. THE KCBANTON. TBIBUNE WEDNESDAY -MORNING.- MAY 6. 1896. LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Av& Beg to announce that for the Next Ten Days we will offer some of the greatest values ever put on sale in this city. 23 piece of colored figured Mohairs, regular price, 20c., LEADE'F.3 TRICE. 50 piece all-wool vicuna cloth, regu lur price. Sic, . LEADER'S PHICE. 19c. 0 piece all-wool twilled vicuna clolh, regular price, 35c LEADEIt'S PRICE. 48o. 110 remnant fine white India linen, price off the piece, lot-, a yard. REMNANT PRICE. 4c. 25 piece 4-4 unbleached muslin, regular price. LEADER'S PRICE, 4c. 6 pieces of 45-lnch pillow casing, regu lar quality. . . ... . LEADER'S PRICE. 8'jC 51 dozen extra large cotton towel, regular price, 10c.. LEADER'S PRICE, 7c 10 dcten 3ti-lnch cotton towel, regu lar price, He, . LEADER'S PRICE. 3ViC. West quality needle. 4c. a paper. Best quality patent hook safety pins, i'lic a cunl. Rest hairpin, 4c. a box. Cotton tape, tl for 5c. lirui shields, ovary pair warranted, loo. a pair. Heat rubber combs, 10c. Whalebone caning, c. apiece. Extra quality silk beltiii, "c. a yard. 25 ladies' ttunnel stilts, in nuvy and black, former price, ja.fs. LEADER'S PRICE. 81.SS. One lot of ladies' line cloth cape, with velvet collar and handsomely em broidered ifuod value, S3. LEADER'S PRICE, 81.53. to figured brllliantlne skirts, lined throughout, velvet facing, worth 81.50. LEADER'S PRICE. 98c. 40 doaen ladles' laundrled shirt waists, in nice neat designs, large sleeves, former price, 41'c; for this sale, LEADER'S PRICE. 29i!. 35 dozen much liner quality nice new choice designs, Bls!io! tdeeveH, LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. One lot of Infants' and children's dress es, nicely trimmed, sizes two to six, LEADER'S PRICE, 25c. On lot of choicer good. LEADER'S PRICE. 49c. 98 dozen men' fancy half-hose, full seamless, worth 12'fcc. a pair, LEADER'S PRICE. 3 PAIR FOR 23c. 20 dozen of men's fancy silk and satin suspenders, full length, attractive colors, 39c. quality, LEADER'S PRICE. 19o. 12 dozen fine gilt belts, worth 50e LEADER'S PRICE. 21c. II I III. DEADLY CHOLINE STOVE. terrible Catastrophe in a ilrooklyn Flat. Thrcs Persons Burned to Death and Ono Seriously Injared. Brooklyn, X. Y May 5. By the ex plosion of a gasoline stove in a Hat house at the corner of Hushwiek and Johnson avenues thin morning, three persons were burned to death and one person seriously burned. Mrs. Re becca Cohen attempted to light a gaso line stove in the kitchen iff her apart ments about 8.20 o'clock this morning;, when the stove exploded. The woman's clothing caught tire and she ran to her two children, Karl,, 14 months old, and Solotnan, 3 years old, and clatiped them in her arms, setting their' clothes on tire. The woman then ran across the hnllwny to the apartments of her sis ter. Sirs. Pnstannc, screamlns loudly for help. Mrs. Pastanack endeavored to extinguish the fire in which her sis ter was enveloped, aud In doing so her own clothing caught. Mrs. J'antanaclc, with her clothing on fire, ran to her two children, Solomon, Sr rears old, and P.osle. 2 years old, and lifted them in her arms. The two women and the four children, their clothUig blazing, then ran into the hallway. Help soon arrived and Mrs. Cohen vras taken to St. Catherine's hospital, but (Hod before reaching;, there. Mrs. Pastanack was found dead in a corner of the hallway and the Cohen children were found badly burned In Mrs. Co hen's apartments. They were taken to St. Catherine's hospital, hut Karl died ; shortly after reaching there. It Is ex pected that Snloman Cohen will recov er. The Pastanack children were re moved to the hospital, but they are so badly burned that the physicians have little hope of saving them. Isaac Kusehaw, who attempted to put out the fire seized a siphon bottle, which exploded in his hands. A piece struck him over the rlRlu eye, causing a bad but not dangerous wound. The loss by the Are is $100. HOUSE COLLAPSED. Th Miraculous Esaap of the Throe Oc v enpnnt. Chicago, May 6. At 2.15 o'clock this . afternoon, while Daniel Ross, a car penter, was raising a house at 100 Went Fourteenth street, by means of Jack screws, the house collapsed, burying Ross and the occupants in the ruins. Ross was quickly dug out by the police and taken to the county hospital, fatal ly Injured. Charles Trngnitz, his Bister Jennie, and a little girl named Edna, occupants of the house, were also burled In the ruins, but all escaped serious injury. It is supposed some of the Jack screws gave way, causing the House to col lapse. MOSCOW. Walter Runyon, of Long Islngd City, la visiting friends In town. Mrs. Gorman spent Monday In Scran ton. Miss Minnie Norrls, of Scranton, pent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs, H. L. Oalge. . Miss Alice Scanlln returned home from Scranton Monday evening. Mrs. M. M. Evans, of Madlsonvtlle, called on friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Backus, of Bcranton. were In town on Monday. Miss Nellie Hinds has resumed her duties as saleslady with O. E. Vaughn. Will Cobly, of Daleville, was a visit or In town Monday. Professor H. L. Burdlck, of Oreen Ridge, called on friend in town on Saturday. .- Twenty-eight wheelmen from Scran ton dined at the Central hotel on Sun day. " George Shaw had- a Valuable cow kilted by the cars Monday. Otcar Qubln, of New York, (pent a rew days last week with nil sister, Mrs. Simon Shults. Mr. and Mrs. William Honahan, of Touynanna, spent Sunday with Mrs, Monuuurs motner, Mrs, cunning nam. raim'SJBK BUDGET Snap Shots of News from the Kodak . of Live Reporter. OBSERVATIONS OX THE LIXE Notice to Soap Swindlers sad Uog Usher. ma-A Startling Tata of the Pik and Dat-Sweoriag Man Escape. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Susauohanna. May. 5. The Montrose humorist who wrote that the man In j Hcarcn oi a marriage live ne i w countv seat was not the writer hereof, "because truth stood out in bold relief on his chiseled features." guessed It rijrht the very first time. I have no Immediate use for a marriage lieenw, at.d I do not possess any "chiseled feat ures." Men with that sort of features "stand Out" iu cemeteries. . They ure made of mnrble. The Cardiff Giant had "chiseled ft slurps." What a man With "chiseled features" would do with a marrliiKe license is known only to an imaginative Montroser. RAILROAD POT-POURRI. There Is a rumor that the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western will change the running of passesnger crews. The road will be divided in three divisions, with headquarters at Elmlra and Scranton, Instead of five divisions as now. The Susquehanna shops have been placed on eight hours time, instead of seven hours, as heretofore. Every Utile helps. The coal traffic on the Jefferson branch Is light. A newly Invented street railway sys tem solves the electrical propulsion problem by doing; away with the trol ley. It Is easier built, and there is said to be no limit to Its power. It Is particularly adapted to city uses and for elevated roads and it is the prop erty of the Wcstlnghouse company, of Pittsburg, at whose works it has been successfully tried. To be pitied Is the lover of the pic turesque, the romantic and the beauti ful who hasn't taken a trip over the Delaware and Hudson's famous gravity road, between Honrsdale and Carbon dale, in the summer months. It Is a treat of a lifetime. The Wells Fargo Express company has issued an order to its employes, making the superintendent, route ag.-nt or general agent, personally responsible for any loss occurring through failure to properly exercise their authority in the matter of controlling the habits of drinking or gambling of the men they employ. At the first ofi'ense, taking a glass of liquor while on duty, an em ploy Is to be cautioned at once, and on repeating tho offence to be dis charged immediately. NONE FROM BINGHAMTON. Susquehanna people are scattered the wide world over. Noting the fact, a Klnpliamton newspaper recently said: "If you Went to Hades you would find Susquehanna people there." Very like ly; but If you went to Heaven you would not be apt to find any Bingham ton people there! MEMORIAL DAY. Throughout old Susquehanna county preparations are befog made for a fit ting and proper observance of Memorial Day. The patriotic people of this sec tion never forget the patriot dead, and the one day Is s t aside for memory and for tears. The veterans are fa:it passing from eaith, the years gilds by almost unheralded, and "It Is a duty that we owe Our patriots so true; A few more years and we shall have No mourners for the blue." IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. We are In the swish and swirl of that aggravating and abominable season of spasmodic neatness and renovation, dubbed "spring housecleaning," when delighted women turn the house Inside out, while the men tlee to the wilder ness and gnaw a tile. With potatoes at IS cents per bushel eggs, 10 cents per dozen, and milk at ! tho creameries, no one hereabouts need starve to death, except, mayhaps, the farmers. Such prices do not life mort gages. The prolonged and excessive drought Is injuring grass and fruit trees. There is hardly enough water In the county to baptize a Presbyterian. The new Presbyterian church at Hall Blend will lie dedicated on Thursday, with theusuul ceremonies. A Hoptlst society wtia organized yes terday at Gelatt. Gibson township. The Peoples party will meet In Mont rose May 15, to orate, resoloot, and In cidentally, to nominate a full county ticket. Those conventions are harm less diversions. They make a servlc- able tall to eomebody'g kite. Mr. Mack, the Brooklyn mail, who was arrested In Montrose for swear In ir by note, got off by paying the costs. The justice has helped In housecleaning time, and he knows how It Is himself. A. P. Vlnlng, n Hallstead carpenter. has perfected a new style wood bicycle rim, and will apply for a patent. The occupation of the fiend who scatters tacks on bicycle tracks, will go glim mering among the things that were. PERSONAL PICK-UPS. Hon. James T. Du Bols. editor of the Inventive. Age," of Washington, Is about to materially Improve his Bum- mer residence In Hallstead. Attorney Daniel Hannah, of Scran ton, years agone, was a Susquehanna pedngogue, and a successful one. He usually ran his own schools, and tho boys used to realize that he had original mithods of Inflicting corporal punish ment. Ana tliatfl what's the matter with Hannah. Professor Wood, tho successful pro jector of business colleges, was some years ago a Susquehanna law student. He attributes his rapid ascent of the ladder to his having resided here. Hon. Amos J. Cummlnirs. the able Journalist-congressman, writes front Washington that he yearns to be wad ing the creeks of the Ararat section In quest of the yellow beauties. Comnnred with casting a t!y, holding down a Dem ocratic seat in congress Is nowhere. Messrs. C. Fred Wright. B. F. Pride and E. R. W. Searle will attend the national Republican convention at St. Louis. NEW STYLE BAIT. A Lanesboro fisherman has discov ered a new style of bait. The other day a big bat flew Into his barn, and. hitting it with a hay fork, he stunned Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, and oily skin, prevented by Cuticura Soap, the most efltct- , iye skin purify injr and beautifying., " soap In the world, as well as pur- est and sweetest for toilet and nur-: sery. The only preventive of pirn-! files, because the only preventive of nfiammation of the pores. - laM itiraihMinw iH. Brlilih (tarti t. Ne-M tBT 4 SoMi. I. Klnr K4wira.t., Loadtin. Pomm 1M CSMMUI, IMi Sola Fnft. awm, V. a. 4. it. As lie was soon to cross the river, on a fishing trip, k threw the bat Into the boat, v.uh the Intention ct drown ing it. When in the middle of the stream the Usherrr.an picked u the bat and was rewarded ly having; four needk-Uke teeth ditven Into hi hand. In rage he threw the bat into the stream, when, with a sudden splash, a magiilticent pike rose out of the water and engulfed the bat In Its capacious jaw, and disappeared from view. Served him right." cried the fisher man, "but what's the matter of Retting more bats for bait?" NEWSLETS TO DATE. St. Andrew's commandery. No. 78, Knight Templar, expect to attend the grand commandery of the state in I Scranton, with forty swords aud the Supquehanna bend. Mrs. Fannie M. Boyden, a popular member of Moody Relief corps. No. 12, urana Army of the Republic, is prominent candidate for department. She has served acceptably as junior vice-prefddciit, and Is in every way well equipped to fill the ofDcu to which she aspires. She is receiving excellent encouragement from corps throughout the state. There in trouble ahead this season for "hog" fishermen hereabouts who "llsh" with spears, nets and dynamite, . and who "hunt" with ferrets and other un lawful accessories. A newly appointed game warden will be after them hot footed. The Democrats have not, as yet, ar ranged the time and place for holding the congressional conference, and can didates for congress arc materialising slowly. It appears to be an unpromis ing year for Democratic statesmen. "Bre'r fox, he lay low." In Hogan Opera house last evening a meritorious production of the fairy extravaganza. "Sleeping Beauty," was given by home talent under the able di rection of Charles T. Bartram, esq., be fore a delighted audience. The per formance will be repeated this evening. The present status of the "third term Idea" seems to tor. Viet President Cleve land of extreme chilliness every time it Is broached to him. And yet " 'Is 'igh ness" perspires at every pore in com parison with the rigors of the frigidity which seizes the people every time they hear or think of It. PARAGRAPHED. Rev. William M. Hlllcr, pastor of the Methodist church, will deliver the Memorial Day address In Susquehanna, Robert Hurnanl, of Harford, wa found dead in his barn a few mornings since. His lurs became suddenly vicious and bit him In the throat, caus ing injuries front which he died in La If an hour. He was about 55 years old, and formerly a merchant. Rev. O. II. Houghton, pastor of the Susquehanna Baptist church, on Sun day administered the rite of baptism on four candidates in the river. Beginning tomorrow the Susquehanna postolllce will receive daily weather re ports from Washington. This will All another "long-felt want." Few formers are seen In town. They arc on tlio hills, hanging to the tall end of a plow, and speaking soothing words to sad-eyed oxen. Soap swindlers, who sell bogus soap and promise rubber door mats, are op erating on the Jefferson branch. A fool used to be born every minute. The birth rate appears to have been Increased of late. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. Messrs. Albert Wagner and C. F. Tlncloy, formerly of Susquehanna, are suft'erers by the great lire at Cripple Creek, Colorado. A number of Susque hanna county people, who have made Investments out there, nre also apt to be "Clippie Creek sulierers." Lato bulletins from the silver mine at Bouth Canaan are to the e'iect that the prospectors are striking "excellent indications" with charming rfgulailty. You can't utilize Untie in a smelter, but they are a good deal better than noth ing. What the prospectors need at this critical period is firm faith and a good bank account. The school directors of Susquehanna county are In Montrose today electing a county superintendent of schools, to succeed Professor U. B. Glllct, of New Mllford. After several withdrawals, the number of candidates Is narrowed down to two, Professor Charles E. Mox ly, of Hallstead. and Professor W. L. Rogers, of Lanesboro. The election of Mr. Moxley is more than probable. Last week ono or two "dark horses" were being groomed for the race, but late advices are that they have been turned out to grass. . Whitney. IJL'SINESS BREVITIES. OCR FOREIGN TRADE. The pro portion which export of manufacture play In the total of American export trade went on Increasing In March, us It has In nearly every month for tho post two years. Tho proportion of manufacturing exports to total ex ports was large In March, ls;r, rKching $l,5?,"!0 in exports of C?.JJ,"52. or "i.4H per cent. The figures for March, lisHtl, uie $ift,125.7i5 for manufactures out of total exports of $71,001,632, or 25.85 per cent. These fifiurc-s raised tha total manufacturing exports tor the nine months ending March 31 to -405,784 In 1895 out of total exports of $612.9114, 271. or 21.60 per cent.; but the manufacturing exports for the corre sponding nine months of the fiscal year Ix'JG have been $163,187,926 out of total exports of $M4, 286,000, or 24.67 per cent. The proportion thus far attained in 1S96, If continued until the end of the fiscal year on June 30, would result in manufacturing exports of (217,000,000 out of total exports of $885,000,000. This would represent a total of manufactur ing exports $32,000,000 larger than ever before attained In the commercial his tory of the country. The figures as far back as 18S0 were only $102,856,015, and constituted 12.48 per cent, of the total exports. They had risen In 1890 to $151,102,276, or 17.87 per cent, of the total exports. There was a gain of $17,000, 000 in 1891, followed by a decline to about $158,000,000 In each of the years lS'Ji and 189:i, but 1S9 1 and 1895 showed manufacturing exports slightly In ex cess of $183,000,000, and 1896 seems likely to show a still larger ratio of increase. Mineral oil constitutes a large element of these exports, but electrical appara tus, fine machinery and other articles requiring high skill and Ingenuity in production also play a large part. II II II COTHAM'S MEN OF WEALTH. There are more millionaires in New York and Brooklyn than In ail the rest of the country. The metropolis boasts forty-eight persons, each of whom Is worth over $10,000,000. She also has nine eltifcfns who are worth over $30, 000,000, besides two estates each of that value. There are, however, only two residents who are worth over $100,000, 000, according to popular report. These are John u. Kockerfeller and William Waldorf Astor. There are several who come very close to the $100,010,000 mark. if they do not quite reach It. Among tnese are nut-sew tsage. uorne lus Van derbllt, William Rockerfeller, William K. Vanderbllt and John Jacob Astor. Poor Hetty Crenn turns the scale at $40,000,000, and the plain, every-dav gentlemen who are worth anywhere be tween a million and a million and a half number In New York and llroolt lyn over a thousand by actual count, and but very few of them re known oy name to the general public, II II II COKE FIGURES. Tho Pennsylva nia railroad reports that the quantity or coal ana coko onrinat ni on and carried over Its Iln.es east of Pittsburg and Elcr for the year thus far has been 6.020,490 tons, compared with 7,161,153 tons n the corresponding period of 1895. a decrease of 624,065 tons, of which 5.- i:.ir,9 tons were coal, a decrease of 149.4&8 ons, and 1,497,331 tons coke, ade crease of 376,207 ton. RAILROAD STATISTICS. It Is m timated that the railroads of this coun try consume 80,000,000 ties for renewals annually. Of this aggregate about 45, 000,000 are of oak,' 12.600,000 pine, 8,500, 000 chestnut, 5,000,000 cedar, $,500,WQ hemlock and tamarack. LCtiv.OOd cy press. Z.SOO.WK) red wood, with the bal ance of various wood. The oak, or most valuable timber, furnishes over 60 Pr cent, of the material, and not only lrom choice trees mo&tly but .rom me young growth, which n-.ay make one tie to the tree, or one tie to the cut. The idea that the young wood la more durable because it Is young, which seems to prevail among railway man ager. Professor Fernow consider er roneous. II - II II ACTIVITY AT STEELTON. Last week was a busy ore at the Pennsylva nia Eteel works. Shipments were In ecess of the manufactured product. Receipts of raw material were heavy and several good orders were booked. The outlook for May is said to he un usually bright. Wages for the last half of April a.cgregat d $72.00!). which is slightly less than the total for the first half of the month. it i: ii . SHORT NOTES: Chauneey Depew's annual Income Is 5100,000. It Is stated that 1,352 trains arrive at and leave Chicago daily, about one fourth being freight trains. The man who patented the brass pprlrg fingers one see on lamps for holding the chimney In place received for many years a royalty amounting to $50,000. Ontario Is offering a bounty of $1 to every person producing sufficient ore to make one ton of Iron, and this encour agement will probably bring latent mining energy Into strong play. The quantity of bananas shipped from Went Indian and adjacent ports into the United States now amounts to 13.0C0.0u0 or 14.000.040 bunches annually, valued at considerably over $20,000,000. The report of the superintendent of the San Francisco mint shows that the output of gold in California Increased from St3,86a.?trt In 1S94 to $13,834,317 In 1895. Thirty-three of the fifty-seven counties of the state are regular pro ducers of gold. The L'tica mine. In Calaveras county, Cal., turns out live times more gold than the Robinson, whlcu Is the moBt noted of the African mines. The Utica employs 700 white men at $2.60 to $3 per day, while the Robinson has 2,500 Kaf firs at SO cents per day each. Steel pavements are no novelty, hav ing been used for some time in the larger cities and very generally com bined with pavilions constructed of the same material at Atlantic coast pleas ure resorts. S'tcel country roads, how ever, constitute a decided Innovation. The Ohio road commissioner has advo cated a new system in this line that will soon be tried in several states. Ac cording to his plan the rails are laid of such a shape as to make It easy for wagons to enter or leave the track. The comparative cheapness and wide utili ties of manufacturing steel may thus yet settle the good roads question. There ore to be about 200 railway stations distributed over the new 81 berlan railway. The rolling stock will comprise 2.000 locomotives, 3,000 passen ger cars and S-3.0C0 goods wagons. The passenger traffic will Te almost exclu sively confined to third or fourth classes, and the tariff will be very low. The works in connection with this great undertaking are being pushed on with much energy, and the work Is ex pected to be completed In about six years. The opening of this line will shorten the Journey round the world by about twenty days. A WORD, WAKT9 nir ai.i. vtvnn rvran tit at MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS M ADR, NO CHARGE WILL UK LE39 THAN IS CENTS. THIS IUTLH AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CWPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Mal. DBUQ CLERK DDKI'8.S OK A PPLY L, D. P., 414 1 edar uvenus. Scrauton. P. WANTED REPBR8KNTATIVE8 POR ' Scranton mid vlcinitv fur nn old mi. xcrvstive Life Itmaranoe Co.; issalnn all the modern po'.lolm: nrnst have larn acquaint ance; expnriaucn not necmsarv: fntd'a to tlie right purtr MANAGE., Mi Tradesmen BulidiuK. Pittsbnr 7NTKn-- N AO! ST IK F.VERY Bf'O tinn tocarvaifc: 4.0"tosriOia ilav ma.4.- tVb.': alH'.m man t v.. I! Muiil ti U Birrs: best fc1.1. ilue 7VX) nrrnrtlir ul. ry ir lari crtrmlMio'i in.slc; extx-rie'ie iinceciiMi v. . all. .11 Mian aud iliiimfu..ta-. itIK Co.. 'ill"UDUti, . VAKTi:o-"v;E1.L-KN')VN MAX lis ' evrvt'm in .-,lrifc atopic ;iiiirtn. tion: a mono? oly; V'i? money for auuta: no in it:il rr on.roil. KUW AiiUC. FiSH I ; CO., I'orovn lt!(cK, Onoaira III. Helo Wanted Females. IITANTBD AT OSCB - NURSE GIRL: . . m . -If , P., Monroe avanu. IVANiKD-PXPERIENCED AND COM Tl iienant duubla entry bonkkDCDrr for oomraiMloa bvm.iim. hint age ffud give rrrpu(;ff. Ati'irp n. xriuu'ie. UTAXTED-EXPLKIENCEU BOO '-KEEP V it: muat be wall rrnoromendnd and iruat be abla to give bonJ. O. B. C, Tribune omoe. filRL. .WANTSD-TO DO OKNERAL VI hnuaewirk: no amull children. (Jail at 74;l Qniiu-y avent.e. T ADI?S-I MAKB BIO WAGES POINO I J j 1( aaaut hi me work, nrd will gladly rend full rar'lculfim ti nil fendinir t cent tanm. JII-S y. A. BTEBBlNB, Lawren Mich. WANTED-: ADY AOF.NT IN St'RAN toii to acll and lutioduw 8'.yd-r'a wtk icing: i'erieiil canvusi-r pr.-ferrad: work I evniniixiit and very prolHuble. Vrito for jisrtu'llh.ri" at onr- all 1 benellt of llolldav trad T h. SKYDrR CO. Cincinnati. O. W"' ANTED lii MELIATFLY TWO EJfER-i-t:o rartwonnn to represent us. Onarnntid J6 a Any without lntrfr riug with othrr duties. H-m'.Tlif .1 omipntion. Write for particulars, invloaini: tfni, Mi?o Ch-n-Iral Company, la 13 ,liilin alri-et. New York. Administratrix's Notice. IJ8TATK 'F J. U. llOhlli, LATE ( F jk U c-nbnrn, Itr-kHWanua cjnnty end !ate of Poiinylra.iia, d ( nwj, Iitvrs "f adniiris'r.'tion upon the nbovo ninicd e'tnt" havirnr bvn ursnted to thenndir. sltiieil. all p'rxou hiviiiv claims or demand agat -. lio said cst.ite will prosent them f r pavincnt. and thosa tidalittd thereto will lilousc m Vi- 1mm dint ray men t to LOUISE M. IloUiE, Adii'tnlxtratrix, Gli-ubnrn, Pa. Transfer ef License IJJ l!E: TRANSFER OF B' TTLETt'8 LI renan 1 1ra A. Walah, No, S Pike (treat ( a bun ll i'euiiaylyanla, to David L. wis. ..lk' '. h.-ruby uircn t'-.ut the Court of OuarterSrsslon of I ackswanna county hns fiVd May IS. 18v0,nt It o'rlo k a. re, ns the tim . furuoarlua n.iid -ttli nt'on for tr msfer. WAUh l'N Kn'ATP, Att runys fur Putl'loner. Business Opiiortunity. 1 fif IM VK8TKD NOW I. WHEAT OK tP ' tlJ Mo k under o'ir anfo nn tliod will make von handMome profits, Hend for pnrtleu. lura n l hook, free JORDAN & CM,, Colli m bia Ullildllllf, New York. Medical. LAniRet Cdlchcttar't Entlisk Ponnyrevil PXIi (TMawwl ni, nre the Heet. l-. Klli.l. T1h n. Mir. hitd 4rH ,utpg, rr rUuvUm, MHIUI t L..II,.," i i..iri . m St at urn Mail,,. Umsr'H CMrhnsur ChumicaTOo., ThllsH., Pa. ROFBLINQ'8 CELEBRATED TANBY AND Pennyroyal t-ills; Imported: abaolntaly safn; burinUss: m nor lor to all others: never lalU, any state: thousands of happy ladlea: M bvliiai'. Kuldonlybr Bt'TANK AL BPECI FIU CO., lit Fifth Avenn, Mew York. . -; i i ' o CRASS MB SKIRTS, ; Light and Cool. Hohalr, Sateen, Italian Cloth' Gloria and Silk Skirts, in variety. CONNOLLY & For Sale. ICR HALF THE BSACT1FUL HOUR a .toad tironart of th Atnaia lt.Miinfr. at Mill City, u.ar l.ak V. inula: four rr witn two wmo -rrrorrd iprin lake n;iM wlthflah; baa itlfuHy abadeu ground, brai In fruit trw. Intra and ai aciona dw.llim: aa Ideal country rn( lom. Pir partdil ddrw BoItATIO N. PATRICK, 831 Waah InftijB arahua. ... H OtE KOR RE?T-1 MO.NROU AVE. A' VI M Ml K. I?vH SALE ..A . LADVM BICYt LK. IX 1 autre at MOULL, BRO. u2l K. Markat atreeu lOR 8ALR-HORSR AOlDfclX YEAK",, Price tiiai : ' " -i mO PE8IRABLK Bl'ILPl.'-O LOTS ON ' bun.init Park, anil Aim X I'L.tt. at Clark' t'nmmit, fr ale: rjrlo. W to 87J ca-h: rrr lot bargain. U H. ALWGKTD, Attorney, ummmuiiu BuiMin , If OR HALF. - II V Ct 1TAOE AT ELM burnt and ths fonr lota n which It atmda; al io tha tvar lor adjjlnh.: moa: do alral lr locution in Elmtmnt: prim roaiona Vie: torn etxr; comom oii fIt.h at una. B. P. KlNUHliURT. teaiueuwealta Bnikllun, Serautou, Pa. FOR 8 J LB-TWO UOR8KS, 2 BUTCm wacuna. Sln-'os, 1 nl. ljS. harnoinand all of lutchr'antftt: alw me t market lor rtrnt: voing cm of baain; ir.uac oi by April lat. Inaoira of L E. BCHULLKR. Bluknly atrvat, Lnuirora. For Rent. ?Oll RENT-THREE RO1HI8 FRONT. ON. F a ond i ior, 117 Wyoming ava:m, of.r Hnlbirt Mnalo Store. Inquire in th store FCITTI ROOM!,, Tfl Cliva trrft. rmn'd for l.iht noi.eekefp.nfl Bniy paiutad and p'ip.red. FeR RBNT-PRE BVTKRIAK MA''SE, f'irnUh'd, "iinsi-t iTtiiud, N-.rtli Park, with barn: nroly M pr-mw.i i,'o;i cj.T-t.tu.' uoi:r: ai hihWi I nioa vr !. rorcor Vonxlnroh ami Virion. I7onP.ENTri.FT)'p"D(UULK ' niiHl n linpr.T"m'ita; rut rsaa mnbla: rotnor of Pma an4 Biakvly rtrvnta, Lii.nn)..r. I moJarn conTtnicnoe. Inquir at 1&3 V'aahbnrn at J ."'OR RENT ODE HALF DOUBLE HOUbK J14 Onincy avenuo. Kant roaaonaUa Oppoait Ifoaw Taylor Hospital, F OR RnfT-'MIOEjj FURN18HKD HALL auitahl far Wfo roonu. JOHN JEli- WYK, lli Wvotnli'K orann. Furnished Room fer Rent O'NrfoR'TNVFtntSl lit, with ns of batht also barn rant rha. HTi Monroe Tann, city. IrURKISRED ROOMS. WITH UBEOPAAH, hot and c 11 bath, lltl.itt and reading rooms. UU'i Lankawanna avuo.. Agents Wanted. rAKTKU HALKrtMAN: KALAK? PIUiM Ktrt; pvriuar.nnt tUre IlliOW.S B Ort. i o, Nurwrvijiii Rv"!uitr, J t. AQLNTt WAWO'KD l'O 8KLL tUOARS: ITS per rounlli tiulnry snil f xiit nuw psiij. A.',U-'-. it!i tnocant BWUip, i-JGAKU U tlAi. 't.ic"o. iuhiim-Til HELL OUR pnAOXIUAL J K1i mlver. n-k-l mid copvr elrotra I'lrtsra; ; r o irom Hi upwaid: aainrv ij kx icna lui'd: or! Ifiltrto. A' du!t, Willi ntu.up. JHOJiMlAV "KiJCO.. C):lrajo. A OEMS TOKELLCIUARa TODEALER8; tib noeklr and oirwnsm; oxpi-inc un necessary. ( O.N'HOLIUATEO AlFU. 00., 48 Van Buron St.. th cago. OALEBMAX To CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 O rr rent, rommiuion; sample book mailed fre. Adiirca L, M. CO., Btatloa L, Nw York. AT CE-A0EKT8 APrOrXTKD TO ell new lightning soiling taljls rloth.mos qulto aud house fly lii;iild at 10 i-nts and .;5 rent a bo tip. hamiiln ire. BULQIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore. J!d. A O KN TS II IN DE'ri PATENT U.N'IVR't. a sal Hair Curl-ra and Wavere (Jl wltb ont heat), nn l "Pyr Polntd"Hir Pl-i Lib eral cotnmlMiiom. Free snmpln aid mil par ticular. Aildri-MS P. t i. BoxiDd. New York. Soeclal Notices. IF YOU WANT A GO1 D JOB DO 'E In Into or till work o II on KKVPTETt RRi R. H14 . Dle atreet. K:iairlnir nromtit ly attended to. ttrrnr noi diet? in ourctvil wah. 1 Yon want this relic, t ontnins all of Frank Leslie's f.mouanld war Plc1.ures.snow in ti e force. n solnll'attle. sVotcfd on tlis spot. Two volumes, 2,(iWJ iilcturc hoM on eaav monthly psyuieiit'. Ddivxrtd by x I reHS complete, till car cos pr paid. Addreas P. O. MOODY. -.' A:ims At., Strsn'o i, P. BLANK POOX8. PiWPIiLETB, MAOA ciuas, etc. bound or rnbouud at i'rf TRibCNB oc.ee. Wuick Work, tteasonabl pi-icen. Steamship Line. STfAMSIIJP TICKET- AND DRAFTS AT J. A. BARRON'S, 215 Lackawanna are- nuo. Scranton. Have You a House to Rent If so, a small Tribune 'For Rent" adlet will aiii you in securing a tenant &ff Wallace Rustling Taffeta Skirts T Absolutely Fast Black. Warranted to Retain Its Rustling Qualities. : V Specially Adapted for ' WARM WEATHER WEAR WALLACE, TRY US. : lAWW. ME., bUil HUAKlA Situations Wantad. 'AN TED- A POSITION BT AN 1XPE Menrrd trarxl nr saleatnan. acanalutad wua ow i or aou rennsyiTaaa traua. area A., 'i nuotie.fBoa. Ad SITUATION WANTt:D-BY . A BRIviHT vounu ladv as ca.hl.r er ajniatane Look- k'-epir; wiIimi a spleo.l.d hand; snatou to secure po.ilioi,; nun foru'.sa reference. Ad drcas IRUoTVi'OMi.'UV, TlUva cfBce, city. WA.NTKD-A81TUATI..N BY AN AMCK tiutl a aiaKU kriM is nllaenA A enta' " W W HlN W KHW UU UfflUeS. WANT ED-A SITUATION BY A UHST dMaa bak.-r: one. whulhnronffhlvunaee. stands be btuinoas. AUdrsu BA&EB, Via M. n youi.n avenae oity. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O isantu whole 1 ier or any work en the roj'l; can skU Ave d ilereot UagiMge. Addr u VV., tii I'ean areuun. C1TUATION WAN'! ED -MAN PE81RK8 O sitrii t't n: experietio.d In drcm,gio!er'e4 anl dry goods. Addnas EM1SEB, (11 Adamiav.au-'. rtESJIAN GAKDRjiER, Wpy HAS MORE VI tila i tvi'lvo y-nia of 'Xperieuee, Is wlii luit to Ao t,"' uid.uli:k o xev.rkl gardtns turtrliiM. Fi'-.l) 8Itlk J,1IA,.H. oaruuu uardeucr, No. llffil Mox.low areuue, city. ClTUATION WANJ KD-Af? BUTCH tR BY O O i wnothorougUly iuidrtandstnaat bualneaa; can inak' hlnuittlf os.fnl around any Luslnea; wltn retetenc. D. UOAQAN, U& Hobinten sireet. WANTED SITUATION BY MAN WHO understand farming, uatdaulne and rare of licis.-s; tpeak Kronen, llngliah and t.erman. KW1I, HCHAFFliR, !5 lackaw au ra PT.?uue. prranton RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Scbedul In Effect May 19, ita. Trains Leave Wllkei-Barre at Follows 7.25 a.m., week dayt, for Sunbury Herrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more), Washington, and for Pitta burg end the West, 10.15 a. ni., weok days, for Hazloton. HoltiVillj, Ro;diijf, Norristown and Phlladi'lphi; a'"J for Sun bury, Harrit ou: g, PhiUdelphia, bnltimore. Vasiiinton, and Pitts burg and tlio West. 3.17 p.m., week davs', for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Ptilladelohia, ealli more, Washington and Pitttburx and the Weit. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrltburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waahlugton and Pitts burg and the West. . 6.00 p. m., week days, for. Haxleton and Pottsyllle. m X R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PSEVOST, Oensral Manager. Ccutral Railroad of New Jersey, (Lehlgb and Busquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing rltanllnes end ooafort, TIME TABLE IN EWjSCi' MCH. lfi. ISM. Train leave Bcranton tor Plttston. Wllke-Rrr, etc at 8.20, 9.15. II 30 a. m., 12. i, 2.00, 8.l. 6 00, 7.10 p. m, Sunday, ,00 a. in., I.11O, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, .W a. m. For New Tork, Newtirk and Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. in., 12.46 (cxpriw with Bur let parlor curj, . (express) p m. 8un day. 2.15 Psl,T11il,',Jll!.P. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Term- IIllll, i.il p. m. aim -e Jora v.w p. m. For Muuch Chunk, Alleutown, Dethlo hem, Eabton find Philadelphia. 8.M a. ni.. 12.45, 3.05, IM (except Philadelphia) p. in. Biinduy, 2.16 p. m. For Lone liranch, Ocean Qrove, etc, at 1.20 a. m., 12 45 P- m. For Heading. Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Alleutown, 8.20 a. m 12.45. 6.00 p. m Sunday, 2.15 p m. For Pottuvllln, 8.20 a., 12.45 p. m. Returning, leav New Tork. foot of Lib erty street. North Itlver. at 8.10 (expres) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor cur) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, (.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4.J0 p. in, Sunday t.ii Through tickets to all point at lowest rate mny be had on application In ad vance te th ticket air en t ut the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen, Pas. Agent, J. 11. OLHAVSRN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE) AND f.uubl.i RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July w, all train will iVU fiSW arrive at new l.acKa. L IJ jf wanna avenue etutloa Jf IF r s follows: r' irainn n-nve reran- ton etatlon for Carbondsle end Interme. dlata ncint Rl t 'O. 0.45, i-00, 8.25 and 10.10 a! t m TiOO, 2 20. 8.66. 1.15, .15. T-25. (.it and UForPFarvlw, Wsymart and Honesdtl. at 7 M. 8-25 a"d 10-10 a. m.. 12.00. 1.20 and 5.15 For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 5.41 a, m, and 1.20 p. m. For WHkei-Darre end Intermediate coiiits at 7.45, 8.45, .! and 10 45 . m., 11 W, F.W, 138. .W. 6.10. !., . and 11.58 p. m. from Carbondnle and Intermediate points it 7.40, 8.40, Ut and 10.40 a m., llfli. l.n. Est! M. A A i-W. 7.46. , and ll.ld n. m. From Honesdale, Waymart ti Par. view at s.H a. n ii.es, t.11, u.n and 7,tt p. ni. ' . From Montreal. Saratoga. Albany, ate., at 4.G4 and 11.51 p. m. From Wilken-Barre and Intermedlat point st 115, 5.04, 10.gr and IIU a. tn l.lt K'.l . 4 i.I tffi.SBa 1,14, 1.3, e-iu. ., t.m s.vj ana u.u p. aw V 4 Mm 2oo Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, . , . .. Male Oier Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattel Nov. 17. UJ. TrslB leave Bcranten tor Philadelphia ad New York via D. H. 6. R. at t tl a. ra.. ilM, im, ta and 1LU p. nu. via D.( 1 W. . a, ., l.et, u.j a. aTTsal Lat p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkss f D L. W. R. R., let, (.g. U.N s. ro.. I.4ii 0. t-Cl p. m. ..Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. lletou. Pottevlll aud all point on the Beaver Meadow and PoMavill branches. J'S H- R- R- ' I U-i5- l . 11.10 a. m.. l.ao, 140 p. m. ti ,.v Scranton tot bethlehem, Baaton. S'iL. H",rrlburg and ail intermedial fMn,.VuV,f D- H.TI. R. 7.45 a. p., UOS. Ii V ?lu 2?' u s P m vl D L a n! rJJv f orauton for Tunkhannook. Te. Wanda, E ndra. Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate point via D A If. R. lis R " a2? ll iS : m- vl - n. K., ., iUg a ui., l.wj p. in. Iav bcrkruon for noob' jter. Buffalo, fr.B1" Pu"- Detroit. Chl:age and all POiIit wtsl via D A tl. H. U. K. 4.". a ti... lJ.1r.1i. y m-i vla " and I'ituton Junction, S.ua, t.U a, m. a.vi t. lit. ft. ,.-?0l Kfml s-a and ft wet via Salnmanca, p. m ' U W- iti 'Pulman parlor and Bleeping er I V. chair care on all trains between L.Tk B. iunetlof or Wllkes-Barre and New Yerk. Philadelphia, Buffalo, sad Suapeatles linage ROLLm H. WILBUR. Osn. Sunt. CHA8. S. ijF!R, Oen. Pass. Aft., Phfla.. Pa. A w NONNKM ACHBTl. AsL Oen. mi. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pe. Del.. Lack, and Western. EfToot Monday, April 20, M. Trains leave Scranton as follow: ' El press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50, 5.16, 8.00 and 5.55 a. ra.; 1.16 aud 3.34 p. m. Express for Kaston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 6.16,8.00 and 5.65 a. m.; 1.15 and 8.14 p. ni. Washington and way station, 4.00 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. KxpresH for tttna-hamton, Oiwego. El- , mlra. Corniiifr, llatli, Dansvllle, Mount JI orris and LufTalo, 12.-0, 2.'il a.- m., and l.ii )). in., making close connections ut litilYalo to all points in the V'cat, Kortu wet and Southwost. Psili accommo'latlon, 5.1S a. m. Kli.flMni'un and wiiy ntntlunt, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.03 ana 6.10 !.ni' . Kviii-tfsa Mr CurilanU. byrjtcuae. Osweso. L'tica nnd Rluhlivld Springs, 2.35 a. m., aud 21 p. m. Ithaca 2.36 and Bath 9.15 s. tn, and 1.11 For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkei Barre, Plymouth. Uloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connection at North umborlan and Wllltnmport, Harrlburg, Baltimore, vasnuiKui auu m owum. Northumberland and Intermediate t tlons 0.00. 9.55 a. m.-aml 1.30 and 6.00 p. m. vraniinnlrn anil Intermediate atatlons. tot and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter- mediate aioiione. o.w nu .- i. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coacbe on all express train. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 324 Lackawanna avanue, oi depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1896. Train. Iaav. ftf.MnlnD for Kfitf TOTk and intermediate points oti the Erie rail road, also for Honeadale. Hnwley and local points at 8.36 a. m. and 3.28 p. p. ana arrive at Scranton from above point at 8.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. , .' M-MANTO niTISIOie. In Effect wtnaler aad, lSoS. wmli tWxieejil Her i S (ttnnai, ISOS tot Itatloni 82 SZuKTrsln DaUr, ,( I cent vunday. Arrive leavoi 7 !.': s. i. rranupi t. T 10 Wen. 4Hod atreeu 7 ea werJaawken tr M'Amre ivw 1 iCjfi'ancooic Juaotioai i m uancacK 8tarll()it Prsrt'Mi Park fouift ppyitflle Bnlmont rifitsaot Ml tnloi,d:l -Piret flty Ctrkutula -White Bridge . May field Jerpiyn Archibald Wlnton , Pfcknue oirniiaui pickaoa Tbroop PrfitldsDOS l ark P ace t UI fljr.rt II .i 4tJit) l mm S 4111 Hi . . Ami J 801 11 214 04 .! Til 401 .J s ho rins a Bel 11 1 s ill I tm OSllll (ffl till! 031 786 4 Id T89 4 I4 7 4lftlTl 114111 0 6 W!0t7i e 10 10 ss tier aa ton Tt isi"T rvii M'Leave xmrmit m r t ssiae Uatuaiiis stop euga'al tar pats vuoijre vwiim ti Ontario . wun, beton1 nut:usilll i 5"lri.S elHU IBVfJ IUOB5JJ, VtkJ Mek iaasv sitiren iu vnv vm. T. rutorott, niV; t&SZSZrST ) a a e A ft' i ej(k :::: la ... f ail ,m9 .... 411 " SSI "H "' 1 f !J f ,M A 1 .M. iWisS'a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers