The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1896, Our Woman's Paper, Page 8, Image 16

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Shryor's Pharmacy,
' North Main and '
Lackawanna Avenues.
For sale everywhere. Sold un
der a bona fide guarantee.
Sola DislrMots,
A Sketch.
A .aper tliut la the outgrowth of the
tliouithl and brain of Soianton women
wouM hardly be complete without some
mention of "Stella of Lackawanna"
Miu H n. Wntrea who wrote lovingly,
In niuskul rhythm, of Lackawanna'
hills and va leys, birds, Unions anu
Mowers lonjr before this era of literary
women. She was mutnuer or no in
t-rary club." "society." or "circle" It is
imnnRRlhlL. to imagine her in such at
inoephere but she did belong to that
Inner Kulld of poets of whom Bhe says
Hi- nines because the sonpr Is In him,
As birds in the new woods of May.
Site wantc because she could not help it,
and her poems are so a part of herself
that It is well-nign Impossible 10 separ
Lie them. All throueh them, her vary.
Ins; moods and tenBes have so found ex
pression that if one attempt to Interpret
the poem he must, perforce, interpret
the tioet.
Mrs. Watres was not a poet on state
occasions on full-dress parade but in
her Inmost fiber and always. Things
here and there and alt around her she
touched llchlly with her graceful pen,
beuutifying as well as teaching many a
urnfound lesson.
Most of her poems have been issued
In book form bearing the characteristic
title. "Cobwebs." which ought to be a
precious heritage to dwellers in the
rCity of Anthracite." of which she
Whichever gate you enter
From the duy-glare, broad and white.
You will say 'tis a wondrous city
Our city of Anthracite:
And the people the patient people
Begrimed with lncense-smoke
l'rom Its many-altarod temples,
Are a curious, canny folk.
Though most of the poems In this edl
tlon are lyrics there are some that have
the ring of the genuine patriot and oth
ers that breathe the tenderest compas
sion for the heroes who fell on the field
of battle during the civil war, and for
"the bleeding hearts at home, in me
mory of these latter, few more pathetic
lines have been penned than are round
In the four verses "Send Them Home
Send them home tenderly,
i Poor, breathless clay,
' Yet what brave hopefulness
I Bore them away I
' Hand to hand, cllnginfly,
Linked In sweet trust:
Tenderly tenderly
Bear home their dust.
The same gentle heart that to sadly
Will they miss me miss me
would not be likely to foreet that sad
dest of all sad fates, the filling an "Un
known" grave. For such unfortunate
tines she calls upon the
fippt-wlnneil birds
That lightly to and fro are springing
To linger around
The nameless mound.
And flood the air with songful ringing.
How like her to care for the uncared
Many of 'Stella's" lyrics are In the
minor key, for life to her was no cloud
less summer day while suffering, baf
fled humanity jostled her on every side.
There Is hunger on the faces
. , That we meet.
i , Hopeless hunger on the faces
, i . On the street.
I Is It poverty, or struggle.
Or defeat,.
AU this hunger in the facet
On the street?
So she looked at humanity through
tear-dimmed eyes and It was no senti
mental rush; It worked Itself out In
quiet deeds of self-denying service and
"loving the loveless and lonely,
Binding the bruises of scorn,
Feeding the famished and weary,
'Flinging the mantle' o'er wrong."
One wrote thus of her, who must have
known her by heart.
The Imposition Mrs. Watres suffered
at the hands of conscienceless tramps
and beggars often made her the Jest of
. less tender-hearted friends. There
comes to mind an Incident that illus
trates two sides of her character. A
wicked looking wretch left her door well
laden with food and clothing." How
could you." said a friend, "how could
you be Imposed upon by one carrying
such a face as that?" "Imposed upon!
not In the least. That's the most hon-
est creature I've seen for a long time
for he has. "villain" written all over
him arid he made no effort at all to con
1 ceal or mitigate It. He's thoroughly
' honest." Then, In an Instant, her sweet
- expression saddened, and there came
." Into her voice that pleading tone we
knew so well. "Ah I we do hot know,
we cannot tell how hard his war may
' have been. We cannot tell how. brave
ly he may have fought and how often
defeated before he gave up the strug
gle. I can't turn such away. Life Is
. so hard, so hard for the unfortunate."
Though you felt there were few flaws In
her logio and that it was a. shockingly
Sal fii
bad piece of worldly wisdom, your lips
were sealed as she slooa Deiore you. vi
Chribt-like in her compassion, pleading
for the lost.
Home few. of Stella's songs are "float
ing around." not sheltered in Cob-
ewbs." that surely ought to be. A num
ber of these are In a lighter vein, con
taining choice bits of humor and world
ly wisdom that are wasted one is in
clined to so regard It wasted in Car
riers' New Year's offerings, and the like.
The lines below from one of these Of
ferings" or "Addresses" are far too
characteristic and poetic for their set
We thought of failure, to be sure.
And knew twas mortal lot
To lose the ships we sent to sea.
But somehow, we forgot.
When Hope sat smiling at our side.
And whispering in our ear:
Ah, well, our schemes have failed. It
We risked and lost lasf year.
But, whate'er comes to hearts or homes.
If love, or gr!-f. or fear.
We ahull remember with a pang
The old untiulct year:
And with a courage born of hope.
Keaeh outward towards the new.
Nor to ourselves, or fclluw-inan.
Or country be untrue.
And so one might continue the clip
ping and culling from this garden of
roses, finding marks of her pronounced
personality everywhere.
How Keenly Airs, watres enjoyea out
door life can be seen in her poems. She
turned the leaves of the Book of Nature
with almost as reverent hand as the
Book of ltevelatlon. She stepped aside
to avoid crushing a worm "I'm I nele
Toby" and was It reverence that kept
her from gathering the llowcrs? Her
eyes sparkled and expressions of ad
miration of their beauty and fragrance
were spontaneous and hearty, but she
never plucked them to adorn either vase
or person she admired, and left them
where God had placed them.
tlame Nature is so sincere," she
used to say, "no shams about the d"ur
old lady." Shams! How Stella hated
shams! Shams, religious and political;
shams, literary and social even sham
skirts. "Watres. Limited." may be
written all over my wurdrobe If need
be, but I draw the line at 'sham skirts."
I'll none of them." Out of this hatred
of shams probubly grew her contempt
for the etiquette urn! ceremony govern
ing social life, and if at any time she
were so circumstanced us to be obliged
to conform to it her apparent distress
was very amusing. Though she brushed
etiquette out of her way us so mucn
rubbish, in genuine politeness she had
no peer. She was an adept in its small
est code. She never did a rude nor im
polite thing. Oehtle. courteous, sym
pathetic, her scrupulous regard for the
feelings and opinions of others made
her the gentlewoman she was. Itecause
of this native politeness she had the
rare power of making everyone who
came within lu-r iiilluuiice appear to the
best advantage she brought out the
best there was In them a gift of which
she wns perfectly unconscious.
As might be Inferred her friends con
sisted of ull sorts and kinds: high and
low. rich and poor, brilliant and stupid,
every one of them linked to her by the
strong bond of love. "What a queer
mixture of friends you have, equal to a
zoological garden," commented oneot
the variety. "Yes, it Is true, and I find
something to love In every one of
them. And we! you, of this circle of
friends who may read these lines, how
much we found In her to love and ad
mire. What a sweet spirit she had: so
gentle and tender, yet so strong to do
and bear: so shrinking and free from
self-assertion, yet pronounced in her
opinions and convictions: after she had
thought them through she held to them
as a matter of conscience.
In a character sketch of Mrs. Watres,
"merry" is not a term that can be ap
plied to her In Its remotest Bense that,
one would judge from a glance at hei
writings but she did possess what one
might be slow to discover In these sme
writings, a rich fund of humor, quiet
but deep, and a keen sense of the rldlcu
lous with power of description that
made her a most entertaining talker.
"Stella" never conversed, she simply
talked, and in what musical cadence!
If, as has been said, God's choicest gift
to a woman is a sweet, soft voice, she
was richly endowed, for her voice was
music itself. Soft, low-keyed and flex
ible. It expressed her changing feelings.
and no matter how deeply they might
be stirred, her voice never grew loud or
lost Its softness, only the Intonations
changed and her always delightfully
distinct' enunciation became a little
more distinct: nothing more. Her rip.
pllng laugh, neither loud nor long, har
monized with the voice and both these
with the gentleness of the owner.
She appeared at my door one bright
day, after an unusually long absence.
and was asked to give an account of
herself. "Where have yon been?" Her
amusing reply was: "I have been at
homo trying to live up to my epitaph
Some months ago, as I knelt by her side
In Scranton's beautiful "city of the
dead," and noted the severe simplicity
that marked her quiet resting-place so
in Keeping witn her known taste I re.
called her innocent Jest, with the
thought, "Comrade mine! you need no
epitapn written here: it is In the heart
of your friends," and I turned awav.
glad that In the journey of life my
patnway n.ia met ana ror a time run
parallel with that of "Stella of Lacka
More and more is being realized the
great truth that those who are In
trusted with the care of the little ones
of earth should come to the work with
a love and reverence for it and for the
children, and with minds and hearts
trained ror its great responsibilities.
Teaching is a profession, and like ev.
ery other profession, hns to be learned.
Booner or later the people of a com
munity meet and must answer the
question ns to whether the teachers
whom they employ are to learn this
profession at the expense of the pupils
or through special means provided for
the purpose.
The sentiment which led to the es
tablishment of the Scranton Training
School by the board of control is now
very general among educators, and Is
gaining ground so rapidly that It will
doubtless be universal withlng twenty
live years.
But granting the need of training for
those who ore to be teachers who are
to aid in developing the mind and
molding the characters of the future
men and women of the nation how
does the training school do this work?
The "why" of the marvelous manl
festatlons of the world around them
is full of fascination to Intelligent chil
dren and the pupils of the training
school will study how to avail them
selves of this spirit of Investigation in
order to interest the children in their
For Instance, they will study the rela
tion between the structure of a country
and Its history; how the children may
best De lea to see this relation: and how.
through the study of history, Ideals of
noble living may be presented In order
to give intelligence to the patriotism
and nobility to the lives of the pupils,
In connection with this work plans
are written by which the various sub
jects are taught, the work being done
under the supervision of the regular
teachers and of the training teacher.
The theoretical part of the work Is thus
supplemented and its value tested by
actual practice in tne scnooi room.
But is there not something even
more Important than the subjects pre
sented. or the manner of their ores-en
tatlon? If we believe that education
Is the harmonious development of all
the various powers, the stmools must
search the characters of the nup ts
they must cultivate self-control, Intel.
llgence and sympathy; and Ao do this
the character of the teacher must of
necessity be noble and her personal
Influence strong.
There is a world of beautiful, helpful
literature In the various fields of edu
cational work as la many other lines.
Here during the time of preparation, a
beginning may be made In this direc
tion, and the foundation laid for a
course of professional reading which
should continue through a life time.
And what is the outcome of this
course of training? Do all reach the
ideal striven for? Some may fail; so
also some trained doctors and lawyers
make miserable .failures; but in neither
rase. I imagine, will this fact be con
sidered an argument against the ne
cessity of the training.
And when the students leave tne
training school for their broader field
of labor, we rail earnestly trust that
they will co out with broader vision.
higher Ideals, stronger faith, having not
methods, but principles. uikii which
to base their work; and having learned
that "the new education, preached by
Coinenius, by Pestalozxi, and by Froe-
bel. and labored for by earnest think
ers In every country and en every age.
Is based upon his teicMng. who long
go in Galilee took a little child ana eex
him in the midst."
The Inspiration for the Free Kinder
garten work in Scranton was llrst given
y a lecture by jilss L.uey vt neeio., vi
loston. Thut very evening
nucleus to the present Free Ivin-
deigarten association was rormeu
and ollleers and committees ap-
tiolnted. These officers were regularly
elected at a meeting held January 14,
istis, at the residence of Mrs. Thomas
The lirst free kindergarten in fecran-
on under this nssoclutioa was opened
Fel.iuary 20, on Mulberry street,
uniKr the charge of MUs Fariihatu.
ii the f:ili of the sumo vear. rooms were
secured nt Six Washington avenue, and
Miss Mary C. Salisbury, of Cleveland,
ihio, ins talled us kindergartener, ansa
Salisbury wus u pupil of Madame
Kruus-1 incite, of New ork city, and
was a teacher of wide experience. In
dcr the sympathetic management and
rare tact with children tne rwinuergar
ten No. 1, ns it was now called, became
one of the most interesting of our city
charities. In connection with her work
and under the management of the arso
clation a class for the training of kin
dergarteners was organized. Of the
membero of this cinss, wnicn
was giaduated the following June,
several now hold piomlueut po
sitions In our community. Among these
arc .Miss Sarah Fordham, kindergarten
n Miss Uerecke's private school; the
Misses May and Edith Hull, in charge
of the iJalsy Memorial kindergarten at
Archbald Ridge; Miss Lilian Morris,
principal of a private kindergarten In,
Hyde Park and also of the kindergarten
work In the Home for the Friendless;
Miss Gertrude Northup, principal of the
Jewish kindergarten; Miss Elizabeth
Wolfe, principal of a private kinder
garten in Jermyn.
In March. 1S4. a second Kindergarten
was opened In the Mission Chapel of
the Second Presbyterian churcii r.i
Green Uldpe, under Miss Helen Cheney,
of Massachusetts.
About this time two free kindergar
tens, supported by private individuals,
were opened!. Reports or the work
were read at the regular meet
ings of the association, and their prog
ress watched with Interest. One of
tliese kindergartens was at Simpson,
supported by the Simpson & Watklns
company, the second at Uuryea, sup
ported by the Old Forge company.
The third year saw a new Kindergar
ten opened In the Jewish Synagogue.
Much interest had been shown by the
Rubbl Feiierlicht and his people, and
they offered free of charge the use of
their chanter room. The material ana
furniture for this kindergarten were
also furnished by them, and the only
expense to the association was the sa
lary of the teacher. fliiss uertruae
Northup, of Glenburn, was given this
position which she has held up to thu
present date. The enrollment of chil
dren here is about forty ,und embraces
representatives from homes of all na
tionalities and creeds.
At the beginning of the fourth year.
the work hud Increased to such propor
tions that It was necessary to secure a
superintendent, who should have the
supervision of all kindergartens, be
principal of the training class, and have
charge of the centre kindergarten. Miss
Katharine Clark, of Boston, was ap
pointed and took charge in September,
1895. Such was the Interest manifested
and the good results were so apparent,
that our association attracted the at
tention of one whose charitable In
clinations and power of doing good
were already well known In Scranton
where her Interests were strong on ac
count of her childhood spent In our pro
ductive valley. Although her home Is
now In New York, and although her In
terests are wide and varied, her longing
to do for those "home" people some
good that would reach far beyond the
present and be recorded only In the
limitless future, turned her thoughts to
the needs of our fast Increasing popula
tions. Mrs. Frances A. Hackley. m the
summer of 1S95, notified our president,
Mr. A. D. Holland, that she would take
upon herself the support of several kin
dergartens, the location to be decided
upon by the association. The supervi
sion also to come from the association.
In memory of a little daughter whose
short life has thus become a lasting
power for good, Mrs. Hackley gives
these kindergartens, and In touching
tribute adds the fondly remembered to
our ever dear and untranslatable kin
dergarten. Thus we opened three
In September, 1895. In Hyde Park, on
South Main avenue. Is one of these. As
in all our work, so here we have select
ed rooms In such a locality that we can
be in the midst of the class which we
wish to reach and benefit. Miss Minnie
E. Cowan, of Alliance, Ohio, a graduate
of the Scranton Training school class
of 9a, is principal of this kindergarten.
She is assisted by Miss Annie Rose, also
a graduate of the same school and class.
The kindergarten has over sixty chil
dren enrolled, and has an average at
tendance of 45. Another Daisy
Memorial kindergarten Is sltuat
ed at Archbald. Here every day are
gathered together more than sixty chil-
aren, nil bright and eager and Interest
Ing. Mrs. Fowler, of Carbondale, Is
principal of this kindergarten assisted
by Miss Lizzie Hitchcock, of Green
Ridge. The little folk of Archbald
thoroughly enjoy this great privilege
and our present accommodations In the
German church have proved too small
by far. So Mrs. Hackley Is going to
provide a building purposely designed
for a kindergarten and in the fall of
the present year we hope to have room
for at least one hundred children. The
third kindergarten supported by Mrs.
HacKiey is tne one at ureen iddgo, for
merly supported by the association.
This Is another kindergarten with ac
commodations for fifty children. Miss
Bessie Rice, of Green Ridge, Is the prin
cipal, and isdolng most faithful work
among both children and parents. At
ter these three kindergartens were
opened Mrs. Hackley's attention was
called to a part of Archbald called the
"Ridge." where there Is a little settle
ment with a population of about five
hundred, nearly all foreigners. Here
she opened one of her most encouraging
Kindergartens, in January or the pres
ent year. Surrounded by a little circle
of thirty or forty children very few of
whom ran spenK or understand Eng.
llsh. The teachers. Miss May and Miss
Edith Hull, every morning open to
these little ne&lected specimens oi
childhood some of the mysteries of the
great and wonderful world about them.
Very' slowly docs this work have to be
done, but none the less gratifying are
the results.
There Is no need, we know, for us
to try to express to Mrs. Hackley our
appreciation of what she has done. She
has only to look Into the faces of these
children In her various kindergartens,
whom she is bringing into a new world.
and in whom she is awakening new life
and courage, to see her reward. No
words of ours could equal th eloquence
of those nappy lacea.
The work of the association this year
has been very satisfying. The Centre
Kindergarten, under the care of Miss
Clark, with Miss Fanny Snover as as
sistant, has been moved into the How
ley building, corner of Mulberry street
and Perm avenue. Over sixty children
are here enrolled, and from its position.
It draws from the alleys and slums of
Scranton Its large attendance.
The work In our kindergartens is not
confined to the children alone. We try
to make our work a part of the home
and to Join in a "mother's meeting" and
with the aid of the children we make
two hours of the afternoon pass very
pleasantly. In some of our kindergar
tens where we draw from English
Biieaklng homes, we have given short
talks to the mothers, helping them to
understand a little the work we are try
ing to do for the children, and how they
can supplement It in their homes.
The training class this year numbers
eleven earnest, studious girls, who fully
appreciate the magnitude of the work
upon which they are soon to enter.
(The-rpports of kindergartens not con
nected with the Scranton Free Kinder
garten asstveiatiun will be found in an
other column.)
As Seen by a Scranton Student in New
York City.
It Is with great pleasure that 1 can
write even a very little of the work
accomplished through the kindergar
ten as It has impressed me In New
York 'this winter.
The greatest field for good hcte. I
cannot but feel, its seen in i ur own and
In visiting othr kindergartens, is
among tne poor waifs 'of the street.
Tis lovely, to Le sure, to vhlt the
small circles and see the dalntv little
people so interested and swift in every
particular, but, in the poorer and veiy
rough, crowded neighborhoods, we llnd
so many gathered In one ring, thnt cir
cle must be niuae within circle to ac
commodate them.
We hear from the mother of oiie fam
ily thut "Father Is Maying home cv.-u-
ngs now for the tabled entertain hi n
bo in singing their songs and iluyli.g
ue games or the Kindergarten."
Another, that "the chtdivn are so
much more kind and gentle to brothers
and sisters and their dumb jets, the
animals and birds." If they ure doii g
so much now to exert uu influence and
"the present child is the coming man,"
What may we not expect of the coming
generation If many be ullowed this
privilege of kindcrgurten "play." as It
is orten rather Ironically spoken of.
One of the most ordinary question)
asked me about my work Is, "Is It not
all play?" Shakespeare says:
TIs well to be amused.
But when amusement doth Instruction
bring, 'tis better."
And It Is so comforting to read from
the best writers and come upon such
words as these, which tell us that they,
too, see a reason In and for it, and
when the play is guided by such prin
ciples as Froebel lias laid down, that
it leads to the end toward which all
are aiming uud struggling for years
after this sweet period of childhood,
1. e Instruction.
The significance of play and the true
worth of play can only be realized
when looked into carefully and
thoughtfully. Is It not the child's
work? And what work Is to man, play
becomes to the child, exercising every
faculty of mind and body and In as
serious and vigorous a way as the
more tender bodies are capable of 'do
ing. It is, then, their life and world
and our part is to direct and stimulate
them in their play that they shall be
prepared for a step higher into work
when we have finished.
Everything has an Influence as the
perceptive and conceptlve faculties de
velop. Words, deeds, scenery, every
thing they can observe, and a'l such
things as they may handle, bring im
pressions which are bo forcible that
Provident Life
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COL. H. A. COURSEN, Agent,
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OFFICERS Wm. T. Smith, President Henry J. Anderson, Vice-Pres.; John W. Fowler, Treasurer.
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they follow them, through life. Thus
is it nw seen that what we give a
child to play 'With la of Importance In
shaping that charucter which Froebel
believes to be prophesied in every
child by sewn years.
Taking examples of artists, writers
and musicians, nearly all have shown
great talent and love for their work
by live yours of age.
We read that "the play child is the
true child." and perhaps the more ac
tive and energetic a child Is in play,
the more earnest and active will be
his career to come.
Keal childhood Is about as often
crushed as the flowers which are sent
with their messages of sweetness and
purity. A little one being asked why
a certain tree grew crooked replied,
with a child's wisdom, "I suppose some
one stepped on it when It was little."
This Is not done Intentionally, but from
misunderstanding. The sad story of
Robert Falconer, by MacDonald, Illus
trates this, when, as his only pleasure,
he takes his little old violin and goes
by himself to play. The old grannie,
sadly Ignorant of the child's world,
often reproved him for It. Finally he
comes in one day to find it burning on
the open tire, with just a string left
visible. No wonder he feels that there
is no joy left in life.
So it is with almost every one of
Dickens' fictitious children.
As In choosing for one's self a college
to have preparation made for life work,
the curriculum always first engages
the attention, as the mean to the end,
the playthings used should be care
fully chosen that they give no wrong
Impressions, but suggest and Inspire
Inquiry and lead to a thinking and
wondering spirit to see beyond these
lifeless symbols to the living In man
and nature.
and Trust Company of Phila
delphia. This policy provides
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income of a sufficient number
of years (twenty years), to
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the family; and if the widow
should survive this period,
guards against the contingen
cy of her becoming dependent
upon her children by contin
uing the income to her as long
as she lives.
Nothing need be said of the
standing and advantages of
the Provident Life and Trust
Company. Excelled( by no
other Life Insurance Com
pany in this country, its or
ganization and the peculiar
safeguards which surround it
as a Trust Company, qualify
it in an eminent degrfce to
carry out the provisions of the
Installment-Annuity policy.
Paid on Interest Deposits.
-Organized 1887.-
JOHN T. PORTER, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
Special accommodations for the ladies. Recognising the meagre facllL
ties ordinarily afforded for ladles wishing to do business with a bank, The
Traders' National Bank, In their new building, corner ef Wyoming avenue
and Spruce street, have provided s separate room with wrltktg mate rial and
other conveniences, which we know our lady patrons wfit fully appreciate.
Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Go,,
428 Lackawanna Avenue.
PRESIDENT, Hon. E. N. Wlllard, VICE-PRIS, Hen. L.A, Wstrss.
E. N. Willard,
Wm. M. Sllkman,
M. J. Wilien,
A general banking business transacted.
Interest paid on time deposits.
ilil m
CAPITAL, 250.000.
ran ton, Pa.
J AS. J. WILLIAMS. Pretldent.
OAS. JORDAN, Vic-President
CHAS. W. QUNSTER, Cashier.
Capital. tlUO.oro. Surplua, fri0,0(0. Alfred
Paacoe, President; I lnrence K. Spencer, Caib
ler. A general Banking Baalneu Trannactad.
For the Largest Stock
to Select From.
For Reliable Goods
Making it a Safe Place
for Purchasers, Go to
131 and 133
Washington Avenue.
uu in.
SURPLUS, $75,000.
E. P. Kingsbury
O. 8. Wehwstn,
U A. Watres,
Ho. 132 Wjoninf Jkreaoe,
scuitoi, n.
8. B. PBICB, VIce-PresMent.
H, a stHAFEB, Gash lew
Oldest SaTlogs Institution is North
eastern Pa. Transacts a Geaersl
Ranking business. Interest paid upon
time deposits, Issues Trarelers' let
ters oi credit Accounts Solicited.
Open Saturday cTenlngs from 7 to
8 o'clock.
hain avenue,
Real Eatate.
Real Estate Investments,
I Rooms 4 and B Old P.O. BIdg, Scrutoo, Fa.
Houses sod Lots,
Income and. Business Properties,
InTestments made for nos-resldests
Stone Brothers, iatM
and Sterilized Milk.
Phone J44
308 Spruce St., SCRANTON, PA.
Have you seen .
the New Woman's
The most perfect
fitting shoe made.
rV, .."