THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 13, 1896. 3 NORTON'S Spring Specialties. n-CEM WALL PAl'tkS. -CXT WALL PAPERS. SCENT WALL IWPtKS, " 10-CEXT WALL PAPERS. 1'2-CEXT WALL PAPEKS. l.T-CENT WALL PAPEKS. SO-CEXT W ALL PAPEKS. 25-CEXT WALL PAPEUS. And all other grades made up to $5.00 double roll. New patterns, up-to-date ideas. Artistic combinations of coloring to please all fancies and circumstances. W IXDOW SHADES on spring rolls ready to liunn up, 15c. and upwards. tlKTAlX POLES Mitb brass trimmings, ic. and upwards. WALL M01LDIXGS to hans; pictures ' 3c per foot and upwards. NORTON'S, 32i Lackawanna Avenue, Scianton. 3J South Main St., Wilkes-Hurre. SEED OATS, Choice, Heavy, Clean. Bone Fertilizer, For Lawn. Linseed Meal, Llimp Rock Salt, For Homes and Cows, We Wholesale Only. THE WESTON MILL GO. SCRANTON, OLYPHANT. CARBONDALE. BEWARE Of MIIFJIS. the genuine: ; Have tlie initials O., B. & CO. imprint ed in each cigar. QARNEY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTUR-RS. COURT HOUSE SQ. JlltS. DICKSON'S B1KTHDAY. licccites Her I'riend 1 in Honor of Her Severn: -second Annl vcrsnrv. ilvs. Thomns Dickson's seve-nty-scc-ond lilrtliday wns yestordny nnd in hon or of tho event she received informally about HOD guests frimi 10 to 12 miei li to t o'clock. Her daughters. Mrs. O. V. Erntley and Airs. Thomas Franklin, received with her. . The rooms were laden with a profu sion of Mowers. Of the many remom lu nines received ly Mrs. inckson was a huge basket of (lowers from the ser vants who had left for the Dickson (summer home at JioiTistown. N. J. lcfroshmerits were served by Hunting ton. ... After the reception the house whs closed for tin', summer. Mrs. Dickson pending the night at the home of Col onel and Mis. H. Holes. She will leave at noon today for Morristown. NATIONAL PUOIIIBITION CON VENTION. Single Fnrc for the Hound Trip to Pitts' hurR via l'ciinslvnnln Hoilrond. For the National Prohibition Conven tion, to be held at Pittsburg. Pa.. May 57, 28 and 29. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company 'will sen trum May z to. Inclusive, excursion tickets from all points on its system to Pittsburg; and return, at a 'single fare for the round trip (no less than 2i cents). These tickets will be Rood for return passage until May 30, Inclusive. . Wheelmen cull at Foote Shear's, 11!) Wnshlngton avenue, wo will intercut you.- li I IE DL FOR WOMEN, IN BLACK ANO BROWN K!0. Women's Brown Glace Kid , Century Lace Boots..,.., $d' All Widths and Slates. . Schank & Koehler, V ;'410 Sprjci Strsat. N . ; PQPULARPUNCHCICARS GRAND OFFICERS CHOSEN Men bo Will Lead the Ivorites Dur ing, the Year. liODV UILL AD.IOIKN TODAY Business I hat Waa Transacted at the llireti Sessions HelJ Yesterday 'I he Hcsolntiona AJopteJ-Io-i ktructcd in Secret Work Th IVorite convention at Olypliant did not finish Us business last eve bine; us was ishod by. the delegates. Another session wiil be held this moru las, and this will ptobably be the last. Yesttulay was a bis day for business. Ullicers for the ensuing year were elect ed as follows. Motit worthy viand piccideiil. Rets Morgan, Wilkes-Uarre: most woitliy giand vice president, Wil liam K. Kdmunds. ot Nantieoke; most worthy Brand secretary. Daniel Uevan. .f .Miners Mills; niul worthy grand treasuicr. Mosts J. Jones, Poultney, Vt. Another imrioiiunt thing was the de cision of the grand lodire to hold its next session at t'tlca. N. Y. Last nipht was devoted to secret ttoik. Henrv P. Davies talked for a lengthy period on the Inside work of the order. The morning session determined the plim iiMil business of the convention. President Hughes was promt t In call ing the delegates to order. There was a I. u ire attendance and tho meeting was characterized by a hearty spirit of work. Secretary Be van gave his an nual report. It showed that the past year has been a very successful one for the older. The repot t will be print ed in pamphlet form and will be sent to the different lodges in this country. STATISTICS OF THK ORDKK. In it the secretary states that one new lodge was organized during the year. This was at Forest City. There were twenty-eight charter members nnd the organization was effected on Aug. 22. The order buried thirty-nino of Its membeis during the year and initiated ins. From the year until tho month of December of last year the order paid out an average of f!i.r63.62 per year. During this peiiod there were WW deaths. Dust year three men of note In the order died. They were W. (leorge Powell, of Scrnnton; Morgan H. Wil liams, of Scianton. and Reese H. Rich ards, of Wilkcs-Hai-re. Secretary Jtuv an gave the linancial statement, which showed a nourishing stute of that part of the order. During the coining year lodges will probably be formed at Schuylkill. Falls, Philadelphia, Parsons. New Castle, O., and at Carbondale. After the report of the secretary, motion van made by John Powell, Pittsburg, thanking Hen ry J. Williams, of Plymouth, for his effort!) at tho convention. John Henry, of the North lnd, was the seconder. The auditors madu their report. They found the bonks in excellent condition and upon their recommendation the ac counts were nnnroved. The auditing committee consisted of: John Powell, Pittsburg: Kdward C. F.dwards, Youngs town, nnd Thomas M. (JrllUths. Jermyn. tirand President Hughes made his an nual report. It gave a synopsis of his work during the year and contained suggestions for the welfare of the order. A special committee was appointed to originate a laoel button emblemuttc of the order. Tho members are: K. D. Jones, Scranton; H. P. Davis. Scranton; Kvan S. Kvans. Taylor. They will re port at the next meeting of the grand lodge. During the morning numerous amendments and changes in the con stitution were brought furwartl. RHSOMtTIONS ADOPTED.' A committee consisting of K. D. Jones, Dnvld C. Davis. Middle Granville, and Evan f. Evans. Taylor, was appointed to consider the pro08itlons. Henry Q. Williams, of Plymouth, offered the fol lowing resolution which was accepted: Resolved. That we desire to return our warmest thanks to tho members of Emlln loilvt- and the citizens of Ulyphant far their hospitality to us as officers and dele Kates of the lvorites' grand lodge while in session here; also to those vismiig dele, gallons lhat participated in the parade, ami for tho excellent entertainment piu vlded for us on Wednesday evening. Resolved, That we extend our thanks to the repress ntutives of the press for their libera! pulilieHtinns of the proceedings of the sessions of the grand lodge; especially to Rrothers Kim i son 1. Owen and Charles E. Daniels, of Itob-ri .Mollis lodge, rep resenting respectively the Scranton Trib une ami the Scranton Truth. A telccram from the veteran Irovite. D. F. Lewis, editor of the Utlca Drych. was rend. It is as follows; "Coflnu tyues at y frawdoliaeth lfor aidd Duw fond it h in eieh gwelthred la duu." The translation is that Mr. Lertis sends his kind remembrances to the delegates and he hopes that God's blessing will rest all their delib erations The telegram was ordered tiled. President Hufthes sent back the following response: "Mae y Oynhadledd yu synuid yn araf ond goheithuwn orphen heno." 'Tho convention Is moving siowly: but we hope to finish tonight." The elective board then re ported the names of those who had been elected rtrand officers for the ensuing year by a sealed vote of all the lodges. AKTERNOON SESSION. The principal transaction of the after noon session was the selection of n place for holding the next anirual meet ing of the grand lodge. I'tica. N. Y., was successful upon vote of every lodge In the order through the 'secret method used In selecting officers. Tay lor was the only other aspirant. The decision was inndo because the Lacka wanna valley has had two successive conventions and the other sections were clamoring for a piece of the pastry. All the ofllcers and representatives were present at this meeting. A constitu tion, by-laws and ritual was adopted for the government of the Junior lvorites. 'I. here are time lodges in this branch; one at Plymouth, at Wilkes Barre and at Miner's Mills. Questions were received from the del egates concerning secret work and were discussed by the convention. The com mittee unpointed in the morning to ex amine Secretary Uevan's report rec ommended the printing of the same. The committeemen were John Powell. Pittsburg; Thomas C. James. Taylor; John H. Reese, Shenandoah. The rest of this session Was devoted to secret work. The meeting was continued un til li o'clock in its effort to close the meeting last night. There was so much work on hand that the delegates feared at this time that the meetings would have to bp continued until tomorrow. The evenlns session was, in the end a dissaopointment to the delegates Each and every one wanted to finish business and co home, but it could not be done. The session was continued until this morning when an effort will be made to make the session "sine die." Last nipht Past Grand Master Henry P. Davies devoted over one hour In exemplifying tho unwritten work of the order. The delegates showed munh Interest (n this part of the proceedings. ' TO REVfSE RITUAL. A committee was appointed to revise the ritual and to report on same at the next annual convention. The dele gates . named were: H. n. Davies Scranton; John O. Jones, Dtlea; John F. Evuns. New York. This was prac tlcally all that was done. Today the ollleers will be Installed and the last touches put on the work. CONVENTION NO ITS. Utlca gives general satisfaction as a convention city. - John O. Jones, of Utlca, Is raring for the Interests of the Ctlca Herald at the convention. Retiring Secretary Bevans' fort Is Work. He has made a model transmitter of the dolnfs of the order. Pr. W. E. Lloyd, of Emlln lodge, bat Terrible Starvation is daily the cause of death oa every side, not ticrn inability to get food, but from the imjossi bility, caused by disease to assim ilate it. Everyone has marked the continual losing of flesh and daily wasting away of some' beloved friend. Call the disease vat nair.e ou will, the fact remains that the ultimate tnc has been due to starvation. Don't wait too long, give the sufferer Bovinine It is not a medicine, but a food product, a powerful conccntra tion into small bulk cf the vital elements of lean beef, every bit of the nutritive qualities of which have been retained, on account of the special cold process by which it is prepared. It creates new red blood corpuscles, in creases weight, builds tlesh and nerve tissue, and strengthening the life-maintaining organs of the body, enables them to per form their functions naturally and throw off disease ask your doctor, he will tell you this is so. done much to niako the visitors feel at home. The doctor ha happy faculty for making and retaining aeiuaintaners. He is the social mutuality of the Ulyphant lodge. W. H. Hughes goes out of the ofliee of grand president with the respect of every hurilu in the country. Mr. Hughes will always be remembered by those w.h whom he conies in eoutnet. His generous nature mid sympathetic attention to all has endeared him. .Mayor Moses li. Jones, of roultnoy. Vt Is one of the favoiites of the convention. His manner is us free iind unaffected h fuet Itself. As grand treasurer of tile lodge he will make a model guardian cf the funds. Everybody trusts him. In the Vermont town where .Mayor Jones lives he is a prominent eitixen. The region is an iinpurtant slate mining place, and Mr. Junes Is connected wilh one of the leading tinns In the busy town of Poultney. Tha Inhabitants are mostly Welsh-Americunn. OPERA BY AMATEURS. The Doctor of Alcantara Produced In College Hull l.nst Nleht. "The Doctor of Alcantara." a two act comic opera, was produced nt College hall last nleht beftire a good slze'd au ellenoe by a number of amateurs of this city, who form an organization known as the Scrantonians. The opera wan exceedingly well done and showed careful and imlnstaklng rehearsing and drilling by the musical director Wr. P. Schilling. Those in the cast were: Doctor Paracelsus Will F. TVirke Senor Balthazar James J. Mahnri Curios, his son Daniel J. Movies Perez Thomas P. Murphy Sancho Peter F. Howley Porters. Don Pomposo. Alguuzil ...W. R. rtradbiiry Policemen.. William Kenney, James Hayes Dona Lucrezia, wife to Dr. Paracel sus Agnes G. Riley Inez, her maid Nelllo Charlas Isabella, her daughter. Florence M. Schilling Mr. Schilling was very fortunate in casting the opera. There was little 'of the stiffness noticenblo that is usually an inseparable pnrt of the stage pres ence of an amateur. They sang nnd spoke their line's well and thcls bearing was grarefulness itself. Cue of the pleasing features of the opera was the excellent singing of the large chorus. The opera will be repeat ed tonight at College hall. INSTALLED AS PASTOR. Rev. W. F. Gibbons Formally hnrgo of His Church. Given r.ev. W. F. Gibbons was last night in stalled as pastor of tho Dunmore Pres byterian church. The pulpit was sur rounded by palms and flowers arranged In an artistic way and presented a very- pretty appearance. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. McLcod. of this city, and tho in stallation prayer was offered by Rev. A. J. Weisley, of Avoca. Rev. Dr. Logan not being present. The chnrgc to the pastor was delivered by Rev. T. W. Swan, of Plttston, nnd the charge to the people by Rev. Dr. N. G, Parke, of Plttston The services throughout were very impressive, tho charges to the pastor and congregation being particularly so. Kobling's First Arroit. Mabel Jones and Helen Howard, two young women frerm 22!) Oakford court arrested Wednesday night for drunk enness and reckless driving, were given a hearing in police conit by Alderman rlgtit yesterday morning und fined $10 each, which they paid. Their arrest was effected by Chief -elect Frank Rob ling, and was the first arrest made by him since being sworn in as a patrol man. i Wheelmen call at Foote & Shear's, 1X9 Washington avenue, we will interest you. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE Will be opened at the new stone building at 228 Lackawanna Ave., today (Friday) evening, at 5 o'clock, for inspection only. The public is cordially invited to call and see the handsome new store L. DRIESEN, BICYCLE FACTORY SCHEME Has Kccciud the Attention of lull Kuufca Scranton Capitalists. HOLMES IS THE IXYEXTOR Cote pan Will IIj Organized as Sink us Sufficient Stock is Subscribed. Hunt to be Located in IMoic's .Machine Shops Within the next f W weeks it sefms probable that the scheme for otsuutz mg a Scranton company for the manu facture of hlgh-grudV bicycles will have assumed definite shape. E. II. St urges. Colonel 11. M. Holes. Joseph Boies J seoh Jermvn. John A. Mears und J. M. Kistler are the men chiefly interested. ' The bicycle which H is proposed m manufactuie will contain the mechanic al ideas of Frank C. Holmes, a bicycle mechanic employed in the repair de partment of the Columbia agency on Wyoming avenue, and who formerly woiktd in a similar capacity for F. '. Hand in his bicycle store on Spruce street. Several meetings have been held for the purpose of perfecting a preliminary company organization, hut at no time was theie enough of the stock sub scribers represented. It was at first ile cided to capitalize at $:",(i.00u. but it was later determined to iucrense this Item. As soon as sufficient stock is sub scribed the company will be organized. It Is proposed to locate the factoiy in the building lately known as Poore's machine shop, next the Suburban Elec tric light plant on North Washington avenue. The busini-ss eirlice and sales room will be in the business section of the city. The chief mechanical principle of the bicycle will be its crank shaft and hanger, which Is on the Columbia idea. It has not been patented. The patent is pending. COUNTY LXAMINATIONS. Dates Fined For Them bv County Superin tendent J. C. Tuylor. .Central examinations will bo he-Id on Saturday, May lti. lxai, at Moscow, Dal ton, Clark's Summit, Carbondale, jer myn, Olypliant, Dickson, Ttiylor ami Old Forge. These examinations are open to all pupils who have been in the- county schools during the Inst year and who are recommended by their teachers. Examinations will bo given only In the eighth years' work. The examinations will begin at b n. in., and close at 4.80 p. m.; but tho time may be extended If necessary to 5 p. m. All candidates who make an average of 75 iKr cent. no mark being lower than SO per cent.) ore entitled to enter the final examination to lie held in this city. Saturday. May 23, 1K. All other candidate's will receive certificates of rank. The examination In this city will be held in Liberty hall. 225 Washing ton avenue, and will be conducted by County Suierlntendent J. C. Taylor and tho following: R. H. Martin, Moscow; S. H. Wage, Dalton: O. A. Cay. Clark's Summit; J. E. Brcnnnn, Carbondale; B. D. Hovard, Jermyn; M. W. Cummings. Olyphant; Katie Dolnhin, Dickson; Hattle McKenzie, Taylor; T. G. Os boria'. Old Forgo. This examination will begin at 9 a. m., and close at S r. m. Any who can do tho work sootier may do so. Candidates who make an average of X0 percent in this examination (no mark being lower than 65 per ciMit.) will ree'elve the com mon schoed diploma. All others taking the examination will receive certificates of rank signed by the examining com mittee and the county superintendent. Pit. sons who wish to tench and who have wver held a teacht-r'B certificate can make arrangements to enter this examination by writing to the county superintendent. Sermon to tho Veterans. Rev. P. J. McManus, pastor of St. Paul's Catholic church, Green Ridge, will de-ltver a sermon crni Sunday, May 24 to members of tho Grand Army of the Renublio bv invitation of Cnlnnol Monies post, of this city. Come and see thf two exhibition wheels at tho Foote & Shear company's store, Hi) Washington avenue. The New Shoe Store OF i BEATTY . . IN THE MEARS BUILDING . Cor. Washington and Sprues, . Expect to Get 15. MANAQHR. A WORN-OUT AD. "SprUg Medicines." "Mood-par if icrs and "Ionics" ua Old-fashioned Idea. Pure blood, strong nerves ami muscles, tirin healthy tlesh e-an only eorne from wholesome food well digest ed. "Bleioti purifiers" and "neive ton ics' do not lead the cause of the mis chief. The stoinui h l i the point to be looked after. The safest ami surest way tet cuie any form of indigestion is to take after each meal some harmless preparation which will of itself digest imi1 There is an cxccllem prepara tion of tins kind eouiMsd i.t vegetable essences, pure pepsin. Golden Seal and fruit salts, soid by eliuggist under name tf Stu ' t's vsi . in Tablets and these tablets taken nfter meals as sist digestion wonde-i fully because they will digest the food promptly before it has time to ferment and sour nnd the weak stomach relieved and assisted in this way soon becomes sluing und vig orous again. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are su perior to any secret patent medicines, because you know what you are tak ing into your stomach. They are sold by druggists eveiy where at 50 cents per package. Write Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich., for book on stomach diseases. i:cursion for School Children. An excursion to Lake Ariel for pupils of the public schools on June I.t is pro posed by the Teachers' Mutual lieuelit association. The plan i, ill be nettled deilnitely at a nieetiiiit of Hie associa tion in the bourd of control rooms In the city hall toinoirow morning ut Pi o'clock. Come and see the two exhibition wheels nt the Foote & Shear company's store. Hi) Washington avenue. 1 Way Ahead Of last year. Ever' department bus-. Not a store in Scrnn ton .showing such a gathering of new goods, and prices even our competitors wonder about them. Ladies' Watch Solid 14k gold, good weight. Fine war ranted Elgin move ment. No better watch was ever sold for $30, but we bought low and you can have oue at near half price. $17. Tea Spoons To you that were disappointed in get ting a set of Rogers' genuine spoons week before last, we just say come after i to day. We got 100 sets more at same price, 25c for 6. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are locuted the (Inest fishing and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all Klnts in Maine, Canada and Mxiiitme Provinces, MinnoaNolh'. St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle. Taeoina, Portland, Ore., San Kranclsco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through! trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Yard, Scranton ROOMS4AND5 GAS AND WATLR CO. BUI1.DINU, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFF1CK HOI'RS from 7 :W u. m. to p. m. (I hour intermission for dinner and supper.) Particular Attention lilven to Collection. Prompt Settlement (iuarnnteed. Vour Bus!, ness is Respectfully solicited. Telephone 134. t. ROBINSON'S SONS' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tho Celebrated Ha liii CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum 1: ; - I! i REXFORD Lacka. Av. I n Fixing for the Summer Cottage. l'leity Uovers look prettier amid ctinueuiul environments. Jarde tiicre. Flower Stands and Pedes tals wu which to put them add to the beauty of the cottage; show plants and lloweis to better ad vantage. It isn't necessary to .;c the "best china" or make out with kitchen crockery. Very attractive dinner nnd toilet ware can he bought for very little money now-a-days, cheaper t:ir than the commonest stoneware of not so very long ago. We are making a feature of Sum mer cottage trade. Lamps, Lanterns---theie are lots of necessi ties as well as comfort sugges tions here. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOMING 1VE1IUE. M'alk in and look around. THE DIFFERENCE between drrsiug poorlv is very small If yon buv right. Economy fliiit slights quality is extravagance. We want the trails of men who economise by having their peckgsar of the licst. at economical Driers. We're only anxious tor your nrst order. Alter tliat you 11 come hero any way. McCANN, 20.1 Wyoming Arcnuc. KNOX AND STETSON AflfiNCV. , Haiti Badrctt - n 1. f. The doctor is now located over the Famous Hioc Store. 320 Lack wanna alicntic, where he may be consulted on all cases of Eye, l'ar, Nose and Throat trouble. Special care given to difficult Kyc l rttin;;. DUPONTS MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured nt the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National r.ank P.uilding. AMKXClKS: THO?. FORT). Plttston. Pa JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. K. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. Agents for the Rennuno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. 01?) &EdYWHERi BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at shot notice, at Tuc Tribune Office. POWDER ID HIS m Men Boys ona nm Au elegant assortment at prices that are very low consiiltrina the quality, make-up, etc., is ticiug shown at our store, ll you arc thinking of buying a Spring Suit cal 1 in and look at our stock it will do you' good, and us, too, oi course. We arc almost sura you will buy cannot resist - OUR HAT AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPT Is replete with everything that is new and stylish; all the latest styles ao.4 colors. Call in aud be convinced. We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK - IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Etc Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety. Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and , , . Watchmaker. 215 UcklWUM oYJ. Our garments for tho insprictioti of all. We are not afraid of close scrutiny by tho public. All we want is careful examination and are sure the goods will advertise themselves. We are the leaders in first-class Clothing. We solicit a call, knowing we can please you. VI ILLul 46 LACKIWMNI AVENUE. L. II LAWN MOWfilt. Is fitted with nn improved Cutter Bar of sol id tool hteel tempered in oil. The Knives have a positive shenrM cut ana nro rcHiiliitod by n patuut improved "Micro nometer Adjustment." The Shalt runs in Phosphor-Brone bear ings, adding greatly tosmoothness in winning. This mni'hine lins n now malleable iron han-dl)-lrco In eno piero. In simplicity of construction, ense and accu racy in opm-ntioii, durability and linih, thia mower is undoubtedly tho best "lliflH" mow er ill tho market. PRICE- 10-1 noli, $3.00 12-Inch, 3.25 14-Inch, 3.50 16-Inch, 3.75 FOOTE li SHEAR CO, 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE. CALL UP 368-2: CO. (I OI PICI: AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO igi MERIDIAN STREET. M. W. COLLINS, Manager. TRIfCPADC nnd your eyes will taka, I Hrt UHni. cure of yon. If you are I nr unnn rurn troubled with head-1 OF YOUR EYES " "r -rvmisn,, Ur IUUII LILv) Rn toDR. SHI.MBURO'S and have your eyes examined free. We have, reduced prices nnd are the lowest in the city. i Ntckol speetHO e from $1 to 12; (old f rum M to ID. 433 Sprue Street, Scrantaa, Pa. Glothiera. Udterai Furnisficra JkWe Wi Hold HUH. i II I L. A lil'fJiJil