The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Spring Specialties.
t nan a-a ft. nrliL'
And ell ullici grades uiade
tip to jfou double roll.
Now faticrns, up-to-date ideas.
Aitistic combinations of culoi inj
to please all tuiicies and cii canistauics.
WINDOW SHVDES uu sprio" rolls,
jcudv tu hang up. 15c. and upwards.
CIRTAIX IDLES with brass
trim miiigs, we. and upwards.
V ALL MULLiHM'iS to hair; pictures
c. rer foot and upwards.
3:-' Lackawanna Aveiuie, Scranton.
32 South Main St., Wilkes- IJjric.
Chute, Hca . Clean
Bone Fertilizer,
I or l awns.
Linseed Meal,
Ltim Rock Salt,
I or Hoi si-i anil Cow.
We Wholesale Only.
the: genuine
Have the initials U., B. & CO. imprint
d in each cigar.
'E. J. Rauch Visits Scranton After on
Ahnence of Many Years.
E. J. Rauch. who was ono of the
fmrty which accompanied tho remains
of Colonel F. K. llain from New York
to Danville on Tuesday, was one of the
pioneer engineers on the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western road. Mr.
Jlauch stonpeii at Hotel .Tormyn Tues
day nlsht and spent part of yesterday
In town renewing; old acquaintances.
He. Is hule und hearty and says he
feels just as young as he did when he
pulled the throttle on the Spitlire. the
first locomotive that wits successfully
run on the northern division of the
Lackawanna road. That was way back
In MM. when Colonel Scranton was
president of the road. Mr. leuueh came
here from Heading, hrlniting with him
In sections the Spitlire. which was put
.together here and run as a freight en-n-in
on the northern division.
- Mr. Hau::h Is now road foreman of
mjine of the Manhattan Klovated
eral mananer. He Is a member of 11-
. .1 - a ...i.t .l. n..t 1 ..;.. . ......
vtsion 145, llrothei hood of l.ocuinotivi
Engineer, and ullhoui;h "I years 01
aire he looks like n man who has scarce
ly passed the hall century mark. Me
was. greatly surprised at the reinari;
tible growth of Scrunton und crew
reminiscent as he ga.eii at the massive
Jiroportlons of Hotel Jermyn
"How to Cure All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment
Ko Internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great
.healing ana curative powers are pes
sessed by no other remedy. Ask your
druggist for Swayne s Ointment.
Women's Brown Glace Kid 09 Ml
Century Lace Boots.
All Widths and Sizes.
Schank & Koehler,
410 Spruce Street
mi 'ill mi iTiTili 'ititlflir
If It Dues Not Do So the Turnpike
Company Will Have Work Done.
Take reception to tha Claim of the Citr
That It Has Abulto Control of
the Tnrnpikc Within tha
City Limit.
V-liccriiiin; tile claim cl the city to
the uwuisli)ti ul tltal iiurtioi, of tne
l'io ic.jlictr and A blot ten Tun.. c III
aide the city I1.10U the following- let
Kr lijb been by V W Vi'alSvii. at
torney foi ilit utr:iiike uinpuu. to
Street Cuiiiiiiusionei' Kiilie .
I. liice of lile IToViUClKc Ulld Ablllklun
Ij.l.p.k;. and Plunk l.oad" Company
S -rumon. Pa . May IS. la'M
.Mr Cuus It Kinsley. Mirec-l Commis-
iui:.r. scrunton, I'a. fair: 1 receive.! from uu on the 'Jth
Hist iLii notice under the same date tu
Hit I rov! Juice ami Abinloii Turnpike
and iiauk Koud company, as follows:
."I am homscU by counsel ttiat by the
'uuliiiuii' in Hit? cae ot tht- r'ruvidenee and
Au:iislon fjr'.iki and 1'laliU Kua 1 nun
p.'iiy the City ot Si.iaiiluii. that portion
of the tunipikK included In (lie toiiti.e't
with Ihr ciiy to all intents unl puiito-ie.
a city ttv.'t and svitii'ft tu th- "am- laws,
eli- , e oilier clt streets.
"I lc r-b noiit ou ii, ii t, in i--i t .-i i- uilii
tiie vann- in any vray, as tn. tty will i'
palr Us sIK'i-ts ai'cuidint; to its Peal ob
ligation." 1 U-sli to suv In you that vv mere khj
pnsi-l at his notice and ik-liv to state to
ou bileily some facts relating tu this uiul
ter. This turnpike eo,iiiaiiy was oictaniJ
and duly lin oipoiated and Die load imm
oH brlore the ltieoi'poi atiou of the city
of S-iaiitoii,
In the course of e('iit an agreement
was made bet !.-ii the eitv of.Serantja
and the turnpike company, with which you
aiv luinlllur. which eontrart orovliied that
the iiuiipikv company should remove km
loii-aates iroin within the city limits. Hi
consideration oi which the cly of Ser'ua
lon uKi'eed to keep that portion uf the roid
uililln UK city tha: Is below LKKell'x
erirK niiUKe in nnali In Hit- same re
puir that i he turnpike coiiipuuy, by its
cnarier and ny law la required to Keep it.
In pursuance of the iiKiwiueiil the toll-
Bates were ttmoved und the city expended
some nionev upon that part ot the road
in iboaiilinohe Hame. After this lust
petiuilure tne city for some rea.on neglect
ed to riunu its part ot the ucrcement,
w hereupon notice was given by the l.'ieu
president of the couipuny, lion. Henry At.
1'almer. that unless the city repaired tno
road as provided tu said agreement the
eoinpauy would repair it at tne expense cf
mc city ot sciauton. the company went
on und expended some four thousand
ijd.iJim dollars, the city refused to pay it
and In due course a suit was brouithi in
lh eoiirt of common pleas of Lackawanna
county, .o. izs, ;scpteiiiier term, ISC';.
'In..- suit was brouithl by James 11. Tor
ley ami Henry M. I'alnier as attune ys for
tin iiiiiipiKe cumnany. mid was uetidl iu
some years before tinyihiny wus done Willi
In I lie meantime the city did some little
reiainiiii upon me street, but u question
was raised tiy somebody us tu the validity
of the upivenieiit, und claimed that the
city was not bound by its urobtr otlieers.
This question being raised, tile city by
Its proper ollicers sulnuittei the validity
of l he eontracl to the Honorable Willi nil
ti. .lesson, uu eminent and i.nle awy
He fully eMlliliued I he question Ulld liniilly
Kiiye ins wriiien upimeii to the mayor sns.
taliiliig the eontraet end huldina that -he
city was bound to fulnll its terms on lis
Of'INIii.N or' Jl LICK JKSSl!l.
After this oniniou was i-ivi'ii lie Jinlee
aessiio. i, uH Hiioiney and omeer or tne
turnpike company suiimitteii to the eit
euuiicils a proposltlon-tiiat us the uttoi-
ney seh-cteil by the city had Kiven 'lia
opinion tnat tne eontrart was b nd ir.u
upon the city the only question remaining
was how much was due from the citv to
me iiiinpiKu company, we were willing
mat the amount due be ascertained bv
Judge Jessnp or by any disinterested, com.
Olivia nelson whom the cltv m uht
mue. i ins proposition submitted by me
was no-, accented by the cltv. The onlv
course left was to Irv the suit in enurt
ii wus inereiore put upon tho trial list and
uieu ueiore juuie .11 el -nelson, one or the
auiesi eominoii pleas judges ill this stale
ne oiled question us to the validity of
i lie ugrccmcin unu wneiner it wus bind
ing uiion tn- city or nut win i,e
Jmlge Mcpherson, and after Inking von-
oiueiiiuie nine no wrote a very uroie opin
ion, aus-.uunng me validity of the con
tract and lioluing thut the city was bound
to keep the road in repair and if It failed
to do so the turimike coimutiiv xhnnhl e.
pair the road and charge the costs thereof
to the city, whereupon Judgment was en
tered upon the verdict in favor of the
lurnpiKe company.
This VCrilicI lllid 1n(limmt wjd I,,.
lutioii of both branches of the council ac
cepted us mud, but subsequently the coun
cil directed their attorney to take un ap
peal to the Mupreme court. The appeal
was taken ana the Supreme court, by his
honor. Justice liteeii, fully ultlnneii tiie
uiuiuuii kim ii o) juugc .Mcl'nerson und i
udiiUlun wrole an onlnion fullv ,,u.
the vulidily ot the eontraet testifying that
it was binning upon the ulty. in ot'i-r
words the iilgneal tlilnmal of this slate
has decided thut the city of Scranton is
bound by the agreement and by Ii obliged
to keep the street in repair any if not.
,i. ,.-.,, i iiiui me uiiniilKe comn.'lliv
may repair same und compel the eily ot
... ......v.. .v twain iiieieor.
Ucfore the decision wus rendered by the
auprcinu com I a question came before our
coiiiinou pleus court upon a bill asking
lil ail llljuueiioil.
His honor, Judue Kdwards. wrote in
oinnion ulllrminu tiie validity ot the ugi
in-ill wlilch was eouuurred in by ull of our
three e'lla Judges, it therefore appears
that th.i eontraet has been afllnncd as
blmliiig hum upon the turnpike -und the
i-1 1 y ot scranton ny lour common ideas
judges ami the seven iudues of our Su
preme court und ulso by at toast three
unie lav. yeia.
We know of but one attorney who holds
a contrary opinion. The Supreme court
has said thai the turnpike company was
right in repairing the road when Its re
pair was neglected by the citv und had a
right to sue the city and omuel the cltv
to pay the cesis of lepalrs It would stem
that there had been sutllclent litigation in
this inutiei, it, is certain mat the linn
pike company has done nothing but nil
lined its null 01 tne av.rteuieiit und v.e tie.
no reason now why the city should not put
that part of the road below Leggeit's
crccK uiiiige in goou conuition, such eon
dlttm, us the turnpike company 1:', boiin
tc keep it in.
This is all we ask of the citv of
ton and if the city of Scruiuoii will do as
the Supreme court of this state lias sjid
it should do then the turnpike company
to protect its franchises and its riulus
must enter upon the road ami repair Die
same und charge the costs thereof to the
We want bo more trouble in this
but if It is the disposition on Hie part of
the executive olticeis of the city to make
some pretense of repairing the road and
still leave it In bad condition such as it
is now in. tne turup!i: company will exer
cine uu rigrns ami lepalr the road
Yours t ul v,
W. V. Watson.
Written fur The Tribune.
The reception tendered the Kev. Mr.
Gibbons, of tin Presbyterian church,
of I'liiiinure. on Tuesday evening was
uu uccuslon long lo be remembered: It
was an Ideal greeting that will llnd In
the heuii of the new pastor a touching
tribute to bis exalted calling. . Mr. Gib
bous wus worthy tin- ".recti ng uud his
future opens up a mid the most encour
aguing circumstances. Mis. Gibbons
whs unable to be present through sick
ness. Tic Catherine was sincere und It
Included tunny outside the pule of the
church, which gave added Weight und
Interest to the event.
Prominent churchmen from Scrunton
and those of tiie neighborhood Joined in
the welcome friendship und neighborly
regard u nl muted the scene. It was
truly uu auspicious event thut has no
rival In the records of the church. Mr.
(Hbbons' ucceptunce of this pustornte
Is a source of congratulation from ull
sides, und the members of the church
have given unbounded proof of their
appreciation uud uuquestlonal recogni
tion. The reception was held In the old
church, now used us the Sabbath school.
Though out uf date compared with the
new edifice, It . wus not without Its
charm. Associations ami tender ties
are part of its history; Joys and sorrows
are interwoven in its pages. Of Its
past we recall the pious life of its late
pastor, the Itev. Joseph Cory and those
of its friends and benefactors, who,
with him. have passed on to the great
unknown, with him may l- Included
his successor, the lute Air. Close, whose
Christian work was cut short amid a
devoted congregation, but in whose
heart las name w ill long remain.
The tdd church was a bettuiiig place
to hold the reception. Though plain
and simple it invites tesuect from both
old and young, and should be renovated
to the honor of truism who have wor-
iiuppcd within it and have gone on to
their rfeward. They ale dead, but not
fui futttn
ihe evtnt was In charge of the La
dies' Aid society and llielr work was
visible in the JecorulK'ii. which lent
hftiinoiiy and pleasantry to the occa
sion: a committee ot ladies also served
ivtiesnineiiis duimg the evening Or
the ladies of tiiecburcli it may be said
their record in chuicli woik Is uuaui
passed The Lev. Ut: AtcLcod, the Kev. Dr.
Logan and tne Re-. Mr Guild, ot Scran
ton, Were present during the eveninsr.
also the Kev Air. Hayes, of the Method
ist church ot tins place, as also was the
fte llr O'NVIl. of the Dudley Street
Presbyterian church.
I-. Ilartnoll.
Onlv a limn, Inn in tho Hour of Trial He
Pleased the Pying Man.
Fioiii the Detioit i-'ree Piess.
Tin- way tram uhead of us hud struck
an open switch und been ditched, and
two passengers were killed outright
and five or six others more or less in
jured. The killed und injured were
lying on tho depot platform as our
train came up. and among the latter
was a professional tramp who had been
stealing a ridge. After the doctor had
looked Ii t tu over the vagabond, who hud
not lost consciousness for n moment,
smiled faintly and asked:
"Wall, paid, what's the verdict of the
jury ?"
'tou are badly hurt, was the reply.
'I know that. I wus right In the
Rqueexe when the two curs come to
gether. I'm as tlat us a pancake. Will
1 ever trump again'.'"
'I'ln tttrutd not.
'Ar' my legs off?"
'No. You are fatally Injured, how
"That means I'm u goner'.'"
"Wall, I'd like to hev got over this
und had sunttilu' to talk about and brag
over, but 1 ain't duln' no klckin'. My
paid was on the car ahead. Wus he
'No, here he Is."
t that moment a ragged, unkempt
and typicul vagabond tame forward
and bent over the victim ami asked:
"Wall. Jim, they say you hv to go'.'"
"How ye feelin" over It?"
"Sorter. No use to kick. Tom."
"That's right. You never was no
kicker nohow. Out any ti lends?"
"Want word taken to anybody?"
"Kin 1 do uuythln' fur y ?"
The dying man gazed at him for a
moment In silence, und then whispered:
Tom, v ur the only pariiner I ever
had us knowed the Lord's prayer. Jest
say it over to me."
The old tramp nulled off his can and
knelt down, and as the score of us un
covered and bowed our heuds he repeat
ed the prayer word for word, und with
such feeling us astonished everybody.
When he had linisheil he rose uu and
'That's it, Jlin. uud kin 1 do anytiilii'
'Nothing more for him," answered
the doctor, as he looked down upon the
pale face. "Your partner is, dead."
NOT P.VKflCl l..K.
A Clergyman Who Didn't Kcfuso a oues
tlnnnhlc Contribution.
From the Chicago Itecord.
Genera! John A. Lugun was a regular
church attendant in the later yenrs of
his life, lie hud a most proiound rev
erence for the bible, und was Inlluenced
considerably by biblical quotations.
though he seldom used them In his
i remember, though, said u vener
able ex-niembcr of congress a few days
ago, "when a Bible quotation nearly
threw him Into convulsions. It hap
pened In this way. Logan and Tliad
Stevens were walking up to the capitol
one morning over a quarter of a century
ago. It was in the days when Stevens
could walk, for you may not be old
enough to remember that the
lust ten years or so of his life like Oli
ver P. Morton, he had to bo carried
mound on a chair. As they had reached
the west entrance of the capitol they
were mC by an old colored preacher,
who was known to both of them, for
the reason that like many other preach
ers of thut day, us well us this, he was
always soliciting contributions for
church building, buying un orgaii or
something else In a religious way.
" 'Good-morning, gentlemen," said the
colored preacher, and then addressing
himself more particularly to General
Logan, he suid: 'Now, general, 1 wnnt
that contribution for our church. Wo
colored people haven't got many friends,
and we have to call on those we have
very frequently.'
" 'l would be glad to help a Utile this
morning,' answered Logun, 'but the fact
is 1 am broke."
" 'Never mind,' nut In the old com
moner Stevens, TU give you u lift.' tit
the same time handing the preacher a
K5 note. The ptcucher was moat pro
fuse In thanks As he was about to
turn away General Logan said to Mm:
Mr Stevens Is very liberal this moraine-
with his money he won from me
last nlsht at pnki r '
" il matters not, said the preacher.
'God moves in a mysterious way liis
wonders to perform.' "
Hefulqiiurters Colote-I Win N. Monies
Post. No. Id!). IX-piiUliient of renn
sylvaiiia. Grand Army ot th- liepub
lic. Hall. 4-1 Lackawanna avenue
Scranton. Pu., May 11, lnvti.
Comrades. Another of our number
has fallen by the wayside. Edmund W.
Hoskins, who served faithfully dining
the rebellion, died on Tuesday, the 12U
lust; will be burled ul Forest Hill
The members of the Post will assem
ble at tin- Post room ut one o'clock
sharp, uud comrades of other soldier
organizations and veterans generally
are invited to attend the funeral liuin
his late residence. 1114 Fourteenth street.
Tlilrtecutu Uegiiuent Drum cotps
take notice. p.v order of
I'M. I, Huus.
John T. Howe, Coinitiunder.
Adjutant. ,
Annual Ktieiimpmcnt at Chatubersbnrg,
Pu.-ltcduecd Rotes via Pennsylvania
For the unniiul encampment G. A. R.
Department of Pennsylvania, to be held
at Chambersblirg. Pu., June 1 to ti, the
Pennsylvania Railroad company will
sell from May :!0 to June U, Inclusive,
excursion tickets from all stations on
Its system In Pennsylvania to Chain -berslmrg
und return, good for return
passage until June S, at u single fare for
the round trip. Excursion tickets,
good to return by the way of Gettys
litirg, will ulso be sold uu same days ut
one und one-half cents per mile, dis
tance traveled.
Why let your home and biuintnn be destroy
ed through strong drink or morphine when
iou can be cured In four woekj at the Keeloy
natltute, 788 Madison avenue. Scranton, Pa,
be Cur Will Bear Investigation.
Xcw Law That Is Proposed by City
Solicitor Torrcv.
Makes It I'ossiblo for a Taxpayer tn Pay
All His Taxes to Ono Collector and
Get Rebate for pay ins
Them on Time.
What will be a great boon to the city
and to the individual taxpayer if it
can be brought to pas. Is a law draft
ed by City Solicitor Torrey tor presen
tation to the city solicitors' convention
on May 2a. which provides for a gen
eral receiver of taxes in cities of tlie-J
third class, such a law as is in vogue In
several other states.giMiig entile satis
faction liy the provisions of this act It Is
iiiudc- possible for a taxpayer to go to
one particular office and pay ull his
taxes to one designated collector, thus
doing away with the annoyance of run
ning to nearly as many different collec
tors ns there are tuxes. The county
tax colL-ctois and the poor tax collec
tors will be no more and the doubl
assessment, county and city, in third
class cities will be done uway with,
thus saving quite a respectable amount
of money now expended for the extra
set of assessors.
Another feature of the proposed law
which will tend to make It popular l
that a taxpayer Is allowed a :.' per cent,
rebate if he pays his taxes mi or before
u certain date. The law will also in
sure a more etUcicnt collection of taxes
uud will save to the Individual tux
payer many dollars In costs, because he
will not be so liable to neglect his taxes
as under the present system, which
compels u man to hunt up a lot of col
lectors every year. The full text of the
proposed act printed below will give a,
more detailed bleu of Its workings:
'"A supplement to uu act entitled an
act providing for the incoi porutloii and
government of cities of the third class,
approved May 23. MS; providing for
the election uiid prescribing the powers
und duties of a receiver of taxes for
cities of the third class.
"Section 1. Be It enacted, etc., that
tho qualified electors of each of tho
cities of the third clati In this coiiinum
wealth shall at the municipal election to
be held on the third Tuesday of Feb
ruary next following the passage of this
act elect an ofltcer to be styled "re
ceiver of taxes," whose term of tidlce'
shall commence on the first Momluy of
April next after his election. The term
of the first ofllcer elected hereunder
ahull coiitlnue untll tho first Monday In
April, 1899. ur until his successor shall
be duly elected and qualified ;,and there-
i.l'l..e thu l.-i. cf aalil ndlefu- ulvill li, I
ultei the teriinof aia ottlcei snail be 1
three years or until his successor shall
be duly elected and qualified1. NO per
son having served a full term of three
years us receiver of taxes shall bi ellg;
Ible. to re-election for the next succeed
ing term.
"Section 2. Any vacancy In the otllce
of receiver of taxes shull be filled by u
vote of u majority of the members elect
ed to councils In Joint convention, and
the person so chosen to till the same
shull serve until the llrst Monday of
April succeeding the municipal elec
tion occuting at least one month after
the huppenning; of such vacancy, ut
which election a successor shall be
elected for the unexpired term.
"Section 3. The receiver cf taxes shall
possess the qualifications required for
city treasurer; and he shall before he
enters uvon the duties of his office
take and subscribe an oath of olllco und
tile the same in the office of the clerk of
the court of quarter seslons of the prop
er county, and shull also enter Into a
bond to the commonwealth in a sum
equal to the probable amount of the
taxes that will come into his hands lu
any one year of his term of olllce. with
at least two sutllclent sureties; said
bond shall be approved and the amount
thereof fixed by the court of quarter
sessions of the proper county or a judge
thereof In vacation, and shall be filed
In the oflice of the clerk of said county;
the condition of said bond shall bo that
the said receiver of taxes shall well
and truly collect and pay over or ac
count for according to law the whole
amount of taxes charged and assessed
in the duplicates which shall be deliv
ered to him.
"Section 1. The several city, county,
school, poor and other authorities now
empowered, or wlilch may hereafter be
empowered to levy taxes within the
several cities of the third class of this
commonwealth shall on or before the
first day of July of each year alter the
first election of che receiver of taxes
under this act issue their respective
duplicates of taxes assessed to the re
ceiver of taxes of their respective cit
ies, with their warrants attached, di
recting and authorizing him to collect
the same, which duplicates shall be at
ull times open to the Inspection of tho
taxpayers und shall be- delivered by the
receiver of taxes ut the expiration of
his term to his successor In oilice,
"Section 6. The receiver of taxes or h!s
deputies shall have and exercise all the
powers vested by thw in the collectors
of citv and county taxes, nnd shall also
be Kuthutized after live days' notice to
seize any property on I he premises as
sessed belonging to tenants or others
without regard to the date of the as
sessment taxed, and to levy upon ntiy
personal property of the delinquent that
may be found within the county for the
collection of said tax.
"Section B. All persons who ahull make
puymentof any tax charged against
Ihcui In said duplicate on or before the
lust day of September following the
levy thereof, shull be entitled to u re
duction of two per centum from the
amount thereof: and upon the first day
Of September there shall be charged
against ull persons who have failed to
inalte payment of the taxes charged
against them In said duplicates in ad
dition to said taxes a pcnulty of three
per cenium: and thereafter there shull
be cimrged ot) the first of evorv month
an additional penalty ol one per ci-ntitui
until such taxes are paid, which penalty
The New
Shoe Store
& BEATTY . .
Cor. Washington and Spruce,
Expect to Get
shall be added to the tuxes by said re.
ceiver of taxes, und collected by lilm.
"Section 1. Tbe receiver of taxes
chad have an ottiee In some convenient
place within his city, to be designated
and provided by the city councils, und
which shall be kept open for the receipt
of taxes ut ull times during- business
"Section 8. The receiver of taxes
shall collect the tax charged in said
duplicates and pay over the same to tne
respective treasurers or authorities en
titled thereto after deducting hbi com
mission lor the collection thereof, w lib h
Is hereby llxed ut two per centum on
all luxe;) paid to lili.i. before any penal
ty has been incurred und live tier cen
tum on all taxes paid after penalty has
ben mcuircd. and lie shall finally set
tle witn the proper aulhoi ittes all dupli
cates of taxes delivered to linn on or
before the ilrst Monday of April fol
lowing the date of delivery ot SU. Ii
duplicates. He shll soule and pay
over to the proper tieasureis or uu
tboiaies entitled thereto the amounts
collected by him al least uuce in every
thirty dns. and he shall deliver to the
city controller ot the proper cil a dupli
cate statement of ull returns tuuue to
the city treasurer, vetitled by bis uf:l
davit at the sunn- time that the pay
ment is made to I he treasurer.
Section '.i. Kxoiiel.illou:t may be
mude by the proper authorities in ti.e
same manner a:-, heretofore.
"Section lu. Upon tin- settlement of
his duplicate, tie- receiver ot taxes
shall return to the proper treasurer or
authorities a schedule of all real es
tate tux uncollected upon his ilupli
cates tor the purpose of having the same
entered tor Hen In uccordauie with ex
isting law or laws which may her,-m tu
be enacted.
"Section-11. The accounts of rooelv
eis of taxes sliall. be settled bv im
proper controllers or.- authorities en
titled to audit the -lame., and In- shall
in settling his duplicates state a separ
ate account for each different tax col
lected by him.
"Section li All nets or parts of acts
whether general or special heretofore
passed Inconsistent herewith or sup
plied hereby are hereby repealed."
A somowhut similar-net was passed
ten yoarR ago through the Instrumen
tality of Mr. Torrcy. who was a mem
ber of the amendment
convention, but Governor P.ittiaou
vetoed It on some technicality. This
objection bus been avoided in the pres
ent law and It will probably, go" through
till light,
Under this hcading'short letters of In
terest, will Wo. published when accompa
nied, for publication, by tho writer's
hmc,. The Tribune, will not be held re
fbiisib!.' for' opinions hero, expressed.
PEPbUXtt ON St -I.1V.
Editor'ofThe Tribune.
Sir: Last Sunday morning- uboiit 10
o'clock I"wa9 awaly ned froui u'- reverle by
heating a
cry resfiuhltm? that .of
thut .of an
,uU.I.,l m, ,,n
egregious echo. Can It be pnsllile!,or am
I still. in the bind ofmuses'. Nol' thore It
ur "Mm uiiuusain ; Mimr-minw oernes i
sjtraw-lierrlesi.Milk! Milk! Mllk' and pres-
enttyiI see a'lpeddler cumins over (he
brow-of the hill on .Maln.Htreet ttth
and wagon. Surely lie;.mant' he a mono
maniac, or ut least a noctatuhuHsf', to-Jhe
thus desecrating Hie holy Sabbath.
Now, Mr. Editor, such, like as the
above, Is quite correct during six dav.s
of the week, but Is it right that.the. holy
silence of a Sabbath day should be thus
broken by men whom I term omnivorous
In character, ami who surely eonie under
tiie head of the pnrabto spoken by Christ
in.' the twelfth chapter of Luke, which
reads as follows: "And; He spoke-a par
able unto them, saying , the ground of a
certain rich man brought forth plenti
fully and he thobght, within himself, say
ing, w hat shall I dd.i because P have no
.room where to bestow my fruits?And he
saia: rats win i no: 1 win pun down my
barn,and build greater, and there will I
bestowalUmy fruits and my goods, urtd
I will say to tny soul. Soul, thou bast mueh
good laid up for many years, take thine
ease, eat.. drink, und be merry, But God
said unto him, Thou loot; thlsniglit ill'.'
soul shall be required of thee; t'heil whos.
shall thoso things be'wiiich thou ha-it pro
vided?" Probably u medical need for milli
on Sundays, but-there is no medical need
fur straw -berries, noi--for-lhe blatant cry
of the milk' vender. Isthlnk It Only rtglit
forjjils subject to be brought before the
eye of public opinion and trust something
will be done to put a stop-to such un un
godly practice which is at least detrl
mental to thetdav which has been Vet
solely for the glorification of God and His
almighty Works. Thunklmr'vou in antiei-
tiiaiiou, i remain
' Vuiiii
yours, etc.,
William Brown,
f Vandling, Pa.May IX
P. J. Ilickcy Snococds to the Position of
Head of tho l ire Department.
I'. J. Hlcey yesterday received the
keys uud books belonging to the lire de
partment and succeeded to the position
of chief, vacated by H. F. Fcrber.
Mr. Fcrber has been chief of the ftiv
department for leu years or more, all
told, nerving for more or less lcngtny
terms under Mayors McKunc, Powder
ly. Beamish, itipplc. Council and ISul
ley. RexforcTs
Last Week
"Was the busiest, both
in amount- of pales and
crowds we ever bad, ex
cept ins Christmas week.
This means a great deal
when we bear merchants
complaining'. This week
wo shall do our best to
do more. Of course, low
er prices will lend us a
helping hand.
Etch things will get odd
Somebody buys a Cream
Pit cher from a Tea Sol,
leaving un three odd
pieces. Other pieces get
a scratch. Today we
have one hundred and
eighteen pieces all good
Tea Pots,Sugar Howls,
Casters, Butter Dishes,
Cake Baskets, etc. etc.
Many were. 2, 4 ;
sumo more. Take iu out
of our way for
Writing Paper
Took all a manufacturer
had of two styles of Box
Paper; some HOO boxes;
lair quality, cream, box
es dusty, paper all right.
34 Sheets Paper,
'24 Envelopes,
You cau have it tor
Sc. the Box.
REXFORD. Lacka. Av.
Fixing for the
Summer Cottage.
Pretty flowers loot . prettier utuid
co u genial environments. JurdeJ
uteres. Flower Stands and Pedes
tals on which to put them add to
the beauty of the cottage ; show
plants and dowers to better ad
vantage. It isn't necessary to use the ''best
liiu;i" in iu. i lie out Willi kitchen
crccker. Very attractive dinner
and toilet ware can be bought
Uu very little uioocy now-a-days,
cheaper far thau the commonest
stoucware of uol so very long ato.
We are matins; a feature of Sum
mer cottaye trade. Lamps, Lanterns-there
are lots of necessi
ties as v ell us comfort sugges
tions here.
China Hall
04 WYOffllKB 1VE1U&
Walk la und look around.
the- Mat, at oanoaotoal crises.
re .At
auxttat for you Hut order. After that yau'l
come oefu'any way.
'205 Wyoming -Avenue.
41an Aaaatawo
The doctor is now' located over
thc'Famous Shoe Store, 32U Luck
wanna ahenuc, where hinuy be
consulted on all cases offEye, Ear,
Nose and Tliroat.ti'oitblc. Special
care given to duticuu Eve -Fitting
Manufactured at the TVapwallopen Mills,
Luzerne county, Pa., und at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
US W VOMING AVENL'B, Scranton, Pa.
Third National Rank Building.
TllOfl. FORD, Pittston, Pa
JOHN B. SMITH SON, Plymouth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkcs-Barre, Pa.
Agents -for the Repauno Chemical Com
pany's High Explosives.
Of all kinds, manufactured at shot
otice, at The Tribune Olllce.
petwtan elreniiiif poarlir 1 Toy'swatl'lf you
buy right. Ecoaeiur that auchtii. udityia
txtrafatance. VV want rtaCMiJ)
whs. eoMianiie tv Ifirvlu theflr aeotater of
1 Iff .
I 111
ft Men EOjs fliCMin
An elegant assortment at prices that
are very low considering the quality,
make-up, etc., is being shown at our
store. If you are thinking of buying
a Spring Suit cal 1 in and look at our
stock it will do you good, and ns,
too, of course. We are almost sure
you will buy cannot resist
Is replete with everything that it new
and stylish; all the latest styles and
colors. Call in aud be convinced.
CloUucra. HottcraS furmsl
We Have
On Hand .-M
Also the Newent.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Larf est.
Latest importation. '
Jewelry, Watches, Doioids.
fl. E. ROGERS,
Veweler and
215 Lackawami Ats.
Our garments for the inspection
of all. We are not afraid of closa
scrutiny by tho public All we
want is careful examination and
are sure the goods will advertise
themselves. "We are the leaders
in first class Clothing. We solida
a call, knowing we can please you.
Is fitted with n improved Cutter Bar of sol
id tool steel tempered in nil.
The knives hare a poBitivo -Shear" rut and
are reitulntxtl by a patent, improved "Micro
nometer Adjustment."
Tiie Shutt rune In Phusphur-Bronie henn
iiiL-8, adding greatly tosinoutlinoas in running.
This machine has a new malleable iron hau-dlo-bracA
in one piece.
In simplicity uf construction, ensa and accu
racy in operation, durability and finish, tine
mower i undoubtedly the bent "light' mow
er iu the market.
10-Inch, $:.())
12-Inch, 3.25
CALL UP 3682i
M.W. COLLINS, Manager.
TAIfT PR DC and yunr eyes will take.
I AMI UMnt rare of you. It you are;
nr Umin rum troubled with head-!
Ur TI11IK fclfcS ache or ncrvonsD'sa
and have your eyes examined free. We have
i reduced price and are I he lowest III the cltv.
Nickel spectacle from llito it; (tofd from It
to ii. Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Dfivir viiiipiiniii
nir nnnnn ninnr