The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 30, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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421 Lw'kawauiia 'Avenue.
Such a sxnm lull of proiili' ivt-ry'day nat
urally mean that tlure's nomrlhiiiK her
worth I'limnu' to bj. Our line sltikn aivl
powerful littlv prices ar the masnets that
ir:w' of luinht aoiiifii hro.
The Prettiest
. Hat Fashions
. Originate Here.
True . beauty pwi out of every Hat
nnii bonnet we Khcuv.
Our swell Klyles of hanclnotne trimmed
turbans anil round huts ut
$1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.98,
mi marvels ut these prices.
Our $5, $6 and $7
Triminctl r mod. Is of tin l!itet
Purls Knshlons; you'd think they cost
lit) or J12 when you see them.
Every Good Style in
Untrimmed Shapes
.. that you'll Fee elsewhere arj ninny
styles that are only to bo sten here.
At 45C 6ic. and 7.1c.
a (treat line of shapes in roiiBh straws liernlliu biulj;'.
At Sc, Si. 23 a nil $1.4X1
Ki..en lliluns, ehlps, huir iuitn and
Panamas, cost ime-hulf utiuin us mueh
bhildren's Hats
.Prettily Trimmed, 35c. and goc
We have a lurger stock of leghorn
tliuii all the other stolen combined. U'lr
leghorns ut Due.. i9c. anil 73r. would i-ost
almost ilnuhli' the money elsewhere. We
.import then kooUs direct und eun therefore
xell them at retail for what other stoics
pay for them. We have till the new shape
fir .ladies, misses and enildren.
Such a 'selling of 'sailors hus never been
iSepii here bcfoi- . .ml you'll not wonder ut
It when you see ji, stock; not it hand
fill to select from, but hundreds of them
ill every coneeivi1'1 "le braid and
At 30c. and 4 He. '
I'Mne Heniiett braid, trimmed sudors,
Knox shape, ull colors cjt double the
money elsewhere.
At 73c. and oHc. '
Fine Milan und fumy s'.iuw sailors.
At $1.33, $1.48, $1,73 and $1,08
All the swell I'unumu sa in straw and
Japanese roUKh straw in ull the swum
Ker shapes, satin lined ami finest
trlnimiiiKs. We have no competition un
these kooiIs. .0st other stores pay
more for them at wholesale.
Our flower ilislny is bright as a glimpse
of Paradise.
(Mover und lilacs, buttercups und duisies,
pansles and lilies of the vulley, all ut ",c
for laiRe bunches that would cost iidc.
Law bunches of line loses with
foliage, , .
At 10c. and sec.
At ioc, igc. and 10c.
Palms und tsruss.
At age, 39c. and jgc.
Large bunches of follase, buttercups
und daisy wreaths; all the line (lowers
you can't tlnd In other stores are here.
. Our 2: ribbons in Dresden, IVislan and
the new plaids are worth looking at;
they're exclusive; other stoles can't act
them to sell under Mir.
Xo. U pure silk tuffeta ribbons in every
color, worth k: u yard. We run
mati'h any sample for you in sal 1 11 or
velvet ribbons or fancy ribbon for bon
net or dress trim ml 111c.
See our new Hue of
Lace Collars and Collarettes,
Chiffon Neck Bands & Ribbon Ruches
They're very swell und very moderate
In price.
421 Lackawanna Avenue.
The Suburban hotel, under the di
rection of lt genial proprietor. Will
lam brine; remodeled and
fitted up with latest accommodations
and bar attachments. When this is
completed it will stand well In rank
with best in town.
fat Lankan, of Olyphant. wan a vis
Itor in town Tuesday evening
Miss Clara Iloyd, the Philadelphia
evangelist who closed a series of re
vival meeting In the Primitive Meth'
oiilst church on last Sunday, leaves as
trace of her aaod work an Increase of
DO per cent, in the membership of the
. The Citizens' band of this place are
making grand preparations for a pa
rade and picnic on the glorious Fourth.
Johnson No. 1 colliery operated on
Tuesday for the first time since the
late fire.
the Prlceburg' Popular Base Ball
Plub arc anxious to meet the Olyphant
Favorites In a game. Favorites will
please reply.
' If the flab? la Cutting Teeth.
. Mrs.. Wlnslowe Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mother: for tlielr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, SoftenB the Gums.
May all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold
by Druggists in every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
wind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
We will sell you a good Brussels Car
t pet, Sewed, Laid and Lining
For 59c
Also a Good Velvet Carpet, Sewed,
Laid and Lining,
i ! For 69c
'." The above prices arc for a few days
only. . Call, and examine, as they will
IMnTTIUmC1 Caronts
IKead& wtll please Dot that advertise,
meiits, order for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shann6n vOo.. iewsdealen. North Main
street, wtll receive prompt attention; of
fice open from t a. m. to 10 p. m.1
Occurred Early Ycstcrda .Morning and
Wa Very Sudden,
In the death of Mrs. arah Reese,
which." occurred very suddenly yester
day, wo lose another of our old resi
dents. Her death was very sudden as
when he retired Mrs. Keese was ap
parently In the best of health und
talked freely with the members of the
family. About i o'clock she arose and
complained of not feeling well and In
a little over an hour she was dead.
Her death was due to paralysis from
l:lch she ha suffered a number of
times, and which left her In a weakened
The deceased was born In North
V.'ules on Dec. 5, 182K. When quite
yr.ung she accompanied her parents to
tids country, and settled with them at
I' I Ira. N. Y. In 1S.".S she wnsTnarrled
to Morcan Ucese, who died live years
apo. They moved at once to this city,
which had since been their home.
Airs. Jteese :iosses3ed a large num
ber of friends, who will be greatly
.t-;ned to hear of her death. She was
of peculiarly winning temperament and
made friends easily.
Three children survive her. E. R., of
the linn of l'nscoe. Scurry & Co.. Cath
erine and John. The funeral will take
place from the honsj on Friday after
njon, and will be conduct 'd by Rev.
William Lewis, of the V?'sU Presby
terian church, ass.i5t.ed by Jtt- v. Charles, of the Fir;". I'reOiyt.Tla.i church.
Interment will be made ;n MMdowood
-I-. -- -
Preparations for Its Proper Observance
Being .Mode
The f ourth of July will be fittingly
celebrated this year l.t tins city, the
meeting of the delegates from the vari
ous societies Tuesday evening estab
lishing that beyond a doubt Twenty
two societies responded to the invita
tion of the Junior Mechanics and their
delegates showed the greatest eiithusl
usm In the project.
liernard A. Kelley was dected chair
man and W Al I-athrope. secretary,
both offices being permanent. Mr.
Kelly brlelly stated the business of the
meeting and called for remarks. Some
body made a motion that the Fourth of
July be fittingly observed and It was
passd without a negative vote. M. H.
Madigan was then chosen treasurer and
Abe Suhiti general manager. Mr. Sahm
was not Inclined to accept the position
ut first but tui being urged and prom
ised the co-operution of all he consent
ed An executive committee was then
appointed to assist Mr. Sahm und con-si-ted'of
one delegate from each of the
societies represented.
There were several nominations for
marshal of the day and a vide elected
M J. Qulnii to the position. After an
Informal discussion of the matter the
meeting adjourned until next Tuesday
nay and lestivo Joseph Stanton In
Trouble Onoe More.
Joseph Stanton, who was arrested a
short time ago for running away with
a young girl, was again placed under
urrest yesterday.
Since his release Stanton has been
doing odd jolts about the place, hut
he hus been tumble to get over his af
fection for Miss Cook, who was also
released about the time Stanton was.
Miss Cook has been living with Miss
Sarah Reeves, of Rock avenue, since
her returns, and has expressed a wish
that she should not see Stanton. He,
however, has ever been on the alert to
see her, and she has been compelled to
stuy In the house to avoid him. After
the girl went to live with Mrs. Reeves
she forlmde him to enter the house, but
Stanfiin persisted and after being or
dered to leave, came In the house. Mrs.
Reeves at once hnd u warrant Issued for
his arrest, and Constable (illby brought
the man before Alderman Bunnell, who
placed him under t'M) ball.
ticorgo lloucll lias llouglit Out Henry
(leorgc.A. Howell, who has for some
yeurs successfully carried on a car
riage and wauoii shop on River street,
has decided to enlarge his business and
to this end has bought out Henry
lioessler. who has conducted a similar
establishment at the shop of Kdwin
Moon, on River street.
The change will enuble Mr. Howell to
curry on his constantly growing trade
with better results than heretofore. He
Is a skillful worker and ull his work
has given the best of satisfaction. Ho
will do general wagon and carriage
building and repairing and guarantees
all his work.
Warron McVcddy Arrested for Attcmpt
ina to Shoot Patrick Mornn.
yesterday morning Warren McVlddy,
of Mnyfield yard, was arrested and
brought before Alderman Atkinson for
a hearing. McVlddy had attempted to
shoot a man and this is why he Is now
In the county Jail awaiting the action of
the grand jury.
It seems that McVlddy and Patrick
Moran, of this city, were talking when
Mpis.n said something that displeased
McVlddy. He went into the house and
procured a rille and attempted to shoot
Moran but was captured before he suc
ceeded. The Carrie l.onls Company.
The Carrie Louis company play to
crowded houses each evening, and Miss
Louis seems to be making a reputation
in this city. All the troupe seem to be
very good, and the star is well support
ed. This, with the new songs, dances
and scenery, bring out the same people
night after night, which shows that
Miss Louis is appreciated In this city.
W. D. F.vans will leave next week for
New York citv for tiln tianHli hna
been troubled with insomnia for some
time, and hopes a change of atmosphere
win neip mm.
J. H. Crees-fln. of Hm lifr-,i,ii,nn
Insurance company, made a business
trill to Foreot Citv vextenlnv
Rev. U. B. O'Byrne, of Honesdale,
and Rev. Father Judge, of Hawley,
were guests at St. Rose's rectory yes
terday. .
Eugene Hudson, who was injured
Tuesday on the street railway. Is Bome
what better today. He was uncon
scious for three hours after the acci
dent. Miss Ella Walsh, of Scranton, Is the
guest of her mother on Pike street
O. S. Kimball, A. W. Reynolds, J. n
Shannon and D. A. Matthews were at
Crystal Lake yesterday looking after
Improvements which are being made to
their properties at that place.
Extensive Improvements are being
made at the Traction company's oltice
on Salem avenue,
The Hteel beams to e used In the
construction of the 8aim, Sixth and
Eighth avenue bridges hvo arrived In
the city over the Erie railway.
MeHdames D. M. Davis Jmd Griffith
Moran have returned from .rvvlslt 0f
several weeks In Danville and Nlooms
burg. V4.
Mrs. E. S. Hlated, of Darte avenfce,
spent yesterday with friends In Wa V
mart; 'V
The Lotus Social club banquet at
Hotel American .laMt Avonlnv
of the most elaborate affairs ever held
In this city. Many guests from down
the valley were present.
Miss lielinda Carroll, of Pittston, Is
the guest of her cousin. Miss Maggie
Carroll, of Pike strwt.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Loomis. son Frank
and daughter Mabel, of Kendallsville.
lnd.. are the guests of Mr. Loomis' sis
ter. Mrs. E. It. l-athroe.
Miss Frances Moses, who has been
the guest of her cousin. Miss Martha
Singer, has returned to her home in
-Miss Maggie Tarney, of Leadsdale, is
the guest of Miss Anna llrennan, of
Church street.
The proceeds of the Joint debate be
tween Scranton and Curbondule
amounted to $3.50. This is not as large
as was expected, but Is very acceptable.
Matters are progressing nicely in re
gard to the water question. The ways
and means committee will be In a po
sition to advertise for bids for putting
In the water plant for the borough In
a few days; the council's committee
have secured the services of a civil en
gineer to proceed with the preliminary
work; several of the committee have
gone over the proposed locality with
Mr. McKachen, of Scranton, and out
lined the work. The altitude Is 000 feet
above Main street, this place, and Mr.
McEachen Judged the prospects as be
ing very good. Other towns along the
valley are watching the work being
done in this place with much interest
and should the proposed plant come
up to all exiM'ctatlons. will no doubt
follow Jermyn's example.
The members of the literary depart
ment of the Kpwurth league of the
Methodist Episcopal church have pre
pared an interesting programme for
their meeting Friday evening. The va
rious aspects of the Cuban question
will be discussed, and papers on the
subject read by William T. Osborne.
Thomas tioundy, II. F. Maxey and Miss
Llssle Winter.
The central examinations of this
place will be held in the high school
building on May 16. The following
committee has been appointed to ex
amine the scholars at this place: Pro
fessor K. D. Hovnrd, Jermyn: Professor
R. N. lav(s, Archbald; Miss Rose Mul
holland. Scott; Miss Emma Cure,
Scott; B. F. Maxey, Jermyn. Those
l assing the central may then take the
nnai examinations to be held in Scran
ton. May 23, In Liberty hall.
Crowded houses have been the: 'rule
at Enterprise hall this week, where
Diamond Jack' und his troilnu hni'D
wieen giving a tirst-class show.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Waters visited
menus in Scranton yesterday.
J av6c A,
The Hose Dramntlc company pro.
uuceu me celebrated case to a
crowded house nn Tuesday evening at
o Alalley's opera house for the benefit
of the Albion band. The comnanv is an
excellent one and Is composed of the
best amateur talent In the town. Miss
Minnie Leonard us "Adtienne;" Miss
Oestrude Sanders as the "Duchess,"
Miss Mary Sanders as "Julie.'
and the Misses Anna and Viola
Deelde did excellent work In their
respective parts. Messrs. Oeorge
Kennedy as , the "Duke," William
(iraham 11s "Count. James Gra
ham as "O'Hourke" and W. R. Conkey
as "Ravoul" deserve mention for their
excellent work. . The Costumes were
magiiificient and were suitable for the
period portrayed In the drama. The
Albion rendered some choice selections
between the acts. A social was con
ducted after the play.
John Rlease, of the North End, Is se
riotisly 111.
The marriage of John Seeley and Miss
Annie Wright, both well known young
people or tne west Side, was solemnized
at the Congregational church on Tues
day evening, Rev. J. Klrkpatrlck of
belated. The bridal party was tendered
a reception after the ceremony. Mr..
and Mrs. Seeley will reside on the West
Avoca Conclave. Independent Order
Heptnsophs. will tender a banquet to
William Heller, previous to his depart
tire for Colorado, where he Intends to
make his future home.
P. E. Flood, of Ashley, representing
the Tilootnsburg School Furnishing
company.- was in town on Tuesday und
received the following order from the
Are like Fire.
They art'
Good Servants
Dut make
Poor Masters
To keep your Nerves steady,
Your Head clear,
Build up your Strength,
Sharpen your Appetite,
You int st hive
Pure Rich Blood
The Best Medicine to Vitalize
and Eui'ioh the Blood, is
The One True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the Public Eya.
Hood's Pills Sn5!?
The Equitable
Life Assurance
now issues a new
form of life policy,
which contains more
guarantees than any
policy ever issued
011 a sound and
conservative basis,'
and these guarantees
are made by the
strongest life
assurance company
in the world.
$201 ,006,888
Surplus, . $40,634,019
RICE, General Agt.
Highest of all in Leavening
supply committee of the school board:
r5 No. 3 Hi lan single desks; U No. S
Or in 11 single desks; o4 Xo. 4 (Irian single
desks, and four teacher's desks for No.
school bitlldlnjT. which will be ready
for occupancy In the tarly part of next
Samuel Taylor has opened a tonsorlal
parlor on the West Side.
The Continental Insurance company
represent by C. CI. Uoland, of Scran
ton, presented the treasurer, Mr. Mur
phy, yesterday with a draft for the
whole amount of Insurance carried on
No. 3 school building, recently de
stroyed by tire. The directors feel very
grateful to the company for their
promptness. The company was repre
sented yesterday by Messrs. Harris, of
Philadelphia, and William Holund, of
licglnntng May 1, all parcels forward
ed by wajr of the National Kxpress com.
iwiny to Avoca will be delivered free
of charge.
A. F. O'Royle and son, Itobert, of
Scranton, were callers In town yester
day. Will Clark, of Honesdale, Is spending
a few days with friends In town.
Michael Murray, a miner employed In
White Oak mine, wns seriously injured
on Tuesday by being squeezed between
a pillar and a mine car. Mr. Murray
wns ascending a plane in the mine on a
mine car and Jumped off the car nt a
narrow part of the road. He was pressed
so hard against the pillar that two of
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
n VjshbMrn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the
I'acific (.oast to St. John's, New Foimdlaiid, Hiui in llnslnnd, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, anQ is recognized us the hest Hour in the
Aivmc d n
Kindly Let Manager Name Our Prices
Richards Sells TRADE Under Value
Richards Lumber Co., Comith Ol'D'g, Scranton, P
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc..
Loans :
U. S. Uondii
Other Bonds
Ranking House
.' 100,
. 201.
. 21).
77J 48
714 01
010 00
Km 2I
?., 03
CM 0-)
770 Oil
.101 73
78S S5
fremiums on U. 8. Bonds 8,
Due from U. S. Treasurar..., 7,
Due from Banks I'm
Cash 125
$2,191,300 59
WM. CONNCLI.. President: (IfiO. H. CATI.IN, Vice President: WM. H. PHCK, Cnshler.
DIRECTOUS-Wm. Cnnnell. tieurv Uelln. Jr.. James Archbald. Win. T. Smith. Ueorore H.
Catltn, Luther Keller, Alfred Hand.
spccisi attention given to Business and
Timo Deposits.
omettatnneidi tMllsblr, nonthljr, roguUUss medlolnn. Onl KiriaUis tSd
tbapanatdrugsshouldMaMd. U jou want the best, gn
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal
Tbn ire nnmpt, sale mi eertalo In reralt. The sannlne (Dr. Psal'i) aeret dum
nelaL SinUmwhio. i.0. Address FAi JIbohhm c., Clereluid. O.
for by JOHN H. PHELP. PhafiMolat on, Wyoming Avanu anf)
rue Street, Sorantoo Pa. ,
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report '
the ribs on his right and one of his
left r'.bs were broken, tils hip Is also
Utuly injured. At this writing he Is in
a litrious condition.
Archbald Is to have at lenst one can
didate before the Fourth district Dem
ocratic it gislative convention. Profes
sor r. J. White had made the announce
ment tlut he will seek the nomination
ai d lie is quite confident that he will
have a formidable following In the
convention. It Is also hinted that Mr.
.M'li i J. McAntlrew may be a candidate Mr. MeAndrew himself has
not said so. The friends uf Hon. A.
F. McNulty, of the Citizen, hnve also
u.-ed his name in connection with the
otlice, but he slsi has been silent re
guntding it. With no other Archbald
enndidnte In the field It Is quite likely
tlmt Mr. White will have a solid dele
gat'on from here because there Is a
feeling that Archbald Is entitled to
more recognition than It has received
from Ihe iH-n'ocratlc party.
The Olyphant liase Pall club will
hold a social at the Club of '95 hall on
Friday evening. May 8.
The ushers of the lihtkcly Baptist
church are making elaborate arrange
ments for the lnddinfT of a inuslcale at
the church on Friday evening, Muy 8.
Some well-known vocalists and Instru
mentalists from out of town will take
pnrt in the entertainment.
Mrs. A. D. Haines has returned home
from a visit nt Kingston and W'ilkes
15a rre.
I'mllvliled fronts
Dividends Unpaid.
Due to Ranks
kills Pu'Uble ,
191.300 .K
personal Accounts, mreo per cent, interest
81.49!) 4 J
ss.r.r.i) "1
ios r.o
1.B1S.744 19
24,:iM 18
400 AND 402
fig tt
The following "SPECIAL BARGAINS" will
be sold for the balance of
500 Ladies' and Misses' Springjackets,
black, navy, brown, and tans, worth
$4.00 to $6.00 each. Your choice,
1 Case H. & H. Corsets, all sizes, in
drab and white. Regular price, 75
cents; sale price, -
f - f - - - - - V Z " r " ttitti
Great ' 25 c. Department
Glassware, Crockery, Wooden
Ware and Tinware, Best Articles
in the Market, 25c. Each.
We Have Never
That approached the present one in every desirable quality,
the colorings are richer and patterns .more artistic, variety
greater and values far beyond anything we ever did.
Draperies and Upholstery
Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience,
formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ;
they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings
in colors while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmoniz
ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture.
S. fi. KERR,
. 1 ; i
Ooooslte Main Entrance
to the Wyoming Houm.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
A Model Home
The House and
Our entire liven are spent in work and toil, and the great aim of our labol
is to make life comfortable. Nothing is more essential to happlnenn and von
tenlraent tban to have a comfortable house where we can for a lew short hour
lay aside the cares of struggle for our existence.
To secure such happiness and comfort. You can buy an entire outfit for $113.
Ijf ad the long list of Furniture and Household Goods offered at this price:
4 ROOMS FOR $113
nuir ana Kecepuon cnair-all mahogany, pol
ifhed finish, upholstered in brocalelle, crush plush or silk plush. Brussels
Carpet, latest designs. Lace Curtains; Curtain Poles and brass trimmings:
Center Table with shelf, piano polished and Parlor Lamp.
HKlVRnftM Suit, consisting of bedstead, dresser, (beveled large plate), wash stand, (with splasher back) cane seat
chair, cane seat rockers, lamp stand, towel rack
all pieces antique finish-cotton top mattress, woven wire spring, ingrain car
pet 10 patterns to select from. .. ( .
lllMTYH UfifiM R,x back carved chairs, 6-feet long extension
JVlllliiU llUVJl. table (neat designs), picture (game or fruit sub-
FREE With Above Outfit, a 100-Piece Dinner Set
to Every Purchaser.
hews at
Telephone Call 5154.
Offered a Line of
SOB & CO.,
' " ' '
408 Lackawanna Avenue.
OcMrai Otfkt: SCRANTON, PA.
Five pieces of Parlor Furniture, consisting of Tete,
Platform Rocker, Gentlemen's Arm Chair, Wall
jeui;, wiuuow suaues, uigrain nowereu carpet.
Tablet 8 chairs, piece of oil cloth.
218, 225 and 227
Wyomine Avenue.