The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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I snoralof tins terbcr-Large Number of
floral Tributcs-Intermesit Made
ia forest Hill.
Burial servient over the remains of
" the late Ous Forber. the 17-year-oUl son
ot Chief and Mm II. F. Ferlx-r. wore
held yestorday afternoon nt the family
.hornet 12X Smith Jlaln avenue. The funeral-was
very largely attended and the
respect t x:rosstd to the parents of the
deceased young man was fittingly
(Treat. The house was crowded with
friends. Rev. T. TVU and Rev. Peter
Roberts, of Olynhant, conducted the
services. A quartette, consisting of the
Misses Jose'ih, I), K. Hughe and
Kllas K. ISvans, rendered saered suns.
After the obseoules the remains were
taken to Forest Hill cemetery and in
terment made. The floral otYerluRS t
tlfy to the popularity ot the dereasi f.
eM'clally aiming his young filencK
The designs were as follows: "dates
Ajar.;' given by the Hook and Ladder
company; Faster lilies, by John Mor
gan, of Wilkes-Harre: crescent, by rela
tives; casket bouquet, pink und white,
by Mrs. Hand: pillow, from compan
ion of the young man; calla Illy, from
llin. 'M. ."Wltllams and Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Jones; crescent, from the Chemi
cal Kngliw company: casket bouquet of
white1 rosea, from Mr. nnl Sirs, n. r er
ler; botmutt of pink and white carna
tions., from Mrs. William C. Price;
wreath. Trom W. C Wegman, of New
'York city; a lyre, from schoolmates;
bouquet of pink roses, from Mr. and
.Mrs. N. W. Howard.
The carriers of the Mowers were:
Robert llxon. Wesley Jones, Lewis
IiBVlH. Frank Jones, Frederick Foster
and lliirrv Cook. ' The pall-bearers
vere:Jo!iii Hunhes, Daniel Hughes. V.
Hyroii KvniiH. Harry .Moprv. John Mar
tin and Ht-rt Kellow. Among the out-ot-tov
n Rttciidunts. t the funerul were:
Mi's. John-Thomas, Mr.-nnd Mrs. David
Iriiiuc Mrs. June. Mrs. Mosos Thomas.
Mrs. Heu.ui.min Kvuns, of Plymouth;
Airs." Kerry V. Kvans. of Plains; Mrs.
David '.Kvans, of Plttston: Mr. anil Mrs.
Samuel K. Morgan, of Wilkes-HHire;
Mr. .and -Mrs. Samuel Haldeman. of
.Susquehanna, and W. C. Wegman. of
New York cltv.
flx: men attempted to move a stub
born horse yesterday nfternoon and
one of the six. Joseph llohnrt, was nr
restml f"r cruelty to animals as n re
sult of his wielding of the whip. Hobart
owns the horse. He came here yester
day from his farm at Klkdnle, Susque
hanna county, and when he reached
Kdwards court at Its north entrance
from Jackson street, the animal re
fused to proceed. Whereupon the own
er with the other five put on the rack.
Hobart cut the horse's legs In n brutal
muniner. and when Lieutenant William
arrived he moved the whole outfit, men
and all, up Jackson street. Hobart was
lodged In the station httuse; the horse
in .Wymbs barn. A hearing will be
given the farmer this morning.
A man whose name was last eve
ning secreted under a mask of intoxi
cants, came down from Dickson City
ytsterday. Last night he and two
others went Into the American house on
West Lackawanna, avenue, und en
gaged In a game of tmol. During the
play the three men deliberately cut the
cushion nnd the colored proprietor sent
for the jMilloe. . The man from Dickson
City was arrested and will he heard
from today at police court. The others
Louis Slaager, the man who Is ac
cused of .bunting his wife, was captured
yesterday mortilng. He entered ball in
the sum of f:ii0 at Alderman Rlalr.'s
ofllce. A relative qualified.
The Hyde Park band really surprised
the hundreds who heard it last eve
ning, at the open air concert from the
porch of Falrehlld's hotel. The band Is
very well drilled and the playing of
last evening was enthusiastically com
mented upon by every one. The organ
ization Is a credit to the West Side.
Last night the band appeared for the
first time In their new uniforms. They
are striking In appearance.
The lecture of' Colonel Ripple, de
livered lust evening at the First Welsh
Haptlst church, was enjoyed by a large
nudlencc. Colonel Ripple recited his
experiences while confined In Florence
prison; he told of the hardships of the
prison, and gave illustrative Instances.
The lecture was for the benefit of the
Baptist Young People's union of the
T. M. Miller, of Washburn street, sus
tained a severe accident Sunday eve
ning In un unusual way. Mr. Miller Is
a cripple ami hus for years moved about
with aid of a crutch. Sunday evening
he slipped and foil against a piece of
. furnltur.) in his home. One rib was
Doctor or
'. " ''''''' ' '
Will you pay Ten Dollars for a
?. Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with
out and let the doctor charge yea $50.00
for curing pneumonia?
There are no coats in Scranton like
these. Think of it! Ten Dojlars for a
"Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a
Twenty-five dollar look about It. Other
Coats other prices, $10.00, $12.00,
$13.50. $15.00, .$18.00, $20.00, $25.00,
lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal
to the best custom tailor's make.
Spn OotKsrs,
71? M
of fh? Stibtirbs.
fractured by the fall. Mr. Miller is
resting easily and ro serious result Is
Five electric lights have been recently
placed in the Fifteenth ward through
the work of the councllmen.
The ladles of the Hampton Street
Methodist Episcopal church will this
evening hold an Ice cream social.
Clarke JHrothers will build a barn at
the rear of their mammoth stores and
the drv goods department will be ex
tended sixty-five feet. Architect Ams
den is now drawing the plans. . The
new barn will stable twenty-five horses.
The extension will make the dry goods
department 175 feet In length.
Wedding announcements for the
Williams-Miller nuptials were Issued
last evening. The date is May 19. This
evening Miss Helen Neimeyer will en
tertain at her North Park home in
honor of Miss Miller.
Robert Morris lodge will hold an Im
portant meeting this evening. Every
member Is urged to attend.
The funerul of the late Mrs. E. Davis
took place yesterday afternoon from the
family home on North Lincoln avenue.
Rev. S. F. Matthews preached the fu
neral sermon. There were many lioral
tributes, the gift of friends. Inter
ment was made in Washburn Street
Miss Jennie Fellows has returned
from a brief stay ut Kingston.
Mrs. Isaac Morgan is still very ill at
her home on North Hyde Park avenue.
Miss Anna Walsh, of Garfield ave
nue, and Hernartl McDermott. of Price
street, will be married on May Is.
Daniel Colair has removed from
Tenth street to Eyuon street.
Carpenters and machinists are mak
ing rcpulrs ut the Diamond.
The Kpworth league of the Simpson
Methodist' Episcopal church will cele
brate ,'the anniversary of the chapter
un Sunday, May 17. There will be suit
able cXt ivlses. - . . ,.
Miss Annie Williams, of West Lacka
wanna avenue, has been added to
Clarke Jtrothers' army of clerks.
Contractor John ti'Malley, of Jackson
street, has returned from a two months'
stay at Hot Springs.
Hon. John R. Fair wus in Pittsburg
Mr. Parry, of Yonkers. yesterday attended-
Hie funeral of his sister, Mrs.
E. Davis.
Wert Side ItiisineHs Directory.
FLORISTV-Cut flowers and funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful
as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davis, tlorist.
PHOTOGRAPH BR Cabinet Photos. 11.40
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner's
Photo Parlors, 101 und 103 South Main
, anything you have to tell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc.- Call and see the
stock Of J. C. King, 1021 and ' UK Jack
son street. .,
Frank Jones, one of the popular car
riers of The Tribune in this borough,
who has been confined to his home on
Brook street for some time past with a
lame leg, yesterday nfternoon hud an
operation performed by Drs. Long
street nnd Pennypncker, and it Is now
hoped he will be able to be around In a
short time.
The council will meet tonight to lix
the appropriations for the year and
transact other important business.
-Tli funeral of Miss Lizzie Scragg
took place from her late home on Apple
street yesterday afternoon at 1.3U. A
short pruyer service was held at the
house, after which the remains were
conveyed tothe Gospel tabernacle, on
Adams, avenue, where services were
held. Interment was made In Forest
Hill cemetery.
Rails are being distributed ulong
North Blnkely street preparatory to
the laying of the new electric railroad
between this place and Olyphant.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will hold their annual
meeting at the home of Mrs. A. D.
I'.lackinton, on Elm street, this after
noon, and a full attendance Is desired.
Clayton Potter has been presented
with a new bicycle by his mother.
Mrs. A.'D. King. Miss A. King. Mrs.
F. F. Merrlman arid Mrs. A. L. liryden
attended a f o'ekick tea at the resi
dence of Mrs. A. F. Law, in Scranton,
Tuesday afternoon.
P. J. Diskln, assessor of voters In the
South district, commenced yesterday to
take a. census of the children in his
district, between the agts of 8 and 13
The St. Joseph's choir, is making ex
tensive arrangements for a musical en
tertainment, which will be held in the
near future.
T. J. Cotter spent yesterday at Rock
dale, angling for bull heads.
The backers of Mulligan, the Old
Forge sprinter, are trying to arrange
a foot race with M. Joyce, of this side.
Hatters and HfHihi
r - .. r. n mm w r
Concord Carriage Unas Over Boy's
JieeU Without Any Notlceablo
Injuries Resulting.
As Tommy Dalley, 12 years old, son of
Patrick Dalley, of Blrney avenue, was
playing baseball on the street near
Minooka store of William Connell A
company, yesterduy morning, he was
knocked down by a horse attached to a
heavy Concord carriuge, and two of the
wheels ran over his neck. The accident
was witnessed by several, who expect
ed to find the boy lifeless; but they
were agreeably surprised to see him
get up after the carriage passed, brush
the dust off his clothes, and resume
his pluy.
There was unmistakable evidence of
the passage of the wheels over his neck,
but he did not complain of any soreness
and he played for an. hour afterward.
A meeting of the South Side board of
trade will be held tomorrow evening.
O. F. Williams, president of Wood's
Business college, will give an address
on good roads, and the public Is invit
ed to come and hear him. Before Mr.
Williams begins, the board will trans
act some business that iertalns to the
agitation for a sewer for the South
Side. President M. P. Judge and John
Schcuer, Jr.. have given the subject
earnest consideration and have prom
ised to submit a report, which will con
tain a feasible plan for the object de
sired. Councilman T. J. Coyne, Attor
ney M. J. Donahoe und Contractor M.
J. Ruddy, who were proosed for mem
bership last meeting, will be Initiated.
The funeral uf Mrs, Mathias Hamm
wus held yesterday afternoon and i
largely attended. Intorment wus made
In Petersburg cemetery. Services were
conducted at the house by Rev. J. W.
Randolph, of the Petersburg Lutheran
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. P. Judge have taken,
possession of their new home on Cedar
avenue, near Simpson's silk mill.
Gustavo, 3-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. August Schlmpff, of Cedar avenue,
sustained a painful injury Tuesday
evening. He wus playing near a small
hose reel and got his thumb caught
and It was lacerated so that amputa
tion was necessary at the first Joint.
Class 9 of the North Majn Avenue
Baptist church will give a musical and
literary entertainment In the church
parlors on Friday evening. May 8. The
entertainment begins promptly at 8
o'cloc. Admission, adults lf cents,
children 10 cents. The following pro
gramme will be rendered: Part first,
piano solo, Miss Alnlu "Clancy; recita
tion, Grace Williams; vocal solo, Mabel
Weiss; recitation, David Bush; vocal
solo. Miss Nettle DeGraw; selection,
Mozarf Glee club; piano duet. Misses
Owen and Clancy: vocal solo, Miss Mat
tie Huntsman; recitation. Allle May
Wllllums; tableau. "The Three Graces."
Part second: Piano solo. Miss Eliza
beth Henwood: recitation. Mattle
Hughes: vocal solo. Tommle Morris;
stump speech, David Bush: selection,
Mozart Glee club; recitation, Cora Grif
fin; vocal duet, Walking and DeGraw:
violin and cornet duet, Messrs. Stop
ford and Smith: pantomime drill, cluss;
tableau, class.
Metail Clerks' Assoelation Aets on Two
Important Question.
At the regular meeting of the Retail
Clerks' association Inst night a commu
nication was reoelveil from the hcad
quurters of the Typographical union In
Washington asking approval of a res
olution favoring government ownership
ot telegraphs and another directing
thut union men alone be permitted to
work on government printing. After a
fair discussion both resolutions were
heartily upproved.
The association also took steps to fur
ther the movement to bring the state
convention of retail clerks to this city
in September next. Philadelphia and
Pittsburg ore also lighting for the con
vention but the local association never
theless feels quite sanguine of success.
At the next meeting delegates will be
elected to the national convention
which is to be held In Denver during
the second week of July.
Recommendations of I'lro Department
Committee Will lio Submitted lonlght.
Mayor Bailey, Chief Ferber, Select
man Fred Dure, M. J. Burns, Edwin
Frable and Commoners P. F. Gordon,
Simon Thomas and Edward Wenzel,
the committee which recently made a
tour of insectlon of the various fire
department houses met last night nnd
framed u report of their findings for
presentation to councils.
While on their visit they made note
of the condition of the various houtvs
und of the complaints of the firemen
and all these were given consideration
last night. The recommendations
which the committee decided upon will
be presented to councils tonight.
Mooncy Will Ilo Out of Mlsehief for a
Year and a Half.
William Mooney, the young man
whom the police caught rilling the safe
in Frear'B store on Adams avenue, and
at whose door was laid a number of
other burglaries In this city, begun his
new term in the Eastern penitentiary
He was arraigned In court at the last
term of criminal court, pleaded guilty,
and was sentenced to one year and six
months In Cherry Hill. Sheriff dem
ons und Warden Jay took him down
yesterday morning.
Two Wills Probated.
The will of Daniel Haas, late of
Scranton, was admitted to probate yes
terday by Register W. S. Hopkins, nnd
letters testamentary were granted to
Amelia Haas. The will of Stephen
Martwirk, late of Scranton, was pro
bated yesterday.
buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, N. Y., May (l.-Cuttle Steady,
firm; Hunt butchers', 3.85a3.90; good,
$1.25; mixed butchers', l.40u.'1.70; good to
choice veuls, J3.5u.i4. Hog Steady, firm:
Yorkers good weights, f:.7Ua.1.72U; mlxei
packers, S3.'ii)n3.ii5: good heavy, t3.fi5n3.G0;
rnnughs, $3a3.15; stags. $2u2.5Q, Sheep ami
lambs Strong for good handy grades,
wtaker for heavy: handy weight lambs.
KtauJO: good to choice, SI.H5ii4.9U; culls and
common, $:1.75al.5U; mixed sheep good to
choice, S.1.75u4; fair to good, J3.25a3.(iU; culls.
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo, O., May 8. Wheat Receipts,
1.7UII biiwhels; shipments, 4,400 bushels;
eusy; No. 2 red cash and May, H8e.; July,
5t,u.; August, Hv. Corn Receipts, 14,.
412 bushels; shipments, 24,355 bushels;
.lull; No. 2 mixed July, .10'Uajuc. Guts
No trading. Cloverseed Shipment, 111)
bugs; dull; prime cash, M.Bo; October, (4.55
When Baby was ilok, we gare her Csstorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Csstorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Csstorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Csstorla,
Wall Street Review.
' New York, May There was a mod
erate Increase In business at the Spick
Exchange today, but the market Is still
under the control of the professionals.
Outside Interest, much to the regret of
the commission houses. Is at a very low
ebb, and the changes that occur In
prices from day to day simply reflect
the opinions of a half dosen or so room
traders. At the start the tendency of
prices was downward, he comparative
ly heavy withdrawals of gold from the
sub-treasury .'.300.000. tho bulk of
which Is for export, and rumors that
President Cleveland Intended to send In
a war like message to congress on the
Cuban question having assisted local
bears In their worg of depressing
prices. As of late the greatest Impres
sion was made in the Industrials. These
issues broke anywhere from 1 to 23
per cent. Hay State Gas, Laclede Gas,
Tobacco, Sugar. General Electrle and
Rubber common suffered the heaviest
losses.- The railway list yielded only
H to 1 per cent., notwithstanding the
pressure brought to bear by a well
known operator. It Is alleged that this
trader sold nearly 5,000 shares ot the
stock deult In today. At the afternoon
session a firmer tone prevailed, the re
sult of covering of short contracts.
Washington advices indicating an early
adjournment of congress led to ,l,e
closing up of contracts by certain bears.
This afternoon's rally was equal to U
a per cent. Speculation closed about
firm in tone. Net changes show losses
of a per cent. In the railway list,
and Hal per cent. In the Industrials.
In the Inactive stocks Great Northern
pieterred Jumped 5 to 118, and Edison
Illuminating of New York iy, to lwu.
Total sales were H7.137 shares.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL
LEN & Co., correspondents tor A. P.
CAUPUELL, stock broker. 4U Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clos-
Ing. est. est. Int?.
Am. Tobaceo Co .... b7H iir. lHIVi
Am. Cotton Oil HVi Ma M'a H'-
Am. Sugar Kef. Co.124 ti W.
Ateh.. To. & 8. Fe ... W., l.V,, Id lii'i
Canada Southern ... So So h 5H
Ches. & Ohio 17 17i 17 17'i
Chicago Gas 70 70:' 09s, ii'V,
Chic. & N. W 1054 lorv'i hd'n lO'.'i
Chic, B. & g m 8ov4
C. C. C. & St. L Sl4 3.-1 M S i
Chic, Mil. St. P .. 7KVi 7S'i 11 7s't
Chle., K. 1. & Pae .. 71M( 7lr 71 71 U
D. , L. &. XV ltil4 lliP. ltil i,
Dlst. & C. F 18 184 It", IS-
Gin. Electrle 36 X &V 't
Louis. & Nash 61'i .'.0" 51
M. K. & Tcxus. Pr. .. 2(i i'7 2iii 2i'i
Manhattan Ele IW W, WVt 10S!
Mo. Pac n 27-H X i'7
Nat. t'orduge 5' 5 n' l
Nat. Lead W, 2tPa
N. J. Central 100 H'.i l'Jt, li'i
N. Y., L. E. & W. .. 14 H'V, 17', U'i
I ., D. 4K lf4 ie.4 'ji.
N. Y., S. & W., Pr ... 24'a 24j, H'4 IIP,
Pae. Mull art, 27 2' 27
Phil. A Head 12: V2 121, U'i4
Southern It. R 5,
Southern K. It, P r 1' III 31 ,
Tenn., C. & Iron 2H4 29 Vl 29 'i
t'nlon 1'ui'lHc. &i 8i 8 S'i
Wabash, Pr 18' 18V4 17T 17'i
Western t'nlon KT.'i S.Vv 8,",'a K
W. L. IiiTj 10 iu4
1'. 8. Leather 9 9 9
II. S. Leather, Pr ... 63'i 63V OS', t;3-i
I'. S. Rubber 22 22'u 22 22'-.
Op'n- High- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing.
July (SI 62:,4 02
September 02', U34 ti2- 3Vi
July 19 19'4 1ST, 19'i
September 19 19 WH 194
July 29V.J 2944 2S14 29cn
September 30, 30", a. 3o4
July 4.S 4.w 4.87 4.7
September 5.05 D.05 5.02 5.05
July 9.05 8.(i 8.02 H.liO
September 8.2a 8.20 8.20 8.20
Scranton Board of Trade ExchangeQun.
latlons-AII Quotations Based on Fur
of 100.
Name. . ' BM. AakeJ.
Dime Dep. A Dls. Bank 140
Scranton imcb viriain Co
National Boring & Drilling Co.
First National Bank ,.
Scranton Jar A Stopper Co
Elmhurst Boulevard Co
Scranton Savings Hank
Bonta Plate Glass Co
Scranton Car Replacer Co
Sc;anton Packing Co
Weston Mill Co Iron A Steel Co..
Scranton Bedding Cn
Third National Bank
Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co
Scranton Glass Co
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918
Scranton Traction Co
People's Street Railway, first
... 250
no ... I
109 I
... 102
Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co..
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920
Dickson Manufacturing Co....
Lacka. Township School 5....
City of Scranton Street Imp i
'Borough of Wlntnn 0
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axle Works
Now Y'ork Produce Mnrkot.
New York, May 6. Vnuhnnscd, dull,
easy. Wheat Spot market dull, firmer;
f. o. b., "-Use to arrive: ungraded, red, 70
We; No. 1 northern, 71'hC to arrive; op
tions were moderately active und cioed
firm at unrhuiiKed prices to fie. udvunce;
No. i red, Muy, June nnd July,;
AuKustp iISVm September, 69Vi,c.; Uc
ccnibcr, 70yiC Corn Spots moderately ac
tive, firm; No. 2 at 1M-V. elevator; 35"ii.
aollnt; options wcr dull, steady ami un
changed, without feature. Outs Spots
fairly active, Hrnier; options dull, linn;
Muy nnd July, lit'jc; spot prices, No. i
nt 24ii: No. 2 white, 2.V4i; No. irhlcuito,
2.V4C.; No. i ut 23''ic; No. A white, S4',i,c.;
mixed wesiorn, 21l,-:u25'iiij.; white ilo, 21a
28c; white state, 2;n2Se, Hcef Inactive,
unchanged, hard Quiet; western steam,
$5.05; city, 14.50; May, 15.05; refined quiet;
continent, $5.40; South America, J5.S0; com
pound, 4,4u4'SiC. Pork yulet, steady, un
chanKeil, Hutter Steady, moderate de
niand, llllchunneil. 'hee.e Moderate de
mand, .unchanged. Errs Lark supply,
wear; state and Pennsylvania, lO'ballc.j
southern, 7a8!jc.; western fresh, 9al0!ie,
Philadelphia Provision .Mnrkot.
Philadelphia, May 0. Provisions were
In moderate Jobbing demand und steady.
We iuote: Heel, city family, per bar
rel, !!.5"al0; city eniokod beef, llUaUc;
beef hums. 15ul5.5o; pork, family, JI0.50U
II; hams, 8. P. cured, In tierces, 8u9'.i'.;
do. smoked, 9al0',ic as to average; sides,
rlbbeil, In salt, 5a5'4c; do. smoked, 5Via
Mc; shoulders, plekle-cured, 5n0ic.; do.
do. smoked, 6!.atlV ; picnic hums, S. P,
cured. naB'ic; do. do. smoked, tiia7c. ;
bellies, In pickle, nccordlnir to averau,
loose, SaSc; breukfast bacon, 7'jaino. for
round and jobbing lois, as lo bfund and
average; lard, puer ,lcty refined, in tierc
es, B-'ai,:'.; do. do. do., In tubs, liatl'ic; do.
butchers' loose, 5c; city tallow, In hogs
heads, 3i,!C.; country, do., 3uV'M as to
quullty, and cakes, 3c.
Chicnsn Live Stnck.
I'nlon Slock Yards, 111., May 6. -Tattle-Receipts,
13,WI0 head; market strong ami
10c. hlKher; common to extra steers, X5na
4.f.0; mockers nnd feeders, :i.l5a4; cows
and bulls, $l.05u3.KO; calves, J:inl.50; Tex
mis, $:'.C5al.l(i. Hors Kecelpts, 27.0IJO
head; market firm und 6c. higher; heuvy
piu'klni; and shippinn; lots, $:t.4im:i.K0; com
mon to choice mixed, t3.40S.ii"i; choice as
sorted. 3.Xia3.7o; llht, $:i.4.",ji rt.75 ; !kh.
K.Wia;i.70. Sheep Itecelpts, Iti.OtHi hmid;
market easy nmt 10c. lower; inferior lo
choice. JlUWaJl.SV; lunibs. fll.i;5a5.
Oil Mnrkot.
Oil City. May . 1.22',4 wan the only
quotation on option oil today. Credit bal
ances, 11.25.
Wall Street
1 he comlngr adjournment of ConcroNS -the
penernl Improvement in railroad esrnlngs
and tlio plentiful supply of monny hero and
ahrond Is lieirlnnli'if f bo reflected in stocks.
NOW IS THE TIA1E TO BtV. Snd for our
book, "Hiieeulutlen Kully Kxplnlned,-' and our
market lotter wbleh we sondi free tn any ad
dress. Mniiinltto A per cent. Commission
only l-lfl per cont.
iiankiiis asu naoKius,
Uptown Office, N. W. Cor. B'wsy A jirtSt.
" i
Colds lead to coughs, coughs to Pneu
moniu nnd Consumption; therefore, it
Is all Important to check a cold before
It reaches the lungs. Munyon's Cold
Cure will positively break a cold Inside
of twenty-four hours if tnken as soon
as the cold manifests itself. When the
cold reaches the lungs or bronchial
tubes the Coui;h Cure should be used
alternately every half hour with the
Cold Cure. The Cold Cure Is guaran
teed to prevent pneumonia If used In
the beginning of n cold. Pneumonia,
or Inflammation of the lungs, can be
controlled by the use of these two
The Cough Cure positively cures
bronchitis, tickling in the throat,
hoarseness, loss of voice, soreness of the
chest, difficulty In breathing, backing
cough nnd ull pulmonary diseases
where the lungs are not too far con
sumed by disease or covered with tu
bercles. A separate cure for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vial.
Personal letters to Professor Munyon,
1505 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., an
swered with free medical ndvlee for any
Superior Face Bleach
! Positively Removes All Facial Blemishes.
Azstes Face Powder Is superior to any faca
fmwdxr ever innnulaetured. Used end com
mended by lvadinic WM-l.ty and provisional
beauties, h( cause it civos the best uoafcible
efl'ect and tiver loaves the skiu rough or
scaly. 1 rice &i cents.
Thrlxogcnc, Nature's Hulr Grower, Is the
Kivatsl invigorutor of the present pro
gresdve ai;H, heim; purely s vagutablo co:n-
fiound. entirely hamibss, and marvelous in
rs benrtlceiit c.Tect". All ills -H.a or the hair
ail t e lv mo rexUiir cured bv the uae of
Ibrixcgenc. Prion 5il cents and SI. Forsa'.e
at If. H. Hetzol b Kair-dreiHinR and Manicure
Parlor, H'lO Laeknwanna nve. and No, 1
titnr Building, Wilkes-Burro. Mail ordors
filled promptly.
T$t!)i$ Vv!at you?
Hare you a feel
ing of weight In'
the Stomach i
Bloating after
eating Belch
ing of Wind
Vomitingof Food 1
Watci brash 1
Heartburn Bad Taste in tbe Mouth ,
in the Morning Palpitation of the(
1 Heart, due tn Distension of Stomach (
Cankered Mouth Cas In the Bowels 1
1 Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite-
I Depressed, Irritable Condition of the 1
Mind Dizziness Headache Con
stipation or Diarrlnca? Then you have -
In en nf Ira fnrtM. Tk. mnn ..Ul.,. ,
)cur fur tUmtistiMslnii complaint It
ilcKer's Dyspepsia Za'vktu
by mail, prepaid, on receipt of i5 ceots.
I -tHRDIt ItsWVtrV. Ilnlol llmmrlrit Vast t
I York.sayn: I iurcrnl Imrrllily flys- -f
MtiMWiii, ImU Ai'kfr'it Tnltl-.ti, taken Mint ,
nieuu, nave cuitu un,-
i Acker Medicine Co., ib-iS Chimbern St., K. T.
iNCE MORG In harmony
vilh the world. 900(1
completely curcil men ure
eiuuiuK nappy praises lor
me (ire.ue.u, Krana
cet nnd most suc
cessful enre for sex
ual weakncFS nnd
lostvinor known to
tneilieul scierca. An
accnuntof thistt'oii
dcrnl dircoriry, la
book form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will linnnnt In anf.
faring men (sealed) free. Full manly visor
permsneutly roslurcd. Falluro Impossible
GneenarD bt ths Hisht MteioaL Authosith?
3to$ $ IVBAi.nn will euro yeu. A
SWJfl9B,yonlerful fconn to milTcrou
s7 r 4?Pfroinl'olI.tornTl,rof.
SI JhOT"lnflens, Hrnuchltlr,.
Jtf?-" orHAlTiEVJiU. AflxrA,
immnlialcnlUf. AnelUelen;
. . remeilr, ennTenienttoenrr;
m pocket, reaily t n on But. indication of emu.
CTAn.lnned Ijfln l-'Ot-f-.a tf-..-.-.
tliulsfacUoneiiarantcKlermoneyrcfundt'O. Price, !
SO eta. Trial froo at lJnilita, HeKlnercd u.iiil. i
N coats, E. D. CDjUU!!, LCr., ihrc Lvers, Kiti, B. J. 4.
MtluTHltl T,.u' '"fe and oafejt remeily for
rnciD I nut. sllkindlMasesj-seiii.,lM!.S!'
Bbeum.nid Snrna. Iliirnfl, Cuts. lVondurrul r:
Miv tarPII.!'.?. lVlce.SJtrM.atDniu-nsl -,
l-Uorbyiuallprei-iilii. AiLlrensasalsKa. ufil.''
For sale by MATTHEWS lUtOS. and !
JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton.' Pa. !
Complexion FrcsGrad
BemoTci Freckles, Pimples,
Liver Moles, bia.Aligadi,
Sunburn and Tun, anl jv
ttoriis tho sklu to lu orll-
..,1 kliniuj nA ,, .l..- a
clear sud healthy eom-e
plcxlon. HupetioriosiiiJio
pre)iaratIois and perfectly
urugiiUi,or moiled for 50i ts.
hsrmlcra, At all
Bcud lor Ciicuar,
VIOLA 8K!M 80AP rtmplr inMnpanfcla w a
kin purllrlni botp, anccnall tut the toiln, and viUtsut a
rirnl tor lira aunetjr. Alu-man ly Jw" a lUllsaUl
r.'.rf. Atarar-IM HrlreiSCentt.
G. C. BITTNEfl A HQ., Toi.coo, O.
For sale bv MATTHEWS BROS, and
JOHN If. rtlEI.PS. Scranton. Va.
All done away with by tho uso of HATtT
MAN'S PATENT I'AINT, which consists
of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be
applied to tin, ttalvnnlzcd tin, sheet iron
roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will
firevent absolutely any crumbllnK. crai li
ng or breaking of the brick. It will out
lust tinning- of any kind by muny ye-ars,
and its cost does not exceed one-lift li that
of the cost of tinning;. Is sold by the Job
or pound. Contracts taken by
Uimu GOR
'-------------ritl..J.J.t .
,cw Prices
Riven for the same make our patrons our friends.
With every article in stock you will find uniform
system of price that is always in favorof the buyer.
50 piece ef Swivel Silk inrh
uidif, ia cllul'.'o colormir.50''.vMuo.
1CP piecoe of Fljnred Dimity nd ts tlie litest wiwh
good!, loo. ami 18'. vnlue
100 r.ieeo of Plain nnd Corded Fig.
nred ilrgsndi -s, iu choice vlr-
iujs, 20c. to SJc vtdit ....
ICO piece ir :r.lach Purcnlcd, etr'cl
ly lus; colors, rteJ tylea, lSUo
An elegant line of I'lowurs, worth 25c to 35c. per bunch
choice, !'.)('. Look at the Flowers we arc offering at 25c a bar
tiuin. Sdl. will buy beautiful
Misses' and Boys' Straw
and .WC, worth ,v;c, 50c, and
Tbe Electric City Awning end Tent Com
pany Winn to inform thir friends aud patrons
tuat they have opened sn office at 311 Linden
Street, with h'eese & l.oiiK- where any orders,
by mail 01- telophone, for Tents, Kings, Awn
tuts, Wagon Covers or Horse Clothing will be
given careful attenti.iu.
c n
c n. nur
Telephans 3102.
1 1 CG1LU CO,
Has Moved to His New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entraucn on side next to First National
tiauk. Ho hus now lu s
Comprising ornrytbing requisite for Hue
Merchant 'i nilorlnc. And tbe same can
be abown to advantage in bis aplen
diuly fitted up room.
Is Extended to All Readers of The Trib
une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His
New Business Home
Made a
! tin.,, t'.'t fi ..'V
lotauuy. yi
of Me.
I r.c uftAl
liotlt liny.
proilticra the above results In .10 days. It nrtt
pmvoriully aud (iiilekly. t.'uivs hi n ull others fail
Vuiiiik men will moun their Inst manhood, aud old
men will reeover tlulr yuiitlitul vmor by u.lni;
ItKVIVO. H tiuirkly and surely reatorrH Nervmw
War., l.ot Vitality, liapiiieney, NlnUtiy liniiHsioOF,
Lntit Power, Fail! nit Mrniory, Wiwtina llixrasMf anil
all e fleet of telf-utniae nr exreaiid Indlwretlon.
r.Uirh iinllta one for n:nJy. liiiKinesx or uiaTiaxe. It
not only cures by starting nt the mat ot itjeasa. hut
U a great nerve tnnie and blood builder, brlnn
lug bark tbn pink low to pale cheeks a ul re
turliut tlin lire of youth. It wards nir Insanliy
and Coniiiraptlnn. Insht on baring BKVtVO, nr
otlier. It ran bo carried in vent poeket. by null
H I .no per package, or six tor S5.00, with n pnsl
live wrllteu frUMtintao to euro or refunt.
hn money. Circular free. Address
fwr .. CHICAGO.
For ssle by MATTHEWS BROS., 0 ruiglst,
. Scranton, fs.
f P b lies.
MJ go ni in
Form the loadstone tbat
draws customers to our
store, and cood values
50 Silk CipfK. aaeortcd ityle. nlrlr
nu.l.i and trinunutl; regulur $i).50
YOUK PICK, $4.48
50 Velvet Capo, nicely trimmed, ele
liuntly lined, full duoih KL0U
I-ailies' Black Figured Mohair
SkiriH. full Hwoep, lined through
out, SU.UO value
:ii Ladles' Black Brilliaatinn Shirts
live yards sween, eleguutly uiaile
next lined, SI, 50 vnli o
Flowers, sold elsewhere for 50c
Hats and Sailors at '2,1 C 3
V iifiner Kuis. Lessees und Monueora.
Benefit Co. II, Thirteenth Regiment.
The Widest Ranged Soprano in the World,
Snpnorted by tlistlncuished Artiste Tickets
rail bo produced fruin members of t'a B, Bale
of ruaerved seats i)eus Wednesday U a. in.
Saturday, May 9th,
Effie Ellsler,
Sutipcrted by Frank Weston. John A. Kllgler
and a competent company, presenting Al
exander Dumas' Eruutioual Play.
Miss Ellaler as Margiret Oautler.
The play will be mazuiticeatly utoantoi aud
liuaulur prices. Sale ot seats opeus Thurs
day 0 u. LU.
Thursday Evening, May 7.
Lillian Russell
With same Scenic Embellishments, Brilliant
Costumes and wonderful light effects,
seen st Abbey's Theatre.
Sale of seats open luesday morning st
o'clock. Checks at 8. Prices aj, 50. 75 and
Acknowledged the Leading
Gf the WorlsV
KRANICHE A BACHB and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purcl.ascrs will always find a complett
stock and at prices as low as the qual
ity of the Instrument will permit at
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - - Scrantoa
Alderman StLi Ward, Scrantoa
OFFICE IIOIT.S from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p.
m. (l hour laurniisslou for dinner and
Particular Attention (liven to Collections.
Prompt t-c tl lenient Guaranteed. Vour Dual.
neas is Respectfully Sullclted. Telephone 134.
The Finest In the City.
The latest Improved furnish'
lags and apparatus Ut ketfiaf
meat, batter and eggs.
. S23 Wyoming