THE BCBANTCW TRIBUNE THURSDAY 1 MORNING. MAT 14, i89C. gHERIFrs SALE. -OF- Valuable Real Estate -ox- SATCROAY. MAY Si. JbSMJ. By virtu of sundry writs of Fieri Fa. cia. Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas. Issued out of the court of com mon pleas of Lackawanna county, to me direvted. I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the court house, in the city of Siranton. Lackawanna . coun ty, on SATURDAY, the TWENTY' THIRD DAY OF MAY. A. D. I-, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. all the right, title and interest of the de fendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vii: Xo. 1. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Lewis Fixer, in and to all the surface or rlpht of soil to all thut cer tain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate in the borough of Jermyn. county of Lack awanna, and Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows: lieslnnliitr at a coiner on the east side or the Providence and Carbondule turnpike, the corner of Joseph Tennis' lot; thence aloiiff said turnpike two hundred and sixty-nine C'tity feet to a corner or lot or grantor; theme south forty-nine degrees thirty minutes east (s. 49 dK.20 m. east) aJotiK Hue of said Jermyn's lot to the west bank of the Lackawanna river: thence up the west bank of said river the several courses and distances thereof to a corner In line of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company; thence in a northerly direction along line of said company's land to a corner of M. E. church lot; thunce in the sume direction along line of said church lut to corner of the Thomas Hunter lot: thunce along tho back line of the Thomas Hunter lot, J. D. Stocker, 8. W. Cook u:;d Thomas Hunter lots to the southwesterly corner of last mentioned lot; thence In a northwesterly direction along line of said Tennis' lot to the place of beginning, coal reserved, excepting and reserving there from certain lot sold by Lewis Pixer, et ux, to iV L. Hell, by deed dated Oct. 30, ISO recorded In the olllce for recording deeds, etc.. In and for the county of Lackawanna In deed book Xo. 134, page 0, etc. 1m- t roved with a two-story frame house, am and other outbuildings thereon. ALSO SECOXD. Ail that certain lot, piece, parcel or tract of land situate and being In the borough of Jerniyn, county of Lacka wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bound ed and escribed as follows: beginning at the southeast corner of lands of Joseph Tennis on First avenue: thence running at right angles to said First avenue east, ISO feet, more or less, to the Lackawanna river; thence running along said rlvor south to a point ono hundred and eight (10?) feet from last mentioned comer; thence running nearly west along other lands of the said Lewis Plxer, one hundred and titty (150) feet, more or less, to a point on First avenue eighty-seven S7) feet south from the llrst motioned point or place of beginning; thence running alone said First avenue north eiirhty-seven (S7) feet to the place of beginning. Improved with three 2-story frumu houses and other buildings thereon. Being the same lund, Inter alia, conveyed by John Jermyn, et. ux., to Lewis Plxer by deed dated the day of , recorded III the Keedrder's office In nnd for the county of Lackawanna in deed book Xo, 131, page 21(7, etc. Seized and taken in execution at the FUit of John Jermyn vs. Lewis PIz.T. Debt, $."i,ri(w. Judgment No. 401, May T., Fl. fa. to May T., 1SW. S. 13. PRICE, Atty. ALSO No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Thomas P. Drown, In and to all thut certain lot or purcel of land sit uate in the city of Scranton, In the county of Iaickawanna, ami stale of Pennsyl vania, anil bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Pelng the front part of lot number twenty-eight (28) In square or block number ninety (9u) and fronting on Stone avenue, as shown upon the Lm-k-uwannu Iron and Coal company's plot of the city of Scrunton, said part of lot being seventy (70) feet in depth and forty (10) feet In front on said Stone avenue and Is rectangulur in shape. It being the same property as was conveyed to said Thomas P. Brown by deed from Washing ton Frable and wife, dated June 14, 1SS2, which deed Is recorded In the offleo for the recording of deeds, etc.. In and for Lacka wanna county, In deed book Xo. 35, page to, etc. All Improved with u two-story frame dwelling house, with kitchen addi tion. The rear part of said house being one and one-half stories high, with base ment, cellar and outbuildings thereon. Seized und taken In execution at the suit of Commonwealth Building and Loan Association vs. Thomas P. Brown. Debt, $1,200. Judgment Xo. 018, Sept. T., 1893. Fi. fa, to May T.. lSlfl. PARTRIDGE, Atty. ALSO Xo. 8. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, D. W. Thompson, adminis trator of the estate of Eliza A. Thomp son, deceased, In and to all that messuage or rlty lot of lund in the city of Scrantun, Luskawanna county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Com mencing at u point on Sixth avenue or Hampton street, now Luzerne street, on Hue of lot of number two of the estate of Sarah J. Davis, deceased, and running northwesterly along said street si's feet to line of Lackawanna und Hloomsbiug Railroad company; tlicnce northerly along said line thirteen feet to line of lot number one of said estate; thence along snid line 72 feet to the place of beginning. Improved with a two-story dwelling house nnd out buildings thereon. Reserving the coul und minerals beneath the surface of said premises, together with the right to mine and remove the same unto the legal own ers thereof. Being part of same land de scribed in deed of Joseph Fellows to Sarah J. Davis, dated Kith April. 1867, recorded In Luzerne county In deed book Xo. lis, page 425, and hs part of the estate of Sai uh J. Davis, deceased, aold at nn orphans' court sale to Eliza Thompson In liT.'i. Seized and taken In execution lit Hit suit of Harry ;. Marcy. admlnlslrutor d. b. n. of estato of Sarah J. Davis vs. Davis vs. Thompson, et al., administrators of Kllza A. Thompson, deceased. Debt, 11. . Judgment Xo. 640, March T iSUC. Al. lev. fa. to May Term, l!s9. RHONE & CREVEHXU, Attys. ALSO Xo. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Wendell Klotz, In und to all that certain lot piece or parcel of laud situate In the city of Scranton, und known as lot number twenty-nine (29) In block number five (5) on William Merri lleld's plot of city lots in Keysor's Val ley, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Said lot is rectangular In shupo und fronts on Jackson street or turnpike, be ing fifty (60) feet in width thereon and one hundred and seventy-rlve (17.ri) feet, more or less, in depth, running through to River streot. Coal and other miner als reserved. Being the same premises conveyed by Wendell Klotz and wife to John It. (il l lllth. All imrpoved with a two story frame dwelling house. Being the same premises conveyed by John Jt. C.rillllh and wife to Wendell Klotz, by deed tinted the 3rd day of April. 1083. recorded In Lackawanna county In deed book Xo. Ill, page 107, etc. AXD SECOND ALSO. All the following described tract of land situate In the township of Xewton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsyl-A-onla, being the tract of land surveyed to John King, containing four hundred und nineteen 4I) acres, und being the sume tract that was sold for taxes In T.acku. waunii county to the county commls Binners on the 17th of October, A. D. l.W, und sold by the commissioners to the llrst named pnrtles thereto, on the 20th day of October, 1SK7, Intended to be duly re corded. Said tract was sold as the 'prop riety of John King as unseated land. Be ing the sume premises conveyed by Mor gan M. Williams nnd wife, und Michael Hannlck to Wendell Klotz, bv deed dated the 1st day of February, IStiS. Recorded In deed book Xo. 4S. page 410. excepting u part thereof, which was conveyed bv Wendell Klotz to James F. Green", us re corded In Lackawanna county In deed liook No. 10, page 122, and described as fol lows, to wit, viz.: All that certain piece or parcel of land, beginning ut a point In the southerly corner of John King's tract In the line of the George Klpplcr and John Stunnnrd tracts; thence by land of John Staiinurd north seventy (70) degrees west one hundred und llfty-Ilve 053) perches, more or less, to line of land claimed by one Flnkler; thence north twenty (20) de grees east thirty (30) perches to a corner; thenco south seventy (70) degrees east one hundred and sixty-three (163) perches, more or less, to a point In the southerly boundary line of said John King tract; thenoe along said line and the said Kip pler tract south thirty-live and three fourths (Soft) degrees west to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-eight and thirteen one hundredths (28 13-10O) acres, mora or less. All Improved with one frame barn, outbuildings, etc., thereon. Rolled- and taken In execution at tho on uoiveposew Saipiinn uuuo jo )!n v. Wendell Klotx. Debt. M. Judg ment No. 137, Nov. Term. 189&. Fl. fa, to May Term, M96. BAUMAX. Atty. ALSO Xo. 5. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Benjamin S. Lewis, in and to all the following described lut, piece or parcel of laud, situate, being and lying on the southeasterly corner of Adams avenue and Marlon street in the borough of Dunmore, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: BeyBjimg at the southeasterly corner of- Ma-.n street and Adams avenue, and thence In a south westerly direction along said Adams ave nue, 90 feet to tho northwesterly, corner of lot number 8, In block 318; thence in a southeasterly direction along the division line between lots number 8 and 9 in said block, 107 feet to tho common corner of lots number 8, . 18 and 10 In said block: thence In a northeasterly direction along the division line between lota number und ISt In said block 40 feet to the common corner of lots number 9, 10, lit and 20 In said block; thence In a northwesterly direction along the division line between lots num ber 9 and 10, 84 feet to a corner; thence In a northeusterly direction on a line parallel to Adams avenue, 60 feet to Marlon street; thence In a northwesterly direction along said Marion street !l feet to the pluce of beginning. Being all of lot Iiumbnr 9 and the front half of lot number 10, In square or block number 318, on the plot of Meylert's addi tion to the city of .Scrunton, known as "liron Ridge," which suid plot Is recorded In the Recorder's oftlce of Luzerne county In deed book Xo. 146, ut page 100.. Said lot number 9 being the same prem ises which Charles Tropp, et al., executors, f ranted and conveyed to the said B. S. .ewis by deed dated the 6th day of De cember, A. D. 18S0, and recorded in the Re corder's office of Lackawanna county In deed book No. 79, page 44, etc. Said part of lot number Hi being the same premises whlchStephen F.Gavin and wife granted and conveyed to said B. S. IrfWls by deed dated the 23rd day of Jan uary, 1S0I, and recorded In tho Recorder's olllce of Lackawanna county In deed book Xo. 80, page 87, etc. Coal and minerals excepted as In said last above mentioned deed. All Improved with one double frame dwelling nouse, two single frame dwelling houses, barn and other outhouses. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Mary L. Lewis vs. Benjamin S Lewis. Debt, ?4.CKio. Judgment No. 573, January Term, 1&0S. Fl. fa. to May T.. 1890. WATSOX & ZIMMERMAN, Attys. ALSO Xo. G. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Reese B. Jones, In and to all that messuage or city lot of land, in the city of Scran-ton, Lackawanna coun ty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing nt the northern owner of said lot and on lino of Railroad avenue and running thence southwesterly along said avenue 'Ifty feet; thence northwesterly along line of lots Nos. 2 and 3 of the estate of Small J. Davis, deceased, 128 feet to Hue of land of Lackawanna und Bloomsburg Rail road company; thence along said lino northeasterly forty-four feet to a line at right angles with said Railroad avenue; thence along said line 128 feet to the place of beginning. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Reserving the coal nnd minerals beneath the surface of said premises, to gether with the right to mine and remove the same unto the legal owners thereof. Being part of same land described In deed of Joseph Fellows to Sarah J. Davis, dated 16th April, 1S67, recorded In Luzerne county In deed book US, page 43.1, and as part of the estate of said Sarah J. Davis, sold at an orphans' court sale to Reese B. Jones In 187.1. ' Seized and taken In .execution at the suit of H. G. Marcy. -administrator d. b. n. vs. Keeso B. Jones. Debt, $300.00. Judgment No. 111, .March Term, JSlHi. Al. II. fa. to May Term. 1MM. RHONE & CHEVELLXO, Attys. ALSO Xo. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the i Iff on 1 1 u n t, Reese B. Jones, In und to all that messttaue or lot of land situate In tho city of Scrunton, Lackawanna coun ty, Pennsylvania, commencing on Rail road avenuein llneof lot number one of the estate of .Sarah J. Davis, deceased, and running thence southwesterly ulong said avenue 110 feet to line of Luzerne street; thence northwesterly along suid Luzerne street 814 feet to line of lot number three of said estate; thence along said lino northeasterly 72 feet to line of lot number one; thence along said line southeasterly 39 feet to the place of beginning. I'nim proved. Reserving the coal and minerals beneath the surface of said promises, to gether with the right to mine and re move the same unto the legul owners thereof. Being putt of same land described in deed of Joseph Fellows to Sarah J. Pa via, dated 16th April, 18i, recorded In Luzerne county In deed book 118. page 430, and as part of tho estate of said Sarah J. Davis, deceased. Sold at an orphans' court sale to Reese it. Jones In 1873. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of H. a. Marcy, administrator d. b. n. vs. Reese B. Jones. Debt, (5,500. Judg ment No. 110. March T., 1896. Al. II. fa. to May T., 1896. RHONE & CREVELING, Attys. ALSO Xo. 8. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Philiph Bartron, in and to all that certain lot of land with the build ings and Improvements thereon erected. Hi t mi to In tho Fourteenth ward of the city of Hcrantou, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, described accord ing to a survey thereof made by A. B. Dunning, Jr., surveyor, dated Nov. 1st, 1894. as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a point on the northeast side of West Lack uwauna avenue ut a distance of 25 feet southeastward from the southeast side of Eighth street, containing in front on the said Wust Lackawanna avenue 2j feet, and extending of that breadth In length or depth northeastward 1,0 feet to nn ul Icy. Being the same premises which Allen Rusenkrnus und wife by tin indenture dated the 1st day of July, 189:1, and record ed In deed book No. 103, page 102, etc., grunted and conveyed unto Uio Bald Philip Bartron, his heirs und assigns, for such es tate und for the remainder of such term of years as veyted Pi the said Allen Roseu krans, under and by virtue of the deed from the Scrunton Stove Works to the said Allen Rosciikrans, dated the 12th day of February, A. D. 1SS4. and recorded In deed book Xo. 21, page 522. Excepting and lesi-rvlng all the coal and mineruls be neath the surface of said lot as men tioned In the above recited Indenture, And the trustees of the Proprietors' School Fund of Providence by an Indenture dated the 71 li day of July, 1893, and recorded in deed book No. 103, page 99, etc., granted, remised, released and qult-clnlmed unto the said Philip Bartron and his heirs and assigns, the above described lot of land, subject to the leasehold Interest therein of Joseph Fellows, his heirs und assigns All Improved with two-story wagon shop with tenements above, and one frame two story tenement in rear, with outbuildings, etc. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of tho United Security Life Insur ance and Trust Company of Pennsylvania vs. Philip Kurtron. Debt, $5,545. Judg ment No. 690. Nov. Term, ISOr.. I,ev. fu. to May Term, ISM. COMEGYS. Atty. ALSO Xo. 9. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Maria Mullander, execu trix of John Mallander, deceased. In and to all the following described lot of land, together with tho Improvements thereon, situate In tho city of Scrunton, county of Lacknwunna, und stae of Pennsylvania, and being lot No. 8. in block 52, upon that plot of lots made by H. Colt as part of the city of Scrunton. Said lot being the northeast corner of South Washing ton avenue and Elm street, measuring In front 40 feet on said Washington avenue nnd 100 feet, more or less, In depth to the railroad track. Being the sumo lot of land as conveyed on the 7th day of November, 1883, by George Mallander. as recorded In the olllce for recording deeds In and for the county of Lackawanna, subject to res ervations made in former conveyances. Improved with a two-story framw build ing 36x29 feet, used us a hotel and a small building nttuched to the rem- of suid ho tel, a small ham and outbulldlnus thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of assigned to Mlna Robinson vs. Maria Mailandcr, executrix of John Mall ander, deceased. Debt, $ Judg ment No. 86S. March T., lS!i. Lev. Fu. to May T 1896. CH AS. H. WELLES, Atty. ALSO. Xo. 10. All tho light, title nnd Interest of tho defendant, Arthur Frothlngham, In und to all those certain lots, pieces or par cels of land, situate In the city of ton, county of Luckawunns, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows: All the surface or right of soil of those certain lots of land, being lot. Nos. 40 nnd 41, In block "B" on plot of Frothlngham addition to the city of Scran ton, bounded and described us follows: Bald lots lying on the northerly side of Col umbia avenue and being each forty (40) feet In width In front on said avenue, the same In rear, rectangular In shape, and ono hundred and forty (140) feet Ifi depth to a'publlo alley, .-,' Seized and taken in execution at the stilt of assigned to James J. Healoy vs. A. Frothlngham. Debt, $350. Judgment No. (23, May T 1895. Pluries flv fa. to May T 189i Also at the suit of assigned to James J. Healey vs. A. Frothlngham. Debt, $350. Judgment Xo. 524. May T 1895. Pluries U. fa. to May T.. 1896. REPLOGLE. Atty. ALSO. No. II. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, James Guriell. In and to all that certain lot of land, with the im provements thereon, situate In the rlty of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: Being- lot No. 5, In block No. 23, upon city assessment maps of said city. Said lot Is situated on the west side of Capouse avenue and Ash streets adjoining lands of George F. Mc Carthy on the south: by lands of A. B. Scanlon one the north, and Is 30 4-10 feet in width In front, about the same In the rear, and 103 feet, more or less, in depth to the right of way of the Delaware. Lack awanna unfl Western Railroad company's land. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of City of Scranton vs. James Gur rell. Debt. $t:w.30. Judgment Xo. 812. Sept. T., 1894. Lev. fa. to May Term. 1W.. TORREY. Atty. ALSO, Xo. 12. All the light, title and Interest of the defendant, William Hall, in and to all that certain lot of lund with the Improve ments thereon, situate In llm Hfiri.ui;h of Dunmore, County of Lackawanna und i Statu of Pennsylvania, said lot Is deslg- i.,.i-u uu uiuii or pioi ot iois owneu oy S. Johnson, bting a portion of the lands formerly known us the Hollcnback truct, said lot being 33 feet, more or less, In front and 18 foet lu rear, more or less, lie tween Lot 10 and the Pennsylvania Coal t ompary'a land, and 130 feet in depth. hald lot Is designated as Xo. 9 (frac tional) In square or block Xo. 4 on Qulncy avenue. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of D. K. oakly, vs. William Hull. Debt. $NW.U0. Judgment Xo. 182. May Term, 1S90, Fl. Fu. lo May Term. 1896. BROWXIXG, Atty ALSO, Xo. 13. All the right, title and Interest ct the defendant, Ellen Doherty. in and to all tho following described pieces or lots of land situate in the Borough of Dlin inore, Lackawnna County, Pa., being parts of lots numbered One und Two In block 316 of John Walsh plot : id conveyed by Marshal T. J. Walsh to hcranton Savings Bank and aslsgned to Nathaniel Halste.ul and conveyed to D. und D. K. Oakley, Nov. 13. 1874, and deeded to Ellen Dohertv, Jun., 1N90. bounded and described as fol lows: The llrst piece situated on the cor ner of Jefferson avenue and Lnrch street, bounded on the one side by Jefferson ave nue, extending from Lurch street to the line of Erie and Wyoming Valley Rail road Company, and right of way about 63 feet: thence along right of way of said Erie and Wyoming Railroad Company lo said company's land purchased by said company of John Taylor; thence along said line to Lurch street, about forty-six (46) feet; thence along Larch street to place of beginning, be the same more or less. Also, a fraction of land about 40 feet from the above described lot, adjoin ing the lot purchased by the Erie ind Wyoming; Railroad Company of John Taylor, on the Southeast side being a three-cornered piece of land about 30 feet on Larch street und 20 feet on said Erie and Wyoming Railroad Company's land, be the same more or less. Coal und min erals reserved. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of D. K. Oakley vs. Ellen Doherty. Debt, 83.0OO.OO. Judgment No. 183, May Term, 1890, Fl. Fa. to May Term, 189S. BROWNING, Atty. ALSO, Xo. 14. All tho right, title and interest of the defendant. William J. SnllTcr. In and to all that certain messuage, piece or par cel of land with the improvements there on, situate In the City of Scranton, County of Lackawnna and State of Pennsylvania, being half of lot Xo. Ono (1) in Blo:lt twenty-eight (28) nnd situate upon street called and named Mllftln avenue; said lot being thirty-seven and one-half (37H) feet In front and ninety-two (92) feet in depth. This lot Is rectangulur and Is bounded on the Northward by lund formerly known as tho Welsh Church lot, on the Eastward by land late the property of George Coray, on the Southward by lots formerly owned by James Tuttle und J. H. Campbell, und on the Westward by said Mllttin avenue. Being the same land conveyed by William Scliull and wife to William J. Shiffer by deed dated 14th July, 1880, and recorded lu Lackawanna County Deed Book Xo. 4, page 444 etc. Excepting and reserving tho coal and other minerals as In said recited deed. All improved with a two-story frame, slate roofed dwelling house und udditlons attached thereto, with brick stable In thu rear. t Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Keystone Academy vs. William J. Shif fer. Debt. $1,500. Judgment No. 296, Jan uary Term, 1896, Lev. Fa. to May Term, 1896. H. M. STRBETER, Atty. ALSO, Xo. 15. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Henry Volker, in and to all the following described piece, purcel or lot of lund. with the messuages and tenements thereon erected or to be erect ed, situate, being and lying In the ICty of Scranton,. County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, known, designated und described as lots number 23 an. I 24, In square or block number 93, and situate upon street called and known us BlqOher avenue, upon the Pawnee Coal Company's plot of the said City of Scranton. Sail lots being each forty feet in width in front, 40 fee in reur, and 140 feet In depth Being the same premises which Fred. Miller, et al., granted and conveyed to Henry Volker by deed dated May 6th, 1890. and recorded In the Recorder's Office of Lackawannn County In Deed Book Num ber 75. ut page 314, etc. Coal und minerals excepted as In said last above mentioned deed. All Improved with a. two-story single frame dwelling houso and out houses. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Citizens' Building and Loan Associa tion vs. Henry Volker. Debt, $750.89. Judgment Xo. 258, May Term, 1896, Fi. Fa. lo .May Term. 1896. WATSON & ZIMMERMAN', Attys. ALSO, Xo. 16. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Lottie Fuess and Chris topher George Fuess. in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate In the City of Scranton, County of Lacka wanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed und described as follows, to wit: Being lot number 9 in block number 31, and situ ate upon Elm street, on the Town plot i t the city of Scranton, intended to be duly registered and recorded. Said lot being 40 feet In width and 140 feet In depth. . Being the same premises which Jacob Schwinn und wife granted and conveyed to the snld Lottie Fuess by deed dated the 13th day of August. 188'i, and recorded In the Recorder's Office of Lackawanna County, in Deed Book 36. page 377, etc. Coal and minerals excepted as in said lust above mentioned deed. All improved with a two-story frame single dwelling houso und outhouses. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Anthracite Building and Loan Associa tion vs. Lottie Fuess und Christopher George Fuess. Debt, 8D0 DO. Judgment No. 220. March Term. 1896, Fl. Fa. to May Term, ISM. WAU'SON & ZIMMERMAN. Attys. ALSO, Xo. 17. All the light, title nnd Interest of the defendants, Winifred Reap and Put-1 rick Heap, her husounu, in and to an mat certain lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate In the City or Si-ranlon, Couitty of Lackawanna, und Saito of Pennsylvania, being lot Xo. seventeen (17) In square or block Xo. twenty-three (23), and situate upon a street called und known us Palm street, upon the Town Plot of the City of Scrunton, Intended to bo duly registered and recorded; said lot being forty (401 feet In front; forty (40) feet in rear, and one hundred and fifty (150) feet in depth. Ex cepting and reserving therefrom nil coal and niTiieruls us fully as the same are ex cepted and reserved in the deed for said premises from George F. Fuller and Isa bella l Fuller, his wife, to the said Wini fred Heap, bearing date the KUh day of September, 187, and recorded In the oltli-e for the recording of deeds In Lackawanna County, In Deed. Book No. 44, at page D9S, All improved with u lurge two-story frame dwelling house. Seized nnd taken In execution ut the suit of the Security lliiilillng und Savins I'nlon against Winifred Renp and Putrl-i Reup. Debt, $951.82. Judgment Xo. 112, March Term, 1S96, Lev. Fa. to .May Term, WM' JAS. J. HAMILTON. Atty. . AX&O, So. 18. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Bridget Ryan und Jere miah Ryan. In and to all the following de scribed piece and parcel of land situate In the Seventh ward of the city of Scran ton, county of Lackawanna, und state of Pennsylvania, ond described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner on the side of the rood lending from Scranton to Prov. Iilence; thence along said road north thirty-three degrees oast sixty feet lo; a corner In R line of lot formerly owned by Mr. Carey; thence north lll'ty-two degrees went twelve perches to a corner on or uhotil the blink or the hill; then south thirty-three deirccs west sixty feot to n corner and thence .south fifty-two de grees east twelve perchos to the place ot beginning, routaining about forty-four erches of land, be the same more or less. Excepting and always reserving all the coal and other minerals beneath the sur face of and belonging to said premises with the exclusive right to William R. Call, his heirs and assigns, to mlue and re move the same by any subterranean proc ess incident to the bunsiness of mining and also to pass through the said premises lo mine and remove the coal from any ad jacent lands without the right, however, to enter upon the surface of said premises for any purpose whatever. Being the same land conveyed to said Bridget Ryaa by Wiliam R. Call and wife, by deed dated 21st October. 1882 duly recorded in Lacka wanna county. Improved with one two story double frame dwelling, one two-story frame building used as dwelling and store with bam and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mary W. Squler. executrix, of R. A. Squler, deceased, vs. Bridget Ryan and Jeremiuh R yan. Debt, $1,177. Judg ment Xo. 695, January Term, 1896. Lev. fa. to May Term, 1896. . HITCHCOCK. Atty. ALSO. Xo. 19. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, George W. Owens, In and to ull those two contiguous lots or pieoes of land, situate in the township of South Ablngtiiu, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, being lots num bered 14 and 13 upon the southerly side of "Highland uvrnue" upon "Highland Park" plot, a map whereof is Intended lo be duly recorded, u width or tlfty feet each and being about feet in depth. Xo. 2. All the following described plce or purcel of lund. situated in the Second ward of the city of Scranton, Luckawuiiua county, state of Pennsylvania, bounded und desert bed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a slake corner In the south west line of the Von Klorch farm, original ly the Joshua Gritllu farm, on the west side of Seventh street (How .Sanderson uve. n uc), 70 feet from rhe west corner of lot recently owned and occupied by Mahit uhle Brown; thenco running north 51 de glees 15 minutes west on aforesaid lino, lilt feet to a corner; thence north JS de grees 43 minutes east, 5 feet to corner: Ihence south 51 degrees 15 minutes easi, 150 feet to street and corner; Ihence south 38 degrees 45 minutes west, 50 feet lo stake, the pluce of beginning. Containi:is 7,500 square feet of land, be the same nior.i or less. Coul und other minerals except ed und reserved. Improved with u twu story frame dwelling house, burn and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the stilt of Mary M. Owens vs. George W. nwens. Debt. $1,151.71. Judgment Xo. 1334 Sept. T.. 1S95. Alias II. fa. to May Term, 1896. A.. D. DEAX, Atty. ALSO, Xo. 20. All tho right, title and Interest of the defendant, E. D. Collins, administra tor of Jacob A. Collins, deceased, B. D. Collins. Charles R. Collins. Georglana. Rees, Sybil S. Collins, In and to all the fol lowing described pieces or parcels of land situate in the township of Scott, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsyl vania, to wit: Bounded on the west by lnnd of Wethcr by, on tho northorly side by land of Na thaniel Simrell, easterly by land of Val entine Smith and southerly by land of Ell White, containing about forty (40) acres. Also all thnt certain piece of land situate in said township of Scott, conty und stati aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a dead hemlock the north east corner of the Joseph Rudull tract; thence south 45 deg, 20 min, west 70 perches to a corner of land contracted with Gri I' ll n Stevens; thenco South 44 deg. 40 lulu, east KM peivheK to a corner; thenco nortn 45 deg. 40 min. east 70 perches to a corner In the line of Henry Randall; thence south 44 deg. 40 min. east 25 perches to a chestnut corner; thence. north 45 deg. 20 min. east 20 perches to a Corner; thence north 44 deg. 40 min. west' along lund contracted with James Brown 120 perches to u corner; thence south 43 deg. 20 mill, west 20 perch es, and thence north 44 deg. 40 mill, west 9 perches to the place of beginning. Con taining 56 acres and 90 perches of land, more or less. Also all that certain piece of land sit uate In the suid township of Scott, county of Lackawunnu, und state aforesaid, bounded us follows: Beginning at a cor ner of J. A. Collins, above described about 6 perches east of the Old Turnpike road; thence southwesterly along said Collins" line and line of lands of Henry F. Smith about 37 perches lo a corner; thence along Smith's line westerly 3 rods to a corner of said road; thtnee along center of said road northerly about 36'j perches to a cor ner of Collins' land: thence easterly along said Cvllins' land 6 rods to place of be, ginning. Containing 3 acres of land, more ar less. Excepting and reserving from said tract a burial or cemetery lot about 25 rods from the road aforesaid to the east, said lot being 50 fret wide from north to south and parallel with said road and about 70 feet long from east to west, con taining about 3,500 square feet of laud with the right of ingress and agress to end from said lot these three tracts being de scribed In deed from Philip H. Smith, et al., to J. A. Collins, recorded -in Lacka wanna county in deed book Xo. 33, p.uo 560, etc,, and forming a farm In said town ship of Scott. All Improved with a two story frame dwelling' house, barn unj other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Philip H. Smith vs. E. D. Collins, administrator or Jacob Collins, deceased. Debt, $2,842.35. Judgment No. 406. Hept. T., 1894. Lev. fa. to May T.. 1898. CHAS. H. SOBER, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Sheriff's olllce, Scranton, Pa., May 1, 1&)6. ONE CENT A WORD. WANT3 OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALT. WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. D Rl'O CLERK- VDDP.ES3 OR APPLY L. D. P., 414 Cedar avenue, Scranton. Pa. "ANTED-AN AUFNT IN EVERY SEC- tion to canvass: $4.00 to (.VO0 a day made; sells at sight; alson man t sell Maple Hoods to dealers; best side lino (75.1(1 a month: snl nry or lurire commission made; experience nniieeessai y. ' Clifton oap and Manufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati. O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to roliclt stock subscrip tions; a monoiMily; big money for agents: no cspitul required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., iiorden Block, L'hioairo. III. Helo Wanted Female. Vr ANTED HI RL OR MIDDLE-AI4ED V woman to do general bous-work in small family. Apply to D. B. KEPLOOLE, 512 Spruce street, rANTED AT ONCE - NURSE OIRL: must give good reference. Apply at 537 Monroe avtnuc. AIT ANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP rr: must bo woll recommended and must be able to give bond. D. B. C, Tribe no olllce. IADIES-I MAKE BIU WAGES DOING J plraMint hi me work, and will gladly sond full particulars to all sending '.' cent stamp. MISS M. A. STEHBINS. Lawrence, Mich. ANTED LADY AGENT IN SCRAN V ten to sell and introduce Snyder's cake Icing: experienced esnvBSser preferred ; work rormnneiit and very profitable. Wrlto for particulnrs at one and get benefit of holiday trade. T H. SNYDER & CO . Cincinnati, O W ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO EN Ecl ectic saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed (6 a dny without interfering with other dntles. Healthful occupation. Writo for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Business Opportunity. f hnpit1onto i a'ce'adi? X er.nt and self-reliant man In possession of (sets which I can fnlly illustrate at personal interview, that if taken advantage of Imnio dlntoly will return large profits; a capital of $1,000 will be required; a predt assured ot WXI percent, ur .tune nth. fronts to be equally divided, oilice. Address W. H. L., care Tribune CJinrilNVESTED NOW IN WHEAT OR tJIUW sbx-ka under our snfe method will inslto von hmdsonie profits, Send for particu lars and book, free. JORDAN CO,, Colum bis Building ffew. Yorkv c otnmolly & Call and see them. They're worth more than we ask. CONNOLLY & for Sale. AN OLD ESTABLISHED UKOCtRY Kll ness, sitnated on Hontn Main nreune, for sale; an excellent r.pnortun'tv for a young man with small capital. Address D, E. r. Tribune oftic a OH DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ON JJ Summit Park, and Annex k'lot, t Clark's Summit, for falo: pries $V) to $7 each; everv lot a bargain. H S. AL.WOK1H, Attorney, Commonwealth liuilJmi;- 1X)R SALE-HORSE AO ED SIX YEARS. V weight 1.100 pounds; can be aeon ut I-' I Price street. VOX, SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM--T hurxt and the tour lots nn which it stands: alio the four lot adjoining; moat de siralle location in Elrnhnntt: prices reasona ble; terms e.-isv: posnesaion siven at once. E. P. KINGSnCUY. Commonwealth Buil.linu'. Scranton, Pa. IOR SALE-TWO nORSES, J BUTCHER wngons, 2buiri?Ies, 1 alfduli, harnesseaaud all of butcher's outfit; alto uieit market for rent; FoiDgontof business; muse lie sold by April lat. Inquire of L E. ECHULLEK, Blakely street, Dunmore. For Rent. I TOR KENT-NEW IIOL'SK, TEN ROOMS, modern iuiprooomuiits, 004 Webster ave. Inquire on premiios. 1 n"RoM FU R N 1811 E D H O t" S K. MOOE N lv Improvements, bath, water, furnsre, Dulton Broutfh. for summer season. ItOOO per month. Apply. J. W. BUOWNINO, 414 Spruce St. I tor "rentsixIrooms" second" floor. UIO Penn Avenue. S 8C1TS OF ROOMS FOR KENT. 4 AND 5 rooms each. Inquire or Address J. W. Zur fliou, 517 Lackawuuna avenuo. A MCI". STORE FOR RENT. SUITABLE for any kind of business, a nice rent entrance from Spruce, WnHhinnton. and Adams avo. Rent Cheap. Wjll sive possesion at once. Address, J. w. Kurfllbb, or call up stairs of same place, 517 Lackawanna aveuue. FOR RENT-HOUSE CONTAINING 8 rooms, hot ami cold water, with bath, apply on premises, 1530 Washburn Street, TOUR KOOML. 723 Olive street, arraurod F for Unlit housekeeping; newly painted and papered. TOR KENT 8 HOOJI HOUSE AND BKN; V nice yard, corner Vnnstorch and Marlon. 1TOR RENT-HALF OP DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; reut reasonable; corner of Pino and Blaknly streets, Dunmort. F 'OR RENTTENiOOiT-HOUSE; ALL modern conveniences. Iuquira at 1223 Washburn st. FOB RENT NIC'Kl.1 FURNISHED MALL suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. Wanted To Rent. w 'ANTliD FIJkNISHEI ROOMS P )K hnuht Templars during Couclave May 25 and 20th. Address GEO. Chairman. 110 Wyoming Ave. Furnished Rooms for Rent ITURNISHED ROOMS. WITH USEOFGAH. hot and cold bath, sitting and reading rooms. 'JI5 Lackawanna avenue. Special Notices. rPHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War ing the forces in actitnl battle, ake.tcuud on tlio spot Two volumes, 2,(M) pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment-". Delivered by ex t reus complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 022 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA zinea, etc, bound or rebound at '1MB TRmtiM office. Wukk work. Reasonable prices. Real Estate. sxrvxXsxsxsx-w B USINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE ON Penn aveuue, 8UJ bio -k . A nxious te sen. COMEGYH, 400 Spruce. V ANTED SINGLE DWELLING HOUS.-: with 0 to 12 roomi: lawn shade. All modern Improvements. II. N. PATRICK, J3l Washington Ave. Steamship Line. STEAMSHIP TICKET AND DRAFTS AT O J. A. BARRON'S, 15 Lackawanna ave nne. Hcrantni!. Dressmaking. XEV YORK DRESSMAKING SCHOOL; ll Freui-h tailor system tunubt. Ladies learn to lie your own dressmaker. Privatj lessons. Open day and tveuing. 417 Lack. Ave. Situations Wanted. fl'O GO OUT WASHING. WASHINGS J taken home also. Call or address L. B., 3H4 Sunnier Ave., livdo Pars. s1 ITUATION WANTED -BY A RESI'F.C table widow, as houseUeeticr with unsll family. Can gi ve references. Address, House keeperriluiiieJLiHice SITUATION AS BUTCHER GOOD MEAT O Cutter, willing to peddle or tend Market. Thoroughly understands the Imsinem. Ad dress. Butcher. 8.1- Forest Colirt. SITUATION WAN ' ED-BY A YOUNG O ludy ss clerk or oftlce-UHSistntit, thorough ly unnerstnnds book-keeping, etc.. Address, "Competent." ast Sumner Avon n. ITUATION WANTED A YOUNG MID dle ncd man wants position as collector. Speak Gsrnun and E-igiUti. W 11 f irnislia siop.OJ security. Addres3, W. G Tribune Olllce. "cm A'l ION WANTED BY FIBST-CLASS l? butchHi-; by ono thnt understands the business thoroughly; wU mad to green market and ovsters ami fish, or nrotitid grocery department. BUTCHER, tu-.a office. WANTED - POSITION AH HOU8E kocper for a small family. Address MRS. THOMPSON, Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED AS A BAKER OR any kind of work. Address E. A. B., No. 1007 Cedar avenue, city. r ANTED-A POSITIONBY'A X F XPE v V rienccd travol'ng salesman, acquainted with Now York and Pennsylvania trade Ad dress A., Trlbnneofflce, SITUATION WANTKi) BY A BRIGHT young lady as cashier or assistant book keeper: writes a splendid band; anxlo'is to secure a position; Can furnish references. Ad dress TRUSTWORTHY, Times olllce, city., ANTEDASl7uATloN ' BY AN AMER - lean as stable boss or charge of gents' place; perfectly sober and reliable, Yi Trib une office. LADIES' n n 7 rv a I ff fWk AT 5.00 WALLACE, TRY US. 602-004 UCKL 1VL, COR. tDMl Agents Wanted. 11, ""ANTED SALESMAN: SALARY FROM V itart; permanent place. BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Rocaeater. N. Y. GEN Tt4W AN TEDTO SELL CIGARS; $74 per month salary and expense paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO.. Cuicago. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, stiver, nickal and copper electro platers: price from fS upward; salary and ex.- Senses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, UCU1UAN WFG CO., Chlcagri AGENTS TOSEI.L CIGARS TO DEALERS; t'A weekly and expenses; experlenoe un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 43 Van Buren at., Chicago. SALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; V per cent, rommisiion; sample boo'x mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Citation L, New York. T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO I soil new lightning selling table cloth.mos quito and house fly liquid at 10 cents and li rents a tonic. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'G Ce.. Baltimore, Md. AGENTS HINDE'8 PATENT UNTVER snl Hair Curlers and Wavers (rued with out beat), and "Pyr Pointed" Hair Pins Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 460. New York. Sealed Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS- WILL BE RE eelved bv the Home Committee of the Scranton Poor Board until Friday, May IS, MU, at 2 p m.. for tho construction of a build ing at Hillside Home, to be known as the Chapel, according to plans and pacifications to be seen st the office of Fred J. Amsdeo. nrcnitect. Five per cent, of the contract price in cash or cer tilled check must accompany each proposal, to be forfeited upon refusal to enter luto contract if awarded. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be marked "Proposals lor Chapel" and addressed to MRS. FRANCES B. 8 WAN, Chairman lioma Committal, Scranton, May 7, 106. SEALED PROPOSAL8 WIL BE B crived by rhe Chairman of the HOrse Committee, of the Scranton Poor Board until Friday. June S, lit for the furnishing and putting in place of an electric lighting plant at Hillside, Home, according to plans and spec lUcatlona which may bs seen at the o$ce of Director Frederick Fuller, Poraotoo, Pa. Each proposal must be accompanied by-cash or certified check to the amount of Bve per cont. of the hid to be forfeited in eats at- re fusal to make contract if swarded. The board reserves th rlaht to reject any or all bids. All proposals mnst be endorsed "Proposals Electric Lighting." and addressed to MRS. FRANCES R SWAN, Chairman Home Committee. Scranton, May 7, 1906. Proposals. OmcF. or this Boahd or Commissioners or Public Grounds and Bcildikos. Daniel H. Hastings, J. C. Uelaney, Oovornor. superintendent. Amos. H. Mylln, BenUimin J. Haywood, Auditor General. State Tresiurer, PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 8TA L tlonery. Fuel and other Supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates Hxoii in schedules, to furnish stationary, furniture, fuel and other supplies for the several departments of the State Government, and for making repairs In the several departments and for the distribu tion of the public documents, for the yar ending the llrst Tuesday of Juno, A D. 1SP7 Separate proposals will be received and ten ors e contracts awarded as announced In said schedules. Each p-oposal must 1st accom panied by a bond, slth at least two surletiee or o:ie society company, approved bv 11 Jud -e of the Cou t of Common Hens of tho county in which the person or persons may real Jo. conditioned for tho faithful performance of tho contract, and addreuud and delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings beforo twlvo o'clock M , of I nesday the I'd day of June. A. D 1MS. ut which time thu proposals will be opened and published, in the Hecoptimi Room of the Ex ecutive Department at Harrisburg. and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as prac ticable. Blank bonds and ichrdtilfs containing all necessary information can be obtained at this Department. J. C. DELANEY. For the Board of Commissioner 1 of Public Grounds and Buildings Medical. ROEBLING'S CELEBRATED TANSY AND Pennyroyal i-lil: imported: abiolntely sate; harmless; superior to nil others: never tails, anv stage: tlinusands of happy ladies: S3 bvmall. Sold only by Bt'TAMt AL SPECI FIC CO.. 114 Filth Avenne, New York. DELAWARE AXD m.uiii.V RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, Bt .4TrkJlX3 r. JUiy i. an trains will S3 B Vi nrnvo at new lacka V W v wanna avenue station KfW r ns follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondnle and Interme rtin's nolnts at 2.20. Mu, 7.00, H.1'5 and a! m I KM. 20. 3.53. 5.15. 8.15, 7.25. SU0 and "ForFarvlew, Waymart and TTonesdals at 7 00. 6.H5 and 10.10 a. m 12.00, 2.20 and 5.1S P'For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacki and Montreal at 5.43 a, m. and 2.20 p, m. For Wllkes-Barr ond Intermediate DOlnts at 7.45. 8.45, .!8 and 10.45 a. m., 12.05, 120 2 38, 4.00. 6.10, 0,03, 8.16 and 11.31 p, m. 'Trains will arrive at Scrunton station from Carbondale and Intermediate point at 7.40, 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a. m 12.00, 1.17. i!.S4. 8.40. 4.54. 6.55, 7.45, 9.11 and 11.83 p. m. From Honesdalo, Waymart nnif Far. view at 9.34 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17, 3.40. 5.53 and 7.45 p. ni. From Monlrcnl, Saratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. 1 From WIIkes-Ttarre and Intermedial Eolnts at 1.16, 1.04, 10.05 and 11.66 a. m., l.lfj li 1.3). 6.10. 6.08. 7.20, 9.03 and 11. It p. m. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE : flAMi Tarnfik. tf yavww VW4 J VWaJ Renovate Feathers, Hake Over Mattresses, Hake and Repair Sprlnjv Sell Iron Beds, Hake Fine Mattresses. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule Is Effect May 19, 1S03. Trains Leave Wilket-Barre ai Follows 725 a. m., week days, fop Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.16 a m., week days, for Hazleton. Pottsville, Reading;, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazletpn and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, rjenerel Manager. Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsun ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFJCT MCH. 15, UM Trains leave Scranton for Pltuton. Wllkea-Barre. ete at ttO, 9.1V U.80 a. m , 11.46, 2.00. 3.05. D.60,7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.W a. m 1.00, iU6, T.W p. m. For AtlAhtlo City, 9.20 a. m. For .New Ydk, Newark and EHiabsth. tM (efcpiwss) a. m-.12.4o (.express with Buf fet parlor car), t (express) p. m. Sun. day, 2.16 p. ro. Train leaving; 12.45 p, n, arrives at BWladSlphla, Reading- Term.' insL 0.22 P. m.,and New York 9.00 p. m. Tor Msuch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem, Bastyn and Philadelphia, 9.20 a. m 12.46, 3.06, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. tn. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Qrove, etc.. at S.20 a. m.. 12.45 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.45. 6.00 p. ni Sueday, 2.16 P. m. Vor Pottsville. 8.20 a., 12.45, p. m. ' R.turnlng, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., LUT 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet parWr,can p. m. Sunday. 4.80 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. in. Sunday 8.37 a, m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pais. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. 8upt. Nov. 17. 1895. Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia sad New York via D. H. R. ,R. st 7.41 s. m.. 11.05, 1.20, 2.18 and 11.39 p. m vis ., U W. H. R 8.00. 8.04V 11.20 a. m.. add LM P. m. Leave Scranton forlttston and Wilkes Barre, vii D.. L. XT. R, 1 CUO, 8.09. 11.29, s. m 3.40. 9.07. 9.62 p. m. ' Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. sleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville breaches,; J S ?' H- B. ut 7.45 a. m 11.08, .1.20.' 2.18. 4.00 p. in., via D. L., W. R, R. 6 00, 8 0S, 11.20 a. m 1.30. 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton. Reading, Harrisburg-and all Intermediate fo'nlf. via D. A H.Tl. R. 7.45 a. p.. 1105, 1.20, 2.38. .00, 11.38 p. m.. Via D...U 4sW,' R. R.. S.00. 8.08, 11.20a. m!, lS a. M . . Leave Scranton for TunkhlhpBdlc, Tp wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and. 11 Intermediate points via D ft EL R. r h- inJ UK vlzp-i eVw;. K. R.. 8.08, .65.a- m 1.30 p. ni. Leave Soranton for Rochester, Buff!. Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chftsgdsknd IR 12.05. 9.16, ll.tR p. m.. via D t. W. B. R, and Pittston Junction, 8.03. 8.56 -si u.,.ut. so p. m. For Elmlra and tie west via SalUBalus, via D. & h. R. R., 8.46 a: m. f. K$nTj vlaD., L. & W, R. R 9.01. IK-artd tlBp Pulman parlor and sleeping; or. X ' vj cars on all trains between, ti,B Junction or Wllkes-Barr and frwfVatkt Philadelphia, Buffalo, And SuspstnleJ Bridal. A. W. N0NNEMACHE8. A&COen, Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Vs. ' ' Erie anil Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MAR(jH-'18, lfci Trains, leave Scranton for New Terk snd intermediate points on the Brie sail road, also for Honesdale. Haw ley and local points at 8.36 a. m. and 3.29 p. n. and arrive at Scranton from above pelnts as 1.23 a. m. and 3.67 p. m. Hotel Walton Broad and Locuit Streets, Philadelphia. One of the moat maitnlficent hotels lathe world. Palatial in every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European Plans. Situated near all the leadiug theatrei and rallrsad nations. . STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH I t,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers