The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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- ihire and
"I prefer Cleveland's baking powder because it is
pure and wholesome. It takes less for the same baking,
it never fails, and bread and cake keep their fresh
ness and flavor."
Miss Cor.nklia Campbell Bedford, Suff. Xm York Cotking SeksoL
Norrman & MoorowLi mm
120 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Ave.
Real Brussels Lace Curtains :
$4.T0, Former Price $6,00
5.30, Former Price 6,70
5.65, Former Price 7.C0
5.85, Former Price 7,50
6.25,- Former Price 8.50
T.65, Former Price 10,00
The Abov8 Prices
Are for This Week Only.
WIS S Mill!
AUlermun Millar si-nt In llfty tranaorlpts
for thu romltiR session of I In ki-iiihI Jury.
Aseenslon I ay servli't'M will I'f 'on
ductfil In Tiinliy Lutheran church :u 3
this evenliiK.
i The will uf .lunies K. HeBK?. lilt'" of tll
Ity, wus probuteil yesti-nluy mil letter
tiatumciituvy were stuntcJ to Stephen
The KIiik'h Daughters uf Kim 1'urk
church will mivp lei' cream, cake ami
strawberries In Ihe ihuivh parlors this
The will or llouora Swift. l:it- ut Arcli
baH, Was u I mil I 1 to probate yester.i ly
and letters testamentary were grunted to
iWnlfjed Swift.
The hcuiiiiK of W. II. Johnson, the col
ored proprietor of tin' oriental rlnl.
churgvd w.h keeping a sunburn? room
and ftroiih'ery. was yesterday continued
mull this afternoon at :t o'clock.
There was a uehcral observance of
Street Commissioner Kli.i-lcy's edict con
cerning street obstructions ycslttday. and
only In one or lvo Instunces has any pro
nounced opposition been shown to the 01
order. The work of repairing Spruce street be
tweun Franklin und Wyutnlim avenues,
Will be commenced toduy. The street cut
company will tear up Us iloublc tracks
and lay a single tracks In the center of
the street.
MarrlHKu licenses were Kianted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts John li. Thom
as to Homer K. Jones und Kllen Kdwards,
or Taylor: Abner Tyner, of KiiuliiunK.
Wayne county, and l.eiioru Haines, or
l'leosunt Mount.
ftlchard I Ionium, of the Soulli Side,
held ill tXv ball yestenlay by Alderman
.Mlllur for Hbuslng u horse and dainaKimt
u euirlngc hired from Liveryman W. V.
Aiuold. In default of bail he was sent to
the county Jail.
on Tuesday evening 1'hilander Horn
baker. Of Capouse uvenue, entered bail be
fore Alderman VVrlKht to unswer on May
22 a i-lnu-Re of obtalnlnR u consignment of
hay by false pretences from James Koo
ney, of Suiiielianiiu.
Anton Yonker anil Anna l.osserd, the
former accused of assault ami battery an 1
the latter of infidelity, were yesterday held
In J.'iOO ball each for their appearance at
court. .Mrs. Losserd's husband was the
prosecutor In both cases.
Contractor IC. S. Williams was arraigned
lfore Alderman Howe yesterday for
throwing rubbish In Forest court. At the
'request of tho prosecutor. Street Comnns
, eloner Kinsley, the tine was remitted, .Ml".
Williams I'dmlttliiK his guilt and agree
ing to be mure careful hereafter.
The Central Women's Christian Temper
ance union on Tuesday appointed Mrs.
Field und .Mrs. Wright to supply the rail
way stations in tin. city with temperance
..literature. The union decided to furnish
: tiuttonhiile bouuuels to the railway men at
the Huilroad Young Jlen's Christian as
sociation on Memorial Day.
The case brought against Thomas Car
f rdll, of .Lusscvne street, bv Street Coin
fiWssiouer' Kinsley, ror cionnectlng his
Ul-UtiertV With fl sewer U'lthioil itm-mluulun
was dlsnilsseil by Alderman Howe. Carroll
bringing In the niislalil permit and the in
telllgetii'e that a resolution had passed
wlwt council the previous night granting
him special permission.
Frederick M. Kupmeyer and son spent
yesterday tit Lake Ariel.
Henry Conrad, of this city. Is In charge
ef the Lake House, ut Lake Ariel.
W. F. Hallstead went to New York ves
' rV.-day to attend the funeral of w! 8.
. Fred Bailey has returned to his homo,
in Chicago, after visiting his brother,
Iflayor James a. Uullcy.
Mrs. M. R. Jackson, or Wnshingfon, V,
C, Is being entertained by Mrs. Shoema
ker, or 410 Adams avenue.
Mr. and Mrs.- .Morris J. Oavldow ente--talned
a number or friends at Ihelr resi
dence, 718 Monroe avenue, Tuesday even
ing -
1 W. M. Cross, of Albany, N. Y., has been
aunolnted division passenger agent or the
1 Pennsylvania division or the Delaware
und Hudson iuihi company, with heud
Quarters In this city.
Senator Jumes C. Vuiighan went to
Philadelphia yesterday accompanied bv
his son, William "'. Vaughan. The latter
will enter the Pennsylvania Nautical
envoi, ut rniinacitinui.
Big Job Now I'ndor Way In tho City Engi
neer's Department.
, One of the biggest Jobs ever under
taken by the city engineer's department
is now under way. It Is the complet
ing of a new assessment map of the city
of Scranton, Bhowlng the lots us laid
out ut present .together w ith the street
iiml block numbers and dimensions.
The resolution directing; Hint this
work be done wan Introduced by Mr.
I.auer Just before retiring from cotin
cn und It Is on that uccount dubbed
"Mr: Lnuer'H Legacy," by the perspir
Ing employe1) of the deportment.
Ppeclul attention and, private dining
.rooms for dinner partles'at Lohmunn's,
spruce street. Service and cuisine un-
' excelled In this city. '
. M. A. l'rlodlnndur Co.
. are preparing for their summer open
t lng( wfcft .MI Ufca place In a few
cay a. ..,.
Second Day Devoted to Entertain
merit und Parade.
At tho Short Business Session la the
Morning the Delegates Decide to
MuWo No Change in the .Mode
of Holding Elections.
The wrond day cf the Ivorite conven
tion at olyphant was devoted chietiy
to the entertainment of the visiting de
legates. There was a business session
in the mornlnsr and the afternoon a
parade was given and the day closed
with an entertainment given at the
Baptist church at Olyphant. It was
thought that much of the business of
the convention would be transacted
yesterday- but the chief part ww laid
over until the meetings of today, which
will probably be the last of the ses
sion. The morning session of the grand
lodge was wholly taken up with dis
cussing u proposed amendment to the
constitution. I'nder the present rule
the elections of grand lodge are mude
directly by the lodges. At each an
nual convention the delegates nominate
their favorites for the different offices.
The men thus named are to serve dur
ing the year succeeding the next an
nual convention. After the nominations
have bfen made the grand secretary
gives a list to each lodge and they hold
a secret ballot for their choice of the
candidates. The result of this ballot
is placed In tin envelope and sent to the
grand secretary.. When the convention
opens up the next year the grand presi
dent appoints an elective board of three
delegates. To this board the grand sec
retary gives the sealed envoloiies and
the count is then mude, und the suc
cessful candidates mimed.
At the last convention an amendment
wus offered to the effect that the of
liccrs be elected by u direct vote of the
delegates at the grand lodge. The mut
ter was, according to standing rule, laid
over until this year and the conven
tion acted uimu it yesterday Those who
spoke on the question whether or not
the amendment should be adopted were
Jidiu Owen Jones. I'ticu; IC. U. Jones,
Scrunton: John i'owcll. I'ittsburg: J. F.
Kvans. New York city; Kichurd Hughes,
Kdwnrdsdnlc; Heese Morgan. Wllkes
Hane, and Crund Secretary Daniel
Hevan, from Miner's Mills. The umetid
nieiit was rejected upon ballot. There
was some objection to the vote. Mr.
Jones, I'ticu, claimed that each dele
gate was entitled to us many votes us
the per capita membership bus repre
sented. Tills would be one vote for
every fifty members. According to this
10. IV Jones, of Robert Morns lodge,
would be entitled to live votes. The
point was not pressed.
After the amendment had been dis
posed or it was time to adjourn. This
was done. The rest or the day was
given uii to amusements und celebra
Soon after the noon hour the streets
of olyphnnt became more und more
dotted with Islght-seers und purticl-
jants in the parade. School was let
ml u short time before the murch was
begun. This greatly augmented the
crowd with children, and when the
march begun there was a huge crowd
on the principal streets. The several
bands played at different places In the
town anil there was an evident Inter
est in the music. The Bcrunton lodges
urrlveU via street car und the ensemble
wus niaili'Ut the Knilin lodge rooms, on
Luckuwuntui street.. From tills point
Hie parade started. The marshal wus
Henry Wlllittins unu John Pioberts
Was aide. Both men were mounted und
each wus dressed ill a fantastic cos
tume, i'roberts wore u long grey
beard: in general appearance he re
sembled an ancient Druid or a Santa
t'laus. The Knilin lodge led the pro
cession for a few blocks, when the pa-
aders passed between the Knilin ranks
und under the Hug.
For the rest of the procession Hubert
Morris lodge was given the right of
way. The honor could not have been
better bestowed. The Hyde Parkers
were few in numbers, but in quality
und Individual appearance they were
the feature or the procession. The
Olyphunt band Immediately preceded
the Kobert Morris men. After that
came the "old lodge" from the North
Knd. "Carladlawn" Is the Welsh nmne
of the lodge. The men mude u vener
able appearam owing to the advanced
uges of most of the members. Thomns
Jefferson lodge, No. 3. also of the North
Knd, followed. The contingent were
young men to the number of about
other Organizations.
"Temple of Love," an organization
from Taylor, preceded the Jermyn
lodge. The North End crowd was ac
companied by the Niagara Drum corps.
The corps wore neat uniforms and they
auueu mucn to tne spirit or the march
ing. Luke Kvans was marshal of the
Providence division. The reur end of
the parade was taken up by the F.mlln
lodge, with nearly every one of the
eighty-six members In the ranks. There
were three carriages In the parade. In
the first were the grand oriicers of the
lodge, W. II. Hughes, Keeso Morgan,
H. F. Lloyd and Daniel Hevan. in the
second were Rev. John Williams, Dan
iel Williams. Charles Reese, Richard
D. Jones, of Olyphunt, and Mr. George,
of Plymouth. The third contained
Moses J. Jones, mayor of Poultney, Vt.;
K. D. Jones, John H. Phillips, of Scran
ton, and Henry Williams, of Olyphant.
The three last mentioned are past
presidents of lodges. The line of murch
was up Lackawanna, down Delaware
to ntakely and as far as Johnson's
store; from thence up Lackawanna to
Third, over the Scott road to the Union
hotel und disperse. Along the llne of
mured) the buildings showed decorations
In the national colors. The citizens
generally Bhowed an interest in the
In the evening an entertainment was
given to the visitors at the Susquehan
na Street Uaptist church. The towns
people crowded the auditorium. In tne
ubsence of H. Huehes, of Scrunton, who
was to have been chairman, Henry V,
Duvles, of Kynon street, announced
that that popular Welshman wan una
ble to attend. Mr. Davis asked who
should be selected as substitute to Air.
Hughes. The nn mo of John Powell,
)he noted Welsh bard of Pittsburg, was
offered. Tho gentleman accepted in
a characteristic speech In the Welsh
tongiKA. He approved these meetings
of Welshmen, where they can become
better acquainted with each other. Ho
Is fond of Wales and the Welsh lan
guage, but, III courtesy to those who
could not understand the lunguuge,
Mr. PowHI announced that the enter
tainment would be conducted purtly in
He called upon Dr. W. K. Lloyd, who,
a representative ot Emlln ludg-e, the v;;tir.z del egates a Is tarty
wa'come to thr town. He said. In part:
"vVe '-! honored that trtr Order ot
American -True Ivorltes has d-tgned
to hold on of their conventions at Oly
phunt. It ts assemble J fur a netde pur.
puae. When men gather together with
beiieficlcnt Intent or to alleviate the
sufferings of mankind. I derm their
miFslon a holy one. With the advance of
thought there comes a furtherance of
that great universal Brotherhood of
Man..' Men should endeavor to eleVate
their fellows. We should teac this.
We are not in convention merely to leg
islate; we must advocate the best in
terests of the order. Our nation should
not lose its identity and we should
draw the younger element to the ranks
of Ivorism."
Dr. Lloyd's effort was loudly ap
plauded. Chairman Powell called up
on John Astln and party for a vocal se
lection. ThesresiKinse was "The Two
Roses," a very beautiful piece. The
singers showed excellent training and
the melody was well balanced. James
II. Reese, of Olyphant. recited an
"Klegy to Man From the Coat That he
Wears." ltwas In Welsh. An encore
was demanded; Mr. Reese gave a
short humorous pice. Logan Lloyd,
of Prtcebure. played two selections on i
the xlther.
D. Kdwards. of Youngstown. read a
poem on Ivorism and was loudly ap
pluuded. Grand Secretary Daniel Bev
an. of Miners Mills, read an interest
ing report of the condition of the order.
He said that the Ivorites have expended
since 1S7:1 u to IK'Jf,, for sick benetlts,
$lB::.r.7.r.J; donations. $10,S:t4.5s; burial,
4ti.UIL:!. Total. 21.!M3.4. In propor
tion to Its membership the order has
puld out for benevolent purposes more
than anv other order In the world.
Henry P. Davis, of Scranton. talked on
the benefits of Ivorism. He reverenced
the history of the organization, and
mentioned notable men who were of
Welsh blood. Mr. Davis took his hear
ers away bock In time, to the early
centuries, and told of historic charac
ters who were offsprings of Gwalla.
The speaker, before closing, read an
original poem In praise of the Welsh
During his remarks he compared the
Ivorites to other orders and endeavored
to show the vital necessity of such an
organization as Ivorltism to the Welsh
people. The speech was In Welsh and
was listened to with evident Interest.
Miss M. J. Davis sang pleasantly, the
selection being "Good Night, but Not
Good-Bye." A little boy, Delos Davles.
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Voyle
Davles. of Blakely, sang two Juvenile
songs und placed the audience In great
enthusiasm. The address or Henry G.
Williams, of Plymouth. Bhowed how
well versed the gentleman Is with the
history of the Ivorite order.
The Gwent Glee club, of Olyphant,
sang Dudley Buck's Impressive marl
time song. "On the Seu." The leader Is
Thomas Watkins, a member of the
well-known Watkins family, who ure
prominent figures in locul musical cir
cles. The Gwents sing with great
spirit and us a musical organization
they will doubtless be heard from In
the future. Superintendent George
Howell was expected to represent Rob
ert Morris lodge, but business detained
him und ex-Councllmau K. E. Hoba
tliu.ii, u member of the lodge, responded
in his stead.
Mr. Robathan was at times eloquent.
He began by humorously describing his
condition when the chairman sounded
the death summons a speech. He re
ferred to the many true Welshmen in
Olyphant and mentioned that the Welsh
people have figured prominently in,
not only the past, but In the latter day
history of America. There was a sur
prise In store for the uudlence at this
point. The platform was cleared and
seven men dressed In ancient costumes
and with Roman helmets, came out uf
a side door and upon the stage. They
then gave a short dramatic sketch. It
was from a tragedy by Brlndsley Sheri
dan. The characters were handled In
ull seriousness by the following: Will
D. Johns. J. B. Williams. T. li. Brown.
David Brown. T. O. Davis, T. L. Will
lams, K. Thomas. This closed the en
tertainment. Today ut 9 o'clock the convention will
again open. The board of election will
report und the jduce of holding the
next convention Will be decided upon
The committee on resolutions will also
report and the final business will bo
handled. Most, of the delegates will re
main over Friday In olyphunt und
The streets were little the worse for
Olyphunt wus agitated. A circus
would hardly have caused more small
boy clamor. The parade had two tlg
ures worthy of the "greatest show on
earth." They were the two tneii on
horseback, with blazing costumes of
red und other startling hues.
The little town was well decorated.
The national colors were on nearly ev
ery building along the line of march.
In proportion to its size. Olvnhant can
be us enthusiastic ua nny city in the
The Hyde Park people put up at Ga
llon, b noiei. Across the street Is a bar
ber sho: and In one of the chairs re
dined a male victim and over him with
a razor in hand was a iierson that
seemed to be a woman. "A woman
barber created much Interest In the
group of nun. The talk naturally drlft-
m into reminiscences uf days In old
owaiiu. one man remembered u. fe
male barber at Abergyrluy. Another
said lie saw one at Scranton. This was
becoming more interesting when a cold
chill circulated In the group as the
icmaie across tne street drew a cloak
from "ner" shoulders and lit a clgcr.
She was a matt.
Alderman Owen D. John, of the West
siue, was in tne parade for a shot
distance. The walk was, almost too
long for the paraders. If the dust had
been sprinkled a few hours before, the
visitors would nave forever kindly re
membered the town authorities.
Delawnro nnd Hudson Officers.-
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal company in New York yesterday
me following directors were elected
James Roosevelt. Robert M. Olyphant,
William At. niiingnast. Alfred Van
santvoord, James A. Roosevelt, Alex
ander E. Orr. Cornelius Vanderbllt,
cnuuneey m. ue'iew, James vv. Alex
under, James R. Taylor, Benjamin
Breswster, Horace G. Young and John
Jacob Astor. The board Is unchanged
from last year, except that John Jacob
Astor takes the place of John A. Stew
art, retired.
Ask Your Dealer.
for McOarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-cent boxes. Never sold in bulk,
Take no other.
Are Pure
Sweet Gentle
And Most
Bhwm m tptriVt tSHtr. MS ttMSglwut tt
wu. arttUh tpi faueit Nswsmt I Imi, I,
KIM Edwutrt lit.rorti Iwes a Cssa.
&if,rtu,fiti,".a.A. .
Statements Hide t? forger bVird
Proved to Be tttrie.
Were .Made by Charles Searlcs aad Joha
J. Laagaa aad Exonerate Warden
Jay and keeper Grcea-Cota-maaicatioa
front tatter.
From affidavits printed below, it will
be seen that there is no truth in the
charges preferred by Forger James
Baird against Warden Thomas Jay and
Keeper VV. l. Green, of the 1-ackawan-na
countv Jail.
Sheriff h H. Clemens is satislied that
the charges are groundless and when he
was interviewed on the subject, ne ex
pressed himself positively concerning
the falsltv of the charges. Forger
Bnird was one of the best witnesses
for the accused men; Inasmuch, as he
failed to come forward and substanti
ate his charges.
Warden Jay was seen at the Jail yes
terday afternoon and he said no more
than what was Drlnted a few days ago
In The Tribune. He was conscious of
his innocence und thought that he could
prove It. He felt pleased that he was
aide to Kocure proof positive. Keeper
Green, when spoken to, said he would
make a statement in writing.
The aifldavits are from Charles
Seailes and John J. Langan. the two
men who were suld by Baird to have
paid to Messrs. Jay and Green money
to secure their release trom jail.
Seniles lives near Schultzville und
served a term for chicken stealing. His
atliduvits were sworn to before Justice
of the Pence Gould Whitlock. of New
ton township. Lungun lives in Blakely,
ami his son.Mlchncl, spent three months
in Jail for betraying a girl. Ills atn
davlt was sworn to before Justice ot
the Peace S. W. Arnold, of Peckvllle.
The affidavits are as follows:
Lackawanna county, ss.:
Personally appeared before me a Justice
or the peace In and for said county Charles
Beatles, who, being dutly sworn according
to law, doth depose und say. That VV. 1.
Green did never at any time or place while
I was in or out of Jail ass. me or receive
from me any money or girt or any kinJ
whatever. 1 never told Jumes Baird that
1 had to put up a watch In order to get
illegal fees or to Day tees
or any kind. On or abuut Jan. 10. 189... 1
asked W. I). Green to lend me lo to buy
clothes with und usked him to take my
watch In security tor the payment ot sam
monev. 1 have not nald the money yet. 1
promised to pay him In two weeks. There
was Homing sum auoui uunus or iinnvn.
1 never saw or knew or VV. l. Green ask
ing or receiving a fee of any kind while 1
was in or out of Jail.
I have read the article 111 Scranton San
day Free Prss of May 1U, IS!!. I have
each und tverv statement made In the pa
pers In w hich I am represented as knowing
or saving anyimng wnaiever auoui i . ...
Green and It is false In every particular.
And further deponent sal t li not,
Charles Seurles.
Sworn and subscribed before me ;he
eleventh day of May, Vat.
Gould Whitlock,
Justice ot the Peace.
Lackawanna county, ss.:
Personally uoneareil betore lue a Justice
or the peace In and for said county Charles
Searles and being duly sworn Buys: Ques-
tlon) Did Thomas jay. warden or i.ucsa
wanna county Jail, ask or receive any
money or gift or any kind to get you re
leased from the county Jail'.' tAnswer)
Did he tell you at any lime that you
would have to raise money to get re
leased? He did not.
Did von read the article In the Scranton
Sunday Free Press of May 10. Is!:, In which
1 nomas jay, warden, is accused ot exiuri
Ing money from Searles und others'.' I
did, and in regard to myself having any
knowledge of any charge, they ure fulsu
In every particular.
Charles Seurles.
Sworn und subscribed before, ine the
eleventh day of May, 18.
Gould Whitlock.
Justice of the Peace.
Lackawanna uounty, ss. :
Personally appeared before nie, a Jus
tice of the peace, In and for suld oouniy,
John J. Luugan, who, being duly sworn
accordliTg to luw. doth depose und say:
The charge preferred ugaliiBt Warden
Jay In the Free Press uf May ll, saying
that I was compelled 'to pay to said War
den Jay t for my son, Michael Laiiga ),
before he would be released from the coun.
tv Jail, is absolutely false. I. nor my son,
was not compelled or usked to pay one
cent, ana. lurtnermore. .Mr. juy una tne
other wardens or keepers treated my eon
and all of my family that visited the Jail
during the time my Bon was confined there,
with the utmost courtesy and respect, and
never Intimated In any manner that thiy
wunted or expected any money.
John J. Langan.
Sworn and subscribed before me this
eleventh day of .fi,
S. VV. Arnold,
Justice of the Pea.'.
Mr. Green has sent the following com
munication to this office with reference
to the matter: "On May 10. 1898. the
Sunday Free Press contained charges
alleged to huee been made by one
James Baird, who lately served a sen
tence In the Jail of this county for forg
ery, that I extorted, usked for or re
ceived money which he Is alleged to
have stated he puld to Warden Jay,
who paid me a part thereof, I desire to
say that this statement is maliciously
false, as Is the charge with reference
to Charles Seurl. I do not think that
anyone will believe Balrd's statements,'
but I have secured the sworn statement
of Charles Seaile in reference to the
watch falsehood, and this Is now in the
sheriff's hands, and contains all the
facts with reference to the allegation
that the watch was given as security
for money extorted from him. The ten
dollars was loaned by me to him be
cause his condition appealed to me, and
us a kindness to him, for which I asked
no compensation whatever nor did I
receive anything whatever therefor ns
compensation. The other allegations
are equally fulse. W. D. Green.
Scranton, May 13, 1896.
Committee Discusses Arrangements for
the Opening Next Fall,
The high and training school com
mittee of the board of control met last
night to begin the work of arranging
for the opening of the new high school
In September. Nothing of a definite
nature was done, the members simply
talking over the various Ideas that
have suggested themselves.
The members pledged themselves not
to divulge any of the proposed plans,
consequently the public will have to
wait for a few weeks, possibly, for this
most Interesting information. The
make-up of the faculty and the cur
riculum are the two principal matters
which the committee will have to
wrestle with. Authoritative report has
It that a four-year course and a faculty
made up almost entirely of male teach
ers bus been about decided upon. A
well known professor of. a local acad
emy is spoken of for principal and sev
eral out-of-town college professors are
being considered for positions.
Took It Out of Ills Cellar and Exerelsed
With It.
Druggist P. J. Vetter, of 41S Penn
avenue. Is one of the business men who
were compelled to remove street signs
off the sidewalk, under Thursday's dic
tum of the street commissioner.
Yesterday morning upon coming to
his store Mr. Vetter found that the
edge of the sidewalk from which he had
been compelled to move his sign the
dny before was occupied by a pile of
cobble stones, placed there by employes
of the Traction company, which yester
day began the laying of tracks un that
thoroughfare, between Mulberry and
Olive streets.
Without any delay' Mr. Vetter pro
ceeded to his coal-cellar, secured a
shovel and began shoveling the cefctola
stones front tho sidewalk to the spare
betweeu th tracks. The Traction com
pany's employe did not attempt to
stop htm. contenting themselves with
building a barrie- f ties three feet
high between the curb and the rails,
which made Mr. Vetter's task a little
At 10 o'clock he had shovelled the side
walk clear lu front of his own store
and Devine's butcher shop In the uext
building, which is also his property.
Street Commissioner Kinsley arrived on
the scene soon afterward and warned
Mr. Vetter not to molest the workmen
as the Traction company had secured a
permit for the temporary occupation of
the street. No further bother occurred
during the day.
Mr. Vetter stated that he had nothing
against the Traction comiuiny, but felt
that inasmuch as he could not place
an obstruction on his own sidewalk, no
one else could.
Thinks the Action of Board of Kevlsiun
in Haislng Assessment ua the Hotel
JcrssTB Was Illegal.
John Jermyn, represented by Attor
neys I. H. Burns and J. Alton Davis.
commenced an equity suit yesterday
afternoon ugalnst the city of Scranton
and the board of revision of taxes and
appeuls. The plaintiff prays the court
that un Increase In assessment In the
sum of S.'SI.OOO added to the assessment
of the Hotel Jermyn may be adjudged
wholly Illegal and void, and that a de
cree be made restraining the city from
levying and collecting any taxes on
said assessment.
The land on which the hotel is built
fronts one hundi-ed and ten feet on
Wyoming avenue, nnd one hundred nnd
seventy-live feet on Spruce street. The
hotel had been In process of construc
tion for toro years, previous to April
1. 1S1I6, at which time It was opened as a
On Jan. 1 lust it was nearly, but not
entirely finished and on thut date the
board of city assessors assessed the land
JL'1.07.ri. and the Improvements $40,000,
a total of $61,07e. On April S3, the board
of revision and eppcals met and took
action on the assessment, increasing it
The plaintiff complains that no new
structure was erected upon the land
to warrant the board in making the
Increase. The members of the board,
consisting of Councilman Horatio T.
Fellows. James J. Manley, Wlliium J.
Thomus, Joseph Oliver and John E. Re
gan, served notice on May '1 on Mr.
Jermyn acquainting him cf the In
crease, with the Information that taxes
were to be on the Increase for eight
twelfths of the year ending Dec. 31,
Mr. Jermyn believes that such an at
tempted Increase of assessment by the
board Is wholly lllcgul und void nnd
was attempted without Jurisdiction or
authority of law.
The board, before making the in
crease, hud an opinion from City Solici
tor J. H. Torrey. and he instructed them
thut the act creating the board gives
them power to Increase valuations and
to add any subject of tuxation omitted
by the assessors. ' In making such ud
ditlon, however. It should be borne lu
mind thut the tax Is for the year begin
ning Jan. 1, and thut the assessment
should be so regulated that the own
ers will not pay taxes on their improve
ments prior to the completion.
The on Hotel Jennvii was
mude because several of the upper floors
were finished. '
Very Likely Explanation Given by Uurg.
larllurrctt in Police Court.
John Barrett, of North Washington
avenue, whose arrest for burglarizing
"The Odice," Ulli Wyoming avenue, ut
an early hour yesterday morning wus
reported In yesterduy's Tribune, wus
glveu u hearing at 9 o'clock a. m. by
Alderman Wright and pleaded guilty.
When asked ,why he had entered the
premises of another at that unseemly
hour, when bo one was about. Barrett
laconically answered "To take some
thing, I guess." He was committed
to the county Jail to await triul. The
same place was etitercd'atid robbed the
night before and Burrett Is suspected
of the crime.
RHEUMATISM is caused by lactlo acid
In the blood. Hood's Siirsaparilla neu
tralizes this acid nnd completely and per
manently cures rheumatism. Be sure to
get only Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head
ache,. Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all
Plllsbury's Flour have a capac.
Ity. cf IT. 600 barrels a day.
Why shouldn't we sell you Millinery?
We've got the goods. Our stock is ull new,
our styles are up to date, our prices are
right. We're looking to the future und
know a satislied customer is a store's best
advertisement. There are thousands of
women In Scrunton who enjoy trading In
u store where they may feel perfectly se
cure of getting their money's worth;
where qualities are us represented, anil
where they may know to a ceiialnty that
the price they pay Is the lowest that un
equally good article can be bought for any
where. Ours Is such a store, und will
continue to he. We waul your coiitldenci
and will prove that we are deserving of It.
A. R. SAWYER, Wyoming Ave,
Wholesale and Retail Milliner.
of ran $8.'
Including the painless extractia: of
teeth by an entirely new procesa.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
321 Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Royal Wilton-Full five frame,
latest d.-l:i)B. with B(j borders to
match, per yard Si.flO
Crown Velvcta-HIgh pile phuh
emit, in and desirable ef fects,
per ynrd 90 Cent
Wool Ingrains A very exten.ivn
Hue, attractive patterns go Cents
Union Ingrains-Very henry, at
the extremely low price of., ,.30 Cent
406 Lackawanna Avenue.
N of all kinds. The very lat
est in leather," with Gold
and Silver Buckles. Waist
Buttons, and Links
Cold and Silver.
423 Lackawanna Avenua.
Men's Gray Clays the
bargains of the season. We
are selling a Cutaway or Sack
Suit, well made and trimmed
up to date and sold every
where at $12.00. Our Cash
Store price.
Call Around and Examine
What We Carry In
231 Penn Are. Opp. eapilst Church.
Middle ol the Block.
I'll PHI
236-1.10 VVVOMINO AVE.
China Mattlngs-Oood pattern.,
at 15 Cents
Heavy Durnhle Matting 25 Cent
By tho roll, 40 yards ii 40
Very Fine Jolnthss Matting -
Cntton warp in tliroo t',
orange red, beuutiful patterns.. 30 Cts
C'-iTMapanese Rui and the New
KU SU HUGS. Dxtunslvilv tlurf on
flatting. ji
(Large Show Window.)
mil mil
In the millinery department for the
remainder or this week we will efler
our stock of millinery for less than
150 ladles trimmed, worth from $3.90 to
$4 50,
Our price. $1.98
150 children's trimmed leghorns, sold
elsewhere for $2.60,
Our price. Uc
One lot of utitrimmed leghorns, aoM
elsewhere ut $1.00,
Our price, 89c.
One lot of untrlmmed leghorns with
iiuicy straw edge, sold elsewhere at
Our price. 79c.
One lot of ladles' untrlmmed hats.
All we ask In 49c.
Children's Lawn Hats.
One lot of children's lawn hats, sold
elsewhere at 50 cents.
We aell t lie in fur 19c.
One lot of tine lo,wn hats trimmed with
.for 4 Sc.
One lot of English embroidery Ivats, got
up In real childish styles,
fur 85c.
One lot of organde hats, people look
ing for new up-to-the-hour styles)
should look at these. All we ask for
them is
Baby Caps.
One lot of baby caps, worth 40, we aell
them for
One lot of baby caps, worth 60 cents,
we sell them for
One lot of dotted swIss caps, trimmed
with narrow lace, only
Children's hats and bonnets are shown
by us In almost endless variety of silk
In white, pink and blue, from
75c. to $2.75.
138 Wyoming Aveniu.
Malcolm L073.
dough & Warren,
And Lower Grades al
Very Low Pri03i
We keep in stock every Colorual'
Ity, and width of Shadingf wTln
Fringes and' Luces to match. l
We have SHADES two yards long,,
mounted on spring rollers at
18 cents each.
We have anything else your taste of
means may require, and the
VALUE for your money always.
Samples and Estimates Submitted.
P. M'CREA & CO.,
215 Lackawanna Avenui
We aell Diamonda. Watchaa. Jewalry. eta.
t latrlnslo raluo prion, and aa there la nol
one cent'a worth of our large and nttractivr
stock that has not oeme direct to our ne
store from manufacturer,. Importer, an! Joh,
bent, we think a look through it ' might iaV
tereit you.
Will Open About April i.
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry,
1- -