The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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tReain wm pltaVe note that aIvertle
tnt nt. orders for Job work, and Items tor
publication left at the establishment
Shannon : Co.. newsdealers. North Main
treet. will receive prompt attention; of
Sce open Irom ( a. m. to 10 p. ni.)
Kuglng About Kiehmundalo and Along
the tirnlt KiinJ.
The extended tiry weather which we
have experienced lately has dried up
the woods ti such u state- thut the for
est fires that have lieeii burning in the
vicinity have readied n dangerous
plight. This especially trtn near Kich
imindale uml VantlliiiK just ahovo Ihe
city, where nlreuily tn-oiicrty has been
damnvd ti .itiito itn extent, and much
more loss Is thrcpteiied. Never before
have the lire rased with such fierce
fury, ti tiI done sn much da matte. Sev
eral buildings have been burned by the
tire, despite the frantic effort ntnih
to save them, and constant watch has
to be kept that others do Hot each.
TheK effort is being made to
extinguish the tin- but. as it covets so
large a territory, till attempts have been
In vain, and it still continues to Rather
headway and fury. Jlen from the min
ing companies are out in full force and
are llfrhtinR bravely for If It still spreads
it will be a serious loss to them, for
the breakers will be consumed and the
mines in which they ure employed will
be obliged to shut down. Men and wo
men are also tlght'tiR for their homes,
which are constantly threatened. Al
ready many have removed their house
hold Roods to places of safety.
The flsht Is made harder by the fact
that water facilities are very poor, and
nothing but buckets can be used. Sticks
are employed by many by which the
blaae is whipped out. Many of the
workers have sustained bad burns, but
do not give up the fight.
This smoke which is caused by the
burning forest is terrible and causes the
men who are lighting the llames to
nearly suffocate. This may cause the
street car line to shut down In that sec
tion n It Is nearly Impossible to ride
through the dense smoke.
The forest fires in the woods near No.
6 idane have also reached serious pro
portions, end much ;ircperty Is threat
ened. The lire Ruined so fast on Sat
urday that an alarm was sounded from
No. 5 and a lnnre force of the com
pany's men are now on the scene and
will soon have the lire under control.
Will Deliver nn Address ut the fourth of
July Celebration.
The committees In charge or the
Fourth of July celebration are bound
to make It a success and are preparing
a wonderful variety of amusements for
the day. The celebration Involves a
great deal of work from the men In
churge and nil should give them their
heartiest co-odi ration by work and in
a financial manner. The celebration
will cos'- close to live hundred dollars,
most of which will be spent on tire
works. One of the teutures of the celebration
will be a balloon ascension If satis
factory terms can be secured, (if course
the prices will he much advanced on the
day, but a correspondence concerning
the affair has olrendy been started with
parties in l'erion, 111.
One of the most Interesting events of
the day and what will probably secure
the attention of the largest number
if people, will be the address which will
be delivered by Hon. (ialuslia A. tlrow,
eongressman-ut-laige from Pennsyl
vania. About n month age the com
mittee on public sprukers wrote to
him askins hint to deliver an address
on the day. They hardly hoped to se
cure Mr. Grow, as he is unusually busy.
They are much gratified, therefore, in
his acceptance. The people should ap
preciate the efforts and success of the
committee and extend to Congressman
Urow a royal welcome.
August limner Is on tho Trail of Mis
creants W ho IhimngcJ Hid Property.
August Hruner is Indignant over the
treatment which he has been given by
u crowd of miscreants who have con
tinually destroyed his property, and
if there was ever u man Juslitled in
being angry. .Mr. Hruner Is.
Some time ago Mr. Hruner erected a
Infests tlie Mood of Immunity. It
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yield to Hood's S:;i'.-aparilla, which
purities und viUlics the blood and
cures all such discuses, licud this:
" In September, 189 1, 1 made a misstep nnd
injured my ankle. Very soou afterwards,
two inches across formed and in walking
to favor it Isprnincd my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could cot put my boot
on and I thought I should have to give up
at every step. I could not get any relief
and had to slop work. 1 read of a cure o(
situihir Case by Hood's Hursapai-illu and
concluded to try it. Before I hnd taken
all ol two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down. My
: Foot
Is now well and I have been greatly bene
fited otherwise. I have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
ay enough in praise of Hood's Sarsnpa
rilla." Mrs. II. Blake, Ho. Kerwlck, Me.
This and other similar cures prove t hat
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All driigitlsts. $t.
Prepared only lijr C. I. Ilonil & Co.. Lowell. Mass,
a r'tt tho bent family ratlmrtlo
FlOOd S FlllS uml liver stimulant.
We will sell you a good Brussels Car
pet, Sewed, Laid and Uning
For 59c
Also a Good Velvet Carpet, Sewed,
; Laid and Lining,
For 69c
Tbe above prices are for a few days
only. Call and examine, us, the will
not last long at these prices.' ' :,
wire fence In front of his residence on
Park street. Soon after It had been
completed it was partly destroyed dur
ing the night. Nothing was said and
the fence reiwlred. Again it was de
stroyed and again repaired, until Air.
limner has lost nil patience and is
keeping such a close watch on the
fence that it Is dangerous to approach
too near It. He has now found a trace
of whom the guilty Krso:is are and
will proceed to prosecute them as soon
as enough evidence has been secured.
Miss Nellie henworthy unj 1. K. l ee l-m-fcurk
on tho Matrimonial Sco.
Saturday morning at eleven o'clock
Miss Nellie T. Kotiworthy Hnd Thomas
K. Lee were Joined in the holy bonds
of matrimony nt the houne of the lit'.d- 's
futher. Kdwnrd A. Kemvorthy. of No.
1H Thorn avenue. The ceremony was
performed by Kev. K. J. I'.alsley, of
Trinity church, and was witnessed only
by the immediate family and K. it.
Wick wire.
Hoth young people are well known
and very popular among their friends.
The bride Is a young lady of charming
personality and the groom is one of the
prominent young men of the city.
l av for Lost 1 into.
fine of the subjects discussed by the
members of Columbia Hose company nt
u recent meeting was whether the tire
men who are detailed to remain and
watch a building alter a lire are to be
paid for the time they lose from their
regular employment. The (lie depart
ment is volunteer and no payment is
made to the llren.en for their yervlces,
so the least the councils could do
would be to tiny them for their lost
time. Jcomt'iittee consisting of Abe
Sii!im,IV. Kilputilck. 1'. P. Mollltt, J.
Neitlon. and Thomas Finnerty was up
liolnted to wait on the councils in re
gard to the subject.
Mrs. Henry Krantz and snn. Harry.
Mrs. Prank Kimcr and Maurice Ulock
sldge, left Friday night for New York
city where they took passage on the
t'unnrder, "laiclinla" for Kngland
where they will spend the summer.
Messrs. Frank Klmer . and Henry
Krantz accompanied them to New
York city.
Air. and Mrs. J, V. Ditnock spent
Saturday in Soranton.
Mosis. Mntlun. Crago nnd Clark, of
Scrnnton, spent Satin day In this place.
They rode up on their wheels and report
the roads very dusty.
Miss Annie Orrity. of the South Side,
is dangerously 111.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. H. Peel and children,
of fllmira, who have been visiting
friends in this city, have returned home.
J. JI. Peck Is moving his household
goods from Kalem rvenue to tfce house
of Blanche Arnold on North Main
Charles llngiti and daughters, who
have been visiting in New York city,
have rpturncd.
II. W. .Montgomery, manager of the.
Scran ton ollice of the New York Life
Insurance company, accompanied Dis
trict Agent Shannon to Crystal lake on
Saturday. He was much pleased with
the beauty of the spot.
Flunk 1'. Vandeil'ord. of the Ellcii
ville tN. V.) Press, spent Sunday with
his parents.
Aits-sCora Hell. who has been spending
the luat month In New- York city, has
Whyland Oregory, son of Professor
(liv-gory, of Wood's college, who has
been a resident of tjulncy, (11., has
come to this city to reside.
Air. and Mrs. J. Al. Peck, of this city,
will attend the convention of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive F.ngineers,
which will convene at Ottawa this
week. They leave today.
'James Caldwell has removed his fam
ily from Nicholson to Uelmout street.
Al'.ss Nellie Lluggnn, of Providence,
lias returned home after a few days'
vi-it K-it. friends in this place.
W. M. Lathrope has returned from a
visit to did Point Comfort.
Air. and Airs. James Smith, of Thome
avenue, spent Sunday with friends in
The improvements on lleynshanhurst
will be commenced toduy. Jacob Hart
man has been given the contract to
construct the roads which will be laid
out to give the lot owners the best
possible advantage.
Howell Jones, of Nantlcoke, was the
guest of Hev. I.loyd and wife on Katur
day. .1. V. Williams, of Taylor street,
spent Saturday at Avoca.
1 The house of Comer .loivs on Hall
' read strcit caught fire Friday evening,
1 but before much damage was done it
was extinguished. You cannot discern
anything from the outside.
, The masons have begun woik on the
. wall of Janus Hood's house on Hldge
The union meeting held nt the Oreen
wood .Mission church Friday evening
was very spirited. The billowing pro
gramme was rendered. Congregational
singing, Scripture reading, Hev. F. A.
King, prayer, pastor of the church, roll
call, which was responded to by the
members of the various societies by
reading appropriate verses of Scripture;
eiuartette, K. Wntkins and party; read
ing minutes of previous session, by Sec
retary W'lnsUiw; singing, Oreenwood
party: transaction of business, under
this head was done consider." ble busi
ness among some of the Important
things was the selection of a nominat
ing committee, who nre the following,
Messrs. Charles D'hble, Flank Hilder
biund. Samuel J. Phillips. Misses .Maine
L-overing nnd Kdlth Wntkins. It wns
ulso pnisetl that the nevt meeting be
held at tho l.uthcian church on the
second Friday of next month, its usual
meeting night.
Aliss Clara T. Sutton visited friends
at Scranton Friday.
(Seorge K. Copelund. a: s:stant super
intendent of agencies of the North
western I. lie Insurnrop company of
?.!llv.-nul;ee. puld (leueral Agmt (1. W.
1iine an oM'.c'nl visit on Filday.
l:u: srli Ijlmn.l. k. of Si in ton. Is vis
iting his mi ther here.
Sharp pointed stones, i n- mio.-i of f e
pneumatic bicycle lite, nr.' again be nn
dunned on Main street by Oomr.ds
r!"iier Krunt::.
The Idea of building a bicycle club
house at some nearby lake Is dully
gaining favor.
Adam AleUgnr, Jr., pussed Sunday
AVOC a .
The Avoca cot re.-pi ii-.'et nf Tht
Tiil.ime wrtild lay In ngsrd to J. F.
AIcl':ermolt's contindi' tie". In Satur
day's Truth, In re-a d t i 'h : y." of trn
pieces of llesh removed from his arm
In the grafting proeesi performed nt
the Fitt'tnn h s;itnl on F: lit y after
noon, that the writer wns mlsinforme I '.o the size, and doubtless wouid
have reasoned wisely tht.t no inch
amount of ctulcle could b? spir-el from
oi e arm, (even 'or jy hnK-hroth: r.)
had It not been for the fact 'hat he w:;m
nhont to s3al his li tl r i ml had b en
filled with the thoupht of the no' I
snerlflce und n' t the Hiniint of llesh
feipilred. How -ver. the i'e d Is ro e
tint leer heroin In the estimation of tho
Avoca conespondent of The Tribune.
If the llaby Is rr.tti'is Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow':. Fonthin Syrup ha
been used for over Fifty Years ny Mil.
;:;tis of Mother: for t:.eir Chllden
while Teething, with Perfect Succeas.
Jt Soothes the Child, Softens thn Gum?.
.'.Mays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is tho best temady for diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists in every part of tl.e world.
P,n sum nnd ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'j
(Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents bottle.
llnrslara inter P. S. Hogcrt's Store
North Main Street.
ImM Friday night was evidently se
lected as lielng good for burglars, i-r-sides
the robbery of the milk depot,
noted elsewhere, the music store of J1.
H. liogcrt at No. 5 North Main tret.
was entered. The same method was
pursued In each case. At Mr. H "Kelt's
place the burglars got In the area tit
the side of the building and raised the
window, which was fastened with a
After Retting ill they walked on the
too of sewing machine and pushed
aside plai.os until they get to the desk,
the doors of which they force 1 open
with a chisel. The wonder is tmy were,
not reeii by some one passing, i s t::o
street is lirluht ai.d the desk is lo.-.
to the front window. They soatte:el
the pr.pcis en the door ard tot for their
pains only thiee cents. A do'bir In sli
ver at the bottom of one diawcr es
caped their notice.
Two gentlemen who were coming
along Washington street taw two men
come out' of the nlley and when ttv-y
w re s.en. ;, I nstMy thtmigh the alley
at the rear "f the tiiy hall T.-.ey aeU ;l
in a : usplci':us manner and woie strip
ed overalls
Ilnntsvillc Water Is to Ho Substituted for
Sprln llroek nt k!npon.
Considerable excitement has been oc
casioned in Kingston by the circulation
of a rumor to the effect that the new
water ct in or. ny has or Is about ti
cut off the Spring Hrook supply of wat
er from that locality, turn It Into the
city of Wilkes-ltarre. and substitute
Huntsville water for It on the West
For a couple of hours on Friday after
noon, owing to some operation at the
pipes on Wyoming avenue Just above
Vaughn's corner and very near where
the pipe from the Huntsville reservoir
crosses, the water was shut oft. Wheth
er the minor referred to is based solely
upon this operation Is not known, but
It has been given credence sufficient to
cause consider.-! tble alarm anions the
Spring Hrook consumers.
Tho Thieves Were Content to Toko Only
n Lot of IA'ks and a Few Pennies.
During Friday night the Btore of the
Center Hill Dairy company at ITS
Northampton street, was entered by
burglars who carried away a crnte of
eggs, some butter and about a dollar In
pennies that were In the drawer.
The robbers got Into the store by pry
ing open a window on the side using a
bar for this purpose. The outer door
of the safe containing only the pnpers
of the firm was not locked. The Inner
compartment was locked and this they
broke open. The papers were scattered
anout the place. A check for a good
sum and paynhle to a Wllkeg-Uarre
man was overlooked.
'Ihe .Minister Wns Kcudv Hut tho Groom
Came Not.
A big sensation has been created In
Fpper Lehigh by the failure of David
Widtebreud to appear Friday evening
to be married to Allss Kllzabeth Jenkins.
The young lady wns arrayed In the
wedding garments, the guests were all
assembled, the minister was in readi
ness, but the groom did not materialize.
Aliss Jenkins"was taken violently 111
and her friends had difficulty consoling
her. The action of Whltebread cannot
be explained.
- - -
The committee on revision of the bor
ough ordinances appointed by Presi
dent Jones at the March meeting is rap
Idly progressing with Its work and will
be able to make a report at the meeting
this evening. Among the ordinances
thus far framed Is one "Forbidding the
playing of baseball within the borough
limits on Sunday afternoon," and pro
viding for a fine "not exceeding five
dollars and costs for each offence;" an
ordinance "to prevent the commlssiem
of malicious mischief and certain of
fenses against real property" which
provides that anyone who shall wan
tonly mutilate, fell or otherwise Injure
or destroy any shado, ornamental or
fruit trees or shrubbery growing on pri
vate property or along the public
streets und sidewalks shall upon con
viction pay a fine not exceeding $25 and
costs and also providing for a like fin;
for the Injury or destruction uf any
sign, door, window or other real prop
erty, or who shall wantonly or mali
ciously open or dose any hydrant or
throw stones within the built portion
of the borough; an ordinance forbid
ding the riding of bicycles or other
vehicles on the sidewalks of the bor
ough; forbidding obstructions on the
sidewalks; forbidding the erection of
barbed wire fences or uny Iron fence
having sharp-pointed pickets; forbid
ding games of chance, gambling for
iiiuiiey or other valuables; forbidding
swimming or bathing In the borough
Ktreums during ce-rtaln hours; to pre
vent the digging up of streets or alleys
within the borough without first hav
ing obtained a penult. This last or-
dlnance makes It nece-ssary that a writ-
ten permit be obtained and also obliges
I the person or corporation digging In
! the street to fill up such excavation,
i and In case of failure to do so a line not
exceeding $200 shall be imposed. At
. pri st nt the committee is preparing an
They Are Marked This Way '
Tiio ccnuit'o interlined collars and
eullswiili a "I'ellulold 'surface, uud the
only water-proof collars and cull's
worth buying.
f RADf
They nro worth buying, because they
wear six lunger limn linen, keep
clean longer, nnd when tolled, you
cull i'Ipiiii them ynnrxelf.
You ran clean them yourself with a
wel cloth useiiblly nnd ;tilcl;ly ns yon
can wash yor.r hands whether at
homo or uhrtK.i'.
At home oi-uiir lad, yau'll lind them
nioru comlorlalilu, mora convenient
und mora cronoinlrnl thun uny other
collars uud culls made.
El nnisg
Aewil m iniluiliw'. Mailt In all iitIv. nd lUca.
SoM tirrrvwlivrv nr nvl.l bf (! lirrfft. Clli,MW3. &..
Cuff,. KM. t"lr niti)it. "ltd' nl" tud "I.' I1
l'MK Ki l l I.Olll COMPANY, M.W VOiiK.
oniinane providing for the collection
of . license from transient or outside
merchants doing business here. This
Is a matter that has long engaged the
attention of councils. It in the Inten
tion of the committee to frame an or
dinance that will be Just and reason
able, one that will not work hardship
to rcaiHinsiblc people who desire to do
business here. It is also likely that
the committee will frame laws for the
government of the council and thus try
to avoid the unpleasant complications
that sometimes arise lieoause of the
fortune of the present lawsshrdlushid
failure of the present laws to cover
particular cases. The ordinance com
mittee Is composed of President Jones
and t'ouncllmen l-iine. ttilmarttn. Hehle
and Wagner. The ordinances have been
drawn by C A. BatlenberR, the borough
William Stanton, an old man well
known throughout the valley. a
very narrow escape at the Fuller
switch n .Monday. He w.ii in the
habit of picking wal along the t:-ack.
and was testing against a eoadeil car.
wl.en an engine came In on the switch
with a trip of empties which st'. ui k
against the loaded ones. He was
thrown under them and several of the
turs pat'sid over him, he belli:? in the
e-nt-r or ihe Hack. He was taken out
from under the cars and co.ivey.-d to
his home. He had s. vi ral bail biulses.
but no bones were btvl e'i.
A grand meeting was held in the Bap
tist church Wednesday evening and
much Interest was manifested. Songi,
recitations and speeches were the order
of the meeting. Speeches were deliv
ered by Kevs. Wilson Treiide, Hubert
H. Keildy and John I.a Bar. Frank
tlrey, W. 1'., presided.
A party was given Allss Pr.yne,
daughter of Kev. Piiyni'. Wednesday
evening. A large crowd of little folks
gathered. Hefreshments were served
and a pleasant time was had.
The uucstlon Is often asked, why not
have a bicycle club.' Surely, we have
enough wheelmen. All who wish to
Join will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity of giving their names to the
president. Clinton Shoemaker.
Aliss Anna Vanaucken Is spending
the summer at Scranton with her uncle,
Frank Bryant
AMss Kuhy .Miller, of Hansom, at
tended the firemen's social Thursday
Iced Stuffed Tomatoe-i. b ed Stuffed to
matoes are an uppetizirg luncheon or Sun
day night tea relish. Scald und peel six
small solid tomatoes. Cut oil stem end
In a slice and with spoon scoop out the
seeds. Stand the tomatoes on lee for two
hours. When ready to serve chop one
new onion, a bunch of cress and a sm ill
bit of parsley rather flue. Do not limiso
the cress. Alix a half-teaspooiilul of salt,
a quarter leaspoouful of pepper with
three tablespoonfuls of olive oil; lle'ti
beat In one tabli-soonful of vinegar. Pour
this over the mixture, und till it In the
tomatoes. Stand each on a lettuce leaf In
a pretty dish, heap tlnely-crucked lee
uroutul, and serve- nt once.
e'oi-oanut Cake. tine cocoanut grated,
three ipiiirtpr pound pusar. three eigs,
one huge spoonful of ofttir. loop on
greased tin.s
Chocolate Cake. One pound sugar, half
pound Hour, one cake chocolate grated,
four eggs, one-half teaspoonful soifl. Drop
on greased tins.
Peach Layer Cuke. Beat tho white of
three eggs to stiffness, adding m':nlua!ly
a small cupful of powdered sug-ir. Spread
n portion of this over the thickest of tho
layers for the bottom of the cake, on
these urrange a layer of peeled and sliced
peuehes. then a layer of cake, and ho nn
until the desired thickness Is attained.
When the fruit Is very ripe it may be
mushed and stirred Into the Icing.
A Patty of Alushrooms. Your mush
rooms being fresh-gathered, well picked
and washed, put them in a saucepan With
a quarter of a pound of but! -r. a little
minced parsley, a little pepper nnd salt,
a little slice of bae-on, stuck with four
cloves; a whole onion; cover it up close,
and stew them over the lire; shake on
them a dust of flour, giving them u shake
now ami then as they stew, thut they
burn not; when their own llipior comes
to be as thick about 'em as a good creaai,
throw out the whole onlun and bacon, and
set them to cool; then sheet a little tart
pan, the bigness of your plate, with a
good line paste, such as you use for tar's;
let It be as thick as a half-penny; then
fiour on your cold mushrooms, and cover
t with another sheet of paste, and bake
It three-quurters of an hour before you
want it. Cut off your cover and snueeze
In hulr a lemon, shake It together, ami so
serve It. Or you may bake It without a
cover, but then you must throw over your
mushrooms a little brown raspings of a
French roll; when It Is buked squeeze
over half a lemon. Bo serve It: Your
mushrooms, being prepared us aforesaid,
you may likewise put them into patiy
pans, to giirnlsh a frlcasee of chickens;
or any ragoo of heef, mutton or veal.
Your mushroom patty aforesaid Is for sec
ond course.
Alushrooms au O rat In Scoop out the
In"lile of some nice round cup mifhrooias
nfier peii'iig them; cut off th" stall:, tied
them and chop th. m up with a small bit
of rnlnn. " i ""inooii f Ml of chopped parsley,
a pinch of thyme, and a piece of thin lemon
peel the size of sixpence; fry these in ba
con fat. flavor with pepper and salt, and
add sufficient nuatlly of bread crumbs to
fill the hollow.VI-cut mushrooms. Kill the
hollows with this mixture und cover with
a few bread crumbs, und cook very slow,
ly in gooil fat In a stewpnn. keeping them
well covered to keep In the flavor. Serve
with a little gravy poured round.
Alushrooms with Beef, Peel and wash
the mushrooms and ut Into slices. Cut
some cohl roast beef Into thin slb-es; sprin
kle salt, pepper and little pieces of lilllt,r
on both mushrooms and beef. Putter a
pie dish; put In a layer of cold beef, then
a luyer of mushrooms, and sprinkle
over the latter a little of finely-chopped
onion; then lay In nnother layer of beef
and one of mushrooms, sprinkling on iie
rest of the onion and a little t'm Iv-rubli-d
thyme over this. Add a tihlo-qmonfnl
of vinegar and half a pint of slock broth;
then cover the top with mnhed notatoes
or prated bread crumbs, with little plerss
of butler sprinkled over. Bake lor one
hour, serve Immediately.
Pork Cake, One cup chopped suit pork
upon which pour two scant cups hoillng
water; two onus brown sucar: mm 'up
mohisces. In which stir one heaping te:i
poonfid soda. A"",' flv cups slfieil tl,
one pound chopped and seeded raisins,
nplce to taste. This makes two lo-ives,
or one cake In milk pan. Hake slo.vly.
Plrthdi'v Cake. The followlne reHnp
will till how to mnkc a vice birthday c.ilf
for s chill: Cream tocitlor one cr?p of
iju'tcr end three cups of sug-ir; t!i,-
yolks of four egir" henten thoroii-'hl;.' with
one cup of sweet milk: then mi l idow'y
four cues nf flnely-slfted Hour, tiovr tej.
rpooii'nls of bnk'ng povvilei, n 111 tie spl.v,
a cupful of seeded raisins, and lastly, 1'ie
v.-eil-l catcn whites of four cp-us. Put Into
a rather shallow coke tin and bake in not
too hot un oven. J ri hefor? nutCnir In
the oven, drop In the ring, thimble und the
Creamed Codfish with Poached KggM.
Put one cupful of nlck!ed-up codfish In a
stewpan with bolllrir water enough to
cover; cook twenty minutes: drain off )!
water, add one epiart of boiled milk; cook
tn minutes longer; thicken with one ta
hlespoctn'ul of llonr and one tablespoon fid
of butter rubbed together: add onp-fnurth
teaspoonful of npppcr nnd If too fro."h. a
pinch of suit. Huve on a hot platter live
moistened smiarts of toast. Place the
codfish on the toast, spreading stnoothlv;
put some boiling water end live muf
fin rings In a frying pun: break live fstsu
on p saucer, one at a time; drop each
one prt::ly Into u tir.g; cook three mlmitt'i;
take them out with n skimmer one oy
one, place theni on t.-p of t':e codilsh, ?v
move the rings, sprinkle lightly with pam
per and l ilt. Serve ::t once.
Spice d Hulls. Take n iicc from your
litvcd ilourh anil roll it out ha;t nn Inc.i
thick, Hush the top with melted butter,
and com'I' thick with cinnamon and tire
white sm-:tr: commence ct one side iinl
roll up us J ily cake; then cut It an Inch
thick. 1'inl lay In n pan an bltvult, cln-.
together, nml let the- rise and bake twen
ty minutes.
Friend Cream. Pin on one pint of milk
to boil; add two taIi!es;)oor,ruIs of corn
starch, oiip-qnarter leripoonftil of sn!'
ore wtil-t"--ntrn egg; don't allow to bail
iiflrr lidding the eg-.!; turn I:it3 u rouarv
mold to cool, riien col I cut lata sll""-i
hulf nn Inch thick, roll In Ibiur und suuee
In butter In a frylng-onn.
Citim Chocolates. Put the whit.' of or
egg with a tphlef poonfid or more of cold
water Into n bowl; add a taspoonfill rf
vanilla und bcut to a froth. Add sul'
llcient sugar to make n slllf paste; work
until smooth, form Into Fina l balls, stand
on greased paper, and put In a conl place
to dry. Put half a pound of chocolate In
to n smull hrl-ht tin nan. nnd stand over
bollnlg water to melt. Keep warm und
dip hi Iho bulls, on at a tlmn. until n
are covered with the chocolate. Thun
put baclj on the greased paper to dry.
They Fay Sad reaatty Tar Their Neglect.
If women only heeded firt symp
tomsnervousness, backache, head
bcUc, latitude', loss of appetite and
Kicep; palpi
tatiou. melan
choly, blues,"
etc., and at
onev removed
the cuuse with
l.ydia E.
would bo
much IciS
suffi rhif'.
Hut they are
careless, ortbeir p'vysician is t Maine,
aiul they ilrift into m;;cc ill stressing
females kse;.. Tin Vegetable Com
pound at oue-o removes all in'cjrulari
tic.s of t!ie monthly period: in,l.;in
uwtlon, ulceration und p'.ae-eaicnt
of tho womb, und ull female troubles.
All druggists huve it- Write to Mrs.
l'inkliiim at Lynn, Mass., if you wish
for udvice, which bhe will ";ivo you
" I should r.ot 1h alive to-day. if it
had not been for I.yiiia K. Finkhum's
Vegetable Compound J was Mi)Tcriii
frently from un attack of female
weakness, and notiiinjf I had tried
could give nro relief; when by tho
advice of a friend 1 lietrun the Com
piond. After using it two months I
was n different girl, und now at the end
of s;.s I utn entirely cured." Jlw.AjiXlK
KlUKUNU, l'atiouc, L. 1.
JOHN T. PORTER, President.
W. V. WATSON, Vice President,
Robert Bnndle, James M. Everhsrt, Irvine;
A. Kincli, Pierce It Finlty, Joseph J. J nr ray 11,
M. S. Kcmcrer. t h-.u-les 1. Matthews, Johu T.
forter, W. W. Wutaou, (.'hailrs bculatfer, In
W. Morse.
This bank invites thn patronage of business
mon and firms generally.
1 161
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
aro located the linos t llsiiliiK una hunting
grounds in the wo:U. Duseiliitivn hook.s
on uj ! I ifii I !o;i. Th'k"lx to nil points in
X' ail c. r.'inailu nnJ MarilliiK' Prov!ncr.,
Mlnnpnpollp, Si. PhuI, Caniidian anil
t" ni tott Slate Norlhwest, Vanvouvir.
Scntllo, Tai'oma, l'or:lan'l, Ore.. San
First-Class Slcspla? aid Mm Cars
attacln"l to all throuicht trilns.
cars fully lilted with li?il.!lni;. purtain
and BpiTially miaptod to want? of fainllira
may be had with snoad-ilasH tlehots.
U.itHS always lis.i than via other lln"s.
Kor fmther Inforriiuilon, lime tables, eto.,
on applienilon to
E. V. SKINNER, 0. E. A.,'
353 Broadway, Nsw York.
Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton
COEI'.ER ViYCil.liG , VZ Ji:iD LEK1E3 ST-
OFPirR H'lTUS from "."!) a. m. to H p.
m. (I hour lulernil.'-siuii for dinner anJ
Pnrtlcu'nr Attentiun Ciiven to Cre;t'o:in.
Pro n .t ! etller.i. nt OtriiH ilu;.!. i u" I'.usl
nca.i is tiespcctSul!) aoacitLil. icl.'i insnc 13.1.
All ile-e .-nvay w!:i ley Die u,-o o: ;r TIT
AlAN'fl i'ATi'." ':' i'.'AVi, uhlfil eoansts
b( ill" rciMi'Ul ' weil -li lv v:i to n;1. Ir eiui i.
a-, ; to tii:. ira! ,'un ' tl t:n, Mil' .-t ii'on
voatt, nlei to ;r!e'.- iiwi.;r..i.:M. w; !;!! v.'ill
I;tv.'i.i elii-i.lii'i ly ai;y eiMin'.:);.:;;. eraek
liiir or biea'u.n, of the Lriek. It v.-Ill 0111
lest tiiiniiiK o:' any kin 1 by many years,
nnJ In; ei"t rVic-i r.ot e':ooel o:u-:ir.h t lint
i.f ilic er;:it r,f Ciialrr. l;i by tltc Job
or poi:i :l. f'uniri'et" tMkivi bv
AN'VuNK) HAIiT.MANN. Illrch St.
)'. ruri'.H IHataort 1 t:ran.1.
1 tll 1 M.iJ UflMllltf.
Won In HvA M 'l '- 'IU mcikltlu.W
ij. nli-i with iiinf iiim i. Tlo y
; t-m nmi iihltntiim: A i llrU4:lit. r --mij 4.
VI '"'I'' r turti.nibrii. t--t-nwriliih i.ti
V KP M(pIIc' ftir'lli-M." ittleHtr, Uy rrti.r
V if. Mull. liyiMO T--.lriioiilln. Xiu.fir
,7"rtfhU 'U'HT )iiiuU'uH',,.11uM.nk fifitni.rt
. M J
m ! LuUdJ E
Monday, Hay 11, the
FoSIowing Bargains at
439 AND 402
Dry Goods Dep:r.n;nL
lit! pieces li.'ht unmnd hllirtiui?
auibric only ijc
HO pieces American tudio Blem
only 3':
! pn-cei liuen I'.n.klie I 'J'oweliui:
only. i.c
Ml lie m ltruv Hi ds, :itim. wide,
tie'bmi'ei'K. Krillrintl'ii'K. Jti-.
ii 111 Ito to yard. only.... a JC
5 pit-res .bipou'iiii Uied Sill;,
worth !!!!, only igc
III r . i nrtaii'n. ,;ia yaiiU
loiiif, wi.rlU S.'.Vi. ii'.lv $1.50
III pi, cet bli'miieel Ti.blo bin 11.
worib Sic, enly 13c
1 Udi. Ti wel-. nssiiitej. lil -aclisil
and uulil 'ai le 1, TurkWi, and
all liie-i wonh to IDrei-rh
"P-'cial 3 lor 15c
& dozen ladies' Hundki'ri'lilefs.
nworted, worth -V tii Nil, only ac
HOO dozen nents' Hardke-rcliielii,
worth I'ic. only..; 8c
Ladles' Furn shiug Gocdi.
81 ribhod Veata. worth 10c,
only gc
i!s dozen ladiea' Kid (ilev a, all th
Intent sarnies, wnrtll to I 5 ' a
pair, your choice 8ac
T.'i dnzen ladiea' fast black, aoum-
lesa Ilnai", We a pair, only 10c
Cn raiae H. & H. Co ai for Moil-
d iy only, worth I.IIU at goc
SO dozen ladlea' tuualiu ('lieiuim
nnd Uruwrrs, worth Sic ti IS,!,
, only aac
10 dozen lii'dea' muHlin M-;ht
(imriiH, worth l.'.',ri to 1.08 each.
special $1.00
We Have Never
mvm km wis
That approaclied the present one in every desirable qnajity,
the colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety
greater and values far beyond anything we ever did.
Draperies and Upholstery
Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience,
formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ;
they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings
iu colors while you wait, aud be helpful to you in harmoniz
ing Wall Papers,' Carpets and Furniture.
Opposite Alalrri?ntrarce
to the Wyoming House.
I LGGG!floih?os, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
225 and 227
Wyoming Avenue.
T!:r36 Hoikar Bargains
Is the wrlre of a Lrulies' I'pliolsterfil
Jtdekor Iioth iiotl (ink frame and
neut UexiKiieU back worth nt'ur
buys on Monday, nn l'pliols'tired
I nrve'l Kin k 1 tcrker tin w Uidliirs
hiiiail caived buck crush liltndi
in nil colni'M
Uocker iiiinilier throe wnrlli four dnl
lars spi Ins Feats, lartf'? arms
broad itirved baek crufh plush In
ull colois
Lacs Curtains 'A Paitsrm)
for a pMr nf Ni'ttlrchnm Turtalns In-
cltidlnsv curnli'i" pol hrncs ends,
rliv.'s unci brocket.- Curtains from S'J
Inches t' Rl lr:lv:s wide V-s yuuls
ImiF Sntn AnllfU", I'.iussel and
lrliih polut cfi'octs aniontr them.
hil.'J.) Oor.irlw'.t for Monday
n-23 Rsfrlralarj, $2.93
Antique Oal; finish dniible br::or
kIhc llmil. charcoal; (llled
KnlvniitKed Iron buttoni zincr
shelve!- stronfr casters worth !;4.:'.ri.
Our Price .Monday .a
Have you seen the Four-Room Outfit, In
eluding Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Oil
cloth, Bedding and Dinner Set, for
$ 1 i
tbal Dcpirtmeat.
M bulim' Kilk Waists, odda and
eiiia. worth 10 $5, your
choice ....$i.o
ZD Indies' Sprina; Junknta, narv, 1
brown, tana aud black, worth
JltoS 50 your eliuice
ra l.nliea' silk I'up's, lace trim
mm rs. worth JH.m, your choice $3.98
'it liulicH' suits, assorted, worth
Sill to fliil 1, your rhoi.-o Sa.oo
S.'i ladies' silk Waists, sptelaC
worth 9111, yonr choice $3.00
25 ilozoii ladies' lamlirin Unndrivu
shirt Waists, wurti tWc, your
ci'oico 335
n dozoi ladle's' fancy striped
Undmahlrts. worth f'.ic, only.... 33c
8 di'Z-m ladies' black sateen Ciider
shirts, worth 89c only 45c
Infants' Wear Depart m?nl v
SO dozen cliildrnn's 'aco Oaiia, larn N
naaortmrnt, aelllnc at Wc and lOe
each, your choice. asc
Umbrella Dpirtmsnt.
j0 silk umbrellas. !M in. assorted
hunilUa, worth $1.71) to 1 W.
nib- Si.a
100 silk Umbrellas, 211 iu. asorted.
worth $1 .), only (1.00
Gents' Furnishing Goods Departmeat
SO rtozan irents" laundried fancy
Bbirts. l quality onlv goc
Gents' flOe NVckweur. SDcHuspen-
ders. 50.' Hhlrts and Drawers.
your choice 33c
Oonta' !tV Neckwear, i'te Suspen-
dvra, '.'.V- Hhlrts una Drawers,
your choice 19c
One case (rents' fc'eainlosa 1-2 Hose,
worth 12 1-x'c, aslu prico 8c
Telephone Call 5154.
Offered a Lifle of
SON & CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue.
BAR RE, PA.. Manufacturer of
Ths Following Bargains:
Fine Bedroom Suit, $22.50
Pattern Wench llevel Plate in dresse
top 43x2t Inches 4 drawers ser
pentine front all pieces finely
carved high polish finish best
grade oak suit worth $35.00.
Pistmes, Glass and Fraim, 68c
Our stock of H.00, $2.00. $1.00 pictures.
Inelutllnp: Pastel and Water color
fac Klmllfs and etchlng:s displayed
In our show window
For SuturJity and Monday 03
MII Dnnlrats 9Qn
i i.i wun6i0 cwu
A recent shipment of this popular batn
Rain enables u to offer them
Fraa ! Catalogues
Of the "Clcanable National nefrlirer
ator" nnd "Haby Carrlaees with OP
without Sleepers" get our price
3.00 ?
: I
i 1