f 5CBANTON TIHBUNE-FKIDAY MORNING. MAY 15. 189G. Neu)s V WEST SIDE EVENTS. Bicycle Club OrsonUcd by n Xambcrof Well-known Vouns Men Com mittees Appointed- The West Side has a bicycle club at last. The talk of the past several werks formed Into fact List nlsht, when about thirty youns men assembled In the rooms f tin- Colonial club. In Meats' hall, and took the first step toward or ganisation. Kdwln O. 1'eters explained the meaning u the call. Ho dwelt at length upon the need of a bicycle club and called for nominations for tempor ary secretary. l II. Derby was named and elected. David Owens and II r. Derby made speeches in behalf of the movement. Then the permanent officers were elected. Messrs. Peters and Derby were retained in the positions to which they had been temporarily uppolnted. David owens was elected lirst vice president and Harry Francis second. tl. It. Healph received the highest vote for corresponding secretary, and ISert 5reen, Jr., was elected financial secre tary. J. J. Davies, the South Main ave nue pharmacist, received an unanimous endorsement for treasurer. The club captain is Charles K. Hertlne. The other officers are: Charles Softly, first lieutenant; H. H. Warner, second lieu tenant. A committee to select .1 clul house was named as follows: V. Mears, chairman; Frank Stewart. V ! J. Welsh, Jr., John J. Davies, W. F. liush. The committee to prepare constitution and by-laws Is as follows: C. H. Derby, Kugene Fellows, Jr., D. Owens, John Owens and Duncan Hall; committee on name, club colors and device, D. L. Morgan, Arch McCracken and KU hard Thomas." Jr. A resolution was pasfv.l thanking the tireen ltide Wheelman's club fur- their offer of the use of the club room or any other favor that the West Hide organization may wish. The new club Is not only composed of young men from this seclion, but from every part of the city. - COXVI0NT1ON TODAY. A convention of the Welsh Itaptist churches of the Northeastern Pennsyl vania district and the Young People's Kaptist union, which Is connected with the churches, will begin this evening at the First Welsh Hapllst church, on Hollth Main avenue. Delegates from all over this pai t of the ccuntry are ex 'pected to attend. The. meetings will continue for four days. Sunday morning being devoted to preaching and praise service. This evening the union wlil have charge. The programe Is a good one and the attendance win be- large. Font YRAHS OF LIFE. Martha Washington chapter, No. I!, Order of Kaslern Star, celebrated Its fourth anniversary last evening In St. David's hull. Professor 11. I,. Morgan presided over an entertainment which was delightful chiefly because of vari ety. Those who participated were: Miss Cora Oilllin, of the North Knd; Miss Daisy Poole, pianist: Joseph Grey, comic soloist: J. W. Knedler. of Khn hurst. pianist; Kddie and Kdith Davis, juvenile Ringers; I,nhi Fellows and Liz zie Heiser, piano duettlsts, and Miss Annie Williams, pianist. The Mlssis Oodshall and Margaret Junes sang a duett. Addresses were made by A. II. Holmes and V. Caylord Thomas. The trend of the talks was In the interest of the order. Air. Thomas extended a welcome to the guests In a courteous .manner. Miss (irlllln's selection was "Christmas at the umirtcrs" and it was very finely rendered. After the entertainment refreshments were serv ed by a corps of waiters and waitresses. The committee in charge of the celebra tion included: Mrs. Cora C. Kucklng hani, of Klmhurst; Mrs. H. L. Morgan, Mrs. D. J. Phillips. Mrs. Kdward Davis, Mrs. Stevans. the Misses Annie Marsh, Annie iirondbent. and Annie Williams, and Judson Hurnett, Alfred Goilshull, and J. L. Gallen. IIFX'KLKSS W0YCLIST3 D. W, Thomas, of South Main nvonue, ' was knocked down and slightly in jured last night by n "schorcher" on Moshhurn street. Mr. Thomas was crossing the street from Hyde Park avenue when the wheelman, who was coming up Washburn street at a fast puce, ati uck and threw the gentleman to the pavement. Mr. Thomas was badly cut upon the hands and his cloth ing was torn. Wednesday evening a boy bicyclist was speeding down Chest rut street. When Jackson was reached the rider and a city-bound street car narrowly averted colliding. The boy's bicycle struck the cor fender and was shoved to one side. HIS ItlJI BROKEN. Kvan Thomas, a miner in the Hamp ton mine, was crushed beneath u. fall ut top coal yesterday morning while he was at wort, The man's home is on KeyBf.r nvenue. Dr. ileynolds found that., one lib had been broken by the WHAT ABOUT YOUR Spring Suits from. those ors, dark OS and from $8, $10, $12, $15 TO Square Dealing Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. o! fb? Stibtirbs. pressure. Mr. Thomas also suffered se vere bruises and cuts. NEWS MENTION IN NOTES. Mrs. W. H. Gable, of South Garfield avenue, has returned from Thornhurst, where she was summoned to the bed side of her mother, Mrs. Uerrett Fleet, who Is now recovciins from a serious sickness. At St. Mark's Lutheran church last evening Hev. A. L. Itamer preached on "The Ascension." Mra. Charles Scheuster and children. Gtorjte and (Trace, and Miss Bertha Mctzgar were In Stroudsburg this week In attendance at the funeral of the late Catharine liush. The choir of the Tabernacle Congre gational church cave a notably pleas ing cantata last evening. The Facred piece Is "Jepthah and His Daughter." The Individual characters were all well kuiic and the chorus melody was given with a vim. The names of the talented participants were given In yesterday's unliune. The Ladles' Aid society of the Jackson Street Daptist church repeated last evening the fair and festival given Wednesday night. The wall which holds back the earth In front of the now No. lit school is bulging out and means will have to be taken to check the destruction. Re cent rain started the break. The funeral of the late Edward Hos- klns. of Fourteenth street, took place v,toril:i v nfternrwm Tttv W. I. .tones officiated and preached the funeral Her- men. Interment wns made In Wash burn street cemetery. The Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church will perform a cantata this month. West Sldo Business Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Florul figures, useful as gifts, at 101 South Mala avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOG RAPHKR Cabinet Photos. $1.10 tier dozen. Thfiv are lust lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner's Photo l'uilora, lul und 103 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cosh for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and oee tha .took of J. C. King, lout and 10iO Jack sou street. Wheelmen call at Foote & Shear's, lit) Washington uvenue, we will Interest you. ' tJKKl.N KIDtii:. Miss Belle Hanover, of Delaware street, is convalescing from her recent illness. William Glngher, of Marlon street, has gone to New York city on business, The Lend-a-Hand Missionary circle of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church held a meetlnir ut the home W Miss Minnie Long last evening. A. 11. Conger, of East Market street. Is slowly recovering from the severe fall he receiver a week ago In Fuller's hall, while adjusting some decorations for u.n entertainment. It Will be some time, however, before he will be able to attend to business. The managers of the Ladles' Aid so ciety of Hie Asbury Methodist Episco pal church will serve supper this eve ning from 6 to S o'clock in the lecture room ij.' the church. The public Is cordially Invited. The social and entertainment to be held In Brown's hull on East Market street this evening under the auspices of the Beatrice lodge. No. "0, Daughters of Keheknh, promises to be an eluborate ntTalr. An excellent programme hus been arranged. One of the special features will be a promenade for a prize. Cream end cake will be served ut the close of the entertainment. The committee In charge Is Mesdames Asker. Gardner. Keward. Alvoid. Dunn, Hopewell. 1 hernias and Van Storch and Miss Adda Van Storch. The entertain ment will commence at 8 o'clock. The youngest son of William Cobb, of Dickson avenue, who has been very sick for Eome time, is slowly recover ing. Miss Ellle Bennett, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bennett, died last night at H o'clock at the home of her parents. 1,410 Capouse avenue. She had been ill for sometime with rheu matlsui, which finally developed Into heart failure. Miss Bennett was 1:1 years or use, was n regular attendant at the Green Ridge Presbyterian church and Sunday school. She was a favorite among her playmates, and was well iikcu uy an who knew her. L-ome and see the two exhibition wheels nt the Foote & Shear company's nujir, nj w uaiuugion avenue. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When sho was a Child, alio cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, Wheu she bad Children, she gave them Castorla, Suit? You need it right away. a. we have the finest and largest line of Spring in the city to choose We ve dark suits for who like sober col blue and black and brown mixtures. ' m we nave, also, some rather startling Checks Plaids ranging in price ."1 . $20 SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Attorney Joh J. Murphy Will Be the Nominee of Nineteenth Ward Demo- crate for Commoa Council. Pursuant to an unanimous demand by the rank and file of the Democrat rf the Nineteenth ward. Attorney John J. Murphy has consented to become the candidate of that party for the office of common council to succeed P. J. Hlckey, who has stepped to the chief -tancy of the fire department. Attorney Murphy decided to auow his name to be used only after the most urgent solicitation from such promin ent Democrats as County Auditor 8. 8. Spruks, Ambrose Hen, Oscar Grambo, Chief Hlckey and a host of others. The candidacy of Mr. Murphy Is calculated to attach an Intelligent and apprecia tive Importance to the office. He is a bright and brainy young member of the Lackawanna bar, and a principal or No. 10 school before his accession to the law, he earned a reputation for ability and worth. Election day will come on Tuesday, June 2. DEATH OF JOHN M'LOUGHLIN. John McLoughlln. of Cherry street, acred 30 years and unmarried, died at the Moses Taylor hospital at 9 o'ciock Inst night He was admitted there last Monday, suffering from pneumonia In an aggravated form and the doctors found his case to be hopeless. He ling ered until last night. Undertaker E. H. Jordan removed the remains to the linnio of th dpeensHil man's brother on Cherry street. The time for tile funeral i has not been fixed. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Mrs. M. A. Donahoe. of Cedar ave nue, is visiting relatives in New xoik. .V party of young folks of the Twen tieth ward will go to Mountain Lake this evening. John Greenwald, of Trospect avenue, was slightly injured at the South mill yesterday. Illucksmlth Conrad Flel Is around af ter a week's Illness. PROVIDENCE. II. F. Atherton. the Delaware and Hudson paymaster. Is having his home on North Main avenue repainted. James, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Elsby, of William street, who has been seriously 111 for the past seven weeks with spinal men lugltis, is now rapidly improving. Mrs. John J. Sullivan and son, Hani., of Sanitaria Springs, N. Y., are visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malloy, of Parker Btreet. The work of cribbing the air shaft of the Dickson mines, which was started on May 6, Is nearly completed, and it Is expected that work will bo resumed be fore the close of another week. Miss Surah Warren, of Honesdale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Cobb, of Fordham street. H. W. Lare, who has been 111 for the past week, Is once more attenlng to his work In J. H. Teal s Jewelry store. Word wns received here yesterday afternoon from Dr. Donne, In Wllkes- I la ire. that the 7-year-old daughter of Samuel Williams, of that place, had died. This little girl was adopted bv Mr. Williams when she was 7 weeks old, her mother having died, leaving her an orphan. Mr. Williams Is well- known In this part of the city. Albert Vaughn, who lives In the rear of Bright's blacksmith shop on North Main avenue, was arrested Inst even ing on a warrant issued by Alderman Roberts, at the instance of his wife. Evan Vaughn, for desertion and non- support. When brought before the al derman he pleaded guilty and In default of $3(10 ball was committed to the coun ty all. Mrs. C. A. Perry, of Parker street, celebrated her thirty-second birthday at her home. 122 Parker street, yester day. A large number of friends were invited and had a most enjoyable time. Among those who were present were Mrs. F. E. Hodgson, Mrs. John Bexon, Mrs. J. Perry, Mrs. William Hodgson, Mrs. Bynon, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perry, Mrs. Thomas Griggs, Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. J. Stanton, Miss flame Hodgson, Surah and Margaret Hodgson, Sara Perry, of -Scranton. Those from out of town were Mrs. J. Herron, Mrs. J. Kres- ger, Mrs. White, Mrs. J. Brj'den and Airs. S. Evelin. DUNMORK. Yesterday afternoon about 12.30 an alarm of tire was sounded from box 21, the blaze being in a house on the cor ner of Center and Apple streets, In an old house 4wned by John M. Coleman The Neptunes were first on the scene. ciulckly followed iby the Independents. Thp hose bursted, and before the com panies could get to work the building was almost destroyed. The loss la fully covered by Insurance. The second evenings entertainment and grand carnival of nations which is being neia by the Loyal Legion was rather slimly attended. Tonight will be the closing night, and as the object is a most worthy one it should be very turgeiy attenaeu. Mrs. Osterhout and daughter. Evelyn have returned from a visit with friends at Dalton. The entertainment and social held by the Men's guild of St. Mark's church last evening was a very pleasant affair, A large crowd was present, and a neat sum realized by the society. miss Mary Walsh's class In elocution gave a very creditable production of Tennyson's "Princess" before a good sized audience In Washington hall last evening. The fUnerAl Of T.llkp P!ffnn innr nlara yesterday afternoon and was largely attended, Interment being made In the cnt hnllc cemetery. The choir or St. Marv's Cathnlln church will meet for special rhearsal In the library this evening at 7.30 o'clock All members are requested to attend, MI NOOK A. Owen Connolly, one of our most es teemed and prominent townsmen, was painiuny injured yesterday afternoon near the Hcranton base ball nark. Mr Connolly Is well known throuphout the county, ana his, many friends will be sorry for his misfortune. riuieiKcpper Micnat'i uibbons la re. modeling the old Brickyard . base ball ground. The diamond has been plowed and rolled and presents a neat appear ance. Jnmea Jones was nmrllne at Rattle- snnKe pond Wednesday. A rumor is current nmoncr the snort. inff faternity of the Buffalo team that the Eastern league is making an effort to secure Catcher John J. O'Nell, the well known Mlnooklan, who is at pres. fin uoina; spienoiu work lor the St. uonaventure college team. .Spruce Street Pavement. work was begun yesterday bv the Barber Asphalt company preliminary to the laying of an asphalt pavement on Spruce street, between Wyoming und Franklin avenues. It Is hoped to have the pave laid before the Knights 'rempiar paiauu on May zu. Rheumatism Cured In a lnv. "Mvstlo Cure for Rheumatism nnd Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remark able and mysterious. It remove at once the cause and the disease Imme diately disappears. The :irst dose greatly benefits, la cents. Bold by Carl Loreni, Drugglat, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Bcranton. . 132 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Great Sale of Ladies Suits, Capes, and Jackets. Abo a New Lot ol Crash Out! ax Suit. Suits. Blaier Outing Suits of Cheviot. half-lined, correct styles; regu lar price, 8.50. Sale Price $3.50. Blaier Suite No. 2, In combination styles, solid colored jackets; regu lar price $14.50. Sale Price $10.49. Double-breasted Suits In Black, Blue, Gray and Brown: regular price $22.50. Sale Price $14.50. One lot of Velvet Capes, elegantly trimmed, silk lined; regular price $8.00. Sale Price $5.00. New York Cloak Francis Fitz Gibbon, 132 Mill llfflt 2,000,000 Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, Total Product of 1 II (I The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosbv's Superlative Is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ACTIVE Building Corporations Desiring Extra r fi linn rlNE UROWTH nC I LUUIV IMMEDIATELY JUST ii i ii 11 Kindly Let Manager Richards Sells TRADE Under Xpect Your Z ZLING 422, Richards Lumber Co, Gomith Bl'D'g, Scranton, Pa THIRD NATIONAL BAl OF SCRIM, PA. STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896: RESOITRCE9. Loans 11,438,778 48 Overdrafts 714 01 U. 8. Bonds irai.oou e Other Bonds 801.553 SJ Banking House uj Premiums on V. 8. Bonds 8,660 00 Duo from U. 8. Treasurer.... 7,770 00 Du from Banks 167.804 7S Cash 124.788 &3 12,191,300 30 WM. CONNELL, President: OEO. H. CATLIN, Vice President: WM. H. PECK, Chlr. niBPCTOBS-Wm. Connell. Henry Belln. Jr.. James Archbald, Win. T. Smith. Oeorge H. Catlin, Luther Keller, Aiirea nanu. Soeclal attention given to Business and on lime Deposits. IROM mo ST Bolts, Nuts, . Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup. plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTE1IE11EE? SCRANTON. PA. EVERY WOMAN OBtltteBiiHeierellabHj,sionthly,regltuiginodlolnt. Only htralest n4 ' . j ihs-panttdrHiihraldbBse4. lijouwialthebMSg . Dr. Pool's Pennyroyal Pills Tker tie pra.pt, tale tee eertaia la retell. The eeailiM (Or. Feel's) never 4lMp ooiot. Beat anywhere, H.M. A4die Buav Uanioiaa Ce., Cleveland, O. Per aala by JOHN H. PHKLPt, run Btraat, Sorantan Ptv Reefers and Fly Front Jackets, lined with rich, fancy Taffeta; regular price $14.50. Sale Price $10.50. Capes. No. 1 elegantly trimmed, with Lace and Jets, lined with Silk; regular price $15.00. Sale Price $9.50. No. 2 Domestic Silk Capes, net and laee. lined with silk; regular price $12.50. Sale Price $8.50. and Suit House, BARRELS i U. 1 nnu i I n n n name uur trices uuick. Value Will on a URDERS. LIABILITIES. Capital $ 200.000 f Surplus WW Undivided Profits H.4!' Circulation M.i.j.0 01 Dividends Unpaid , , 10S Deposits WJS'li! 1? Due to Banks 21,398 IS Re-Discounts Bills Payable Non9 2,191,300 39 Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest GO Ptiftrmaoltfc oof. Wyoming Avcnu ana) GONNELL tmiinu uuimiuun i&ii THE :. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 Another Telling Bargain List! Wo know of no better advertisers than satisfied cus tomers. Acting on this thought, we at all times aim to keep our customers in a continuous good-humored mood by extraordinary bargain offerings. Witness this Week's Values: 40c All-wool Henriettas or Herges, all colon, your choice, 25o 50c and G0c Novelty Drew Goods, choice line, your choice, 39c Clio Novelty Dress Goods this is a bargain, your choice, KOe $1 00 Silk Mixture, any combination, your choice, 73c 60c Corded Swivel Bilk, a beautiful line, your choice, 25c 50o Persian and Striped Laundried Bhirt Waists, your choice, ftttc $1.00 Hliirt Waists, in tripe and tans special, your choice, 75c SUe black, and black with white Stripe Sateen Waists, your choice, C9c 11.25 Wrappers, in blacks, greys, reds aud fancies, assorted, your choice, 98c MILLINERY. $5 Trimmed Hats or Bonnets, special, your choice, $2.98 L5c Trimmed Sailors, for misses and boys, your choice, 19c 75c Ladies' Sailors, In all colors, your choice ... 48c CAPES AND SKIRTS. 40.00 Velvet Capes, nicely trimmed and lined, your choice, $3.98 ?6.o0 Silk Capes, catin aud jet trimmed, special, your choice, - $4.48 $0.00 Black Brilliantine Skirt, 6-yard sweep, your choice, $3.98 s S 1 IB a 5 5 mm 5 S 5 B Si a iiiiiuiniiniiiutuiiiiiniiiinuniiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisV Wm ti mis 1 he Electric City Awning and Tent Com pany wish to inform thnlr frleud and petroas that tbey hareoptned an office t 3U Linden Street, with Re.ho & Long, where any order, ly mall or telephone, tor Tenta. Fieife, Awn Ings, Wagon t'ovaia or Hone Clothing will be given careful attention. t i Telephone 3102. lAMN'S THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE IT fi HELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. JAMES MOIR, II Has Moved to Hit New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bauk. Ho has now in a i I 5 Comprising overytlilnj rcTilslte for Une Merchant Tailoring. And the same eau be shown to nil vantage in his upltn dialy fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ol The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Home Kin., a? a g a, ip. ,;.V ntaiunxa viimuii, ' w r ... : . X:,l, .' W!l Man K$ nf Mo protlnpps the above results la'itO days. It ai-tf tiowerf ully anil Quickly. Curcu when all cthero fail VouiiH men will ri'jaiu tboir loft manhood. and old men will rorovor tlirlr youtlilul visor by uhIds It K VI O. It quickly and unruly rotorm Norvou nomi, Lout Vitality, lmpotiMicy, NUilitly Kralsnlonf, LoBt l'owor, Falling Memory, Wwtiue DlKnoHpn.and II rmicts ol nelf-auitBo or rinixaaud luiliiivroUeii, v.liloh nnntiioni! tormudy. buxineai) or marriaito. It uot only rams by Ktnrtinf at tlio out ot d.-icuw, but isagrvat nrrvx tonic und Duioa builder, brind l"g hick the pink Blow to unio rherks sad re stnrlnv tlio lire of youth. It wnrdn off Tnunlty and Consumption. Insist on having KKVIVO.no other, it cun bo carried in vot pocket. By mm S 1 .00 vr nackage. or six (or Sfl.OO. with Doil ,ivo written Kusruntoo to rure or refund hemonpy. Circular free. Addreu "V MrniciN-sr- -'. CHICAOO. ' For sale by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggist scranton, re. I fit Hill MERCHANT TAILOR ifii JBthDay.WIi THE GPBAT 30th tlay. THE FROTHINGHflM. Wagner A Role, l.ca.eosend Manager. Friday, May 15. Benefit of Green Ridge Wheelmen. BOYT'S A MIDNIGHT BELL. With America' Favorite Comedian, The Inimitable DIGBY BELL, And the famous Comedienne end Contralto, LAURA JOYCE BELL. The Celebrated Midnight Bell Quartette and Sale of scats opens Tuesday, o a. m. ONE WEfiK. COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 18. THE ORE AT BIU SHOW, Kennedy's Players, INCLUDING: The Greateat Living Fun Maker, MR. JOHN J. KENNEDY. The Powerful KuimhiiMc Ai'tor, Mlt. OEOItr.E W. BARRIER. The lieuutiful, Artistic and Diinclng Sun beam, MISS EMMA HE CASTRO. Together with their own orchentra and magnillcent Hperlal Hcenery, will ap pear in u repertoire of the latest modern HiicceHes. Monday "The Midnight Express." Tuesday 'The Phoenix." Wednesday "The Two Orphans." Thursday "The Two Thieves." Friday "Tracked Down." Saturday "Around the World In Eighty Days." Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cfs. GRAND SATURDAY flATINEE. N. B. This great company has Just fin ished a four weeks' continuous engage ment at the Grlswold Opera House, Troy, N. Y to the biggest business In the his tory of the house. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, x ONE WEEK. MAY IS. Interesting. Sclentllic. Very Laughable. The Famous Unequaled Hypnotists, QLGA SAGES 1 LA MOTTE ADDoared week Aoril 27. at Wilkes-Uerre. 7 performancps. 6,oUU persons. Wpk, May 4, neuaing, i performances, e.xiv. inia is ineir second week Bee. First, 4 performance!. 4.11(1 persons. Clergymen, lawyers, scientists tradesmen, women and children, every bod) highly delighted. Prices, Gallery 15c, Entire Bal cony 25c, First Floor 50a Sale of 8ats opens Haturdsy. STEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the Werl4 DECKER BROS., KRANICHE BACHB and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always llnd a cen stock and at prices as low as the qualm Ity of the tnstrument will permit at N. II. n nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domeede use. and of all sizes, delivered In any pari Of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Ufllce, NO. R WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, ft rat floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for tho sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH.