4 THE 6CBANTOH TBIBUNE-THTJBSDAY UOBNDfli. MAY 14. 189(5. 1 Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. 4 Novel Scheme Adopted, by Former Serantuniana to Hals Money for a Noblo Purpose. Many Wst SiuVrs r-iiieiubr thc-vlsM of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry V. Kvana. of t-UUt lJke flty. I'tuli. ! Oil city. nif Maw ao. ami how they wvr rntfr tainvU by old ucuaintam.fii. A few Jays uko muny of tluni rect-lvcd unique circulars from .Mrs. Kvans annoum-tiiK that a "(treat Silver Quarter t'ollee tlon" was ln'inif mail'' for the liquida tion of a debt ukii the Flint Mehtodist bl8'oal church of Salt l.ake t'lty. It also announce that their "collection baskets ure three feet, handles Loot) miles Ioiik. collet-tors, :wu. contributors. 4.UU0. amount $1,000." The scheme Is to raise $l.ouo from 4.000 itersons. Their K.!neal la in the form of a ihynx? and is worked as follows: IIKI.HOXK ANOTII Kit. "Help one another," the quarter siilil. As lliey fuddled down in I heir mu.-llag.-bed. "due iuarter cunnut do much, you see. Hut I'll help you if you'll help me, And many und muny u dollar we'll be." So the quarters came from cast -ud West , With rl.u good will und euKer sest. They cunie droppliix down from very truin, At first a sprinkle, nml then : rain: A silver shower, which, Ihoirfh not wet. Just set ndrltt the old church debt. When the day for countiim come First XI. K. chiuvh was ill a hum. With Hontc, uti.I shout, ami tuner din, To see the ounrlers rollinu in: When- the "llnal report" was called upon The debt was more, than a quarter none. Each anneal was uccoiniiaiiieil by a Tturi wistebourd cord, in which the quarters were to be Inserted and mulled ', to' the sendd. It Is needless to say that all who received the circulars were 'greatly iileused to respond to such a noble. Hjipciil for n. ureut rauvt-.v Mr. and Mrs. KVans have many friends In this dity,.ami those who have visited them in their distant home speak In the highest terms of their hospitality. Mr. Kvans wds formerly u merchant here, doing business In Hyde JJurk twenty- 11 ve years-a ro. - CANTATA THIS EVENING. Thu dramatic cantata, "Jeothah and His liiiUKhtcr," will be performed In the Tabernaele Conirreiraticmal church this evening by a choir of eighty well trained voices, ussisted by "Llew Ht-r- bert, iTufessor J. Evans and an or chestral. The cust of characters is ' as follows: Jephthuh, ninth ruler of Israel. . . , Richard Thomas ; Prophet ; Jacob Jenkins Flon. .lewlsh'lirlnce . Huifh Williams Kloii. Jewish Soldier ...John Jenkins lbznii, Jew IsrusoMier ...i.,..Jucolr JVnklds Klonl, Jewish soldier ..-...:. ...11. A. Oon.s ArnoM, a inesseiiKer Thomas Thomas 'Hinp iliiunl Morgan Thomas ipniifiMiia, jepmnatrs liiiiKhter. .... .Mrs. 11. U. Kcas- Aiian, uaiifliter or Klon. .Mrs. I,l23le Kvntls ' N'uoml, Jewish maiden.. Mrs. Kannle Kvaus iMirun, malUeii ol (iilead. Mrs. J. lteilm.'in num. niuiuen or Ullenu. Jennie Lawrence .iiiiiaii, miiiuen or (.Heml. .Mrs. M. (J. Moore i.ean, uiuiucii or i iilead. Mrs. F. J. Evans Chorus of Jewish Maidens, Soldiers und Heralds Hlulllst Miss Jennie Kees Organist .... r.. Howell U. Reese lonuiictor h. A. Jonos .ManuKcr , Kichard E. Thomas Chairman Thomas J. Levis The participants have been hard at worn preparing for this musical treat and an enjoyable entertainment Is an tlcipated as a result. MINOR MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. in-njitiiiiii Jakes, of. Fourteenth street, entertained a lurtre lany or menus at their home on Tues day evening in honor of their duimhtrr, MiSM ilunnah Jakes. The West Side board of trade will bunuuet next week. Alts. Frank Case, of ('lurks Summit, spent the loieiiurt of tile week with her sister on North Sunnier avenue. The tilth weddiiiK-nnniversary of Mr. und Mrs. Uenjnmlii Anthony was cele brated, by muny friends ut their North Main avenue home mi Tuesduy even ing. ; "Our Woman's Pa er" Will be on sals this motnliiB ut Lut'ier Keller's, Clarke Hrothers. Shryer's drug store, Morgan , & .company, Jenkins & Musgrave, v Helers, York & compuny, and Ui URglst I J. M. Jones. Muny prominent young ladies will "carry routes" to those ul reudy subscribed for. Miss Cora Storm, of South Main ave nue, is recovering from a long Illness. The choir of the Jackson Street Hap tlst church will hold u Moclul und enter, tainment on the evening of Memoriul I uy. The Willing Workers of the Reran tun Street Uai.tlst church will entertain this evening. The anniversary or Martha Washing ton chuptvr.Jodge of the Eastern Star, WHAT ABOUT YOUR Sp ring We Suits fronr. those ors, dark . We rather from $8, $10, $12, it- 1 ii i ' .... ' 1 -.vv. ' 7 1 '. 1 f A 'hi n ''"'"v'itV'r.r. 1 V.i 1 " ' "Square Dialing Clothiers, of tlj? Stibtirbs. necursthia evening, and the member win ooserve u witn an enieriuuioiem. UefresJimeuts will be served. n'l..i . 1 ikd Vlellilttf III South Main avenue and Luaerne street is apiuircnt again, but no damage naa resulted from the tissures. The funeral of the lute Edmund Hos kins. will iM--ur thlsafternooii from the family resrdence. a Fourteenth street. Members of the Oraml Army ol uie I.....11V.II.. ..Ill iiftim! Interment Will lie made ill Forest Hill cemetery. A seveii-uiontns-oiu cnnil 01 air. aim Mrs. 11. M. Ulsblng. of Chestnut street. uu t.itfl.wl iti VVuuhliiirn street ceme tery yesterday afternoon. Kev. J. B. Sweet, of the Simpson Methodist Epis copal church, otliclated. The Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church choir will perform that beauti ful ei-Miorlo cantata cntllleu ueinie hem" by Hoot, on Friday evening. June f.. The choir will be assisted by the best talent in the city. Future an nounciinent will be made with full par ticulars. Those who have tickets of the fair held recently will bear in mind that they are good for this oratorio performance. The gentlemen Interested in tile or gantlititton of a West Side Hlcycle club will meet this evening in the rooms of the Colonial club, Mears hall, at 7.30 o'cI'M'k. M I-' SinHwa i.f tlie Truth, will speuk on "Pennsylvania A (treat Com monwealth" at the meeting or Silurian lodge, on Friday evening. May ... Services tonight, 7.M) o'clock, at St. Murk's Lutheran church. Fourteenth and Washburn streets. A speclul ser mon on "The Ascension" will b preached by the pastor, Kev. A. L. Itnmer. nest Side rttislncs Directors. FLOIUST-Cut flowers and funeral de sign a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gift, at 101 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOOitArHER-Oahtnet Photos. 1140 per dozen. They are Jurt lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at 8tarner' Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main venue. .' ' . SECONti HAND FTTRNITTJRE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 104 and UXtt Jack son street. PROVIDENCE. Frank Miller, of Mnry street, left Tuesday night 011 the 12.10 train for Iowa, where he will make his future home. Mr. Anderson, a machinist employed at the Ulcknou -slmft. while engaged Inst Tuesday In llxlxng some machinery around the breuker, slipped und fell from a considerable height, seriously tnlurlmr himself. Fred Lewis, Frank Pedrlck and John Jervis. returned -from a lishlng expeui lion yesterday morning. They succeed ed iniutfehlng 147 uf Uie.wlly trout. .'Annlt Tliomos;'the well known mull currier 'of William street, who was taken sick a few days ago, Is slowly Improving. Ur. Sutvth is in attendance. Mr. nhd Mrs. (Seorge H. Oickerson are visiting at the home of Mr. lick- crson's iti rents in Flanders, M. J. A iarr' of young people from this part of tile city will visit the steel mills this evening. John Duda and Annie Conley were married by Father O'Donnel at the Ibdy Uosury church yesterday morn ing. Miss Anna Hurt acted as brides maid and John Snllskl us best man, Lust evening at Company h urmory the Crystal Literary and Dramatic club produced the stirring and sensa tion four-act melodrama entitled "The Hidden Hand." It reqliireu twenty three persons to till the-cast. The club hud been rehearsing this play for more than two months und those who at tended were agreeably surprised ut the excellent portrayal of each character. John Harrington wus arrested venter day afternoon 011 a warrant Issued by Alderman Fidler at the instance of William Klchmond's teamster. When arraigned before Alderman Fidler he was discharged after paying the costs. After the ceremony was performed they left for Pursons, where they will siicnd u. few duys visiting friends. They will make their home on Welles street. J. J. Kutie, of Huston, Is visiting rela tives on I 01k well street. Anthony Kane, of Itockwell street returned home yesterduy morning from St. Louis, where he has spent the jiust few months. Roderick Powell, of Carbondale, cir- cuiaiea among ."Norm Kud friends yes terday. A large delegation of Ivor lies irom this end attended the national conven tion of their order held at Ulyphant yesiei nay. .When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When alio wus a Child, she cried for Castorla. When sue became II lss, she vluug to Castorla, Wlieu she bud Children, she guveUieui Castorla, Suit ? - You need it right away. have the finest and largest line of Spring in the city to choose We've dark suits for who like sober col blue and black and brown mixtures. have, also, some startling Checks and Plaids ranging in price TO .... Hatters and Turnkhari' SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Ono Mother Staves Her Daughter Frosi Belag Banted to Death and Aaother Saves Her Child From Drowalag. Mrs. Patrick Rafter, of Crown ave nue, was Dalnfullv burned on the hands Tuesday afternoon while stripping the burning clothes from her little daugn ter. who went out 011 the street to de stroy a bundle of wastepaper and whose apron Ignited from the blase. Assist ance came 'from the neighbors and be fore the girl was seriously burned t,he fire was extinguished. Mrs. Rafter's hands suffered the most. but there Is nothing serious the matter with her. She will be well in a few weeks. The little girl was not very painfully burned, owing to the promot manner in which she was rescued. FELL INTO A WASH TL'B. The S-year-old daughter of Mr: and Mrs. George Hess, of Ulrch street, tumbled into a wash tub tilled with water yesterday morning and was very nearly drowned. Dr. J. A. Mauley was sent for, and by prompt application of a rolling pin until he arrived, she was kept alive. Mrs. Hess arrived In the kitchen In time to save the child from suffocation. FUNERAL OF MRS. J. fX HEWITT. The funeral of Mrs. J. Q. Hewitt, of rHtrifiin nvfiiiie was hflfi vestprdaV afternoon at si o'clock and it was a large one. Kev. J. u. naee, pasior 01 Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, conducted services at the house and the remains were borne to the church, where services were also held. There were muny beautiful floral tri butes. Interment was made In Dun- more cemetery. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Patrolman Martin Flaherty is on his annuul vacation. The funeral of Janet. 6-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charles Mingle, of South Wyoming avenue, was held yesterday morning. Services were conducted at 10 o'clock at Cedar Ave nue Methodist Episcopal church and Interment was made In Pittston avenue cemetery. Hugh Otlmore, of Stafford avenue, is very seriously 111 of Injuries sustained a week ago. - (KEEN HIDGE. Miss Kate Jones, of Providence, is very 111 ut the home of Mrs. Ueorge Harvey, of Deacon street. Miss Surah Warren, of Honesdale, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Cobb, of Fordham street. Effle. the only daughter of F. S. Hen nett. of Cupouse avenue, Is at the point of death. Class No. 6 of the Evangelical Sun duy school, will hold an Ice cream so cial at 1J71 Cupouse avenue this even ing. The proceeds nre to go toward buying new books for the Sunduy school library. Miss Lillian Urooks. of Capouse uve nue, Is very III with pneumonia. DUNMOKK. "Our Woman's Puper" is on sale at Howell's drug store. Mrs. William Redding, of Grove street, spent Tuesday with friends and relatives at Peckvllle. A large delegation from the Junior Order United American Mechanics fent to Hawley on Tuesduy evening, where u new lodge was organized. William Sansenbarry Is having his residence on Cherry street re-palnted and improved. Tonight the Men's guild of St. Mark'a mission will hold an entertainment In the Episcopal church, after which re freshments will be served. All ure cordially Invited to attend. The pupils of the high school went to liuld Mount yesterday, where they spent a delightful day plciilclng. (iurtleki Anguin, who has been dan gerously III for the past two weeks at his home on lllakely street, was on Tuesday operated upon by Drs. Weh lau. Winters und Hrown. and hopes are now entertained of his recovery. Ueorge Merrimun has returned home from Albany, where he has been at tending school. The grand carnival of nations which will be held In the Loyal Legion hull, opened very auspiciously lust evening, when "A Pennsylvania Kid," u mili tary comedy-drama, was presented by members of the Legion. It wus wit nessed by a good sized audience, who were well pleused with the production. It will be continued tonight und tomor row evenings, und us the cause is a very worthy one, the erection of u drinking fountain ut the corners, it should be well putronlzed. MINOOKA. John Wulsh, son of Huckster John Walsh, of Otlmore avenue, Is seriously ill. The O'Counell council, Young Men's Institute, will hold Its regular meet ing tonight. " Supervisor Fern has a corps of men engaged repulring the main thorough fare. M. Judge, P. Mangun and John Flan nery were visitors in Wilkes-Barre yesterday. The Ureenwood Blues would like to nrrunge a game with the base ball team of the St. Joseph society. W. Klv lln, captain. OLD FORCE,: John and Herman Shnmrock were sent to the county juil on Tuesday by 'Squire Bruudhead. Mrs. Funk, of Philadelphia, is slt Ing her son. Rev. W. G. Funk. Hollo Shotwell is improving from his recent illness. Mrs. William Tlnklepaugh spent Mon day with her sister, Mrs. Ferguson, of Avoca, who left on that day for Colo rado, where she will make her future home. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Penn, of Duryea, was Interred In Marcy cemetery on Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Santee were call ing on friends in Wilkes-Bur re this week. At the regular meeting of the school Iwurd on Monday evening it waa decid ed to close the schools with a nine months' term. Stephen, the 9-year-old son of Mrs. Hattte Carey, of Duryea, died at his home on Tuesday morning. About five weeks ago he was bitten by a dog and after a few days, he was sent to the Pasleur Institute In New York. A few daya ago he returned home evidently having received no benefit from the treatment. Doctors say his death was caused by spinal disease rather than from the dog bite. An examination will be made. The funeral will be held in the Brick church on Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock. LEO APPRAISED AT $3R,000. Heavy Verdict Returned Against the Lynn and Boston Street Hallway. Boston, May 13. In the Suffolk coun ty, tuperlor court today Francis A, Daly, of Lynn, aged 17, was awarded $35,000 by trie jury for the loss of a leg. His suit was against th-Lynn -and Boston Street railway. His. injuries were sustained A,ug. 6, ' 181)4, When 'ho was pushed from the footboard of a car by a conductor and fell under the car wheels, ' ' ' - . tIARKET AK3 STCCI REFC3T Wall Street Kevlcw. New York.; May 11 Trading at the stock exchange' was characterised by Urmness from start, to linish and a high range of prices obtained. London bought moderately of its favorites on the belief that all danger of trouble between the United States and Spain growing out uf the Competitor Incident had passed away. Foreign bankers al so received intimations that there will be favorable developments In Transvaal matters shortly. Local operators were inclined to go slow because of the en gagement of Sl.3O0.IN9 gold for shipment to Europe tomorrow and a belief that at least two millions more will be for warded on Saturday. The latter esti mate will probably have to be revised as the bond negotiations now progress ing in London may be brought to a successful conc'uslon before the end of the week. A good deal was said again today about the continued silence of McKlnley on currency questions and this undoubtedly has deterred operators from making new ventures. The decla ration of the usual dividend by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy had a stimulating Inlluence on the 5 rangers which Improved fractionally. The ad vanee In prices ranged from to l"-s. the Internationals, Grangers and In dustrials leading. Sugar was bought on an early advance in refined and Leather preferred was taken on reports that the directors contemplate the pay ment of a dividend shortly. Bay State (las rallied on buying New England houses. The dealings during the last hour of business were attended with more animation than at any previous time of the day. Speculation closed Irom Vt to l. Louisville and Nash ville leading. Total sales were 95,347 shares. FuinlKheil by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN & Co., correspondents tor A. 1. CAMPUELL, stock broker, 413 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ins. Am. Tobacco Co. ... KvV KHi i iWi Am. Sugar Iter. Co. .123 124 VJS U'tSi Atch., To. & . Fe. .. 14', 15'ti H' lSi Canada Southern .... 49', 4s'-, 4i W Ches. A Ohio 1ti4 ltSS lO'i Chicago Uas B8 tS'i 7-". iSKi Chic. & N. W WIVu 1U4 lul'a M Chic, U. Q. ' TIM, W Ji C. C. C. St. L 381 334 fctti Chle., Mil & St. P ... 77 77S 77 77' Chic. It. I. ft Puo ... 7V' 69S. 7'a Dlst. & C. F 17 W 17 IHSi Uen. Electric 33" 34i : .Hl Louie. & Nash 4 50 49i CIH M. K. & Texas, Pr. . S'.'v 85S 2S Man. Elevated Iftt'i 1(6 1iH' h'i Mo. Pac 24 2i' -" N. Y.. Ia C W. ... 14 14'4 II 1' Pac. Mall 2 .' a3. W Phil, ft Heading 114 1:' U'u 12 Southern R. R. ..... H'i ti H'i Southern H. R., Pr. . 2'i an, t S Tenn. C. & Iron 27 2"' 2iiV4 ifi'ii Texas Pacific v sv; hi, si, Cnlon Pacllic 1U, 1 7' 7! Wabush tiT ti7 7i, Wabash. Pr 17ls 1 1 7 1 It Wesetrn L'nlon 8S K.'i sn1. ' W. L 9-i, 111 !!, 10 C. S. Leather '. 9'i 9 !l I. 8. Leather, Pr. ... 04 64,. 'j3' Wi V. S. Rubber 2-1 24 ' 24 . ' 24 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n-High-Low-Clus- WHEAT. . Ing. est. est. ng. July , 4'i , 64-V -. Wj September 4'd ; (il1, lil1, CORN. . July I9' 19-, . 1! .' Id-" September 2u', 2t' 19" 19'-', OATS. July September ... I.AKlJ. July September .. PORK. July Si'pteinber ,. 3M'-j Ill's ill1 , 4.BT. 4.8D . 7.K7 . 7.99 ;ii',s 4.ii.1 4. fcO 4.1.2 4.77 7.i'i 7.77 4.2 4.77 t.i- 7.9U 7.C. 7.82 Scronton Board of Trudo ExchangeQuo-tationv-all Quotations Based on Pur of 100. Name Bid. Askei Dime uep. uis. tsanK , 140 Hcmnton Lace C'ftain Co.....' ... 60 80 100 io 100 i 250 ISO m w 2o.:.o 101 National Boring & Drilling Co. First National Bank Scrantan Jar & Stepper Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Uanlt ...... Bonta Piste Glass Co Scranton Car KeplAcer Co....i. Sc'antou Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawa:.na Iron & Steel Co.. Scranton Bedding c.n Third National Bank Throoo Novelty M'f'g. Co 630 200 3T4 Scranton Traction Co 17, BONDS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due UIS Scranton ft Pittston Trac. Co.. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... Lacka. Township School City or Scranton Street Imp 6 Borough of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co SiTunton Axle Works 110 110 90 no New York Produce .Market. New York, Muy 13. Flour-Dull, easl.". Wheat Spot market dull, eusier; f. o. it.. 77c to arrive; ungraded red, li."a7Hc.; No. I northern. 72c to arrive; options closed eiisy ut iatc. decline; No. 2 red May. ti94C.; June, (iO'jc; July, (KMie.: August, 69'jc; September. 69V.-.; December, 71'r--Corn Spots dull, firm; No. 2 at 3.l.c ui vator; 36' ju. afloat; options dull nil steady at HaVjc decline; May. 3"'...i; July, 3tii4c; September, 37V- Outs Spots le4 active, firm; options dull, firmer; May. 24'c. ; June and July. 24V.; spot prices. No. 2 at 24Vi.: No. 2 white. 2Gc: No. 2 Chicago. 25V--; No. Sat 23V.; No. 3 white, 24o. ; mixed western, 25a2tic; white 1I0., 2ci.'SV-: white state, i'JaL'K'jc Beer Slow, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, easy; western steam, 54.87; city ut $t.2r; .May, $4.87; refined, dull; continent, tvjii; South America, $5.5)1; compound, 4V4C. Pork Dull, easy, unchanged. Butter Quiet, fancy, about steady; Ulglns, lialUr. : oth ers unchanged. Cheese Quiet, ubout steady; stale large new, BljuS'iiC; others unchanged. Eggs Fancy, steady; un changed. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, May 13. Provisions were in moderate Jobbing demand and steady. We luote: City smoked beef, liy,al2i; beef hams, tlualS.i'iO: pork, family" JlO.fUlall ; hums, S. I, cured, in tierces, Hu9'ic: do. smoked, 9ulll1C, as to uveruge; sides, ribbed. In salt, Oc; do. do. smoked, u' .a BV.; shoulders, plckle.cureil, G'4alili.c; do. do. smoked, BatiUc; picnic hums " S. I". cured, S'uaSV.; do, do. smoked, '4ui:'ic; bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose, .'iuo'sc; breakfast bacon, t'-alu.-. for round and Jobbing lots, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tlerces,TVc; do. do. do., In tubs, t!uic,4cj do. butchers' loose, 6c; city tallow, in hogsheads, ZV4c; country do., 3a3t,c, as to quality, and cakes, 3',,c. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, N. Y.( May 13.-Cattle-Steady; light butchers' steers, $3.85a4; mockers, $3.54a3.7U; veals, steady, $3..r0a4; extr.i, $4.25a4.50. Hogs Slow and lower; York era, good weights $3.65a3.70; light, $3.70; light mediums, $3.69a3.ti5; good . heuvv, $3.40a3.4'; pigs, $3.70a3.75; roughs, $3a3.ir; stags, $2n2.DO. Sheep und lambs Active and a shade to 10c. higher for lambs; sheep steady: prime to good lamCs, J4.iWa5.10; fair to good, $4.30,13.60; culls und common, $3.70a 4.2u; mixed sheep flood to choice, $3.50u3.75; culls to fair, $2.2Sa3.25; heavy export lambs, $4.6(4.70. Toledo Grain Murkot. Toledo, O., May 13. Close Wheat-Receipts, 1,000 bushels; shipments, 22,390 bush els; dull; No. 2 red May, U9V:.; July, toc: August. 65c; September, UKfcc. Corn Receipts, 4,800 bushels; shipments, I.SOO bushels; dull; No. 2 mixed July, 31c, Oats Shipments, 900 bushels; easy; No. 2 mixed July, 21c, Cloverseed Quiet; prime cash, $4.60. WallStreet The coming adjournment of Congress the general Improvement In railrosd earnings and the plentiful supply of money hero and abroad Is hsilonlng to be rpfli-cted in stocks. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Send for our book, "Speculation Fully Explsined,'' and our market letter which we send free to any ad dress. Martin 8 to A per cent. Commission nnlff 1-1A nr ottiit. iM Oj. TH0rtr!tftri & CO.! . HAflsinii oKoaaim, 41 BROADWAY, '' il' NEW YORK. Uptown Office, N. V. Cer. B'way ji THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Av& Things that you should not fail to see. The specials that we offer in our dif ferent departments ure new desirable goods that cannot be manufactured for the prices we offer them. In any In stance where a customer falls to find any. article purchased from us to be an eceptlonal bargain, we will cheerful ly take it back and refund the money. The balance of the excellent values that we offered in 2ac. dress goods we offer now at 18c. a yard. 190 pieces of printed Crepe De Japon; inese goods were made by the farllK mills to retail for 124c, OI K PRICK. 7c A YARD. 1M pieces printed Yeuetiun challles. regular price, uc, LKADKR S PRICK, 3c A YARI. One lot of printed organdies and print ed corded dimities, regular price. Inc., LKAUKK'S PRICK. 5e One lot of standard liulixo prints, regular 6c quality, LKADKRS PRICK, 3i". 3i ladles' navy und black Manm-T suits, were $5.98, LKAOKR'S PRICK, $1.91 60 ladles' figured brllliuntine skirts, lined throughout and velveteen bound, were $1."i0, I.KADKR'S PRICK, 9V. 86 children's navy reefers, sizes four to fourteen, were $1.00. LKAPKR'S PRICK. 69c 2S dozen ladies' liiundiled waists, nice patterns, were 49c. LKADKR'S PRICK. 29c SS dozen ladies' percale und lawn waists, choice patterns, were 69c and 79c. LKADKR'S PRICE, 4S5. 15 dozen of ladles' plain black and funcy figured suteeu waists, were 75c. LKADKR'S PRICE. c 12 dozen of Infants' and children's dresses, sizes two to six, I.KADISKB PRICE. S,V 10 dozen of new checked dresses, trimmed with embroidery, sizes two to eight, LEADER'S PRICE, 49c 20 dozen of men's choice tecks and four-in-hands, were 39c, LKADKR'S PRICK. 21.1 IS dozen men's four-ply cuftj, round and square cornered, LKADKR'S PRICK, Uc a Pair. Ladles white china silk parasols with sticks to match. LEADER'S PRICK. 9Sc to $I.9S. 24 and 26-liich tiloria umbrellas, with paragon frame, LKADKR'S PRICE, 98c nnfl $1.23. 2 bales extru quality unbleached, yatd wide muslin. LKADKR'S PRICK, 4c A YARD. HO dozen largs-slxe cotton towels, regu lar price, 7c, ; LEADER'S PRICE, r.c. lw bunches of fine finishing braid, reg ular price, S'ic, LEADER'S PRICE. 6c 10 pieces best unliliached sheeting, 9-4 wide, LEADKlt'S PRICE, 11c A YARD. 60 dozen of line linen embroidered handkerchiefs, the 7re. kind, they have slight Imperfetclons. were sold to us by the manufacturer at a big loss, OUR PRICE. 12'ic ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest fishing mid hunting grounds in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, MinueapolK St. Paul, Canadian and I'nlted States Northwest, Vunvouver,'1 Seattle. Tacoina, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Gars attached to nil throuKht trains. Tourist cars fully fittud with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families muy be hud with second-class tickets. Rutes ulways less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A 3S3 Broadway, New York. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 9 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINU, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. in. to 9 p. m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and supper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Vour Busi ness Is Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134. E. ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrate! ft CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away (With by the uso of HART MAN'8 PATENT PAINT, which consists or Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will fire vent absolutely any crumbling, crack nir erfcrcuklng of the brick. It will out last lOuilng of any kind by juany years, and Its cost does not exceed oiie-flfth that of the coat of tinning. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HARTMANN, 627 Birch BU THE :. FASHION . 308 UtCKAWKKXA AVENUE 308 Another Telling We know of no better touers Acting on this thought; we at all times aim to . . ' t . M keep oar customer in k continuous good-humored iy extraordinary bargain offerings. Witness this 40c All-wool Henrietta or Serges, all colors, your choice, 60c and 60c Novelty Drew Gaodf, choice line, your choice, H9o Novelty Dress Goods this U a bargain, your choice, $1 00 Silk Mixtures, any-oombioatioD, your choice, 60c Curded Swivel Silk, a beautiful Hue, your choice, - 50o Persian and Striped Laundrled Shirt WatoU, your choice, $1.00 Shirt Waists, iu stripes and taus special,'-your choice, biic black, and bluet with white Stripe Sateen Waists, your choice, $1.25 Wrappers, iu blacks, greys, red and fancies, assorted, your choice, , MILLINERY. $5 Trimmed Hats or Bounets, special, your choice, 25c Trimmed Sailors, for mitse and boysMyour choice, Toe Ladle' Sailors, In all colon,' your choice CAPES AND SKIRTS. 10.00 Velvet Capes, nicely trimmed and lined, your holce, $3.9811 Cit ii rf'l' . .1.. 1 1... 1 1 ' i- f u.tio macK uriuianune KKirt, o iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiMiwiMimiimmidiiiiminiMiiiimiiHWHnit PW kdbbib JbqJ co mi m nm 1h Electric City Awning and Tent Com psny wish to Inform tbsir friends sod patrons that they bars opened an o flics at 31s Linden Street, with Hesse St Long, where any arders, by mail or telephone, for Tents, Flats, Awn ings, WtiRon Covoisor horse Clothing will be given careful attention. El Teleptom 3162, BALDWIN'S ini THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE HUNT h CQNNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to Flirt National Bank. He baa now in a IJ Hill! Ill WIH Comprising ererythiug- reqnisite for fine Merchant Tailoring. And the same can be shown to sdvimtane in ais splen didly fitted up room. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Headers ol The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Horn. jREVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. 1st Day. lGthDay. Tr.E UPCAT 30th Uar FH.ENCH ZlXSZkASXS-Sr produces the iihure results lu HO ilnys. It arti powerfully aud nulckly. C'nres ben all otbsrs fall. Voting mini will rensin their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youtaiul visor by using RF.V1VO. It nnickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lout Vitality, Inipotrnry. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or esceNi snd indiscretion, ivhlch uunts one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of dUssase, but is a great nervr tonle and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cher ka and re storing the lire of youth.: It wards elf Insanity nil Consumption. Insist on bsvfig REVIVO. no other. It ran bo carried in vest pocket, liy laeil 1.00 per package, or six tor 38.00, with a post t ee written guarantee to curs or refund 'hp money. Circular froo. AddresB - vrnpi;f"5 - -. CH'CAOO, Far Ml by MATTHEWS BROS., l rugglat, Scranton, Pa. mf of Me. 1 III .Bargain List! advertisers than satisfied cus- mooa Week's Values' 25 39c ROc 73c 2Sc sec 75c c i 6c 8c $2.98 19c 48c special, your, choice, - $4.4 - yard sweep, your choice, $3.98 THE FROTHINjSHflM. Wagner A Rela, Lessees an(i Manager FridayMay 15. Benefit of Green. Kidse Wheelmen. HOVPS With America's favorite Comedian, the Inimitable DIGBY BELL, and the famous Com edienne and Contralto, LAURA JOYCE -BELL. The celebrated Midnight Bell yuartetttj and a car lead of Special Scenery. Sale of seats upens Tuesday. a. m. TEINWAY ft SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the Worli DECKER BROS., , KRAISICHB ft BACHE and otbsrs. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Huslcal Merchandise, Sheet Music and; Music. Books. Purchasers will always find a.comalsta stock and at prices aa low s'tfis qual Ity at the Instrument wlH' parnU at N. A. nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming: Ave. Scrantorf - J THE CO,, ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RU8H DALK WORKS. LAFLIN ft RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, RleotriciBzploders, for ex ploding blasts, Safety Fuss, and Rcpauno Chemical Co. 's expBes. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domearia use, and of all slues, delivered In any' pu f the city at lowest price. Orders elt at my Office, NO. liS WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to tha mine, will reoelve prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the sals and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. saaaiai.asiiaaiaiaitaaaaiaft AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In toe Ottj. The latest lapmed fiiralsh' lags and apparataa fir insfist eat, batter aid egg. 123 Wyoming Aw effii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers