TI1E SCKANTON THIBXTNE-THUKSDAY AlOiUNlNG,' MAY 14, 1896. s Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Mm 11 VvC ADSOLUTES.Y PURE CARBQNDALE. IRiMelf r will pV !" nat,a.lv",lI?: rnt. orders for Job work. n1 It" xiblicatlofc lft ot the establish nv int or Shannon ft Co.. newalrrs. .North Main r.reet. will receive prompt attention, or ice open from a. m. to 10 p. nt. EVENTS OF A MGIl l. i Mail SaiuibosKcU o'"1 KohbcJ end llouso Itnrijlnrucd Between tlie huuis of tw.-lw uiul "tie .'clock yi-sti-riluy nioiuiiin Bevoral .veins wliiili ure iuite unusual to the aw ahiiliny I'oiiiiiiunity took pluv. .mo was the suutl-luiKKint; und robbing t a man anil tlie other was the luirtslur- x in of a house. Yin- iiiifoi'tunute man who tinUK'd in :lu- lirst ruse as Alex. MUrlu-ll 'l h-luul-liatiliin liM.k ilacf lu-ui' ttu- D'-la- ulo anU Hudson rope bum and h- wns In n I'uriril to tin- vlolulty of tip' Mitili II hose louipany's house by tlu- pir- K-liaMrs. Mlu h. II was ilisiovon-d lyln on l he iiiicwulk by J II. tJudvvouU. who wan .n his way homo to his boanliiiK plait m John sti l. Ho was K'oaiiiiiK pi'-" jusly anil UuilwuoU saw at owe that he .visa injuioit and went tor help. He met licdiiuk Ituyley. Who ut oiiee um-iiwli.-il the ehlef of poliee and I US - V. Utvrett and J A. Kelly. The lu luieii man wa. earned lo the Mitchell Hoie house uli'l plm id In bed. Here ie lay inieoliselous for to hoiua. There were no maiks or bruises on his joUy bin on pressing a spot on his lead the youiiK mall lllia hed. No other .11 juries were tound and today he Is all lftht. Ml. Mltehell says he was on his way 'lome and when near the I n-law ure anJ Hudson ro'ie barn henid lootstens be Mud him He turned to look but re thembeis nothing more. A small sum A money was taken from his poektt 'jUt Ills Wali-li was uutiitli'lird. No elue has been yet found and probably iieer wlil be. About the s-aiue hour apparently the residence of William Miller on North 'Jhurch street was entered and notes In the amount of und a silver wateh lakep The burglars . ntered throimli the rear kitchen window, without awakening anyone. He then passed throuuh the sleepliift riiom of Mis. -Miller to the room occupied bv Mr. Miller und his M Hudson. Here he Went through .Mr. Miller s eai uicnts and took from thent u potketbook which wus upparently Well filled. The thieves must have been Very much disappointed when they ex amined the contents, us it was tilled with notes to the amount of $fi.22r upon which Mr. .Miller ordered payment Mopped yesterday. The thief ulso took a watch and a few other things which dlil not amount to 'M. . Mr. Miller had Just received laiire ill alls from 'lie west und about S?0 In rent money, hut this was nut found bv the' luii'iOurs. Kvldciitly some one hail overheard Mr. Miller's remark that he had considerable money In his jtosses sloii and had planned. There Is evidently some connection between the burglary and the anmlhux vliiK of Mr. Mitchell. The last place Mr. Mlli hell is Conscious of being Is very near the residence of Mr. Miller and some one watchinu" was nrolniblv ufl'ald that the persons In the house would la discovered by Mitchell, und uccoidintrly knocked him Insensible. COilMll 'TEE MEETING. Much Lntlmeiasm Shown in tlio I onrih of July Celebration. The pri-purailoiis lor the Fourth of July celebration uic pi'ogtvssiuK In a most 'satisfactory manner. The so llcitliiK committee will ben In the can asstng of the city today, und It Is to be hoped they meet with u hearty re ipoiise as it is upon this cunvass the success of the celebration depends. At the meettiiK of the committee in 'hiirue Tuesday iilttht. Professor tJreir oiy. of Wood's colh'tie, made a very liberal offer which was received en thusiastically. Air. tJretrory said that he Would alve half the prollts of the f'eary lecture to the f ill theiint? of the lelebrulion. lie will Kilarantee the expenses of the lecture and the committee will have no responsibility. A MidnlRht llotl The npew season will be closed on Saturday night by Hoyt's "A Midnight , Hell." This is guaranteed to be the linest production here this season, and there will probably be a big rush for seats. The comedy will be presented in a lavish manner with new scenery by Arthur Voettlin and complete new music, sons, glees, quartets and mad rigals by Victor Herbert, conductor of '. Ullmore's band, and author of "1'iince Ananios," "The Wizard of the Nile" and other opera. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS James Barbour has resigned his po sition with Spunlu & Coogan. barbers, and has accented a similar one with J. C. Kerlns. of Wilkes-Karre. He left , for the latter place today. Alderman Bunnell and 11. O. Stark were Ashing at Newton lake yesterday afternoon. Juines Malum, of the Scrantou Sun day Free i'ress, was a visitor in town this Week. Kdward Pailey, of Dundaff street., is ; HI with typhoid fever. Letters have been received from Harvey Smith and William Hritton.wh.) left here several months ago for tlie gold fields. They have not yet reached ' their destination nnd report a rough j voyage but no accidents. The C&rbondale Cycle club met Tiles day evening. and elected .the following new otlicers: rresiilunt, J. D. Purtell; treasurer. A. J. Mitchell: captain, K. D. Purely; directors. Dr. H. C. Wheeler. Dr. J. D. Day; auditors, I. Singer, Dr. W, W. Fletcher, K. B. Van Bergen. The club will go to u! pliant tonight to attend the Cinder path meeting. A run to Honesdale is planned for next Sun i day. Rev. W. A. needier, pastor of the GREAT SALE OF BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. We have no fortune to give away, but we guarantee you goods ut less than any other house iu the trade. Your choice from our stock, which la complete at $100 Per Yard. Keraember we don't reserve any thingThese goods consist of all tlie leading makes. , Come early and make your selections. J. SCOTT INQLIS, i CARPETS and WALL PAPERS 419 Lack'a. Am. ' Batdro . V. Hammond in Olyphant Tuesday evening Mis. l'atrick Henley, of Scott street, has returned from Susquehanna, where she has been visiting; her daughter, Mrs. Flood. Mr. and Mrs. James MeMyne and famllv. of Scotland, arrived Pi this city TuesdHV anil ule the KUests of the former's brother. David MeMyne, on DundatT street. They expect to settle here permanently. Mr. and Mrs. K O'Connor, of South Wyomlnu street. ove a party Tuesday eveiiins in honor of their little Kiand Second l'resbvterian church, pivai'hed the FPrnimi at the Installation of Hev. dauyhtcr. Florence Cain!bell. It behm her eighth birthday. She received many ?Mi from her little friends. A plensant birthday party was itiven Tuesday eveniii!; by Miss Oruee Munii. of Lincoln avenue TAYLOR, The follow intf item is tuken from the Sullivan County l:ecord, of JelTersoii Vllle. N Y . and Kives an accurate ac count of the lihootinK match between John lllutter. of Scianton. uiid I'lrich tionrer. of Taylor, which w ill be Intel -testing news to their many friends: John lilatter. of Scianton. and Ulrieh Hoiger. ot Taylor, u town adjoining Scrantun. held a turuet match here on Tuesday for $P'U a side Uoth ore crack ntle shots und the contestants appoint ed the match here beouuse they did not want their ll lends ut home to wager on tlie rtsull The lanne Was liolu the rear of the Bugle hotel. '.'IKI yards lo a point in Charles Schrluell's pasture lot Kitles of 32. S und 44-callbie were urfed. and the shiajtiliti was done offhand The politest besun at 11 o clock and wus Mulshed at J o'clock, each iirillK 1W shots Hoi eei took the lead at the I start. Ineteasiim lead to the linisli and winiiiuti by 37; points The follow in i Score tells the story, the uullscye couiilinu 25: Hlattel 'J. i. 1:'.. HI. S. 1. I 24. la. Si. !. 0. 17. I!. 18. 17. 12. lv. Is, 18. 12. 13. IS. 21. IS. lh. 21. 23. 17. a. i. t. . U. 21. 2U. It. 21. 22. H 2.".. U 7. U. 7. 17. 23. 22. 21, 1. 4. V., 2... 11. 1!. 1U. 23. 11. t). 2u. Iti. lti. 21. In. II. in. i. H. 1'. 23. 1. tl. II. 23. 17. 1 t.'i. 21 . IU. 12. 17. S, I.",, 11, , 15. 15. 1. Pi. 12. Ii. . 3. II. II u. ir.. 0. IS. li". Total. I. I'.'l Horner .1 I!'. II. 18, 14. 12 K, If', 2ii. 17. 24. is. it. 12. li. Il, 1. 12. 1J. 21. IG. 22. 23. 24. Ill, 111. 25, Hi, In. 23. 1. 22. II. I., 22. 23. 111. !. 111. 11. 6. IS. 17. 1. 17. Hi. 21. 2U. 7. 12. 22. Iti. 13. 22. 15, 17. 20. Ii'i. Hi. IS. 21, 17. 13. IK. 25. Hi. 21. 14. Hi. 21. 21 14. If.. 2U. 20. 23, 21. 20. 21. li'. 20. 15. 11. IS, S. Total. 1.770. Mr. Blatter has many old friends here aud .Mr. lloi'tiei' resided when a boy at keiiuza Lake, w here his father was em ployed in the tannery. These Kenlle nieii were accompanied here by Mrs. Blatter, John Blutter. r V. M. Spencer and J. M Bums, of Scianton; and Heinv Weisselifluh Joint UoiRer und Arnold Moore, of Taylor. They re turned home Tuesday evening." Tayloi band will Rive a concert Satur dayl evening from the band stand. Kvan G. U'a'Ulns has returned lionet from a four weeks' visit to I'lilladel plilu. The Taylor Hose company expert their new hose Waoii for the parade on Memorial Day. Mrs. (leorye Xiuislcel la visiting ut (iiuiiae. Luzerne county. A llieiry-Ko-I'oiind has been erected on the Davis lot. corner Main and Kall toud streets The iiH.'inlicrs ot the Memorial church win noiii a Social feaiutduy evening Hi ; Ayer's lawn, when Ice cream, cake and : trull, etc., will be terVed. Thomas Wylam, of Storrs street. ; moved yesterday to South Taylor. I "John Von Weisseilnuh Is making lin- I pioveineniM uroutiu Ills Hotel. OLYPHANT. For the thai time In tevei-al ino-.itlis the borough council got together and transuded Important business last evening ut S o'clock President Davis culled the meeting to order aud ap pointed Thomas Patten siiretary p;o tern. The chairman then annouiiccd the object of the nu'etlng for the pay mint of amounts due on the electric plant In date. The secretary rend tlie I tun oi tne pcrauton supply and Ma chinery company, which amounts to $4,:i;i:i, or one-half of ih? total amount, which according to the contract was now due. Councilman Cm run then took the oor and stilled that the orig inal contract called for the payment of only one-third of Ihe amount. This was the cause of considerable discus sion. A motion was then made to lay t;ie matter on the table, which wus lost. A resolution was then brought forth that the one-half be paid, which was udopted by a vrte of reven to live. The vote was as follows: F r Kngan, Kec g:in, Davis. Patten, Finii. Dempyey, Faddeii: ncainst Oallaghcr. O'Hallo ran. Tint-ley. Cannon. Cuiran; An other resolutl n was udopted to pay the amount dut to Spruks Brothers by t:ie same vote. Adjourned. On Tuecday evening Rev. II. F. Ham mond, formerly of Warrenham, Pn., was installed pastor of the Presbyterian church at this place. Tuesday evening T. A. Mills. P. L. D., of Wilkes-Harre, moderator of the Presbytery, presided. After the opening song by the congre gation Kev. V. C. llyeis. of Peckville, asked for tlie Divine blessing upon the services, liev. J. A. Kvans then read a portion of .Scripture and a selection was rendered by the choir. itev, W. A. Ucedicr. of Archbald. delivered an elo iiucnt sermon taking for his tent Reve lations II. 10. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of lite." AtPr the sermon Ihe Junior Christian Endeavor society rendered a song. The new inistor was then in stalled by thii moderator, who was as sisted by Kev. C. K. llcbltisnn, of Scianton, and Uev. V. C. Pvers, of PiM.kvlllo. After the Installation ser vices a reception was held and congrat ulations tendered the new pastor. Mrs. John FeigiMim and son. Joe are spending a few days in Blooming Urove, like county. A meetlntr of the bicyclists will be held In Muhon's hall this evening. , C. E Spencer, of Curbuiidule, was a ralkr In lewn Tuesday. Mlfs Kdith E' ann sMeut last evening w llh fl tends in Scrnnton. PHICHBURG, Avert Snyder, aied S4 years, fami liarly known as "Grandpa." died here at 10 oclock yesterday morning. Mr. Miyder Was a respeeted resident und wus among the Hist settlers in this lo cality. He was until a lew years ago engaged In the farming business, but on account of old age was forced to retire. He leuves beside his relatives a wide cliiie of friends und acquaint ances. The funeral arrangements will appear later. Mrs. James Oilboy, of Duryea, Is vis iting relatives in town, Tlie school board held lis regular monthly meeting on last Monday even ing and transacted the following busi ness: Kxteilded the school term until June Iti; appointed George lie Mutt to till the vacancy caused by Director Moigun's resignation, and ordered the salaries of teachers to be, paid. - (0. J. Burke visited In Olyphant yes terday. On May 20. at Smith's hull, the fu luuup T'oulitll family of Plttstou will give, a musical and literary entertain ment for benefit of the Oerman Catholic church. I MRS. Y1IS1A SENT TO JAIL. The Wife of iho .Man .Wardered ia the lllackni.iii .Mine Sent I p. Xine men and two women, all Polish. Were before Mayor Nichols thla morn liiff for keeping a disorderly house on Meade street. Anions thein was Annie Ylestl, whose husband was murdered In the Black man mine, and his slayer. Jemmltis. Is now In the county Jail under sentence of dr-ath. The evidence showed that the house was disorderly and the mayor f.ned each of the men ts and costs, the proprietor $1U and costs, and Mrs. Ylestl flu and costs. In default the hitter was sent to Jail. The others all paid. AS TO UNCI K UOAKUS. And How They Affect Vbnso Who Take I ountry Krlvcs. , 'Snulre Donahue and his family re turned Tuesday evening from Montrose. Tin y report an enjoyable drive through a beautiful country, und compliment Mr. Kenny on the excellence of his team. The 'no u ire was sent four miles out of his wav by the neirlineuce of a con i'tahle and supervhor in not having a proper hand board at the Intersection of i el lain rouils. He has been leuuiiiK" j law on the subji-vt since his return, and the oliieiuls of Franklin township may be called to account. , l lKi: AT l'LY.MOL' 1 !!. Setcn Hum nnj Two l.wtlliiiB lcs tioycd-l.os $3,MH. The most sulous und disastrous tire thut has occurred at I'lvinouth S'in'e the demolilloit of llif- old ICIcv house In lssti. ocelli led alMjut 3.30 Tuesday af ternoon. St ven burns ami two dwelling houses on i 'omliierclul alley ale laid In ashes, and one of tin densest bu..liie.-u blocks was il.i'eatcnvd and only saved by the Heroic efforts of the tllelil:li The loss w ill tool up to about $3 IHHI. JSRMYN. The blanch ell u if stole of HraVrS brotners. which is located In Mavlield. ! Will in all ptobubility bw moved to the! main Phaimaey. which M ill this place j The bruih has been conduettiO. by t iiiium " raves lor me pusi llunilis who will u:.oii the removal of the dius stoiv. 8" upon the load, trau'llnu for j a wholesale drug store. The change Is ) c.pecleQ to take pluee about tlie- llrst of next Uioiitli j Tht little son of Curtis Helmes met l with a very painful mishap Tuesday, ! which may prove to be very serious. ! He was cttrrytng a beard at ihe time ; if the accident, which had a nail in o:;e end. In soinu manlier he tupped, ! tulhiiK upon the board, causlua' the null to penetrate his wrist. TN- woiiml ulthwiiKh very painful, is tiu.uuht by the attending physician, In be not se rious. Jermyii Is expc rieiicliiK a Keiieral Im provement boom. The ordinance requiring- ull property owners to luy side walks expires In a short time, und as a eotiseipieure Ihe work is being hustled right along. The property owners on Serollil s'lvet have been foremost in their IniroM-ments and u result pre sents a very attractive appearance. Several of the prominent wheelmen in this place are Interesting others In gel ling up a bicycle club. There are over seventj-llve persons who have wheels and those Interested in the movements think the result will be very satisfac tory. I'. It. Hell is Improving his ihree-Htory block, mi Main street, with a cout of paint. The final examination of students of Jermyn Hlvh school and 'several other districts will be held In the high school building ott Saturday next. 'Ihe super.structui of H. D. Swlck's new house on Second street is rapidly nearitig completion. At a meeting held Tuesday evening in Windsor hotel parlors, the following ollicers were chosen by the members of the new base ball organization- Pvesl- ueiu, i nomas Kendticks: sccreturv, j William Davis: treasurer. Doctor Mey er: manager, J. H. James; assistant manager. P. .1 Meln.miM- m.m.j James and McDonald will proceed at once to secure players for the opening I game, which will take place on De-cora- I Hon Day. The sanitary oftlcers of ihe borough will commence to Inspsct all cellars and outhouses In the botoush on May 15. All found In an unsanitary condi tion will be dealt with uecord'ng to uw HONESDALE. Miss Jennie Kaatis died at the home of her parents on Maple- avenue ut 4 a. in. Tuesday, utter sUifering with typhoid mulutiu for only a week. Miss Faatz was In her twenty-tilth year and will be greatly mourned by her many friends. She Is survived by her mother, father and brother. Harry. The funeral w ill be In Id Friday at 'i p. m. ut the house. Itev. C. A. Benjamin officiating. Interment In Glen Dy berry cemetery. As the day draws near for the or dinance to go Into effect compelling wheelmen to carry lamps and bells there is a very noticeable Increase In the number already on the street. The project of building a bicycle club houFe at some near-by lake is gaining- In strength each day. As a large number have already signified their Intention of joining a meeting has been called for Tuesday night at 8 p. m. to perfect plans. If the llnby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow':; Soothing Syrup hni been used for over Fifty Years by 11111 i:cns of Mother.; for t:n;ir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of th world, p.o sura and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's (ioothitm Syrup." r.nd take no othsr kind. TwMity-nwp cent'i a bottle. ro:;w MILFORD. liev. Mr. Hogan has resigned us pas tor of the Methodist Kplseopal church of this place for Ihe ptirpnsi- of going Into tne temperance Held. Mr. He-gun Is a .ealous temperance worker, und Is not ui'raid to tell the devout church member "'.o vote as he prays." 1'. H. l.ce. of Binghnmton. was In town Wednesday. I'. C. Burns, of Great Bend, was In town Wednesday. Kugene L. AMiiiii. our former candi date tor counlv commissioner, was In Brooklyn Tuesday. llcv. Air. llogau dcliveie'd u temper ance lecture ill the Presb teriuli church Sunday evening. Forest lues are doing much damage In this vicinity. One small dwelling was coilijiluie'd Tuesday. ' Itev J. I ndei wood Is visiting in town. The Pdtllotlc Older Sons of America cauip ot Gibson, are ugttutlng the ques tion of election u new hull. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood' l'llls. Stnull In si.e. luitele'ss, e'tlleieiit, tuuroui'li. As one man Cfloodii said: " Vou never know you pBB hHfetukenu pill till It Hull over." 2AC. (.'. 1. Hood & Co.. 1 1 1 S Proprietors, Lowell, Moss. 0 The only pills to take with Uuud't Sursuuarllla. BATS TRIB FREE. MILLINERY, 421 Lackawanna Ave. Centers in our store. . We are tloiug by far the lan?ct business in this line ill the city. A visit to our store will quickly explain the reason. We have a iarer stock und greater assortnient than all tlie oilier suites couibiucii, aud our retail prices are less than usual w holesale prices. We inaugurate to-day a tircat Half Price Sale of 'trim mod Huts. HiKht In the midst of the busy season we are making sweeping rcdiietions sue'h as nu other store bus ever .11 tempted. Trimmed Hals that were ii w to uo at J2.ii i. Trimmed Hats tliat weie $8.UU lo ko ut Imported Triiu:iie'J Hals liiat Were Hit unJ !J to ;:. ai H '.'! and ."'.'S Triiiiincd I.cnliorns At Jl.'.W. fc!.4S and U.Sks. wolth fully double the money. Children's Trimmed Huts At US.-. (1 ftV fl.uu and l S less ilian the iiiatei'iuls are Worth. We call special attention lo the laet mat none of our IihU ure liiiiiuied ith elieup materials or trash of any kind. They ure all bright lieu Koods. luiest atyles and l:. mined by the best inilll iiers In the city. Kibbons und lTov vr We have iiiade big t'cdiictioiij in all our Immense stock of Kibbnns and Klein eis. It will puy you to - tlie-iu bi loie buyluu elsewlioie. . . U ATC XR I M M F IJ 1 1 n ' I nillllllbW We eoimiieiKe today a SUPcRB EXHIBIT OF SUMMER MILW1ER.. The Choicest and Newest Designs ia S'JffllO HATS AND BONNETS WH be shown. Some re markable examples of Artistic Millinery. GERSON'S, 421 SOME F.UIOIS YOlXti MEN. I 'emptied by the Globe-Demoe'l'ill. linitterton was not 20 when he died. Liiniiseer becun his studies of dogs ut ti. Johnson wrolt- his be.it poetry in early manhood. 11 1'erugiiiu had tinlshed uu altar palm ing at II .Ailijel' wrote- ull upeie-tla for the stage before 11. I'ornellle had planned a trage-dy before he was i.i. Moliere finished a comedy, one of his best at IT. Claude Lorraine began landscape paint ing at Vi. Kembiundt had finished a poitruii be fore he was U. rTa Angclico patnled a superb altar piece before IV Corregrlo niuniCested his supe. u a rus tic genius at 11. KlS Bui iirtoiniKi exee)itcd two altar pieces be-fure 17. Titian began his long series of allegor ical works ut 11. 1-1 It was chancellor of the exchequer before he was 2o. " Turfsu Is said lo have planned his great epic w hen only 19. 1 I.ivy lie-gun Ilia "History of the Koiniin State" at :i. Tennyson was IU when his Hist book of poems Uipeared. Wvbe-I' had piuiiued a grand ope-ru ut the lime he was i:'. Sclnllel was widely known us a poet be-fore the age of in. Hall was -3 when his liiv-l volume of pot li y was published. Pluiiis was notee us a comic druiiiutist before he was :). West was only 8 when he showed his marked urtlslic talent . Albert Durer wus ronsiuered u great artist before he- wus 1. Sir Tlior.ius .Moure was sent tu l'aiil.l inent belore lie wus Chuucei' wus well known ut court us u .oet before he was &j. Lord mirieiKh win u minister in paiiu nient be-lore he nits 'li. David, the great historical palnier, was tided for his zrnius ut U. Veronese .shuwed the modest begin nings of u great hi list ut li. Uuldu He-nl executed several masterly luiidHcapes in oil before IT. Beethoven wus known as a skillful com poser before he was 1. Dickens wus a mere boy when he boan his "Sketches liy Hun." Dunn did his Ue-sl puctie-ul work before he had attained the uge of 2. Van Dyke wus widely known us a por trait painter before he was 111. Steele was famous us a writer before he ulialncd the uge of '&) years. l-'ie-hle wus celebrated for his writings on philosophy before he- was -j. K.ieluaen at 17 wu.i pronounced the llrst uitlstic genius ill Germany. llouu's puoins were udni.rcd before their author whs yearn of age. .Nicola Tcsla begun Ins career as an lieetiieal inxentor when about lo. Peter the Ureal exhibited wonderful mil itary genius before' he was Pi. Hutch wrote luges ani studies In coun terpoint befoie he was ; ymi-.i old. liierublni had produced a number ot solos ami choruses r.l the uge of 1U. Browne, utter four ye-ars' work, llnlshe.l the ''Keutlifio Medici" ut 27. Alma-Tadtma executed one of his best classical pictures before he wus IT. i'isher Ames's greatest speech Is said to have been mace when he wus 23. Horace wro'.e odes when about Iti years of age, anil wus famous at . Tacitus is said to have begun his Annuls of Horn;" before he was 20. Itube-ns had Unbilled a number of great ly uduilred portraits before ho was Iti. .Martial, the Latin nitlrist, wrute epi grams when be wus only 12 years nld. Hegel bt-uati writing essays on the phil osophy of alslory belore he was 20. Dryden's poems were e;:teusivelv reaJ be-fore their iiuilior was 17 years of age. Hans ijuibein wus known all over Ger many beiure he had reached the age of i3. Akenslde produced Ms masterpiec", "lieusures of Immigration," w hen he was 23. Al.xaniler the Great finished his cou qunU of tlie- i:i.ntei u woii J before he was .'to. Kant ljeta n his i.hllusoplil. al und met tiihyslcal speeulutlons before the age ef IS Wllllan, 111. of P.ngland exhiiiitcd his I'liiaikuble military genius before he was 20. Voung piodueej sevcrul of hU most in -ceptable poems before reueiilng the uge of M. Jluurloe, the son of the llrst. "Prince of Orange," showed himse-ir a born soldier at li. l-urn,u tine's best poetry m wilt'.en When he wus not more than I'l yours of uge. llooke-'s Hist works wei-e published when their author wus nearly 15 years of aye. Beaumont wrote all ills brilliant ilru'mas befoie the age of 2'J. at which he- died. Dana's curly wiUIiikh, produced before he wus 27, ure generally declared to be .'us best. Jefferson, before 30, was considered the shrewdest puiltleal economist of his lime Campbell wrote "The lie-usurcs of Hope" ut 21. He never did better uf'.ei wuid. Washington was only 23 when made eom-iiiuiider-lu -chief of the forces of Migliiia. Milton wrote "Conius." by' sumo es teemed as one of his most clisi luliig poeru.-i, ut 2'i. The first Prince of Oidlige exhibited hl-J Wonderiully. military tulents at the age of 17. Fielding wus extensively known us a novelist and geneiul llteialeilr b. fore lie was 30 Charles NU. of Sweden, when he was a Very young muii. entered upon his career of giuiv. Sheridan Know lea ha(T produced several successful drumau be-toru utttalulng ms 21st year. . . . . Pull leu Henry, Haii l.njwii uicr the American colonies as, an, orator long he fore he was 30. Vtfltatis wrute his llrsl poems at the a HATS TRII1ED FREE. MILLINERY, 421 Lackawanna Ave. OF A Wonderful Sulc of I'ntriiunicJ Straw Shapes VVe have taken all of our llnest 51 tli: and 51. Ml Hats In line Milan chip. Iiiseaa ami iiniuli brai ls and inu-Keil them all utk. each. 'tins Is un opportunity seldom to ha hud lo a line hat in the luleji siyie Hi busy season hi less Hi. ill halt price. Kaney Straw and lioim'li lii.ilil Tur bans and Toipies were UK', and Jje., 10 go at 3.V. Letlhoi'ii Hats At Ml.:. Lstilioin Ilal. worth li-e. At -ise. I.eKliaru Huts, woilli 7"h . At IKK1. Lenhoin Huts, worm 7e. Al 7.ie-. l.iKliorn Huls, ttellh 1.IM At c. Li'tliuili Hals, worth Trimmed Sailors Correct slui'ies, Uibbon bund. Leather sweat. Slvlitli straw; At 3.e-. Seiiuetl and llui kle llruids. woah 2e- Al 4Se. lineal Sennell. Kuux ihupf, worth 75e. At ssc and fl :'::, best Milan sli,id, suttn lined, wot Hi HI ;i ule I $J.iK). At Jl 1.1. $1 and SI '.In. tlllesl Satin Straws und f'ununia Suliuid, worth $1 AM more eueh. FR KK OF HHARdF mbb VnMnUb Lack'a flu?, Scranfon. of 12, and wus the Hrsi poet of tlie age of 2. l.esslng is said to have lieguii "Surah Siinipsuii" ut IS. and huve lliilshed It be fore 2u. Smollet wrote "lioderiek ftiiudiiin" ut 27. It has generally been considered his best work. Hunt w rote some of his eviitieul essays ut 15. and later in IITe declared them 10 be his best. Diake. Sulids, Biaiiiaid iiud Kastbiirn ull died young, yet euen left a name for great abilities. St. rue wus widely known in the liter ary elreles of London and Kngland before he attained 30. ('olllns's muKiiliieeut "Odes" were writ ten, published und admired before llie uuthnr was 2ii. Keat s, the "Poet's rod." made him sell Immoiial In Kngllsh literature before his death at 21. Gustaviis A'lulpliiis was scarcely more tluin 21 when In. entered upon his greu military cureer. Goethe had produced a considerable number of poems und several drumus be fore the- age uf 30, ut Which he died. Hamilton, ut the uge of Hi. wrote polit ical essays that were n edited by the gen eral public lo Jay . Mhukes-peui-H's' llrst play, if ever he wrote any. was suld to liuve been writ ten ut about the age of 27. Hen Juhnson wrote "Kyerv Man In His Humor."' eoinidere dby competent erltles to be his best, ut 22. Kurq u hu i- lliilshed "The Recruiting I 'Ul cer, considered to be his liesl, lust be fore his death ut 27. I-Mison as a boy begun the chemical nml electrical exeuriineuts which huve made his nu hie famous. Krutikliii was widely kitoivn us u writer on economy und political subjects before he had reached 25. Leonardo du Vinci painted several great ly admired ailegnrleul pictures before he aituliied his majority. .Michael Angelo at the uge uf Pi entered it n uiilstlc competition with th best knowii artists of his tune. Ilahpael showed his artistic ability at the- early it a of V: when lie- was widely known as an artlsi in oil. HlSt KIMIVA MO.N. Tin- Cuban correspondent rushed ind'g nantly up to the Spaiilsh general and said: "It 8 an outrage!" "To what do y-nu refer'."' "The fact thai you expel these other cor respondents und give them the benefit of all the notoriety that attaches to the pro ceeding and make hii exception o me " ' It was an oversight, 1 assure you. Vou shull be expelled tomorrow. I don't want i IP, ib: .'.hut we huve '"' ime been ilellcieiit in the courtesy due the press." Washlngion Star. . Flics! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; L-.tense Itching and stinging: most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which ofton bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very soro. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tue tumors. At druggists or by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne A Hon. Philadelphia. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Yoii!i Ave. DIlHOiiDS AND DUB0J3 JEAILRY, CLOWS AM BaONZ-S, RXH CUT CLASS STERLING AND SILVER PL&TE3 W.",L LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FiNEGOLD JUID SILVER WATCHES. Jewelers and Silversmiths, ijo WVOAUNU AVE. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. viimuw vi L-usi fliannoua enouia eeua at oni-e lor a oook lilul elplalni how lull luunly vlitor is eni.iiy, quickly and iei uiniieully rebtoiad. Ndmun eulleriUK from cakne. una af ferd to Ignore ub 1. 1 III n I V n fl vlnn Book tolls how SCRANTON MERCEREAU & CONNELL liERCEREAU CORNELL Toloptnenr ana tone anj linpartfl to every portion of tho owly. Seat with pwitiro proofs(iiealed)ree toanymanonaiipllcatloo. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. COnriENCINQ Monday, Hay 11, the Following Bargains at 4Q0 AND 402 LACKAWANNA AVE. . Dry Goods Department. 10U vierex litht gronnd bhirtiuir I 'sin brie only ac 1(10 piee-ea' Au'-eriran tudigo Blue , only 3jc 00 leeu Uue-Il llliushsd ToKeliui; ouly i4c SO pie-ei Kro (t.iiiis. :iii in i le, t'oxhiiieieB, Brill iautines." "Jke. ' oi th !Lo to 4Hu a yard, unly .... 12c 2i pieeei JupBiietM l)ro8 Bilk, worth 3iii-. only ivc 40 pars l.m.i 1 urtuiim. S1U, ymls Ionic, worth Si."m. onle $1.50 10 pirctm bU-nelied Tiibl Linen, Worth ittle, only 35c Pt do. Towel i. aieuiteil. bleacbail mid nntileaeh .!, TurUinli, ami sll line i-worth IV to ISeeaeh bpecid Jiot 15c Handkerchiefs. Ani dozen ladies' Handkerchiefs, sorted, worth ic to bo. ouly 2UII dozen vents' Handkorcliiefs, worth I only Ladies' Furnishing Goods. a ilnzeu ribbed Vesta, worth lte, onW 'JS dozen ladies' Kid UIot, all the latest snadeii, wortn l.Sb to 1 6.' a pair, yuurchoicn 8ie 75 dozen ladies' fiwt black, 011m- les Hnw. 11" a pair, oulv iw; C n easp H. & H. Co- jts for Mon- dn-only, worth 1. 00 at... foti 50 dozen Indies' ninnlui C'hemiaa and Drawers, worth 3Hc to 46 only aJC lo dozen lailiro' muslin Mht flmtnt, worth l.'.'i tu 1.DV each. special ti.ou We Have Never CAHPET8 AND RUG8 That approached the present one in every desirable quality, the colorings are richer and patterns, mote artistic, variety greater and values far beyond anything we eve? did. Draperies and Ufthotetfery Our Decorators are. practical, men, of lqng experience, formerly employed in the 'tartest "House's in ijew York ; they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings in colors while you wait, and, be .helpful to you in harmoniz ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture. S. 0. KERR, Opposite Muln Entrance to the Wyoming House. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: 5CRANT0N.PA. Remember Hoodness and cheaoness at triie Clntriintr Store. It is a combination that appeals to every kind and condition of i 1 I t I i-vv VOsM VVLXft tiikWfiJt' O 0 ' People in general have a wrong idea that credit means two prices. Credit with us means the lowest possible price and the best possible Clothes. A large part of the business of the world is carried on through credit. There is no reason why the same principle should not be applied to the selling of Clothes. We have applied it and the consequence is that a great many men in Scranton are now wearing our stylish, garments and paying for them at the same time. , "Monday" Bargains on sale Today in our House Furnishing Department. MIR Cloak Department. 60 ladiea1 Silk Waiat. oddi and nda. worth gt.yg to i, yunr choice t $1,341 S0 ladW ttpriuir jacket's' niVy. -brown, tana and black, worth .'. Sl15" yur ehoica Sl.50 50 Udlea' ailk Cap.a. Uc trim nilna, worth f.60, your choice $j.8 H ladira' aiitta, asaorted, worth $10 to 1 13. .Vi. your choice $a.o ii ladid' allk Waiata, uncial, worth SIP. your choice $.o 25 dozen Lidlea' caiuhrio laundried Shirt Waiata, worth Nc, your choica.,.. i) duzan lieliea' faur-- atrlpad ' UndorBhirta. worth 0ti-t only 33c dncn ladiea' blnck aateen Undar sliirta, worth Wc, only 45c Infants' Wear D:pir!m:iiL SO dozen children'aUco Capi, lnrj aaaortment, sell ins iMKi nd 10c each, yoaiacboice. age Umbrella Dspartotit. id ailk uuibrellaa. US in. aaaorted handle, worth $1.70 to $1 . oolv ... tl-as 100 allk ITmlirallaa, 24 in. aaortvd. worth $1.80. only it.au Gents' FurnlsblnK Goods BeptrtmenL SO tozn irenta lanndrled fancy cuairu. 11 gaanty ouiy Oenta' 50c Neckwear. SOe 8nauen- do, SOe Shlrtt and Drawers. yonr ehoiee 35c Uonta' a Neckwear, 2&o Saspen den, 2Sc Bblrts and Drawei-a, " your choice 10c Clnm -a-- --' ..,nkaa l.Q UnaA worth 12i-2c sale price ,.,..'..e ESTABLISHED 1873. Telephone Call 5154 Ofifered a Line of SOtl & CO.. 408 Lackawanna Avenues humanitv. Even rich men don't want to pay more tnan tiiev have to. The ooor can't afford it. Both desire good Clothes. Careful buying on e it- our part is responsiDie ior mc high grade of Clothing we sell great purchases secured direct from the makers ar responsible for the low prices, Clothing On Credit 225, 227 and 218 ' Wyoming Ave 1 WW I; . ......... 1 co nana in nana i WW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers