The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1896, Image 8

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fTlesdew wtll please not that advertise
Went, order for Job work. and Hems ror
Saturation left at the establishment or
hannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
Ireet, will receive prompt attention; or.
tic open from I a. m. to 10 p. nt.
larthcr Preparation for th Fourth of
July Celebration.
The committee li phargs of the
Fourth of July celebration are making
rapid progress in the preparations for
thut d! A soliciting committee con
nitiii(r of II. A. Kelly. A. I Sahm. I'eter
Kraut. George Hudson, Willium Mat
thews -and Fred lllller have been ap
tiointed and they will eommence to go
among the business men of the city to
arcure something toward defraying the
exiH-nses. Another committee consist
ing of M. !. M. It. Madigan. P. Flan
nelly and Fred Hlller was elected. They
will call ution the offlelals of the dif
ferent coal companies to secure permis
sion to use their mules In the fantastic
parade. Messrs. P. Flannelly. M. K
Madlgan and Fred Hlller were unpoint
ed a committee to get prices for the
bunds for music on the day.
The parade will be unusually large as
the secretnry lius lsued Invitations to
all the societies In the city asUing them
to participate In the parade.
The Traction Company W ill Seo That it Is
The meeting between Mayor O'Neill.
President Hendrlck. of the Traction
company, and W. L. fleers, of Clark &
Co., the mmi-at'lois for the erection of
the new bridges, did nut end in any
detinlte mensure being udopted for the
keeping open of trattlce on Klghth ave
nue. The teurlng out of the bridge ut
this pluce will especially Inconvenience
the, Traction eompauy, as It Is the only
pluce where their Hue curses the liver.
A proposition tlmt u foot bridge be
ciect'd at the Hy's rik was not ac
'cepted. President Hendrlck. however,
says thut they will keep irullic open
at the pluce.
The city will probably be asked to
have a temporary bridge built across
the river ut Sixth avenue. This is the
nearest and most convenient way to
the city station nml Trinity church,
and ns the work will take ut least a
month, some way should be furnished
p.dest: lans for croxshig.
Providing tho .Mayor With on Offieo May
rn use l.nckmvunnu Club's Kcmovol.
It looks as is the Lackawanna club
will be forced to vacate their pretty
rooms In tho Municipal building. Mayor
O'Neill wants nn olflce In the building,
and as he prefers the rooms now occu
pied by the club, they will have to go.
At the meeting of the councils Mr.
lilennon of the Fourth ward, introduced
a resolution, providing that the city
furnish suitable quarters in the city
. building for the otflces. There is no
doubt but what the resolution Is per
fectly just, and Mayor O'Neill should
have an otllce us many people who wish
lo see him are unable to do so during
the present slate of ufl'ulrs There are,
however, plenty of available rooms,
ether than that which the club uccupies.
and they will probably muke a fight
against their removal. The lease which
the club made for one year has run out.
and as they fulled to renew It. they
may meet with dlttlculty on this ac
A Lady Has a Had Tail, and a Man is Cut
People seem to have been very unfor
tunate during the Inst few days, and
the accident list has been quite large.
Two more mimes have to be added to
he list, as the result of accidents yes
.erday. Mrs. Kihvurd A linger, of Wyo
mlng street, fell down the cellar steps
yesterday morning, and was quite badly
hurt although the nature of her In
juries can not yet be determined. They
seem confined to her hip. and bruises
about the body.
Udwurd Hartwell, of Pike street. Is
the second unfortunute, his Injuries be
ing made less serious by the prompt
care, which was given him. He was
hewing fence posts at the time, when
the axe he was using glanced off and
Inllicted a serious tut on the left leg.
Crushed Ills Toe.
H. N. liayley. of Canaan street, who
Is gravity engineer at No. lift head,
met with an accident yesterday morn
ing which will keep hlia in the house
for pome time. Mr. liayley attempted
to get on a train of moving cars when
In some manner hla foot slipped and
went under the wheels which passed
over It, crushing the great toe In a
painful manner.
The Old Homestead.
, lJenman Thpmpson when he wrote
The Old Homestead aimed to present
a rural comedy drama, faithfully por
traying u simple, honest-minded coun
try and so natural did he make it that
1 Know Hood's fured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"I was all rue down and could not sleep
t Bight on account ot the continuous
nd severe pains
through my body.
I bad also stom
ach troubles and
catarrh. After
taking Hood's
hurt time I mm.
5 men cod to im-
lA- j
prove, ana alter
.w . i . i . .
using tores am,-
ties in an, - my
'complaint en
tirely left me. I now have au appetite,
sleep well and am free from all stomach
trouble. I know Hood's 3arsaparilfa ha
: cured me, and I cheerfully recommend its
use by all womsn who are run down and
need buildlmj up medicine," Miss
auds w bay, w. Bridge water, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is (he only True Blood Purifier promt
aently la the publio eye today.
Unnrt'e, Dllle easy tobuT,ayto taka,
ivvu ma
Mr to effect. Bosnia.
We will sell you a food Brussels Car
, pet, Sewed, Laid and Linlug
For 59c
Alto a Good Velvet Carpet, Sewed,
- . Laid and Lining,
For 69c
Tbc above prices are for a few day
qly. Call and examine, as they will
' sat last long at these prices.
J. MI IllS,
my. yum
1 VCN . Hw:
the public, recognising the grandeur
characterized In the Swanzey farmer
paid it the tribute of greatness. The
company presenting this play is the
strongest that has ever enacted tnis
pretty Ideal New. England life. Its mu
sical features being rendered by a se
lected chollr of twenty trained voices
adds greatly to the charm.
Carbondalo May Soon llave a Branch of
1 hat Society.
An active effort Is being made In this
city to have a branch of the Patriarchs
Militant organized. The effort Is the
outgrowth of the Odd Fellows' celebra
tion on last Tuesday, in which the
V likes-VSarre and Plttston cantons
participated, and who aroused the
greatest Interest among the members
of tho Odd Fellows.
State Brigadier tleneral K. l Deans.
of Serantou, Is very anxious to have a
canton organized here, and bus left
with tl. V. Hughes a petition, war
rant and vouchcis all signeu uy una.
Mr. Hughes Is very willing to give any
information that may be asked of him
in regard to the society, and at the next
meeting of the Odd Fellows It will be
decided whether or not we shall have
a branch.
Preparing to Give tho ituso Hall Team a
Koiislng Kcecption.
The game Monday between I'ottsvllle
and Curbondnle is attracting much at
tention and tho boys will be greeted
with a big crowd at their initial game
In this city. Of course we expect to
win und everyone should do their part
toward this end. We are not dis
couraged yet by the defeats our boys
have been meeting with lately. uit
until tliey get home uniong their friends
and they will show tile league teams
thut they do not menu to remain at the
bottom long.
The t'.ainc will Kturt pi'omtitly ut 4
o'clock, the mayor opening the season
by throwing tile rltst ball over the
plate. A bund will discourse music dur
ing the iifti-riuion, und there will be a
liu time In general. i)on't fall to at
tend and encourage the team.
Eighty Nil men Already Secured to tho
'lelephono Exchange.
The men who ore nboitt town secur
ing subscribers to the telephone system
In this city, are meeting with great suc
cess. About eighty names have already
been secured, mid there Is promise of
many more. The system Is now nearly
complete and will be In full working
order In n few days.
'I here has been some talk about) ex
tending the line to Crystal I.ike, but
nothing detlnl'e has been d.uie. Gen
eral Mannger Pryor and Special Agent
If. Ii. Crocker visited the lake yes
terday, but have given nothing as yet
lor i uhllcatlon. This scheme would be
of great value If telephones be placed
in the hotels and cottages at the lake
and should meet with great favor us
there Is no ready means of reaching
tbis city at pteseut.
Miss Alldu Cotter Purchases Valuable
A valuable reul estate change was
completed yesterday, when Miss Allda
Colter, owner of the Jordan property
on Dundaff street, purchased of Mrs.
Bridget Harte a piece of land lying In
the rear of the Jordan property. The
plot Is ::i feet wide und Ufi feet deep, and
this with the old property gives a com
plete tract etendlng from the rullroad
to Dunduff street. As the land is just
between the two railroads it Is especial
ly vuluable us it will be just suited to
heavy' business. It Is now one of the
most vuluable and desirable plots of
ground in the city for manufacturing
P. F. Hart, who was committed to the
county jnll last month to awult trial for
robbing the Ontario and Western depot
at Maylleld, has been released on ball.
His father became his bondsman.
The Young Ladles' Cooking, club will
take tea at the home of .Miss Jessie
Moore Friday afternoon.
John Palmer has been arrested at the
Instance of Miss Mary Barrett for tak
ing stone from her premises on the
West Side. He gave bail for his ap
peurance. A. P. Truutweln has gone to New
York city on business.
Martin llagley. of Brooklyn street,
has gone to Philadelphia, where he will
undergo treatment lor rheumatism at
a hospital.
Miss Lizzie Wyiie. of Belmont street,
is visiting relatives in Plttston. .
Mrs. Robert Holland Is qui I'.' Ill at her
home on Belmont street.
Mrs. I). K.' Morss and Miss Stella
Hathaway are at Hotel Luray, Atlan
tic City.
The diagram for Dennian Thomp
son's "Old Homestead" opened yester
day at Reynold's drug store, and the
rush for seats insures a crowded house.
Miss Marlon Crane, of Lincoln ave
nue, left yesterday for a visit with
relatives in Washington, D. C.
A. L. Gttrney, of the Star Steam Dye
works. Is In Oswego, N. T on business.
Misses Mamie Brcnnuu and Annie
Walker left yesterday morning for Bos
ton, where they will reside during the
summer months.
Pierce Butler is In Philadelphia at
tending the Prohibition convention.
Mrs. M. R. Wood, of Washington, D.
C. who has been spending a few days
with her niece, Miss olena Herring, has
left for Hullstead, Pa.
Miss Sarah Arnold, of Klkdule, Is
visiting at the home of Dr. Builey, on
Church street.
Mrs. H. D. Herring and aunt, Mrs.
Sarah Durte, of Tlrzah, are visiting
Miss Meda Reed, of Scranton.
City Treasurer P. F. Connor was in
Scranton yesterduy on business.
Miss Emma Wilcox, of Belmont
street, is confined to' her home with the
John Gnughan, of Seventh avenue
was in Wilkes-Barre yesterday on busi
ness. street, badly scalded one of her feet
Mrs. Patrick McAndrew, of Brooklyn
Wednesduy by allowing boiling water
to fall on It.
Mrs. Joseph Holt, of Laurel street
who has been ill, is Improving.
Frederick Long, a former employe at
the Erie coal otllco this city, called on
friends in the city yesterday. He hus
been traveling through the southern
states for the past live or six months.
Dr. 1), L. Builey returned from a visit
to New York city Wednesday. He re
ports Mis. Builey continuing to Im
prove. Sunuiel Matthews, who has been suf
fering from eryslpelus In the race, is
getting well.
Samuel Bunnell, who is u permanent
employe of the Scranton Tructlon com
pany, called on his father, Alderman L.
I. Bunnell, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hunt, of Church
street, tire spending a few days In New
York city.
Theodore Elmer called on friends In
Archibald yesterday.
Oscar Wonnacott Is reported quite 111
ot his home on Wayne street.
Mrs. John Brown, of Brown avenue,
hns been visiting friends In Dunmore.
Mrs. W. W. Town, of Terrace street.
Who has been seriously ill, Is Improving.
Mr. und Mrs. W. I). Morgan, of Hyde
Park, are the guests of the latter's
pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. I'lmer,
of Sulein avenue.
W. T. Nye. of Darte avenue, enter
tained the officers and chairman of the
committees of the Baptist church Young
People's society of Christian Endeavor
Wednesday evening. Those present
were: The Misses Lucy Joslln, Lottie
Andrews, Hannah Nye, Mae Hallock,
Ellu Purdy, Anna Dunstan, Cora Ksta
brook. Nettle Buidlck and Mrs. Hod,
Messrs. W. D. Frank and Walter Bun-hell.
The beautiful new Presbyterian
church was dedicated to the worship i f
God today, with appropriate and Im
pressive ceremonies. The new edifice is
a solid brick structure of modern style
fitted up with the latest and most im
proved furnishings and conveniences,
making It one of the finest temules of
worship In northern Pennsylvania.
It is the third church that has txe'i
dedicated to the service of God since
Decern! e. in this place. The guests
I rum out of town began to arrive on
all trains In the morning, and were met
by the reception committee and were
escorted to the rhurch, where every
thing was In readiness for the very In
teresting proceedings of the day. Wnen
the bonr for opening had arrive 1 a
large utillence had assembled. The
moi'iiius sessicn began promptly at
10.30 o'clock. First was an organ pre
lude, which was followed by reading
of the one hundredth Psalm by the
pastor. Hev. I.. H". Church. Following
this was singing by the congregation
of the grand old hymn. "All Hail the
Power of Jesus' Name." After an In
vocation by Hev. K. K. Riley, pastor
of the Methodist church, all united In
singing the appropriate hymn, "The
House of the Lord." After Scripture
reading by the. pastor of Psalms 121 and
lrJ. the audience was favored with an
anthem by the choir. The pastor then
read the first chapter of Ephesiaus. and
the choir again rendered beautifully
unother appropriate anthem. Prayer
was offered by Hev. A. F.- Harding, of
Great Bend, and the congregation again
united In singing a hymn appropriate
for the occasion. Hev. U W. Church,
the pastor. In well chosen words, ex
tended a hearty welcome to all. Theu
called on the following for a few brief
words of greeting Hev. R. N. Ives, of
Hlnghamtou. a former pastor; William
Mance, formerly secretary of the Rail
road Voting Men's Christian associa
tion, at this place, and II. A. beeso. sec
retary of the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association at Elnilra; Rev.
H. J. Crane, of ITniondale, who was
oidulned Bi the ministry In the old
church, several years ago; Mrs. t. B.
Chase und Ml . J. II. Johnston, who have
long been members and faithful wurk
ers In the church. At this point a
solo, AOut of the Deep." by W. H. Me.
Creary was rendered In his usual mas
terly manner.
After the close. of the morning ses
sion the physical nature was well pro
vided for at the church parlors by the
ladies, who had prepared a bountiful
repast for all. The afternoon sesvlco
began at 2 o'clock by a prelude, organ,
followed by a hymn, after which Bctip
ture readings were read by the pastor,
followed by another anthem by the
choir. Then the prayer of petition was
offered by Rev. Joseph Coltiough; of
I'psonvUle, Pa., after which another
hymn was sang. Then Rev. Thorn
ton A. Mills, D. D., preached the dedi
catory sermon, which was a very fine
discourse. He chose for his text the
seventeenth chapter of Genesis and the
twentv-elgbth verse, after which Miss
Grace Marvin, of Norwich, favored the
con&regatlon with a solo, which was
beautifully rendered. Then came the
service of dedication.
The firm of B. H. Mazure & Co., cloth
ing merchants, have dissolved. It is
now B. H. Mazure, manager and pro
prietor. Harry Taylor U giving his house a
new dress which very much Improves It.
A game of ball will be played this
afternoon between the regular nine and
plcked-up nine of this place. After
this an admission fee of 10 cents will
be charged to the grounds when a game
is played with a visiting club.
Commencement exercises tonight.
The three lower departments of our
public school will give an entertain
ment at the opera house. Programme
begins at 8. Admission free.
F. A. Jeffers, of Lenox, was a caller
In town a few days ago.
Rev. F. W. Whlppln of. Scranton,
will occupy the pulpit of the Universal
is! church next Sabbath evening in ex
change with Rev. F, E. Adams, pastor.
Justice McKlnney takes the chair,
having received his commission on
Monday lust.
Attorneys Jordan & Piatt, of Tunk
hannock, made' a business call here
"County Superintendent Moxley" Is
the way they write It now.
The stone quarries In this section are
doing a rushing business.
The sidewalks are receiving their an
nual repairs by order of council.
Rev. J. Underwood Is In town.
Several more graceful lady-like rid
ers have joined the procession.
Frank Moxley will look after the Jay
house bar commencing next Monday.
Forest fires are doing much damage
in this vicinity.
Landlord Jay is arranging a lawn in
front of his hotel.
Walter Bishop has sold his carting
Thousands in the Throes of
Tobacco Torture.
Only Prompt Decisive Action Can Save Them
Some Already Saved Prove That
There If a Way.
Are these the
days of freedom?
Is everybody out
of bondage?
Would that we
could answer, "Yes,
Everybody's free."
But. In fact, at
the end of this en
lightened century,
there are hundreds
of thousands, yes,
millions of men In
the clutches of a
tyrant worse than
any In history, un
able to fight their way to liberty, Im
potent to break their fetters.
When once the tobacco habit gets Its
grip on a man. It destroys his nerve and
will nower, and robs him of his only
means of defense. His lire Is sapped
out of him, his manhood destroyed, his
brain deadened, until he becomes a sal
low, skinny, listless wreck of a man,
his existence a living death, and him
self an object of disgust Instead of love
and affection to those who lire deur to
Is there no hope?
There Is. Only .one No-To-Bac the
wonderful guaranteed medicine. Even
after years of slavery. No-To-Bac cures
without full. Nobody's case could be
worse than the following:
Garrettsvllle, O.
Gentlemen: 1 am huppy to say thut No-Tu-Muc
bus completely cured me of the
tobacco liulilt. 1 hud both smoked and
chewed for thirty years; had tried several
times to stop. My health had been terri
bly poor ond my nervous system hatter.;d
to piece generally. 1 cannot soy too mueh
In favor of your remedy; It will cure any
one who wants to get cured of the tobac
co hublt und will give the treatment tn
honest uiul thorough trial. You are at
liberty to publish my statement If you so
desire. Truly yours,
J. V. Nash.
Tobacco-user, shuke oft your
No-To-Bac makes It so easy. Begin
tetday. Y'our own druggist sells It un
der absolute guarantee to cure. Try It!
If in a week or two you do not like
gulning weight, feeling new, manly
vigor, and making your loved ones hap
py, learn the tobacco-habit over again.
Get our booklet, "Don't Tobacco Spit
and Smoke Your Life Away," written
guarantee of cure and fre? sample for
the asking. Address . The . Sterling
Remedy Co., Chloago and New York,
peak T Her MehuKhoIy CenJIUoSk
After the Birth of Her Child.
HI feel as if I was doing an in
justice) to my suffering; sisters if I
did not tell what Lydia E. l'uikhcm'a
Vegetable Com
pound has done
for me, and its
worth to the world.
" From the
birth of my
child until
he was
four years
old, lwas
in poor
but feel.
in& con
vinced that
half of the
ailments of
women were
imagined or
else culti
I fought
my bad feel
ings, until I was
obliged to give up. My
disease baffled the ln-st doctors.
" I was nervous, hysterical; my head
ached with such a terrible burning
sensation on the top, and felt an if a
bund was drawn tightly above my
brow; iutiutnuiiitiouof the stomach, no
appetite, nausea at the sight of food,
itidigestiun, constipation, bladder and
kiduey troubles, palpitation of the
heurt, attacks of melancholia would
occur without any provocation what
ever, numbness of the limbs, threaten,
ing paralysis, and loss of memory to
such an extent that 1 feared aberration
of the mind.
"A friend advised Lydia E.Plnkliara's
Vegetable Compound, and spoke in
glowing terms of what it had done for
I began its use and gained rapidly.
Xow 1 am a living advertisement of its
merits. 1 had not used it a year when
I was the envy of the whole town,
for my rosy, dimpled, girlish looks and
perfect health.
"1 recommend it to all women. I find
a greut advantage in being able to say,
it is by a woman's hands this great
boon is given to women. All honor to
the name of Lydia K. Pinkhani ; widt
success to the Vegetable Compound.
Yours in Health, Mks. 1. L Urks
bjk, llcrcttlaneum, Jefferson Co., Mo."
business to Robert Flink and moved to
The annual examinations of the Har
ford Orphan school will be held on the
10th and 11th of June.
The first annual shoot of the New
Mtlford Uun club will take place tomor
row afternoon.
The board of health ought to visit the
depot and take a few sniffs of fertil
izer. TAYLOR,
A reception will be tendered I'ltich
Horger, on his return home from Jef
fersonvllle, N. Y., where he defeated
John Platter, of Scranton, the fore pare
of the week, in a shooting match.
The Price Library association will
meet this evening, when Important
speeches and a question box will be
among the exercises.
Martin Williams has withdruwn as
surety tor William Morris, who was
arrested some time ago by W. I). Phil
lips. Talent will Bhow Itself and water will
find its level and the young men of
Taylor will show their eloquence. Four
of our 1 1 eminent young men held a
met ting last Wednesday evening about
9.30 at the band stand and discoursed
different topics as only four of their
kind can do. Topics were as follows:
"Our Environments," "The Olrl of the
Nineteenth Century," "Our Future"
and "Our Farewell," followed by a solo
and s!im!nt "Blest be the Tie that
County Commissioners Roberts and
T'emuth were here yesterday on an Im
portant mission, that being the removal
of the Iron house and deciding upon
Winslow's ofllce as suitable quarters for
voting In the Fourth ward.
. L. Timlin is making some very
material lmpiovements on his property.
Mrs. L. J. I owell, who has been In
disposed for some time at the home of
her morlier-ln-iaw, Sirs. Coblelgh. was
removed to the Moses Taylor hospital
yesterday, whtre she will remain until
her condition hits Improved.
Mrs. Powell, of riymouth, was among
friends here yesierday.
Henry Kussill. of South Taylor, is
moving to Mi i sic.
It Is amanlnr to think of the stone
some if our teamsters can bring with
nnlv tun horses from that Pvne moun
tain I
August Xelger, who died Tuesday eve
ning, will be burled this afternoon In
the Forest Home cemetery. Funetal at
i o'clock.
At the ushers' musicale to be given In
the Hlakely Haptist church this even
ing the following selected programme
will be rendered: Opening anthem,
choir; recitation, Little Annie Htirrett,
Pcckvllle; solo. Miss Nellie Thomas,
Scranti n; recitation. Miss Agnes Hull;
solo. Miss Nettle .tlason; tenor solo,
John Ashton: selection, church orches
tra; recitation, Miss Grace Wlnchol;
song, J. D. Edwards; recitation, Miss
Lizzie Waring; piano selection. Mrs.
Evans, Scranton: recitation. Miss Jen
nie Williams; Uute s:ilo. J. A. Waring;
baritone solo. Professor J. II. Conjens,
Peckville; vocal duett. Misses Thomas
and Fisher. Scranton; piano duett, Miss
Motile Pickering nnd Fred Henjamin,
Peckville; Instrumental trio. Miss
Wills. Messrs. Tompkins and Cham
pion, Scruntou: vocal duett. Misses
Thomas and Fisher. Admission III and
15 cents. '
Next Wednesday evening the Anieii
cun True lvorites will commemorate
their sixtieth anniversary. In the uf
ternoou u parade will take pluce and
in the evening an entertainment will
be given In the Welsh Haptist church.
A horse owned by the Weston Mill
company, became frightened while
standing on Lacknwaunu street yester
day afternoon and dashed up the street
running Into a butcher wagon of Wil
liam Mason's wrecking both vehicles.
A large audience apredntcd the good
programme rendered at the Father
Mathew Opera house last evening un
der the auspices of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians.
Miss Maggie Cablne hns returned
home after spending several months in
New York.
If tho nab? Is Cutting Teeth. .
Mrs. Wlnslow't Bnothtng Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Tears by Ml),
liens of Mother:: for tlielr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Palm Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twsnty-flvs cents a bottle, sa
124-126 Wyoming Ava.
Beg to announce that for the
Next Ten Days we will offer
some of the greatest values
ever put on sale iu this city.
23 pieces of colored figured Mohairs,
regular price, 20c.,
l.KADK'ltS PRICK. U'b?.
20 pieces all-wool vicuna cloth, regu
lar price, 3jc,
LEAWCK'S PltlCR. 19o.
20 piece's all-wool twilled vicuna cloth,
regular price, 3m:,
2o0 remnants fine white India linen,
price off the piece, lUe. a yard.
23 pieces 4-4 unbleached muslin, regular
price, Sti-e.,
5 pieces of 4a-lneh pillow casing, regu
lar rJ'ac. quality,
25 dozen extra lurge cotton towels,
tegular price, 10c..
10 dozen itti-liich cotton towels, regu
lar price, Sc.,
I.KAUKli a PRICK, :t',.
Best quality needles, 4c. a puper.
Kest quality patent hook safety pins,
3'ic. a curd.
Rest hairpins, 4c. a box.
Cotton tupe. II for i"k
l.iress shields, every pair warranted,
10c. a pair.
Rest rubber combs, 10c.
Whalebone casing, 7c. apiece.
Extra quality silk belting, 7c. a yard.
33 ladles' (tunnel suits. In navy and
bluck, former price. jr.ds,
One lot of ladles' flno cloth capes, with
velvet collar and hundsoniely em
broidered good value. $3,
l.KAUKR'S PRICE, $1.39.
60 figured brilllnntlne skirts, lined
throughout, velvet facing, worth
40 dozen ladies' laundrled shirt waists.
In nice neat designs, large sleeves,
former price, 4c. ; for this sale,
35 dozen much finer quality nlco new
choice designs, Hlshop sleeves,
One lot of Infants' and children's dress
es, nicely trimmed, sizes two to six,
One lot of choicer goods,
30 dozen men's fancy half-hose, full
seamless, worth 12'ac u pulr,
20 dozen of men's fancy silk and satin
suspenders, full length, attractive
colors, 3i)c. quality,
12 dozen line gilt belts, worth fiOi-.,
. DffS
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
PJSI 111 I:!
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Klectrlo Batteries. Fuses for ex plod
Ins blunts. Safety Fuse and
Chemical Co.'s
are located the finest fishing inid liimtliirf In the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points In
Maine. Canada and Maritime I'rovinees,
Minneapolis, Hi. Paul. Canadian and
t'nltert States Northwest, VonvoOver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached lo nil throusht train3. Tourist
cars fully lit tod with bedding, curtuins
and Epeciully adapted to wants of families
may be had with second-class tickets.
Hates nlwuys less than via other lins.
For further Information, time tables, etc.,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
353 Broadway, New York.
To all sufferers of KRKORSUP YOU I II,
WOMEN, SOS tatf; uloth bound; aeouralr
Mated and ma.Ud free. Treatment by mall
trictly confidential, and iwnltlTe qnlck curs
tua antfffd. No matter how long standing, I
will poaltiyely our you. Writ or call.
Ml ODD 320 N. 18th St.. Phllada. a.
uvDD VU yaari' continuous praiuca.
f ran iiiuju.
asifcim oaiask m . .
50 Pieces American Indigo Blue
100 Pieces Apron Giugliarus
28 Pieces Dress Prints, dark colors..
60 Pieces Light American. Shirting Prints..
IS Pieces tushmeres, double width...
9 Pieces Fancy Plaids, double width..
100 Dnen All Liueu Towels, 12o quality, 8 for
50 Dozen Turkish Towels, 12jc quality; 3 for
40 Pairs Lace Curtuins, $1 50 quality, only Z
82 Talrs Lace Curtuins, $2.50 quality, only
oo Ladies' Cloth Capes, worth
60 Ladies' Brilliantiue Skirts,
90 Ladies' Urilliantine Skirts, worth $3.00, only
2 Cases dents' IialbrigRan Shirts and Drawers, worth 50o
1 Case (Jeuts' Laundrled Shirts, ftiucy patterns, worth $1
25 Do. Ladies' Foster Hook Kid Gloves, worth $1, only ...
1 Case II. & H. Corsets, worth $1, only... ;
40 Do. Ladies' Muslin Gowns, worth $1.50 to $2 each.only
20 Doz Ladies' Black Sateen Skirts, worth 98c, only
100 Do. Children's Lace Caps, worth 39o to 50c each, only
200 Do. Ladies' and Children's Fast Black Hose, worth
16c and 19c, ouly
60 Do. Ladies' Shirt Waists, worth 50c each, only.
IN OUR 25c.
Largo Hire PniuUd Water PoU.
Largs Hiai Dish Pans.
Lsruu Size Foot Tubs.
Larg Sizv Oalranind Coal Hods.
Larga Kize UIyuU'mI PilH.
Large Size Painted (lumber Pails,
Large Hz Painted Cuspidors.
iS Inch Jnp Trnva. S Onart Kuttlet,
We Have Never
That approached the present one in every desirable quality,
the colorings are richer and patterns more aiitistic, variety
greater and values far beyond anything we ever did.
Draperies and Upholstery
Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience,
formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ;
they will pencil' you a sketch, or give you original drawings '
iu colors while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmoniz
ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture.
S. 6. KERR,
Opposite Main Entrance
to the Wyoming House.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeoeral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
or Credit
You can buy of us either for cash or credit. Which
ever way you buy our prices will be found the lowest
iu town. We like to have customers come iu and
talk to us about the matter. We like to explain to
them how it is that we can afford to sell so low and
give credit at the same time. There are plenty of
men here in Scranton who bought of us on credit and
there is no reason why there should not be many
I cash 01 ran
I ; 225 AND 227 AND
II aaWsaaa.agagftiQ flgDtaMjip
11.98, only
worth 12.50. onlv "
3 Hoop Palls, Extra Quality.
Large Turkey Faathrr Dusters.
Decoratad China, all kinds,
(llauwar. all kind.
Wash Board-, Flour Palis.
Curtain Pols. All t'omplet.
And Hundred! of Other Artials.
Telephone Call 5154,
Offered a Line of
SON & CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue.
As a matter of fact and
couimou sense, it is a mistake'
to pay a swell tailor $20 to
$35 for a Spring Suit. We'll
duplicate the cloth he uses
and charge you from $8 to
$15 tor exactly the same ma
terial. As far as fit and make
are concerned, we'll agree to
fit you as perfectly as any
body iu Scranton. This may
sound like boasting, but it's
true, nevertheless.
Cash or Credit