The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 06, 1896, Page 9, Image 9

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Somcthiag About the Uteresting
Career of Nikola Tesla.
Bis Achievement in Electrical Research.
Endless Possibilities or Problems Us
Is Now st Worts Vpoa-Esperl.
meats With koeatgoa Rays.
From the New York Sun.
Nikola. Tesla is a roan about whom
the general public knows very little.
There have been magazine articles
about him and books about him, and,
. since Professor Roentgen made known
his discoveries in X-ray photography
and Tesla followed up the discoveries
with experiments of his own, the pa
Vera from time to time have told how
Tenia had "seen the human heart" and
- had "photographed the human brain"
und done other wonderful things. His
, name has been on the tongues of many
people, but not one man in a hundred
could toll wh. t Tesla had done for
science, or very little if anything about
him personally.
Tesla- himself Is responsible for the
lack of popular knowledge of himself.
He Isn't one of the kind to hide his
light under a bushel, but he lets the
light shine and hides himself. He
doesn't like to see his name in print,
lie doesn't like to be praised for what
he has done or is doing. He wants,
1 more than anything else, to be let alone.
He discourages notoriety of any sort.
When newspaper men call on him to
. usk him questions he is the quintess
ence of courtesy and politeness. He is
willing to tell them anything they want
to know about electricity or any of the
other subjects on which he is well In
formed, but on one subject Tesla he
is silent. ' When the Sun reporter
called on him early Inst week and told
him that lie had been instructed to
write a story nbout Tesla and his in
ventions, the inventor said:
"Don't; there has been too much al
ready," and he said it in a way that
showed he meant it. It was only after
a second visit and much earnest ur.
Ing that he would oonsent to the publi
cation of anything, and he surrounded
his consent with conditions.
He was asked to tell which of his
many Iiivftitlons he. considered the
most ue.ful and satisfactory to him.
and he replied that first In the lint was
the transmlpsion of power with the help
01 wires. Tnis power was the alter
nating electric current now in use.
Next he mentioned the motor that made
possible he transmission of power with
oniy a single wire. It used to bo sun
posed that two wires were necessary to
complete a circuit, one for the electric
Ity to come back on. This motor does
away with the extra wire, and lef-sens
the expense and the waste. Third, he
mentioned the thing which he hoped to
accomplish: Doing away with that
wire altogether, and .using the earth.
r In s lecture delivered before the Ameri
can Institute of Electrical Engineers
. m iBsi, xesia saw:
, "We are whirling through- endless
space with an inconceivable speed. All
arounri us everything Is spinning. Ev
.erythlng Is movliijr. Everywhere is en
figy. -mere must be some way of
availing ourselves of this energy more
(uiecuy. wuii tne power derived from
it, With every form of enerev nhtnlntl
without effort, from the store forever
inexhaustible. Immunity will advance
wun giant strides. The .mere contem
plation of these magnificent possibili
ties expands our nilmls.
our hopes and fill our hearts with ex
treme delight."
He had this third thing In mind when
he delivered the lecture. He has been
working now ten years to accomplish
It, and he has had encouraging success
with his experiments.
Of his Inventions. In this talk with
the Sun reporter, he mentioned fourth
the perfecting of an apparatus for the
production of electric vibrations: fifth,
the production of light without any
carbon such as is required in the ordin
ary Incandescent lamp. Light Is pro
duced by the help of-electrical vibra
tion. By the method proposed 200
times the light can be had with the
same power. Sixth, he mentioned the
evolution of the oscillator, a work on
which he has been engaged five or six
years and which Is about ready to be
put into general use. Tejla says:
"Of the energy that goes to the mak
ing of electric light 6 per cent, is wast
ed. The oscillator saves energy. . It- is
the steam engine and the dynamo com
bined and In use It means the saving of
the enegry that is now wasted."
Of the problems he has worked on
Tesla said: "They affect humanity as
a whole." The energy that Is wasted
muBt be saved, he said. He spoke of
the utilization of the power of Niagara
Falls and of Its possibilities and the
possibilities In nature elsewhere. He
aid the existing faults of society could
be reformed only by producing more
energy; that energy was in nature and
the problem of getting control of It
and of utilizing It was the problem on
which he worked. He cared nothing
urumary invention. He thought
only of the great problems. He be
lieved that they would be mastered and
the whole world would benefit.
Tesla Is a man of striking person
ality. He IB UnUSUOjIv tall ami la thin
His head Is large and Is crowned with
Jet-black hair. His i mariner is quick
and Impulsive. In speech he Is earn
est. He wastes few. words. His whole
hearing Impresses one with the fact
that ho is a man of action. He is only
89 years old. He was born In Smiljou,
uuruenana region or Austria
Hungary, of the Serbrlan race. His
miner was a clergyman In the Greek
church. His mother was a genius with
a KtiacK or invention. Tesla got his
early education at Goeplch in a public
school, and later spent three years In
; , the Hhlgher Real Schule at Carstatt,
- Croatia. He saw his first steam en--glne
while at the latter school. He
Inherited his mother's knack of Inven
tion, and when he left school in 1873
ne went to experiment nsr with pWih
city against the wish of his father, who
wanted him to enter the ministry. That
was out of the question, and then his
father wanted him to become a college
.- professor of mathematics and physics
and with that purpose sent him to the
roiyteciimc school at Grata.
in mis scnooi mere was a arramme
dynamo, and Tesla got the notion into
his head tnat a dynamo could be one
rated without commutator or brushes,
such as this one was equipped with,
and he began work then and there on
the Ideas that later developed one of
his great inventions, a rotating field
The Idea of becoming a professor van
ished, and he took up the engineering
curriculum. For the next few years he
kept U!) his studies, and succeeded in
inventing several things in connection
with the telephone. Then he went to
Paris, where he saw a wider field. At
ter a few years there In the course of
which he met many Americans, who
told him of opportunities in his field
or investigation here, he came to Amer
ica. He hunted out Thomas A. Edl
.son. nnd went to work In his labors
'. tory. I-n Tliomos Commcrfurd Martin's
book. "The Inventions, Researches, and
Writings of Eesla. Tesla's connection
with Edison Is mentioned, and the au
thor savs:
"It was linposslble.however, that with
Ms own Ideas to.carry out, and his own
inventions to develop." "Mr. Tesla could
long remain In even the most delightful
employ; and hln work now attracting
attention ho left the Edison ranks to
Join n company intended to make and
sell an arc lighting- system based on
some of his Inventions In that branch of.
the art. With unceasing diligence he
"'.' brought the svgtem to perfection, and
' (Saw It :laced on the market. But thtf
thing which most occupied his time and
thoughts, however, all through tni
period was his old discovery of the
rotating held orlnctDle for alternating
current work, and the application of it
in motors that have now become known
the world over."
Up to this time the alternating cur
rent wasn't In favor with electrical en
gineers. They knew little about It and
did not realise its value. It wasn't
until IBM that Tesla himself succeeded
in putting into practical operation the
Idea he had conceived when he was a
student at the Polytechnic Institute.
It is the completion and practical work
ing of this invention that will enable
the Niagara Falls Power company to
transmit Its power far from the falls
where It Is generated with the aid of
the forces of nature.
But before telling what Tesla has
done, more may be told about Tesla
himself and where and how he works.
He is a man of very regular habits,
wherein he diners from Edison, who
works fifty or seventy-five hours at a
stretch, sometimes longer, when he has
on hand something that Interests htm.
Testa is up every morning at Vs o'clock.
He has a lot of gymnastic exercises
that he goes through with regularly.
He has a light ireakfast and then he
loses little time getting to his work.
He takes an hour for his luncheon in
the middle of the day and the afternoon
is devoted to hard work. He usually
works until 8 o'clock in the evening, but
often it is until midnight. His labora
tory is at 40 East Houston street.
.He has a clerk who attends to Visit
ors, keeps away cranks, keeps a scrap
book, and nets that everybody who has
real business with the Inventor Is pro
vided with the latest copy of some sci
entific paper until Mr. Tesla is disen
gaged. He also has a doscn or more
mechanics who are as loyal to him as
Edison's men are to him; but the na
ture of his work and the magnitude of
the problems he sets himself to solve
do not permit of their rendering him
the same sort of assistance that the
"VVisard's men furnkih to their employ
ep. A friend of Tesla's was asked what
was the most Interesting trail of his
character.. He replied:
"Ills love of humanity and his friend
ship for young men who are ambitious
to succeed and willing to work. Tesla
wants things accomplished. He Is
Jealous of no man. I believe if he
worked on a problem twenty years, and
was about realising success Just as an
other succeeded, he would be as happy
as if he had succeeded himself. His in
terest in his work Is entirely a desire to
advance the science for the benefit of all
mankind. I think this Is shown by the
fact that he is not a rich man. He
could have been a millionaire if he had
had any desire to be so."
If he had devoted his time and ener
gies and his inventive genius to money
making there Is no question but that
he would be rich today. Tesla can In
vent anything. Tell hlin. what you
want and he will work at it until he
accomplishes it. But if he devoted his
time to inventions of that sort, . the
broader propositions and problems
would go by the board. : He would have
no time for them. It is to solve them
that he delights to work."
Now to take up some of the things
Tesla has done. It may be said, to start
witn, tnat to talk about Tesla's Inven
tions leads one into a maze of electrical
terms that defy the understanding of
the mind not educated in electricity;
and anything like a description of -the
technicalities of his work, his discover
ies, and his Inventions here would be
about as valuable as a column of He
brew- Jargon. Hence, nil that will be
attempted Is to tell what he has ac
complished. FJrst, take the transmis
sion of power.
When Tesla came Into this field in
America, as stated before, little was
known of the alternating current. - The
single alternating current was used but
for the purpose of lighting only. The
continuous current was used almost ex
The continuous current system is
very good for short line work, but with
It energy cannot be delivered success
fully at any great distance at high
pressure. To deliver the continuous
current at high pressure at a distance
would require the use of wires so heavy
tnat they would be cumbersome and en
tlrely impracticable for use. Tesla
made an alternating current motor that
permitted the transmission of energy
long distances at high pressure over
thin wires, the delivery being made
at the same pressure or at a lower or
a higher pressure, whichever was de
sired, by means of a transformer. Thus
the bridling of the power in Niagara
was made possible, and natural forces
everywhere can be similarly harnessed
and made to do the work that has here
tofore been done at great cost by other
torms oi torce ana energy. A great
many smaller inventions are Included
in this great one. Its possibilities are
just now beginning to be realised.
Tesla's discoveries in connection with
this motor, it is said, were the prime
cause of the recent consolidation of the
Edison and the Westinghouse Electric
In this motor two wires were used
for the transmission of the current,
Tesla believed that the extra wire was
a useless expense; that all the work
could be done with one,, and no return
circuit was necessary. So he set him
self about the work of finding a way
to accomplish this. He did accom
plish It, and now It Is possible through
his invention to transmit the energy
with the aid of only one wire. This in
vention, however, has not been of the
same practical use as the other. It Is
merely a step in the direction of ac
complishing the third thing that Tesla
Is aiming at. That is the transmission
of power and Intelligence without any
wires, by means of the earth Itself. If
such a thing can be accomplished the
human mind can hardly conceive of the
possibilities. Tesla believes that It can
be accomplished. The fact that he be
lleves it is proved by the ten years of
work he has devoted to experimenting
on that line.
Next In order, as Tela mentioned
them. Is the perfection of an apparatus
for the production of electrical vibra
tlons. Electrostatics Is the science of
electricity at rest. Tesla demonstrated
that for the produclon of light waves
primarily, electrostatic effects must
be brought into play, and he formed
the opinion that all electrical and mag
netic effects may be referred to electros
tatic molecular forces. In a glass bulb
filled with electrostatically charged
molecules he found that by agitating
them, causing them to vibrate, to strike
against each other, brilliant light was
produced. No carbon was required,
such as is used in the ordinary Incan
descent light. There was nothing but
tne glass bulb. Tesla accomplish
ment was the making of apparatus to
stir up the molecules which don't cost
anything and are ever present, while
the carbon heretofore needed is expen
five. This apparatus Is nearim nerfec
tlon now, and lamps which furrlsh light
without carbon are in sight. The sav
ing. In the coat of electric lighting will
be tremendous, and, as measured by
Tesla, 200 times the light can be pro
cured with the same energy that is now
used in the production of the ordinary
incandescent uents. This will mean
more light with less power and less ex
pense, because there will be no expen
sive carbons required.
Last on Tesla's list Is the oscillator,
now perfected and ready to be' put on
the market, it is estimated that nine,
tenths of all the dynamos In the world
are urn-rated by steam power. Every
step in the production of electricity by
steam -nower is attended with waste
and loss of force and energy. The prob
leni Tesla set out to solve was the sav
Ing of the 5 per cent, of energy that
was wasted. Autual tests showed tha
only 5 per cent, of the energy used In
making incandescent lights manifested
Itself as light, The Oj per cent, was
lost. There vas loss In, every step from
the putting of the coal into the furnace
to the delivery of the electricity. Tesla
has combined an rnglne and a dynamo.
Steam la forced Into the engine at high
pressure, which produces an extremely
rapid vibration of a ateel red. and this
rod of piston Is so adapted to a set of
magnets that the mechanical energy of
the vibration Is converted into elec
tricity. Fly wheels and governing balls
and eccentrics and valves and all the
res of the complicated mechanism re
quired for the purpose of control or reg
ulation are done away with.
The steam cylinder with Its ttaton
Is the only thing that does the work
about a steam engine. All the rest take
energy, but produce nothing, so If they
can be done away with the energy oscil
lator doe away with them. The os
cillator converts the energy of steam
into electricity directly. It would ap
pear that this Invention, if It does all
that It promieea, will revolutionise all
business that requires energy In the
rorm or steam or electric force to ope
rate it. The machine doesn't take up
one-tenth of h room needed ' by an
ordinary engine and dynamo.
Probably the oscillator ana the new
system of' lighting would both have
been In use long ago had It not been
f-r the destruction of Tesla's laboratory
last year. He had these and other In
ventions very near completion. He
had In his workshop the result of years
of. work. He had many models of ma
chinery that he could not replace. All
the work that had been done In making
these things had to be done over again.
He said himself at the time that a mil
lion dollars could not repay the loss.
Tesla's work with the Roentgen ray
photography and the results he has ac
complished have been more Interesting
than the work and results done and ac
complished by any other experimenter.
His first published statement of what
he had been doing was months after the
discovery of the photography. He had
experimented in the meantime inces
santly. His picture and his statement
were printed In the Electrical Review.
He succeeded In taking the picture of
the shoulder of a man showing the ribs
and shoulder and upper arm bones. It
was taken through clothing and a board
BatrKlon-at a distance of four feet,
lis experiments extended over a wide
range. In hi paper he said:
"The bony structure of birds, rabbits.
and the. ilka Is shown within the least
detail, and even the hollow of the bones
Is clearly visible. In a plate of a rab
bit, under exposure of an hour, not only
every detail of the skeleton is visible,
but likewise a clear outline of the ab
dominal cavity and the location of the
lungs, the fur, and many other fea
tures. Prints of even large birds show
the feathers quite distinctly.
"Clear shadows of the bones of hu
man limbs are obtained by exposures
ranging from a quarter of an hour to
an hour, and some plates have shown
such an amount of detail that it Is al
most impossible to believe that we have
to deal with shadows only. For in
stance, a' picture of a foot with a shoe
on It was taken, and every fold of the
leather, trousers, stocking, etc.. Is visi
ble, while the flesh and bones stand out
sharply. Through the body of the ex
perimenter the shadows of small but
tons and like objects are quickly ob
talned, while with an exposure of from
one to one and a half hours the ribs.
snoulder bones, and the bones of the
upper arm appear clearly, as Is shown
in tne annexed print. It is now demon
strated beyond any doubt that small
metallic objects or bony or chalky de
posits can be infallibly detected in any
pan oi tne body.
"An outline of the skull is easily ob
tained with an exposure of twenty to
rorty minutes, in one Instance an ex
posure of forty minutes gave clearly
not only the outline, but the cavity of
the eye, the chin, the cheek and nasal
bones, the lower Jaw and connections
to the upper one, the vertebral column
and, connections to the skull, the flesh,
ana even tne nair. y exposing the
head to a powerful radiation strange
errecta nave been noted. For instance,
I find that there Is a tendency to sleep.
and the time seem to-pass away quick
ly. There is a general soothing effect.
and I have felt a sensation of warmth
in the upper part of the head. An as
Isttnt Independently confirmed the
tendency to sleep and a quick lapse of
time. Hnould these remarkable effects
be verified by men with keener sense
of observation, 1 shall still more firm
ly believe In the existence of material
streams penetrating the skull. Thus
It may be possible by these strange ap
pliance to project a suitable chemical
into any part of the body.
"Roentgen advanced modestly hi re
sults, warning against too much hope,
Fortunately his apprehensions were
groundless, for, although we have to
all appearance to deal with mere sha
dow projections, the possibilities of the
application of his discovery are vast.
I am happy to have contributed to the
development of the great art he has
Tesla has prepared five papers since
this one. In each of which he has told
something about some branch of the
new photography that had heretofore
been unknown. Home of the pictures
he has obtained are wonderful. The
last and the one that created the most
talk Is a picture of a man which shows
among other things, the outline of the
heart. Tesla showed this picture to the
Sun reporter, together with a picture of
a leg and foot, both of them remarka
ble specimens of the work of the Roent
gen photography.
Tesla was once asked if he was well
off. His - reply was: "If every man
who uses my machine in electro-thera
py alone would give me a quarter :
would be a very wealthy man. I never
received a dollar for it, and there is no
way In which I could. I receive a small
Income from my Invention In the rotat
ing field, and I have a small income
from home. All this I spend here." Re,
garding the future he has said: "I ex
lect to live to be able to set a machine
in the middle of this room ana move it
by the energy of no other agency than
the medium In motion around us.
Statistics Which Show That the Two Ar
According to the latest statistics, out
of a total of 1,486 students from Olrton.
Newnham, Somerville Hall, Hollow-ay
college and Alexandra college, whose
subsequent careers have been traced,
1.27 have never been married, that is,
about 86 per cent., says London Tidbits.
Of those ladle who take honors at
Qlrton, about one In ten marries, and
at Newnham the proportion is one in
nine, that Is to say, 80 per cent., and
about stt per cent, respectively do not
marry. .
It further appears that two in every
five marry of those who take an ordin
ary degree at Glrton In other words.
60 per cent, remain unmarried. The
percentage of marriages among less
highly educated women is greater than
among those trained at the universities,
and the above figures seem to suggest
that not only does the higher educa
tion .of women result In a lower mar
riage rate among them than among
their less learned sisters, but that those
ladles who are most successful in their
university career either lose their de
sire for marriage In their love of learn
ing, or reduce their chances of getting
a husband as they increase their intel
lectual attainments.
Of the total 1,486 from the various col
leges, 680 are now engaged In teaching,
and of the reBt 11 are doctors or pre
paring to be doctors and medical mis
sionaries, two are nurses, eight or nine
are In government employment, one is
a bookbinder, one is a market gardener
and one is a lawyer.
When Baby was sick, we gar nor CaMorla, -When
she was a Chad, she cried for Caatorta.
When alia bncune Mist, the clung to Caatorla,
When she had Children, the fare them Caatorla,
PadereKSai's Americaa Earaiaas
Were at This Rate.
Pheaotaeaal Fiaaneial Saeecsa of Foar
Concerts la Oae Week, Two la Cat
ago aad Two la St. Loals.
His Fat are Plans.
.1 1. 1 1. . n, Ka nttlAF
day richer by several djliars than when
he last came to these shores, notwith
standing that before ne it ne en
dowed several music scholarships to
the tune of 10,000. It we may believe
the Sun. his recent concert tour, last
ing over three months, yielded In gross
profits 1347.000. and the pianists share of
I ..-n u an no- Mini t f fh. Buries of con
certs given by him over the country.
tne most extraordinary ramu
achieved during the week commencing
January IS. That week tour coneer.s
were given, two In Chicago and two In
St. Louis. The first concert In Chicago
at the Auditorium on Monday evening
netted aa.vra, ar.a me seconu, "
nesday atternoon. yielded $7,802. The
two concerts given that week In St.
Louis, on Thursday and Saturday,
yielded respectively $3,819 and ,;.
making for the week a total of more
than $21,000. Out of this there were to
be paid the expenses ot tne concerts.
The arrest nlan-
Ist was accompanied only by his man
ager, jonn i. rryer, ni
II ,1 xtl. n .1 U ntunn tllflfr from
nui;u vi nr. . i i ,iiu v . ......
Stelnway who looked after the tuning
of the Instruments In the towns In
which PaderewsKl played, no u win
be seen that the tour was not attended
with any great expense. Even Pattl.
whose earnings never reached the fig
ures ot Paderewskl's, Is compelled to
carry with her a more or less numerous
r.on r almrora n.l orchestra, but
the pianist was supported only by his
Mr. Fryer and other men who are In-
.... nn,a Inrw,,,,! In thn business
leivBinu nuu ..--
of music find the phenomenal success
of this tour more surprising irum
fact that It depended upon the piano
ounltal arKtVl i at raaa rrirl tliilftV as the
most difficult possible form of musical
entertainment to muxe iinunaum
experience nas neen octn ncn?
i.i.,. ih. rv ihnt the
recital has failed to attract even dead
heads. To see a man in a itock cum
sit down at a piano and piny for two
... n..,n ! u tnrm nf diversion
which even the most musically inclined
people are not any longer Inclined to
frequent. But In spite of the task of
taste for this Btyle of performance, the
succesB of Paderewskl, the phenomenal
and unpreceuentea uimncitu Buvtroo,
well as the hysterical furor that he has
achieved, has been accomplished only
by the means of his own genius, his
personality and his piano.
In only one city did Paderowkl con
fess to a feeling of disappointment.
He Is very sensitive (o the attitude of
.... nni nnieir to detect any
failure to respond to his efforts. This
happened in New uneans, -m-ic
attendance was large, but at the con
hiu innri-t there- the oianlst
said that he realised his hearers had
not been appreciative oi wnai ne nuu
struggled to do. This was a unique
experience during his tour, and New
Orleans, which was one of the few
southern cities that supported Walter
Damrosch's opera company, and has
for years had a regular opera of Its
own, was the one town In the United
States which withheld from Paderew
skl the fervent approval that he had
found in other places. Persons who are
familiar with the situation concluded
that New Orleans concentrated Its In
terest In music In the opera, and that
outside of that field Its Interest was
slight. Louisville, a southern city no
torious for its Indifference to music,
greeted Paderewskl with an immense
audience and the customary enthusi
asm. w
"We traveled In a private car, Mr.
Fryer said to the Sun reporter. "Pad
erewskl, Mr. Goerllts, Mr. Fischer, and
myself, and most of the time we lived
In the car, going from there to the thea
ter and returning after the perform
ance to dinner, often starting for an
other place as soon as the concert was
finished. Paderewskl still suffers
dreadfully from Insomnia, and the only
time he seems able to sleep Is when
others are beginning to wake up. He
never partakes of anything on the day
of his recitals beyond a cup of tea,
which he takes In the morning.
"He stttl smokes Russian cigarettes
a Incessantly as ever, and In the ab
sence of any opportunity to play pool
or billiards Paderewski devoted him
self to whist. 8o after the conceits,
when we went bac k to the car, dinner
would be ready, and we usually sat
down at about 11. Paderewski put the
hour off as long as possible, so that he
might have a good oppetlte when the
time came. We always made it a point
to have the best things of the region we
happened to be In, and as the cook was
an excellent one, Paderewskl said that
he had never lived better in his life.
"After dinner the day really began.
We played whist regularly every night,
and it was a bad thing for the man In
the party who happened to play care
lessly or make a mistake. Paderewskl
oluv sbiendidly. and he was not dis
posed to -be tolerant of anybody who
didn't devote all his attention to the
game. Usually between 3 or 4 o'clock
he would say that he thought he might
be able to get to sleep, and we broke
up. But often when I saw him the next
morning he would tell me that after all
he had succeeded In sleeping only for
an hour or two. He devoted six or
seven hours regularly to practice every
day. but he managed to see something
of the towns we visited, and the west
in particular interested him greatly
"it was a surprise to me as much as
it v as to him, to see the audiences that
turned out in the small towns. Think
of giving a concert In Houston, Tex.
a piano recital at that, and having an
audience that represented $2,W0! Often
I would tell him the figures, nnd he
would say that It must be a mistake.
there could not be so many people In a
small town who wanted to see him. In
Ban Antonio, too. where he was par
ticularly Interested In the Mexican In
lluences, the audience that turned out
represented $2,600. Of course, the peo
ple did not come only from the town.
but from all the region around, and the
enthusiasm of the people everywhere
was great. I don't suppose for Instance
that ever before theie was any audi
ence In San Antonio that represented
more than a fifth of that sum. but the
thing that drew them to hear Paderew
skl was only a piano, and the man who
played It.
"From my own experience, I am pre
pared to say that on his return visits to
this country the desire to see him will
be just as great. It Is not a fad that
will decline, for In every Instance In
the small towns In which these great
audiences gathered the enthusiasm of
the people wus greatest at the end of
the performance.
"In San Francisco, where he gave
ten recitals, Paderewekl saw China
town several times, and he was partic
ularly interested In the Chinese music.
Several times he went to hear It, and as
ho went about with an Interpreter who
had access to all, .'the resorts, there
were few :hases of Chinese life there
that he did not see. .
The porter on the parlor car would
have done anything for hint, and every
body connected with his business here
down to the man who moved his plana
to the stage from tho dray had reason
to remember his generosity when he left
this country. They are ail eager to see
him back, too.
-"It was in San Francisco that he had
... - -
his first opportunity to play a game of
pool after our long trip on the oars,
and he went at It eagerly. He does
everything that he attempt equally
well. It he had not been a great mus
ician he would have been as great In
one other field. I don't believe any
body who ever cornea Into contact with
him doubts that, certainly everybody
who geU to know him become imme
diately attached to him. The negro cook
It waa In San Francisco that Pad-
erewakl heard that MarsJok. the French
violinist who Is playing in this country
this year, had had an unsuccessful sea
son and was In Denver In rather em
barrassed circumstance. He tele
graphed to Marslck to come to San
Francisco, and he appeared with him
at a recital.. The receipts were $1200,
and Paderewski handed every rent of
It over to the violinist. When he ap
peared lately In New Tork with two of
his colleagues, the entire receipts of
the two concerts were handed over to
them. He Is a very good business man,
but he is generous to every one with
whom he comes in contact.
"Paderewski was never indignant
over the story that he had been helped
when a young man by Mme. Modjeska.
The story was not true, and his secre
tary denied It, but Mme. Modjeska and
he are great friends, and only a day or
two before he left San Francisco he
received from her a long and friendly
letter. Count Bosenta, her husband,
told the truth in the matter the other
day when he said that his wife had
been among the first to recognise Pad
erewskl's genius and have confidence
in him, and that was true. When we
passed throuh San Jose she was ex
pected to arrive here on the next day.
and If it had been possible we should
have waited over to see her."
Paderewskl always smiles when
asked about the enthusiasm of the wo
men who go to hear him play. The most
embarrassing case of this happened In
Boston. When he was playing there a
woman, middle uged and handsomely
dressed, rose from her seat and, walk
ing down to the front of the orchestra,
walked up the steps that led to the
atage. She stepped over to where the
piano stood, and, taking her place just
at the side of the pianist, remained
there quietly throughout the whole re
cital. Before the end of the programme
was reached so many other women had
followed her example that the stage
was crowded, and It was with difficulty
that the pianist elbowed his way
through the crowd. In one place a girl
who was delayed in getting to her
place told the usher that unless he
seated her immediately she would shout
Fire!" and put an end to the whole
concert. In Salt Lake City he received
a request to Join the Mormon church,
along with a catechism and the articles
of faith. Doubtless Paderewskl would
have to become a Mormon if he wanted
to make any matrimonial arrangement
that would satisfy his admirers.
Paderewskl never twice played the
same programme on his tour. He used
always to say that he had two pro
grammes in his mind wnen ne was
practicing. He never went to the the
ater in which he appeared before the
concerts, as the tuner from Stelnway s
who accompanied him on the trip knew
well enough how to have the piano in
condition for him. He was usually
nervous before the concerts, and on last
Saturday, when he played here for the
last time, he was especially nervous
"I always know, wherever I am," he
said to Mr. Fryer, "that there are a
hundred or more people in the bouse
Just waiting to catch me in some mis
The close of the concerts always finds
him completely prostrated.
Paderewski has only one engagement
to play in Europe, and after that for a
long time he will rest and devote him
self to composition. He will play at the
Philharmonic concert In London In
June a Scottish fantaaie written tor
him by Sir Alexander Mackenzie, prin
cipal of the Royal Academy of Music
In London and conductor of the Phil
harmonic society there. The summer
he will spend in southern France, and
his particular desire Is to retire for a
while from public life. He gave this
statement of his plans to a reporter of a
Western paper:
"I will make my home in Paris, as
heretofore. However, after the pro
duction of my opera I hope to travel
for pleasure In the Orient. When
have no concerts I rise early and take a
long walk, and then practice for an
hour or two. After breakfast I play a
game of billiards and then work upon
my compositions until dinner. After
that I again play billiards until bed
time. Yes, I am very fond of playing
billiards. It is my hobby."
In reply to the question, What la the
comparative standard of musical ap
preciation between different countries,
tho artist aald:
' "In all the countries that I have vis
ited the appreciation of the educated
is alike. England Is far ahead of any
other country in oratorio and ballad
music. Boston, New Tork and Chicago
rang as high. If not higher, in orches
tral music than any European capital,
Chicago has developed a remarkable
musical appreciation within the last
four years. I attribute this chiefly to
the fine work of the Chicago orchestra
under Mr. Thomas. Chicago can boast
ot one of the finest concert halls in
the world. To my mind there exists no
concert hall of the sise of the Auditor
ium with the same acoustic properties."
Paderewskl had his piano In his
stateroom on the Teutonic as usual.
There seems at present no doubt that
he will return here year after next.
His opera, of which two acts are fin
lshed, will probably be given first in
Dresden. Its scene Is laid in the Car
I athlan Mountains and the story is
of gypsy lire.
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-O AD I lrtUth.Wpl.anf
' Wni. wail
for ttlMO gwdia, . ,
of SciorDo Yalcrianu
eyler Xicelaa.
No Need of -X Ray to Photograph
Uls luaer Self-Ills Birth aad
Tralalag-Reasoa of
From the New York Frees.
If the nast may be taken as a criter
ion of the future, the reign of terror
that Cuba will now see 1 more than
likely to be unsurpassed In the annals
of the nineteenth century. Even the
savagery of the "unspeakable Turn
and the crime of Armenia stand out in
no darker colors than do Weyler s deeds
In the Cuba of '6 and '70. The procla
mations this steely, devil-prompted
military man just Issued aprear Inno
cent enough as black words cn white
paper, but their purport it is cny to
see. Much more terrible are they than
the proclamation of Valmascda In 186V,
against the bru'allty of which no less
a oeraonage than Hamilton Fish, then
American Secretary ot State, protested.
The real significance of Wcyler's or
ders ia that any man or woman he
pleases can and will be killed without
a trial's formality, without the chance
of a word In defense. They mean a
campaign of unprecedented assassina
tion and butchery all over the Island.
Should Weyler fail In his attempt to
subdue Cuba, Spain's final chance Is
gone, for this flower of all her generals
is in himself her last hope. Never, to
look at the situation coolly, was a last
hope placed in better hands. Neither
pity nor mercy does the new captain
general ever feel or has he ever felt.
Pitiless, cold, an exterminator of men
that hns been his record since the first
day he left school and became a young
officer mad to stain his hands with
His personality is extraordinarily in
teresting, because In his carriage and
In the very lines of hi face his every
thought and every emotion are pic
tured. There is no need of X ray to
photograph on some luminous plate
hi inner consciousness and his de
sires, for not an emotion Is hidden.
Fifty-seven years of age this winter.
his life has been one great pageant of
military triumphs. Never once has
the man failed In anything he has un
dertaken. Step by step he has climbed
up the ladder ot rank, beginning as a
boyish young captuin, until, now he
stands at the head of armed Spain,
Few, If any, of the great commanders
of history have been men of large star
ure. "The Butcher" keeps well within
this rule. Of only medium height, he
Is broad-shouldered, stocklly built and
muscular. His face is a remarkable
study In Itself. The head Is large, and
all its features prominent. Sparse,
once dark hair, now turning to an Iron
gray, meets a broad, receding forehead
There are tense and sharp lines and
furrows just over the bridge of the
nose, the most prominent feature of
the face. Shrewd, cold, glinting eyes
are set far back in their sockets, un
der bushy eyebrows. The hose Is
strong and masterful. A broad, thin
lisped mouth is not all hidden by the
thin muKtoche that is supplemented hy
luxurious, well-cropped side whiskers,
also tinged with gray and framing in
tne hard and stern chin.
Masterful alone is this square set
chin, smooth shaven, save for a little
tuft Just under the lower Up, of that
sort that the French denominate as a
"barblche." It la the ohljv and the noee,
the long upper Hp and the furrows In
the forehead. Just over the eyes, that
are the characteristics of this man's
face. Taken altogether, or taken sin
gly, they set forth the cruelty of his
nature In unmistakable terms. There
is no opportunity for misapprehension.
no dallying with the facts. Sensual,
shrewd, murderous, both because of
the power of relentless ambition and
because the man likes to be oruel, Wey
ler shows himself In every lineament.
His military coat bears upon it every
honor, every cross and every badge
known in Spain, save those set apart
for those of royal blood. But not even
theso glistening insignia soften or re
lieve for a moment the savage face
above. Time, Indeed, has made that
face more set and more merciless than
ever before. The brutalities Its owner
has planned and executed have all left
their traces there, forcing every gleam
of kindliness that might at one time
have found stray lodgment away, never
to get a foothold again.
Most marvelous, even in these days
of Individual triumphs, has been the
career of this Spanish bully. Especial
ly remarkable has been the course he
has run, when It comes to be consid
ered that he Is not a Spaniard of pure
race. The old Hidalgo blood does not
flow unrestricted and unmixed through
his vein; it Is diluted and mingled with
that of another and an alien people.
What makes It even worse, when Span
ish traditions and pride of descent are
argued. It Is on his paternal side that
this Intermixture of blood comes.
By descent Weyler Is a Prussian, as
his name Indicates, only of Spanish an
cestry on his mother s side. Yet so
aggressive and so successful In all he
has undertaken has "The Butcher
been, that even in the peninsula of
proud and haughty Don his luck nf
Spanish family has been forgiven and
his birthright has weighed as nothing
in the scale.
Not many words are needed to out
line his career. He was born on Sept.
17, 1S39, in Palma de Mallorca, and at
an early age entered the College de In
fanterla of Toledo, Though but a boy,
and of tender years at that, he even
then was of brilliant promise. Class by
class he moved up In that renowned in
stitution filled with the most brilliant
boys of Spain, and so far did he outstrip
them that on the day of his graduation
he stood, as the Spaniards say, "Num
ber One;" that is, at the head of his
It was a brilliant performance, but a
victory only won hy unremitting work.
The power and the unwillingness to
work without ceasing, it may be said,
has ever since been a characteristic of
this brutal master of troops. Even
now. though nearlnghis sixtieth year, he
frequently rises at three In the morning
to get to his work of fiendish planning
and ?lotting in order that everyone
may be ground under his Iron heel. With
the bov It was the same as it is today
with the middle aged man.
Once out of school, he was made a
captain immediately, and, strangely
enough, he was at once detailed to
Cuba. It is wonderful how fate will
weave its warp and wcof about a man,
Cuba has been the pivot, the one essen
tial crucial point i;f Wcyler's fortunes,
the great Btainolng ground whereon he
has made mark after mark. In Cuba
he went as a boy soldier to get his first
military exwrlenee. In Cuba a man
with the first bloom of youlh all gone
this In lE6a he made himself thP most
.wonderful Junior officer of the time.
Now. once again In Cuba, he is filling
the center of the stage.
The young officer did so well In Cuba
In the late '50's that he was sent to
Sun Uoininco, on which Island he per
formed deeds of great valor In the revo
lution of that early day, conquering the
stretch of country he was assigned to
with such ease nnd such an evident ac
quirement of the arts of brutality thnt
he was reccgnlztd as destined to ad
vance rapidly.. He made one famous
march in that revolution, with 120 men
and six horses, that has gone down In
the annals of Spiinlsh rule in the West
Indies. i
Even at that early date he soon got
'. ;. . '-' Vt '
to be known aa one of the very beat
officer in the Spanish poswessiona, and.
when, a few year later, the, Cubans'
attempted to establish a reoubllo anoy
orders came out from Spain, supple
mented by transport filled with, treope..
to put down the Insurgents, Count VaH
maseda, the general In command; aa
pointed Weyler reneral of one of the
flying columns of his battalions, as
signing him to the eastern part of tha
Province of Cant logo, a district tkatV
needed a cool head and a crust- hand. ,
How well Valerlano Weyler Nicola
u learned his lesnnns of mlMtarv bru
tishnes under the tuition of the In
human Valmaseda if Indeed anyona
was ever able to teach '"The Butcher1
anything In the way. of flendishnesf
that he did not already knowmay bo .
judged from the fact that Valmaseda
considered him his best general and,'
the most promising officer of vounav
Spain. In the few years Weyler spent
In doing more than his part' to render
Cuba a waste and blot out her inhabU .
tants he was meanwhile adding to hist
repute and Importance at Madrid. No
sooner was the rebellion finally aup-.,
pressed than he- found himself pre',
ferred. as were few others, far promo-
tion. The crown knew It had found.
the right man to decimate and torture.'
During the years that followed hard- '
ly a month passed that Weyler did not"
distinguish himself In some manner.;
With his secret Ideal the famous Dukn
of Alva, who headed the Spanish cam-
paign in the Low Countries over 0O.
years ago, once there establishing hl'
Council of Blood, and killing with grlmn
l.nvk.u. !.... wA 1 Y- . . ga a- a
muAiiiiri uiai iit iiiignb cwiiiacmie ior
his master, Philip of Spain, "Tho
Butcher" made himself a modern Alva
with wonderful fidelity. The Bpaalahr
government sent him oft to the Philip-,
pine Islands to quell an insurrections
and he covered those bits of territory
out In the China sea with fountain ot
blood, returning successful beyond the
hopes of the Cortes.
This last great exploit of his was lit.
1S&9. Since then he nas been livlaju
quietly In Spain in command of on of",
the divisions of the Spanish army al
home, resting on his laurels, but with
his prestige growing greater eaoh year. -
When It was seen that Campos could
nor put down tne present Insurrection, -the
entire country's thoughts turned at
once to Weyler, "The Butcher," and It
was the word among diplomats on ev--
ery hand that he was the one man whq
could terrorise and force to her kneei
the Cuba of revolt. .
Will, V. t l,naJn..H I. TT..u.. I
, ,v. im iKiuiiitiiuicis ill lIH.ya.ita),
Valerlano Weyler is plotting day by diaA
tor nis great strategic moves. ona
thing, and one thing only, Spain eem-k
to fear that before he canb ring ht J
clushrng machinery of death In everyV
direction, Innocent and guilty alike, he
will die by an assassin's bullet or nag-j
ger. With the helmsman struck down, '
nnure woura oe almost inevitaDle. '
There Is no small likelihood of thl.
for there are thousand of men In Cub
today today who would gladly sacrlflee
their llvos for the purpose of killing '
this man. They would do this In tho
remembrance of the outrages and Indlg-'
nltles their mothers or wives, perhaps
even their children, suffered a quarter,
of a century ago at Weyler's hand.
For the nioet horrtbli? thing about this t
man's campaigning, and that which laf
striking terror through Cuba, is that'
It is not. alone the Insurgents that suf-i
fer under his rulo. but the Innocent
and helMess as well.
Incarnate savagery is. the only de
scription. Bestial, sensual cruelty are
but faint words to describe what these
men remember. And tho Weyler of to-:
day, it Is feared, is worse, immeasur
ably worse, than the Weyler of 1870,
who was to some extent restrained be-,
cause he was not in complete command.,
Now there is nothing to prevent his
carnal, animal brain from running riot ;
with Itself in Inventing tortures and
Infamlcwi ot blooUy debauchery, whlcll
he will dignify under the comprehen
sive title of "Martial Law.'
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