The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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'2SL ) IBsrate )
NT the best that money can buy.
Nornnan &
120 Wyoming Ave.
D- ackawanna
jo8 Penn Ave
Tbe most com
; plete stock of
Special Patterns
I made strictly
I private tons for
i Scranton.
Join tho' Blues and eut Turkey.
TonlRht the Oroen UhUo Wheelmen will
conduct their last smoker for the sea
son. A blockade took place on lower Lacka
wanna avenue yesterduy. It wus the urn
of the seaHon.
Frank H. Henderson was yesterday lip
pointed by Mayor Hailey to inspect the
new lateral sewers on Colfax and W neolur
Wllllum Palmer fell In a tit on Lacka
wanna avenue yestenluy moniliiB. Ho
was taken to the station house, where ho
soon recovered.
The resular meeting of the board of
managers of the Home for the Friendless
will take place this morning at the usual
hour and place.
The St. Oecllli academy class paper will
he rend this afternoon at 2.30. The Alum
nae of tho institution are invited to ut'
.tend and hear It.
Joseph Judkanty, another ashman guilty
of trespassing on the Jersey Central
company's land, was lined by Alderman
Wright yesterday.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day to John T. Griffiths and Margaret
Howell, Taylor; Michael Koplnski and
Ludkiga Kuzba, Scranton.
The contract for tearing down and re
moving the house standing on the Bits of
the new Nay Aug engine house was yes
terday executed with Murray & Gllmorc.
The members of Ooeur do Lion com
niHiiderv drill each Thursdnv night in the
Armory. They are preparing for the big
Knights Templar parade in mis cuy on
May 2G.
Colonel TT. O. Sehoonmaker will tako a
party of Scranton newspaper men for a
trip over the Klmhurst boulevard this
A meeting of the Sheridan Monument
association will be held next Tuesday
night, at which the preliminary work of
arranging for an excursion will probably
-be taken up.
The registry list and the lists for tnk
ing of the school census of children be
tween the age of 8 and 13 years are now
ready for distribution at the ollicu of
tne county commissioners.
On Wednesilny Poor Directors Fuller,
Terpee und Mrs. Swan made their an
nual tour of inspection of St. Patrick's
orphanage, St. Joseph's Foundling Homo
una tne Home for the Friendless.
William S. Miller, through his attor
ney, S. It. Price, began an action in
ejectment yestcrduy against G. W. Cra
mer and John W. Cure for the recovery
oi land in tne borough of uiuKeiy.
The Sages, hypnotists, who are soon to
dippear at me Academy of Music, are nil
Inn al Anirill'nmjint of IVin fl.itw1 I 1, ...(,
House In Wllkes-liurre this week and are
crowding the houso every niirht. They
give a mystifying and mirth provoking
Candidate No. 7 for the Itenubllcan leg
lalative nomination in the First district
bobbed lip yesterday. This latest comer
In the arena is Hai ry C. Hatton, clerk of
the common council, whose recent victory
In the reorganization of that proves that
ne win uear waicning.
The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Smith
will take pluce from her late resldenc
JIOS Adams uvenue. Green Kidge, at 10
o clovk this morning. A solemn high mass
of reaulem will be celebrated ut St. Piinl's
church, after which the remulns will be
taken on the noon train over the Dela
ware and Hudson to Honesilule, where In-
teripent will take place nt a o'clock. The
friends will walk from the house to tho
church and depot in Green Hulge.
A souvenir badge has been designed for
the local Knights Templar and will be
distributed to the visiting Sir Knights ut
th approaching conclave. It consists of
a miniature section of a steel rail to the
bottom or fiat portion of which a ribbon
Is attached, containing a suituble inner lo
tion. From this a small piece of coal Is
suspended. The badge typllies the coal
and steel industries that are such impor
tant factors in tho Industrial life of
A "summer rest" has been provided for
the women of our city by the Young Wo
men' Christian association. The asso
ciation has secured Sea Itest nt Asbury
Park, N. J., which will bo open for tho
Scranton women In July, providing ap
plications arc made before May Id. The
terms uro $3.25 per week In advance and
tho railroad fare Is about $7 for the round
trip. Thoso who wish to have a rest, dur
ing the summer months will be wise In
taking this opportunity of reduced rates
i suun an attractive resort as Asbury
inn, ,
The Itruso Paintings.
Tho valuable collection of Bruce
' Painttnn. which has been on - exhilil-
tlon the Griffin Art Studio for tho
past week, will be sold at auction this
evun nsr. Mr. B. Scott. Jr.. the well
known art connolseuer, will conduct the
Addition to Court Home.
Perclval J. Morris and T. J. Lacey &
Bon have submitted water color per
spective sketches of the proposed ad
dition to the court house .which -will
raise It one story and give more room
for court purposes and Jury rooms. .
Delivered Last Night la Wood's Collet
Before a Largo Audience.
Hon. T. V. Powderly lectured last
night at Wood's college for one hour
and a half to a very large audience,
comKsed of the faculty and students
of the college, together with their
friends and the public generally. "La
bor and Christianity" whs the subject
of the lecturer's discourse.
It was the snme able and eloquent
address which he delivered at Vandling
three months ago, but so simplified as
to bring it within the comprehension of
the average school boy. The speaker
Wc live In a rapid world. This Is
the age of electricity and machinery.
In politics, education and religion we
move just as rapidly. The thories of
today are practical operations tomor
row, or they give way to new theories.
The subjects of arbitration, commun
ism, socialism, co-operution, protit-
sharing, free trade and protection have
been discussed, tried repeatedly, pro
nounced failures, for the reason that
man Is imperfect. Yet they are very
much alive again, today. Since their
failures are due to man's imperfections,
why not give our attention to man?"
Mr. Powderly followed out this line
of thought elaborately and advocated
pre-nat:il culture as the remedy In the
case of the nation, as well as the fami
ly und Individual.
The Industrial and financial depres
sion of the country at present was de
scribed very graphically by the speak
er, nnd Its causes very forcibly consid
ered by him. To the extensive emigra
tion of the past decade he attributes
the present poor industrial condition of
the I'nitru States. The methods used
In Importing foreigners to our shores,
their condition as to cleanliness, mor
als nnd wealth, their Ignorance of our
laws and customs, their dim and ob
ject In life were recited In detail; but
one illustration will suffice to show the
injurious effects to our country of un
restricted emigration as now carried
Five years ago while In New York
the speuker observed a labor detective
from the Lackawanna region accost a
number of newly arrived foreigners.
lie followed them until they arrived In
Scranton and then to Prleehurg and
Dickson City where they expected to
receive employment at $2.50 per day ns
promised, but were paid only 97 cents;
ine result was mat they took the
plnce of American laborers who usually
earned J1.50, and removed 53 cents from
circulation in the commercial business
of our city. Some very Interesting
statistics of the lubor savins; machinery
which has come Into existence since
lNWi were given to show how rapidly
hand lubor la being displaced. Self-
binding hnrvesters invented In 1SS8 now
do the work of one million men In the
great northwest. The plow performs
in a day the work of fifty men. The
typewriter put upon the market In 183
Involves an Investment of thirty mil
lions of dollars, and cash registers fif
teen millions. The money Invested In
bicycles far exceeds anv of these
umuunu. The, McKay stitcher stitches'
one thousand' shoes' per day, and the
average macniru! or the machine shop
perform in 6 hours thnt which a decade
ago required 60 hours.
From these evidences we can Infer the
possibilities of the future in the work
shop and factory. Woman with adept
lingers will press tne button that shall
set In motion the countless machines
of the industrial world while man. poor
man. it ne does not wake up will have
t obe content with looking on. The
convict labor contracts and Its detri
mental results to the wage earner was
outlined in a logical manner. The II-.
literacy t the emigrant and a large
percentage even of native Americans
in the mining regions as proved by the
lecturer, was a surprise to his aud
ience. "The little red school house on
the hill about which you have heard
so much," Bald he, "is the panacea for
illiteracy" providing we fill' them and
talk less about them."
Me advocated the enforcement of the
fnctory laws which forbid any child
under fifteen years of age being em
ployed therein. Immense sums of
money should not be sent abroad to
christianize the heathen when we have
nearly 200 of them In the neighborhood
of New York city. Keliglous differ
ences should make no distinction be
tween men. for In our prayers we all
say Our Father and If he Is Our Father
then we are his children, brothers and
sisters, therefore should we all be firm
bell -ers In the doctrine of the father
hood of God and the brotherhood of
Lubor organizations and labor agitat
ors in all their movements have been
luborlng to better the condition of the
American citizen, the American labor
er, with reference to education, morals
patriotism, love and respect for their
fellowmen and their God, therefore
they have been doing- a truly Christian
Widely Beloved Young Woman Laid at
Host in Dunmora Cemetery.
. The funeral of Mrs. I.rma B. Pny was
attended yesterday from the Epworth
league room of the Kim I'ark church,
where there assembled to pay a last sad
tribute to the widely beloved young wo
man, and to express sympathy for the
sorrow stricken husband, a large
throng, corniosed of a large part of
young girls, who were companions of
the deceaaed.
Hev. Dr. Giffin conducted the services.
Rev. Richard Hiorns, who conducted a
short service nt'the house before the
departure of the remains, was also In
attendance. Appropriate and affecting
music was rendered by a quartette,
consisting of Mrs.Wntres, Mrs.Prender
gast, G. F. Whittemore, and Gustave
The flower-bearers were six young
ladles, dressed In white: Marlon Smith.
Klla Brown, Chrlsie Zenke, Myrtle
Fisher, Lettle Evans and Sadie Smith.
The pall-bearers were G. F. Whitte
more, A. H. Foote, L. L. Wilson, John
Caiiyon, W. N. Curry and A. F. Bush.
Interment was made in Dumnore cem
Pleasant Event In Koyal Areanum Circles
Lost Night.
Scranton council, No, 953, Royal Ar
canum, held a meeting last night In.
their rooms in Odd Fellows' hall, Wyo
ming avenue, and after it was over a
bnnquct was enjoyed on the thkd floor.
The members and many visiting breth
ren were present. D. E. Nceld presid
ed. Speeches were made by Howell Har
ris, A. E. Vorhls, Edward P. Henwood,
John Proud, and others. Vocal and in
strumental music was furnished by
Professor Dorsey and a colored quar-
Wolsonflnli la Recovering.
- John Wetseniluh, the Taylor hotel
keeper, who was assaulted and had his
skull fractured early Tuesday morn
ing,, la now out of danger. His assail
ants, avis and Morris, have not yet
been apprehended. ,
Rev. Dr. P. E. Clark, Fonder of the
Y.T. S.C. C U the City.
Lecture ai Frothtaxaaa aad Reeeptloa at
V. M. C. A. Balldiaft TlM Flag of
'06 and the Convention Choir
Make Their Appearanee.
This year which Is destined to be
ever memorable In the annals of Scran
ton ' Christian Endeavorers will prob
ably have no day to which they will
look back with more pleasure than yes
terday when the first gun of the state
convention was fired by the committee
of '.
Rev. Dr. F. K. Clark, founder ci the
Christian Endeavor society, was
brought here to stir up the enthusiasm
that Is so necessary to the success of
the coming convention. That he suc
ceeded will be attested by the success
which awaits the fall gathering.
Dr. Clark arrived in the city at 3
o'clock in the afternoon and was quar
tered at the Jermyn. After a short rest
he wus escorted about the city by the
committee of ' who rode In carriages
gaily decorated with the special flags
of this year's convention. In the even
ing he addressed a large audience at
the Frothlngham and at the close of
this meeting wus tendered a reception
ut the Young Men's Christian associa
tion, where he added hundreds to the
almost liTnltless list of people whom he
has personally met throughout the
whole world.
Had he been a lesser personage than
Dr. Clark, he would be In danger of
being considered an Incident of the
evening meeting because of Us magni
tude and Importance. For the first
time the choir of 150 voices which Is In
training for the convention made Its
appearance In :ublic, and for the first
time the Endeavorers were given an
opportunity of seeing the flags specially
designed lor 'H6. The choir is led by C.
II. (.'handler and is alreudy singing
with admirable power and unity. The
Hag is a very appropriate creation. - It
has two wide bars, the top one red.
and the lower, white. In the upper cor
ner, next tu the staff. Is a keystone
containing the Christian Endeavor
monogram. Across the full length of
the white bar la printed in blue letters.
"Scrnnton '!!." The colors, red, white
nnd blue are emblematic of the nation;
the keystone Is representative of the
state; the lettering is indicative of the
city, and the monogram denotes the
Chairman C. E. Daniels, of the com
mittee of ', presided over the meeting
and made a short explanatory address
In displaying the flags, which was one
of the numbers of the programme. Rev.
Dr. James McLeod opened the meeting
with an invocation and two selections
were rendered by the choir. Rev. Dr.
Clark was then introduced In fitting
words by Mr. Daniels. As the speaker
came to the front of the stage he was
greeted the Chautauqua salute and
continued applause.
He began by recounting his former
visit to this city ten years ago, when
a state convention of the Endeavorers
was held here. The vestry of the Sec
olid Presbyterian churitfi was large
enough to hold all the delegates and
spectators and left room to spare. Now
It requires two or three large buildings
to accommodate the average state con
vention. Then there were only a few
hundred societies, now there are 46.000
scattered over the whole- world. The
United States Is, of course, the strong
hold, and Pennsylvania Is the banner
state of the Union In point or member
ship. These statements, he said, were
not made by way of boasting, but were
merely a contrast prefatory to his sub
sequent remarks. Continuing he said:
"What is God's purpose in this work?
No one can claim to be resiwnslble for
It. No one could have hindered It God
Is In it all. It Is of little consequence
what you or I or our critics more or
less kind may think of the Christian
Endeavor society. The question Is,
what Is God's purpose In It? It Is found
in the Book of Acts and the Book of
Joel: "Your sons and daughters shall
propheslze: young men shall see vis
Ions, and old men shall dream dreams."
By prophecy here Is meant In homely
phrase, to stand un for Jesus. In four
times ten thousand churches through
out the whole world are young
prophets. In their modesty they would
not claim to be prophets but In the sense
of the text they are prophets, stand
ing up fearlessly and without timidity
for Christ.
"Your young men shall see visions.
I pity the young man who never
dreams, who never sees a vision. Many
of the glorious visions of better days
to come have come to our young peo
ple through the medium of the Chris
tian Endeavor society. First Is the
vision of better citizenship. If the
snirlt of true patriotism should die in
this country, then would our doomsday
be at hand. In Japan, I found that by
appealing to the patriotism of the
young man I could make the best im
pression. Do It for Japan's sake was
my cry, and their eyes would sparkle
and their faces kindle with a light which
told me plainly that they would do it.
In China, I could not reach the young
man with any such appeal. They had
no love of country. The government
at Pekin was to them only a succession
of rotton and tyrannical dynasties.
They owed their country nothing. What
was the result when the test or patriot
ism came? Japan was placed among
the foremost nations of the world and
China was beaten Into the dust.
"The time has come for the arousing
of patriotism in America. I realized
this in my travels and had It forcibly
brought to my mind In continental Eu
rope, where an American would have
to remain dumb when they would soy
that our moral stock was low and point
out the 10,000 murders, 200 lynchings,
riots, bloodshed and political corruption
that disgraced last year. There has
come to Americans a desire to throw off
this deplorable condition. An instance
of it was the uprising that overthrew
Tammany under 50.000 white ballots
and which is overthrowing Tammany
Ites throughout the whole country. Now
we are beginning to realize that these
were but sores on the body politic and
we find thnt there Is a sound suhstra
turn beneath. Christian Endeavorers
can truthfully contend that they, by
the influence of their young men, had
a share in this healing.
"Another vision is world-wide mis
stons. It used to be 'Our State for
Christ.' Now it Is 'The World for
Christ.' At a state convention last
yeur in lona, Michigan, when the lead
er of the closing meeting asked thnt
any who would be willing to go to the
end of the world to carry the gospel of
love, should stand up. Forty young
people were counted on their feet. In
the state convention at Tennessee sixty
young people expressed a like willing
ness. You will see this thought exem
pllfied next fall In your convention.
"World-wide fellowship is a third
vision. Our society is Interdenomlnu
tlonal as well as international. We do
not break down the barriers of differ between the various denomina
tions., but. as- some one has tritely re
marked, we take the barbs off the wire
fences so that we can shake hands with
our neighbors. In your convention you
w 111 come to understand this better,
You will not know or Inquire whether
the person sitting next to you is a
Presbyterian or a Aietnomst or a Bap
tist. AH you know or will care to know
Is that he or she Is a Christian. 'Blest
Be the Tie that Binds Our Hearts In
Christian Love' and 'God Be with You
Till We Meet Again are the two most
popular songs. In. the, world. This
blessed. God-given, world-wide fellow
ship Is delightful. We can not agree
In creed and polity, but we can array
ourselves in love and loyalty against
the common enemy . In this common
fight. This is a splendid vision, this
world-wide fellowship of those who love
the Lord.
Then there is the vision of splendid
heroism, the vision of those who have
overcome their timidity andbashful
ness, who have crucified their feelings
for love of Christ. We have examples
of young men In the west walking
miles to keep their promise to attend
the meetings. In these piping times of
peace there Is no opportunity given
for the exereme test of heroism. But
go to Armenia, where our Endeavorers
are giving up their lives sooner than
deny their God. In Tarsus, the birth
place of Paul, which he declared was
no mean city, but which, under the
Turkish rule, has greatly degenerated,
there is a school. St. Paul's college, es
tablished by the late Elliot F. Shep
herd, and In this school I found two
societies of Christian Endeavor. The
spirit of splendid heroism Is ripe in this
audience. You have seen this vision.
You have not been asked to die, but
you would under such circumstances.
"Then there Is the vision of a deeper
spiritual life. This will be the keynote
of the coming international conven
tion in Washington. If we get this
vision of spiritual power we have every
thing, it abounds In plenty and Is
within our reach. It Is possible to all
of you. The greatest thought that I
can bring to you Is thnt with this
power you can look Into the face of God.
You can have this vision. You can
cause it to permeate your convention.
You can give it to your visiting dele
gates. You must have this vision. You
must see God. We may say, and truly,
too, that we have enough machinery
and organization. What we want now
la the power. My message to you Is.
never say no to God. Whatever he
saith unto you, do It.".
At the close of the meeting the en
tire audience went across- the way to
the Young Men's Christian association
building where they were given an op
portunity of meeting Dr. Clark, also II.
Itaymore, of Erie, state treasurer.
and J. C. Manning, of Pittstnn, state
transportation agent. During the re
ception Conrad's orchestra rendered
several selections. Dr. Clark left for
Buffulo on the midnight train.
He Was (Dae of the Leading Musicians of
(ho Country.
Professor Frederick F. Kopff, musical
director of the Scranton Liederkrans,
and a violin virtuoso of the purest clas
sical style, died at 4 o'clock yesterday
morning at his home, corner of Adams
avenue and Linden street. His death
has deprived the realm of music of one
of the most Successful teachers of vio
lin music In) this country and as a
warm-hearted, wholesouled citizen, al
ways ready to lend his talents for the
use of every good purpose, he was rec
ognized and appreciated.
llerr Kopfr, as he was familiarly
known, was born In 1862. thirty-four
years ago, In the city of Hamburg,
Germany. He was devoted to music
since boyhood, and at an early age
began his studies under the direction
of his rather who was a prominent mu
siclan. He was a pupil of the famous
Spohr one year, and took a final course
of three years at the Berlin conserva
tory under the famous Joachim. He
was afterwards concertmaster In Dres
den for a few years.
The deceased came to America 12
years ago and on June 20, 1886, he was
married in New York city to Miss Pau
line Keller, whose father had been in
Germany and Induced him to emigrate
hither. She and two boys survive him
Theodore Thomas, who heard him
Play, soon after he came to this coun
try, engaged him as first violinist for
his orchestra. This position he occu
pied for five years touring the coun
try from Atlantic to the Pacific. Tir
ing of traveling seven years ago he
came to Scranton, not lung after his
arrival having been chosen director of
the Llederkranz, and his talents have
been reflected In the success that this
organization has gained. By its mem
bers he was Idealized.
Three years ago he was stricken with
a severe attack of pneumonia. Last
Monday evening he became III and It
developed Into pneumonia, but his
death was entirely unexpected and the
announcement of It caused sad sur
prise. Drs. Ives and Wehlau attended
The funeral will be held tomorrow af
ternoon. At 1.30 the remains will be
borne to the Second Presbyterian
church and services will be conducted
by Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D.
The remains will be removed to New
York on the 3.43 train via Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, and Inter
ment will be made in New York on
Sunday. Members of the Llederkranz
and the Scranton Chess and Checker
club, of which he was an adept player,
and many Scrantonlans will accom
pany the remains.
One of the Mont Attractive Clothing Es
tablishments In tho City.
The handsome new clothing and
gents' furnishing store of Morris J.
Davldow, at 222 Lackawanna avenue,
was rormally opened yesterday, and un
til the doors were closed in the even
lng. was thronged with persons who
called to examine the numerous and
varied stock and admire the elaborate
and tasteful manner In which the store
has been fitted. The stock is all new
and the cut of the various garments
show that they are from the shops of
the best manufacturers, who keep
aoreast or tne times ana tne styles.
Mr. Davldow was assisted in receiv
ing the hundreds of callers yesterday
oy nis emcient roree of clerks, P. J,
liritnn, lius Edwards, John Collins
Louis Allen and B. T. Halman.
Attention Hop tasophs.
Thare wltl be a mootlnc nt
. - .... . . -. 11.11 mi.
v.onciave, sso. ui, inaependent Order of
ueptasopns, at Jtaub's hall, rear room,
on Friday evening Atnv 1 of a nnyu
to arrange to attend the funeral of our
late brother. Professor Fred F. Kopff,
Funeral Saturday at 1.30 p. m., from
retuuence, .vn Iannis avenue. Mem
bers will meet at hall at 1 p. m. sharp
to attend funeral in n hrulv
hers of sister conclaves are respectfully
J. SMiller, secretary,
Art Auction Sole.
Of the Bruce collection of paintings
at me uriiitn vrt muuio this even!
n g
nt i..v). curringes may be ordered
10.30. Mr. B. Scott, jr., will conduct
saie. - -
English Capital for American Invest
Important to Americans seeking Pn.
llfli raDltr.l for new enterurlara a u.i
containing the names and addresses of 3jQ
guccesriui iJiviiiu-iB wno nave placed
over 100,000,000 sterling in foreign invest
ments within the last six years, and over
(18.O0O.0O3 for the seven month iu-.
Price 5 or IM, payable by postal order
to the London und Universal Bureau of
inveoiorB, sv, vncnpaiuv, ijonaon, IS. C.
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of Introduction to any
of these successful promoters.
This list Is first class. In every respeat,
and every man or firm whom numo .,?.
pears therein may be depended upon. Fur
pracinR me iiniiiwiiiK it win ee round in.
valuable Bonds or Shares of TnHnatrl.l
Commercial and Financial Connarna
Mortgage loans, Bale of Lands, Patents or
Mines. i
Dtrectors-BtR EDWARD C. ROSS.
Memberskip Contest is the Y. M. C.
A. Eidcd Last Night
lilacs Had a Majority of 33-Tbe Res alt
Was 207 to 18-Uers Will
Serve Baagact to the
Great was the Joy of the Blues when
the announcement of their victory was
made at the close of the membership
contest In the Young Men's Christian
association lost night. The result was:
Blues, 207; Beds. 1S4: and when It was
made, known by Colonel F. L. Hitch
cock, one of the judges, the cheering
and shouts of exultation that greeted
It soared to the rafters of the building.
D. B. Atherton. captain of the vic
torious Blues, was nearly pulled apart
in the eagerness displayed to congratu
late him; and it might be added that in
the many contests that he has figured,
he has never come out second best.
The narrow margin of twenty-three
majority places Captain William R.
McClave. of the less fortunate Reds, In
a position to be well pleased with his
efforts and those of his lieutenants.
It was a battle of two well selected
rivals, and the residt was a most happy
termination of a vigorous and spirited
struggle for victory. The association
has been benefited In a large measure
by the recruiting of 391 members.
The contest opened on March 15. The
period that both sides had for doing
their work ended last night at 9.15. The
returns were placed In the hands of
Colonel F. I Hitchcock, J. A. Linen
and Edward Buck, the three judges,
and they retired tu a room on the third
floor to complete the count. W. W.
Infills was present In the room with the
judges In the Interest of the Blues, and
Captain McClave personally represent
ed the Reds. General Secretary George
G. Muhy was also In the room.
The reading room, office and corridors
of the building were crowded with
young men from 8 o'clock in he evening,
and the great rivalry that existed be
tween both sides was exemplified in the
conduct of the younger ones while
awaiting the announcement. They
jostled each other and tore the badges
away from one another.
At 9..10 the uudience that had greet
ed Dr. Clark at the Frothlngham thea
ter began to file Into the Young Men's
Christian association building, where
he was tendered a reception in the left
parlor, A majority of these people
were present when the announcement
was made. Conspicuous among the
ones who tendered congratulations to
the victors were the leaders of the
Captain Atherton was reinforced by
the following lieutenants: H. P. Simp
son, W. W. Inglls, C. E. Daniels, John
J. Murphy, Charles Genter, A. R. Foote,
Edward Pierce, Harry C. Haak, W. H.
White aid John Fowler. H. H. Bur
roughs was chief of staff.
Captain McClave's lieutenants were:
Dr. William Zachman. T. R. Brooks. F.
J. Piatt, William Conrad, Captain W.
A. May, D. J. Davles, John Brooks,
Will Mears, Fred Ounster and F. H.
Barker. E. P. Hoff was chief of staff.
The conditions of the contest were
that the side bringing In the most mem
bers within the specified time, would
sit down to a banquet which will be
served by the other side. Captain Ath
erton said last night that the Blues will
enjoy the feast within a wees, or so.
The date will be decided later on, so as
to suit the convenience of all con
Grand President Sullivan, of Boston, Will
Be Here Tonight.
n r tl n it P.Oflnti f Hullltran rt Ik.
Painters' and Decorators' union of
America, affiliated with the American
Federation of Labor, will arrive In
Scranton today at noon from Boston,
Whpri. lit. reatHna anti this avAntn at C
o'clock will address the painters of this
city at Durr's hall, on Lackawanna
Mr. HulllVfln'H Vlalf in Rititnn im Ki,
Invitation of Union No. 118, with a view
toward implanting among the painters
here, especially those who are not mem
bers of the union,' the great good be
stowed by organization. The lecture
win be public.
i .
Plllsbury's Flour ml: :s have a capac.
Ity of 17.600 barrels a Cay.
Trimmed Millinery.
Enough new hats are ready to set tho
town a-talklng. Some are from Paris and
some are our -own creations, 11.60 to tlj
and not one of those sold shall be dupli
cated. Exclusive stylish, fairly priced
An eye for beauty, fairly deft fingers
and a few bits of wire, straw, ribbons
and a flower spray and you can make as
pretty a hat as one would care to see.
To help you we have gathered more pret
ty bits of millinery than ever before.
Children's Hats from age. to $i.7g.
Ladles' note from 3nc. to si.go.
Trimmed Sailors from 47c to $1.30.
Black White Novelties $1. jg to $j. so
Flowers from 10c, a Spray to Ij.oo.
A. R. SAWYER, wJg Ave.
Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Including tbe painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely new process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
. 311 Spruce St.. Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
New Colorings and Patterns. Dado and Fringe on
Koth ! nils, or Fimircd All Over Portieres. TA
PfcSTRY CURTAINS, Hlch Effects, at Remarkably
Low Prices. This kind of fabric is fast becoming
the popular door drupcry.
Smyrna Rugs
(3d floor)
Xai,reortLlA BJ!l,in8-r R'.v,n t,,c,n wa nt
$1.85, 30x60 femyrna Riiks thut usually sell at
S260. Mats at 60 cents. Bamboo Porch Cur.
iuiub, u.o, oxo, bxiu
B.ti. m,
Jill I 111
423 taktYKM Avs::i
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
to fit everybody. We make
a specialty of fitting Glasses.
TRY OUlt 50c. SPECS.
Tbese bams are tbe finest
quality of bams sold in tbis
city. We will match them
against any bams sold for
14 cents per pound,: and we
are selling them at tbe ex
tremely low price of -
We are just exhibiting a
fine line of the above.
Acknowledged by lovers ot
art the best ever made.
We will be pleased to have
you call and examine.
231 Penn Arc Cpp. Baptist Church.
126-130 WYOMIN0 AVE.
After purchasing one of our
low priced Leghorns:
BO dozen Untrimrued Leg-
norns, ttold elsewhere CO
at $1.25, our price F
SO dozen fine Untrlmmed '
Leghorns, sold clue 7Q
where at $1.50,our price
2.1 doz. high crown Leg
norns. witn fancy cage,
sold elsewhere at $1.75, 70
our price ... 7
10 doz. Children's Trim.
mcd Leghorns.sold clM' 1 AO
. where at $2.50,our price l7
One lot of Ladles' Untrim
ined Hats, sold else- . 1C
where at 75c, our price 1 'J J
One lot of Ladies' Untrim
med Hats, sold else Cft
where at $1, our price
One Lot of Boys! Sailors,
soiu eisewncre at wc., 1 U
our price .. P
One Lot of Duck Cass it 19c
One Lot of Flannol Cass at 19c
One Lot of Leather Caps at 59c
Silk and Satin Ribbon, No. 9, at
cents per yard.
Silk and Satin ftlHhnn No. 1 A. at
10 cents per yard.
Silk and Satin Ribbon, No. 22. at
13 cents per yard.
Silk and Satin Kibbou, No. 40, at
IB cents per yard.
Silk und Satin Rihhnn. ten vard
at 25 cents.
138 Wyoming Avenue.
Emerson, ,
Malcolm Lots.
Clongb A Varna,
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices. .
That Is Positively Striking.
Furnishing Goods, Correct
Ideas in Fancy Shirts, x
elusive and Rich Patterns.
Lowest Prices Prevail.
215 Lackawanna Avenue.
We sell Diamonds, Watchas, Jewelry, etc,
st intrinsic Tslue prices, and as there Is not
ono cent's worth of our large and attractive
stock that has not oorae direct to oar new
store from manufacturers, importers and job
bers, we think; look throne h it might in
terest yon.
Will Open About April 1.
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry,
;i x UN"
Me at
JOB Woehtngton Av. Seranton.Paj