The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1896, Our Woman's Paper, Page 6, Image 14

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Our Woman's (Paper
Sum Vfmj . SSS.
lom Men's won ision.
Scramtoit, iPa.
CtlUmrimt Slmft
Ml luua C. ICKIHM
MR, e. a. KKiiM -
MM, m. . ea
MR, k. m. aTts
Thla la Ascension Day one of the
great festivals of the Christian year.
Certainly no more auspicious day
could the paper for the benefit of a
great Christian work have possibly had
than this.
The story of France Slocum, "Ma
conaqua," told on another page of this
paper by a descendant of one of her
brothers, Is a fresh reminder that "the
Lost Child of Wyoming," famous In
ong and story, has many relatives still
living In Scranton once named, In its
earlier days, Slocum's Hollow, because
of the residence here, the property
owned, and the enterprises started in
what is now South Scranton by some of
hef nearest of kin in the second gen
eration. Others still live near her own
birthplace In the very heart of the up
per end of the far-famed Vale of Wyo
ming, and some In .Wllkes-Barre. Not
for many and many a generation will
her name and memory, nor the tragedy
that her fate made of her mother's life,
fade from the annals of history least
of all In this beautiful mountain region
of northeastern Pennsylvania, of which
the Wyoming Valley forms the heart.
One cf the Intensely Interesting ar
tloles which "Our IWoman's Paper"
publishes today will have a personal
charm for a wide publio beyond the
limits of northeastern Pennsylvania,
reoalllng'the pleasure that came to lov
ers of true literature whenever a new
poem bearing the signature of "Stella
of Lackawanna" appeared. We are
glad to be able to present with It a
liken ess that really recalls her sweet
face to those who ever looked on It In
I. J i. I
To many of our reaiers the work on
a thirty-page paper made up of original
material may not appear a task of
great magnitude. The mere statement
of details Is powerless to convey the lm
presslon of the enormous . amount of
labor entailed. The facts that nine tons
of paper were consumed, and also that
to contain the printed sheets, a room
20 feet by 12 feet would be filled to the
ceiling, are but a trifle In comparison
.with the continuous drudgery connect
ed with the undertaking. To complete
this large issue meant that about one
hundred and fifty columns of proof
were read at least three times and that
every line of copy was carefully pa
rused and the necessary changes and
corrections made before It went into the
printer's hands, and that untold worry
regarding the proper placing was also
suffered. It meant that much of this
work fall upon one or two-persona and
that it was all accomplished by the five
members of the editorial staff. It
meant that these five women have
grown gray during the past two weeks
In their efforts to plan the paper so
that everybody shall be satisfied. This
Impossible feat was abandoned several
days ago, but another, almost as ap
palling, remained and that was to de
vise some miraculous arrangement
Whereby material enough to fill fifty
pages could be placed attractively and
completely In the1 space of twenty.
The contributors . who this morning
find their articles condensed almost to
(ha vanishing point, their clever illus
trations made commonplace, and ev
ery fine climax destroyed, will not feel
any. more unhappy over the mutilation,
the ruthless vandalism, than did the
.vandals -themselves, who metaphoric
ally tore their hair and walled over the
necessity that confronted them, ex
claiming at frequent Intervals: . "How
can we cut out that beautiful pas
eager' "Ob, dearl that I should be
obliged to blue pencil this bright de
scriptionl" "What a pity that we
can't use these apt and! charming quo
tations!" "If we only had room for
thla sweat story.' "It Is too bad to
condaase that splendid article," etc,
The editors performed the ungracious
(work, fully realizing that no doubt
many a fair contributor will say:
"Dear met They cut out the best part
cf my nice article, but I see they used
a lot of trash they wrote themselves."
Thla may be true to a great degree,
The finest line we have ever shown, and you know what that means the finest line ever shown in Scranton. To
those who are not our customers and do not know what class of goods we carry, we cordially invite to call and inspect our fine line of suits for
Men, Boys and Children. We will take pleasure in showing you whether you wish to purchase or not We take delight in showing our suits; it
is a pleasure to ua Our Children's suits are unsurpassed for style, elegance, fit and price. We also carry a complete line of hats and furnish
ings and sell them at lower prices than you can buy at exclusive furnishing goods stores. No rent to pay for them. All we ask is a trial to
convince you that we carry the finest line of suits in Scranton and all at popular prices.
and our only excuse U that we have
attempted t give the edition a
character suited to an all-round news
paper as well as a literary Journal, and
we would endeavor to console those
who have been badly treated by stat
ing that the bright things we hoped to
say; the burning words, the original
thoughts we had expected to pen, that
would have Inscribed our names on the
roll of fame throughout all time have
also been "crowded out for want of
The editors of -Our Woman's Paper,
speaking for all their co-laborers in
the work, give to-day their cordial
greetings to the thousands of friends
who have been awaiting the appear
ance of the paper into which so much
labor of love has gone. The results of
it all are here to speak for themselves,
and, without undue vanity, we believe
that they will be found worthy of wel
come. Indeed, as the editorial staff
has gone over all the bright and
thoughtful, well written contributions
sent in they have grown confident that
the paper will long be preserved in
numberless homes as a souvenir.
This day, as is already understood.
Is the only day upon which "Our Wo
man's Paper" will appear. Therefore
with our editorial greeting we send to
all our readers our best wishes that life
may be for each and all of them rich
in blessings and in the perception of
the blessings that dally come to us all.
That wish forms our farewell, pressing
close, almost in the same breath, upon
our greeting word.
Our Woman's Paper, and all con
cerned In issuing it, offer their heartiest
thanks to the dally papers of Scranton
for kindly help ungrudgingly given.
The proprietors and publishers of the
Truth and the Republican have each
generously allowed the time of a mem
ber of the editorial staff of each paper
to be largely given to the preparation
of this one and their columns and those
of the Times, as well as of the Tribune,
have dally stirred the publio of Scran
ton and of neighboring communities
to Interest in the forthcoming publica
tion. In the Tribune office every facil
ity has been gladly placed at our dis
posal From Its business manager, the
foreman of the composing room and
all of his aids, have come the pleasant
est and most considerate co-operation.
To the business men of Scranton who
have been quick to fill our advertising
columns, with the full acknowledg
ment of reciprocity of benefits between
them and the Toung Women's Christian
Association, the Executive Committee
of the Association's Board of Managers
and the business, managers of Our
Woman's Taper tender the assurance
of their appreciation of the welcome
and responses given to the advertising
Our Woman's Paper Is a microcosm
of Beranton's advantages, Us social
charm. Its progress and development In
many lines apart from the Industrial
ones Indicated by Its wealth of coal
and oulm, by its great steel mills, ma
chine shops, its Immense silk, and wool
en faotorlea, IU lace factory and eth
ers teo numerous to mention. These
have been exploited through many
sources, far and wide.
But, what kind of a home Is lit What
are the advantages it offers to any man
and woman seeking to change their
home for financial reasons, for their
own happiness and comfort and for
their children's welfare. The pages of
Our Woman's Paper bear eloquent
testimony, testimony that can In no
way be gainsaid or denied, as to Scran
ton's high place among American cities
for those who seek for an every way at
tractive home.
A look over the various department
al pages of this paper will settle the
question beyond a doubt The history
of its churches, Its philanthropies and
charities, the story of Its schools and
kindergartens, the showing of the
great number of Scranton girls who,
thoroughly prepared to enter col
lege, are now here through their repre
sentatives vleing with each other In
telling of their alma maters, are rich
In their witness to Beranton's religious,
charitable and educational high stand
ards. Our departments of history,
literature, fiction, poetry, of musics and
at t, and home decoration, our columns
of letters from brilliant Scranton wo
men telling what fraiined eyes and
richly stored minds have found worthy
of record In travel, show forth by rich
glimpses Indicating so much more that
lies behind, the advantages of culture
and wide outlook upon life that Scran
ton supplies.
Our special Toung Women's Chris
Assoclatton page, with its related one
on physical culture and the Industrial
articles prepared by a few of its great
numbers of wage-earning members.
come to add their weight of evidence to
many other departments, all going to
prove that, without reference to length
of purse. Scranton cares for all its
Ourespet'iul rejoicing is that all things
herein set forth are but Indications of
the richness of the Intellectual, moral
and social fields, not In any way an ex
haustive setting forth of the good
things that Scranton offers as a home
for those who seek life's best develop
It Is an exceeding great and bitter
cry that goes up to heaven from the
plains of Armenia where thousands of
men. women and children have with
in the last eighteen months been mar
tyred because of their Christian faith
from the mountains where other thous
ands were forced to hide from the des
olated fields, the ruined towns and vil
lages of a doomed Christian popula
tion. "The voice of thy brother's blood
cricth up to Me from the ground," said
the voice of the Almighty to earth's
first murderer. The voice of our Chris
tian brothers' and sisters' blood cries
up to heaven now against not only the
cruel and fanatical Moslem but against
the Christian nations, each and every
one, that have held back and allowed
the slaughter to go on.
Without entering here into any dis
cussion of the excuses given for the
failure of Christian nations in their
duty, there is most serious rea
son to remind all readers of a
paper Issued In behalf of a Chris
tian association that, as indiv
iduals, the people of this Christian land
have not yet fulfilled their pledges "to
give all the help needed to save life
and aid the wretched Armenian suf
ferers," when this people besought
Clara Barton and the American Red
Cross society to go to that land of deso
lation and give effectual aid to the mis
sionaries in the work of relief.
Long before Miss Barton undertook
to carry aid, relying on the Christians
of America to supply her not merely
with some funds, but with funds
enough, another American woman, the
heroic missionary, Dr. Grace Kimball,
was carrying on an organized cam
paign of help. To her and to Miss Bar
ton look up the relief army that Is
working to save a nation. Both of
these women, who have taken their
lives In their hands In order to carry
on this campaign of help, who, In
Christ's name, are encountering sadder
sights and doing a more herculean
work than that which has JusUy glv
en Florence Nightingale's name to a
world's reverence are looking to Amer
ica to supply the funds that must be
forthcoming In yet greater measure
if many American Christians do not
Intend to be numbered among those
who ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
Verily, we are his keepers, and to us
comes the call to minister, through bia
Armenian brethren, to Himself.
American women have it always In
their power to direct the attention of
the most absorbed men, to rouse the
hearts and consciences of the most In
different ones. To all of us, American
women, cornea the cry across the ocean
from Christian slatera who, by thous
ands, have suffered from brutal sol
diery a (ate worse than death, and
have looked upon the torture and death
of fathers, husbands, brothers, tender
little onea Shall that cry. he an
swered 7
It was suggested to one of the edi
tors of thla paper that an article or
editorial on the occupations of wo
men would be interesting. The reply
was that it would be merely a thing
of namea and would fill a column. It
la true that women are doing many
things and doing them well. But It is
equally true, unfortunately, that many
women are attempting many things and
doing thenn In a superficial and care
less way.
Some one haa sold that a few years
ago women were only expected to keep
house and sew, but now they must still
do the same If they would meet the
greatest demand and secure the high
est wages. Have we not been often told
that the best chefs were all men and
had salaries of $5,000 and $10,000 a year.
If women would only thoroughly pre
pare themselves and accept such posi
tions they might command such wages.
Also there la no reason why women
should go to men to get their tailor
made suits. Seamstresses and dress
makers who are really competent ac
curate and reliable are always la de
mand. There Is no doubt a mistaken Idea In
the minds of some of our girls. We
need to emphasize the dignity of all
labor, and the fact that It is as honor
able to work for a good woman In her
home as to work for that woman's hus
band In his store or office. It Is not so
much what your work la as how it is
done, is true always.
This wish, for the more public work
and newer occupations may need a little
check. Too many girls are entering
such professions and occupations at too
early an age, with too little knowledge
of the world, with a great lack of gen
eral study and of special preparation
for their work. They thereby bring
dishonor upon all women's work, for it
Is assumed that their inefficient service
Is characteristic. They lower wages of
really competent women by accepting
wages less than the work well done
should command. And they subject
themselves to temptations they scarce
ly realize.
As an illustration, take stenography.
A few years ago the few young women
who had studied stenography thorough
ly could secure their positions by tele
graph at ten dollars a wek, the rec
ommendation of their well-known
teachers being sufficient guarantee of
proficiency. Now, there have sprung
up so many schools teaching short
hand and type writing, so many
girls are crowding Into them and
taking positions as soon as they
can be obtained, at any salary,
that the standard of the profession is
perceptibly lowered, and thoroughly ed
ucated women work at disadvantages,
As women we should use our influ
ence to keep our girls at home and in
school as long as we can, with the best
influences possible of good books and
good companions, and when they do
earn their living insist that they choose,
not what Is moet popular, but that for
which they are best adapted, and ac
cept positions of responsibility only af
ter due consideration, with proper prep
aration and with earnest purpose to bo
womanly and strong in whatever they
dov For the great army of those for
whom wage-earning Is not a matter of
choice but necessity wo must endeavor
to secure good wages and courteous
treatment on the part of employers and
customers, and offer opportunities
through the Toung Women's Christian
Associations and manual training
schools to supply, their lack of early
There Is slight occasion to tell why
the Toung Women's Christian associa
tion of Scranton desires a Home of its
own why it Is Issuing Our Woman's
Paper to-day for the express object of
starting a building fund or why the
women of the entire city have gone
to work In various ways to make of this
Issue a success.
For to the whole community has be
come evident that the work of the As
sociation has so grown upon its hands,
as Scranton itself has grown, that Its
present rented quarters pleasant as
they are or any others that could be
so secured, are wholly Inadequate to
compass the work of the Association, In
every way aiding and uplifting the mul
titude of young women who need a
kindly sisterly 'or motherly hand held
steadfastly out to them.
Why do not the churches do this
work? Is sometimes asked of us.
The churches do perform it through
many agencies. Of these agencies they
have found the coming together of
their women members In conducting
Toung Women'a Christian Associations
to be one by which they can win and
hold many young girls who are not
easily reached by any of the other agen
cies employed. It is as the agent and
handmaid of the Church that the Asso
ciation hold its life. It is as such that
it desires to become more and more ef
ficient To attain far greater efficiency
it needs its own Home, and is confident
that the movement started by this pa
per to secure that Home will not be
suffered to rest anywhere short of full
Port Huron, Mich., la the latest re
ported one of many western towns to
adopt what Is now known as the cur
few law, forbidding every child under
fifteen years of age to be on the streets
after nine o'clock at night In summer,
or after half past seven In winter, un
less accompanied by parent or guar
dlan. Such laws. If they are properly
enforced, can do much to save young
people from temptation, and to aid the
general moral condition of any city.
Thero Is exceedingly strong and In
creasing reason to remind the Spring
Brook Water Supply Company, the
Scranton Oas and Water Company.
and all other water companies that If
they really intend to keep their big
reservoirs full they will soon be com
pelled to make common cause against
the criminal destroyers of this State's
remaining woodlands, and to Join with
all their might in the movement for
re-forestatlon and for forest protec
The beauty of spring time, even in
the cities! How every one seems to de
light In the varied and tender green of
the new leafage on each and every ave
nue favored by lines of trees. The
problem therefore la the greater why
Scranton avenues have not many more
glorious elms and maples, water birch
es, plane trees, and all the other noble
trees recently commended by Forestry
Commlslsoner Rothrock, in answer to
the Secretary of the Board of Trade,
as especially suitable for city growth
In this locality and climate. Nothing
else could add so much to the beauty
and to the summer coolness of our asphalt-paved
streets and avenues, or
more promote the city's health In sum
mer and the comfort of all who must
abide In town through the heated term.
The notes that come In from Hones
dale, with its pioneer Woman's Town
Improvement Association, of all which
that association's faithful and unrest
ing work accomplishes ought to stir
up Scranton women to secure In some
wise a cleaner condition of the city
streets. There is not any real reason,
not even a plausible excuse, for all the
dirty paper, the fruit peel and other
unornamental waste with which hun
dreds, if not thousands of careless peo
ple decorate our city's highways. The
women of Wllkes-Barre. like those of
many other cities, have been stirred to
worthy emulation by the example of
those of Honesdale. The Toung Wo
men's Christian Association itself might
give a strong impetus to the work of
having the streets kept clean. There
may well be "a strong pull, a long pull,
and a pull altogether" of Scranton
women that shall stir the city's councils
to more stringent sanitary ordinances
and bring about police department vig
ilance to see such ordinances executed.
The musical world of Scranton has
met with a great loss in the early death
of that fine artist and greatly beloved
citizen, Frederick F. Kopff. There was
no cause to wonder over the fact that
the Llederkranz Society which he so
long directed could not sing at his fu
neral services, because their voices
were choked by weeping that hymns
and chant had to be sung by those less
closely connected with him. How
greatly beloved he was by his pupils
there Is fresh evidence every time that
any . occasion arises to speak of him.
From those not now In the city has
come In the eloquent testimony of grief
at their loss In his sudden summons
hence the full pause put to his earthly
work by the Angel of Immortality Just
while all the world that knew htm was
looking for yet fuller fruition of his
"Brother thou were, and minstrel
Now fare thou well!"
The lines written hundreds of years
ago for another fit the feeling of a
multitude of hearts for Herr Kopff, In
Scranton, now; and the writer of these
lines speaks for some at least of those
who have said, "Do not let the Wo
man's Paper go forth without some tri
bute to that beloved musician and gen
tle spirit"
Speaking of the beauty of all these
upper counties of the Keystone State
memory recalls the strong and lovely
poems of Its truest laureate, "Edith
May" Miss Anna M. Drinker, whose
home of childhood, youth and early
womanhood was In Susquehanna coun
ty, In or near Its fair chief town, Mont
rose. Long years of ill health silenced
the richest and sweetest voice of song
that ever told the loveliness of yet
wholly unspoiled wlldwood beauty and
grandeur and no less sweetly the stories
of old romance. Both editions of her
poems are out of print the Philadel
phla one published somewhere In the
'fifties; the New York one issued some
twenty years later. There should be
another one issued, and It ought to be
In every northeastern Pennsylvania li
brary and home.
The yearly story of forest destruction
by fires is being repeated all around us,
That the origin of almost all of these
fires Id Incendiary scarcely any one
doubts. Not a few of them, deliberate
ly destroying millions of dollars' worth
of lumber, are started by persona own
ing no property themselves who destroy
the forests for the sake of a berry crop.
There is a law requiring the various
county commissioners to ferret out and
punish all persons starting forest fires,
Has anyone ever heard of any county
commissioner ever making the slightest
attempt to obey this law? If so, when
and where? Yet It is the wealth of the
whole state, not merely of individuals,
that Is thus swept out of existence,
Every person now knows that forest
ruin means the drying up of streams,
the failure of water supply for crops,
for cattle, for farm homesteads, for vll
lages, towns and cities. They know
that it means the absolute wiping out of
existence of one Industry after another,
the taking away of the means of living
from multitudes. The whole willow in
dustry of Pennsylvania has become a
thing of the past; yet the supplying of
furniture, of baskets and other com
modities made from that useful tree, a
generation ago was the source of happy
homes and of comfortable living for
many hundreds of families. That Is
one single Instance. Thousands of
farms are losing their value because the
streams have shrunk or disappeared,
and with them the whole supply of
moisture for the earth. Is this fair
State to be turned Into a desert simply
because Pennaylvantans will not rouse
themselve to put an end to reckless and
to deliberate forest destruction?
The approach of Memorial Day gives
emphasis to the appeal of the veterans
of the Grand Army for help to secure
an additional plot of ground in the cem
etery wherein to lay their dead whose
families cannot give them burial. No
soldier who fousht for the Union and
risked his own life to save the life of the
Nation, should be left to a pauper's
grave. Every sentiment of patriotism,
every feeling of humanity, demands
that the appeal of Scranton's Grand
Army posts should be fully responded
to. and that, before Memorial Day of
this year arrives.
"When I heard the sound of going In
the tops of the mulberry trees," I start
ed, like David, for a battle in the woods
for botanical specimens on the hills
around Scranton, the 7th of March, 1S1M.
I picked twenty-three, none of them in
bloom, but as desirable to a botanist as
roses, and consisting of Gaultherla, Epl
gaea, branches of shrubs and trees. Un
the 10th there were willow catkins and
dlcentra leaves. A week later the ar
butus was in bud and mitchella In fruit
and many ferns perfect enough for a
bouquet. -
The 2nd of May, between Blnghamton
and Syracuse, there were acres of Tril
lium gramlltlorum.wlth the usual spring
flowers of Caltha palustris (marsh marl-
gold), etc. The 10th of May I picked
Seneclo, aureus, Pedlcularis Cana
dcnsls, Cardamlne, the leaves with the
taste of the true water cress and Clay-
At this time a Sarracenla taken from
Wellesley Hills. Mass., the October be
fore, began to bud and finally bloomed,
although the roots were only in water.
The flowers did not color red, as in its
native state.
Saturday, the 12th of May. I Dlcked the
beautiful bracted flowers of the Cornus
norlda, showy In bloom and fruit; Aza
leas, Gaylussacio, Polygala, pauclfolta,
which looks like purple butterflies and
has the unique habit or evolution, of its
fruiting flower out of sight.
The 21st an Attacus cecropta hatched
from a cocoon picked In West Albany
the previous September. This moth
can be well considered in a botanical
article, for a month later it laid ninety
and nine eggs. These all hatched and
from them I Identified the caterpillars
that denuded the leaves or the Aescu
lus, -Horse-chestnut. A llttlecare In col
lectlng and destroying the cocoons, for
Instance a prize to the small boy who
would gather the greatest number,
might save some of the shade and pre
serve the natural elegance of this tree,
so beautiful in flower and leaf.
At this time I found some Dlatoma,
ceae in the reservoir water. These are
siliclous plants and never visible to the
unaided eye; their structure Is beautiful
and regular and they make not only in
terestlng, but test specimens for the
Saturday, May 26th, I picked a ripe
wild strawberry Coryadulis. Hypoxia.
uornus canadensis, surprising to a ty
ro, as Its white involucre Is not a cor
olla, Azalea, Anemenes and a pasRe Cy-
prlpedlum spectabllls, showy Ladles
Slipper, and many of the Lablatea.
June 2nd the veronicas. Hawk weeds,
Naouius, Agrimony, Ameianchler. An
dromeda, Baptlsla, Brunella, Kanucu
lus, Ltnaria, Cinque-foil, Crataegus,
Sambucus, Viburnum, Polygonatum
Eupatorium, Hamamells, Podophyllum,
saxurage, spiraea, comptonia, Taraxa
cum. etc., were in evidence as Just com
ing into bloom, In prime, or passing
Thursday, June 2Sth, a Tllia on one of
the streets was In full bloom and very
Deautuui; near it was a Fagus, or pur
pie or copper beech, each showing off
the other by contrast. At this time I
placed a leaf of the Deutzla scabra un
der a two-Inch objective, and saw stars
on both sides. These stellate hairs
make one of the most attractive mi
croscopical specimens.
There are four Salisburla-Japanese
Ginkgo trees In Scranton, one of them
near the Library. All are stamlnate,
The only pistillate trees that I know in
this country are in Central Park; the
grouud under them in the autumn is
covered with their vile smelling nuts.
Holmes mentions this tree on page 338
of the Autocrat, where the school mis.
tress and himself start In the walk of
the long path together.
At Lake Ariel on July 11th were the
yellow lilies, wild roses, forget-me-nots,
loose strife and rhododendrons.
Friday, July 21st, 1893, I had a bou
quet from Tobyhanna, composed of
twelve kinds of wild flowers, among
them inonarda and LUlum Philadelphl-
May 23rd, 1895, I picked melantho
mum a long name for a little wild val
ley illy Trlentalis Polygonatum a gen
era, attractive In tear, uower and fruit
but taking the name from the root,
Also Oakesla, Stellarla, Medeola, Viola,
In the Fllllces I picked Adlantum,
Pteiis. Onoclea, Dlcksonia, usmundo.
In Lycopodlacea were the L. dendrol-
deum, Selagluella and Clavatuem.
In the Gramlnae were Dactylis, Poa,
Alia, Phalaris, Panicum.
Among the Equisetum there were
many of the species in the spongy
The forest primeval has passed away
and the trees are small; Quercus, Cas-
tanea, Fagus, Nyssa and some Com
fers and Amelanchlers.
The Aquilegia, here as elsewhere.
: r"
grows In the clefts of the rocks, fearless
ana graceful. This botanical specimen)
has been suggested for the national
flower on account of thr.. coincidence.
besides its beauty and extended habitat
l lie aquila. an eagle from the resem
blance or the spurs to talons. The
generic name Columbine from Colum
bus. The five petals representing a
star all favor Us election and protec
tion. There Is no doubt aa tn Rcrantnn'a
city llower. tor I stood one day with the
1'iuuuieas uiue sky overhead, and around
mo io me exclusion Of everything else
Were the beautiful hml and flnra ..t
the LaureL
Wli HV QnvintAln.. .Ill IB iiw
.tvuiiiaii! will rcru Wlia
pleasure their acquaintance with the writ
ernfltht u t t..l.. ... a.rnt. - t . an
nvio via i ii v arm moil r mra,
when she was hero with her hunband. the
I II von fit i n et,A i- i ... V .
y ujiiunrapn, in iw. iam
summer, he was a delerate to the Inter-
J?r.on-.,Slnce ,hen ,hy have pent a de
1 Khtful time In Inn,. .... ..-,,
la their New York hoW
The chief editor came In a hurry today
i jM...r w wnai snau
1 do .'
must have a poem to All out this page.
1 have asked everybody but you"
'There wan Kdltor Gates who said aha
would try
War- it nn ;.. ....
Considered the first, and there's so much
v. mat
To arrange In this paper, you see.
"There was Editor Kennedy, too, who la
Whenever a rood detl pommflndi
'I'd be glad' (tshe declared) 'to make verse
oy me root
But I rear 'tweuldn't natch t the
ends.' "
'And Editor Carr who Is clever and good
And can talk and write 1oklta alwav.
Uncommonly solemnly said 'If I ceuld.
jjul mm ia ray miiory lay.
So the editor came In a hurry to me
A-waillng "Now what shall I de?
I must have a poem to fill out this page
nave uantHi0BveryDoay out you,"
No doubt 'twill be flat, but never mlad
The rest Is an plnvnr" tahm miA
Bo I've tried but in vain and have written
wun pain
This brleX explanation instead.
H. C. P.
423 Lacka. ave.
Scranton, Pa.
i .! in. ounn,
Attorney and Counnclor at Law,
Attorneys and Counselors-at-law.
foa, S14, 214 Commonwealth Building.
City Solloltor. SCRANTON. PA.
Offices: 410 and 111 Commonwealth Bldg.
I, ra.
Rooms, SOS and 'Ml Commonwealth Bldg.,
William H. Jessup. Horace B. Hand,
W. H. Jesiup. Jr.
SAttornevs and Counsellors.
Rooms m, 203, 2U4, 20ft Commonwealth Bldg.
6(M Spruoe strati.
Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law.
Republican Building.
Lawytr and Notary.
612 Spruce street.
Office, 429 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa.
(Opposite Hunt Bros.' Store.) f
Republican Bldg. Scranton, Pa.
11) Wyoming Avenue,
S3, St and 65 Commonwealth Building,
Attorneys and Counsellor,
Rooms 19, 20 and 2U
Law Offlcaa
Offices occupy the whole of the third floor
In the New Traders' National Bank Build
ing, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruoe
Notary Public, Stenographers and Type
writers In office.
General practice In all the courts, State
and United States.