. ,v THE F CI? ANTON TRIBUNE FBI OAT MORNING, MAY 15. 189G. 2 gHGRlFF'3 SALE. OF Valuable Real Estate -ON-FRIDAY MAY 23. IMS. By virtue of Bunilry writs of Fle-l Fa cias, Levari Facias ana Venditioni Expon as, Issued out of the court of common pleas of Laekawanna county, to me ui rected. I will expose to public sale by ven due or outcry, to tlie highest and best bid ders, for cash, at the court house, in Uie city of Scranton. Lackawanna . county on KK11.AV, thoTWKXTY-XINTH DA i O .MAY. A. 1. ISM. ut 10 , O,"-:10 the forenoon of said day. all the right, title and Interest of the defendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of laud, viz: No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, John Jenkins, In and to a.l . ,A e rfa.. ,.f ril'ht (if MOil Of lOt in Clly of Seraulon, county of Lackawanna. Ik Klnnlng at a coiner on northwestwardly fide of Bromley avenue, on division .ino between lots 8 and S, in block 10; thence uleng said avenue north 39Vt degrees cast 60 feet to lot Xo. 7; thence along lot 7 north 50 degrees west 150 feet to on al ley; thence along said alley suuth de grees weBt 60 feet to lot Xo. 8; thence long lot Xo. 8 south M degrees east luO feet to Uromley avenue; being lot Xo. , en ilot of lots recorded In Lackawanna county in deed dook -o. ki. page n. Seized and taken in execution at the suit Of use of C. M. Pettebonc vs. John Jen kins. Debt. C4I.39. Judgment Xo. r.io. Max Term, 1896. Fl. fa. to May Term. ISiiO. THOMAS II. ATHEKTON, Atty. ALSO, No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Hector H. James. In una to all the surface or right of soil of all that piece or parcel of lutul situate In the city of Scranton, Iackawnnna county, begin ning at a point on the northwestwardly aide of Fillmore Avenue, on division line, between lots 3 and 4, In block Xo. 20, o:i map recorded In deed book tlD, page 44S; thence along said til vision line north 504 degrees west ISO feet to an alley; thence along said alley north degrees eust CO feet to corner of lot Xo. i; thence alo.ig line of said lot south Bni degrees east ISO feet to Fillmore avenue; thence along said avenue south J9V degrees west 50 feet to the place uf beginning. Heiug lot Xo. 'i, In block 30, on map referred to. Seiised and taken In execution at tho Slllt of t'urullne M. Petteltone, et. ill.. . Hector H. James. IJeht, $400. Judgment No. 037, May T, 1MW. Fl, fa to May T, m. THOMAS H.A TUEUTON, Atty. ALSO. No. 3. All the right, title nnd Interest of the defendant, Martin Mama, In nnd lo all the surface or right uf soli of all that piece or parcel of land In the city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of Swetland street, on division line between lots No. ISA and 18H, on Uloek Xo. 21, on map recorded In deed book Xo. !, paiv 4tS; thence along said division line south 34 degrees west 130 feet to lot No. 20; thence along lot No. 20 south Wt degrees east 30 feet to an alley; thence along said Hlley north 3U degrees east 130 feet to Swetland street aforesaid; thence along Said street north hVi degrees west to tho place of beginning. Being lot No. ISA, block 21, on map referred to. Seized and taken In execution at the stilt of Caroline M. Pcttebone. et. al., vs. .Mar tin lilatna. Debt, 240. Judgment Xo. uM, May T, 1S.W. Fl. fa. to May T, lsiXl. THOMAS H. ATHEUTOX, Atty. ALSO, No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Venizle HoedsSa, in and 'o till the surface or right or soil of all that piece of land In the city of Scranton, be ginning at a point on the soutlnvestwardiy Hide of Swetland street, on division lino between lots lA and 1MI, block Xo. 21, plot of lots recorded 111 Lackawanna county deed bonk No. IB, page 44K; thence uloinf said division, lino 3ii' degree west ISO ftet to lot No. 20; thenco along said lot north M degrees west 30 feet to corner uf lot 1KB; thence along said lot north de grees east 130 feet to Swetland street; thence along said street south fm?4 degrees 20 feet to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of Caroline .M. Pettebniic, et al., vs. Veii zyle Rodzeu. Debt. I33U.CO. Judgment No. CSS, May T.. m. Fl. fa. to May Term. lMi. THOMAS H. ATHEKTOX, Atty. ALSO, No. B. All the right, title and Interest ft the defendant, Bridget Timlin, administra trix of Anthony Timlin, deceased, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground with the messuuge or tenement thereon erected situate in the city of Scran ton, county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, being lot No. one (1) of Isaac Dean's plot or map of lots, and further described as follows, to wit: Beginning ut a point on the east side of Market street (formerly the Plunk Kuad) ut tho Gregory line; thence north ulong the Plank Road or Market street tifty-two lai'i ieei to a corner ot lot No. two (2) on said plot, now or lute In possession of Michael Lynn; then south along said lot Xo. two (2) to a corner thereof; thenco south eight and one-fourth (S'.4) degrees eust Blxty-ninu (Gin feet to a corner on Gregory line; and thence northwest seven 47) perches to the place of beginning, lieinir tho same premises wliieh William Sllkman and wife by an Indenture bear ing date tho 21st or August A. D. 1871. and recorded at Wllkes-Uurre in deed book jo. in.', page -iM, etc.. granted and con veyed unto the said Anthony Timlin In fee. I'nder nnd subject however to the ex ceptions and reservations as to coal anj minerals as therein contained. All Improved with a one-story and a half woou name uweuing nouse. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T. .1 .Kelly vs. llrldget Timlin, administratrix of Anthony Timlin, deceased. Debt, $H77.S"j. Judgment No. Jli'i, May Term, liiw. Lev, .1ft fa. to May Term, lsns. WOODRUFF, Atty. ALSO, No. C. All the right, title and Interest of inu ueienuani, .uary r;iiza Purdy, in and iu un uiai piece, parcel os lot ot land sit. Uate. lvintr unci bolne in rho ,-itv .if .,: bondale, county of Lackawanna, and state vi i-ennsyivania bounded northerly and easterly by lands now or late of Joseph iiirgeti; southerly by lands of X. S. Hun ter; westerly by Delmont street, being thirty (30) feet wide In front and In the rear nnd one hundred and titty (lain feet In Improved with ono two-story buildin with doublo basement, barn and other utbulldlngs thereon. Seized and taken in execution nt the suit xll,rr's vs. .iiary i-;nza Puniv. Debt, 2,000. Judgment No. 592, May T, 1H t fa. to Muy T, lSlW. J. F. REYNOLDS, Atty. ALSO. No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, J. T. Clurk. In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being In" the 8eventh ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lacjcawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows: Beginning at a corner of a lot on Capouse avenue; thence northwesterly along lands now or late of Patrick Clark, one hundred and fifty (150) feet; thenco northerly in a line parallel with said Capouse avenue fifty (50) feet to a corner of lands now or lato of Patrick Loftus; thence easterly ulong line of lands now or lato of Patrick Loftus ono hundred and llfty (150) feet to a point on said Capouse avenue: thence along said avenue In a southerly direction llfty (50) feet to tho place bf beginning. Said lot above described being about the one-third (1-3) part of the first piece, parcel or lot of land conveyed by J. H. Phelps to Margaret P. Loftus by deed dated the 2nd of February, A. D. 18S2, and recorded In the office for recording deeds, etc., in nnd for Lackawanna county. In deed book No. 11, page, 319; also being the same premises convoyed by the said Margaret P. Loft. is to John T. Clark, the defendant, by deed dated the 18th day of October, A. D. 1&S4, and recorded In Lackawanna county, In deed book No. 86, page IS. All coal and minerals reserved. All Improved with a two (2) story frame dwelling house, other out-bulldlngs, and fruit trees and shrub bery thereon. . Seized and taken In execution at the suit of the trustees of Hyde Park lodge. No. BOB. K. of P. vs. John T. Clark. Debt. 1250. Judgment No. 74, March Term, ItUsj. Fl. fa. to May Term, 1896. I TAYLOR & LEWIS, Attys. ALSO. No. 8. Also the right, title and Interest " of the defendant, J. D. Aylesworth, In and ' te all the following' described lot of land situate In the city of Scranton. county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, being lot number seven (7) in square or block number one hundred and seven (Um and situate on the northwesterly side of Madison avenue, upon the plot of lot of the Susquehanna and Wyoming Yulley Itailroad and Coal company, said lot be ing forty- (40) feet in width on Madison avenue, same width In rear and one hun dred and lifty (Uut feet in depth. Coal and minerals reserved. Improved with double two-story frame dwelling house, barn and outbuildings. Seized and tuken In execution at the suit of F. M. Avlesworth vs. J. D. AyUswortn. Debt, $1,500. Judgment No. 6S5, January Term, lsW. Fl. fa. "to May Term, 181. CAIU'KNTEK, Atty. ALSO. No. .All the right, title and Interest cf .O. All l lie rilll, 11111- .ie, . . . -... j ...-. the defendant, Anthony Cusick, in and to i said Peek Brothers land, one nundred and two certain lots or parcels of land situate sixty (1W) feet to the point or place of be in the village of Minooka, township of ginning. Lackawanna, county of Lackawanna, ! Being lots numbered one (1) and two (2) Pennsylvania, bounded and described as In block number three (:t) on J. V. Peclt'a follows, to wit.: Said lots being respect- addition to Peckvllle. lvely seventy-live (75) and sixty 0'i0) fct ! Being Improved with two dwelling in front, seventy-live (75) and sixty i.S)l 1 houses and other outbuildings thereon, feet in th. rear and one hundred and: Scisstd and taken in execution at tiie suit fifty (150) feet ill depth, .being two lots or parcels of land known as lots numbers eight (S) and nine (:. in square or bio -K number eight (8). upon plot of lots of the Susquehanna and Wyoming Valley Rail road company In said village. Coal and mineral reserved. Improved with a two-story frame dwell ing house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of ('illmore A Duffy vs. Anthony Cusick. Debt, $151. Judgment No. 451. November Term, mi. Fl. la to May Term, 18?t. M. E. M DONALD. Atty. ALSO, No. in. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Jacob Kellerman, In nnd to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of lund. situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawan na and stale of Pennsylvania, tiud de scribed as follows, to wit: Lot Xo. 1 Helnir lot number five (a) m souare number elehty (soi. being forty (40) feet in front on Pittston nyenue, and one ( hundred and fortv (1101 feet deeD to an nlley in the rear 10 feet wide for public use. Lot No. 2 The southwesterly part of 10: number four (4) in squuro or block number eighty (SU) said parcel being three (J) feet in front on Plttston avenue, and one hun dred and forty (140) feet deep to nn alley in the renr 10 reel wide lor ptiouo uhj. together with the Improvement thereon. Siisiect to the several exceptions, re strictions nnd reservations contained in the hereinafter recited deeiU Belmr tho same premises conveyed by Christine Sitkofski. et. ill., to Jacuh Kei lermun, by deed dated the 2'ith day of April A. D., ISSti, and recorded in Lack awanna county, in deed book 37, at page 51, etc., ns by reference thereunto will more fully and at large appear. Improved with a twn-stoiy double frame dwelling house In front and a two-story frame dwelling house In the rear with outbuild ings, fruit trees, etc., thereon, neizea una taken In execution at tho suit of I'hnrles J. Hclines vs. Jacob Kellerman. Debt. ?B0. Judgment No. 301, March Term. IKiKi. Fl fa. to May Term. IMHi. Also at the sun of Charles J. Ilelmes vs. Jacob Keller- niun. Debt. JCiS.ti.'i. Judgment No. .102, March Term, 1SW. Fl. fa. to May Term, lSii. F. E. BOYLE & GEORGE W. BEALE. Attorneys. ALSO No. 11. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Margaret Ruddy, ad ministratrix uf Martin J. Ruddy, deceased, In and to nil those three certain pieces or parcels of land situate In the city of Scran ton, county or Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania described as follows, to wit: The first thereof being lot number twenty-four (21) in square or block number two hundred and twenty (220) and sltuato upon street called and known as Capouse ave nue upon the plot of Scranton, Intended to be duly registered and recorded, said lot being forty (10) feet in front and one hun dred mid llfty (1.7)) feet ill depth ami rec tangular with an alley In the rear sixteen (111) feet wide for public use, with the priv ilege of using ten (10) feet in front of 'he lront lino of wild lot 011 capouse avenue, also ten feet 111 front on Ash street for yard, vault, porch, piazza, cellarway and bay window. All Improved with a two story bakery building, brick and frame boiler house and frume barn In the rear. The second thereof being lot number thliiern 131 In square or block number two hundred mid twenty-one (221) und sltuato upon street culli! and known as Capoilso avenue upon the plot of Scranton intended lo be duly registered and recorded, said lot being forty (40) feet In front and one hundred and fifty (150) feet In depth, and Is rectangular with nn alley in the rear sixteen feet wide for public use, with the privilege of using ten feet in front of the front line of said lot on Capouse avenue, also ten feet In front on Ash street for yard, vault, porch, piazza, cellnrway and bay windows. All Improved with a two-story brick dwelling house and out house. The third thereof being nil that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Sev enth ward of Scranton 011 the south side of Phelps street and bounded as follows, to wit.: Beginning nt the easterly corner of lot sold to Rnlor and running southerly along his line one hundred and forty feet; thence easterly twenty-six feet nnd eight inches; thence northerly one hundred and forty feet to Phelps street; thence west erly along tho lino of said street twenty six feet and night inches to the place of be ginning, being a part of lot number thir teen in square or block number three of Phelps mid Wlnton's addition to the city of Scranton. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, barn and outbuild ing thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of Michael M. Ruddy vs. Margaret Rud dy, administratrix of the estate of Martin J. Ruddy. deceased. Debt, $11,241. M. Judgment No. 13ft. Janunry Term, 1S1XJ. Lev. fa, to May Term, 1896. HOBAN. Atty. ALSO No. 12. All tho right, title nnd Interest of the defendant, M. O. Webster, in and to nil that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Abingtori, county of Lackawanna, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a point In tho center of the public road leading in a southeasterly direction by said premises at tho bridge over a stream across the said road; thence in nn easterly direction along the lino In tho center of said road to the tratof the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western rail road; thence In a southwesterly direction along the said railroad along tho line of land ot William A. Gardner, to a stake nnd stones corner: thence In a westerly di rection to n marked maple tree; thence In a southwesterly direction along the Mne or land of the said William A. Gardner to a marked tree corner; thence In a north westerly direction to a corner nlong line of land of said William A. Gardner; thence In a. northeasterly direction along line of lands of George E. and J. C. Xorthup; thenco In a southeasterly direction along line of land of George E. Northup to a stake and slones corner In center of tho stream: thenco in a northeasterly direc tion along line of lands of George E. Northup to a bridge, tho place of begin ning. Containing one hundred and sixty (100) acres of land be the same more or less. Being the same premises conveyed to M, O. Webster, the defendant, by John No-tli-up, guardian, et. al,, by deed dated the 8th day of February, A. D. 18il5, and record ed In Lackawanna county. In deed book, No. 126, page 238. all Improved with a one and one-half GVa) story frame dwelling house, nnd with three (3) or more barns. Ice-house, and other out-buildings; nnd also a large number of fruit trees, ma ple grove, etc. Seized und taken In execution at the suit of John Northup, gunrdiun of Esther N. Ulako and Ella N. Sherwood, vs. M. O. Webster. Debt, $8,000. Judgment No. 572, May Term, 189U. Fl. fa. to Mny Term, 1SUJ. PITCHER, Atty. ALSO No. 13. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Lucy J. I loud, in and to nil those three certain messuages, tene ments nnd tracts of land, situate, lying and being In Peckvllle, In the borough rf Blukely, county of Lackawanna and statu of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: First Beginning nt, a point on the north Bide of Main street at a corner of land, now or formerly occupied by Georgo W. Thomas; thenco northerly, along the land of Thomas, one hundred and sixty (IliO) feet, to u lane or Hlley; thence easterly nlong said lune or nlley sixty (GO) feet to a lot now or formerly occupied by W. ,1,. MeCormlck: thence southerly along said McCormick's lot, one hundred and sixty (H'iOi feet to said Main street, formerly known us the Providence and Cnrbomlalo Turnpike; thence along said Main street sixty (U0) feet to the Point or place of be ginning. Being Improved with a hotel and outbuildings thereon. Second Another piece of land. In Peck vllle, In the borough of Blukely, bounded and described 11 s follows, beginning ut a point on Hickory street, at the northwest corner of-William Crago's land; thence westerly along said Hickory street, Sixty (CO) feet to a stake; thence southerly fct right angles, to said first mentioned line, one hundred and sixty (100) feet to a stake; thence easterly at right angles, to said second mentioned line, sixty (uO) feet to a corner ot said Crago' land; thence along said Crago's laud one hundred and sixty (It)) feet lo the point or place of begin ning. Improved with a frame dwelling house and other buildings. Third Another lot of land, in Peckvllle, in the borough ot Ujakely, bounded ana described us follows, beginning at the cor ner of lot of Peck Brothers, on the north side of Main street, extending thence In a westerly direction, along said Main street, one hundred and thirty (l::.)l feet to Wal nut street; thence in a northerly direction along Walnut street one hundred and six ty lti) feet to an alley; thence eastirly along said alley one hundred and thirty (1S) feet to land of Peek Brothers afore said; tnence In a southerly direction, along of Anglo-American Loan association of 5l1.Hitj.i8t. Judgment No. OS. M-iy Term. liDtf. Fl. fa. to Msy Term, 1$K. FRED FLE1TZ, Atty. ALSO No. 11. All the right, tltlo and Interest of James M. Tyrell, In and to the follow ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lyilig and being ill the city of C.Ar bondale, in the county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, on tho west erly side of the turnpike leading from Car. bundale to Providence, north of lot for merly belonging lo Thomas Poland, and lions in rear, each one story high. The niuln building is twenty-two feet long und sixteen feet wide. Seized and taken 1 III execution nt tho suit of Ellen K. Folkes vs, Jutnes M. Tyrell. Debt. $1,0)0. Judg- mem Xo. Sus, May Term, K. Fl. fa to .May Term, jsiw. W. II. STANTON Atty ALSO No. 13. All the right, title nnd Interest of defendant. Ann Gllgnllon estate, in and to all that eertnln lot. piece or parcel of lund situate In the city of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit.: Bounded on tho north by land or Charles Mefabe and Patrick Hart three hundred and twenty-eight reet; on the eust by Railroad street, forty-one fec i; on the south by Mrs. David Markcy throe hundred und nineteen (31!)) feet, and on the west by Farvlew street, forty-ono feet. Improved with a two-story frumo dwell ing house thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of city of Carbondale vs. Ann Gllgallon Estate. Debt. $02. Judgment No. 96, Nov ember Term, I8I15. R. D. STUART, Atty. ALSO No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, 4'hurles F. Walter, 111 and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel ot land situate in the borough of Dunmore, county of Luckuwuuna and state of Penn sylvania, and bounded and described us follows, to wit.: Beginning on Fourteenth street, at the corner of lot of James Volan, 224 feet from the side line of Center Btiyet, thence along the line of said Volan's lot, north 51 degrees 15 minutes west 181 feet to a corner; thence north 38 degrees 45 minutes east D6 feet to a corner; thenco south 51 degrees 15 minutes 4tet lNl.feet to the line of Fourteenth street aforesaid; thence along said Fourteenth street south 38 degrees 43 minutes 66 feet to place of beginning. Containing about 10,1:16 feet of land. Coal und other minerals re served. Stdzed nnd taken in execution nt the suit of James G. Bailey to the use of f'annie A. Miles vs, Chales F. Walter. Debt, $50. Judgment No. 802, May Term, 18IW. Fl. fa. to May Term, ISM. E. MILES, Atty. ALSO No 17. All the right, title nnd Interent of the defendant, John Seism, In nnd to all the following described lots, pieces or par cels of land, together with the improve ments thereon, situate In the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and statu of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit.: First Being lot No. 18 in Block No. 61 and 40 feet In front on Qulncy avenue and ltiO" feet In depath, and being rectungular. Improved with a two-atory frume dwelling house and one frame barn, and adjoins lands ot Mrs. Coar and other lands ot said defendant. Second Being lot No. 19 In block No.iGl and 40 feet in front on Qulncy avenue und 150 feet In depth and rectangular, nil im proved with a two-story frame doublo dwelling house on front and a two-story frame dwelling In the rear of said lot, ad Joining other lands of said defendant and lands of C. L. Merecereau. Third Being lot No. 13 in block No, 01. being 40 feet in front on Qulncy avenue and about 75 feet In depth being rectan gulurs and being on the westerly corner of Qulncy avenue nnd Vine street, all im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of Scrarton Savings bank vs John Seism, et. al. Debt, $304.50. Judgment No. 409, January Term, 1895, Vend. Ex. to May Term, 1396. S. B. PRICE, Atty. ALSO No. 18. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Elvira Prltchard, admin istratrix of the Estate or Charles Prltch ard, deceased. In und to all that lot, piece or parcel or land situuted in the borotigit or Olyphant, county or Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, known as lot num ber forty-four (44) in square or block num ber one (1), and fronting on Hill steeo:, being llfty (50) feet In front, by ono hnn dred and llfty (150) feet In depth according to a Plan on map entitled "B. H. Throou's addition to Olyphant, Pu.," with a two story dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Osmond vs Elvira Prltchard, adminis tratrix of Charles Prltchard, deceased. Debt, $205. Judgment Xo. 310, May Term, 1SU5. Fl. fa lo Mny Term. 1890. F1TZSIMMONS, Atty. ALSO No. 19. All the right, tltlo and Interest of the defendants, Ann Egan, and William Esan, In and to all the following described lots or parcels of land situate, lying and being in tho borough of Dunmore, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva nia: Being lots numbers thiry-clght (3i) and thirty-nine (39) on tho northern divi sion of Edward Spencer's plot of Dun more lots, situated on tho northwest.rly sldo of Ward street, between Andrew street nnd Warren street: Lot number thirty-eight (3s) is situate on tho corner of Warren street nnd Ward street, bcln seventy-six (76) feet more or less In front width on Ward street, one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet more or less In depth nlong Warren street to tho line of lot number thirty-seven (37), llfty-threo '5!) feet more or less in the rear nlontr said line of lot number thirty-seven (37) and 0110 hundred and forty-five (145) feet more or less in depth along the line of lot num ber thlrly-nlne (39). Lot number thirty-nine (39) Is sixty (00) feet more or less In front nnd in renr, und one hundred and forty-flvo (145) feet in depth nnd Is rectangular In shape ad joining lot number thirty-eight (38) on tho westerly sldo thereof. Excepting and re. serving therefrom nil coal und mlncrnls with tho right to mine and remove tho same. The debt secured by tho hond on which this judgment Is entered nnd the mort gago accompanying the same having been given for ptirchaso money. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Ambrone L. Spencer vs. Ann Egan and William Egan. Debt, $1,154.25. Judgment No. COO, Muy Term, ISWi. A. & W. J. HAND, Attys. ALSO No. 20. All tho right, tltlo nnd interst of the defendants, Ann M. Riiaiieaud Patrick Runue, in und lo all that certain lot cf land situate on the westerly side of Wal nut street In the borough of Dunmore, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 31, on Walnut street, according to a map or tho Pennsylvania Coal company, in their ollice, said lot be ing forty (10) feet In rront on, Walnut street mid extending at right angles to said street one hundred and eighteen (US) reel and Is bounded southerly by lands i,f Jnmi'B Carroll, westerly by lauds or Mrs. Grant Furluii, and northerly by lands ot Tlionius ulmstend. Improved with a two-story frame dwell ing, houftc and out buildings. Seized nnd taken 111 execution at the suit of Green Ridge Lumber company vs. Ann M. Ruane and Patrick Ruune. Debt, $3 IS. vmit i r tut r..nt.iii. I.,,.,,!,, hi. t.i ... '. iV,,, i.... ' .... .. i ii i. i tront and forty (10) feet in rear i". ,i"'i t.?",J, .7 ! o"" hundred and forty (l feet in depth ! river. It Is improved. with singie dwelling VhsTOV JUv iwb HtoncH niirn. wiin two umau ui-u- , ..... . . i a,. Judgment No. 123,' January Term, 1891 Lev. fa. to May Term. 18& CARPENTER. Atty. ALSO No. Jl. All the right, title and Intersst or the defendant, Michael Connolly, In and to all the following described lands nd tenements of Michael Connolly situ ate In the township of Madison in the county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the west corner of lot No. 152 on Drinker's map or survey and In line of lands belonging to Seth Noack. thence south DO degrees east 128 perches to a corner; thence by land of Charles A. Havenstrite south 40 degrees west 33 perches to a corner: thence by lands cf Michael Nolan north W decrees west 128 perches to a corner, and thence by Und of Seth Noack north 40 degrees east 33 perches lo tho place of beginning. Con taining 2U acres and i4 perches of l.uul. be tho same lucre or less, with one two stoty frame dwelling hous. and outbuild ings thereon. Seised and taken In execu tion at the suit of aligned to Mary Con nolly vs. Michael Connolly. Debt, $1,525.50. Judgment No. 1S. March Te:;n, ltts! alias lev. fa. lo .May Term, ISM. C. C. Donovan, Atty. ALSO No. 22. All the right title and Interest or the defendant, Patrick Corcoran, In and to the following niece, parcel or lot of lund situate In the Twentieth ward of th city of Scranton. county Lackawanna and stater of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follciws, to wit.; Being lot number twenty-threo (23i in square or block numliir eic'nlv-o:ic (1) nnd situate upon street called atul named Cedar street, upon thu plot of a part of Scrmi ton. Intended to Le dulv recorded, as by reference to which plot thus recorded will iuny appear, said lot being lolly (4u ieei nnd gusta G. his wife and Thomas C. F. Buck ley, all of the city, county und state or New York or the one part, und Patrick Corcoran, or tho city or Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva nia, of Ihe other part, and recorded 111 the ollice for recording deds in and for the county of Luzerne In deed book 161, page 17, etc. All improved with a large two-story frame building used for hotel purposes and fronting on said Cedar avenue; also two two-story frame dwelling houses on the rear of said lot end two frame bai'iis and outbuilding thereon. Seized and taken 111 execution ut the suit of .Michael F. Corcoran vs. Patrick Corcoran. Debt, $7,000. Judgment Xo. aiH, May Turin, 1896. Fi. fa. to May Term. IS30. F1TZS1.MMOXS, Atty. ALSO No. 23. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Clark & tinover and Michael Connors, In and to all the follow ing described lot of land, with the im provements thereon, situate In tile city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and statu of Pennsylvania, and being lot num ber JO in bloek or square numbi.r 90 on plot or land or Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, intended to bo duly recorded, said lot being about 40 reet In front, fronting on River street, und ubout 150 feet deep, and Improved with a two-story frame building nnd outbuild ings thereon, und being lot No. 5, In block No. 3, city assessment map for sewer pur poses on file In city clerk's ollice. Seized unit taken In execution at the suit of city of Scranton vs. Clark & Snover and Michael Connors. Debt, $10.60. Judg ment Xo. 394, November Term, 1890. Lev. fa. to May Term, 1S90. JAMES H. TORREY, Atty. ALSO No. 21. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, 11. L. Hall, In und to all, the following described lots, pieces and parcels of land, together with the Im provements thereon sltuute in the bor ough of Glenburn, Lackawanna county, state or Pennsylvania. First All that certain lot or piece or land situate, lying and being in the bor ough of Glenburn, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning ut u corner In line of lands ot Edgar Xorthup, and lands formerly con veyed by J. 1 J. Hall to H. C. Hall; thenco by lands of II. L. Hall and hinds of Myron Hall, south 27i degrees east 83 rods to a corner In line of lands of William Hall Estate; thence by same lands north 51 de grees east 56 72-100 rods to a corner of lot conveyed to Samuel Hall nnd by It north 30 degrees west 17 8-10 rods to a corner; thence still by same north W degrees east 11 2-10 rods to a corner In road, for merly. Waterford Turnpike; thence by said road north 20'j degrees west nine rods to a corner In road; thence still by same north 39 degrees west 25 rods to corner or lands or W. J. Watts, and thence by said Watts' lands south 85 degrees west 50 5-10 rods to a corner; thence south 61 degrees, west 8 7-f0 rods to the place or beginning. Con taining 25 8-10 acres or lnnd more or less. All Improved with a barn and upple orch ard thereon Second All that certain messuage or tenement and tract or land situate in the borough of Glenburn, county of Lacka wanna nnd state of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: to wit.; Beginning nt a stnke und stones on the east side of a spring run and In lino of Edgar Northup's land; thenco along lands now or lute of tho estate of Jabez G. Hall, south 87 degrees west (magnetic bear ing) 47 perches to a corner In the mlddlo of an old stone wall, a corner of M. J. Hall's land; thence along lands of the said M. J. Hall south 58'!. degrees west 28 16-100 porches lo a coi ner in the middle of a turnpike road leading from Glenburn to Dalton; thence along the middle of the raid road north 31 degrees west 3 CS-100 perches to a corner of Nettle Colvin's lot; thence along the said Nettie Colvin's lot south 03 degrees west 18 1-10 perches to -a corner ut tho side of the D.. L. & W. R. It.; thence nlong tho side of said railroad north 39Vj degrees west M 10-100 perches to a corner; thence north 48 dnjrees west 20 21-100 perches to a corner by the side of sail railroad und In lino of Edgar North up's land; thence along the said Edgar Northup's land north 07!4 degrees east 23 perches to a corner In the middle of the said turnpike road; thence along the mid dle of the said road north 54 degrees west 20 perches to a corner in the middle of the raid road and In line of Edgar Northup's lnd; thence along tho said Edgar North up's land north G2!4 degrees east 40 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 15 acres, of lund. be tho Fame more or less, being the same land conveyed by Jabez G. Hall to H. L. Hull, by deed bearing date April 19. 1SS9. and re corded In the office of the Recorder of Deeds In nnd for Ihe county of Lacka. wnnna In deed book No. 59, page 492. etc. All Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house, outbuildings and apply orchard thereon. Third All that certain lot of lnnd ly ing in tho borough of Glenburn, county of 1.UCK11 Willi 1114 iiuu Biaic ui X eiinsyivuniu, lying on the southwest side of the Dela ware. Lackawanna nnd Western railroad truck, nnd bounded us follows, viz.: Beginning at the northwest corner of the lot and running thence along lands now or late of Emily Xorthup, south 6a degrees west, tweive nd six one-hundreds chains to a post and stones In line of lands lato of J. (1. Northup s instate; tnence by samo south 42',3 degrees east, eighteen nnd elev. en-onehiindredtlis chains to n stone cor ner of lands of Jonathan Hall's Estate, now land of A. Lelghton: thence by same north 02 degrees and 40 minutes west ten nnd sixly-ono-oncliundredths chn ns to a point one hundred feet from center of main line of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western railroad track; then by land of said rllroad company north thirty-four nnd one-hnir degrees, seven chains; thenco north nine and tiirce-rourtns degrees west, two and ono-fouYth ohiilns; thence north SiiVi degrees west two chains; thence north 40 degrees nnd 20 minutes west two chains; thenco north 50 degrees and five minutes west, two chains; thence north 55' dp. crees west two- and thlrty-two-one-huu. dreclths chnlns to place or beginning, Con- ta nlng 211 acres and X4 nerchos of and lug same land conveyed by Jnbcz H. Hall nnd wife to Herbert L. Hall by deed bear ing dato April 7, 1S53, und recorded In the office or the Recorder or Deeds In nnd for Ihe county of Lackawanna. In deed bonk Nn. 11, page 175, etc. All Improved with one barn and apple orennrd thereon Seized and taken 111 exccullon at tile suit of Frank M. 4 olvln, et. nl ndmlnlstra. tors of Henry J. Colvin. deceased. Debt, $100.' Judgment No, 510, January Term, imij. Anus f t. la. 10 amy Term, lyju. MILES, Atty. ,ALSO No. 23. All the right, title nnd Interest of tho defendant Thomas M. Green. In and to all that certain lot of land with the Improvements thereon, sltuato in the clly or scrnnion, county or i:icKHwnuna and stale or Pcnnsylvaln, ad a street or ave line called und known as Church avenue being lot No. I I 111 square or block A, upon the Frances A. Orlltln nddltlon to the city of Hcrnnton, said lot is rorty (10) feet ill front and reur and 132 feet deep to an al ley i reet wino ror pubiio use, the nieas. uremetit of the depth of said lot to com. ' lei... orii ut.ui lit: . uciici nm n Connolly Call and see them. They're worth more than we ask. CONNOLLY & nience 10 feet Inside of ihe line of the side walks in rront or said lot, with privilege or using said 19 feet for yard, vault, porch, piusza or bay window, but for no other purpose. Improved with a twa-story frame dwelling house thereon. Seized und taken in execution at the suit of F. M. Moyer vs. Thomas E. Green. Deld. $490, Judgment No, 256, January Term, 1S90. Vend. ex. to May Term, .1886. DAWSON, Atty.. ALSO No. 20. All the rleht, title and Interest of the defendant, Sarah 1. Lee, in and to nil that certain lot or piece of proiind sit uate in the Second ward of tho city of Serunton, county or Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, beginning at u point on the north side or Lloyd street nt the distance of one hundred and slty-clgltt (16S) fee; westward from the west side of North Main avenue, containing' in front or breadth on suld Lloyd street ' lifty fi"" nnd extending at that breadth in depth northward ono hundred and n.'.y (150) feet to nn alley; being the sumj premises which W. V. Wlnrnn ami wife by deed dated January 21. 1S93, graft ed nnd conveyed unto fV,suid- Sarah D. Lee in fee. sf ' Coal and minerals rciterved to the legal owners thereof by terimJitvftlelcnt In law: all Improved with a twMlory and base ment iramo double i.dw4itlini - house nnd outbuildings thereon.vSeitd and taken In execution at the suit f Mason ti Suow don assigned to John Kimball vs. Sarah D. Leo. Debt. $S2.25. Judgment No. 2S8. June Term, 1893. Fl. fa.-to May Tenin. 18'W. COM EG YS, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK If. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Sheriff's ollice. Scranton. Pu.. Muv 8. 1890. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LFS3 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. D RUO CLERK-DI)RESS OR APPLY L, V, 1:, 414 (.edar uvoiiu. Scranton. Pa. WANTED AN AOKNT IN EVERY HBO tion to canvass; S4.00 to S5.00 a day made; sells nt sight; nlsos man to sell Mnple Goods to dealers: best side line $75.00 a month : sal ary or lsrge commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Mkiinfuctar lug Co., Cincinnati. O. WASTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 11 every town to solicit stock subsnrip tions; a monopoly; big money lor sgents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FIS1I CO., Uordcn Block, Chicago. 111. Helo Wanted Females. f IRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VJI work: must bo n good cook, washer and ironer. Apply ut s-'i lap street, IX TAN TED AT ONCE - NURSE GIRI VV must itive irood reference. Apnlvat537 JloDwe avenue. 1tT ANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP er: must bo well recommended and must be ublo to give bond. D. B. C, Tribune ollico. ,1 AlMES-I BIAKE BiO WAGES DOING 1J plessant home work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to nil sendinif 2 cent stauiD. MISS SI. A. 8TEIIBIXS. Lawrence, Mich. "IVANTED-LADY AGENT IN SCRAN- V ton to sell und Introduce Snyder's cuke icing: experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very protitable. Write for particulars at nnce and get benefit of holiday trade. T. H. SNYDER & CO . Cincinnati. O WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENLR potio saleswomen to represent n. Guaranteed S6 a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chnm iral Company. No. 72 John street. New York. For Rent. lOIt KENT-NEW HOUSE. TEN ROOMS, V modern itnprooements, U04 Webster ave. Inquire on premises. Ifi ROM FURNISHED HOUSED MODERN 11 improvements, bath, water, furnace, Dnlton Hnrough, fer summer snn. Jli)0u per month. Apply, J. W. BROWNING, 411 Spruce St. 'if 6 RR ENT SIX "ROOM so N8 ECOND -k. Hour. 21(1 Penu Avenue. a SUITS OF ROOMS FOR RENT. 4 AND 5 roonis one!i. Inqniro or Address J. W. Zar flieh. 517 l.ackawunua avenuo. A NICE STORE FOR HETCT. SUITABLE for any kind of biisiiicHii, n nice rent entrsuca from Spruce. Washington, and Adams nvc. Rent Cheap. Will eivo possesion at once. Address, .1. W. Zurflltdi, or call up stairs of same place, 517 Lackawanna avenue. T?OIl RENT-HOUSE CONTAINING 8 J rooms, hot and rold wator, with bath, apply on ptemis. s. 1531) Washburn Street. I.'0UR KOOML. 7-': olive street, arranted I for l'cht hot'sokcuping; uowly painted and p:ip!'i ed. I'Olt HENT-s ROH.V HOUSE AND UM!N; I nice yard, corner VonHtorcli nnd Miirinn. TOl! KENT-HALF OF DoUliLF. HOUSE: X modern Improvements: rent. rc!iitimlie: comer of Pine and HlaUely streets, lirnmure. If OH TiKN T T E N itOO jf MOUSE; ALL I mne'ern imivenirnccs. Inqulru ut I:.''.! Watdihurn !t. ?Ull IIENT-NlCFu l'UK'. 1SHE1) HALL sliitabla fur lodco hum JOHN JEi:- MYN. Ull Wyoming uvem. Wanted to Rent. ' AM l'c 1 1 l.'Cli VIKIll.l Uiilltls P lit ' Knivht Tetnnliiis din iii (Vneiave 7il:iy S nnd '-Wh. Addrnsi GEO. 11. .IEKMYN, Chairman, I Wyoming Ave. Furnished Rooms far Rent. ;UI!N1SIIED ROOMS, WITH USEOFUAS, 1 hot nnd reld 1 utli, elttlug und reudiog rooms. 21a Luckawiiniiu nvenun. Steamship Line. , Ot7amshiim:i?' & J. A. BAUKON'S, m Lackawunna ave nue, Serantou. & LADIES' waists AT $5.00 WALLACE, TRY US. 602-004 LACKA. AVE, COR. ADAMI For Sale. 70R HALEOtt RENT-BIX-ROOMEDOOT-i- taire. Wvomlmr Camn Ground: Dartlv furoiBlied. V. II. IIAZI.ETT. Strsuton. ()f) DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ON t'l Summit Park, and Annex Plots, at Clark's Summit, for rale: ttricei S40 to 17.) each: every lot a bargain. H a AL WORTH, A 1 1 r.rn.u l (..i, !.,..,. 1. 1 1 1 1. Tln.lili F Oft BALE-HORSE AGED SIX YEARS, weiiriit l.CQt) Hounds: cma be seen at 1021 Price street. yoll SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM J hurst and the four lots on which it sUtulx: also tho four lots d Joining: most do sirabln location in Elmhurst; prices reasona ble: terms easv; couesilon Riven ut once. K. P. KINGSBURY. Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa, T.OR SALE TWO HORSES, 2 BUTCHER 1 wngons. HbneRles, 1 sleigh, harnesses and all nf butcher's outtit; alto meit market ror rent; icing ont of business: must be sold by April 1st. Innuire of L E. SCHULLER, Blakoly street, Dunmore. Agents Wanted. WANTED-SALEHMAN: SALARY FROM W start; permanent place. BROWN BROS. CO.. Nurserymen. Roeoester, N. Y. G ENTS W AN TED-TO8ELL CIGARS! $75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO., Cliioaito. AUENTB-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro pluters; price trem S3 upward; salary and ex penses paid: otttflt free. Address, with stamp, jllCHIGAW MFG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; t weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO, 44 Van Buren St.. Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 per rent, commission; sample book mailed fret. Addles L, N. CO.. Statiea L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO tell new lightning soiling table oloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at ID cents and 'ill retits a bottle. Sample tree. BOLGIANO M'F'O Co.. Baltimore, Md. A GEN TS H IN IlE'S PATENT 17MVKH sal Hair Curlers and Wavert (used with out hent), nnd "Pyr Pointed"Hir Pint, Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 464, New York. Staled Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE eoived bv the Home Committee or the Scranton Poor Board until Friday. May 15, IfO'J, ut i p m.. for the construction of a build ing at nillsulo Home, to be kuown as the Chapel, according to plans nnd spncillcntlons to be seou nt the office of Fred J. Amidnn. nrcnitect. Five per cent, of the contract price in cash or certified chock must nccoinpuny eueh proposal, to be forfeitfd upon refusal to enter into conlrnct if awarded. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must bo marked "Propotsuls for . Chapel" and addressed to MRS. FRANCES B. SWAN. Clmirman Home Couimitto;. Scranton, May 7, W. CEALED PROPOSALS WIL BE RE )5 eeived liv rho Chairman of the Home Committeo, of the Scranton Poor Bird until FrHlav, June 5, 1MI6. for tin furnishing nnd putting iu place of an electrio lighting plant nt Hillside Home, according to plans awl spec ifications which m iy ba seen ut the orlice of Director Frederick Fuller, heranton. Pa. Each proposal must bo accompanied by cash or certified check to the amount of flvo per cent, of the bid to bo forfeited inoao of re fusal to make contract if awarded, 'i he board reserves th rivht to reject any or ull bids. All proroiils must lie endorsed "Proposals Electric Lighting." and nddrcis-d to MRS. FRANCES a SWAX. Clmirman Home Committee. Scranton, May 7, 1RW. Proposals. Oitkt. or tub BoAnD ok Commissioners OK Pl'DI.IC OltUUKDH AMD Btll.PISliS. Daniel H. Hastings, J. C. Dclaney, Governor. Sneerititiiidnt. Amos. H. Mylln, Benjamin J. Haywood, Auditor liouoral. etute Troasurtr IJRoroSALS FOR FURNISHING 6TA tionerv. Fuel and other Supoliti. In compliance with tho Constitution nnd lawsnf tho Crmmonweiilth of Pennsylvania, we 1 reliv Invito sealed nroricsiilH. ut prices below maximum rates fixed in selioiiuloH. to furnish tttionury, furniture, fuel and other Biinplles for tho several department of the Stute Government, and for making repairs In thn several dnnnrtments and for the distribu tion of the public document", for the ysr ending Hie llrst Tucsdny of Juno, A D. ltd" Separate proposals will ho received nnd sep 111a e contracts nwnriled ns announced in said selieilnl's. Each proposal must lie accom panied bv a bond, with at loast two suiletles' or one stHety eeinpunv, approved by n Jud o of the Cnu.t f Cbnimou Ideas of the county in which tiie r.erKnn nr norso is luav reside. conditioned for the faithful porfnrmnnee of tho eoutrnct, and auaresioci ami nenvereu to the Una l-d of Coiiiiiiissionersof Public Grounds und IlaildiiiKS liefnro twelve o'clock M.. of 'luesdnv the "d day of Juno. A. D.. 11-0U. nt which time Hie pro;ioulH will bo opened and puiilisuea, in ins Eecppti"n nnoni ei nu eeutive Licpnrtmeut at Ilnrrisbni'g, and con 1 r nets awarded as soon thoreuftar as prac ticable. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary Information cuu be olitiducd at this IlmiLi-tmnnt. J. C. DKLANEY, Fur the Board of Connnlsnloncr 1' of Public1 Grounds mid l.tilldinps. Real Estate. B USINESB PRO"ERTY FOR HALE ON Fenn avenue, iiix) iuoi-k. ' nxmns to sen. COMVHVH, 4110 Kprurn, WANTED SINGLE DWELLING HOUBW W with II t i VI room: lawn shade. All mvdern improvements, n, N. PATRICK, 311 wunuiuutou Ave. m Wallace 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House; UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renoyate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, v Make and Repair Spring' Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Soeclal Notices. trriHE SOLDIER IN OCR CIVIL WAR." J. Yon want this relln. Contains all nt Frank Leslie's turnout old War FietareMhow Ing the foroct In actual battle, sketched on the pot Two volumes, 2,000 pictures, (fold on taay monthly payments. Delivered by ex rresa complete, all charge prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, til Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. OLAMK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA- TliiBiisB atHam. Ouiuk work. Rauonabla prices. Strayed. OTRAYED-KROM the PREMISES OF IJ Frrd RumtlL Dnnmore. a eruv cow: re ward far her return to 2Jft North Blakely St. Business Opportunity. Oinri INVESTED NOW I WHEAT OR V I IsU stocks under our safe method will make yon handsome proflta. Send for particu lars and book, free. JORDAN A CO,, Colum bin Building, New York. Dressmaking. . w, NEW YORK DRESSMAKING BCHOOLt French tailor tyatem tannbt. Ladlet learn to be your own drrstmaker. Private lessons. Open day and evening. .417 Lack. Ave. Charter Application. 1 IN RE: APPLICATION FOR INCORPORA tion of the Maitland Driving Park Asso ciation. Iu th Court of Common Plea ot Lackawanna Counnv.Ho. usi, June lonn.iswt. Notloo is btreby given that application will be made to said Court, or to one of the Judge thereof, on Saturday, the 30th day of May, IHW, at V o clocK a. ni , nnaer in Act enuuoa "An Act to provide for the incur porat Ion and regulation of certain corporations," approved: ' April 29, 1874. and its supplements for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Maitland Driving rare Association, er WnllavlllA P. " the cuaracter and object of which It to encourage the breeding and devel opment ot the light harness rond horse, and for such purpose to have, possess tnd enjoy all of the rights, benefits and privileges ot said Act of Assembly "id its supplements. D. c Nni;u.iiB, eiouciior. Situations Wanted. rpo GO OUT WASHING, WASHINGS I taken home also. Call or address L. B., SJ4 Sumner Ave- Hyde Park. SITUATION WANTED -BY A RE8PEC o tnhls wlilnw. a houaekeeoer w 1th small family Can ui ve reference. Address. House- Keeper. Tribune Office. OITUATION AS BUTCHER GOOD MEAT Cutter, willing to peddle or tend Market. The 'cnglilv understand the business. Ad dress. Butcher. K12 Forest Court. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lndv ns clerk or offlce-asaistant. thorough ly understands hook-keeping, etc.. Address, vompiHPW. "so cuuiner avbhuw. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNG SIID dlft ncred man wants notition as collpctor. Spealst German and English. Wdl furnish a SUU.O) security. Address, W. G., Tribune Ollice. CITCATIOS WANTFtJ BY FIRST-CLASS O butcher: bv one that anderatand the business thoroughly: woll used to green market nnd ovater and fish, or around grocery department. BUTCHER, this office. CII UATION WANTED AS A BAKER OR D miy kind of work. Address E. A. B.. No. HOT Cedar avenue, city. ANTED A POSITION BY AN FXPE rinneed travnlinir salABtnnn. acotlallltea with Now York and Pennsylvania trade Ad drees A., TrlbunoofHce. WANTED A SITUATION BY AN AMER ican a stable boss or charge of gents' pluce; perfectly sober and reliable, Y., i'rib- uiih omce. Medical. TAOIRSt Chicheatir't English Pennyroyal Pffll . im.M.., DH..II ,. th. llall. S.f. Ufllillll.. T..1 no otinr. Set" -It-., kltmpi, er pirtkultr. " ll.llct for Uaka," u una by Return Mai ... ' ""n. Cbtchoater chemical Co.. rniiaaa,, . ROE B LING'S CELEBRATED TANSY AND Pennyroyal Pills; imported: absolutely safe; harmless; superior to all others; never lulls, nnv Btugo: thousands of happy ladles: ti bvmuil. Sold only by BOTANICAL SPECI FIC CO.. 114 Fifth Avenue, Now York. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule in Effect May 19, 1895. - Trains Leave Wilkes-Barreas Follows 7.26 a. m., week days, for Sunbury . Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. - ' 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hailston. Ppttsville, Reading, Nerristown . . and Philndelphiap and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg r.nd the West. 4.40 p. m, Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burc and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazlaton :. and Pottsvillo. , J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pas. Agent. S. M. PREVOSI , Utneral Muinr. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.