WIMMEEttSniB Porcelain, Onyx. fit: Silver Novcllie in Im'inlte Vrl.-:y. I.utcst Iraportations. Jewelry, Waters, Diamonii fl. E. ROGERS, .fn-e'er and , . , . Watchmaker. i 5 LlClMaaili AV3. Our garmRnts for t'.io inspection of all. Wc nro not afrtiitl of closa scrutiny by tlio public. All wa waut i.H careful cxiitiiiiiatiou and are suro the goods will advertiso tlifiiiselvcs. We tiro the leaders in fir-it-clasa Clothing. Wc solicit) a call, know in;.; we cau pleao you. 4iB LP.CMWftfrU fl'JElE. KWCB!. Jc IIU1WIW MUM IIWI ISO W'i omSng Ave. AND DUiilOM JEWELRY, CLOCKS m EoOiiZES, RICH CUT GLir' STERLING UND SILVEPi FLtTED W&RE. LEMHER BELTS, SILVER NC'JELTIES, FiNEGOLD m SILVER WATCHES. Jswslsrs and Silvarsniiths, 1.10 WYOMNU AVE. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, AMerman cili Ward, Scrantoa ROOMS AND S OAS AND WATIiR CO. BUILDINQ, COFiNER WYOLiiKG AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE noma from 7.r0 n. m. to 9 p. m. (1 hour iniurinissioii for dinner and tuppor.) Partlcii'ir Attention (ilven to Cnllection.. Prompt ! i.ittriii. nt (iuarantced. Your Bust. 1: ii Kcspccitutiy bol.t.tcd. iclcpllono 134. TS V i; p"" mil your dj-c irtll : EV' 'j,'.A.m - lire of you. If you urn) r i-T- ti"ii.i!eii with head hi V.'lJ!.'! 'if'A l:t! " '' iiTV(i.,:i . .-J lOUil UkUU poiuOIl.SllliillJUitG'S r.nd Pa ve ycur oyes p::ri,,i;ii!J frru, s. li-ive r.'diii'.d priee.1 ti'mi nro tlio low.-..t ill iiio eiiv.i Niciiul 't ic .mm yi to ft; mUI I'roai M to u. 403 Spruce Street, bci union, i'. I J I Hold 1111 , 1