THE 6CBAXTOX TBIBUNE THUBSDAT UOBNIXU. APJJIL 30.. 18516. NeWs WEST SIDE EVENTS. OHrntne and Kcnshau.Williams Wed-dings-Other News of the Day Across the Klvcr. The weddlns of Miss Nettle Margaret Fern, of North f umncr avenue, to At torney Charles KuetMie .Olver, of the wntrul city, oocum-d at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon at the Simpson Meth odist K!isi-0!al church on North Min avenue.' 1'hcedince was tilled with In vited friends of the contracting parlies. I'nder the direction ct Clarke the larpro auditorium had been beautified with Krounlnes of potted plants, (lowers, ami ferns. When the britlal party marched down the aisles and stood, surrounded by banks of preen, Bt the chancel, the picture presented was very beautiful. Itev. J,-It. Sweet, the new pastor of the church, read the nuotkil rites. It was his ttrst marriage since his pastorate at the Simpson. Miss Adeline Hall, of Hampton street, was muld'Of honor and 1!. " Kern, brother of the bride, acted as best man. .Miss Kerns' father, John Fern, save away the bride. The weddlnR trousseau was a handsome sl'.k brocaded crcpon. pearl gray- In color, with a bodice of Duchess lace, and pearl trimmings. Hhe carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Mall costume was of Persian chevernux. trimmed with lace and vel vet. Miss Hall carried pink roses. Miss Annie Williams played weddins marches from LohenKiin and Mendels sohn, respectively, as the bridal party made the entrance and exit to and from the church. The ushers were: V. Her bert Hall. James lMmmlck, W. F. Hoyle, and Wellard A. Peck, of Klm hurst. After the weddlncr a reception was held at the home of fhe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fern, of Sumner avenue. The weddiiiK Rifts were numerous. On the K.1S Delaware, Ickawanna and Western train Mr. and Mrs. olver left for an extended wedding- tour. The trip will include a visit to Sidney, Jirooltlyn, IlufTalo, and Ann Harbor, at which latter plnce Mr. Olver received his education for the practice of law. They will, upon re turn, reslf" at their home, 716 North Main ...iue. Miss Fern Is the youns est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fern and Is prominent In West Side soclnl circles. Mr. Olver Is a practicing attor ney at the Lackawanna bnr. The at tendants at the reception were: Mr. and Mrs. John It. Fern and fami ly, of lSrooklyn, N. Y.; Sir. and Mrs. Louis Skillhorn, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. .William Bid well, of Sidney Center, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard K Olver, of Carbondale; Mrs. Lizzie A. Olver, of BeaL-h Lake, Pa.; Mrs. lieth pna Stevans, of Stevan's Point, Pa.; Herbert Olver, of Beach Lnke: Wlllard A. Pack, 'F.lnihursti Those from the city were: IJev. 'and Mrs. J'. B. Sweet, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Trevprbin and daughter, Pearl, Mr. and Sirs. V. H. Fern and daughter, Euphomla, Sir. anil Sirs. B. F. Fern and daughter, Laura, Sirs. M. Kggert, the Misses Ada Hall, Annie Williams, Martha Smith, Kate Johns and Herbert Hall, James Dlm mlck, W. F; Boyle and B. C. Fern. The catering was In charge of Sirs. John Drake, of Wyoming, Pa, RENSHAW-WILLIASIS. SIlss Alice Williams, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. John Williams, of North Slain avenue, and Atticus C. Renshaw, of the central city, were married at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon ajl the home of the bride's, parents. Rev. W. J. Jones, pas tor of the First Welsh Baptist church, performed the wedding ceremony. Bride and groom were unaccompanied. Miss Williams' costume was of Persian silk, with lace trimmings. After the ceremony Mr. and Sirs. Renshaw left on the S.34 Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western train for Newark, where a re ception was tendered them last evening .by a sister of the groom. A wedding dinner was served to the immediate relatives of the young people at the conclusion of the ceremony at the lVnil..,a Vir,m TV,,, 'K..I.1.. 1 t.. .i.iiia mi Willi. I lie III llli: in lif'Ultll among her many friends, and Sir. Ren shaw Is employed as chemist at the South Steel works. CALLED TO OHIO. Rev. V.. R, Lewis, one of the best known Congregational ministers in thl8' ? alley, -has accepted a call from the .'ont-egatlonal church at Alliance, O. Mr. Lewis returned home yesterday after a- (our months' trip throughout the west. Part of the time was spent ,ii t the scene nt his future labors. He lias been prominent In local ministerial clrcleg for the past forty years. At one lime he was pastor of the First Welsh Congregational church of this side. Sir. Lewis will not move his household ef fects to Alliance, but will pay frequent visits to this city. FUNERAL OF.MJRS, O'HARA. The funeral of the late Sirs. John O'Hara' took place yesterday from the lute home on Scranton street. A requiem mass was celebrated in St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock by Rev. Father Whelan. Father Dunne was Doctor or Clothier Will you pay Ten Dollars for a Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with out and let the doctor charge you $50.00 for curing pneumonia? There are no coats in Scranton like these. Think of it I Ten Dollars for a Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a Twenty-five dollar look about it. Other Coats other prices, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal to the best custom tailor's make. Scnunht Mb of fb? Siibiirbs. deacon and Father McNally sub-deacon. Father Whelan preached an ef fective sermon. His theme was on the question. VWhy do we mourn for one lutssed away when we can again meet them oh the other shore?" The rever end speaker paid a loving tribute to the deceived. There were several out-of-town friends of the family at the fu neral. Among these were John Foy, M. Boyle and Thomas Siangan, of Pittston, and James Jordan and Jus tice of the Pence Cummings, of Oly phant. The pall-bcarers were Thomas Kane. John Brown, Matthew Shields, P. Haggcrty, Dennis Jennings and Thomas Jordan. Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. QPARTER OF A CENTl'RY. Silurian lodge. No. "63, Independent Or.b r of t;M Fellows, will on next Friday evening celebrate its silver an niversary. The meeting will be held In "the lodge rooms in Kvans' hall on South Main avenue.' The occasion will attract to the meeting many of the prominent Odd Fellows of the city. The following programme will be rendered: Selectloa West Side ltoublt' quartette .iiMitsM Thomas l. Davis rfulu : William .Morgan It, c-lt:ition' Hen Oi itllths A ldi-css Hon. John T. Williams Selection T. .M. Watkins and party ltecitution Charles Cmlwgun Ailihvs W. Uaylord Thomas Heading of statistical report. David Cadwgan Solo David T. Kvans Address Henry P. Davis Duet ...... Messrs. Watkins and Morgan Hesitation Hen Grillilh Solo William Morsun Address, "A Silvered Link," M. K. Sanders Recitation ,..' ;. .Charles Cadwgan Selection West Side Double qiiurtette Chairman of the I'vcnins, J. H. Kelly; musloal conductor. Thomas (1. lOvans; accompanist, David W. Smith. LADIES ENTERTAIN At the entertainment given last even ing at St. David's hall under the direc tion of the Ladles' branch of Irish Catholic Benevolent ITnion there was a good attendance. John J. Devlne was chairman. The programme as printed in the newspapers was not carried out In full. Father SlcNally's address was a very eloquent effort. The speaker re cited an Impressive poem entitled "One Hundred Years From Now." From this the reverend spenker drew his parting thought, that of Christian per severunee. Edward Welsh sang two delightful solos. Sir. Walsh leaves this week to pursue -a- musical education. Others -who participated were: Sllsses Annie Hurst and Veronica WalshSid ney Hughes, and theSllsses Hurst and Watson. The entertainment was a financial success. TROUBLE IN THE ARSIY. There is trouble In the local Salvation nrmy corps. As before stated there are several of the soldiers who hnve decid ed to abandon the regular army and go with the new Volunteers organization. These soldiers are principably young girls und for the past two weeks they have been accustomed to go to the Price street barracks and while the meeting was in progress they do all In their power to disconcert the worshipers and annoy the faithful. These actions have come to such a pitch that the Salvation ists are determined to stop, what they call a nuisance. An olHcer of the army said yesterday that If the objectionable ones did not desis they would be re fused admittance to the barracks. The split hn caused not a little bitter feel ing In the members of the two factions. Slajor Pattle Watkins, of the Volun teers, will address a .meeting at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday evening. SInjor Watkins will endeavor to form a Volunteer corps la this city. This is the purpose of the meeting. With her will come Captain Slasland and Lieutenant Green, form erly of the local Salvation army corps, and now of the Volunteers. Captain Lindsay, a musician, will also be pres ent.... TOO MANY HUSBANDS. A case of diamond cut diamond was exhibited at Aldermnn John's office last evening. Scphaninh Williams wanted the conviction of his "wife," Ella Sedden, on a charge of bigamy. ."Sodden" Is not the woman's real name but she used It at the hearing.. She formerly lived for twelve years with a man named McDonnell, of Green Ridge. She also .wcut through a form of mar riage with him. Severn! months ago she learned that McDonnell had another wife In some portion of the globe. She left him and married Sephauiah. Then she desert ed the latter nnd he brought suit against her for bigamy, saying that she had before been the wife of McDonnell. At the hearing the woman proved that McDonnell had a wife when she mar ried 'him, hence the marriage was ille gal and she was not a bigamist. The case was 'amicably settled. HSIALLER NEWS NOTES. A number of West Side young men have formed a division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin. A Hatiju "til f raistaj ' Jf f meeting; was held on Tuesday evening at Co-operative hall. State Delegate C. T. Poland and County Delegate Sliles J. McAndrew. of Archbald. were present. Permanent organization was affected. The following are the officers: Peter McCoy, president: John J. Dur kin, vice president; Thomas K. Carroll, recording: secretary: T. A. McCoy, fin ancial secretary; Richard D. Jennings, treasurer. Keystone lodge. Loyal Knights of America, are arranging for an excur sion to he run In the nep.r future. Joseph Oliver, of Eynon street, will this week move Ills family to West Locust street. The child of Sir. and Mrs. Ben Op skenish. who was burned Sunday even ing while playing with matches, died Tuesday at noon. PERSONAL MENTION. Sirs. Dr. J. J. Roberts, of South Stain avenue, has returned from a visit at New York city. Robert Owens, of Carbondale, came down yesterday to see the ball game. Sliss Sadie SI. Nichols and Miss Lls xle Quion. of Luzerne street, have re turned from a visit to Pittston. Messrs. Fred Wamke and Charles Yoos spent yesterday angling In the streams nt Lehigh. Rev. Willluin St. Hlller. of Susque hanna. Pa., called on Rev. J. B. Sweet, at the Simpson parsonage, on Tuesday. The condition of lus, son of Chief Fvrber, was somewhat Improved last evening. Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Struppler, of South Slain avenue, have returned from a visit to Susquehanna county. West -Tide Itusincss Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOORAPHEn-Cahlnet Photos. 11.40 per dosen. They are lust lovclv. Con vince yourself by calling at Btarner'e Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for Anything you hare to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. c. King, 1024 and 1026 Jack son street. Inflammatory Khearaatisra Cured In 3 Days. Morton U Hill, of Lebanon. Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism In every muscle and joint, her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but re ceived no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave lmmedlato relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorena, Druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. A Week of evangelistic Services Begun ot the Y. W. C. A. Rooms-Funeral of Thomas O'Ponnell. Miss Sarah Carson, of New York, be gan a week of evangelistic services at the South Side Young Women's Chris tian association rooms last evening. She began her address at 7..10 and had a large audience of young women, many of them not being members. Miss Car son Is a pleasing speaker and her ear nest language has been the means of adding to the ranks of associations wherever she has been. Devotional meetings will be held this and tomorrow evenings, and on Satur day evening a soclnl gathering will be the programme. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock she will conduct a mass meeting for women and girls. This afternoon at 2.30 there will be a women's meeting. She will devote special at tention the last few days of her visit to the junior department ot the asso ciation. FUNERAL OF THUS. O'DONNELL. . All that was mortal ot Thomas O'Donnell, of Pittston avenue, was laid nt rest yesterday In Ml nook a cemetery. A high mass of requiem was celebrated at St. Joseph's church by Rev. D. W. McCarthy. The pallbearers were: John Conahoy, Thomas Richardson, William Vesey, James Kane, Thomas Blanche, and Thomas King. The funeral was largely attended. Patrick, son of the deceased, arrived from Pittsburg in the afternoon ton late for the funeral. A telegram was sent to him the morning of his father's death and he was ex pected home In time, but the train on which he came happened to be several hours late and missed connections, otherwise he would have arrived at 8 o'clock In the morning. A THANKFUL WOMAN. . On an outward bound trip a few ufternoons ago Conductor Patrick Breen's car stunped at Fig street and a well dressed woman of middle age gut on and rode to Smlthville. Her pocketbook remained behind when she got off. and In It were $:!5 In green backs nnd about a dollar in silver. Sir. Bretn took chnrgc of the pocketbook. and later In the day when she verified her claim io It, he returned It. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. The dime social of the Epworth League of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church held last evening at the home of Miss SI ay me Clearwater, of Pear street, was enjoyed by the members of the league In a pleasant manner. Sliss Margaret Roche tendered her associates of St. John's church choir a party at her home on Cherry street last evening. Joseph Hickey, of Cherry street, has received a special officer's star from Mayor Bailey. John Westpfahl. of Pittston avenue, attended the funeral of a relative In Forest City yesterday. The funeral of Joseph Klbler will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence, 625 Cedar avenue. ' UKEF.N KIDGE. Dr. and Mrs. Burr, of Carbondale, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Alworth, of Slylert avenue. T. R. Hughes, proprietor of the Green Ridge market, sold his roan pacer yesterday. Dr. Bitterly, of Carbondale, spent Wednesday In the Ridge. Miss Mae Klefer, of Dickson avenue, has returned from a trip to Wilkes Bar re. Warren Kimble, of Sanderson avenue. Is on the sick list. Mrs. E. M. Rldgway, of Penn avenue. Is visiting relatives In Tunkhannock. The Green Ridge Women's Christian Temperance union will give an enter tainment in their parlors on Penn ave nue, near Marion street, tonight at 8 o'clock. Samuel Newton, the whistling soloist, of Dlckskon City, will give sev eral fine selections, and Miss Jones, of Prlceburg, will give several elocution ary selections. When Dahy was sick, we gave her Castoria, When the was a Child, the cried for CmtorU, . When she become Mlxs, (be clung to Cantoris, Whea she had Children, she gave them Cantoris. i Wi- ' ft : . i t. PROVIDENCE. William, the K-year-old son of Daniel Lewis, of Putnam street, is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Miss Florence Wood, of Honesdale. a most charming soprano soloist, has been engaged to sing at the musical held on Friday evening In the Provi dence Presbyterian church. The funeral of E. A. Carson will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from his home on Parker street. Services will be held In the Methodist church. John Healv. of West Market street, was before Alderman Roberts laat eve ning on a charge of stealing a bottle ot whiskey from John Golden. The al leged theft of the whiskey took place April 16 In one of the saloons on the hill. The matter was compromised by Mr. Hoaly paying the costs ot prosecu tion. Miss Lizzie Mullen, of Dun more, spent laat evening with North End friends. Owen Blglln. ot Rushdale, who has been visiting friends in Providence, re turned home last evening. Miss Louise Downins, of Patterson, N. J., is spending a few days with friends in this part ot the city. Piles.' Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture: Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes me tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 tents. Dr. Swayoe Bon. Phllagelphla. CVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach PositlTtlj Remotes ill Facial Blemishes. Azalea Face Powder it innertor to any face powder ever manntantured. Uaed and com tntnrled by leading today nnd professional biuties, liccausa it gives the teat peeelble (fort and nrver leaves the akin rough or srnlv. i rice 51 cnt. Thrliogene, Nature's Hair Grower, Is the greatest oair inrisorator of the present pro tirewtve air's, liein purely a voidable com- Kund, entirely liaimltM, and marvelous In i benpflennt efteeti. All dieiasaa of the bair an i aca'p are rettitly cured bv the use of '1 urixnuene. Price .ill cents and SI For sale at t . II. Httzel'a Hair-dreeslng sad Msnioure Parlor. KM Lackawanna see. and No. 1 Lan nlu j Building, Wilkes-Barre. Mall ordera flllod promptly. No Air, No Life. Pneumonia suffocates, because the swol leu tubes get solid, and keep air from the lungs. Dr. Acker's English Remedy reduces the inflammation, so the patient breathes freely, and is soon well. Mis8R.Ray,354W.2jdSt,N.Y says : " When threatened with pneumonia, I took one bottle of Dr. Acker's English Remedy, and the pain and cough disappeared." 3 sizes, 35c.;Soe.fI. All Drag gists. Acs te M KDtciKS Co., It-is Clminbcrt St., N.T. FAILING MANHOOD General ud Nervous Debility. Weakness of Body and Hind, Kfects of Errors or Excesses In Old or Young. Hobutt, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Btrengtben Weak. Un developed Portions of Body. Absolutely un failing Home Treatment BeneUtt in a da v. from M States and Foreien Countries. Send for Descriptive Book, ex planation and proofs, mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. SOLD Aaa Mere. Mm. BVDHW.F. The doctor la now located over the Famous Shoe Store, 320 Lack wanna ahenue, where he maybe consulted on ull cases of K ye, Ear, Nose aiid 'throat trouble. Special care given to difficult Lye Fitting. Mn tMtlfv 1 Morons REMEDIES D0CT011 YOURSELF. A Separate Cure for Each Disease At All Druggists. Mostly 25 Cents a Bottle. Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies act almost Instantly, speedily curing the most obstinate cases. Rheu matism cured in from 1 to 3 days. Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured in 5 minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles. Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma and all Female Complaints quickly cured. Munyon's Vitallzer Imparts new life and vigor to weak and debilitated men. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1503 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any aisease. WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN OUR. New Store 130 Wyoming Avenue. Our store and stock will and speak for themselves need no puffs from us. Our friends are all invited to inspect us. JEWELERS, 130 WYOMINQ AVE, rs Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated ft CAPACITY: Barrels per Annum DUPOINT'S RIMING, BUSTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luierne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District US WYOMINd AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: TH08. FORD. Pittston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH ft BON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkos-Barre, Pa, Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. Complexion Preserved OR. HEBRA'8 . Removes Freckles, Pimp let. Liver . Meltt, Blackheads unburn aud Tan. and ru stores tbo skin to Its orlgl- al iMoti.M, ftrnilnfllnii m itMt and hcalthv rnm-N vilpvlnn. fiunrrlnr to ell fu'J - preparations end perfectly harmless. At "all iuufgltt3,rmailcdiorC0ci4, tend lor Circular. VIOLA 8KIM SOAP M IwmparaM. it a Stia purlfylDi SMp, WKqutied K Mat MM, ami vtUnot a ilnl M Uit aiirwrf. aiiuluiclr urt asl eiUMUtj mtUr taud. Aldrnniiu, Price 2SCMt. G. C. BITTNKR & CO.,Tot.CDO,0. For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS, Scranton. Pa, Bssesets wr est HitHirr Mcueat AvnieHmte ' MntmiAf 1 . , a. .fc -SSla nuLiiiriflLD. lNBAtrn will oore jnn. A -Wnndorfut linnn to tiiffpnin 'from C'eldt, atoreThraat, aniiRrniii. ni.ciiiiil orllAYFFTCK. Afurttt iimmttHattnUtf. Anettclent . . , '. romerty, convenient to carry n Mret,reajr to Se en Brut lncicatlon of cold. CoMlnaea fee Effects Fermanea Care. atlifacUoflnarantecdnrmont-v refunded. Price, e rta. Trial free at praagltta, KenUtered malL K cents. a7S.CO!liiXIUr.,Ikmaiiilaici10.l.a. .........OPSHMAW'1 MtNTHnL Tho " and tafeit remedy for mfcii I nVL all rkludlneatetjFeiema, Itch. salt Rheumld Knreajturnt, Out. wonderful rem Mr for PICKS. Frlee,SActe.ntlruir-Dal ft etata or by mail prepaid. A ddre at above. D A Ll For' sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton, Pa. PCklckMtfrt Kaill.fc Dlaawaa tlraati. ENNYRQYAL PILLS -mfinai and uniy uennine. Arc, AlwHTrt rt'lUble, nk DniTtrM lit' (ft it htstcra KnttHh f)i.i- mvHd Brand In KcJ ftixl iolH Rif UlUc1 obx-t, ifiitu with liliio rltibun. 1'altO Heather. ttAidanan-otiM nthnttlitt 'Uatu and imitation. At UruyRlMt, or -"firl 4S UselUr frt. l ata I .. fa Jeff,- M. fait ittjvutpi a-stwoniaii. jwh RBIH inn w SB POWDER IS rf a SaeStMILnal HrtMIIHIirltMlltiaae itaaan. . . THE FASHION 308 LACKAWAKNA AVENUE 308 It is a pleasure to refer to these fact io calling your : attention to our special liue of DlfSS Hoods, Capes, ShlH1 Waists and Milliner). v 50 pieces of all-wool Ser$e, 36 inches wide, Q C in all colors, made to retaH for 40c; your pick LjC Ask to see our line of Silk and Wool Mixed 7C Dress Goods, 40 in. wide, worth 1; your pick OC In Persian and Print Wrap Silk our line at 69c, T5C, 98c and $1.23, are at least 25 per cent, under value. $2.9$ Silk Cape, nicely made and lined, worth 1400. . 94.48 Silk Cape. Ask to see this special line, worth $6 We will gire you as good a Shirt Waist for 39c. aa you can buy elsewhere for 50c. Try it. Xo harm done. There are poorer Shirt Waists advertised elsewhere for 98o. than the ones we are selling at 73e. Seeing iy believing. MILLINERY. Don't miss seeing our Millinery. As far aa prices nnd styles are concerned we defy competition. Trimmed Sailors at 23c, 39c, 50c. Worth 39cn 50cn 69c tlltlHIIHIIIIMHn Tbs Electric City Awning and Tent Ceav any wish to Inform their trienda and estrone that tbvy have opened an office at 31a Ueden Street, with Keeee A Long, wberS any orders, by mail or telopbone, for TonU, Flags, Awn Inge, Waon Covers or Horse Clothing will be given careful attention. E I Telepbons 3102, BALDWIN'S THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE f 434 LICKAWANNA AVENUE JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aide next to Flirt National Bank. He has now in a til Will IE) Comprising everything requisite for Use Merchant Tailoring. And the same eaa be shown to advantage In bla epltn dialy fitted up room A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ol The Trio unetoCall on "OLD RELIABLE" In Hit New Buaineas Heme- REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a itvmf. vsfif'2 JtC&vven wian 16th Day. fW ofMe. THE GREAT soth Day. prmlaeea the above reaulta In an days. It artt nowerfullv aud unirklv. i: whun all oihara fail Vmiug men will regain their lout manhoeil.audold meu will rerovpr tlioir youtlitnl vuor by iiHing KKVIVO. It quickly and auralyrratoKB Ntnena lioiM, Lofct Vitality, Impotcncy, Nightly KmlMlonv, Lest IViwer. Falllnc Miniory, Waatina Plw-anM. d all elnttita of aclfrabiaui or eiremand liidlwn tlou. which unlitB on for miuly. biuinoaii or niarriagn. it not only L-nrm) y ntarUtig at t lio wat ot d.seaae, but is a ureal tiPStM tmile aud blood Imllclor, bring' lug bacS the Dink glow to pale rheekaandro aturlng Un lire of youth. It vird oft Inunitr nil ('(.nsumntlcu. Intlot on having Ri: VI ,ur. i van ua ramea m vphi iioi-at'i. uy nui 41.00 per Uacke. or nix for 8S.0O. with a noal Mva-written ffunntntea to rnro"or refund , no money, cireularlrue. Addreta For sale by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggists, Mraatsa, fa, KsOIlERSUII ,VP m miles Jbr eouDin DRY AIR REI1II taaeaaiaaaeaaaateaaaeaaer 1 -it, THE FROTHIHSflflR Mnsr Rsla. Leaaeee and Maaager AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTRESS, Supported by FRANK WESTON, JOHN A. Ellaler and a Competent Cost pany Presenting Shakespeare's Pastoral Comedy, AS YOU LIKE IT. MISS ELLSLER AS ROSALIND. Fiidaj Nigbt, Mat 81k, in, in hi Supported by Celebrated Artists. STEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the World, DECKER BROS., KRANICHB BACHB and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always finds cenpleti stock sad at prices aa low as tbs anal Ity ot the Instrument will permit at hi HUL BERT' S nusic STORE, 1 117 Wyoming Ave. - - Scrantcn MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestt use, and of all sizes, delivered In any part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office, NO. 118 WVOMINO AVENUE. Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or ei-nt by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for tha gale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. AYLESV0RTH5 MEAT MARKET . The Finest la the City. The latest Inprored fnrnitB"' lap and apparatas nr kecatag aieat, batter tad egp. ZX3 Wyoming Ave WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ' " ROOMS 4 AND 8 , ' OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to p. rn. (l hour tutormttBlon for dinner and supper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt Settlement Uuaranteed. Vour Busk ass Is Respectfully Solicited. TeUpbeaeiM, EFFIB BLLSLBR BENEFIT OF HI THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. EI H 1