THE SCBAlTTOir. TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 189tt. Only rounded spoonfuls are required not Uorrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. Dackawanna THE Laundry. 308 Peon Ave. A. B. WARMAN. 1; IIIDI WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY'S OF Tbe most com plete steel of Special Patterns mads strictly private tons for A Nf.MnTllTI Eta ffffffffffff f Wftf?ftff CITY fcOTES. Join the Blues and eat Turkey. There will be a regular mooting; of thn board of hi-iilth at their rooms, In Iho Aluiil. luul bulKlliiu. Kiiiluy at i o'clock. Tuesday nluht two frelKht cars were net on lire In ihe IMaware. Lackawanna und Western yard by soma unknown lui xon, There' was n rehearsal last lilslit nt Pol lei' h.lll of the Hlllfers who will tik JMi-t in the production of the opera, "The Doc tor of Alcantara." At the Hillside Home yesterday Tnomas Mleklocke died from career. He lins a brother In this city and a married sister livlnir In Old Force. The regular monthly mectliiK of the board of ninnfiKers of 'he Home fur tin I'YIendless will occur Friduy morning at Ihe usual hour and place. Tno funeral of Mrs. l.ana Day will take place tod.iy at 2 p. m. Hervlces will it helil nt Kim l'nrk church anil interment will be made In Dunmore cemetery. A pension of 12 per month has been lira n led to Mrs. Catherine Stone, widow of the hue James Stone, of Maple street, who was Janitor at the court hoiii . Itev. ('. 11. Southworth, of Wllkes-llnrre, will preach nt lleers" hall, Hyde Talk, on Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Mouthworth is nn excellent preacher. All are welcome. A ree. -nl Inn wlU be tendered Itev. Dr. and .Mis. ( Al. (Jillln this evening in the parlors of the Kim luik church, lo which the members and friends Kcnerally of the church are cordially Invited. Tnroe more nnrbaire men were arrested yeaterduv bv Siieelal (Mlleer Iav and tlned by Alderman Wrljjht for dumping ashes on the Jersey Central company's lands In the nelKhboihnod of Jixth street ' The fuhel-al of Mrs. !Uoses Andrews will take place this afternoon al i o clocK. in lermeut In Forest Hill cemetery, fin ac count or Illness in tne lamuy tne Mineral will bo private. Friends of the deceased may view the. remulns between the hours or 10 und 11 a. m. The Hernnton Huslness College Lyceum will entertain the students and their friends on Friday evoninR, April 30. Fx erclses will beuln at 7.30 o'clock. Admis sion will be by ticket only. Former stu dents can secure tickets uv applying- r.i the college olllce. The Women's Christian Temperance union of (ireen RidKe will hold mi enter- minmeiit In their rooms, on I'enn avenue, near Marion street, this evening. Ml-s Carulvn V. Uorsev. iin elocutionist of irr.'iit ability and one well known In tho North jsmi, will take part. Admission, 10 cents. The renistry lists and the lists for the taking or school census or children ne tween the aiies of H and 13 years, aro ready for distribution nt the olllce of the county commissioners mid assessors are request ed to call and get the books and be Kworn and begin performing their duties next Monnuy. Marriage licenses were cranted vester- day by Clerk of the Courts J. H. Thomas to Charles K. diver and Nettle M. Kern, rrnoTiske. jenn y n. ami Alarv Sernlak, Jlaylleld; James K. Lewis, Hen ton, and Dora Ayrcs, Clifford; William Nelson While nnd Charlotte Heattv, Scrantpn;. Wilson J. Haller. of Thornhurst, anil .Jessie .u. oil, or kaolin. New contributions to the Foundling Home fund are: l'eter Gibson, II; Michael McHermott, II; M. Corbett, 1; Mrs. Ca;h- enne rinnigan, i: Henry Jordan, 52; Tianlel Shea, $1; Thomas Williams. $1; Timothy Hutler, 11; James McOoldrick. II; jeremian nnea, i; .miss isrhlgrt Cawiev, II; .Tohi) Cawley, II; Michael llnnnon, 11 Patrick Jtessett, 11; Patrick Mawn. ! John Mawn II; Mrs. Marv Mawn, II; Michael Shallow. II; total, $20; previously aeitnowieugeu, ,jii; grand total, 2,&31. W llavo Cat the Prlee. "We announce n reduction In Ladies' Taped and Jackets. A bargain In Chil dren's Jackets at $1.25. Our garments are stylish and won made. Mears & Hagen. HIS ACTIONS SUSPICIOUS. Nothing Conld bo Proved Against Him llow.Ter. and llo Wn. Kolcosed. . About 4.S0 o'clock yoptorday morning. Patrolman Louis Coerlitz had his at tention attracted by the suspicious ac tions of t-vo boys on jower Penn ave nue, and after watching for a time he was led to believe that their Intention was to effect an entrance Into some of the stores at that point hen he stole upon them one of the lads ran away but the other, Joseph Muravltz. was captured and locked up. Al a hearing before Alderman Fuller yestniday fie escapeil with a fine of $1, which the alderman Imposed on general irinclples. being unable to prove any thing against hlm. ELECTION NEXT TUESDAY. Board of Control Will Select a City 8nprlnttid.nt of Schools Secretary Fellows. 9 the board of control, yesterday sent out notices for a special meeting to oe new next Tues day, tbe first Tuesday In May, for the purpose of electing city superintend nt of schools. The session will be called to order at 1 o'clock p. m , : Tbe only outspoken candidate for the " Pure and Sure." pcsitlon Is Professor George Howell, the present Incumbent. Professor J. C. lange, principal of tne ntgli school. who is ulso mentioned in connection with the olllce. has not announced his candidacy, but does not say that he will not be a candidate. WAS HIT WITH A PICK. Accident to a West stJo Coal Digger a Few Days Ago. Thomas Connors, of Fifteenth street. was received at tho Moses Taylor hos pital yesterday. His Injury consists of a painful llesh wound of the skin. He Is employed In one of the West Side mines, and a few days ago a fel low workman, wielding a pick, missed tho chunk of coal ho was striving to ten' and hit Mr. Connors, who was standing beside him The wound pene trated to the bone and Is very painful. It will keep him Idle for several weeks. IT WAS LIKE THE RED SEA. Thomas tlarvcy Was Walking Oatwoen Two Piles of Lumber. Thomas A. Harvey, a young man re siding with his parents at 738 McKenna court, and employed In the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car shops, was seriously Injured yesterday after noon, hut not so that there is any fear of his death as the result. He is at the Moses Taylor hospital and is resting comfortably. 11 was walking between two heaps of lumber, when one of them toppled over on him. His head was lacerated In several places, and the scalp was torn to the bone. The shock left him In an unconscious state from which he did not emerge for nearly an hour. A large quantity of blood Mowed from the wounds. An examination by the hospital doc tors aliil not disclose that he suffered concussion of the brain, and he Is likely to be around in a few weeks. DR. CLARK'S LECTURE. To Speak on God's Purpnso In Christian Endeavor Tonight. Rev. F. E. Clark. V. V..' of Boston, who lectures at the Frothingham this evening on "God's Purpose in Christian Kndeavor," will arrive here at 2.55 o'clock this afternoon on the Jersey Central railroad. He will be met by a reception committee of about a dozen members. After ho registers at the Jerniyn he will be escorted about the city for an hour or two. The lecture will commence at 8 o'clock. The convention choir, led by C. II. Chandler, will sing as the opening number. Invocation will be offered by Hev. James McLeod. D. D. The con vention Hags will then be displayed. The lecture by Mr. Clark will follow and the exercises will be closed with a hymn by the choir. A reception at tho Young Men's Christian association will follow. Con rad's orchestra will furnish Instrument al music and the choir sing again. Mr. II. J. Kaymorc, of Erie, Btate treasurer, came to the city yesterday and he will give a short address. There will be enjoyable features at the reception, which will be open to the public. DIED IN COLORADO. Stewart Grant Dillcy, Wall Known in Scranton, Passes Away. Thp death or Stewart Grant Dllley,' formerly of this city, occurred Monday at Colorado Springs. He was well known here, having been employed in the Globe Warehouse, after that en gaging in the laundry business. Five years ago he went west for his health and located In the city where he died. His business there was mining. He was 31 years old, and leaves a wife but no children. Tho remulns will be brought here. E. W. ltlshop and S. Al. Ives, of Dun more, loft at 12.10 last night for Iluf falo to meet the casket, which, upon arrival In Scranton, will be conveyed to the home of his mother, Mrs. Lucinda Dllley, of West Drinker street, Dun more, from which tho funeral will be held Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Services will be held at the house and Interment will be made In Dunmore cemetery. DEATH OF MRS. C. SMITH. Mother of J 11 J so P. P. Smith Passes Away Yesterday .Morning. Mrs. Catherine Smith, mother of Judge P. P. Smith, of the Superior court, died yesterday morning at 2 o'clock at the age of 78 years. Deceased was born in Faughalstown, County Wcstmeath. Ireland, In -1818, and came to this country In 1842, set tling In Honesdale, where she was mar ried four years later. The family moved to this city In 18S9. Besides Judge Smith, she is Burvived by Dr. D. F. Smith, of Plymouth; E. F. Smith, of this city, and Misses Kate and May Smith. The funeral will tnko place, tomorrew- mornlng with a solemn high mass of requiem at St. Paul's church. Green Ridge. The remains will be taken on the noon train over the Delaware and Hudson road to Honesdale, where In terment will take place at 3 o'clock p. m. ' LOST IN NEW YORK. Original Tank Drama at tho Academy Monday Evening. The original "tank" drama, "Lost In New York," comes to the Academy of Music next Monday evening, and our theater-goers, who enjoy an exciting drama full of thrilling climaxes and realistic features, will enjoy it. While the play is sensational It Is at the same time free from "blood and thunder." There are no murders, tires nor abdjuctions in the whole Ave acts. The scenery is very beautiful, and among the mechanical effects intro duced are real yachts, ferries, rowboats and a practical steamboat, that runs at full speed. OPENING A GYMNASIUM. Stroudsbtirg Stato Normal School Will Colcbrato Next Month. Invitations were yesterday received In this city for the exercises attendant upon the opening of the new gymnas ium at the Stroudsburg State Normal school May 15 and 16. The- exercises will consist of an ex position of school work on the after noon of the 15th, u musicul and literary entertainment in the evening and a gymnasium exhibition on Saturday. Superintendent George Howell, of this city, will be onn of the speakers. Month's Mind .Mass. In St. Mary's Catholic church, Dun more, a month's mind, mass for the late Rev. Gerald McMurray was cele brated by Hev. M. B. Donlln. Rev. T. F.' Comerford, of Archibald, was dea con; Hev. T. F. Coffey, of Carbnndalo, sub-deacon, and Rev. J. J. M,cCabe, of Avoen. master of ceremonies. PUlsbury's Flour mi.: hava a capae Ity .ot 17,600 barrals a day. . . , . . heaping spoonfuls. HE ADVERTISED TOO WELL Fortune Teller's Husband Gets Her Into Trouble. WAS ARRESTED YESTERDAY Madam Florence, of Ninth Street. Re cently from th. National Capital. Told County Detective'e For tnne Tuesday Night. Madame Florence, who held forth! as a fortune teller at 201 Ninth street. West Hide, was arrested yesterday morning n a warrant sworn out by County Detective Thomas Leyshon be fore Alderman owen u. jonn, 01 me Fourth ward. The madame Is a mar ried woman. Her husband Is In the city with her and his name Is Fuller. They came here recently from Wash ington, D. C. One day last week the husband sta tioned himself on the sidewalk near the entrance to the school of the Lacka wanna on Jefferson avenue, as the students were coming out at the close of the afternoon session, and he dis tributed handbills right and left adver tising his wife's talents as a medium of communication with the future. One of the dodgers was brought to the notice of Judge R. W. Archbald who instructed Cpunty Detective Leyshon to Investigate the case. Chief of Police Simpson had also learned of the case and he made a personal investigation; ho found that when the Fullers came to the city first they rented rooms at 2Ki KrunkMn avenue, and after a few months' tenure of that place they moved to 201 Ninth street. c6n8TABLE'S FORTUNE TOLD Constable Timothy Jones called upon Madame Florence Saturday evening to have his future revealed to him. He laid down a silver dollar as a condition precedent to the desired information,' and she took out a deck of ordinary gaming cards. After a few mysterious shuttles she cut them and then proceed ed to impart what the veil of the future screenB from view. Mr. Leyshon paid her a visit Tuesday night. He wanted his fate disclosed und he, too, enriched her to the value of one cartwheel. She Was not skillful enough to penetrate the future far or rather near enough to learn that his purpose was to swear out a warrant for her arrest on the following day and that the aim and object of his visit was to secure evidence to be used against her In court to punish her for violating the law. Before he left- he told her who he was and to prove to her that it was no joke, he showed his star. She made a desperate effort to stop him from appropriating the cards. He went be fore Alderman John yesterday morning and Bwore out a warrant for her ar rest. Tho law provides that any per son who shall pretend for lucre or gain to predict future events by cards, by reading the hands or head by a person's age, or by consulting the heavenly bod ies, unon conviction shall for the first offense be punished by a fine not lesa than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and imprisonment not lens than fifteen days nor exceeding two years. The second offence is punishable with a line not exceeding J500 and imprison ment not exceeding 5 years. GIVEN A HEARING. She was taken before Alderman John at 11 o'clock for a hearing. Mr. Ley slum and Constable Jones told their stories, and Madame Florence did not venture to deny that it was the truth. On the contrary she insisted before the alderman, whether she was or was not violating any of the statutes of the criminal code of Pennsylvania, there was no humbug about her and she was able to foretell future events as she represents. She was directed to furn ish 1300 ball for her appearance at court. Mrs. Adela Thomas, who lives on Ninth street In the same building, and who swore that she owns property In the North End, qualified surety for Madame Florence. After leaving the alderman's office the defendant went home and Imme diately removed from the window the sign which was there to advertise her business. There Is another woman In Kvnns court in the same business, and Chief of Police Sini!son is determined to bring her within the pale of the law In short order. EMILY BANCKER'S OUU FLAT. Excellent Entertainment by a Clover Woman and cicr Company. That Emily Bancker has made a fa vorable Impression on Scranton thea ter goers was attested by the over flowing house which last night greeted her at the Academy on the occasion of her second appearance here this sea- She is a handsome, clever and ex tremely versatile actress, and in the Ingenious comedy, "Our Flat." as well as tho curtain raiser, "Comedy and Tragedy," she has ample scope to dis play her peculiar talents. Her chief recommendation Is her ability to be easy and natural In the ludicrous scenes which so tempt stage people to be boisterous. She was also very en tertaining in travesties on Italian opera and tragedy with a hard G In which she was assisted by Will Mandevllle, also very clever In this line. Miss An ita Verno, George W. Parsons and Philip H. Kyley, with Mr. Mandevllle, are the leading members of the com pany, and are a quintette of excellent entertainers. The performance last night was for the benefit . of the Scranton Athletic club, and was attended by many South Slders. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading short letters of in terest will be published when accompa nied, - for publication, by - tho writer' name. The Tribune will nut be held re sponsible for opinion! here expressed. JONES X CANDIDATE. Editor of The Tribune. fiir: Isaac S. Jones, of the North End, Is an aspirant for legislative honors, as can be seen from tho letter leceived from Mm by me; "To the Republicans of the First lcy!.la tlve district: I. Isaac 8. Jjnes. do her-by announce myself u candidate for legisla tive honors, subject to the decision of the Republican convention. (Signed) "I. 8. Jones." Mr. Jones Is one of the sturdiest Re publicans In the North End and Is fully equlppel for the olllce for which he is aspiring. George W. Bowen. END OF THE SEASON. Davis' Theater Will bo Dark During tho Summer Months, The Noss Jollity company closed the regular season at Davis' theater with one of their sterling performances given last night to a lirrge audience. Sixty-four programmes, each repre senting, a different attraction, have ' V been given to the patrons of Davis' dur ing the season Just closed. Of these sixty-four, the majority were credit able to the house. The plays which left the deepest impression were "The octoroons." "The Prodigal Father," "The London Gaiety Girls." Albino and his wonders, the Washburn company, the Nosa company, Harrison, in "The Corsican Brothers." Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wayne and "The Ideals." There were several other shows which created an Impression, but of a differ ent nature and more deep. "Maloney's Raffle" is one. During the season the theater was closed but twice; once be cause of Jim bturgls' naughty song, and again on account of the warm weather. Manager Davis has been most successful In his. work. He has endeavored to keep the standard of his house from trailing in the mud, and he has succeeded. There were several return engage ments owing to superior attractions. The theater will undergo several changes during the summer. Electric lights will be placed throughout the house. Tom N. Kershaw, who accept ably attended to the musical part of the season's entertainment, may not be back next season. He left last night with the Nobs company as musi cal director, and he may be found with them next season. HE WILL RECOVER. Improved Chang, in Hotelkecper Weis scnfluh's Condition. There was a change for the better yesterday in the condition of Hotel keeper John Von Welssenlluh, of Tay lor, who was assaulted early Tuesday morning by David Davis and William Morris, whom he was ejecting from his place of business on account of their vdylsm. His recovery 1b now pre- cted. Davis and Morris have kept in the background since, and are not to be found, though the police officers of the borough are endeavoring to locate them. Davis is an expert wing shot. and has taken part in nearly every event of pigeon shooting that has been held for live or six years. He Is a young man, and his propensity for quarrels has earned for him the nick name "Wildcat." Morris is hia nephew and he, too, has a record for activity in scrimmages. FOUR TO UE ORDAINED. Young Men to bo Elevated to tho Priest hood Next Week. Rev. Walter A. Gorman, of this city. Rev. H. I. Hnrke.' of Dunmore; Rtneri cus Itajtluger, of Chicago, and Anton Kanpus, of Detroit, yesterday entered upon a retreat, preparatory to their or dination, which occurs some time next week. The retreat 1 being conducted by Rev. J. A. McHugh, of St. Peter's cathedral. Rev. Mr. Gorman Is a son of Walter Gorman, for many years engaged in a general store business on Penn avenue. and a brother of John Gorman, the Spruce street hardware man. He was educated at St. Nichols', Toronto, Can ada, St. Bonaventure's, Allegeny, N. Y., and St. Mary's, Baltimore. At pres ent he is engnged as a professor In St. Thomas college. Rev. Mr. Burke is of a prominent Dunmore family and is a cousin of Burgess T. J. Duggan. He began his studies at St. Mli huel's Toronto, and finished at St. Bonaventure's. Alleg eny. Mr. Hajtinger and Mr. Kanpus are both Hungarians, the former being a graduate of St. Bonnventure s and the latter of St. Mary a Seminary, De troit. WEST SIDE EXTENSION. Pormit Issued to tho Traction Company to Begin Work. The Traction company Is getting ready to commence work on the Ninth and Swetland streets extension. . A permit was yesterday issued by Street Commissioner. Kinsley empowering the company to grade the street and con struct their track, the work to be com pleted within four months. As soon as the switches, frogs and curves can be gotten here the work will be started. JACKSON'S TRIAL Photographer Ciarlo's Ghastly Collection in Evidence-Dr. Freeman's Opinion Rc- carding Decapitation. Cincinnati. April 29. Photographer Clarlo was the first witness in the Jack son trial today. He produced several pictures taken of Pearl Bryan's .body and different parts- of It which were passed to the Jury for examination Dr. Edward Freeman, professor of surgery in the Eclectic Medical college, was placed on the stand. Attorney Hayes put a hypothetical question In which the condition- of the body was described. The doctor answered posi tively and without hesitation that de capitation must have taken place dur ing life. ORATORICAL CONTEST. The Prohibition Clubs Will Meet In Phila delphin on May S. Ijincaster, April 29. The Inter-collegiate oratorical contest of Prohibition clubs will occur In Association hail, corner Fifteenth nnd Chestnut streets. Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, May 5. Last year tt Pittsburg, and two years ago at Wllllamsport, thlB con test drew Immense houses. Admission being free and reduced rates given on the roads, on the occasion of the con vention nexl day, the college boys will get a big hoyse. The contest will open at p. m. Wednesday, May 6, at 9 a. m., the Pro hibition state convention will be called t- order. Two congrPHsmpn-Bt-larrto and thirt two presidential electors will be nom inated. Delegates to the national Pro hibition convention at Pittsburg, May ii, will ne cnosen also. Fine music and eminent speakers are promised. State Chairman Patton, of Lancaster, has completed full details for the contest and the convention. The money question is likely to arouse vigorous discussion in the convention, MELINE'S CABINET. Tho French Prima Minister's Staff So lected Ycstcrdnv. Paris, April, 29. M. Mellne has com pleted his cabinet, which Is constituted as follows: M. Mellne. prime minister and min ister of agriculture; M. Boucher, min ister of commerce; M. Darlan. min ister of Justice; M. Turrell, minister of public works; M. Hanntaux, minister of toieign affairs; Dr. Barthou, minister of the interior; General Bellot, minister of war; Admiral Besnard, minister of the Interior; General Bellot, minister of; Admiral Besnard, minister of ma rine; M. Cochery, minister of. finance; M. Iiambnud. minister of public In struction and worship; M. Lebon, min Ister of the colonies. MAY DAY DEMANDS. Iron Workers and Horse Shocrs Will Strike for More Pay. Pittsburg, Fa., April 29. The struc tural Iron workers and bridge builders have Joined the May day movement for an advance of wages with the bricklay ers and Btone masons. They -will nsk for $3 per day beginning May 1. The demand will be presented to the con tractors at once and It Is believed will be generally conceded. The horse shocrs will also Join the movement, asking ror a reduction in the hours of work per day from 10 to 9 hours. Should satisfactory arrange ments not be made, about 5,000 men will quit work on Saturday. Uronk Trout. Lohmann, on Spruce street, will serve you with Brook Trout fresh from th mountain streams, BIS LOVE IT GREW COLD George Phillips Would Not Marry and Now He is a Defendant. ' MISS MARVEL THE TLAIXTIPP She Thinks $10,000 W III Be Necessary to Repair tbe Damage Done to Her Af fections by the Conduct of the Man She Loved. Miss Mary Marvel Is one r.f Jessup's pretty young women. She Is Just bud ding Into glorious womanhood and a perfection of face and figure that mark her as a person of unusual attractive ness. Some time ago she met George Phil lips, who is also a resident of Jessup. He was charmed by her beauty, youth and cleverness and wooed her so ar dently that at length In response to his pleading she confessed that his love was reciprocated and that she was willing to become his partner for life. Last Saturday was the day fixed ror the nuptials and several weeks prior thereto the young woman was deeply engrossed In the preparation of her trousseau. So Intent was she In that most glorious of tasks for woman that she ejuite overlooked the fact that her expected husband-to-be was losing some of his ardor and did not greet her bo fondly as In the old days when they first murmured the "sweetest story ever told." Saturday, the day that Miss Marvel fondly expected to bring her so much happiness, brought Instead a sad and bitter awakenlng.l NO LONGER LOVED HER. Several hours before the time fixed for the marriage, Phillips called on Miss Marvel and asked for a private Interview. He told the young woman that his love for her had been dying out until naught but the expiring em bers remained, and that he would be untrue to himself and to her If he went to the altar professing for her a love he did not feel. He closed the painful interview by announcing as his ulti matum that he would not marry her. At this distressing news Miss Marvel succumbed and Phillips retired. The bridal gown was laid away, the Invita tions to the wedding were recalled and the Jilted bride retired to her room that no one might see her grief. Then came the news that Phillips had given his heart to, another and would soon lead her to the altar. That determined Miss Marvel and her uncle, John Grow, upon the course they should pursue. They came to this city and in structed Attorney John F. Murphy to at once begin an action against George Phillips for damages for breach of promise, LARGE DAMAGES ASKED. Mr. Murphy obeyed, and the declara tion in the case was yesterday filed with Prothonotary C. E. Pryor. The amount of damages Miss Marvel asks as a balm for her wounded affections is $10, 000. She was evidently much attached to Phillips, and her appearance indi cates that she has suffered greatly since he Jilted her. Miss Marvel is not yet 21 years of age. Her parents reside on the other side of the Atlantic, and she has for years made her home with her uncle, Phil lips is 26 years of age nnd Is quite well-to-do. They obtained a marriage li cense two weeks ugo. A capias was issued for Phillips yes terday and placed in the hands of the sheriff. It will bo served today, and Phillips will bo asked to furnish $1,000 ball or go to Jail. POVVDERLY AT WOOD'S COL. LEGE. A Free Lecture. On the evening of Thursday, April 30, at 8 o'clock, the Hon. Terrence V. Pow dcrly, labor's greatest champion, will deliver his famous lecture "Labor and Christianity," at Wood's college. President Williams will meet every expense in order to give his students and friends the full beneilt of the great advocate's latest thoughts on a great BUbject. A cordial Invitation is extended to all pupils, patrons, the clergy and the press. Meals and Cold Lunches. Meals and cold lunches served at all hours at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported and domestic wines, cigars and liquors. Conrsen's Philadelphia Print flutter. Finest, economical, iced. 25c. lb. Trimmed Millinery. Enough new hats are ready lo set the town a-tnlklng. Some are from Paris and some are our own creations, $1.50 to $i and not one of those sold shall he dupli cated. Exclusive stylish, fairly pric-.'d millinery, UNTRIMMED MILLINERY. An eye for beauty, fairly deft fingers nnd a few bits of wire, straw, ribbons and a flower spray and you can make us pretty a hat as one would care to see. To help you we have gathered more pret ty bits of millinery than ever before. Children's Hats from ajc. to $1.75. Ladies' Hats from 3JC. to $3.50. Trimmed Sailors Irom 47c to $1.50. Block & White Novelties $1. 15 to Sj.go Flowers from 10c, a Spray to $3.00. l7fcrRrSAWYEi Wyoming Ave. Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings. I SETS OF III II Inclniiing the pnlnless extracting of teeth by an entirely now process. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 311 Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jcrmyn. v ColoriiiRs and Patterns. Dado and Fringe 011 Hoth I' nds. or FiRiired All Over Portieres. TA. PFSTRY CURTAINS, kicli Facets, at Remarkably l ow Prices. This kind of fabric is fast becoming the popular door drapery. Smyrna Rugs (3door) JYcE"r 8t!JA i?nnR-or ,v,n thcm away-at $1.85, .30x00 bmyrna Rugs that usually sell at 2.80. Mats at M cents. Bamboo Porch Cur. tains, Ux6, 8x8, 8x10 feet. . u, n. JlMli 423 Lackawanna Avanua. Spectacles and Eye Glasses to fit everybody. We make a specialty of fitting Glasses. TRY OUlt 50c. SPECS. Tbese hams are tbe finest quality of bans sold in this city. We will match them against any bams sold for 14 cents per pound, and we are selling them at tbe ex tremely low price of . ZHt PER POUND. IB USES JUNKS We are just exhibiting a fine line of the above. Acknowledged by lovers ot art the best ever made. We will be pleased to have you call and examine. RUPPRECHfS 231 Penn Ave. Opp. Baptist Cburcb. 4 SOLD IN ONE DAY. THE SOLD ONLY BY L B. POWELL CO,, . 316-130 WYOMINd AVE. I. CLARKE BROTHERS' CHID BERKSHIRE 11111 I 1 H lie in m (apes! For three days only we will offer the balance of our Capes for half price: 150 All. Wool Capes, four J QO yards sweep...... p "0 ISO All Silk Capcs.bcauti fully lined - , , -, ISO Velvet Cape beautU fully lined 150 Broadcloth Capes, all 2.49 2.49 2.49 .98 1.98 1.29 2.98 .50 .50 1.29 ttnauca ......... 150 Children's Coats, from 4 to 14 years, at... One lot of Blaier Suits One lot of Skirts, stiff inner lining One lot of Silk Waists at One lot ot Waists Laundried One lot ot Misses' Waists at One lot of Infants' Coats, long and short, at ............ One lot of Infants' Lawn Hats llave Tour Furs Storaged. J. BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Avanui High Grade i' Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Clongh A Warren, Carpenter, v Waterloo . And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J, LAWRENCE STELL6. 303 SPRUCE STREET. THERE IS A NOBBINESS ABOUT OUR LATEST STYLE OF SPRING HATS That Is Positively Striking. Furnishing Goods, Correct Ideas in Fancy Shirts, Ex elusive and Rich Patterns. Lowest Prices Prevail. P, 41a SPRUCE STREET, to$ LACKAWANNA AVE. N EW, OBBY OVELTIES, IN FASTFP JEWELBV WILL BE FO IN ENDLESS ASSORTMENT AT THE J 215 Lackawanna Avenua. ot Intrinsic Tolue prims, and as there la not ope cent's worth ot oar largo and attractive stock that has not come direct to onr now atoro from manufttctnrers, importers and job. OTB M!ll U1UUUUII .1 m IA UD ..." terost too. Will Open About April 1. TURNQUEST & GO. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, 2IS LICXA WANNA AVE. Mo ot Pnant th Matt repejar aa4 n.jrioi f loading AiUMe WareroMM t Oppodto Ctlumta numest, SOB Washington Av. Scranton.PaJ 7 Bl HATS STORE THE LMHATB PIAWOO Dunn's