THE . SCHANTOTjT TMBTTXE TnUllSDAT MOHNIHO, "MAY 14, 1890. OABEOLL THE WYOMING AVENUE. FOPULAR PRICES PREVAIL IN THE EASTERN LEAGUE It Was Derby Day tor the four Tail cndcrs. SCKANTOS MOVES IT1 A lEG Johnson iavc Only Three llitt to Hrovi-dcncc-Wilkcs-!orrcGelho Best ut Springfield in a Loosclj I'lnvcd Uame. '('lie four lail-inl clubs won ytBler ,ila. feci Hilton goins up " 'il lh '" tourth place ahead of the Sprm!tii'ld champions, who Ulop lo next M lust. . Wilkes-lianv won from SpriiiSlMd Setting the best of u name flayed lous.f , l by each club. . Itorliesu-r Is secure in tlrst il.ioe for ' today ul least, but if the Slurs win Ihey ' will so from third to' second if Provi dence losew. yesterday's Kcsiilt Scranton Providence. ' ilkcs-llurre -.11 Sprinsf ield lluffulo 13 Rochester... .'Toronto SyrnciiH.... Percentile Kecord. v. I'.C. .1.1- Itu. lieft. r ... I'lOViill'llf- .. ;')ise ' rii-raulon .... Toiuiito VVilks-Hanv .iilib-li.'l.l .. ' Uuffalo ...i:i ...l' ...lii ...II ...I-' ...ia . Km .117 .Jus To-dnv's I'nstcnt l.ciisuo l I'n.vhtrtiee at Serautoii. S.rlii(ftield at Wllkes-Harre.. Syrueime at Turoiito. liociiestel' ut llllll.llo. JOHNSON'S GUM AT WOttK. He Holds the Strong providence Men il,,.. . i.. ihrpc lilts -tiaroo lull of Miuip, (iingcry Piny. If Tommy Johnson had been pitching for his lire yesterday he would live to be a thousand years old. That Tom my pitched a great xiuiie Is one thing In his favor: that the strong Pi"l deiice fciiui was the ommil.utlon which pioiuri-d otilv three hits. Is another thing in his favor; the two fuels ad did tuKclher made Tommy the king pin of the town lust night, when the muyor Kuve hint tile freedom r Ihe city. Hut only in two Innings were the r.i.ivs retired otie-tWo-threc. uud oil ti. ...... occasions they got t" mini which Indicates that something I nltchliit: nrevented them from swelling tiie score. S.ratitoii erred three times but none of the errors ' ussisteil In Ihe run-getting, and neither did file one Providence error made by u ,.i,.i,i s,i ulili .liihnsou's chutnplon- uhlp pitching, clean, snappy fielding and inuiiv lirllliunl pluys I lie gume was a thing of beauty utid pleusaut to look upon. Chiles liiniued the club and lelt for Vlornellsville ut noon, but a little thing like that didn't cut much of a limue us ivns moved ill the gHlue. Alcller molt put lirmlley in Chiles" place ut ..i.ier nuil later Flack, us Hrudley'H aiiii was in bad shatie. Klack made a siuiile and a Hucrltlce, each coiitrlbut lug totturd the run-getting. Home ifne to Hitch but comoliilned ol a kink in his elbow uud Johnson wus subslituted at the lust minute. OOOD WOUK ALL AUOCNH. KalTertv ugaln cuught a pretty game and hniulled Jolinnon'B puzzling shoots in 'splendid fashion. Ward. Magulie and Hutchinson participated In some sharp, ginnery work and Kagun accept ed live chances, three of which wen? difficult and which he gathered In only after long, hard runs. Meaney's home run gave Scranton encouragement In the fiist Inning. With omt out he hit to right center, the ball bounding into a pile of poles against the fence. Otherwise the hit would not have been good for more than two buses. A base on balls to Basset t and Ki.icht's two-luire drive to right guve Providence un unearned run. With one out Hoss singled to left in the second, but llaguire fouled out and UutTVrty fanned. Sharp Melding alone , prevented Providence from scoring. Afti rCooncy flew out to Kagan, i.'aima- van go to tlrst on Hiltchiiiiion's fumble and stole second. Murray hit one to Ward, who fielded the ball to Muguire. 'anna vim started back to second, but MuRUlre got the ball back to Ward in time to f in t the runner out, Murray leaching second on the play. lixon tic iv out lo Kagan.- In tiie third Johnson made a double and weld lo third on Ward's grounder to lnauby. Meauey bit a foul hack of third base, i '.asset i caught It alter a run mid Johnson beat Ihe ball home. " i'.r Providence, with one out, Lyons tMt to II rst on Hutchinson's error, stole second ami went to third en a wild pitch, but Passeit lli-w out to Hess and Knight fanned. TUB FOPRTII INX1N0. In the foui'tli Hutchinson's single, which was n warm one and gol mixed tii.tewen liussett and Cooney. Kagan's hunt and a 'single to right by Muguli e . turned a ' run. The ttiuys were retired one-tiVo-threc. Johnson singled In the tilth end wns forced by Ward. A single by Klack and a hae on balls tilled the liases. Tivo 'mi ns came In on Kugaii's single drive lo light. For I'rov Hence, alter tAio were out, Hudderhain reached first t on Hess' error, but Ward made a splendid one hand stop of Lyons' bounder and nailed him at tlrst. The only time as few us three Scraii toiilans faced ltudderhum wus in the iSUth, and the same treatment was imteil out to Hip Orays In their half. In the seventh, singles by Ward and Meaney, Flack's sacrlllcc and Hutehln uon's lly to the outtield earned n run. Providence was presented Its run In HUMBFR CYCLES $110.00 THESE PEOPLE KIDE THEM : Stuyvesant Flub tleorge Ki Fearing Frederick (ivbhardt.... J. Pierpunt Murnaii, Jr Charles A. Penbudy... SelhLow William Stelnway Theudorc W. Cramp... A. J. Drexel. Jr New Vork New Vork New Vurk New Vork New Vnrk New Vurk New Vurk HhiladelphiaJ U I ... .1 .... -l Ueorue H. Frailer ,. ri.iiaiK.wi PhilaJelnhia William M. Pulndeter..WahlnKtun,l. C Max Agasslif Cambridge. Man WE SELL THEM, i Linden Street, Opp. Cuurt House. .. i ALSO UNION, Sioo; I.U.MI.NUM, Sioo; ERIE, $73. BICYCLES. CHASE TAILOR, Coal Eitafs the nevt half bT Ward, who showed UooU judgment in his successful effort to retire the side rather than accent the doubtful c hunco of heading off the runner at the plate. Murray hud lauuht cine on the end of his stick and pushed it into left center lor three, bases. Two men out. Irittoii jcot a base on balls. He started to steal and Alurrav tote gravel for hoine. llafierty had thrown short to Ward. .x!iectinn u iulck re turn to tiie plate, but llxoii'3 attempt to steal was to tmrc the run in and he was not in a' hurry to reach the base Ward chasi d him down tile Hue and i a ub-l!t him. CLOSE OP T11F. iJAMK. In the eight IK-Fs ivai hed Hist on Uussut's mult of an easy lly. He was advuineu lo third un Musuiiv's sacli lice uud KatTeity s out ut hist. John- sou was assisted out. With two out Piovidence i:ot ruiii.ers on third end III at nil a base on balls to llassett uud Knlulil's single, but Drauby was nailed ul first on Hutchinson s tine slop and throw. Mi alley biny !. with one out. In the ninth. Two Hies to the outfield ended the Inning. Kor Providence .Mill lay Hot a walk utter twu were out, bill nun forced al second. Score: Sl"lt ANTON. A II. H I'll. 4 10 WaiJ. t'b .MeaueV. If Pluck, cf Hutchinson, ss I II I) lit I Kagali. If I less, lb Magnire, :il Halleily, e Johnson, p Totals :tj il I- -i lti '$ pi;o ini'.NOK. A.U. P.. 11. V.Q A. E. Lvons. cf 4 u u a t HllMStlt, -Mj t I - " 1 I Klliiillt. II' 4 II '.' I II 0 luauhy. lb 4 M' V In il U Oiuuev. ss 4 o :i 4 ii Ciiii'.avan. fb 4 - S ' Mm ray. rf a I I f 0, c 'J w 't a i) iiiklderliaiu. S II U 1 U Totals 31 J :t 7 11 I Si i aiiton 1 M 1 I 1' 1 u 0- B Providence 1 l ll II 0 I t) U 1 Kunied runs Serantoil, K; Pruvldeliee, 1. Two-base hits- Joliiison. Knight. Thr e. base lilt - Murray. Home riin Meuney. Saerlllie hits Flack. Magulre. Stolen busts -t 'anna van. Lyons. Left on bases-i Scrilliliin. 6; Providence, 4. Struck out 1 HatTertv, Knlghl, Iilvoli, niiililerliam. I Lioulile plays- -I 'ooney to Caniiavan lo Inuittiy. H'irsl on errors Si.'runtoii, 1; Providence. 3. Plist on balls -nil John son. 4: oil Hiidilerhaiu, 1. Wild . In Ins Jolllisull. I'mptre Kelly. Time 1.4.".. WILKES.UAKUE WON. Springfield Lost llecause of Many Costly Lrrors. Wilkes-Barre. May 13. Wllkes-Bat re won the second game of the series with Sprluglield today. Both teams played a loose- game In the Held, the errors liiado by the visitors being especially costly. Shannon's work at short was very lugged. Kelts gave six men their bases on balls, but despite this fact the Sprlngflelds were unable to bat out u victory. Wilkes-Barre took the lead In the first Inning by opportune but ting uud held It until the end. Attend ance, 1,200. Score: W1LKKS-BARKR A H. It. H. B 2 I P.O. A. 3 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 3 K. 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lylle. If .. Hoiincr, 2b Lciotle, rf Karle, lb . Hi'tts. p .. Smith. 2b IMgglus. e Mc .Million. Wenle, cf Toluls ... 44 13 If. SPKLNOFIKLD. A.ii. R. H. 3 I 2 P.O. 3 ;i 3 A. 0 Leahy, cf ... I.ynch, II a 1 1 4 0 I 1 1 11 ookuii, 2u 3 il Ibel t. 3b f Schelller, rf & Shannon, ss 4 i.!i ubi r, lb D unson. c 4 Haslou, p ... 5 Totals 30 11 12 27 Wilkes-Uurre 5 3 0 2 2 0 0 1 0-13 Sprluglield 0 2 0 f. 0 1 0 0 1-9 rairneii runs llkcs-Karre, w; spring- field. 3. First base by errors Wllkes- Harre, 5; fcpringlleld, 3. Left on bases Wllkes-Harre. : Snrlnmielil. 11. First base on balls Off Hetts, (i: off lCuston, 2. Home run Umber. Three-base hits Le- aoile, Leuliy. Two-base lilts Lylle, Le zotte, liiggins, Shannon. Stolen bases Lezntte, Wenle, Leahy. Double plays Bonner to .Mi'.Vlahon to ISai'l; Shannon to Oruber to Ullbert. Wild pitches-Hetts, 2. Passed balls (Unison, 1. Umpire-. Uoescher. Tune 1.40. Koeheslcr-llnffiilo. i.iiiiiiiu, ., ..hi) id. i.uiiaiij tiiiiay dcl'eitied Rochester in a game tilled with HillTalo, N. Y.. .May U. Buffalo today good plays and heavy baiting un their part. Score: R.H.E. HulTalo 3 0 1 4 6 0 0 0 x-13 IS 5 Hoc lander 3 001030007 11 2 Batteries Sturizel and t'riiuhart: Da vis und Hoyd. I'mpirc-Snaitwood. ivrncuso Toronto. Toroiiio. May 13. It was a pretty game today. Toronto clinched the game in the Severn ll in u base on bulU, two tills and I two errors, ,-icoie: R.H.E. Syracuse 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 7 4 Toronto 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 x li 13 2 Batteries' Delanev and Hess: Dineen aud Cass. L'uipiris liatlnoy and Lyndon. NATIONAL LKACIE. Th rep games were played yestoiday. Cleveland won easily troin the Phillies and now the four leading clubs ure In a bunch as fur iu the n i ntages are concerned. Percentage kecord P. W. L. P. I.'. Philadelphia 21 11 . ij; Plltsburif 19 12 7 ."'.1 Hallltnoie 1:1 Hi t .KM Huston ..: 21 13 i il20 t'hicago 22 13 Cleveland in 11 S Clnclnnali 21 12 .Tl Brooklyn 21 In 11 .4iii Washington 21 10 ll .47.J New Yolk 20 7 13 :.10 St. Louis 23 7 If, .IMS Louisville 22 3 l! AM Phlladclphin-Clcvclnnd. Clevtlund O.. May 13. Inks went in lo pitch tor Philadelphia today, but was uiken out uf Hie box 111 tile third, ntler forcing a run when nu one was out. I'hain berlaiii only lusied iwo IiiiiIiiks tor t'leve luii.l. His delivery was slim and lie was very wild. Cuppy linisliid Die game anil ulluwcl but live scaUeriio; lilts to be muJe. Score: R.H.E. Cleveland n 0 I 3 u 0 0 4 3-14 11 3 Philadelphia 3 u no ') no u 1 4 & Hatteiies Ciifipy, fliaiiibeilulii an I Zliiniiei , I'urs. ), Inks and I'mpire Lynch. Time Al Louisville U.H.K. Louisville o 4 0 0 0 0 0 u I ii 0 3 Brooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0- 4 11 2 llalterles-Weyhlng und Warner; Har per und (Irlin. Al Chlcugu- R.H.E. 'llleilgo 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 04 8 3 Boston 3 0 u 0 0 1 0 0 0 u 4 10 2 Batteries Terry anil Donahue; Stlvetts uud ijunucl. I'mpire Keele, Chlcugu refused to play ilieir .uf of the eleventh lunlnis anI the game was award ed by the umpire to the Bostons by the seo. of U to u. The score at Hie time was 10 tjl 'ln favor of Boston. Al Pittsburg Plflsburg-New Vork game puglpuned on uccoiiut of ruin. SIIAMOKIN SPANKED. Illta Ualoro Ala Jo orr Cronin, Iholr " . - - Pitehor. Special to the Scrunton Tribune. Carbondale, Muy 18.-,Tlie Curbondule Hase Hull club held ii plenle today ut Anthracite park, to which they Invited the Shamoklu team and as many of the public as would pay !5 cents. The Sha liiokin team didn't have a good time ut nil. In fact, they w'tre completely dis gusted when they went home. They hud come v.ith the well meant Intention to give Curbondalc a spanking, but did not succeed, for it was Carbondale who gave the spanking and Sliamoklu who leceived it with very-bad grace. A little change was made in the make-up of our team. Fallen, a new acquisition of Marty Swift's, holding dow n and second, and U't Jara going to right field. Fallen was di'cidedly nerv ous, which kept him from hitting the ball, but he showed up well In the held The game was culled ut the end of the seventh Inning by I'mptre Kellly. It was rather dry. although Some pret ty plays were made. Carbondale scored one run in the first inning and the vis itors two. The second Inning complete ly rattled the vlsliois and put the spec tators In gt.uU humor Sales look Ids base on balls, going lo third ou O data's hit to second, which was niiifte.l Mc ijuaid connected with lie ball and brought in a ion. fallen struck out: Sulla takes u walk alio so aoes Patch cii. Then "tiig i;td" stepped to tin plate. Three lot n on base and Mussey ut I ue bat. This was loo much for the croud and they cheered lus-uly. "Hill" responded by a terrific whuck at the ball; uwuy out to left Held It went, and belore it was lieldeil "Hill'' was idauding on home plate. The spec tators rose eti masse. The visitors failed to score in the next liio Innings. Cut hoiidalc brought In a ion In the third and fourth. Shuniokln had live placed to their credit In the tilth. At the end of the idxlh liming Hie scjit was SI S In favor of Carbondale. Then tile slugging comiiieuced. aud at the end of the llrst half uf the seventh the score stood 1:1 . Shamoklu came lo the bat and lill the bull hard. Soon the bases were full and lookers on moved uneasily in their seats. Hun alter inn came In. Slowly the runs began to even up until they were lit -12 in our favor. Then the boys rallied, and the tame was soon ended. Score; CAUHtl.NDALK. A II. R. II P.O. A. K. .M. gilHld. If SllllU. cf . Pittehcii, e . Mus&'ey. lb . Luliy, p Aiulersuii, p CltlKO, ss ... Sales, Ub ... tiilura, if . K.ilicii, b ... Tutjls .... ..j Z V 4 U t) .. f. 2 -J 1 l 2 ... I - II U 1 ..J i 3 11 o 1 ..5 2 1 II ZD .. II tl 0 ll tl 0 .. u - v l :i i ..SI I 12 1 ..4 2 i.i ii i) .. 4 v 1 :t l l 44 14 IS 21 1 SHAMllKlN'. A ll. R. II. P.O. A. E. 2 I 1 4 U 1 2 i 1 Kills. ;:b Fox, c I C'ostello, KunUcr, I Hill, el' . 4 0 1 w u l 4 U 2 I U V 4 0 200 4 2 2 2 1 tl 4 113 11 4 1 ll ll t Seavers, Young, ss Conroy. 2b Siiihh, p , Totals .... I '.trbotldale Shainokiu . 4 12 21 2 .15 12 UU4-I4 14 .2 ll 0 1 6 0 412 3 4 ,7 4 Hase ou balls -On" Smith. 7; oft Luby, 4; off Anderson, 3. Struck uut-rUy Smithi I'a I Ion i:n. Cargo. Stolen bases Mctjuuld i2i, .Mussey, u'tiuru (2;, Fallen. 'Tlme4 hours. At Huzletotl K H.R Hu'zletou 4 5 3 I t 2 4 2 225 22 t! Pottsvllltt 0 0 0 3.0 0 2 4 0- 12 Hatieiies Mattern aud Cooper; Croiian und Flaiilgau. At Phlludelphlu U.H.E. Athlcties ...12 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 0-25 23 4 York 3 2 0 0 0 U 0 01 f. 7 Halterlcs Keener and Weand; MeFall, Hess, Young and Steetmun. L'lupire Hoiiiung. At lJasion R.H.I.:. Huston 100110 0003 i Lancaster 102001OUX 4 4 i Halterlcs tSray and Barclay; Saybold, Ziiiinier. Wtat and Roth. L'inpire Klseu buwer. College Game. Easton. Pu., May 13. Princeton defeat ed Lafayette in a close and exciting game here today. Score; R H E Lafayette 0 00 0 0034 1 8 1 j Pi i ton 4010 i) 013 x 9 6 Hutterles Sigmun and Harclay; Wilson and tiruham. I'mpire DIetrlck. Kcthlcheni, Pu., Muy 13. Pennsylvania played a superb Aeldiug game today, and this, together with timely batting, land ed them victors over Lehigh by the fol lowing score; R.H.E. Lehigh 1 0010300J-8 13 11 Pennsylvania 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 1 x 13 11 6 Hutterles liannon, Horner and Curman; Cantlln, W under uud Middleton. i BASE BALL B0S8IP. j Pierce Chiles, the heavy-hittln? util ity player of the Scranton rlub, has , jumped the team and gone to Hornclls- vllle. N. V. He left here for that city i yrsterday noon In company with C. H. : Amlsted. the Hornellsvllle manager. Chiles' desertion was predicted by The ' Tribune a week ago although It was later believed that the management had arranged matters so that Chiles 1 would stay here. He was concerned In ; some trouble out in Kansas last fall and, fearing arrest, listened to the nd I vunces made by the Hornellsvllle peo ple. They offered him 1175 per month und ull expenses, agreed to pay his - . . ! indebtedness to the Scranton club, which was about $75. and guaranteed him Immunity from arrest. It was on tliese terms that he deserted Scrantnn. The penalty for his action is ineligibil ity to pluy with any club in the National agreement and a fine of 2o0 whenever the suspension is lifted. Any National agreement club which plays with Hoinellsville. whether Chiles Is in the game or not, is liable to have all Its league games thrown out. Tom Power returned to Syracuse last night without reaching an agreement with the Scranton management. He will come to a decision in the matter today provided he receives President Pat Powers' decision ou his (Tom pow er's) technical, plea lor release fri.m Syracuse. ivieauwniie tiie eitort to secute some other jilnyer for the position has not be. .1 relaxed. It Is nos-slble that John Brock will go to Philadelphia ou a still hunt this morning. Homer will pitch this artornotm un les ins arm has not recovered Horn Its temporary stiffness. In which case Herr w ill so In. Friel will idtch for Providence. Two out of three from the Providence team Is better than half the clubs of tiie lea cue will do with the Grays on their trip. Kiidderham s;.llt a nail on his left hand when he tried to stop Johnson s tiounder lu the eighth 1ULYCI.H GOSSIP. The riKUlur monthly mr-etllig of the itreen liiiJjo heeiineii occurred Tiles. lav evening, hum- m.w members ..r admit ted Attend the "elutler Path meeting a! Mulioii's hull. Olyphunt. luulght. All THERE IS A N0BBINES3 ( BOUT OUR LATEST STYLE OT SPRING HATS Thai Is Positively Striking. rtirilisliiii'4 Goods, Correct lilca.s in Fancy Shirts, In clusive and Rich Putturni. Lowest Prices Prevail. P. 411 SPKCCK STKEUT. 2os LACKAWANNA AVE. MUNYON'S RHMilTISM CURE Munyon's Cure is guar anteed to Le absolutely harmless and a strong tonic In building un the weak aud dellbitaled. It cure ucutc or in us culur rheuuiatisiii In from one to lle days. Shaip. ehtiotlug pains in any part cf the body stopped by a lew doses. A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lameness, soreness, still back and all painti in bins ana loins Chronic ihcumullsiiK sciatica, lumbago, or pain in the back are mm evilly cured. It seldom fails n give relief from tie or two doses, and almost Invaiiably coil ! before one bottle has been used. Pi ice 2ic. Munyon's tjyspepsiu Cure positively cures ull forms of Indigestion uud stom uch troubles Price 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures liuli.s in the b-ii k, loins or jiiotliH uud ull forms of kidney disease. .Munyon's Vitalize!', price Jl.00. A separate specific for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 2ii tents a bottle. Personal letters to Professor Munyoii, Lfilia Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., uu swered with tree medical advice for any disease. wheelmen invited. Leave Wheelmen's club house at sharp. Join the run. lireeii Kiitge o'clock p. in The Wllkes-Uarrp Wheelmen will eoii duct a bin century run lo Itniiville ou .Mav M. They have Invited all the clubs tnruUKhout the valley to participate Ihe minus '.'nc-inlle road record wait broken by .Mad Carrier Smith, of t'hlcituo, on May lu. He rode nu Adlake wheel. A Duryea druggist is scaliterine curds throUKhoui the valley printed as follows: Mneeiiiian: wiieu iieailliiH lliroucli inn yea on your "Bike" stop al dru more. Tires nuuuied. u 111 vou drink To say the least, this driiKKlst has a loUK lieud. ana will, no doubt, have a chilli to pump many tires while the buys dtiuk. Tiie regular monthly business meeting; ol tiie Hcranton Hlcvele r ub will occur this eveniiiK. ut which time the bids fur the bulldliiK of the new addition to thr club house will be opened. The wheelmen of New Vork cltv hav petitioned the board of aldermen of municipality to compel drivers of heavy and rubber tired vehicles to carry u bell whistle and to furnish a slunul cob). ao a bicycle rider can tell In which dire. tlou tiie driver will turn. Kor lustan.-e. when the driver reaches a street ero.-tsim; and sts a wheelman In front of htm. If he Intends to keep straight on, blow 01 ring on. e: If he wants to turn to the right ring twice; to left, three times, etc. This action ou the part of the wheelmen Is backed by the League of American Whe l men on account of the deaths of three wheelmen who were run over in that city within a very short time ut street criw InfS, the victims not kuowliiK lu what ill rectlou the drivers were going to turn. The wnaeimen claim mat inaitmucti us tiiey are compelled to curry bells for the pro. tactlan of pedestrians, they should be pro tected the same way. TNe ureeu Ul.lue Wheelmen invite all unattached wheelmen and wheel clubs In this city and suburbs to join them in "run" to Olyphunt and return this evening. A meeting of the Anthracite alley Uln.ler fain association will lie held In Marion's hall, Olyphunt, ut i o'clock, to which ull wheelmen are Invit ed. Join the Ureen Ridge boys and attend the meeting. The start will be made from the club house, corner Green Hidtie street uud Sanderson avenue, ut 7 p. in. sharp. Anout twenty members or the Hcrantoa Bicycle club rode to Carbondale Sunday morning. The Doys returned In a go-as- you- please fashion during the latter part ot tno uay. Inflammatory Mhaumatlsin Cured in 3 Pays. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Tnd., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism In every muscle and joint. her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but re ceived no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism It gave immediate relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure It saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 41$ Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. r.ngllah Capital for American Invest ments. Important to Americans seeking Enr. lleh capital for ne enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of too successful promoters who have placed over 1100.000,000 sterling in foreign Invest ments within the lust six years,-and over 18,080,000 for the seven months of tWO. price to or w, y.7iuio uy posiRi order to the London and Universal Bureau of Inventors. 20. Cheanside. London. R tl Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment witn ine utreciora to receive either r..rMnftl or letters of Introduction ta of these successful promoters. This list is nrst ciua in every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found in valuable Bonds or Shnres of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD O. ROS3. HON. WALTER C. PKPTS. CAPT. ARTHUR HTIPFR. e Copyright DON'T FAIL TO SEE TUB WOLF AMERICAN, Ihe Finrst and Hlphett tirade Wheels Made In America. iNuO Wheel,, Up-te.)ate In livery Particular, $ Come and See. E. R. PAKKBK, 331 Spruce Street. You Cao Save $15 to $3 an Voul Bike. The Easiest Whesl (or Ladies To Mount is a Virtoi ia. It b.w the lowest and HtrMicf.'ut frame uJ rauuut lie rquuleil tor comfort. Victors, UeinlronK, Relays and W ynnewoodn, in endlesa variety, now on ex. htbitloo at our store. J.D.1L11SORO. 8I2AND 3:4 LACKaWANNA AVI EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior FaceBIeach Positively Beruoves Ali Facial Bkaulies. itT A iaka Hace Puwdcr Is superior to auy faek powder uver uutnutM.-turi.d. L:aed and coin meiclod by iratiiDK noi'lrty ai.d profession:!! btatutiett. beeauttti it iiives the liest pofslblo if.H't mid nrver leavts the flilil roueti or acrlv. Prii'e frl ceuts. ThrlOKe, Nature's Hull- Grower, la tho HieatiMI uair ifiv iterator of the present pro ItreioiTe aee. beiiiK purely a vttffitnblu com pound, entirely ii:u inl-ss. and uutrvelous in in butivllcvnt el'.Vts. All dispaant of the hair ani rcal uro leitttily rurtd bv the no of Xhnioi;nB. Prim ull cent and il. for Bale at ( . M. Ilotzal'ii llair-drmsinK nat Manicure Parlors, Lackawan&a ave. and Nn. 1 Lau run' Huililinif. Wilkes barre. Mail orders 111 loJ promptly. Save My Child!" is the cry of vE 4?rN agonized VftpW-nk mothcr VrlwVf whose V ' c;-vi. lii tip one writhes in croup or whoop ing cough. In such cases, Dr. Acker's English Rem edy proves a blessing and a godsend. Mrs. M. A. Burke, of 309 K. 105th St., New York, writes: "Dr. Acker's English Remedy cured my baby of bronchi tis, and also gave instant relief in a severe case of croup." 1 sizes, ISc.j 50c.; SI. All ProfrgUti. ACKLUyibblCINKCU.,ia--18ClllUutHTH.Sl.( N.Y I sell Because it's the running wheel iimUc. Hinoothcst It's built to RIDE, aud NOT to keep In the repair shop. I Fully guaranteed, and sells for $100, because it's worth $100. CM. FLOREY 211 WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton. 434 Lsckoeanna Avenue, Vinton Bicycles are guar anteed. "The Winton is a Winner.' The Hunt & Coonnell Co Learn to Ride a Bike AT MEGARGEL'S, SiS S2 Spruce Street, iSSSIUSa Removes FrecMrs, Pfmp'o,, Lipr Moles, BtecVio.H'.), Sunburn and Ten, ar.d fj rtmea the si:!n lo lU crimi nal freibncss. produoliis"a.l clear ami nenuny r.cir.-ii nliiYlnn. Wimpflip ta fill fara ercpamtlon.! o:d w-rfoetlf fen'mlcM. At ed o'rugfiUti.or mailed fc JOcts. Bead for Clreukr, ViCLA SXIf) 80AP timplj iKiniiKtnl) o a a'.ln puriKlm Smp, uuaiiidnt tr On trtl. old wllbDUt l rival 1 Ihe nuKWj. ilmlT J'1 ntJ Jiltl7 au' tiad. il ire5lt Price 2i Ce:i9. G. C. B1TTNSR ft. r,O., Tc:.0a, O. For salP by MATTHEWS nr.OS. and JOHN II. I'HKLPS. Scranton. Pu. CnscsstB bt Thi HioKftT Mcsiol AuTKonmtr yFvsrr.r.:P vrt iri 1 u u i.wnwiEl. Tula MKNTHCI l;.n.M.ri! win cu.-o r.m. A wnnilfTfiil twin to niiinn frim.'olc4, Som't'lirnut, Inl!iin'j:i. Hrnutihlllr. nrlJAT I'EVEB. AHot-a. imrnffiiatc rvlW. ta oltk'lcii: n iLi-ilv. ciiririnli.rit tuonrr 10 poeliet. rrad to ni en tirt-t ludUittiuu of in:l. I'fintlnaed Cao -.uc(n Iormanent dire. 'iitli.tacilunmiiirntciiitiirmOTii'yruliimliU. Price, V ell. Trial (ri'n lit DriluillKni. Ui'tlJloro.1 mall. 1U cent. H. S. CKS'iiN, Hi.-., lkn Riien, Hich , D. S. L orsHix&sr'is MPMTUfll Tin' "ur ami Ht'oiit romiT for IfltlM 3 nifU nilnkinitlseiiaes. Krifnin.licU.Hal Tthfunitniil 9'irei. Ilurno. Cull.. Wonderful rem M. lurPILGN, I'rlcu. C. tlrim- A I 5, vlitsor by luuil prc:ilil. Aildrusiiasabiivi.. DHil For hiiIk liy MATTHEWS PlHOS. und JOHN H. PI1ELP8. Si iunton. Pu. Cft Chlcheitcy r.nmUnk IM onion rl il rani. W lV rlfflnaliaBiTrnuinc. -T V ulnaiv ri-Uiil.lo. LADICB brurlat for 'Ch ie kt$tar a tmttitk Unt mum! Mr.twrf hi llad autal Uotd IBVttlltla1 ktwira, imttNl with bti rtbn. Tube .... .AUm tftutm JflMfnllll tuLslUtl 'tttth uiial tmitnUvtt: . i Umitii"ifl. or rad 4t. tn turai"t Ii-r tnnlt!ulnr( t t,miiall fu-t HmIL 14L1H0 r.HtlmonkNU. AtA. ji hit't (jhtkMttL,kcMltMilC,l..Mtt1Ul kMtli Y?wjWi'P. . ,",J!, 'V Complcisson P DR. Hr.RA'3 ,,1 WSJ af. At XA IS aai I NEW YI HI 1 13-' WASHINGTON AVENUE. Great Sale ol Ladies' Suits, Capes, and Jackets. Also New Lot oi Crash Outing Suit. Suits. Ulazer Outing Suits of Cheviot, half-lined, correct styles; regu lar price. $S 5H. Sale Price $3.50. Ulaair Suits No. i". In coinblnatloii styles, solid colored Jackets: regu- lar price n.bu. Sale Price $10.49. lioul,e-bre:ited Suits lu fllue. Uray and Hiowu; price $2S.5o Black, regular Sale Price $14.50. One lot of trimmed, is uu. New York Cloak hrancis ntz Uibbon, w mm MkotM ) WW 4 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch I, 1896, Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosbv' Superlative 1h ld evervwheru from the) Pacific Coast to St. John's. New Foundland. and in England. Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ACTIVE 6 0 UILDING UORPORATIONS Growth HEMLOCK I u u INDLY LET lilANAGER Sells TRADE U IGHARDS X V z PECT I OUR ZLING 422, Richards Lumber Go,, Comith Bl'D'g, Scranton, Pa THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF STATEMENT RESOURCES. Loans ..Jl.C.77n K 714 01 .. lOG.Omj '1 .. 301.550 20 .. 26.734 05 8,6Kl 00 7.77V Crt .. 157.304 73 .. 12&.78SS5 Ovei'dmfhi v V. S. Bonds Other Uonds Minkinc Iloune Premiums on V. S. Bonds... Duo from L U. Treasurer. Duo from Bank Cash 12.101, 3'M 30 vvv. i:r.rvri I iif.i.vni UIKECfOKS-Wm. Connetl, Henry Belln tatl'n, Lutlier Keller, Allred nontf. Speclnl attention iven to liulne anil on lime Deposits. Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rnr ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup. nliea. 'Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES snd a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheel Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. BTTEIBEIDER SCRANTON. PA. kn ta touM wtiit Roault In 4 weeks. Far mIo by JOHN H. PHELPS. Sprue Strattj Seranton Pa. ... IS 1 Ueefeis and Fly Front lined witn rich, fancy i price $14. W Jacket. Taffeta; Sale Price $10.50. Capes. o 1 defiantly ti named, with Lace and Jets, lined with Silk; regular price $15 eu Sale Price $9.50 No. - Domestic Silk Capes, net aud lace, lined with silk; regular uric $12 5l Sale Price $8.50. Velvet Capes, elegantly silk lined; regular price Sale Price $5.00. and Suit House, recognized as the best flour iu thv Desiring Extra IMMEDIATELY JuST Our Prices Quick. If ui I1AME VALUE HILL S9 RDERS. CONNELL HON PH., FEBRUARY 28, 1896: LIABILITIES. Capital .1 200.0") 09 . 2S0.0O0 . 81,439 41 , 8S.6',0 Of IDS ." . 1,516.744 1 . 24 39S 11 Nona Nona $2,191,300 3 uruius Vndlvlileil fronts.. Circulation Dividenda Unpaid. Deposits Duo to Bunks Rp-Discounts bills Payable UKO. H. CATI.IN, Vive President; WM. H. PECK, tsh'"''lt Jr., james Arcnoaia, wm. smim, Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interea mo STEEL n RI8TORB LOST YIGOR I M. hi Hnnu Deblllln. Lull uf taml tern (ki .Mm r.i, lnnoitiKir. Auphr. Vuimil. aixl .iIki oeaknnM, awa uy nun, m Seiltu fillt. litalM chkd uid full rr quickly . If arglKHa, Hick tioul.lei mult fauUy. M.llnt inyhlt. Ill. Ii.ooi bnn foi H a. Wnk rrry U.. order we a legal puaranle lu kurt or refind Ik. money. Aodiei. lliAL VEDICINK CO.,Cleelid, Ohio. Pharmacist, oot. Wyamlng AvniM ) .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers