THE RCRANTOlf . TRIBUNE MONDAY MOHNIKO. MAY 4, 189G. LEU 124-126 Wyoming kn. Beg to announce that for the Next Ten Days we will offer some of the greatest values ever put on sale in this city. 25 pieces of colored figured Mohairs, regular price, UH. LKADKR3 PRICK. 12H: 20 ivcvh ull-woul vicuna cloth. resu lt r price, 35c, LKADKR'8 PRICK. l!c. 20 pieces ull-wool twilled vicuna cloth, regular price, 3.1c, LKADKUS PRICK. 4?. Kin remnants fine- white India linen, price off the piece. Wc a yard. IIKMXAXT PRICK, lo. IT. pieces 4-4 unbleached muslin, regular price, S'jC., LKADKUS PRICK. 4c i plece.i of 4.',-iuc)i pillow casing, regu lar !-"'. quality. LEADER'S PRICK. 8'ac. Si doaen extra large cotton towels, revular price, inc.. LKADKR'8 PRICK, 7c. 10 doien So-lllHl cotton towelK, regu lar price, lie, LEADER'S THICK, 3'V. !iei Quality n.-eilles. 4c. a paper. Bc4t iiimllty patent hook HHiety pin, 3'5c a card. item hull pins, 4.'. u liox. Cotton ta!e. li lor lie. Li shields, every pair warranted, IVc. u pair. Best rubber combs, 10c Whalebone casing. 7c. apiece. Kxmi quulliy silk belting, "c. u yard. 2j lailles' flannel kuIIh, In navy and bla k. former price, l.'.sx. LEADER'S PRICE, II.6S. One lol of ladlp.n' line cloth capes, with Velvet collar and handsomely em broidered good value. $H. LEADER'S riucE, i.:fl. GO llgured brllllnnllno skirts, lined throughout, velvet facing, worth 1..',ii, LEADER'S PRICE. 98c 411 dozen ladles' lauinlried shirt waists, in nlci neat designs, large sleevei, former price, 4!tr. : for this sale. LEADER'S PRICK, 29.'. Sr. dozen much liner quality nice new cholcv designs, lllshop sleeves, LEADER'S PRICK. 41tc. One lot of Infants' and children's dress es, nicely trimmed, sizes iu to six, I.KADUK S PRICK, 25. One lot of choicer good". LEADERS I'RICK. 49c 3'i dozen men's fancy half-hogj, full seamless, wotth I2'i,c. a piii '. LEADER'S PRICE. 3 PAlIt FOR ISc. 20 dozen of men's fancy silk and salln suspenders, full length, attractive colors, 39c. quality, l.KADKIi's PRICK, 1!C 12 dozen tine gilt belts, worth isle. LEADER'S PRICK, 24c TUEOSOl'HIST WEDDING. Claude Wright and Kathcrino Leonard Wadded Bv Egyptian Rites. New York, May .1. Claude Falls Wright, the theosophlHt and Mury Kuthciliie Leollne Leonard, also an Hi-tlve worker in the cause, wan mar ried in the rooniH of the Theosophlcal society In this cltv this afternoon. It was a theosophlcal marriage conducted tinder the authority of the head ollicers tif the society, but In order to make the union legal, Alderniun Robinson performed u civil marriage. The theosophleul murriage was per formed uicurding to a ritual prepared from the ancient Kgyptiuu rites In the treat "Mysteries," and none but the ac cepted members of the society were al lowed to witness the ceremony. RIOTINC IN BU.UOA. Socialists Help Themselves to Liquor and Become Wildly Drunk.' Madrid, .May ". -Herl jus riutlns oc curred in lillliao yesterday. The So cialltts. wlio were celebrating May duy, attacked a number of miners w ho were at work, and stoned them until they were driven away from their posts. The Writers then looted n numlicr of chops! and canteens, smashed In the heuds of wine casks and larrels. and became madly Intoxicated. One man who was acting as care taker of a canteen, wua shot dead as the Jie-nulty of his resistance to the rioters. WEYLI R OX Till: WAR. lie Says (t Will Take Two Venr to Sup press the Insurrection. Madrid, May X The ITernl.lo pub lishes what purports to be a report of an interview with Cuptuin-ticneiul Weyler in Havana wherein Weyler Is alleged to have expressed the opinion that It will ronulre two years to sup press the rebellion In Culm, and that It will be necessary to postpone all polit ical reforms on the Island until the In surrection is crushed. FATAL FIKK IN A STABLE. One .Man and Four Horses perish In the I'lamc. NevYork,May Fire on the ground floor of u three-story stable at No. 1 Christopher street early this morning did 81.0'H) worth of damage and burned to death four horses which were left there by their owners. Patrick Johnson, an awnlnfc maker, who was asleep In; a work room over the stable was suffocated Ty smoke.1- I OK A (iK.NKHAI. CKNStS. Plan to llavo a simultaneous Enumer ation of All Nations. A general, simultaneous census of thu world for the year 1000 is asked for by the International Statistical Institute. It can be taken If slight modulations in the time of their regular censuses re made by the chief countries of the world. Portugal, Denmark, the t'nited States, Ueimany, Austria. Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary and Sweden will regularly take their censuses on differ ent days of the year of 1(K. Holland on the last day of 1899, Norway on the first day of isol, and Oreat Britain, France ancK Italy later In that year. BICVCI.KH AS llAGCi.U.K, From the Philadelphia Press. New York state has passed a law re quiring railroad companies to carry bicy cles as baggage. Hoth law and Justice re quire this In all Mates. The baggage prin ciple Is clear and simple. A common car rier transporting a passenger Is bound to give carriage to what ordinary need and usage make the accompaniment of a trip. This varies at different times. The small haircloth trunk which was once packed In the back of a coach has been enlarged and Increased In weight with now means of communication. Making the bicycle bag gage is the recognition of another ad vance. The railroads ought to recognise the meet and need without a special sta tute. If they do not a special act should. CODING VEEK IK KfiESS Hopes for the Kivcr Bill.. and Harbor ADJOURNMENT UN .USE 1ST Appropriation Bills to Co Throat tho Senate t May IS-Contested Elec tion Cases to be Considered-Other Business in Prospect. Washington. May 3. In the senate to morrow Mr. Frye will call up the river ., n.l I. .. 1.. ... 1, til ..) V... k..,w.o t, , ir..f this Important measure passed Inside of two days. The only item that Is ex- j pec ted to cause trouble is that providing for the construction of a deep sea har- ' bor at Santa Monica. California, which ; is being antagonized by the California senators, and utK.n which a lively tight Is being waged In favor iif the rival harbor of Sun Pedro. So many ana di verse Interests In favor of the river and harbor appropriations that no serious dilliculty is anticipated in putting them through the senate, notwithstanding the lame addition to the drain on the treasury made by the upper chamber. The District of Columbia appropriation bill comes next in order, und after that shall have been disposed of tliere will only be the fortifications and the gen eral deficiency appropriation bills to be ucted upon by lthe sennte. Republican managers intend. If they can. to put all the appropriation bills through the senate by May 1". This, according to the programme, will have two weeks clearn which 'to discuss and adjust In conference the differences between the house nnd sen ate as to imrtlculur Items of appropria tions, ami will oen the way to an ad journment by June 1st. Similar pre dictions have been heard In many pre vious long sessions of congress, but have seldom been fulfilled. COXTKSTF.D KUKCTIONS. The only Item of business that has been decided upon for the consideration of the house of representatives this week Is the report of elections commit tee No. 1 u!Mn the contested election case of Uelnakev vs. Downing from the Sixteenth Illinois district. In this case the majority of the committee recom mend tho unseating of Downing, the Democratic candidate who was given the certificate and the reatlng of Reln aker, his Republican opponent. The minority with whom Mr. Moody (Rep.. Mass ) unites recommend a recount or me votes. a vigorous ngni win ue m . made over this report, for If the report j ItAlLROAD EARNINGS. The ag be agreed to. It will exclude from the ; gregate of gross earnings of all mads house the Inst remaining Democrat In in the Vnlted States reporting for a the Illinois delegation of 22 members. part of April Is $15,087,513. an Increase Tomorrow Is suspension dny, and un- ! of S.2 per cent, compared with last year ess the committee on rules shall other- wise oVternilne before the house meets, the session will be devoted to motions to pass bills under suspension of the rules. Two days will probably be given for the consideration of private pension bills which will enable the committee on invalid pensions to mtike some pro gress towards clearing the calendar of thnt class of measures. Three appropriation bills are in con ferencethe legislative, executive and Judicial, sundry civil and Indian and reports upon one or more of them ought to be ready for submission to the house before the close of the week. DM. IIEKZ'S CASE. An English Court Refuses to (irant Ills Kxtraditlon to Franco. Ixindon. May 3. In the Bok street police court yesterday morning Sir John Bridge, the presiding magistrate, heard arguments upon an application for the extradlction of Dr. Cornelius Herz, who Is wanted in France to answer charges of having made threats by letter or otherwise with Intent to extort money. Dr. Herz, who was alleged to have been associated with the late Baron Kelnach In the Panama scandal, was, In his absence from the country, sen tenced by the French courts to twenty years' imprisonment and to pay a htavy fine, but the application for his extradition on this Judgment was re cently withdrawn and the one argued yesterday substituted. Sir John Bridge, after hearing the arguments, formally refused to grant Dr. Herz s extradition. Dr. Herz is still lying critically 111 at Bournemouth, where he has remained in a more or less helpless condition for the last three years. ENGLAND'S WOMAN SUFFRAGE Lord Salisbury's Cabinet Kocs Not Share His View That It Is Coming. London. May 3. Prime Minister Sal isbury's arrival ut the belief that at an early period woman suffrage will be conceded, as shown in a speech de livered by him on last Wednesday, does not menn that the duestion Is before the cabinet. On the contrary. It Is Improbable that the present govern ment will even consider the question. A rnujurl'y t:f the ministers strenuously oppose the granting of the franchise to women. Mr. Arthur .1. Balfour, First Lord of the treasury. Is the only mem ber of the cabinet who sided with Lord Salisbury in this mutter. Cardinal Vuughan. archbishop of Westminster, has written to the Wo men's Suffrage committee, saying that the franchise ought to be granted to them. It .would be just and benellcial, he adds, and would tend to raise the character of legislation. NAVAL OFFICER'S DEATH. Commander Telix MeC.urley Passes Away nt Philadelphia. Philadelphia. ' May 8. Commander Felix McCurley, United States navy, captain of the League Island navy yard, died at that station this morning of heart failtite. Commander McCur ley was born in Baltimore in 1835, and early in life entered the merchant ma rine service. When the war broke out he entered the United States navy as acting .master. He served throughout the war with great galluntry, and was under lire more than forty times. At the conclusion of the war Com mander McCurley was commissioned as master, and entered the navy with that rank. Since the war he was attached to various squadrons In different parts of the world. . DYING CZAREWITCH. Ifthalnd r..m... ii.fnr. h r..'. rw I secrecy will be maintained as to con . . o ora" Befo c "r",:pro-! certed action: this in view of hostile tlon the Programmo W ill Bo Curtollod. sentimenteaslly aroused by movements London. May 3. Court advices re- of so-called "trusts." Moreover tho ceiveu at winasor castle, where the queen -wus timed to arrive last night, show that there Is no hope of the recov ery of the Czarewtteh, brother of the czar, who is suffering from consump tion. As his death may occur before the coronation of the czar, his majesty has j uirecieu. mat arrangements ror the ceremony at Moscow be limited to the religious service. If the Imperlul fam ily is compelled to go Into mourning before the coronation all the fetes and most of the public programme will be cancelled. BUCKET SHOPS LEGAL. Chicago Judge Says They Are as Legiti mate as tho Board of Trade. Chicago, May 3. 'Judge Horton yes terday decided that bucket shops are an legitimate as the board of trade, and quashed 4)e eleven Indictments against William Skakel and ten others, charged with being proprietors of or employed In bucket shops. "The board of trade does a wholesale business In Wheat dealing,"' said Judge Horton, "and what are called bucket shops do a retail trade. There Is ab solutely no difference In their methods of operation, - and the statute which makes the hoard of trade business legit-. (mate does the saJite for the leaner deal er who conduct the same kind of trade. While I believe personally that it Is 11 nothing but gambling, the law al lows it. and the courts are powerless." The ramlnlng 240 cases against men who have been indicted for the same offence will be called up on Monday next and will be thrown out of court at the same time In the same way. The Brand jury this afternoon wholy ig nored Judge Horton's decision, and is sued !4 more indictments against pro prietors of bucket shops. BUSINESS BREVITIES. WOOL. The wool year, says Dun. ended May 1 with more wool in the country than ever before, and probably much more than the entire consumption for the coming twelve months.lf not another pound should be Imported. Ks nuniuer oi mj JU'tally reported, with weights of fleece, state as given by the Manufac- l"1"? nsl,0:'a,'on 'a-st. "i" V. P ' s ;"1 be about 2.a.00O,00O lbs. J'"r'r 9 tw,e,ve months have been ncludlng wool waate. about 2M).000.0O in any year, while the demand for con sumption Is now at leaat 1U per cent, below the maximum for goods, domestic and foreign togrther, and the foreign Imports of goods represent about 1M), libs, more raw than in the years of greatest production and prosperity. These facts would indicute a domestic consumption not exceeding 300.000.tHK) lbs., unless the demand materially in creased, while the past year's consump tion must have left In the country much more than ".000.000 lbs. old w jol. With a supply so vastly exceeding probable lenulrements, even present low prices can hardly be maintained. Resales by manufacturers who hare taken wool against which they get no orders, have formed a considerable part of the sales in March and April, and April sales at the three chief markets have been the smallest known for many ears in any month, except In the panic months June and August. 1893. and June. HUM. Sales for. the month, for four months ending with April, and for the wool year end ing with April, have l-en a follows: April. Domestic. Foreign. Total. ISsti M3J.H0U 6,714,801) 13.1.'),7iin ldsf, U.MW.VUO ll,SM,7oj 'J3.8iW.WM 1SW 14.l63,fT.!t 7,775,400 '.! 1,838.!..- 18M 8.WO.50O 7, Hi.4!,ti00 Xt 11,031,4011 ,418,8ll0 20,4;,D'IO Kour months ended April .10. lKsti 32,872.480 :,62i,0U0 r.9,28,1SO 1KO C4,822,3C. 38, 145.&50 ft!,i7,!H.ri ISM 'Jl,111.18 17.2td.400 78.3ii2.5Slt 1M .VI.235.9iO 31,473.750 H5.7o9.Krs 1892 65.01S.5UO 32.842,850 t$H.8tHi,.l.")0 Wool, Year ended April 30. 1K96 172.795,802 149.044.275 321,890,177 1895 171.270.2J6 8.497,B2 257.707,888 1894 150.090,535 39,890,250 189,80,i9t 1893 2K1.929.405 104,719.450 308,048,855 una a uecreuse ui .o per i-rm. pared with the corresponding period of ' 18ft!. Below Is given gross earnings of 1 till roads In the United States reporting l for the past four weeks: I ISM. i (K roads. 4th week of March 7.223,710 ! 71 roads, 1st week 1895. ' 7,017,789 4,977.841 4.963,805 4,C31,02i C. 2.8 1.2 4.G '6.0 of April 5,037,042 m roads, 2d week of i April 5,182,497 1 59 roads, 3d week of April 1,807,974 Plus. In the following table the gross earn j lngs of all roads reporting for periods mentioned are classified according to j sections, or chief classes of freights car ; riiMl. only the figures for this year are printed, with iiercentages of gain or loss compared with 1893 and 1895: I April, i Per Cent. Roads. ISM. ! Trunk lines $ 2,739.120 I Other Eastern 427,735 I OranKers 2.U7.542 other Western 2,44.871 l Southern 3.6X7,130 Southwestern 3,273.285 United States Canadian Mexican Total all .... Roads. Trunk lines Other Eastern ... j Grangers ! Other V'estern .. j Southern Southwestern ... Pacific United States .... i Canadian Mexican ! Total all Minus; 'Plus. II II II SPKCIE MOVKMKNTS. Past week: I Silver exiHirts, $898,427; imports, $20, ! 261; gold exports, $543,240; Imports, $20, ! 595. Since Jan. 1: Silver exoorts, $17, .131.097; imports, $784,831; gold exports, $16,570,350; imports, $18,022.85. li ll II i THK ANTHRAC1TK OUTLOOK. ' The anthracite coal trade Is admittedly in better condition today than It has been for many months, says the Phlla- i delphia Stockholder. The season of i large demand is directly ahead, und prices are rigidly maintained. It is i thought that while concert of action I will be hidden from the public so far a any formal announcement of a geii- ercl agreement is concerned, the un i thracitu coal producers will not be sat- I isfled until the average price of coal ' at tide Is $4 a ton. The tendency Is to reach that figure without undue delay. The various companies at present are i making money, and their profits will j increase from month to month during cue year, r or once, mere is nine iiKeu hood of Inside opposition. It is tacitly agreed that, none of the producing con cerns cun afford to adopt a policy of obstruction. This argues for cohesion on the part of all, and good results from an earning standpoint. An era of pros perity In the anthracite coal trade Is, therefore, seemingly ahead. il !i II ANTHRACITE PRICKS. When the anthracite coal combination was ftrst formed it was stated that it was the policy of the powers to advance prices gradually during the year until the j average per ton at tide was $4 a ton. I The action of the Reading and the Le I high Valley, In marking the price up nt this time 25 cents a ton, their action ! to be followed by a similar action on the ! part of the other leading interests, Is ; suys the Philadelphia Stockholder, In 1 line with this declaration. It is not j likely, of course, thut an open avowal of ! the policy ot the combine will be made, j and, on the other hand, a degree of New York legislature Is still iu session and to he reckoned with until Its ad- FOR THE HAIR and SKIN A wirm shampoo with Cutlcura Soap, and a single application of - Cutlcura (ointment), the treat Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, nnd dand ruff, allay Itching, soothe Irritation, stlm , ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the -roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesome sralp. oU IbraiwhMt tlii world. Pom One aCsiM, Can., Holt PrsynMun, Iwkii, (,'.(, A. 1895. 1893. 1.5 ;.7 . 4.9 "18.9 15.9 16.9 6.2 6.5 3.6 7.4 1.6 10.7 ..315.087,513 8.2 9.6 .. 1,034.000 19. 1.8 .. 936,607 2.5 4.6 ..117,058,120 3.9 "8.7 March. Per Cent. 1896. 1895. IRtW. ..I16.03S.21C .6 11.0 .. 6,190,452 6.9 20.3 .. 11,319,328 '15.9 9.6 .. 6,204,872 8.5 9.0 .. 6.700,881 1.0 l:t.S .. 5.511,400 2.3 "16.4 .. 2.825,548 10.2 "11.6 ..$54,791,8t:.'t 3. 11.8 .. 1,5ii3.i 26.0 4.1 .. 1,742.393 1.3 15.8 ..$."i8.037,85 3.6 "11.2 Fatal Pneumonia. That dreaded disease that tem porarily compels a cessation of the work of all the greater organs of the body, thus stopping the digestion of food, the creation of new tissue, brings the patient to a point where the flickering flame of life is blown out like the light of a burnt-out candle. To make recovery probable, keep up the patient's strength give him Bovinine . that great concentrated essence of the vital principles of lean beef, the strength of which is enhanced by our special cold process method of manufacture, it can be retained by the weakest stomach and in every instance makes blood, flesh and strength. Dr. Charles Wilson, Atwell Ave., Providence, says; "My wife suffered a severe attack of pneu monia; after passing the acute stage fearing heart failure, I gave her freely Bovinine and port wine, equal parts. I have never seen such good results. I am a hearty believer in Bovi nine for quick nutrition." Over 25000 other physicians endorse it equally strong. Journment. The various producing companies will, however, prepare for the carrying, out of the Keneral jiollry agreed upon without needless delay. Kven at present prices they are not making money if proper sinking funds are charged against coal extracted to reimburse the owners of the properties for capital expended In the purchase and Improvement of collieries. It Is llgured by people who have gone very deeply Into the anthracite question that coal sold on the busis of less than I4.SU per ton for stove at tide. water is being mined and sold at a loss. Very few of the companies charge a sinking fund against coal extracted, but all should. There is only a certain amount of coal In the ground, and when any Is taken out It can never be replaced; yet, in suite of this, some companies are adding year by year to the capitali sation of their collieries, notwithstand ing the steady process of exhaustion that is going on. 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OP AIX KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LE89 THAN 15 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATION'S, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Halp Wantad Mala. ANTED TWO OnOU MEN TO SELL tea and roffaa on mrnmluilnn In anil around Scranton; will pay per cent, and furnish each ith a horse and waeon. For particulars address C. B Tribune office. WANIED-EXPKRIENCED AND COM TV penent double entry bookkeeper for commission bualnee. Piste age and give reference. Adiirees "R," Tribune. jR PER1,ICA8II PAID FOR D'STRIB ,! uting circulars; fiiclnse 4 rents. U.S. niDij ii.mj DiA&Aii, i;nicago. D RUQCLKRK- DDREHS OR APPLY L, u, r 4ii eaar avenue, ncrantun. Pa. 117 ANTED - REPRESENTATIVES FOR ' v Scranton and vicinity foe n old con servative Life Insurance Co.; imniuf all the tnixl 'rn policies; must have Urjre acquaint ance; experience not necessary; future to the right partv MANAOEd, TM Tradesmen's Building, Pittsburg. 17ANTED N AOFNT IN EVERY SEC TV tlon tocanvam; f t.OO to S3 00 a day made; sell at sight; also man to -Il Maple Uoods to dealer; best side line 17fl.n0 a month; sal ary or large commission made; experience unneceatur y. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN v every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; s monopoly; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO Borden Block. Cbioairo. I1L Helo Wanted Famalaa. yA?TDXPllDO-KEEp' er; must he well rt'omninnde-j and nmat be able to give bond. D. B. C, Tribune oftlce. GIRL WANTED TO DO UENERAL bouaework: no small children. Call at 74:1 Qujncy avenue. YVT ANTED WORK FOR MEN AND V V women. We pay ft) to flu per week for easy homework. No scheme, book or ped dling: send stamp for work and particular. THE KEYMOUB SUPPLY CO., Maaonio Temple. Camdeu, N. J. T ADIES-I MAKK BIO WAGES DOINCH M-J piraaant Home work, ana will gladly tend full particulars to all sending 2 cent utamp. MIS M. A. STEBBIKS. Lawrence, Micb. WANTED I ADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder'a cake icing: experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write for particular at once an1 get benefit of holiday ;.rHi! Jrj.H.-JNyD5R. CO . f inclnnatl. O. W ANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO E NER VY getio saleswomen to represent n. Onarantced U a day without interferinprith other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, including stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Charter Application. f7fraE"col?RT"oTcc J. Lackawanna county, No. May term, 1WW. Notice l hereby glveu that an application will lie made Defore one of the Jndees of the siid Court on the 15th clay of Mav, IBM, under the corporation act of Zitth day of April. A. D. 1347, end tho several biii plements thereto, for the charter of h certaiu corporation tn be known a the "Mooeic Hone Company Number One;"-ti character and objector which Is the protection .of the live and property of the people of the vll age of Moolc iu Lackawanna (.ouiity from destruction by Are, aud for these purpoar to bavu, poMena and enjoy all the rUhta, bnnafltaand privilege of the said A01 of Assembly and it anpph meet. JOHN M. HARRIS. Solicitor. Annual Meeting. THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE LACKA wanna Hospital and to tile Scranton Training School for Nurse, connmted with tlie La' kawanna Hointtal, wMl hold their an nual meeting on Monday, May 4. I8U0, between the hours nf 0 and V n. m for the purpose of electing officers and to transact such other bnsineas as msv come before it- Lost. LOST-A SET of BLUE PRINTS BETWEEN Hcreatonend Plttston. The finder will b liberally rewarded by returning to the Morse. William & Co. Elevator Compeny a offloe on Spruce street, Scranton. Pa. Raub Building. : Business Opportunity. , CM Aft INVESTED NOW IN WHEAT OR JP VW stocks under nnr safe method will make yon handiotne profit. 8end for particu lar and book. free. JORDAN CO,Colum bia Bnildiug, New York. - v Gomnollw DDST AND MOTH PROTECTION Does away with Pine Tar, Camphor, Tar Balls and all other disagreeable smelling drugs. Garments positively free from odor when taken out for use. Call and see them. CONNOLLY & For Salt. 1XR HALE-ONE OR TWO GOOD RE ' liable hones. Bound and right for any purpose. Call at 115 Adams avenue, new Telephone Building. mft DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ON i Summit Park, anil Annex Mots, at Clark' Hummit, fnr nsle: iirice 140 to ITS each: every lot a bargain. H H. ALWORTB, Attorney, Common wwdth Building. 1?OR SALE DESIRABLE 1 OT ON JEK- 1 ferson avime. P. W. STOKES. Attor-ney-at-Law, I'M W yomlug avenue, ' ! FOR SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM- ' hnrat and the four lots on which it ' stands: also the four lot adjoining: most de- 1 slrable location In Elmnnrei: price reasona ble: terms enT : soweulon given at once. & P. KINGSBURY. Commonwealth Bonding, Scranton, Pa. . I OR SALE-TWO HORSES. 2 BUTCHER wagons, X boggles, 1 lt-i)i, harnesses and all of butcher' outfit; alao me t market for rent ; soingoutof buuneaa; nun lie sold by April Ut. Inuulre of I E. SCHULLER. Blakoly atreet, Dunmore. For Rant F'OR RENT HALP OP NEW DOUBLE elukt room house, 1033 Capons avenue, between Green Ridge, and Delaware street. Modern conveniences. Immediate poMeln given. OeiCAR KREEMAN, 1KU Montey Ave. HOUR KOOML. 7X1 Olive street, arraneed V tor light houaekeupingj newly painted and papered. FOR RENT PRE' BYTERIAN MANSE, furnlahed, feunaet avenue, North Park, with barn; apply on premises. L'OK HENT-8-HOOH HOUSE AND BtRN; " nice yard, corner VotiHtoroli and Marlon. F OR RENT-HALF OP DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvement: rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Biakely rtreeta, Dunmore. 1X)R RENT-TEITRobM HOUSE; ALL r modern convenience. Inquire at ISO Wasbburn st. IpOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE 71& Quinry avenue. Rent reasonable Opposite jlonea Taylor Honpltal. FOBRENT-NICEuI FURNISHED HALL altable for lodge room. JOHN JEH MYN. Ill Wyoming nvenii'. . Furnlahad Rooms for Rant. 0NNToRW,TWFt?RM8ln lt, with ma of bath: also barn rent cheap. K22 Monroe avenne, city. F'URNISHED ROOMS, WITH USE OF OAS, hot and eeld bath, sitting snd reading room. 216 Lackawanna avenue. fnt Wantad. fANTED SALESMAN : SALARY FRuM start: permanent rilnce. BROWN BROS. CO , Nurerymen. Rocooater, N. Y. OF.NTS WAN TED-TO SELL CIGARS; $76 per month salary and expense paid. Addrem, with two-cent atamp, F1UARO t'l OAK CO.. cnlcairo. 4UE.N18-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL IX gold, ailver. nickel and copper elrc.tro platers: price from fit upward; salary and ex pennes paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFU CO.. Chicago AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; weekly and expense; experience un neceaaary. OXSOLIUATEO MKO. CO., Ven Buren St.. l.hicaga S ALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; K per cent commlatlon; sample book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell now lightning selling table cloth. mos quito aud honee fly liquid at 10 cents and -f cent a bo tie. Sample Iree. BOLGIANO M F'G Co., Baltimore. Md. L AGENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER al Hair Curler and Wavers Qiaod with out beat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commiraton. Free mmple nnd full nar ticiilar. Address P. o. Box 466. New York. Special Notleea. tcrpHE SOIDIERIN OUR CIVIL WAR." J You want this relic. Contain all of Frank Leslie' famouaold Wur Picture.bow ing the force tn actual battle, aketoUed on the put. Two volumes, 2,0U0 pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment". Delivered by ex press complete, all cfaaries prepaid. Addrea P. O. MOODY. U2 Adam Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA ilnea, etc.. bound or rebound at Tas Tkibunb office. Wuick work. Reasonable prices. Steamship Line. CJTEAMSHIP TICKET- AND DRAFTS AT JS. A. BARRON'S, 213 Lackawanna ave nue, Scranton. Medical. 'ADIRSI Oilchetttr'l English Pennyroyal Mis . (ri.on4 md), are the Vest. !. iwiaMt. Tafc M btiid Mwp, Kr ptrtkujftn, " HIM LadiM," n irnja by Return Mail.,, Ai Pruuiu, Chichester ChemlcarCo., Tbllada., Fa. ROEBLING'S CELEBRATED TANSY AND Pennyroyal Hlls: imported: absolutely aafe; barmlem; superior to all others; never tails, anvextaire: thousands of lianpy ladle: f3 by mail." Sold only by BOTANIC AL SPECI FIC CO.. lit Fifth Avenue. New York. Have You a House to Rent If so. a small Tribune . "For Rent" adlet wiliaid 1. you in securing a tenant. PAIGE'S ODORLESS T WOTH WALLACE, mi) TRY US. 302-404 UCML IVL, COH IDIM. Sltuatlena Want. SITUATION WANTED -MAN DESIRES aiturtlon; experienced iu drcn, groceries and dry goods. Address UN (t INKER, ail Adam avenue. XT-A N TED POSITION AS HOUBEKEEP vv er by an American widow, or house work in family of adult. Address WIDOW, Tribune offloe. GERMAN OARDE.VER, WHO HAS MORE tbau twelve years of experience, I will ing to do tbe gardening ot several garden anywhere. FRKD B1EBKNHAAR, German Oardener, No. lluu Meadow avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED-AS BUTCHER BT O wnothoroughly undaretand tn meat business; can makx himself useful around any basineu: with references, f. MOMOAN. 15 Robinaen itreet. - WANTED SITUATION BY MAN WHO understands farming, gatdening and care of horse; pcaks French. Knglian and barman. EM1L HCHAFFKR, IU Leckawan' ua avenue, ecranton. SITUATION WANTED. AS BUTCHER; thoroughly experienced and with good reference; would not object to aasistinany other department in a store. Apply J. W. HILTON, Robert avenos, I rovidenos. '117 ANTED BY A YOUNO MAN, SITUA. tien ss clerk in clothing, grocery or (tore; several years' excellence; ref erence. Address D. J. PRICE, - SB Hyde Park avenue, city. : 4 . SITUATION WANTED-AB SEWErTn tailor establishment. Address 10 Cedar avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY MIDDLE AOK p lady a housekeeper, nura or stewing. E. M.. Tribune office. r RAILROAD TIME-T ABIES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, 180. Trains Leave Wilket-Barreas Follows 7.26 a. m., weak days, for Sunbury Harriaburg. Philadelphia, Balti more, Waihlnjlon, and for Pitta burg and the West. 10.16 a. m., week day, for Hazlaton. Pottsville, Reading, Norrittown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti- more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg, and tha West. 6.0O p. m., week days, for Haaleton and Pottsvltle. J. R. WOOD, titn'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PKEVOST. Oenersl Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna. Division,) Anthracite coal used exclusively, .insur ing cleanliness and Comfort. TIME TABLE IN EKKKCT MCH. IS, 18D6. Trains leave Scranton (or Plttston. Wilkes-Barre. etc at B.20, J.15. 11.30 a. m.. 12.45. 2.00. 3.05, K.OO, 7.10 p. m. Sundays. 9.00 a. m.. 1.00. 2.13. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, (.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth. 8.20 texpress) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf let purlor car), 2.06 (express) p m. Sun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.46 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Readme Term inal. 5.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlo hem. Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a, m 12.45, 3 06, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. nil Sunday, MS p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at 8.20 n. tn 12.45 p. m. . For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a,, in., 12.43. too p. ra Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8.20 a., 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty atreet, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.80, 4.16 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.S0 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, f 00 a. m 2.00 aud 4.30 p. m. Sunday 127 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application la ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pas. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSF.N. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND iuuSON RAIL ROAD. Commehclng 'Monday, STx'-- JaT Juiy w, an trains win MB wMMtt arrive at new Lacka- W W mm wanna avenue- station mw r as follows: -r Trains will leave Scran ton statHn for Carbondale and lnterme' alite points at S.20. 6,48, 7.00, 8 2J and 10.10 a. m., 12 00. 2 20. 8.55. 6.15. 15. 7.8. 8.10 and I1ForP'Farvlw, Waymart and Honesdal at 7 00, 8.26 and 10.10 a, m 18.00, 120 and 6.11 P Fr Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.4S e. m. and 1.80 p, m. 1 For Wllkes-Barre and InUrmedlsM point at 7.45, 8.46, I IS snd 10.48 a. tn., 1205, 1.20, 8.88, 4.00. 6.10, 8,05, (.16 and 11.88 p. nt. Train will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate point at 7 40, 8.40, (.84 and 10 40 a, m., 12.00. 1.17, 8.84. 8.40. 4.54. 6.66. 7.46. 9.11 and U.SJ p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far. view at (.84 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17, 140, i.H and 7.4 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany,-' eta,, at 4.64 and 11.28 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre ' end " .Ifrtermediiit points at (16. (.04, U. and H.B8 . m.. 1.18 ili 8.K. 6.10. 1.06. 7.8. ( e) and ILK p. m. , mm BSV u sr PROOF BAG AND DUST. 209 X!""' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, . -Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Sprltft Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, Ml Hev, 17. 116. TrsJn leavesScranloa tor Philadelphia and Nsw-.Yerk via ft H. R. R. at 7.4) a. m. jtttL 1.8O, 8.88 aid 11.38 p. m., via D . U A W. K,a, aw, .08. U.80 a. m., and LM Leave Bcrintpn fof Ptttaton and Wilko. Barre, via D, L. A W. R. R., 100, 6.08. U.2 a, m., 140, 6.67. 168 p. m. Leave Scranton lor White Havn. Ha. sleton, Pottnvllle and all points on the Ber Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, y1 H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m U.0&, 1.20. iSL P- m- via D. L., A W. R. R. W. 108. 11.(0 a. m., 1.30, 8.40 p. m. Scanton foi Bethlehem, Easton, r Heading Harrisburg and all intermediate ?lnt.,i.v,f D- H. R. R. 7.4 a. m U.05. 4 00, 11.88 p. m., via D., U A W. R. R., 100, 8.08, 11.80a. m., 1.80 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To. nda. Elmlra, Ithaca, Otneva and all Intermediate points via D A H. R. R., ( 4i a R.. 101 .u a m., 1.S0 p. m. ..Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and ali R?ln,S 5J via D A H. R. R MS a. tn ; " 11.88 p. m.. via D.. L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 108, (.66 a. raVLui .oo p. m. For 'Elmlra and C west via Salamanca, v ' i'- M- R- 45 a. m. 12.06 p. m.. vlaP.. U A W. n. a. lot, 166 a mT, 1.30. uiman parlor and sleeping of' IV V. hair cars on all trains between L.' B. Juaotlon or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, 'Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ftOLLW H. WILBTJR. Osn. Supt. CHAS S. .EK, on. Pass, Agt., Phlla., Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst .Qen. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa I . Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, April 20. 1SS0., 1 Trains leave Scranton a follow: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2,60, 6.16, 8.00 and 9.56 a. in.; 1.16 and 8,84 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.1S.8.00 and (.66 a. m.; 1.15 and 8.84 p. m. Washington and way station, 4.00 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 8.10 p. tn. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego Kl mira, Corning, Hath, Dansvllle, Moum Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.8.1 a. m.. and 1.21 p. m., making close connections u: Buffalo to nil points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 8. IS a. m. Hlnghamton arid way stations, 12.37 P. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra express 166 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswesu, t'tlca and Hlchdeld Springs, 2.86 a. m and 1 I1thaeaII2.3a and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.21 P For Northumberland, Plttaton. Wllke Bsrre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan ville making close connections at North umberlan and Wllllamsport, Harrlabuig. Baltimore. WashlnRton and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions ti.OD. .55 a. m. and 1.30 and ti.00 p. m. Nuntlroke and iiit-rmedlate station. 8 0 and 11.20 a. in. Plymouth and inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.62 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping eoache on all express trains. 1 , For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofltce, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot tlcxei onire. Erie and Wyoming Val EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, and intermediate points on thel roaa, also lur nunrnuaip, local points at ft.36 a. m. and 3.28 arrive mv ouranion inim mww S.2I a. m. ana a.01 p. ni. SCHANTON DIVHIOJI. In Effect September OTnd. 1S03, (rm Reund. Mih (fuaej, l030l Stattoas ' ' (Trains Billy, cept Hunaay ) r aiArrlvs . Lay 7 r. N. Y. Franklin n 7 101 West 4nd streeu 7 oi M'eebswken lr aiArrlve Leavst fTTSTH ancook Jusatloa I OH HSOCOBC ' 19 Mi StarUtkt 1848 Preitcn Park 18 iff coino it s poyeteU 18 14 Belmont 1808 Pleasant Ml lute vnioodsie r all) 4i Porsettuy (trail Si crDODOie f8 46 (1180 White Bridge 481 ....I Maynria 41111(8 Jennys . (M il IBl ArchtbaM uriiis Wlnton .. Will 11 Pcckville n: luff Ulvrbant );1105 Vlcksoa 16 II 01 Throop 1 11 n Provldenes IMCOT Park Piaee a ia tn a Saranton 71( 8 4Si TM IM 7(7 8N tniM TM 47 7 H 4 1 T 89 4 It ll fi 1 T46 4 Su m 1 m Lve Arrive MP Ail trains run dally except Sunday. tslgiilnes that trains stop on signal for' pss Kagers. ' - . recurs rates via Ontario Westers before Ctrchaslng tlrketa and save money. Day sjkf lagt Repress to tbe West. j o. Aederson, flea, pass Act T.ITltorofVDiv.IAilsjraBtoa.T'a. j r 1 1 1 a m .... T40 m .... w ....1 (til .... IM ... tail ...r I4t .... IM :::: i val3 ! IB