THE FCItANTON TRIBTTNE-MOInDAY MORNINO. MAY 18, 189G. 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Will liuve on sale .Monday an J hul. unco f week the following spec ials. As usual, our customers will tiiivl till Roods exactly as adver tised. Kindly remember that we cheerfully refund money when customer so doires. 55 l;llll-' liKUIV'l ill-d IlllllllKll'lUt ltrillkintiiie skirts, I, worth leader's ruin:, sv. 2". indies' eleaunt hrne:ntcd silk .upe.-, al.-o . : Lit satin handsomely trimmed with ribbon Hii'l lace, lined IhroiiKii iiiiI with silk, worth ST. LEADER'S t'UlKi. S!.. 5 children's reefers in navy blue. mxe four lu fourteen. wnrili SI."". LEADER'S i'KlCK, !'.'. Our validly nnd siyics of ladies' und misses' shortnalsls arc more numer ous than rer. We will place on sab additional lots of choice goods made in verv lies: m inner. LHADHIFS PRICE. ."J-.. 1!-, T.. .ml up wnnl. 1" dozen of men's fancy l.inndrie.l Miidriis ne-.;lii,co shirts, collars aim culls attached, endless variety of new and attractive iiatterns, rctular price, ll.oo. LEADER'S PRICE. 3K One lot of boys' iinlaundil.-d n-reule waists nicely made and all si.". . leaders price. One lot of ladles' figured lawn ninht howiis. Empire style. i,n.iii:i!'s price. $.-. Complete assortment of children's an.l misses' parasol. PRICES RANGING Kltn.M l.'c to $1.19. Ladies' silk Mini satin parasols, both in plain an. I fancy, Im 21 ami 2i'.-inch PRICES HANGING FRi'M upward. ttldoisi n of the i-cl Prated ,1. It. Co-sets, made liy the Importers of 'lie 1'. 1. Corsets. In while only, all flues, al ways sold at LEADER'S PRICE. Wc. 10 pill-en of extra ipiality ,'iiMm-li French st-rm. all pure wool, real value, il! -., i,KAin:it'S price, wc All of our line Sue. ami colon el wool dress goods in one lot. leaders price, tr.u-. All of our 35c. ami 4m-. dress Koods In one lot, leader's price, isc. 25 pieces of colored 1l u I-1 mohair, also checkc'l wool ilress goods in one lot, CHiilCI-: !" A XV. 11'. All of our linn novelty ilress puitcrn. ' these Koods embrace all the latest Parisian novelties; we offer them to sell them quick at ."". on the ilollar. We are determined not to carry any over. 6,l sailors for Indies ami children. FRu.U 25c All of our fancy rlMions In the nilli lip nery ilcpai'Uneiit at a reiluctioti of l'." lel- cell I. Special reipicllon hi the j.rlco ot li-lmmeil an.l mil riinme.l 'Si pieces of Umiiv.l soft tiitish liutlsle. real value !c., l.lOADIMfS ruifi-:. 2fi0 remnants of line Imlia linen wotihl cost from luc. ami l.'c, off the piece, i,KAlKI;s ritli'K, eC. renmanta line l-'rench Nainsook, woiil-l cost from i'.V. to Due. off tin piece, l.lOAIiKlfS l'IMi'l 9c. i; ilnxcn of cotton towels, woi'tlt .jc, I.KAOKIfS I'llK'i:, 2'-.-o. pieces of !i-l unlileachcil slieetlni; Wol'lll l.'.c, I.KADKIt'S I It U 'K, lie. 2."i extin iinnliiy while Marseilles ipillts worih lKADKlt'S l'l:U'K, .Wo. M ilo'.eii of line pearl buttons, worth 10c. a ilossen, I.KADKIt'S I'ltlCK, .V. LEBECK & CORIN BAKESHOP BILL SIGNED. Honrs ol nlior Limited a ml Sitnittiry Knli-s I'.nncti cl. .May 17. The Rovernor has A Illicit ImUc.sliop bill, whicli every city In the state. It hours of labor to not more Ailinny, sinned the lipplles to limits the than sixty hours per week. It further provides that no now used us ti bak liar or basement not ty shall herciificr bo occupied and used ns a bakery, unless the proprietor shall have previously compiled with the sanitary provisions of tills net No domestm anlmnl. except cats, shall be allowed to remain in a ruiim used as a biscuit, bread, pie or cake bakery, or any room In such bak ery where ilour ur meal food products Hre sloled. The sleeping places for the persons employed In a bakery shall be kept separate from the room or rooms w here Hour or meal food products are nn:ini lactiued or stm-ed, and the factory In spector or a deputy factory Inspector limy Inspect urn h sleeping pluces if they nre on th-- same door as the bak ery and order them cleaned or chanced In compliance with sanitary principles. .Owners or am iits are made responsi ble for tin- condition of buildings. Six additional factory inspectors are 10 . have i.-hiifK" of the enforcement of the law. elopers Serenaded. .Mount Kisko Itesitlcuts Orort .Mr. anil Ills. Pellon ilk n It ia- itaud. Mount Kisco, May 17. I'lvderick Pol ton, the junior nuinbi-r of the real es tate firm ot Carpenter & Pellon. of this village, who eloped with Ali.-s Maud "dllier. returned here with his bride I.i:it night. They were married in Jtrooklyn, at the home of a relative of the bride, and pttssed their honeymoon in the flygia hotel, at Old Point Com fort, Va. As soon ns It became noised about that tiie young couple had returned tho villagers decided to serenade them. The Mount Kisco brass bund was se-i-urt-tl and tho serenade was given nt the residence of Klwood Carpenter, president of the Mount Kisco bank. It was a sort of reunion for the villagers, fur nearly every one attended the ser enade and congratulated tho young couple. BOOMERS AT RED LAKE. .Five Thousand People Kciuly lor the Hush for Tree Homes. , St. Paul, May 17. Five thousand peo ple are gathered about the borders nf the Red Lake Indian Jli servation wait ing in the cold and ruin for the signal that will ullow them to rush for land. The funning lands rfle very rich, and the rnee for them promises to be excit ing, although the mud will prevent any record-breaking speed. At the Croowston land ollice filers litive been stunding In line for two duys, and notwithstanding the Aoather, the number lu line is undiminished. The reservation is an irregular shaped ter ritory In Northwestern Minnesota, with an estimated area of 4,000,000 acres, the iarger uortlon of whliXwlll hu thrown open today fur settlement. FINED THE TEXAS MILLER. Judd l'leuilcil Guilty to Violation of Interstate Commerce Act. . Kansas City, Muy 17. Homer A. Judd, formerly president of the Indian Rice Milling company, who pleaded guilty several days ago on four counts to violating the Interstate commerce laws, has been sentenced by Judge Phil lip to pay a lino of $:!5u on the second count only. The first count was for conspiracy and hu others with, for reporting fnlsu weights. The lx-nalllcs on the other counts will bo fixed ut the November term of court. Mr. Judd was recently Indicted by tho federal grand Jury, and . Wtt brought here from Texa to under go trial. PERENNIAL QUARREL ON AT SARATOGA ; Since the ui'tion ut Chicago, Dr. Wlth- Geocral Assembly oi the Presbyterian i rm'a vote hn hecn the subject f ex . . . n i i I plntiatlon and an apolosv in the public CnurCD ITomiSCi to 1C Lively. ,,,-esn. "I was actuated w ith a desire to ! avoid contention," are his words. "I ! iicot'iilzed his lack of technical train- OLD AND NEW METHODS OF STUDY j ms,.i.ut his wish to be with us offset th i I tut. liut his ish to be with us offset the j errors I believed he would uutKrow. .,.,.,, i, .re. I I thouuht it would do less harm to re- 1 11 , 111- I!"" ' ' ' by Ihr lutrrmiiinble itritjes fuse Hill Attain Ue llrouulil Oii--liiwii of l'l-nci' i Still Fur Awu Some lli-avy l iuliti-rs Arc I'n imrins lor the Battle. New York, May 17. -The perennial quarr l in the Presbyterian church over the old and m-w methods of Dible study. Is to have a fresh airitiK tills week til Siu-inus. Tli. re on Thursday, at noon, opens the one hiindn d and t-Uhth session of the Rom-rul assembly l the I'rcsbvtcriiin clinrcli. noiin, aim the ii.ilns and distress fliKemiereu o.v the interminable liriws ;i"e are to Ik- In endured. This time trom preseni mitlook, there is promise or a session oi Kieat-r secrity, than the church ha t experienced In its Ions anu ouk i succession ot accusations, unus, urn.- eraiiees and ex-eonimunications, oi which Dr. IMIkks, I'nlun seminary ind the I'.ible have been the subject. The dawn of pence, which was promises in the stent .Memorial Love feast nt 1'itts- burK last year. Is not yet at mum. rm xpocl.-d developments In unexpect ed ipmttiis, li.ive reveaieu new i sources in jiusso.-sshm of the liberal mi lioruy in uie eoui.o. , nt tne heavy lighters of other assemblies nro i chosen commissioner this year and uosen coiunossimici - hoj- - . ; Ley have their battle planned for them. ' loth sld. s ate now i-anvassint; to pain I th lu. ill luissesslon of the organization of tin assembly and the canvassing proceeds on lilies very like those made familiar in political I'uni lions of the day. Strange to say the minority, which on count ol hands in the past great trials for heresy, has been so astonishingly small as to lie scarcely worth the counting; this Inconsiderable minority has been time and again on the point of capturing the assembly by shrewd manoeuvres In the canvass' for the moderntorship. These tactics ate again In play. I ..list year, at Pittsburg, the eon serv;t Ives uut-numherini!- tin- liberals four to one. saved their cause nt the last moment by uncovering the schemes of the New York Presbyterian bankers to secure the di feat of Dr. Hooth. ACTION liW.A.N AT ('UlCAdO. This year action began at Chicago. As in the past two general assemblies the candidate advanced on the liberal side as the champion of ponce and work, has tin- high rank of a busy and successful city pastor. As before, they propose in opposition to the conserva tives, a man with the reputation of soundness in the faith and staunch con servatism. Such a man. in IMil and again in lMCi. receiving the vote of ev ery liberal In the assembly gathered such strength from the conservative side as to bring him within u few votes of the moderntorship. i!ev. Dr. John I.. Wlthrow, of the great Third Presby terian church, at Chicago, is named for that ollice by Kill I or liray, or the In terior, as a representative of the "pro gressive" type In the church. In an editorial announcing Dr. Witiirow'.-. candidacy, the Interior describes the theological ipiarrcl in the church as a dln'crence of type of man, not of doc trine, anil calls upon the church in Up coming assembly to disregard this dif ference and to recognise, in the Inter ests of the etliclency and happiness of tiie church, the equal value of both di visions In' the common cause. Coming from litis source, the candi dacy of Dr. Wlthrow has alarmed the conservative party beyond measure. Tiny see In It a repetition of the light of last year, when Dr. Page was forced out from the conservative side to stand ns the representative of the liberals. "It Is a well laid plan, and I fear it w ill suc d," said one of the oldest and most experienced campaigners. "If elected," he conlinued, "Dr. Witiirow will place no barrier in the way of un doing nil that the assembly has done for truth in the last live years." Kdltor tiray and the Interior may be classed as resolutely and unchangeably in opposition to the settled course of the conservative parly lu the church. His nomination of a candidate, whoever In might be, would In itself arouse the con servatives. Put there is more to cause uneasiness hi this ipiarter. DR. WITIIIiOW'S VoTK. Dr. Wlthrow cast his vote in the Chicago Presbytery to receive l-'rank V. Vronman as pastor of the Kirkwood church in that city. Air, Yoornuin's reception by the Chicago Presbytery created n furore in the West that was eipialled only by Unit caused by the llriggs case in New York city. Accord ing to his own statement publicly made nl a meeting of presbytery he "did not expert to Ibid n rational being who be lieved In every article of the Westmin ster confession of faith." He denied a full and clear belief in the doctrine of the Trinity as It Is commonly noeepb -d and stated uneipiivorally his disbelief In the inerrancy of the bible. After an examination of his belli i in particu lar by a full presbytery, Mr. Yoorman was received after an avowal of his belief and acceptance of the confession which lie had previously discredited. CURSED. For 16 Yeats Comp3lled to Eat a Pound of Poison Waokiy. Saved at Last by a Wonderful Anli tidote An Almost Incredible Story of Suffering Told by a Louisianian It Is wonderful what a l.uman being will endure. ,lust look around and see tho people day after day toying reck lessly with life and health, the most precious thlnus we have. Nature will not be Imposed upon. She Is bound to get even to square ac counts. So man starts a habit, but na ture continues it, and. for punishment, he can't quit. Take the case of Ueorge Itathban. For sixteen yeurs he had to 1111 111.", system with piosou to keep from going insane, and lie would still he in the inck of torture hnd not Nn-To-Pac cured him i-uiiil the habit of sixteen ytuis in sixteen days. Head his letter. Pnnlta. La., Aug. IS. INHC. Gentlemen: I have been coinpletely cured of the tobacco habit by using No- To-ISac. I used tobacco over seventeen yi-arB, four pounds a month and I be Hove that No-To-Ilac will cure any one that will take hair u box. I took six tablets one day. three the neiEt, three the nexi, und one the next day, and I was completely cured. After thut I had to take eight more tablets to cure me ot nervousness, Twenty-one tablets, you see, made a llnaJ cuiv, and all In sixteen duys. I can very highly recommend No-To-3iae to all who an. cursed with the tobacco habit and wnnt to get rid of It. One box will cure the worst case I ever saw. Very truly yours, Ueorge Kathbnn. Now, dear reader, tobacco-user for a llttlo or a long time, don't say "1 can't be cured." No-To- Hue makes It so easy to nuit, and will do you so much good for your nerves, IiIikuI and manhood. You don't hnve to take our word for It. Iltty It from your own druggist un der alwoluto guarantee of cure, Gel our booklet "Don't Tohnono Bplt. und Smoke Your LICe Away." .. Written guarantee and free namnleH mailed for tho asking. Address The Sterling Rem edy company, Chiuago of New York. t)ne of the votes In his favor lielnR that of Dr. Wlthrow. This uction of the l"resliytery haa re sulted In a complaint and a protest which may find for the ruse a place on the calendar u the general as.semlily. ceive him than to create a contention In ! the rresbytery over his reception. i It Is this action and this explanation ; of iiis ucti ui that Is the basis of op- ;"iositlon to Witiirow on the part of the j i ieAilimr conservatives, "He would be u ; I man pliable in the hands of the crafty j I liPoiuN '' I.-, the comment of a censer- vulive. iit MoXTl-'liRT S CAl'SK. Dr. I'tank .Montr.ut. editor of the ller.iid and Presbyter, will stand as the : candidate of the western conservu- j tin s. Tncre is not the shadow of a t : ilmibt as In what Dr. Montfnrt would , I do, V..M- hi- in the moderators chair. ' ' lie is a conservative of the conserva- ; lives. His name is cnoimli to settle 1 the faintest stiKrP'rllon of doubt on that ! ! scoie. Personally, ns editor of the j lierald and Presbyter his Inllm ip e has j i l,i i n constant and itm-ensinK t-n the i tide of the old order of theclosienl ' ' belief and blbliiul study, lie has been 1 thtou-.Th the thick of the light at fin- ; I cinuati in the Smith case The New I yorlt conservatives would be lutislled j I to rest their trouble with Dr. Urines i and I'nion seminary In his hands, but j I then- Is another conservative above the herlixn. Dr. David It. I'.lecd. of the I I First (hiiri-h, Pittsburg, lie stood as j h forlorn hope of the conservatives of , two years airo and the almost solid ' liberal delesatl-m I'nmi I'hienKO in the : .I,e,.l,.eieiil sem "-"i" "'7,:' V''. " " maty nili'i lim;u naiaiunii. . - ,,' . ,'' Hl' .... . . Dr. I treed, moreover, is a man oi ni eiii character and line persona! niiluaranie, ailalde, aKteenble. anil popular. Ptlntf a pastor and not an editor, w .ntld irlve him ndvnntapre of Dr. I IWontfort In such a contest, for the tnin- ivtet-s of the Presbyterian church are , not fond or their editors, line factor j In the contest Is the strength of the 1 western home missionaries who com iu force to the assemblies. The candi dates for moderator chosen by the lib eral side have linn men of strong mis sionary spirit, and this vote has been cast usually on their side. With two such nu n as Dr. Montfort and' Dr. Ureed i to divide the conservatives there Is I much -round for thf hopeful view- of i Dr. Wlthrow s' chances Indulged lu by the liberals. I FINANCIAL QCKSTION. Kiiuaily Important with the selection of it moderator will be consideration of the low llnanclal status nf the great benevolent hoiirds of the church. The home and foreign mission boards ure practically bankrupt, and such has been their condition for two years. They came before the assembly last year with the enormous debt of half a million dollars. To raise this sum the boards bad to hypollucateevei scrap of stocks and bonds in their possession, the ac cumulations from legacies of many years. Peyond tills, their real estate possessions on Fifth avenue wore weighted with heavy mortgages exe cuted to raise money to build the great Presbyterian palace on that thorough fare. A -grand committee wus appoint ed to raise a million dollar memorial fund lor the benelil of the hoards. This I committee has been tit work the past ! yiar and the result of its labors will I e known. In all probability the board's brills are swollen fifty per cent, while the million dollar ei'lort will be seen to have been a failure. The theological seminary control project also conies up again having been re-submitted to the seminary boards for further action. Such" action has bren taken and the eommiitee will assemble tomorrow in Saratoga, to digest and prepare a re port. RUTGERS GOVS AT THE CIRCUS. The lloss Show man and II is Army Awed the I nrnly Students. New Hrunswick. May 17. Friday night about pm Itutgcrs college stu dents. ..-caring white duck trousers and military coats, wen to Hob Hunting's circus. When a clown made his ap pcaiance he was guyed unmercifully. The trick dogs rushed out of the ring In disorder, the lady In pink tights refused .to do her trapeze act. the "greatest liv ing bareback rider on earth" said he would forfeit his salary before he would appear he fori' those howling wolves, and the ringmaster lost his voice trying to be heard. After half an hour of noise and eon fusion, the rest of the audience began to take sides with the clown, hut the louder the people hissed the more en thusiastic and prolonged were the Rtu. dents' yell. "You look like gentlemen." com menced the clown. "Hravo:" yelled the hundred students, "liut do you Intend to annoy these 2.MH) women and children who have paid to see this show?" (Cheers.) "Have yuu no respect, have you no mothers or sisters'.'" Loud cries of No trom the students. The clown stopped In despair, and after a short lull the students got new courage und began to throw things. Then the man ager gathered 'together ull his avail able canvas men, trainers, hostlers, cooks and laborers, and marched them diru-tly in front of the students. "Now," said the manager, "tile llrst noise that come.! from you fellows w ill be the sig nal for a charge. Your 'hospital won't be large enough if my men jump in." BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS. The Lehigh lallcy's INcv Fiver Will; .Make lis I'irst Trip Today. New York, May 17. The lllaek IMa mi'iid express, the new anil m.-ignllicenl train which the Lehigh Vullcy Hall road company will put into commission -Monday, inaugurating u fast limited service over their road between this city nnd HutYalo, wus on exhibition yes terday at the company's terminal in Jersey City and was Inspected by large irovyds. The train consists of four cars, each built especially for the new service and the company claims they are the most perfectly appointed anu handsome In the world. There are two I'ullman coaches, built after the latest approved models, a mammoth combina tion baggage, dining und cafe car, and a I'ullman observation car. An exact duplicate of the train exhibited in Jer sey City was on exhibition in liuffulo. and both trains w ill be put in operation simultaneously from New Vork und liuiinlo Monday. They will be run daily, Sunday ex cepted, leaving their terminal at noon, arriving at destination at 10 p. m. Con nection with these trains will be made to and from I'hlladi lphia. at llethle hem. The new flyer will go against time on its first trip through the state Mon day, and the olllclnls of the company declare that tho "Hlack rHamortd ex press" will prove to he the "queen of the fust trains of the world." OBJECT TO AMERICAN PROSPERITY. Kcliinlty's l'rcsidcntinl Chances Cause Consteruation in IScrlin. Herlln, May 17. The approaching prctddentlul campaign In the United States is exciting unusual Interest throughout Germany, particularly In the manufacturing- centers. In conse quence of the prospect that McKln ley'wlll be successful In securing the nomination In t'.ie Republican conven tion with more than ever chances of his election, Mr. iMcKluley'H success In the elec tion next fall is e really dreaded here an hla election would be reardud as an Inevitable return to extreme protec tion In tho United Htatea. Extreme Prostration w From Fevers of every description, especially typhoid, is the doctor's fear and the patient's danger; medicine is of but little avail, sufficient nourishment to c rent e n c w strength to carry the patient over the crisis is what is nec essary, a persuading of the great machinery of the body to jjo on with its work is t h e c n d sought after; hence physicians recommend ovinine that greatest of concentrated food preparations, that creator of strength, maker of llesh tissue, and blood enricher, which, putting the vital organs in their normal condition, enables them to dis pel disease. Dr. G. Curson Young of Phillipsburgh, N. J., says, " I have used Bovinine with great satisfaction. One case, an old lady of seventy years, con valescing from typhoid fever, but very slowly, gastric irritation complicated with extreme pros tration gave but a faint hope of recovery. I gave her Bovinine, a complete restoration to health followed." PENITENTIARY FIRE. Three I, urge I'acloiies, Where (151) Convicts Worked, Arc Itiirnctl. Kuttawa, Ky., May 17. Fire was dis covered In the boiler room of the South ern Shoe company In the branch peni tentiary at lCddyville. last evening at S o'clock. The big brick building of the Southern Shoe company, valued at $10. UOO. Is a total loss Including machinery and stock worth $.Vi.(Kh). The building, machinery and stock of the Southern Prick works was biii-ncil, Iofs $10,Uim. The Kddyvllle Wagon company's losses are Sliumu. The total loss may reuch $lno,l"n, with very little insurance. About O) prisoners ure left without employment. VACCINATION IN SCHOOLS. Hilwanlice .'dan Give I p His Loll!; Tight Against the Utile. Milwaukee, May 17. The famous suit of the slate ex rel. John Si-hlerf against the school b'ird of the city has come to an end. The plaintiff has given up the light, and the case has been withdrawn from the Supremo court without costs to eith er party. Tills was the case involving the right of the school board to en force the rule requiring that pupils shall be vaccinated before they are admitted to the public schools. A WORD. WANT3 OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MPCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VA WK. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAi'.O.-: WILT. PR LFSs THAN JT. CF.NTjt. TUTS IUU.T? AP PLIES TO S.MAI. T. WANT AI3.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH AP.E INSERTED FREE. Helq Wanted-Male. yX PER buTfuACrTFilirY O' eirculiil-s: i-Mclose 4 cents, l.'. ti. IIS- TIHIIUTiXU 1IUHI;AU, Chicago. W'ANTKD-AN Alii-NT IN EVEUY SI-'.i: Hon tpcnnvicm: F4.iH'tiS"i Waibiv null-; mils nt hit-in: iiImui man to h.-II Unmls to ili-nli'1-s; best, side lino JT.YlKJ a month; sal ary or larirH criniiiiihsion mailt; cxp-rii-nr-j iiniiecissii-y. Clifton sup will Jlaiuifuctar in ir Co., Cincinnati, O. TVANTED - VKI.L-KNOVN"mA ' 12 ' i-vt ry town to solicit Ktnek milisi-rin-tions; a nioiiiiiHilv; big innni-y lor risjcnts: iti capital required. KDW AliL) C KiSH SCO., Dorilen Iilix-K. CliitM-.'o. III. KelD Wanted Females. UrANTKll ATONCK -'sVRVffltV,: must givu gouil reference. Apply at ,Vi7 loni-un avenue. y axted-kxpki:ii-:.nci:1) & luy-Kr.K.p" er; must le well ri'i-onini'-nibv.l uni must bo able to givo b unl. IJ. U. C, Tribune ollico. I ADIKS-I MA UK bill WAUE-t DOIXU 1 J pli iisuiit Ik me iverii. mill will ghtilly -enl full pnrtiealio-H to nil irinling u' ci-nt Maine. JlIsS 11. A. 8TEKIU.NS, Lawrence, Mich. UrANTED-l ADV A II EXT IN SCRAN ton to sell and Intrnibice Stiyiler'a eakfl icing: i-xporiiTitceil cauvuvor preferred: work 1 iirinuneut and very pi nil t.-t hip. Write for pitrticuliim at once a'ml get bom-nt. of holiday traiic. i. li. dlk oc tu , Cincinnati, t) VANTHD IM .MEDIATELY TWO potio ntlosMoiiiou to ropres nt n fluaranteed fliaibiy without Interfering with other duties, lb althf nl ticiMipution. tVrito for particular, inclosing stump. Mango Chem ical Company, No. i John atri-et. Now York. For Re .it. tWWWVW i KL'ITSOE KtlD.VS Full KENT. 4 AM) "i rooms each. Inquire or Arlnross J. V. Zur Ilitdi. &17 Lackawanna avciino. A SICE STOKE I'liU KENT. SUITABLE for liny khul of bnsinesi-, a nlco rien entrance from Spruce. Wash jigton. anil Adams uve. Uet't. Clieap. Will tiivo possession at nnc. Ai ilr ss, .1. W. Znrlliidi, or call up stairs of same place, ."17 Luekawanna aviuuo. t.Oll KENT-HOUSE COXTA1NINO 8 J morns, hot and rold water, with bath, apply on pleads- s. 1XM Wa-lilmin Streit. I. OCR KOOML, o!:l Olive t.troct. arraiiTOil 1 fur built hoi Be'.ieepin; newly painted anil p:ipi-red. .OR KENT-HALF OP DOUBLE HOUSE: J modern improvements; rout reasonable; nil nor ot I'iiie unit U iikely ttrcuts, Di union-. 17IOK PENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE: ALL I modern toiiveuii'iicus, luquiru at l"3 Washburn at. I.'OR FURNISHED HALL 1 suitable for ludgo rooms. JOHN JElt MVN, HU Wyoming uvonaa. For Sale. TXiri SALEOR KENT- HIX-ROOMEDCOT-J Inge. Wyomlnir Cainn Ground; partly furnished. W. H. HAZi.ETT. Scranton. . lOK HALE-llORSF, AGED SIX YEARS, 1 wcinlit I.IU0 pounils; i-au be ueu at Ut'l Price street. I.-'OR SALE MY COTTAOE AT ELM J linrst nnil tlin four lots nn whieh it stunils; iiNotuu four lots ail jiiinlng: most do RlrnHe location in Elmhurst: prkus roasoiia hie: trrins t-nsy: pofKOssion Rlveuat once, K. I'. KINdSltUHY. tommouwcnlth Building, ttcraiitun. ye. T. OR SALE-TWO HORSES, 'j PUTCHEU .. v.n011H- 2bucitlos, 1 alt-lirli, harnt-ssesnnil till rf I nichur's nutllt; nlso mint market for 1' tit ; tiling cut of business; must 1k sold by April 1st. Inquire of L E. BCHULLEB, Blakaly. struet, pompon. ' CoonoSSv CaSI and see them. They're worth more than we ask. CONNOLLY & Agents Wanted. UrANTED-SALF.SMAN: SALARY FROM stiirt; peruiHiit-iit time I'.UOWX DitOS. CO., Nurserymen, Roi-ni-stpr. 2i. V. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL C1CIARS; $, j per month salary ami esrons-s paid. Ailiiriw. with two-cunt stauip, F1UAKO Cl UAH CO., ChieaL'o. liENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL 1 V ipilil, silver, nickel nnil copper electro platers; price from $1 npwanl: salary und ex prnies paid; niittlt Irne. Address, with stamp, .MiCH"-41 J"',,, 'O- C'lilniKii, CENTS TO SELL CIO RS TO DEALERS; .:V S'i werklv ami expanses; expriencj nn necessary. CONSOLIDATED JU-'O. C'J., 4 Van Buren St.. Chicago, CALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: O p-r coat, commission; sanqilo iiooll mailed frea. Adilrvi-a L, -N. CO., Matlo'.i L, New York. T ONCK-AtiENTS"" APPOINTED7 TO ' sell new lihtniiur selliiif; table cloth.mos nid'o ittul lioiihu lly liquid at 1U coiits and -3 wis a lo tie. Sample, troe. UOLG1ANO SI'F'll llo., Baltimore, Mil. GENTS-HINDE R PATENT UNIVEK r sal Hair Curlers ann Wavers fus.-d with out heat), anu "l'yr rointHi"Hair Pins. Lili- ral cominisHions. Freo s-implo nnd full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 1&1 Now York. Sealed Proposals. riEAt.rn pnnpnsAt b wit. p.p. p O -eivufl by rhe Cliairma-i of the Home1 ComnuttP, of the Scranton Pour llcnril until l-ridiiy, .luno "1, I'.llil. for tin fnriiil.inn 11 1 ptittirnr in plaiw ot an cine trie lltrli titiir pi ant at Hillside Home, according to pl.ins and sper dlcaticna which m y be seen a the otlice of Director Frederick lull-r, Scranton, Pa. Knch prnposhl must be accompanied by cash or certill'-il check to tho amount of five per cent, ot the l.i.l to lm forf cited incasi of re fusal to make contract if awarded. '1 uMioaril reserves th ri-.-Itt to reject nny or all bids. All propo.iils must bo en-lor-ted ''Proposals Mectrie Liirlitinir,'' nnd nd(lre--si,d to JHiS. FRANCES 11, SWAN. Cln b ieun Uomu Cemaiitte?. Scrauton, Slay T, L-Hil. iccclal Notices. "'pilE SOLDIER IN OUIl CIVIL WAR." 1. You want this relic. Ccntsins all of Frank Leslie's fiimtiusold War au' the fold's m battle, sketched on till spot. Two volumes, '.'.two pictures, foil on iiisy tncntlily pivment. Delivered by ux- iw isnnpli'te. :'ll el :nr:os prepaid. Address I. O. JIOUDY. bl2 Adains Ave., Scranton, fa. LANK !l aines, FOOKs, Pa 51 I'll LETS, 1IAUA itc, buiind or rcbounil lit TiiR iiiuum: otbeo. Wuick Work. Iu-asuuaoie ricejt. Cusiness Opportunity. ,'ilArt INVESTED NOW IN WHEAT OR O '11 ' stocks innlcr our safe method will .--ako von hand-oino prolits. Send for p.-irticii-lars mid liuoli, live JORDAN & CO., Colmii b::i liuildiii;;, Now York. Dressmakin'T. VE'T YORK DRESSMAKINO SCHOOL; -V Fre-.ii-h tailor svslem tnutbt. Ladies learn to bo your own drrsMiiaUer. Private :c .nuns. Open day and evening. 417 Lack Ave. Furnished Rooms for Rent. J.-tTI.'XBlH-.D ROOMS, WITH USEOFOAS, I hot and c Id bath, sittiint and reading ounis. -l.'i Lackawnniia avenue. Medical. LA oi F.l Chiclioi'.tr's English Fcnnyroyal Pills Ililinu4 Tlran.i, nrO tho BOSt. s-''. Ki-limhli-. ii.iottir. s-iil ...iiiii).', 1 trtUul.rii, ta-lirf : r La " i iirtzu i.v Return Nad.,, " iwumi-h. Uilcliosur Clieuttal Co.. i'lillaao., 1 j. ROI'IH.IMUS CELELR ATFD TANSY AND I'ennyroytd i ills: imported: absolutely sato: hamiloss; superior to all orkers: never tails, nnv stie-e: thousands of happv ladles: 9 bvmail. Sold only by lii-TAMCAl. SPECI FIC CO., IU Fifth Avenue, Now York. Situations Wanted. YOtWO LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION I in otlice; understands st -nnirraphv and t ypowrithiL': has had experience. Address NELLIE, :M N. main avenue. C1TUATION WANTED BY A YOUNU O man; lias had experieuue. Atldress 13., Tribuno oftieo. QITUATION WANTED-RY A YOUNH t. - lady of (food btioim-ss ability, as dork or filrl-o assistaiit. Thoroughly uudert anils book koDi lie,'. Adtlrosa "CAl'ABLi;,"!-.l Sum ner Avo., City. T ANTED -BY AN EXPERT ACC'OUNT- f ant ami bookkeeper, position to take eharpo of a set of boolis uiornimr or eveniiik-s. or would accept of a permanent position bntwuen th - hours of II uml 5 n m at a very nind-ratn salary. Address "EXPERT," Trib une Ollli 0 'IV) (ID OUT AVASHIKO, WASHINHH I taken homo also. Call or address L. D., SU Snniiicr A v HvdoParit. SITUATION WANTED -BY A RFSI'F.C o table widow, as housekeeper with small fomily. Cnn tive references. Address, llouse Keeper, Tribune Otlieo. SITUATION AS LUTCtlEU-OOOD MEAT if Cutter, willing to pcddln or tend Market. Thoroughly niiib-rstanils the luHiliesi. Ad dress, Buti-hsr. KI'J Forest Court. CITUA1ION WAN'ED-IIY A YoUNO Ci lady as clerk or ofllce-a.ssistant, tlinrnimh. ly understands l.onfc-koopini?, ote.. Address, ''ninpetent." i12,'l Snmiior Avenue. UmTATION' WANTED A YOUNU MID O die n-ed ninu wants iiositlon as eull-M-tor. Speaks aud KukUsU. W 11 furnish a Sid i.u.l security. Address, W. O., Tribuns Ollice. ClTVAl ION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASt O liutuhe': by one that understands the business lli irnniihh-; well used to (treen luarkHt nnd nysicra and fish, or nroiind urocery department. BUTCHER, tlin ollice. tUl'UATION WANTED AS A MAKER OR n nny kind of work, Address E. A. B., No. 1(107 t'eilur avetni !, city. Ty-ANTGD-A POSITION BY AN FXPE riiiii'-iil traveliiiu k;iIi snmn, acquainted with New York and Pennsylvania trade. Ad dress A., Triliuneofllue, T A NTED-"a srrUATli INBY AN AMEIt VV .lean as stable boss or rliarn of (cuts' place: 'perfectly sober and rallablu, .Y Trib une ottics. I I ' ' '. I & Wallace AT WALLACE, TRY US. 602-004 UCXL AVE, COR. AOAIRi Proposals. Ol in T. of tub BoAnu 01- Commissioned or Pl BLlC OllOL-NPS and Bcii.ulxos. Daniel H. Hastlnijs, J. C. Delaney. Hnveruor. BuperiuteiidrBt. Amos. H. Mylln, Benjamin J. Haywood, Auditor General. btate Treasurer PROPOSALS FOB FURNISHING 8TA 1 tlonerv, Fuel and other Supplies. Ill lomnlianre with tlin Constitution and l-iws of tlin Conimouwrulth of Pennsylvania, we l erehy Invite w-nled propi sals, at prices below maximum rates flxeu in schotlulos. to famish st itiouery, furniture, fuel and other supplies for tho several department of the state Unvninuu-nt. and for making repairs in ti e several ucDartmeiita and for the distribu tion of the public documents, for the yar endhiv the first Tuesday of June, A D. IH17 Separate proposals will bo received and ssp ran contracts awarded ns announced in said sclii-dui's. Each proposal must be accom panied by n bond, tilth at least two aurletiea or one sui-lcty company, apt. roved by a Jud o of the dart of Common Ideas of tho county in which tho person or perso-is may reaidA conditioned for the faithful performance of the coutract, and addressed und delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Public Orouuds and Huildiii:s before twelve o'clock M.. of 'Inesday the 3il day of June. A. D.. IHH1, at which time tlio proposals will be opetied and published, In the llcrepti' n It.iom of tho Ex ecutive Liepartment at Harrishurir. and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as prac ticable. Blank bonds and schedules eontnlninft- nil nrccssary information call be obtained at this Department. J. C. DELANEY. For tho Board of Commissioner. of Public Grounds and Buildings. Steamship Line. (JTI- AllSIHP TICKET AND DRAFTS AT O J. A. BARRON'S, -J15 Lackawanna ave nue. Scranton. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES IUIU 1 111! Schedule in bllcct May 19. 1803. Trains Leave Wilkes-Earro as Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazlelon. Poltsvillo, Reading, Norristown nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg znd the West. 3.17 p. m., wjak clavs, for Sunbury, Harrisburp, Philadolphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 4.40 p. m.-, Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts bure; and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and PottsviH.-. J. P. WOOD, Cen'l Pass. Agent. S. At. PKLVusr, (leneral Alanaer. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. Tl.Mli TAltLK IN EFFECT MCH. 15, 1896. Trains leave Burunton for Pltistou, Wilkes-Harrc, etc nt 8.2D. 9.15. n. in.. J2.40, 2.U0, 3.03, D.IW, 7.10 p. in. Sundays, i,u0 a. 111., 1.00, 2.1i. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 n. m. For New York, Newark und Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) n. in., 12.4.1 (express with Jluf fet parlor enr), 3.0. (express) p. ni. Sun. day, 2.1i p. m. Train leaving 12. p. m. arrives at l'hiludelphla, HeadniK Term inal, P- ui. and New l'ork tl.Otl p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentonn, liethlo hem, E.iston und pliliadelphia. K.:o a. in 12.46, 3.05. 5 00 (except I'hiludelphia) p. 111. Siindey. 2.15 P- in. For Long Brunch, Ocean Grove, etc.. a! 8.20 11. m.. 12.45 P.- '" For Reading. Lctanon and Hnrrlsbur?, via Aller.tov.11, 8.20 ti. 111., 12.40. 0.00 p. m Sunduy. 215 P- m. For Pottsvllle. 8.2ft n.. 12.45 p. m. Heturnlns, have New York, foot of Lib. erty atreet, North Hlver. nt 9.10 (cxpressi a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Duffet parlor can p. m. Sunday, 4,:!0 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Heading- Terminal. 9.00 a. in., 2.0U and 4.80 p. in. Sunday ii.2? a m. Throush tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had en application In ad vance to the ticket aKcnt ut the station. II. P. BALDW IN. Gen. Pass. Aser.t J. II. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND i.ij'SKN It AIL HO A D. Commonclna Monday, Of --.ltAS , .1 u 1 v w, 11 .1 utiiiia will UnNTl& arrive at new Laeka. MB 3 wanna avenue station KmW r ns follows: f " Trains will lenve Fcrnn. ton atallon for Carbondale nnd Interme diate points nt 2.20, 5.4o, i.W. g.i. anil 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55. 5-U t".l. 7.2j. 8.10 nnU "irnrFarvlew, Wnymart anil Honesdnbi at 7 W. S.25 and 10.10 a. ro., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.19 V Kor Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at f.,45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wilkcs-Harnf and Intermedial nolnts at 7.45. 8.45. .!S and 10.45 n. m., 12.03. Fsn 2 38. 4.00. 5.10. 6.05. 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive nt Seranlon station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7 40. 8.40, 9.31 and 10 40 n. m., 12.00. 1.17, u 3.40, 4.51. 6.55, 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p, m. 'From llonosdnle, Wnymart nnd Far. view at C.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40. 5.53 and 7.45 p. ni. From Montreal, BaratORa, Albany, etc., t 4.R4 and 11.31 o. m. From Wllkcs-Barre and Intermedin t polnu at 1.15, 1.04. 10.06 and 1155 a. m.. 1.11 1.14. .w. e-iu. e-w. 7.20. .w ana u.ii p. to. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Featners, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Slay 17. 189(1. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via I). & H. K. K. at li li, 7.45 a. m , 12.05, 1.20, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Dia mond Express! and H.3H p. in., via D., L. & W. R. It., 4.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. in., and 1.30 p. in. Leave Scranton fur Plttston und Wllkes Harre, via 1).. L. & W. It. It.. G.OU. 8.08, 11.21) a. in.. 3.40, n.oo, 8.52 p. ni. Irfave Scranton for White Haven. Ha zleton, Pottsvllle and ull polnta on the Heaver .Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via 1). & H. R. R. at 6.00, 7.45 a. 111., 12.05, I. 20, 2.I10, 4.41 p. m via D L. & W. R. it. 6.11, 8.U8. 11.20 a. m.. 1.30. 3.40 p. ni. Leave Scranton tor Bethlehem, Gaston, Reading, Harrixbtirs; and all Intermediate lolnts, via 1). & H. It. R. 6.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1,20, 2.30, 4.41 (lllaek Diamond Ex press), 11.28 p. in., via I)., L. & W. R. K.. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. ill., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhnnnock. To wunila, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva und ell lnternilate points, via D. & H. H. It., 8.15 n. m., I2.H5 nnd 11.35 p. in., via I)., L. & W. R. H., 8.0S, 9.f.o a. 111., 1,30 p. ni Leave Scranton for Rochester, HulTalo Nlna-arii Falls, Detroit, Chlcaao nnd all points west, via D. it H: R. H., 9.45 u. m.. 12.05, 4.41 (Bluck Diamond Expressl, 9.50, II. 38 p. m via 1., L. i W. R. it. and Pitts, ton Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m., l.). 8.50 p. in. For Elmlra and the west, via Salamanca, via D. & H. It. it., 8.45 a. ni., 12.05 p. m.. via I)., L. & W. 11. R., 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 131. p. m. Pulmun parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on ull trains between L. H. Junction or Wilkes-Harro and New York. Philadelphia, liuffulo, and Suspension BrlilRe. liOLLLN H. WILHI'R, Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., f.llu.. Pa. A. W. NGNNEM ACH Kit. Asst. Gen. Puss. Am,. South Hethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, und Western. Effect Monday, April 20, 1SSN1. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2,50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 u. ni.; 1.15 und S.3I p. in. Express for Enston, Trenton, Philadel phlu. and the South, 5.15,8.00 and 9.55 u. 111.; 1.15 and 3.34 p. ni. Washington and way station, 4.00 p. m. Tohvhiiuiia accommodation. 6.10 p. m. Express for HlnKhamtun, Oswego. El mi 1:1, Corninc. Hath, Dansville, Mount Morris and HulTalo, 12.20. 2.35 a. m.. and 1.21 p. in., niakinB close connections ut liuffulo to all points In the West, North west und Southwest. Path accommodation, 9.15 a. in. ItiuKliunitoii and way stations, 12.37 p. in. Nicholson nct'ommodnlion, 4.00 ami CIO p. m. . r- liinsnamion unu r.oiin ca ei in.i a for Cortland. Syracuse, oswean. Vtleu and lllchlleld Springs, 2.35 a. in., and 1-21 P. in. , ... , Ithaca 2.3.1 aim uain n.iii . 111. uuu i... For Northumberland, Plttston. Wllke-Ib-irre, l'lvmoiith, llloomsburK and Dan ville niaklni; close connections nt North umberlnn and Willlamsport, Hiirrlsbura, U'dtlinore, iihiiiiikioii nun noruuni. Norlhnmberlund and Intermediate sta tions 6 00, 9.55 u. in. and 1.30 and li.OO p. m. Niintleoke und Intermediate slutious. SOS und 11.20 a. in. i iymotiin unu iinei- niedlate stations, a.w 11110 o..- p. 111. I'ullman parlor and sleepltuj coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket time t-ibles. etc., npply lo M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or deoot ticket office. Frie anJ Wyominn Vullcy. EFFECTIVUiMARCH 10, 1S98. Trains lenve Scranton for New York . , nA.n.a nn 1 1i i l,Tr!a rjlll. anu lliieriiieuiun- e"." y" '--,c '' . road, also for Honesdale, Hawley nnl local points ai o..w a. m. no i.-n e- " "-" arrive at Scranton from ukove point at 8.23 a. m. and 3.37 p. m. ' acit TO D1VISIOKI. Ill Effect September OHiid, ISM. North Minimi mouiu nun sort aoif 1201 9041 O, nllnna I 'CM ? S 2 (Trains Dally. Kx- g 5 U y. I cept Kunday.) u 5 e ir 11 Arrive Leavei 11 Arrive A it, 7 1 . Franklin Hi T4 7 101 West 4nd street TIB 7 M weehawken 810 v Mi.n-ive beawi r m! 1 ivUancnolt JunctlOBi If it. Ills uaocock StarlUbt Preston park coino Pnyntflla llelmont riessant Ml Unload ala Forset City Cnrbonrtaie White Rrldiia llnvlleld Jeruiyn Archlballl Wlnton Prckvllla ODrhsnt IUckson Throop Provnlenoa l ark Place I'll 1 Ml 3 ;l8.'l 3 !1S 2 31 4 41 12 40, It 'IV, a 511 IS 11 8581 Ii3l I KM 8 MM fllf.9 r. 11 U U a suit ni r -- --i 7011 BSit TI718W1 tf. 4SIIU0 6 481 . 11813 48 .... T 14 8 45 ran; jm ...j Tt3 a 14 ,.M 7 87 8 5 T 83 4 01 7 8 4(17 1 86,4 10 .. J89 ilf 7 417117 .... T 45 4 20 .. 8 41111 VV 6 3111 18 Mriii.i a es 11 11 (Uill (17 eiiiti 01 81811 03 (Dill ' 6 lvff ior.7 10 lie w Kcratiton Ir m U m leave Arrival t ur- n All trains run dally eaoept Sunday. t slitottlea that trains stop on tignal tor pu noirerg eeura rates via Ontario Wastern befor CirchusiDtr tickets and save money. Day iai UllK.preiStothe west,. i 0. Andcraoa, San. Pan Art. T. nitcrott, bit, f aag, Aft, eraatoa, PaT . ill' r " f,";'vv ;; i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers