The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
THE 6CBAOTON TMBUNE-8ATUBDAT UOlfimib. ;..3fAT 16. 1896. Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Samacr Avcnn Presbyterian Church Entering I'poa a New Era of Prosperity. The Sumner Avenue Presbyterian -rhurth la being placed on a safe and prosperous footing. The recent flnan- lal Uiffleultles. far from siarlnn away the faithful few. have had the effect of stimulating them to great exertions. Thanks to some noble Scrantonians, with Hev. C. K. Robinson. D. D.. at their head, the requislted outside aid Is pouring In. Over $1,200 has already been raised In this way. Rev. John tirifflth has supplied the pulpit during the last eight months, and arrange ments are being made for a permanent pastoral settlement. Rev. J. P. Moffatt, pastor of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, has rendered Invaluable service at a critical time by his counsel and sympa thy while acting as moderator of the session. All West aiders have cause to reolce at this Intelligence, as they uuIJ undoubtedly feel sorry were one of their fortresses against the power of evil silenced, which at one time seemed the Inevitable fute of the Sumner Ave nue church. DEATH OP MAltTIN WEBER. Martin Weber, well known us the pro prietor of Weber's grove on the West mountain, died Thursday at his home on l.userne street. The deceased was a middle ugeil man. lie has lived In this region for many yeurs past and lias a host of acquaintances. The sickness wua nut a long one. Mis. Weber and three children. Lena. Henry and Will iam, survive. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. Mark's Lutheran church. Fourteenth and Washburn streets. The procession will move from the lute home at 2.30 o'clock. OVER THE HILLS. Mrs. John Dershimer, of Bald Mount, ' was on Wednesday morning visited by a number of West Side people.who went over in band wagons. A Jolly time was enjoyed. Those in the party were: Mrs. D. Hineiine', Mrs. Storms, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Stoke. Mrs. J. Hineiine, Mrs. Barlow. Mrs. Case, Mrs. . A. 8. Kline, Mrs. M. Beam, Miss Maud Beam, Mrs. Daily, Mrs. Iabar, Mrs. T. H. Allen, Mrs. Slaven, Mrs. Hufford, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Lindsay, Miss Williams, Miss Labar. Miss Viola Klme, Master Frank Kime. Master Howard Klme, Master Harlow, Master Esra A'-len. FUNERAL OF MR. M'HfQH. The funeral of the late Put lick Mo Ilugh, which occurred yesterday morn ing at 7 o'clock, was largely attended. Services were held at Ht. Patrick's church. The floral gifts were many and of numerous designs. The pall bearers were: Edward Duffy, John Duggan. J. P. Welles. Will Haggerty, Thomas Carny and M. R. Donegun. In terment was made at Hyde Park Cath olic cemetery. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, of Auden rled, and Mrs. Sarah Robertson, and Mrs. Skelton. who ure visiting at the home of Andrew Robertson, of North Rebecca avenue, returned home yester day. Ilopkln Muddock, 'of South Rebecca avenue, has gone to Philadelphia where he lias undertaken a position with a prominent cornice and skylight com pany. A child of Mr. and Mrs. John Mor gan, of Jackson street, is dangerously 111. Mrs. Isaac Morgan, of North Hyde Park avenue. Is very seriously 111. The pupils at No. 14 school taught by David Owens, will picnic at Moun tain Lake today. After the regular meeting of Electric City commondery. Knights of Malta, about 200 members went to the Jack son Street Baptist church, where a supper was served by a corps of the young ladies of the church. The lodge went in a body at about 10 o'clix'k. Miss Qwennle Thomas, of Noith Main avenue, entertained a few friends last evening. Miss Clara Doebler is the guest of Miss Sarah Hughes, of North Sunuier avenue. Miss Alice Irving, of Jackson street, has returned from a ten-days' visit at New York city. John Jones, a miner at the Central mines, was Injured upon the head yes terday by a fall of top coaL Dr. J. J. Roberts dressed the wounds. Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church, preacher, Rev. John Griffith. Morning service, 10.30, subject, "Visions and Missions." Evening sen-Ice, 6 o'clock, ubject, "The Apostles' Creed." Sunday school at 2 p. in. , Mrs. William Wright, of Lafayette street. Is 111. Roger Evans will spend Sunday at Andenrled. Many of the Ivorltes, who attended WHAT ABOUT YOUR Spring Suits from. those ors, dark a m from $8, $10, $12, TtlE SAM! Sq::n C:2 Clears, oi lb? Slibtirbs. the Olyphant convention, were on thl side last night. West Side Buslasss Directory. FLORIST-Cut flowers and funeral as signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 104 South Mala avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOG RAPHER Cabinet Photos. ti 0 per dozen. They are luat lovely. Con vince yourself by ca'ling at Startlers Photo Parlors, Mi and 101 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE-Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King. 102 and 102 Jack eon street. - PROVIDENCE. The Rev. William Edgar, of the Meth odist Episcopal church, of this plac:. went to Curbondale Thursday evening, where he married H. A. Lewis and MUs Nellie Owen, both of that place. Mrs. Flnlay Ross, of Throop street, Is convalescent after a brief Mines. Fred W. Teal, of Blnghamton, N. Y., Is visiting at the home of his parents, on North Main avenue. David Christinas, the well-known Delaware and Hudson machinist, will build a handuuine residence on Edii'l avenue. The work of digging the col lar has alreudy commenced. The Rev. D. M. Klnter. pastor of the Christian church, will preuch tomorrow morning on the subject, "1'llate's Wash Basin," and in the evening on "Christ or the Devil Which','" Seats ure ire and a welcome to all. Mrs. Ueorge Archibald Is visiting friends In Wayne county. . In the Methodist church tomorrow morning the pastor, Hev. William Ed gar, will preach on the subject, "Jun'-l- llablc Boasting." In the evening the anniversary exercises of the Kpwurtli league will be held, commenting at T.'IO, preceded by u ilfteen-mlnute praise ser vice. There will be recitations und speciul music and an address by E. O. Baldwin, of Wilkes-Bane. An entertainment under the auspices of the Sunday school of the. Welsh linu- tlst church will be given sometime In the early part of next month. Last Monday two strangers visited Providence. They came Into town with a buy horse and a two-wheeled cart, much the worse for hard, driving, and secured board at W. B. Evans', on Wil bur street, and fed their horse. They claimed that they were- about to start In the milk business and left for Chin chilla, where they Intended to see Nor man Leach. Instead of going to Mr. Leach's they strolled around town and parsing Horn's hotel they saw a horse tied to a post Outside the hotel, owned by Walter Pratt, the liveryman and driven by Ben Kohler and John Hol llngworth, who had driven to Chinchilla and had stopped on their way back. The two would-be milk dealers snw an opportunity for securing a new horse and Immediately took possession of It and drove off. The men left their valise at their new boarding house. It was examined by Officer Rodham and found to contain some old underwear. The horse owned by Pratt was a bay animal with a white star in forehead with a shoe boot on left front leg. The wagon was a new frame bpx carriage, black top and dork green gearings. The horse was ten years old. The turnout is vulucd at J-00. (KEEN KIDGE. The Poyntelle Ice cream company contemplates cutting on a new wagon In the near future. Mrs. Bliss, of East Market street, is visiting friends at Waverly. A very enjoyable party was given Mr. William Bush, of East Market street, Thursday evening. Refreshments were served and all rexrt a good time. The entertainment given by the Bent lice Lodge, No. 70, Daughters of Re bekah, last night in Brown's hall, was a decided success. The hall was so crowded all evening that It was with great difficulty that refreshments could be served. The supper given by the Ladles' Aid society of the Asbury Methodist Epis copal church last night was well pa tronized and all who attended pro nounced It a great treat. The ladies wish to thank their many friends. Rev. H. W. Buck, P. E., of Lewlsburg. will preach In the United Evangelical church at 10.30 a. m. tomorrow. The sacrament of holy communion will be administered immediately after the ser mon, David Trevos Jones, son of Hoo.-e Jones, of Klrtland street, Is sick with typhoid fever. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla. Suit? You need it right away. a m m We have the finest and largest line of Spring in the city to choose We've dark suits for who like sober col blue and black and brown mixtures. m 1 we nave, also, some rather startling Checks and Plaids ranging in price "" $15 TO Hattort and Fffttrr $20 EiiM -lw SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Accident to Peddler Freahaa oa Pittstoa Arenas-Concert at Cedar Avenue M. Charcfc. Straw Peddler Preuhan, of Cedar avenue, had a close call yesterday ai- ternoon at S o'clock on Plttston at tne Intersection of Maple street. An out ward bound street car struck his waKon and smashed it. and he was sent tlvlna- out of the vehicle to tne street. Dr. J. J. Walsh, whose offlce U a few blocks awav. on Plttston avenue, responded Quickly and administered pmprcencv remedies. In a short time Freuhan regained consciousness, but he was In a serious condition from the shock and the fall, and It was thought best to have hlin removed to the Muses Taylor hospital. An examination by the doctors there discloses that no bones are broken, but the man Is severely bruised. However, they expect he will be all right In a few weeks. The same car on Its inward bound trip truck a buggy on upper Lackawanna avenue, but did only slight damage Moturmun Walters, who was running the car. Is reported to be a very careful mail. CONCERT MONDAY NIGHT. A concert will be given next Monday evening at Cedar Avenue Methodist Eplscopul church under the direction of Professor K. P. Williams. The fol lowing programme will be rendered uvertme Williams' orchestra Selection uuurtottc Piano selection Miss Frantic Hhss solo William A. Roberts Solo Miss Delia hiutpp Selection. Ilayden Banjo and Uuilur club .... . ... a f 11 ......, uuei ii, Piano solo Baritone solo . Uultar solo ... Overture Selection Jones aiid J. II. Kvna F. P. Klrltmj J. W. Jones J. Toulilll Orchestra yuaiteltc Miss Smith Solo Duet ..Miss Knapp and . Jon . ...Robert 8eh Piano solo Solo Tenur solo Miss Lizzie I.ovei'liis Willlum Junta Selection, Hayden llunlo and uultar cim. Selection Oivhestru Walter Scranton, ureBldeiit of the Lackawanna iron and Steel company. lslted the South Steel mill Thursday afternoon for the purpose of Inspecting the plant. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. E. R. Conley, South Side correspond ent for the Republican, was presented with a purlor lamp Thursday evening by Wilkes- Barre friends. Misses Lily Oaffney. Mary Motlltt, Mary Hastings and Lizzie Kelley, of this side, accompanied a party to Moun tain Lake last night. Rev. H. P. Burke, recently ordained, has been unsigned to St. John's Catholic church, where he will remain during the absenif In Europe of Rev. E. J. Melley, the pastor of the church. The evangelist. Miss Sara Carson, of New York, has begun another series of evening Gospel meetings at the South Side Young Women s Christian associa tion. All women and girls ure cordially nvited to attend. The meetings open at 7.30 o'clock. The Young Women's Christian asso ciation Uospel meeting on Sunday af ternoon will be led by Miss Sara Car son at 3.45. Miss Howell, of New York, will sing. All will be welcome. DUNMOKE. William Alexander and William Jen nings, of Avoca, spent Thursday even ing with friends In this place. Mrs. W. t . Uibbona has been confined to her home on Elm street for the past week with the grip. Mrs. Tannery and son, Edward, of Middletown, N. T are spending1 a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Packard, of Cherry street. Peter Selgel Is having: his house on Cherry street, which Is occupied by A. M. Bingham, repainted. Mrs. w. V. Decker, of Cherry street, spent Thursday with friends In Haw ley. The alley ball handicap, which was to have been held at the Exchange hotel last Saturday, will be held this after noon at 1 o'clock. By special request the irrand carnival of nations, which has been In progress for the past three nights In the Loyal Legion hall, will be continued tonleht. The Epworth league of the Methodist church will celebrate their seventh an nlversary tonight. An interesting pro gramme has been prepared, which will take the place of the regular evening service In the Methodist Episcopal cnurcn. All members of the Protected Home circle are requested to be at the meet Ing on Monday evening. The Misses Mame. Genevieve and Anna Oliver were surprised by a few friends last evening. Those who en. Joyed their hospitality were Misses Ag lies aiongan, Margaret Kelly. Mar le Hronson, urace Chamberlain, Mabel nrist and Messrs. Professor Hauwr. Hev. Hauuhtun, Reuben Dalntv. Dr. Carty and Harry Smith. A very uleas- aiu time was enjoyed. John Twining and dauehter. MairtrW. of Durkin street, will leave next month for Wales, where they will sDend sev eral monins. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS. Of all kinds furnished at short notice. Plants are all good and healthv. Call ana see them. Louis Sawyer, 213 Hlgg an cel. MINOOKA. The Mlnooka base ball club will hot tie for honors- with the Blue Stars, of r-roviaence, on, nome grounds May 17. Mrs. Anthony McOuliran. of Pmvl. dence, was a Mlnooka visitor jester- uay. Michael Lydon. a miner emolovpil in the National mines of the Connell Cnnl company, was badly Injured yesterday munuiiK uy a ioji oi top coal, striking him on the head and shoulders. The In jured man was conveyed to his home on vine street In the mine ambulance. ur. Manley, the attending physician. du.s me injuries win not prove fatal. From present indlnntlnnu the latlve bee is buzzing In the bonnet of ex-Superintendent Ulbbons. Mr. (llb- ooiib is a gooa legislator and would mane an lueal representative for the cltlnens of the Third district at the siate capital. Seiatle Rheumatism cured. L. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist. Richmond, Va says: "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; wus fortunate enough to get Mystic Cure for Rheu matism. This cured me after doctor's prescriptions had failed to have any effect. I have also heard of fine results from others who have used It." Sold by Carl Lorens. Druggist, 418 Lacka- Wall Street The coming adjournment of OoDRronn -the R-ffnerm unprovemciiit in reuroaa earnings em! the plentiful supply of money her and unmnu i. ik-kiuuit'it n um rmemea la stocks. NOW 18 TUB TIME TO BUY. Bend for our bnok. ''Openulatton Fully Explained," and our market letter which we send free to any ad., drw.- Margin B to 0 per cent.. Commission umj j-iu per min.. , 0. THORNBURQH & CO.. BANKIHS AND UBOKSIIS, 41 BROADWAY, - NBW YORK. Uptown Office, N. W. Cer. ,0'way list St, iiHKiiun 132 WASHINGTON AVENUE, lU.i-f JJ I I I I I AJLJslJLX W Elegant Assortment c hoice, 75c. New York Cloak Francis Fitz Gibbon, 132 2,000,000 Made and Sold in Six Months, ending march 1, 1896, Total Product of I II III The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosby's Superlative la sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's. New Foundlund. and in ICneland. Ireland and Scotland very largely, and la world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ACTIVE Building Corporations Desiring Extra Growth HEMLOCK INE i m INDLY LET MANAGER Sells TRADE Under Value ICHARDS x V zling 422, PECT I OUR Richards Lumber Co., Comith Bl'D'g, Scranton, Pa THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON, PA. STATEMENT RESOURCES. Loans $l,4aC,771 4( Overdrafts 714 01 U. 8. Bonds 101,000 00 Other Bonds 801.555 20 Banking House 24.734 OS Premiums on U. 8. Bpnds 8,060 00 Due from V. B. Treasurer,... 7,770 00 Due from Banks 157,304 79 Cash i 125.788 S5 12,191,800 30 WM. CONNELL, President: GEO. u r ATI CTORS-Wm. Cenaeli, Henry Belln, DIKES k'"ir:;..::;Z: Si? ..d on Tints Deposits. ' BRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies, bail Duck for SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, BTTENBENOER SCRANTON. PA. Dr. Pacl'o - ..j BoiYt. 6rataarwar.ll.M. ... Wor by. JOHN H. PHIUP& Ia?j .of c . JI Ml I .S I II II VAAC y J a and Suit House, BARRELS III (7 b. recognized as the best flour iu the I IMMEDIATELY JUST ii n d n I1AME UUR T RICES UUICK. in Will & Orders. wy. CONNELL FEBRUARY 28, 1896,: T.TAHTt.ITI153. Capital f 200.000 M Surplus 25? "22?2 Undivided Profits 1.4 41 Circulation M.650 01 Dividends Unpaid JM fj Depo.UK "It'ItS IS rt,,A Ia nnnka 24. JUS 11 Re-Dlseounta Nut 1,111a Payable ,191,300 80 in vi-. Dmmii' WM. H. PECK. Caihier. Jr., James Archbald. Wm. T. Smith, Ueorge H. Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest mine use in stock. Shafts, Poles, Hows, etc. (M EVERY WOMAN tsasidssisllssle,sMnth1r,iimlstuif medleln. Onlr karate ItosusstdrupskMldssusd. lfyoa waslthsbeml Pennyroyal Plllo in MMti TK Maelne (Dr. Peal1!! aeear Adsnei Mawcuts Ce., atreUnd, 0. Pbarmaolafc Mr. Wyoming Avanu antf THE . FASHION 308 UCKAWOA AVEKUE 308 I flnofl,or Te,,in2 Bareain Ust! I We know of u0 tetter advertisers than satisfied co II tomers. Acting on this thought, we at all time aim IB lrw. I 1 1 1 . We leuow of uo better tomers. Acting on this thought we at all times aim to keep onr customers in a continuous good-humored mood by extraordinary bargain offerings. Witness this Week's Values: 40o All-wool Henriettas or Serges, all colors, your choice, 25c 60c and 6O0 Novelty Dress Uonds, choice line, your choice, 39s 69o Novelty Dress Goods tills is a bargaiu, your choice, 50c SI 00 Silk Mixtures, any combinstlou, your choice, . 73c 6O0 Corded Bwlvel Silk, a beautiful line, your choice, - 2ftc 60c Persian and Striped Laundrled Shirtwaists, ycur choice, 39c $1.00 Shirt Waists, in stripes and tana special, your choice, 75c 89c black, and bluck with white Stripe Sateen Waists, your choice, 69c $1.25 Wrappers, In blaclss, creya, reds aud fancies, assorted, your choice, 9Sc MILLINERY. f ' Trimmed HaU or Bonnets, special, your choice, $2.98 Zoo Trimmed Sailors, for misses and boys, your choice, 19c 75c Ladies' Sailors, in all colors, your choice ... 4Sc CAPES AND SKIRTS. (1.00 Velvet Capes, nicely trimmed aud lined, your choice, $3.98 10.50 Silk Capes, satin and jet trimmed, special, your choice, - $4.48 10.00 Black Brllllautlne Skirt, 0-yard sweep, your choice, $3.98 ir ' 7-.-T.-.-.-m-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmama-Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.m-m-mZ lilimilllllllllllimilillliiilisWIiiMliMHlHiiHlilllilllllilllllllllMIIUIIIIIII If you waut a good fit, best goods and fair prices, get one of our RWNINGS Drop aline to our Scranton agent, Frank Barber, General Delivery, and get prices. We do not- compete with cheap concerns, but give best value for least money. Not "How Cheap ? " but " How Good ? " is our motto. too Park Avenue, Blnghamton, N. Y THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. TME IS 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bank. Ho has now In a Comprising; everything requisite for Sue Merchant Tailoring. And the same can be shown to advantage in bis aplen dlaly fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION la Extended to All Readers of The Trlb line to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI New Business Home g?EVIV6 RE8T0RE8 VITALITY. Made a Welt Man let Day. l 18th Day. of Me. TKE GREAT 30th prodnrpt the nhore remit) In 30 ilaye. It arti Dowcrt ully and auidtlr. dam when all other fall young men will main their lout manhood, and old mu will recoTer their youthful uor br uains KKV1VO. It quickly and aurely restores Ntrvou ums, Loat Vitality, Iropoteney, Nightly Kniluioor, Lost Power, Failliut Uumory, Waatius Ciaoaara, and all vffeote ot aoll-abune or net and ludiauretlon, Mhlch unflta one tor miidy. bnnlnraa or marrltge. It aot only enrra by eUrtlng at the neat ot t.iettr, hat w a treat nerve tome ana Dlona Diillder, brine' Ins; back the pink Blow to nala cheeks and re torliit the lire of youth. It warda off Inwnlty and Contumptios. lsalct on bavla BK VIVO, no otiicr. it ran be earned la veat pocket, By mm 1.00 per package, or all (or SS.OO, with a poal tire written Runranteo to euro or rotund .no money, circular free, Adaroaa Mrmcise"-. -- -' CHICAQ0, 'l For sals by MATTHEWS BROS., DrnggUt, BALDWIN'S DRY I Mill lie bay . pcraaun, m. . advertisers than satisfied cus THE FROTfllNGHAM. WsgncrARsla. l-sssesssnd Mansgsra. ONE WEEK, COMMENCINO MONDAY, MAY 18. THE GREAT BIG 8HO.W, Kennedy's Players, INCLUDING: The Greatest Living Fun Maker, MR. JOHN J. KENNEDY. The Puwerful Romantic Actor, MR. OKORQE W. BARRIER. The Beautiful, Artlatlc and Dam-luff Sun beam, U18S KM MA DU t? ASTRO. Together with their own orvhewtra, sn magnificent aperkil scenery, will ap pear In a repertoire of the luteal modern nucoeasea. Monday "Th Midnight Express." Tuesday 'The Phoenix." Wednesday "The Two Orphans." Thursday "The Two Thieves." Friday "Tracked Down." Saturday "Around the World In Eighty Daya.'' Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cts. GRAND SATURDAY HATINEE, N. B. This great company has lust fin lahed a four weeka continuum encase ment at the (Irtowold Opera House, Troy N. Y., to the biRgeat business In the his tory of the house. Sale of seats now open. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, " ONE WEEW, MAY iS. Intr.tlng. Scientific. Very Usghable The Famous Unequalcd Hypnotist, Appeared week April 27, at Wilkes-Barre, 7 rerformnncea S,3U'J prranna. Wk, llay, Keadlng, 7 performances. 1.210. Tbia is their aecond week. First, 4 performances, 4.1 IB paraoua. Clergymen, laWyora, aclentlata, trauesiutn. wo uen ana cnuaron, every boa y highly delighted. Pricss, Gallery 15c, Entire Bal cony 25c, First Floor 50a Sale of itats opens Haturday. CTEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS OI the Wsrlt DECKER BROS.. K.RANICHB ft BACHE and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will slwsys find a complets stock snd st prices ss low as the qual Uy of the Instrument will peraslt st I. i HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. Scranton CALL UP 3682i CO. ill; ( OFPICB AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO igi MERIDIAN STREET. SI. W.COLLINS, Manager. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL ' Coal of the best quality for domestic use, and of all sized, delivered In any part Of the city at lowest price, Orders left at my Otllcc, NO. liS WYOMINd AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for tha sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. LfllTTE 1 ' ..- a, s ' "