THE-ONtY REPUBLICAN' DAILY IN LACIUXVMNN A CQltI"7Y EIGHT PAGES 36 COLUMNS. JSCEANTOX, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 14, lbDK. TWO CENTS A COPY, GREAT SA Hosiery and It la a vi-i y unusual thing to Hud I he very pick of high graile Ho slery unit liiderwear offered at such prices us tin; following, before tlie Season lilts et leached ltd height, but We have our uw n reasons for he 114: willing to make u big sucrliice uud us buyers gel Hie benefit, nothing liirthi-r heed lie said, except that every Item ottered l perfect and the goods are guaranteed ill iiuullty Just the same us II we got the regular prices tor them. , The famous Hard Wear brand. In all sixes, extra heavy, absolutely stainless. Alwuys -Ui . Special Prlct;, 2 ior 25c CMlto's Hosiery All sizes, double knees, toe.-i una heels, fast black, and the most dur able thing on the market. Our fam ous 'Jjc. special iiualtly. Special Price, 21c. l'ull seamless make, fust black, liqu id J2ac. ijuallty. Special Price, 9c. Our well-known iac. quality of Hcrmsdorf Dyed Hosiery, full fash ioned throughout and the best (pun ier dollar hosiery on the market. Special Price, Jc. Our leader In high grade Hosiery, the 37Ms-'. quality, that is l'ainuus throughout the valley. A Quality us good as must of the 50c. Hosiery sold. These have high spliced heels, double soles, and are full regular make at every point. Special Price, 27c. High Clnss Hosiery, three pairs to a box, full regular made, right sum mer weight, and the best quality we have ever seen at three pairs for a dullar. Special Price, 79c. 811k Vests, excellent 75c. iinnltty, nil sizes, elegant goods, beautifully fin ished. Special Price, 50c. White or Eeru Ribbed Vests, our best 2i!e. quality, nicely trimmed, any Blze. Special Price, 19c. White or Ecru Vests.capltal qunlity, all Rices. Ills Sale Contiiues !m und the prices quoted will positively not to be maintained after the time specified. E Ai Extra Special Vawe " 15c. QLO THE FIELD OF POLITICS Dave -Martin Gives His Opinion on Mdiinlcv's Chances. AX EMPHATIC STATEMENT Havid Thiol s Thnt Mr. Mckiiilev Will Carry Krcrythinc-Chnuiiecy Fillcv Still I'.oss in .Missouri-Other Political Points. Philadelphia. May 13 -There s re e..htl irn it U in New York un Inter view with Uuvtd Martin, the Kepubll enn leader tit Philadelphia ui.U Senator July's principal opponent here til pol itics, in t,lch Mr Martin was credit ed with sulug that 21 members of Pennsylvania s dele-gallon to tit Louis Would vole fo.- Mi ktiih) uli tin' first Inune-diutely after tin' publicu tioi. of thu interview Senator Ouay sent a circular telegram to all but tuiir mem bers of the delegation asking theln w hut id ilr position whs. Aii. Aluiliu auk usked today In leRarJ to the Interview ucCteUiled to him "Why." hi. said "whatever piualo vt.'.vs I eut.ltutli ud to the llUllibel of Vote Mr Ouay Would receive or I In number Mi. McKti.liy Would receive. I W ould keep to iu sell' I am not In lln hahll of giving things newspaper publicity and I muni Pen to be e.veuned from being held responsible (or what ever New York newspapers quote me as saying In this connection. However, Inasmuch as .Mr I'uaV creditu me with hawi.g given 27 votes to .MtKinlej. I will go farther and sa that McKlnP y will, in in v opinion, yet the Vote of the entile Pennsylvania delegation und on (he lust ballot, ut that Beture (lie nrsl ballot Is nearly over there Will be no other candidate befole the convch tiouaud 1 won't be sui prised if McKln ley be nominated by acclamation." MltfSol'KI kKPLBLiCA.VS. St Joseph. Mo.. May IS. The Ite publii an state convention did not ad journ until l )H o'clock this morning. The con clillon was In some respects the noisiest and most troublesome ever held In the slate, but at its close Chuun ccy I. p'lll.-y. of St. l.nuls, ill held the rein. The delegates at huge to the St Louis convention are flmuiiciy I. Kil- ley, of St. Louis; ex-v'otigressinaii t' ! Nltdi Imrhuus. of St. Louis; Major William Warner, of Kansas Oit, and J. II. liothwcll. of Sedalla. The alter nates are li.M'd I J U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . of LiUI lef couil t ; I'hai Us K. Uullen Kuuip, of Ki uuk lin; II. It. Williams, of Greene, and I'harlcs K 'ovlngtoii. of Hike. Major Warner withdrew Ills name, but was the last delegate chosen. The convention re elected Chuuiiccy I. Filley chairman of the iilute central committee, uud passed a resorullori tu .'ciing him as meiuber uf the national Id publican committee, to succeed It. i". Kerens, his opponent In the j'Onveii lion. A platform was adopted iustt'iicllng the delegates to vote for McKltiley, de-, mainline- a return to the principles of prod cllon and reciprocity, and contain ing the tallowing tinanclul plank: WcHti- linn and inpliallc In uar lUiuuinl lor tniiiiM inoiioy. We beln-ve tlmi our money shoiibl not be interior to the iuo.iy if the niosi ehllgliti-iii d nations ol th ; iii'th. iare unalterably opposed lo any : dli hie tllllt tlll'ealellM to debase or to de. predate our eurr"in y. We tavor liie use ol' silver us ciuTcllcy. but lo llie eXtelil only uuil amler such regulations that its parity allh the pt et'eiit gulil stundur I can be maintained, and, in ronseqiience. .ve I al..- opposcil to I tie flee, unlimited and ill- I il.oieiii.lent coinage of stiver al a rutin ol It; tr, 1 OALlKultNiA I'OPl'LISTS. Sacramento, Cal.. .May 111. --'1 he I'opii 11st state convention met bete here yesterday lo elect delegates to the na tional convention. The platform fa vors woman suffrage, government own ership of the r'ueinc railroads, demands 11. at liie sale of government bonds shall cease. The free coinage of silver, the repeal of the national hank act. the es tablishment of postal savings banks and an income tax are demanded. CON I I . K ! X C K I'UOCEEDIX C, S. W at in l ight Occurs over the Adoption of epnit Helming to lloptlstn. Cleveland, Ohio, May 13.-- In the : Methodist general conference today se'V.-ral chunire'S In th discipline, rec ommended by the bishops were report ed by the commute on revisals. j The first Uvo sections of the report I were adopted. A warm light ot'cin red over the adop- ' tlnu of the third snetinn of the tviiol't relating to Infant baptism. At the close of tho debate the section was re committed. The committee on episcopacy did not report In accordance with the Instruc tions It had received. lr. Buckley stated that the committee as yet had been unable to agree upon the number of bishoiiK It would recommend to be created, but that it would be ready to report to the conference the first thing; tomorrow morning, after the reuding of the Journal. The time for the com-mitte-e lo report was extended to that hour. Though the committee was unable to report, thin much Is known of the deliberations nt the merlin-.;: The membeis air reed to reeomniend the retirement of Bishop Thomas Bow man, Bishop ft. S. Kostor. and Mission ary Bishop William Taylor, of Afriru. on account of their feebleness and In ability to perform the arduous duties ol' their positions, by reason of advanced nge. This action will necessitate Hie election of two regular bishops, and one missionary blKhop. A proposition to change the date of mrrtlng of the general conference from the first of May to the Hist Wednesday in May brought out u sham debate in j the confe'leni e. The resolution provid j cd for the calling of the extia sessions . of the conference upon the call of u HuflicU'nl number and had been passed j upon by the annual conferences, which j hud adopted It by the necessary three -1 fourths vote. I)r Leonard objected to ! treating the inn iter us a constitutional 1 question, cluliiilug that the gunerul coti- ! fel'enr-.. h.'itl tliM. now..!1 t, rir .tu n time of meeting Sat gent of Indians, and Neily and Swindell, of Philadel phia, und several otheis took the oppo site ground and en being put to a witu. the e'hungeS were carried in the comiti tutlonal way by a vote of S!; to ID UEFl'SED HIS PENSION. Sr.muel Fetters, u War Veteran, I pun He Coreriiia Health, Ucjccts It. Wesl Chester. Pu., May 13. Samuel betters, uf Kruzer, hus refused to re ceive his pension money from the gov ernment. The depuitmeut otiiclnls say his case was only the second of Hie kind which hus come under their ob servation uliiee the war. . Ketiers. during the vvur, contracted a dlseuse which his physician pronounced chronic, and he upirtled for and re ceived a good-slaed pension. This he drew regularly until u short time ago, when his health bennn to improve und tlnully he wuh completely restored to his former vigor. Then he wrote to th department to cease vending. the pen sion. This) was not done and when the next tension day came he promptly sent tin- money back to Washlnston. Thinking fetters was insune the de partment tnt nil inspector to Investi gate the case and the result is that his name haa been laUen off tho rolls. SIX MONTHS FOR A KISS. .1 Philadelphia Connoisseur of Ueaut Ucu Into Prison. Philadelphia. May 13. William Bit ties, who keeps a livery stable at 1115 Locust street, today plended guilty to assault und battel V on Kdith r.rowthersV and war sentencedt o six month's in the. county prison by Judge liidille in the ipi.n lei sessions court. Miss Crowthers. who Is a conn ly miss and sa she is but l.'i ycais of uxe. tes tiln'd that o!t Jlonday, March 2. v.inn lilt other employes In the oliiee were absent tiiltles cliused her arouiict the oliice uud kissed her scvetui ttines. That dav she left his employ and had him arrested in Ins own hebiilf iiiules ci.ntcn.l.'d Hint he never did .myihiiia morf than pat the el! I on the xh.nilder and toll her that she was "soud looking " Judt'e lliudle S"Veiely Ps tuied titlks und, us a w .11111111" lo others of like tenden c. Si ht'-'llced him to sl.x months llll pi isonmeiil fl'CES fOXSlMPTlO.N. t laiiiis for antrlnin Uoctor's Ircutincnt. Patients Tcstifv to Cure The Medi cine ton vcci to tho Lungs bv Inhala tion. KlKin. 111. Ma;. M -The discovery of ti uctt proi ess lor the cure ol consump tion by Dr. W. Ii Sheppurd. of this city, is a topic of cohVelsatloii. The treatment Is based on the principle of inlu.luUuu and exhalation, aoplled by a device which introduce Into the dis eased luii,! cells healing remedies. The lush uinent is cylindilcal. about ii.-my inches lilr.h and seen Inches In dia meter, and contains two coiiiiuirtments. one aboke Hie other. Ill the lower Is the medicine, which saturates the alt that U taken into the lungs, and In the upper is a register for measuring the iiuuiitltv or an taken Into and expelled Irom the lungs. About a hundred consumptives. It Is suid. have been cured by the treatment. Every case in the lir.'t stage bus been lestored. as were in per cent, in the second stage and about pi pel cent, of "'' "' the last stage, request of prominent i-tti-A-im lis the mayor appointed A. H. Low l ie. editor of the News: Colonel S. Wilcox and Weorge S. ttoWen. president of the Nlgln Scientific society, to visit u num ber of the pitiellls und eXullllile thill1 condition. the commission rt.pD.tcd that nil of the patients testified la the most positive terms to the compute success of the treutnientt that their previous i pinion as to the Incurability of consumption was dissipated, and that they Were eonvhued that ,t.ttv-dla-c&Ec. in its first and second Ktagcs. at leust, hud been and could be cured. SWISS SOU) FOU SLAVKS. Interesting History Kecnllcd by the bcath of on Old VVonian. Altoonu, f'a., Mjty la. The death of Alia. .Mary Helfrlck at ClmmbersbuiK recalls some liiteresilti:t history. Tn 1 si 0 her parents niili;rated from Swilz evland to America. The shin was dls- abled b a storm and blown about for days. The provisions were exhausted, and the father and two sisters died of starvation. The ship was finally crushed by Ice Hoes. Among the saved were Mis. Helfrlck, her mother, two -latus and a brother. The captain of the rescuing ship hay ing carried them to Ilaltimote without recompense, there sold them for $lnO lo Henry Ktter for four yeurs. Mrs. Kllza liolllnger. of Bedford, one of the sis ters placed in bondage by the ship onp taln, is the only member of the family now suivivlug. AN AMFKICAS LYNCHED. lie Killed a ALtn in tiiuitctnnln and Wos Utilized by n Mob Memphis. Te'iih.. May li. - Letters have been received announcing the hanging by a molt of Adrian Harper De Witt, of thla city, at Puerto Uairios. Guatemala. DeWitt became Involved In a quarrel with McNiitnaru. a train dispatcher, whom he shot through the head, killing him Instantly. DeWitt surrendered himself to the authorities, und shortly afterwards a crowd of Americans, mostly niechunics employed on the railroad, made un at tack 011 the prison, in which several of the guards and members of the mob were killed, but DeWitt was taken out and hanged to a tree. DeWitt won re lated closely to the Harpers, publishers, of New York. MONSTER AT DUNBAR. A Strange Animal I hat Dines on I'et Hogs. Dunbar, Pa., May 1.1. A large def eating animal, resembling a lion, Is roaming about this place and terroriz ing the rural Inhabitants. The animal is about lour feet high and hus a large mane resembling a linn's, and is be lieved to have e-icupi'd from some cir cus. It first appeared In this neighbor hood a few weeks ago, and since then has eaten several dogs. The people living mar here are afraid to venture out at night. A patty left for the mountains lust lilgiil to hunt tor the a:iin,ul. BURIED UNDER BEANS. Peculiar lien tit of a New York State Pro line Merchant. Genese, N. Y., Alav 1J. Ed. A. l.iown, u well-known produce merchant und dealer in carriages und bicycles, was found dead this morning He was buried under about .Viu bushels of beans In the packing loom of his warehouse, the packing inn having given way while he was under it. and being caught bv the timbers he was killed. The last seen of his ulive was ut 6 o'clock last evening, and it IS supposed he lay theie all iih'lit He leave a wife and two children, and was about Jj years old. Steamship Arrivals. New Yolk. Muv li-AtilveJ: t !.-. I. n. from llieiueit; Teutonic, from Liverpool ami ijuei njtun u ; iluve-l. Irom Bremen Suulhauiphluu. Sailed' I'uiiJ. for rioutlnnnpluii. eje riiiaiilc, for Liverpool; Nciuiill.ii'd. for nlerp Arrlveu out: .Sew Yolk, al Southampton; Spiee, at Sualliiiinplou land proceeded to Bieiue-ni; Maiinmn, at Kotle-ieiaiu; Tliliigvaila, at c'oieiiliageii. Sailed tot New York: Ti;.n-. from Southampton. Sighted- Phoenicia, from lluniouitf. tor New York, passi-el l.eai-hv lb-ai, .May li; Mastuchuae-tts. finin New York lor Luinluii, pushed the Lltanl. - - old Withdrawal. VVu.-.hliiiou. Ma y 12. - The w-lilidiaw nls of gold 1 run i the treasury today were fl.ii25.IMH, which reduces the treasury gold reserve to tlli.-iiiti The lieu hunt! h.siie of tluti.nua.'M In I'Vbriiury ruiseil the re. serve to tl-i-'.wu.uiin, bin since thai point was touched the leserve has sleuelily Ue ellned. All I lie gold due from Unit boinl Issue $Ul.iMi.iiu(--wlth the rxeeptlon of jnnu.itm. has been paid Into the treasury. Since Kelt. 1 last the treuviurv li.fa Pul MU.uuu.otM In gold. The loss this month hau been ill.&UD.UUO and since the beginning of th n n-a I year, July 1, l4U,uuu,vua. Date btSiirrenkr lias Keen Imlcl i nitcly Tostponcd. GE.V EUEKS XE OKDEK Trial of an American-Hot Pursuit of Sup posed Fllioiittter-(ii Ending Sugitr-cuno-Tlto Motsan Bclligorcney Kcsolution -Other Cuban New. Havana. .May l'l. Captain Geneial Weyler hus prolong-'d iudoliuilelv the period given lo the insurgents in winch t' surrender, and obtain pardon lor tnctr oftenses. Lieutenant Coloin-I .nine has cap tured a sub-prctect of Santo Domingo, named Santiago Nuiie-x. wno is sup posed, to have been intrusted with an Important mission by the insurgents. Civil Justice Kotnulo Villuheimosa has been selected to hear the cuse of Loreto Cepero. said to be an Insurgent leader, and an American who was captured on boaid the Spanish jti.hinship Gloria til January lat;t while on his way troin Clcnfueyos. province of Santa Clara, to Hatabano. this prov ince, with iii.poifUil coitiiMUiiiiu lions from tne Insurgents in Suum Claiu lo Ooiaei an Maceo. Vbidle crui3lng in the vicinity of Point Media Cnsa. the commander of the Spanish gunboat Diego eicsqUcZ saw a bout manned by scVe-iul Inch off shore. The gunboal got as neat as possible to the small boat and then an aimed boat from the tornicr was Sent In pursuit. Not n itt.slaudiurV the use of a lupld tire gun in the D'n-go V'elaseiueZ's boat, the supposed llilhus teiul.s succeeded In landing and es caped. The sailors and marines iimiii the armed boat pursued thu parly, de stroked a tall mine which buloiiged to the tiisurgeiits. and. utter three hours' useless seurch. the boat returned to the Die-go Velaiciuez with the captured crnlt. The iiieyor of Huliucoa. on the north coast of the ploVlnce of Plnar del Bio, now reports that the bat found aban doned In his district und supposed to have landed a small exin-dltion was marked "Sir. Shelter Island. No. 4." At llie central plantations of Teresa and Salvador. In the Sagua district, I .ooii tons of sugar cane are being ground dally. 'General Berital will probably return to Spain on May 20. He is thoroughly lisgusiid with the situation. Washington. May i;.- The greater part of the time of the meeting of the senate committee on foreign relations tonuy was devoted to consideration of Senator Morgan's John resolution lecogillzlng- the belligerency of the Cu ban Insurgents. Action was postponed until the next meeting. Mr. Morgan explained at some length his reasons for offering the resolution in a form which would, If It should be adopted by congress, require the uctluii of the presi dent, suylng that he felt that the lime hud arrived when the American gov ernment as a whole should declare its position. He laid stress-uiion the eon dltlon of American citizens In Cuba, and ui K'd that action should be taken on this If on no either accoiuM Noth ing developed to Indicate what 'position the members of the committee may take oil the resolution. Palis, May IXThe Klein b newsiiapeis continue their uttltiie of opposition to the I 'nltud States, so far as Cuba Is concerned. The Kclair this morning suys: "It is clear that Bruthi'i- .lon-i-thau has. just as many scruples as his brother John Bull. He wants to inter fere at any price In alfalrs which do not concern him. This pulley will not Mud supporters in France." NEW WOMAN REBELLED. Her Husband Bid the Housework, but He Iteir.aildcd Spending Mnnev, Baltimore. May u. How llie new woman and the new inuu get along to gether in practical liie was illustrated in u case before Police Justice Grannon today. Mrs. Ida Kuhn, a good looking' womun, bad her husband arrested on a charge of abusing her. Mrs. Kuhn, who Is u cullnrtnuker. testified that she had suimorted herself and her fumlly for loin teen years. The husband said that w hile his wife worked nt the fac tory he attended to the childreii.ilressed and sent them to school and performed the other household duties. All he wanted was a little spending money on Saturday night, and it was the uriuiiyetu about this that led to his atrc;,t. Mis. Kuhn imld she could ft' t a girl t .'I do the work her husband did for $1.25 a week and she would not have to stand any impertinence. Justice Brannon lined Kuhn $1 und costs and his wife would not pay up. He had to go to jail in default. s DISLIKES MURDER YARNS. People of n Kansas Town in I actional Strife on nn Kdltor's Kxposnrc Topeka, Kan., May 13. The people of Oalieiy, Lofau county, are divided In factious lor and against Editor C. V. Kinney, who denounced the teachers In the schools for putting in part of the time reading murder stories to the pu pils from llie newspapers. In his paper he charged that the practice was In stilling in the minds of pupils a desire lor such literature and directing; their utteiilou away lroui proper ciianiuis. Mr. Kltiney has been threatened with a shower of eggs lor his exposure, lie defies his enemies lo attempt kucIi pun ishment, and Baya. that "the people of tula community may depend upon it that when the Graphic sees a heail pop up that needs combing that head Is going to be combed." CROOKS ARRESTED. jaincs Crcgan and Charles Pecker Were Wanted for knisinc Checks. New Yolk. May 13 Janied Cregun and Chalk's Becker Were turned over to a policeman at Broad und Market stioets this afternoon by J. Allan and V. M. PaiKer, PiiiKerloii detectives, who hud followed the men from Plnlu ele'lpblu. The prisoners rai.-ed a draft U'l' $12 draw u to the order of J. H. Dean, on llie Nevada bank of San Francisco, lo $22.U0U and received $2D.IIUU In gold on Dec. 2U. IWb. The pi oseeuluig banks are the Nc-vadu. Woodland and Crocker Woodworm banks or California, itvet $2,3nu was found un Cregaii. The pli soueis ul'e held tor extradition. A dispatch today from Sun Kranelu co saw: llie men were Indicted ut Friday by tin- rcrund Jury. - Americans in the Navy. Washington, Mai 13. - Admiral Haiusay, acting seerelal')' ot the navy, has in tunned the senate In response to Its re .pest, that of the 9 .:"!'! blue Jin kets in the I' ntted Slates naval service, 4.4UO are for eign bull! and Mil of the 2.UI7 limrllie.-i are natives of other coll nil ten Ida a llie I tilt ed Stalea. The percentage of At. lei leans In the navy Is, however, Increasing, - -I nclnocts nt Ottawa. Uttawa, Out., May 13.-The biennial con vention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Ki:gln-ers of America opened here today with Chief Arthur In the chair. The only business done al the morning session was the appointment fit a committee ut ttft dentlals. ; TIIL NEWS THIS MOSNIXG. W eather Indications Today : Fair; Slightly Cooler. 1 Cuban News. Have Martin on McKiid.-y. Coimressioua IProcecdings. 2 Tribune's Topular Want Columns. 1 1 1. oca 1 1 Itoeeiver of Taxes Law. City Must itepuir Turnpike. 4 K.litorial. i G.Oi-all Session nf Ivoiites. Forger llaird'n Charge Refuted. i ISport-'t Ser.inton Again Defeats Prov idence. National, Stale League and College I .utile-. Bii yeie N.'w.s and Gossip. 7 Sllblll l).HI NeWS. Market und Financial News. 8 News I'p and Dou the V alley. MYSTERIOUS DEATH. tlodyofan I nknnwn Woman found in a Brook. New York. Mav 13. Park Policeman Charles Laiitfford found the body of an unknown woman 1 um in a brook In Mosholu parkway, east of Jerome ave nue.thia mot nnn There were murks of Mob-nee on her head and body. The womun was about 4f yeajs of age. At first It was thought that a murder hud been committed but according to the uutopsv peifurmed the Woman died a natural Oi-ulli The examination, the doctor said, showed that death was the result ol paralysis ot Un heart and that the wounds were probably Inflicted Uftel' dentil The body this ufteriioou was ideuti tld us that of .Mrs. Sarah Scofield. 4S years old, ot Armoiikl. Kensico, West Chester county. She had been in a melancholy mood tor some time. MURDERED IN CHURCH. A farmer Crept to n Pew VV here His Wife Worshiped nnd Stabbed Her. Blouiitsville, Alu May 13. The ser vices at a protracted meeting ut a Bap tist church here last night were lnter illpted by William Kyle, u farmer, who entered llie church while pruyer was being otlcivd. and, creeping tei a pew Where his wife knelt, drew a long knife and stabbed he-r. The woman gave a piercing scream, which caused u panic among the congregation. Kyle wus capture. I as he again at tempted to plunge his knife Into the prostrate woman's body and was bur tied away to prevent his being lynched. He Is in Jail ut Onoiitall. His wife died today. The woman hud separated from her husband a week ago on account of his ill-lreauni ut and In- was Jealous be cause she weui lo tin- church with u neighbor. - I SALVATIONISTS ON WHEELS. bicycle Gospel brigade tn Ua Organised br i:nptnin ninnche Cox. Washington, May I:'. The bicycle Is to be- adopted by the ulvatioii uriny. Staff Captain Blum he Cox, who came recently from Chicago lo command the uriny in Delaware. Maryland. Virginia and tile District of Columbiu, is or ganizing : bicycle brigade, with which she will travel through the states un der the Jurisdiction and endeavor to gain a: many recruits as possible for the m ini'. Captain Cox Is an expert bicyclist, und she said today, that if It is possible to find ainona' the host of otlicers here eight or ten who can ride a bicycle as well ns herself she will mount her bri gade on bicycles and thus travel through the country. The campaign will lust for two months. TURNED ON BANDITS. Thugs at South llcnd, lad , I are Kadly in un Attempted llold-l p South llend. Ind . May I:!. Dallas linker, of Adrian. Mich., and Thomas ityiin. two young men with a watch und some money, were In u Grand Trunk box-car coming into this city eutiy this morning when tliey were assaulted by John Moore ami James Kramer, two desperate tramps, w ho robbed the men of port of their clothing, us Well us the watch and money, at the point of a re volver. Moore had the weupoil uud he- com pelled Ryan to Jump from the moving train. linker snatched tho revolver from Moore and shot Kramer. Both men were then kept covered until this city was reached, when they were ar rested. Kramei-'B Injuries are in all probability fatal. .. . WOMAN SAVES THREE LIVES. Miss kinsey Kcsencs n Pnticnt und Two Attendants. Kankakee. III., jVfny 13. Miss Kinsey, an aSlenitunt ut the Kankakee hospital lor lite Insane, saved the lives of two attendants and u patient this, after noon. While a number of patients were being- exercised inn- of th number tun Into the- river and attempted to drown herself. Two utteiidunts, Misses Srmlh and Illssell, rushed Into the stream to in.. ,,.,tli.,.t i ., ......, .ow,... ii.,,.. ,.11 then- ...., ...... ..i,i i..,.i',H depth. Thev sank for the uecond time, when Miss Kinst'V uctii Iiim tl li. v.-iili.l- mill going so tar as she could and kn-i. h'-r balance, caughl the skirt of one of the snuggling women and pulled them to llie shore. IT LI UUSTEK1.RS ARRAIGNED. Officers of tho Steamship lleimuda lie fnro tho Court. ,v York. A!. iv i:i C'uptnln John Oiirien. Mate iMwaul Muiphy, John J. Hart anil Enillio Nil lies wero ar raigned in the United States circuit court this tilii moon upon a charge of having aided and set on foot u iniiltaiy expedition against a foreign power lu Cuba, with which the United States is at peace. This charge has reference to the tir.-jt hucce'.ilut liip of tin steamship liermu da. to Cuba with arms, ammunition and men. The uocuiied through their coun sel, entered a formal idea of not guilty, with permission to chanye then- plea or enter a demurrer. TRAGEDY OF A FLAT. N iltinm .Mocsner Commits Suicide I pon Heine Jilted. N. w Yoik. May 13. William Moesner, uf a; -"J Third avenue, committed sui cide by shooting today In u Hat at 21V Kust 2fith street, where he was visiting u joiinv woman iiuiued i.muia Welt on. He first tried to shoot her and failing In this attempt turned the pistol on himself and sent u bullet through his brain. Moesner was ,12 years old and tor the lust three yeurs had been em ployed lu u brewery. it Is suid that he asked the VVeltou woman this morning to many him und that she refused. . Lour Warfare Settled New York, May 13. At the meeting of the Americuh Tract society today a reso lution wus adopted to abolish llie system of two divisions and to have the business her'tet- conducted under one head. This aetu... a lung warrant NAL BALLS Uusincss Tninsactcd bv tie National Lawmakers. THE HARBOK HILLS I'ASSED Warm Word tnennnters I pon the Mcaa uro-Voto tn the Uill-.Hr. Uill Aims Hill at -Aliens-Other Washington Topics. Washington. May 13-The liver and harbor bill was passed in the senate today, leaving only three of the annual appinpriatiun bills to he acted on. These nre the District ef Columbia bill, the fortification bill and tne deficiency bill. Put holme either of theui Is taken up the Delaware senatorial election case will have to bu- disposed of; and to that ca-;e tomorrow and Friday have been assigned The amendment which had been of tered to the river and harbor bill yes terday by Mr. Gorman tDom., Md ) limiting expenditures under the bill to ten millions a year, was today, alter a long discussion, laid on the table by a vote of 40 to 23. An amendment In the same sense, limiting the expenditures under contracts to 2l per cent., was of fered by Mr. BMe (Dom.. Tenn and met the same fate, with u vote of 37 to IS: and then, alter a somewhat Litter encounter of Holds between Mr. Allen iPup . Neb.) und the chairman of the. committee on commerce, Mr. Frye I Hep.. Me.) The latter made the clos ing speech In advocacy ot the bill and In response to criticism of it. Mr. Fry.1 stated some facts lu illustration of the Immense grow th of the railroad, river and Id kv commerce of the tinted. Sltitcs. The railroad freights, he said, had been cut down within the lust twenty years from 3'a cents u ton mile to about -. of a cent u ten mile; and yet the people wanted cheaper frelgths. That re quirement could only be met by Improv ing water facilities and for the reason the Intelligent people of the United Staes were everywhere asking for liver and harbor Improvements. The vote on the passage of the bill was: Yeas G7, nnys the senators Who voted In the negative being Messrs. Allen (Pop., Neb.), Bute (Deni., Tctiti.l, Brown (Rep., I'tah.). Chilton (Dem., Texus). Harris (Dem.. Tenn.), Hill (Deni., N. V ), Kyle (Pop.. S. D ). Smith (Dem.. N. J.) and Vilas ibein.. Win.) AMOUNT OK" APPROPRIATION. The hill us It passed the house ap propriated $111,694, 71S and authorized contracts for 32 projects involving nn aggregate liability of $51. 721,210. As It was reported to the senate the amount appropriated was $12.ll4,nuO. That sum was Increased by various Items put on In the senate. Including the provision for the deep sea harbor In Southern ( ulitoriiia. A SHOT AT ALIENS. In the senate today Mr. Hill intro duced a bill which provides that no per son, not a citizen of the United Stales shall lie employed uinm or In connec tion with any public building or public worits tinder the control of or conducted by the tinted Stnte.-i. Its territories or the District of Columbiu. All contracts hereafter entered into are reuulred to contain a provision that this law is to be carried into effect. Violations are to be deemed as misdemeanors punishable byu fine of from $25o to J.ifto, Imprison ment not exceeding one year, or both. From the committee on agriculture. Senator Proctor today reported a bill to provide for a director In chief ot tne scientific bureaus and Investigations lu the department of agriculture. This ottiiiul to be appointed by the president, and confirmed by the senate, ut a sulary of fa.Otki u year. I'nder the present sys tem this work has been confuted to an ussislant secretary, but for some years there has been felt the need of u per manent nllicer of wide scientific attain ments: who should have charge of all this wok. INVKST1GATK LlQl'OK TRAFFIC. Mr. Morse (Kt-p., Mums.) from tho committee on alcoholic liquor tratllc. re ported to the house today, with the recommendation that It puss, u bill pro viding for the appointment by the pres ident of u commission of five persons, whose duty It shall be to Investigate the alcoholic liquor tratllc. Its relation to revenue and taxation, uud its gen eral economic, criminal, moral and ucleittilic aspects in connection with pauperism, crime, social vice, the pub lic health and general welfure of the people; uud also to Inquire into und take testimony as to the practical re sults of license uud prohibitory legis lation for thep rcventlon of Intemper ance. . An upuroiuiatioii of $1U.00U Is made to defray the cxi'iises of the in quiry. HOL'SF. PROCEEDINGS. The house was mainly occupied today in the consideration of the Rlnaker bowning contested election ease, Mr. Cooke (Rep., Ills.) re-niiulng his argu ment in luvor of RlnuKer. The debate cel. Untied until night, though several I muueuis 10 aujoui u w ere iinerjeuieu auu defeattd. during the discussion. The debute wns participated In by Mr. I ua'' ' 1 ". Iu V," T""" ' it, i v. , t reasons for not assenting to the report for unseating Mr Downing Messrs. Hepburn ( III p , Iowa) and Connolly (Hep. Ills) stronuly favored the seat ing of Mr. l maker. At .20 the house by a vote of i:l to 35 recommitted the t-a to the committee on eh ctioi!.-- No, 1, with iustl notions to recount sin Ii parts ol the vole deemed proper NO ACTION ON CUBA. The senate committee on foreign le lattona this morning eliacussetl Mr. Mor gan's joint le-solution recognizing the belllg"ieiic ol the Cubun insurgents, but no action was taken and sentiments or the members wei not disclosed by the discussion. WOMEN AS TRUSTEES. No Valid Kcasou for i:cluding Them f rom Hoards in lice l ibraries. Haricbuig. Pa.. May IS. The depart ment of public lnsti notions has ot late received numerous inquiries regurding tile right of woman to uet us trustees tn fret public libraries. Deputy Super intendent Stew ait today Sent a reply to a letter of this character in which he said there can be no valid reason for excluding women from inembeishlp in the board of trustees uuthorl.ed by the uet of assembly relating to free public libraries. The deputy superintendent suid: '."1 think It would be rather cuinmeiid I'lilc on the part of the bouni to recog nl'.e women in nigunUlhg the board of trustees." John II. .Mckelvcy head. Pittsburg. Pa., .May U-Johu li Mc Kelvtiy, president of the National Leal bud Oil company of Pcnrtsylvauiu, died verv suddenly at his residence. 'North Nc'iM'Y avumie, at 8.:0 o'clock this uioiii. lng. Mr. MrKelvey had not enjoyed good health for some time, but continued In active matinees. He was M years uf age and leaves a widow and live children. FILEY'S pecial Sale of Towel This U an opportunity. for housekeepers to re-j plenish their stock ofr Towels at.iwfcesmueh-be-i low regular value. Wc cai.1 special attention to) our In Damask and Hucka- J Fringed Towels at 124 IP, 25 and 35 cents eacii.-.ij Hemmed .Towels 15, 18 and 22; cents each. . Hern Stitclied l&A 25, $5,.4S;h5$,6S, 75, 95J $1.25 and:$l'.'50each. A PAIRV 15 dozen Bath Towels 7cV 25 dozen Bath Towels IPdJ 15 dozen Bath Towels 25a 10 dozen Bath Towels 35o1 20 dozen Bath Towels 48 Linen Bath Towls 65, 75 and 95c. each. Baft Sleds iMtg sizes. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANiNA AVENUS l a SPRING FOOTWEAR DRESS SHOES And Slippers for Every Member of tba Family, 114 AXU 110 WYOMtSO AVE. Wholesale and Retail. Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel, the Jeweler has a nice line oi Bicycla Belts. Call and see then One of the latest novel ties. 40S .SPRUCE STREET, HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. ws French Zltc, ,ei : age Reynolds' WM Finish, Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pura Linseed Oil, Guaranteed
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