2 OUB WOMAN'S PAPEB, THUBSDAY, MAY 14, 1896. THE WOMAN'S PAPER Will undoubtedly be "a welcome visitor at thousands of homes throughout Lackawanna county today. Its appearance marks a new phase in Scranton' s resourceful enterprise, and we trust that the labors of its promoters and gifted contributors will be crowned with per fect success. We may also add that we highly appreciate the opportunity which The Woman's Paper affords us of saying a word or two about TH STOR (The Globe Warehouse.) We are still going forward, still keeping pace with the growth and development of a great and prosperous city. As usual, stocks are full in every department with the newest and best productions on the market, while, as regards variety, extent and values, we have no competitora Our Departments Include: Black and Colored Silks All the standard weaves by best makers, and the most complete line of fancies this end of the state. Black and Fancy Brcss Goods Every good staple weave and all the popular fan cies. Stock greater than all others in the city combined. 'Summer Wash Goods Our stock includes everything worn, besides many exclusive novelties well worthy of your in spection. Prints and Ginghams Include imported novelties, highest grade of Do mestic productions and the usual Domestic standard makes. Draperies and Curtains This department is complete in every detail, and although one of our latest additions, is gaining ground rapidly. Cloths, Flannels, Etc. Staple coatings, fancy cloakings, imported and domestic flannels, flannelettes, etc., also skirt ings and light summer flannel Domestic Linens Finest imported Linens in Table Damasks, Nap kins, Towels, etc., also shirtings, towelings, bleached and unbleached muslins, etc. Umbrellas and Parasols A department fully up-to-date, brimful of novel tics and lacking in nothing that common sense or fashion's whims demand. 1 Ribbons and Laces A department rich in novelties, abundant in stock, and beyond the keenest competition when it comes to values. Popular Priced Millinery An enlarged department where high class mil linery can be purchased for what it is worth in trinsically. A new idea. Ladies' Muslin Underwear One of our grandest successes, selection unlimit ed, qualities guaranteed. Making as fine as made-to-order goods. Our Corset Department Years of experience have taught us the difference between good and bad makes and shapes. Buy ers get the benefit Satisfactory Glove Selling Comes not by chance, but by knowledge. The reputation of this department stands unchal lenged. We still lead. Hosiery and Underwear The chief clothing comforts of ladies and gentle . men. Our stock shows that we've discovered the right sorts at right prices. . The Great "Notions" Family is fully represented by the latest new comers, while the good old stand-bys are not overlook ed. ,We couldn't afford to, . The Shirt Waist Craze grows, but we're equal to the occasion. As usual ' we show the biggest stock, best and lowest I prices. Cloaks, Suits and Skirts ' .We keep "tally" on fashion's every move, but she i never gets ahead of us. A look will satisfy you I on mat score. Men's Collars, Cuffs and Shirts Not a half stock in the corner of a dry goods store, but a gent's furnishing store in a dry goods nouse. The Same Remarks Apply To everything mannish, including smart neck wear, suspenders, sweaters and all else in tha line. A Three Line Summary We haven't told all We don't want to. rather you'd find it all out for yourselt We'd GLOBE WARE n importers, Jobbers and Retailers, SCRANTON, PA, ittnbender 8c Co., 126 and 128 Franklin Ave., Scranton, Pa. ron Stool Ills mil iiiiii is' III Bicycle D?partmeDf AND R?paip Shop, Temple Court Building, 1131 Spruce Street. Riding Academy, ' 205 and 207 Wyoming flventie. (4MIoop.) W. E. BITTENBENDER, WILLIS A. KEnriERER, Managers Bicycle Department. Mercereau & Connell Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 wVoniNQ AVENUE DIAMONDS And Diamond Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, . Clocks and Bronzes. Lamps Rich Gnt Glass, Fine Leather Belts, WAIST SETS. Sterling and Silverplate'd Ware in I M, 130 Wyoming Avenue. W. H. Allen, 601 Washington Avenue, Corner Olive Street. Wt have a full Ho of Fancy and staple Ore eerie. We ell tbe highest grade of Flour. Our "Pineal Creamery Butter cannot be ex. celled. Try It Strictly Fresh Egft, Fruits and Vegetables In their seasons. Prices Right Prompt DellTery. TELEPHONE, 169a. EUREKA LAUNDRY . Peerless Work. Ill 1 lis John J. Gorman, Sanitary PltimbiDg, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinning Etc. Tela phone lsj. 809 Spruce St, Scranton, Fa. With a good steam or hot water heating system and secure com. fort, economy and efficiency; THE SPERL STEM AND HOT WATER HEATER combines these and other desirable qualities. The addresses of our local agents will be mailed upon application to SPERL HEATER GO CARBONDALE, PA. Is 13. E. LEONARD, f EXAMINE THE If fill,? Most Perfect Made. 8 514 Lack'a Arenne, SCRANTON, PA. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Deal With Local MantifacNirers When In need of Perforated Sheer Metals of every des cription for milling and min ing machinery. Screen Plates of manganese bronze for acidulated mine wa'er. We have the best possible facilities for this class of work. HENDRIGK M'F'G GO., LTD., CARBONDALE, PENNA. DISPENSING PHARMACIST F.n.Bouton, Cor. Adams Avenue and Pine Street. a USB Delicious, Mild I I A K A O Sugar-cured TlMIVIO niiimiiiuminii Absolutely Pure LARD EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. The Trade Supplied by the STOWERS' PACKING CO., Scran ten, Pi PURCELL'S Turkish and Russian Baths 503 LINDEN STREET, Scranton, Pa. TWO FACTS. FIRST That you cannot find a better assortment of Teas in Scranton than we sell. SECOND Our Coffee is always fresh roasted, and of the first quality, therefore, It is the best that money can purchase. BRANDOW & MILLER 1:6 PERN AVENUE, SCRMT0N, PI DeWitt Photographer (WOUND FLOOR STUDIO. 430 Spruce Street, Scranton, Fa. E wlU promptly relieve headache of every form, MONIE'S LAXATIVE WAFERS, will permanently cure const IpaUea. Ask your druggist (or them. a cts box, east pala. SAMPLES PRBBt Manufactured y UNION DRUG CO., ARCH BALD, PENNA Building Lots In Scranton City and Lackawan na Township, near Connell Park, Five minutes walk from Scranton Steel Works, Sauqooit Silk Works J Simpson & Oo.'s Silk Mill, Scranton? Axis Works. Ten minutes walk; am mi. a. T a1s a ivn nna AFa1 amen? AlUlll 1UO JJiftlaa. T OUUB, Tf W1VH, Mills, Scranton Button Faotory.and Scranton Silk Factory. Lots reasonable in price and terms: easy. Best Place in tbe city fbif men of moderate means, baring; families, to buy homes. Only ton: minntes by street car from the Centre of the city. Bnqulre at the office of WM. CONNBLL A CO., 11S Wyesjtng Avonae. The Scranton Tribune is the most popular Morning Daill paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania It prints all the news while it's fresh, and is always in the front rank of journalistic enterprise. FORTY-FIVE CENTS PER MONT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers