THE 6CBA2JTON TBIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOIININU. MAY 6. 1896. Neufe WEST SIDE EVENTS. Mrs. Loot Slaafer Una Ucr Uusbaad Arrested for Assulting llor-ll la a Uablt Ut Has- nin A very handsome woman creaieu a sensation in Alderman uiairs omc last evening. The woman furnished in formation ugnlntt her husband. Louts SlF.nger, who is charged with assault. Ttiy have been married but seven trf .ths and this is the second time that the law has been asked to pun ish Slantrer for beating his wife. On their wedding day ho administered the first series of blows. The Slanger wo man carries u:on her Angers several seemingly costly stones, and in pei Honal appearance she is far above the ordinary personage found in aldermen's courts. Constable Timothy Jones was given the warrant with power to immediately conduct Slauger to the olderman's of fice. At 11 o'clock the ottleer returned without his man. Lieutenant of Police Williams was flrst told of the assault, which occurred at 7.30 o'clock. The re port was that a man had murdered his wife. The Starrer home on Scranton street was crowded with people and the sidewalks held up many curious ones. An efror. will be made today to cap.f ture Slauger. j FUNERALS YESTERDAY. Rev. T. Boll, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church, officiated at the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Plch ler, which took place yesteiday after noun from the family residence on North Fllmore avenue. The sermon was a deserved tribute to the life of the deceased. The pall-bearers were: Thomas O. Williams. George Davis. William Pctherlck, John C. Morris, Morris Watkins and Christopher Fas hold. Interment was made in Wash burn street cemetery. Maud, the 7-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Slotc, who died Saturday was burled yesterday afternoon from the family residence on Swetlnnd street. The services were conducted by Rev. J. B. Sweet, of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. A quartet from the church choir, under the leadership of Professor William Jones, rendered sev eral sacred songs during the services. Interment was made in Washburn street cemetery. The pall-bearers were a quartet of the young friends of the dead child. Their names are: Alice Powell, May Richard, Mary Phillips, May Clark. WEST S1DEK WILL BE ORDAINED. In connection with the graduation exercises at the Pnolflo Theological so ciety John M. Lewis, a student and a Hyde Turk young man. will be or dained to the ministry. The Seminary News si;-s of him: "Mr. Lewis is of the gifted Welsh nationality, his home in Pennsylvania. He was graduated at Marietta college, studied one year In Chicago seminary, and then, after ser vice uion the home missionary field In Washington, came to this seminary for middle and senior year. He now goes, under a call from the Hawaiian board, to labor among the white population In the Hawaiian Islands. It Is desired by the board that he be ordained in this country, and It will be done, as elsewhere noted, under the aus'ptccs of Hie First Church of Oakland, of which ln Is a member (In the Piedmont rranch) u;on commencement day. He has tuken '.he full course In the sem inary, and will be given the degree of 11. IV ILL AND CONVALESCENT. A child of Mr. and Mrs. David Clia pelle. of Decker's court. Is ill. Mrs. Henry, of Lake Ariel, who Is visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. Park, of South Hydv- l'urk uvenue, is 111. A child of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vmss, of Garfield avenue, has recovered from an Illness. Robert Evans, of Sumner avenue, Is on the sick list. A child of Evan F. Evan?, of Avenue (.', In recovering from mi nttnek of brain (ever. Dr. Beckwlth Is In at triidatice. Three children of Police Officer Con rad Marker, of Eynon street, are recov ering from scarlet fever. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lance, of Rock street, Is convalescent after an attack of scarlet fever. Mrs. J. W. Roberts Is suffering from neuralgia, MASCULINE MILLINERS. The Christian Endeavor society ot the Grace Lutheran church conducted a bonnet party last evening at the home of Mrs. Edward L. Haas, ot 310 Tenth street. The gathering was novel to this i section. Each lady took to the party a bonnet or hat with unsewed trimmings for the same. At the party the gentlemen attempted to fasten the trimmings to the hat or bonnet which was given him. By chance the hats were distributed among the ladies, and Doctor or Clothier Will you pay Ten Dollars for a Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with- , out and let the doctor charge you $50.00 for curing pneumonia?' V There are no coats in Scranton like these. Think of it! Ten Dollars for a 'Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a Twenty-five dollar look about It. 1 Other Coats other prices, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal to the best custom tailor's make. Spro Dealing Wars, of the the gentleman who attended to the trimmings on a particular hat enter- I taiped its recipient during the evening. ITEMS OP NEWS. Pay day was at Bellevue and Dodge collieries yesterday. Colom! lli::de will lecture this eve nine at the First Welsh Baptist church on war prison experience. The ad mission will be 10 cents. At tomorrow evening's young peo ple's meeting at the Washburn Street lresbyterlan church Miss Carson will sptak. an J. In addition, there will be music by Miss Calkin and Miss Howell. The funeral of Clus Ferber will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Ser vices will bo hi Id at the residence of the deceased yoiir.g man's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. rvrber. of South Main avenue. Rev, T. Hell will speak.- Mrs. Addie Walking is substntuting at No. is school. Tho funeral of Mrs. E. Davis will occur today at :i p. m. from the late residence, on 334 North Lincoln ave nue. " At tomorrow .evenlnK's -meeting of Robert Morris lodu,e fah member1 U urged to attend. The . grand , lodge meets at Olypliaht In the near future and Robert Morris lodse will consider a proposition to attend and assist In entertaining the visitors. ..- " - " ."r; rjuiry assaulted John Duffy, her hus band, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. It was served, and at the con clusion of the hearing in Alderman John's sanctum. Mrs. D. was commit ted to jail in default of $200 ball. The West Side band will give an open air concert this evening from Fair child's hotel on South Main avenue. The cantata at the Tabernacle Con gregational church, which will be per formed on May 13, Is thus far success ful, as tickets are being rapidly sold. MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. MIfs Blanche Taylor, of Peckvllle, Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs, F, P. Doty, of Nonth street. ' Miss Winnie Stevens, of South Lin coln avenue, hns accepted a position In Clarke Bros.' store. Miss Maggie Morgan, ot Lestershlre, N. Y is visiting friends on Van Bureh avenue. Miss Anna. Mason, of South Main avenue, entertained yesterday - the Tuesday Afternoon club. The organi sation is of recent birth and the mem bers are prominent. West. Side ladles. Miss Alason offered a pleasant recep tion to the club members. .. . Contractor Morris Williams, of Rock street, accompanied by' h's mother-in- law, Mrs. Thomas, left for New York : last night, and will sail for England today. Mr. and Mrs. Atticus C. Renshaw re turned yesterday from their wedding tour. They will reside at 624 North Hyde Park avenue. Corner Evans, of South Main ave nue. Is visiting in Philadelphia. .Miss Margaret Moylan, of llonesdale, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J. Nealis, of Jackson street. ' f rO I West Side Business Directory. -.. FLORIST Cut flowers "and funeral ' d signs a ipecmlty. Floral figures, useful gifts, at 101 South Alain avenue. Har riet J. Davis. Hoi 1st. ..-r : PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos 1140 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner' Photo Parlors, lul and 103 South- Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for , anythlpg you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and Vtii Jack sun street. I.., (KEEN KIDGE. Professor J. B. Hawker's little daugh ter is suffering (rum diphtheria. Miss Sadie Bender, of Kast Market street, has returned from a week's visit with friends In Berwick. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Green Ridge Pres byterian church held their monthly meeting In the church parlors last evening. John Snyder has purchased the old Ferris property on East Markekt street. Al'er some needed repairs are put upon the building, he will make it his future restdence. Brace Broadhourst, of Nay At1? ave nue, has recovered from the injuries received In the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western round house home time ago. The Young People's society of the East Market street Primitive Method ist church will run an excursion to Lake Ariel June 1". Mrs. Isaac Vought Is visiting In Ber wick. i Emmet Slnian's' little daughter is' slowly recovering from her recent Ill ness. George Bugden Is occupying Profes sor J. B. Hawker's place at No. 27 school during his child's Illness. N. J. Garret spent Sunday with his mother at Honesdale. Hattsti asd fplshari. Suburbs SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Wheels' CUb elected Delegates to Meotlaj la Interest of Glader Path. Patting Vp ElaetrU Light Poles. A meeting of the South Scranton Wheelmen's club was held in Germanla hall laat night D. F. Crolly. Captain Joseph F. Woelkers and D. P. Murray were appointed a committee to attend the meeting at Mahnn's hall, Olyphant, on Thursday evening. May 14, of the Anthracite Valley Cycle Path associa tion, the object of which Is to construct a cinder path from Scranton to Crystal Lake by way of Carbcndale. It was decided that a large delegation of the club will go to Olyphant that night on their wheels If the weather Is favorable. The rest of the business transacted at the meeting was routine. ' PUTTING VP THE POLES. Workmen are engaged on Cedar and Pittston avenues erecting poles for the three new electric lights. Wires will haw to be strung from the point on Cedua avenue at which It is crossed by the narrow guage track which runs to rhi. National hrnAlrHV to the COtDCr Of Sanders street, at which one of the I lights will be located. It is also neces- steamers ana tne impression mat attai sary to extend the wires on Pittston J ttonal amounts will be forwarded to .vnnu from Gibbons to Saelnaw street. I Europe on Saturday. The advance In The lights will be burning within three or four days. - SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Miss Sarah Durkln. of this side, left yesterday for Chicago, at which place the mmrlaire of her sister. Miss Maria Durkln, to Alexander Lcet, of that city. will be solemnized tomorrow. The Zither club of the Hickory Street i Presbyterian church will' hold an en- Natter's halt this even lnr. Camp 430: Patriotic Order 8ons of America, celebrated their seventh an niversary Monday evening. Addresses were given by Emll Bonn. Charles E. House, Fred W. Jones and Charles Webber. Music was furnished by the Atlsses Carlyon and Wlrth and Fred and Archie Jones. X F. Chrlstophel was presiding officer, and the commit tee of arrangements comprised Fred Gunster, Charles W. Snyder, George Frable, James Bird. Fred W. Helman, William Maus. Jr., Peter Kellerman, Jr., August Gunter and Charles Kulleimon. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the fu neral of Mrs. Mathlas Hamm, of Pros pert avenue, will take plac. Interment will "be made In Petersburg cemetery. Patrolman Martin Flaherty has de cided to erect a two-story building for business purposes at the corner or Pittston avenue and Cherry street. DUN. MOKE. Henry Kimble left yesterday for Washington, Pa., to attend the funeral of his sister. i ! Mr. Wilde Is repainting and otherwise improving his residence on North Blakety street. A socio 1 and entertainment will be given by the Men's Guild of St At ark's mission in the church parlors on Thurs day evening. , The admission will be 10 .cents. , , The fuaerftl of James Scott will take place this morning at 9 o'clock with a high mass of requiem at St. Mary's church.i The prayer meeting In the Presby terian church tonight will be In charge of the pastor, Rev. W. F. Gibbons. Mr. Harrington Is erecting a new Iron fence In front of his property on West Drinker street. The regular monthly literary a nd business meeting of the Epworth league will be held toiilght, which was post poned on account of the quarterly con ference last night. The Lawn Tennis club held a meet ing at the residence of Airs. At. E. Close on Elm street, lust evening, and was well attended. The membership was limited to twenty-flve, the limit now having been reached. Four new mem bers were received last night and the society at present Is In a very pros perous condition. D. J. Foley, who has conducted a tail or shop on Chestnut street for some time, yesterday removed to Scranton. A tea store will be opened In the place vacated by Charles Lee in a few days. The school board met in regular monthly session last night, but aside from the regular routine of business not much was transacted. Professor Houser, who has for the past two years been principal, was elected su perintendent to succeed J. E. Williams, resigned. Mr. Houser is very popular with the students and has a host of friends in this borough who will be glad to learn of his success. . Very little business came before the council last evening. The meeting was called to order with all the member present. A petition was received from Mrs. C. Rowan, of Qulncy avenue, re questing grade, as she wished to build a residence. Her prayer was granted and the borough engineer Instructed to give grade. A petition was also re. celved asking the borough to establish graue on tiianeiy street from the cor ners to the borough line. The prayer was granted. The bill of T. P. Letch- worm was reierrea nacic jo the com mittee to settle With the oomnlaJnant. The chief of police's time sheet amount ed to $90 and that of the street commis sioner, I2W.U7, salary included. PROVIDENCE. f David Evans, of Deacon street, was reported to be slightly Improved last evening. Miss Maud . Davis, of Pittston. re. turned home yesterday after a short visit with friends In the North End. The Arlington Junior Social club will conduct a masquerade ball this evening in company armory. Mr. Davis Is slightly Indisposed at her home on Parker street. Michael Scanlon, of Cayuga street. was arraigned before Alderman Rob erts last night for an assault and bat tery on James Simpson. After the hear ing, at which Mr. Scanlon was found guilty, the parties compromised the matter and Mr. Simpson withdrew the charges on the accused paying the cost of prosecution. Miss Mary Moran, of Archbald, spent last evening with friends In the North End. Ml NOOK A. I O. B. Doud Is erecting a handsome residence In Greenwood. It's high time the. supervisors should do something for the good of the town ship. John Forrlster, a driver employed In the No. I drift of the Greenwood Coal company, was slightly injured by being pinioned between a trip of empty mino cars and the rib. The South Side and Harmonies base ball club cannot play on Minooka grounds Sunday, May 10, as both grounds will be .occupied by home teams. AN INFORMAL DANCE. Gln by the Excelsior Club at It Hoom ' on Wyoming Avenue. About twenty-flve couples attended an Informal dnnce given by the Excel sior Social club at its room 'on Wyom ing avenue last evening. . At . midnight refreshment were served by the club' caterer. Music for dancing was furnished by Bauer. V """ Oil Market. ; Oil City, Pa., May S.-41.V3 wa the only quotation on option today,' Credit bal ance, $1.25. MET AliDSM REP08I Wall Street Review. New York. May 8. As on yesterday the stock market was one or specialties, the Industrials figuring for the bulk of the business transacted. The total sales were only 103.U3 shares and In this small total Tobacco led with 15.200 shares. Leather preferred followed with 13.400 and Bay State Gas was third with 7.100 shares. Tobacco was weak throughout and under steady pressure of stock for both accounts fell from 68t to 6TS7K. Leather pre ferred on the other hand was Arm on rather vague reports that the director Intended declaring a dividend shortly. Kay State Gas started oft with a rise of li per cent, to S3, fell to 31 and rallied to 3'jJi31. Ijtclede Go and Rubber were heavy. The former broke 3 to 25 on a false rumor that the ease In volving the charter of the company had been decided against It. Later on a rally to 17 4 ensued. Rubber common dropped li to 23 and the preferred 3 to mVi. the announcement that ex Presldent Branlgan has organised an opposition company having Induced further liquidations. Cotton OH com mon and preferred were higher on the statement that the directors had de clared the regular semi-annual divi dend of 3 per cent, on the latter. The usually active railway list showed no change of Importance although the ten dency of prices was downward. Lon don operations were insignificant, but local traders were disposed to espouse the short side of the account because of the engagement of gold for Thursday's freight charges for carrying gold by the trans Atlantic lines will not check ex ports of the metal, so shippers say. Speculation closed dull. Net changes show losses of ,4Vi per cent. In the raiway list and ',) per cent. In the Industrials, Rubber preferred leading. Cotton OH preferred gained U per cent, on the day. Kiirnisiiect By WILLIAM LINN. AT. LEN A Co.. correspondents tor A. I1 CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Bpruc llCSt. Op'n- Hiss- Low- Clos ing, est. est. In. Am. Tobacco Co eS',3 S 67 67'4 Am. Sujar Ref. Co.. 134 124 121' 124V A ten., TO. ft 8. e . 15 15 , Canada Southern ... 1 61 Chei. AY Ohio IT'.i 174 Chicago Uu Tll (r Chic. & N. W ll4 1CC'4 15H 61 "', 70 10S so'i 3j 78Vi 72',, 161 1 3Hz 149; M4 2i'i 103 27'4 5 . 106 H'.i 25 1H 12i 3t".i 39 8't 7'i UH 63', 23 51 17H 704 UHi til 35 n 72 i;i iH Sli'i 14DU 5) 27 Vi las 27'i 5 106 14',4 25 I'd 121 3!"i 39'.; S'i S'i 7 18 85, 03V4 23Vi Chic, 4J. ft Q 81-H C. 4k St. L 35 01' 35 7(1 c. a. c. Chic, Mil. St. P . 79 Chic, R. I. Fac .. 72 72V4 161 19i 34. 150 52Vi 27 ! v.. U & W 1(1 ! Dist. ft c. f mi ; Gen. Electric 36S ! Lake Shore 150 1 Louis, ft Nash 52 ' M. K. ft Tex, Pr 274 ftiannaitan uie. Mo. Pac lONt 1G9 2i 28H Nat. Cordage 5 5 N. J. Central 105 108 N. V., L. E. ft W. ... 144 144 N. Y.. 8. ft V Pr. .. 25 Sj, Nor. Puc m 1V Phlla. ft Read K 12 Southern R. R., Pr . Sl, 31 Tnnn. C. ft Iron 30 mk Texas Pacific g'i SVj Union Pacific t'i S'.i Wabash 7V 7 WaTjash, Pr 1SH n Western Union Si'.'-i HH-'j W. L. 101i 10 V. S. Leather 0V V. S. Leathor, Pr. .. 11V 64H U. S. Rubber 24 2i CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clo. WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Imr. July 61 62 61'4 62'i September 62 63 62H 63 OATS. July 18 19 18 19 September 19 19 19H 19 CORN. July 29 29 ' 2!i 29 September 30 80 30 30 LARD. July 4.85 4.87 ' 4.85 4.87 September 5.00 a.05 " 6.00 O.Oi PORK. July $.05 8.05 7.85 8.05 September 8.26 8.25 8.05 S.22 Scranton Board of Trad ExobangeQno-tstlons-AII Quotation Bsd on Pur of 1 00. Name. . BH. AskeJ. Dime Dep. ft Uis. BanK 140 fecranton Lace Cirtaln Co National Boring & Drilling Co. ... First National Bank (ja Scranton Jar & Stopper Co ... Elmhnrft Boulevard Co Scranton Saving Hank ...... 2M nonta Plato Ola a Co Scranton Car Replarer Co Brtanton Packing- Co Waston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron 4 Hteal Co.. ... Scranton Baddln Co Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M't'g. Co BONUS. Bcrsnton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1818 no Scranton Traction Co ... F.ople'a Street Railway, flrat mortgage due Ills IM Scranton Pittston Trac. Co People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 120 lit Dtckion Manufacturing Co I,acka. Township School 1 City of Scranton Street Imp i ... BoroiiRh of Wlnton 4 Mt. Vernon Coal Co.. Scranton Axle Works New York Produce Market. New York, May 5. Flour Dull, easy, unchanged. Wheat Spot market quiet, firmer with options; f. o. b., 74c; ungrad ed red, 70aS0c. ; No. 1 northern, 71 He.: op tions advanced, laltac, declined, Viac. on realising, closed steady at HaHc. over yesterday, wltn a rainy active trade; no, 2 red Mny and June and July, 64c; August W'c-' September, 60Hc; December, 70"ic Corn Snots dull, firm: No. 2 at 3lia.T3. elevator; 3Sa36c'. afloat; options Arm at unchanged prices to Vie advance, touow ing the west; May, Wic; July, 35c; Sep tember, Kc. Oats-pots quiet, firmer; options dull, firmer; May, 24'4c; July, 24'i.; spot prices, No. 2 at Vc:. No. 2 white. 20t4c.; No. Chicago. 2o-v,c.; No. 3 at 2340.; No. 3 white, 24'lc.; mixed western, 24',,ga2Sttc.; white do.. 26a2S;.; white do., 2rta2.Sc; white state, 2lia28c. Beef Slow, unchanged. Lard Quiet, steady; western steam, $5.03; city, $1.50; May, j.0.1 ; refined, dull, continent, IJ5.40; South Amor tea, 15.80; compound, 4.a4c, Pork Steady, moderate demand, unchanged. Butter Fair demand, unchanged. Cheese Choice new, firm; state large old, 5a94ic ; do. new, 7nSio. ; do. small old, 41j1al0c; part skims old, 2a4Vc; do. new, 2a5c: full skims, 2a2Vie. Errirs Liberal receipts, easy; state and Pennsylvania, 10..allc; southern, 8a9u.;westcrn fresh, 9Vjal0sc. Philadelphia Provision .Mnrkot. Philadelphia, May 6. Provisions were jobbing fairly at unchanged prices. We quote: Beef, city family, per barrel, I9.i0a 10; city smoked beef, ll'ial2,'. beef hams,. S15alS.50: pork, family, $10. Ma 11; hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, 8a914c; do. smoked. OalO'ic, as to average; aide, ribbed, in salt, BaB'c; do. do. smikol, 6',n5-?icv; shoulders, pickle, cured, 5'4a6yc. ; do. do. smoked, eVfeafi'Tic.; picnic hams, S. P. cured. B'l;r,0"tc: do, do. smoxeu, ua7c; Denies, In piclile, according to average, loom?, 5a5?le.; breakfast bacon, 7,Aal0c., for round and jobbing lots, as to brand and over age; lard, pure, city refined, In tierces, B1iC.; do. do, do., In tub. ' 0a6Kc. : do. butchers' loose, 5c.; city tallow, In hogs heads, S'jC, country do., 3a3Hc, as to quality, and cakei, 3:ltC Toledo Grain Mnrkot, Toledo, O., May 5. Wheat Receipts, 1,404 bushels; shipments, 6.550 bushels; Sulet; No. 2 red cash and May, G8c. ; July, ,5c.; August, 640.; 8ptembe, 64'io.; No. 4 red coah, 60c; Corn RceelptB, 15,000 bushels; shipments, 3,000 bushels; dull; no trading. Onta Dull; No. 2 mixed July, 10c. Clovcrseed Receipts 780 bags; ship ments, 453 bags; dull; prima cash, $4.00; October, $4.55; prime, alslke, $4.20. ' linffulo Live Htook. Buffalo, N. T May G. Cattle Steady; atockers and feeds In fair demand and strong. Veals Dull at $3a3.&0j choice to extra, $3.05a4. Hosts Active, SalOc. high er; Yorkers, 3.Km3.70; light do., J3.70a3.75; pigs, J3.70a3.75; packers and- mediums, t3.60a3.60; good heavy, J3.5oa3.80; roughs, J3a3.1H; stags, J2.25a2.50. Sheep and lambs Steady and firm; good handy lambs, t4.tfuS; culls to fair lots, $3.85a4.65; heavy lambs, $4 50: culls to good fat sheep, $2.75 8.85; no wools on sale. ( 1 Chlcajo Live Stock,' Union Stock Yards, III., May 5. Cattle Receipts, 4,500 head; market slow and Bo. lewari common to tnt ittwi, Ij.4ta4.6v; ft KO-TO-BflC MIRACLE. Physical Perfection Prevented by ths US3 0I loDacco. An Old.iimer Cured After Using Tobacco Twenty Three Years. He Gains Twenty Pounds in Thirty Days. Lake Geneva, Wl. Special.) The ladies ot our beautiful little town are making It Interesting for tobacco-using husbands, since the injurious effect of tobacco and the ease with which it can be cured by No-To-Bac have been plainly demonstrated by the cure of Mr. F. C. Walte. In a written state ment he says: "I smoked and chewed tobacco for twenty-three years, and my case wa one of the worst in this part of the country. Even after I went to bed at night, I woke up to chew or smoke. It was killing me and my wife was also ailing from the Inju rious ell ects. Two boxes of No-To-Bac cured me, and I have no more desire for tobacco than I have to Jump out of the window. I have gained twenty pounds In thirty days, my wife Is well, and we are Indeed both happy to say that No-To-Bac la truly 'worth Its weight In gold,' " Mr. Waite's cure is looked upon as a miracle. It Is the talk of the' town and county, and over a thousand tobacco users will use No-To-Bac. The pecu liarity about No-To-Bac Is that the makers authorise every druggist In America to absolutely guarantee three boxes to cure or refund the money, and the cost Is so trilling, compared with the expensive use ot tobacco, that tobacco-using husbands have no excuse to offer when their wives Insist upon their taking No-To-Bac, gaining pure, sweet breath, new mental and physical powers and a practical revltallzn tlon of their nlcotined nerves. No-To-Bac not only cures the tobacco habit but re stores vitality and nerve vigor. It Is Indeed a miracle worker for weak men. Get our booklet, "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away." Written guarantee, free sample, mailed for the asking. Address The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. stackers and feeders, J3.Jja3.95: cows und bulls, Jl.Wa3.C0; calves. f3a4.75; Toxaim, 2.tea4.10. Hogs-KacelptB, 16,000 head; niurket steady; heavy packing; and ship ping; lots, t3.35a3.53; common to choice mixed, $3.35a;).i); choice- aborted, .TFn3."G; tight U0a3.70; pies, t2.7.'a3.70. Sheep Receipts, HI, 000 head; market slow and stonily; Inferior to choice, 2.0Oa:.9O; lambs, .50a5.10. v CONVENTION AT FKEELAND. Representative or the Total Abst ulnars Will Cuther There May 20. On May 20 the annual, convention of the Scranton Diocesan union will becrln at Precland and contlnu in session for two days. The union includes all of the Father Mathew societies In this part of the state, the greater pact of which will be represented by delegate. It Is felt that the movement Is not as strong; and vigorous within the con fines of the Scranton union at this time as It should be, and steps will probably be taken at the approaching convention to cause a revival of interest In temper ance work. Officers are to be chosen and delegates to the national conven tion elected. John J. O'Hara, of Par sons, the present president, may be re elected, but Charles Lavin, of Wllkes Barre, Frank McCafterty, of Jermyn, and M. J. O'Toole, of this city, are also mentioned fur the office. On the night prec-dlng the conven tion a rally will be held under the aus pice of Freeland society, ut which time the latter' new hall will be form ally dedicated. J. Washington Logue, of Philadelphia, will be the orator of the occasion. The Frecjand total ab stainers are maicing extensive arrange ments for the entertainment of the dele gates to the convention. ENTERTAINMENT AT Y. W. C A. Marked the Closa of the Physical Culture l)er"r"n"t. A large audience gathered at Young Women's Christinn association hall on Washington avenue last nlnht to at tend the closing exerclse.3 of the- gym nasium. The room was tastefully dec orated with red and white, the associa tion colors. An instrumental selection on Mano and violin by Messrs. Doer sam and Kiple opened the entertain ment, and then came the Pizzisoti chorus by the children's class of th 1 "gym." The little ones went through a ; series of exercises on the parallel bars and also gave flue exhibitions of vault ing and body movements. The mem- i hers of the ladies' class went through the Swedish drill end Mefsrs. Dcvrsivm and Kiple were again heard on piano and violin. The evening's entertainment closed with a lecture on "Michael An gelo," by Attorney A. V. Bower. It was Illustrated by eighty steroptlcon views taken from the best examples of art In the galleries of Europe the orig inals of which were nearly all studied by Mr. Bower. The performance of the members of the "gym" demonstrated the good work that Miss Janet Adams, the physlclal directress, has been doing In that department. English Capital for American Invest meats. Important to Americans seeking Eng. lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of i'J) auccessful promoters who have placed over 100,000,000 sterling In foreign Invest ments within the laat six years, and over fl8,000,009 tor tha seven months of 1895. price 5 or $25, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London, E. C, Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any of these successful promoters. Thlf list la first class In every respect, nd every man or Arm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found In valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial PnnMrni Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. RORS. HON. WALTRR C. PEPY3. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFR. . Copyright. LAWN MOWER. Is fitted with an Improved Cutter Bar of sol id tool Kios-l tempa ed in oil. '1 he Knives have a positive "shear" cut nnd are re ul.ted bv a rt:'Dt improved "Micro nometer Adjustment." 'ilia Shaft run la Phosphor-Bronzs hear incs, adding greatly ton I'uotimoas in running. This machine has a tew mall able iron huu dle hrace In one pieea. In slmpllrltyol construction, ense aud seen racy in operation, durability and flnUh, tills mower 1 undoubtedly the. best "light" mow er in the market. PRICE 10-Inch, $3.00 12-Itidi, 3.25 14-Inch, 10-Incli, 3.50 3,75 fOOTEl SHEAR CO, WftSHINSTOH IVEitUL Hi iiiwiwiuumumiiuuiu THE :. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 I mil DfiriAA Form the loadstone that I flW I II.RQ dxaws customers to our kUVV I I IUUU store( and g00tj vaiues given for the same make our patrons our friends. With every article in stock you will find uniform system of price that is a", ways in favor of the buyer. WASH GOODS. 50 piece of Kwivol Silks, XI inrhrs wide, in chol.-e colurmir..50 value. YOUR PICK. JJC 100 vinous of Figured Dimity and Linen vnVcts, tl lateat wasb gooda, l&o. and 19-. ralne YOUR Pick, u'ie 100 pltcra of Plain and Cr.rdfd liar ured Oryaudi a, iu choice col. r- log, 'J0c. to 25c. vain YOUR PICK, IJC ICO eleces of Ss-lnck Percales, atr'ct ly fast colors, oa rtad atylea, ISc value YOUR PICK, ioc MILLINERY. An elegant line of Flowers, worth 25c to 35c per bunch; choice, liiO. Look at the Flowers we are offering at 23f., a bar gain. 35c will buy beautiful Fbwcrs, sold elsewhere for 50c. Misses' and Boys' Straw Hits aud Sailors at i'iC. 39f. and 50C, worth 30c, 50c, and 75c. Hiiii:iniHiniw:i8iniiiKtttiuinniiiiigniniitninHt:Hi3i!iHiiiinHiiiiiii HUB JU..I swim la Electric City Awning and Tent Com. any lib to Inform the:r trie'.ds an t pat-oua tht titer have opmod an ofiic at 313 Linden Street, with Kcaaa ft long, where any uruura, by mail or telephone, for Tents, Kla. Awn inn, Vi agon (.'ova a or Uoraa Clothing- will be given careful attention. i mm. i Telsplww 3102. THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THEE 1 5 CC1ELL CO, JAMES MOIR, Ha Msvtd to HI New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Dank. Ha baa sow iu a Compridng everything requisite for flia Merchant Tailoring. And the same cuu be shown to dvantAi;e iu r,l spUn dialy fitted up ruoms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers of The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In Ills New Builnesa Home RESTORES VITALITY Made a stS .-in IP, Well Mar. 18th Day. of Me. Tr.E GREAT 3Oth Day. JPXIZSCTOXX xixz&zxixvir produces the above results In 30 days. It arti powerfully and quickly. Cuns when all other fail Vouug mou will rvKain their lout maaliuod, and out men nill recover their youthful visor by union Bi'jVlVO. It (iulckly and surely iwitoieaNerrou nemi, Loot Vitality, Iinpotency, Nlgutlr Eraiisionf Lost Power, Fiillni Mi morr, Vattu Plwase. anil all efforts nf self-ibnss or ciren and indiscretion nhlcb unlltv onn lor ndr. buxineu or marriage. K not only cures by Urtlns at the met ot cLieaae, but tBorreit nrrte tonic aud blood builder, brine In tisck the pink glow totiale cheeks 'id re torln the fire of yonth, ft wards off Innanlt) and Contumntlon. Inilit na hv!u RttVlVOtW other, It can be carried in vitxt j otket. lit nrj! 1 .00 per vaektffo, or six tor t3.0D, with a pi; Mve written gunrnfos to enre or refut.' '.enionej. Clrculjr i n. Mdron -p..r . ... nufKpn For Ml by MATTHEWS BROS., Or ugglat, i j ULUHUL i 1 BALDWIN'S II 1BHTI01 t u 1 f?iv5ir W7 wruirai arm - n SKIRTS AND CAPES. 50 Silk Capes, anaorted stylos, ninaly mucin and trimmed; regular 16.50 quality VOt'R PICK. $4.4 50 Vrlvt Capn. steely trimmed, ala (ami? lined, lull a.vaap. ftU value VOt'R PICK, $J.o 40 Ladles' Blacic Figured Vonair Kkirts, full aweep, llaad through out, $100 value YOUR PICK, Sl.vS 85 Ladles' Black Brllliaatlna Shirt. Sv Tarda anaen, elegantly made aud llued, 14.50 ti YOUR PICK. i.S THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wagner A RcU, Leaaees and Manager. Fdday Niht, 8tb, Benefit Ce. B, Thirteenth Regiment. The Widest Ranged Soprano la the World, Supported by DMIDnlhed Artists, Ticket oau be pi educed trim members of Co. B. bait o. reserved a -at vyaut Vkedutaday 9 a. m. Saturday, May Sih, AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTRESS. . Effie Ellslerv Suppf tted by Frank Weston. Jo'jn A. Kllsler anil a competent company, presenting Al exander Duma' Eiootiaaal Play. " CAMILLE," v Miss Ellsler as Atargirct Oautlar. Tlitv f.lav will bemagniucently meusted and COtltUDItttix v He. ulur prices. Salo of scatl-opens Thurs day 9 a. m. ACADEMY OF MUSIc Thursday Evening, May Lillian Russell PRESENTING HER LATEST NEW YORK MiCCESS. THE GODDESS OF TRUTH With tame Scenic Embellishments, Brilliant Costumes and wonderful ll; ht effect, teen at Abbey 'a theatre. Sale of seats open Tuesday morning at Vclock. Checks at 8. Prices 33. 50, 7s an S1.0. 6TEINWAY ft SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Ot the Wart DECKER BROS., KRANICHB ft BACHE and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, flusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find complete stock and at prices a low a the qual ity ot tha Instrument will permit at I. IS. n nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUiLDINO, CORKER WYOXING AVE. AND CENTER St OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. m. (l hour intermission lor dinner anl (upper.) Particular Attention tllven to Collection. Prompt Settlement (iuaranteed. Your Busi ness is Respectfully Solicited, lelepbone 134. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest inprorcd faroisly lags sad appantas far keesJai Oseat, batter and eggs. 823 Wyoming Am. Ih,m,w.ww J"