IV. THB FCBANTON TMBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 29. 1898. 9 AS 10 CREAJl KE7 im Ityadcrfal Tfciigs About .the Sccoid 4 T Clt j of ifcc WorkLi '. ? SOME OP ITS BIG ADVANTAGES Its Thrss MillioM of Popalatioa, Blllloma of WMltk. sad Aeooamodatloaa for the Coiimih of tko World. In Its joy over the successful consum mation of the Greater New York cheme, the Bun recently save some de tails as to the consolidated city's sise which will Interest most readers, and especially Scrantonlans who feel in ' some degree related to Gotham. The new municipality, according to Brother Dana's pawr, will be of the world's urban centers the second city In area, the second city in population, the city with the BTcatest length of railroads, the city with the greatest number of ferries, the city with the greatest ex tent of wharfage for commerce, the city with the greatest warehouse ca pacity, the greatest manufacturing city, the city with the greatest number of office buildings and oltlees. the city with the greatest area of public parks, the city with the greatest area of primi tive forests, the city with the best sum mer resorts, the city with the greatest length p cobble-stone pavements, the city with the greatest length of dirt roads, the city with the finest fishing grounds, the city with the greatest va riety of wild animals and birds living la their natural state, and the city with the finest and greatest extent of oyster beds not to mention many other fea tures of ore-eminence. In elaboration of these points our luminous contemporary says that If all of the surface and elevated roads with in the limit" of the Greater New York- were strettfhed out in a single line mey would reach a long way beyond Chi cago, the actual length of track, as taken from Poor's Manual,- being no " less than 1,100.68 mUrs. Of elevated . roads alone the mileage Is sufficient to ' run a lint- beyond Albany and almost to- ' the foothills of the Adirondack, for the distance to Albany is but MS mile. . while the length of the elevated tracks is 155.08 miles. Nor Is nhe length of the Kast Klver bridge tracks included In this estimate. No exact calculation has been made of the length of time need ed to travel over all of these lines of railroad, but since they include cross town horse cars as well an electric and steam roads a speed of bIx miles an hour Is' all that could be hoped for on the average, the legal limit on, most of the lines even In suburban regions being eight miles an hour; so. If the traveler put In ten hours a day on the rail he would require a few hours ovyerelghteen AS TO TRANSPORTATION. The expense of such a journey would be comparatively small, and here We come to the almost unique features of the city. The Greater New Yirk has extraordinarily cheap rates of 'trans portation. There are routes In Brook lyn fifteen miles long which may be' covered for fi cents. There are routes in New York from ten to thirteen miles long at the same price. On the other hand, . the Coney Island passengers have to pay by some routes a price that Is extremely high, considering the ser vice rendered, but after all this is considered a cent a mile on the rail roads will pay the bill. The next In teresting feature of this Journey of ex ' ploratlon Is to be found in the variety of methods of transportation. Kail roads are so common that the traveler is not likely to consider the variety found in them that horses, steam motors, rabies and electricity are all UBed, and that the varieties in the steam and electric motors would alone furnish an Interesting course of study lasting several months. The moment one leaves the railroads the expense of the journey increases. A public carriage costs $1 an hour, per haps $5 fo a day of ten hours. wuld serve. The ferries are cheap enough at 1 cent to 5 cents a trip, but it costs 10 cents to go to Staten Island and 25 cents for the outside passage to Coney Island, and more yet to Rockaway Beach, while any ordinary traveler would h ve to put up at least $26 for a tug whlcn would enable bim to explore the mysteries of the Erie basin and the Gowanus canal. AS TO POPLATION.. In geographical extent the. Greater' New York from Mount St. Vincent to Tottenvllle is not. far from, thirty-five miles long as the crow Hies. Its width from the North river at West Four teenth street to the inlet between Far Rockaway beach and Shelter island Is ' a trifle over nineteen miles. Its area ' Is about 360 square miles. When com pared with other great cities It Is found to be the second In size. London has 688, Paris 2.97, Berlin 242, Chicago 189 and Philadelphia 129 square miles. The resident population of the city by ( census reports Is 2,985,422 souls, but that Is by no means a fair Statement of the population from a commercial point of view, for the reason that thousands of people who have their business Inter ests In New York city live In New Jersey or beyond the city limits, while they come to New York every week day to attend to the affairs of life. No accurate estimate of the number of these people can be made, but here are some figures which will give one a general idea of the number; figures that show how many passengers are brought to the city by the railroads on an average business day: Pennsylvania railroad .'. 80,000 N. Y.. S. & W. R. R 2.0D0 Jersey Central railroad ; S8.000 I).. It. & W. R. R ... 23.000- Efle railroad , SS.O0O West Shore railroad '. 2,(100 N. Y.. N. H. & H. R. R. a,M New York Central railroad 40.000 New York and Northern railroad ... 10.000 iMiig isianu rauroau 13,000 Total 226,000 The proportion of this number who come regularly every day Is very great, as any one. can see who watches the ferry lines and the Grand Central sta tion In the morning and evening hours; very likely 100,000 will be found to be moderate estimate of the number of people who, for commercial purposes, are citizens of New York, though legal ly residents beyond Its limits. No one is likely to doubt that the copulation on an average business day, could every soul- within Us limits be counted, is i.zuu,wu. The figures are so stupendous that one can scarcely realize the number, but if the people were to form In line, grasping hands, and allowing comfort able shoulder room, they would extend just 1,000 miles across the country. They would form a double rank In marching order, from the Grand Central station along the New York Central railroad clear to Buffalo. Of the cosmopolitan character of the population little need be said; but. be cause one hears occasionally ill-natured remarks about some of the "foreign" characteristics of the metrorjolls. it is perhaps worth while recalling the fact tnar it irom tnis population ail for- rtKners were eliminated, there would still remain enough American citizens to outnumber any other American ur ban populationwlthltsforelgnerscount- ea in. Moreover, n was not in the metropolis that the Anarchists dvna- mlted the police, nor here that the cit izens lynched the members of the Mafia, . AS TO BUSINESS. . Turning the population to business one will find the most striking feature in the extraordinary capacity for com mercial transactions.- The capacity of the harbor has been often mentioned In print, but perhaps not a few readers .. are ..unaware of the . real extent of wharfage to be found here. For tha l sakscXoomoarisonn should be said that por wiin tu griactsc length of wharfage of any In the world. Liverpool was second. Liverpool, counting ootn sides, of the Mersey, has thirty-five miles of wharfage. Old New York alone had nrty-flve miles, to tnis mum ww be added all that great extent of piers and wharves beginning at Long Island City and extending down to South Brooklyn, not to mention tne eiaien Island wharfage. After considering the facta a man familiar with the com mercial facilities of the Greater New York said that the space actually ready for ships was not less than seventy-five miles long. And that is to say that no fewer than 1.000 ships of more than average ocean-going sise might find berth room at the completed piers and wharves of the Greater New York. Having a safe harbor, with a moderate rise and fall of the tide, the wharfage facilities of the Greater New York may be expanded indefinitely with the de mands of commerce- It Is only a ques tion of demand when the new city will have 530 miles of wharfage where the old one had but 65. As to the growth of the business transacted on shore within the me tropolis, one who has known the city for say ten years has only to recall facts within his own memory to gain a fair Idea of what has occurred. For instance, there was the erection of the office building by the late George Jones facing the City Hall park. It was counted a most lofty structure, but the American Tract society building, recently completed, is so much higher that were a man to leap from its roof to that of the lower building he would as Inevitably have the life crushed out of him as if he fell clear through the twenty-three stories of height to the street. A good many years ago, when the erection of an eight-story building was counted a great piece of work. Harper's Weekly had a cartoon on the last page, one week, showing buildings that towered above Trinity church steeple.' Underneath the picture was a legend to the effect that if the erection of taller buildings went on. then some thing like the cartoon would be seen. People laughed at the idea as a joke, but the buildings that are loftier than Trinity steeple are here, and they are full of tenants who pay profitable rates. And more of the lofty structures are going up, and loftier ones still are in contemplation. Within a month or so the plot of round at 41 and 43 Wall street sold for $230 a square loot, it was purcnaseu seven years ago for about half that. It Is occupied by a little ten-story buna lng. What will It bring when, ten vcars from now. some one wants to erect a building of thirty stories there? Klsewhere real estate that was wortn tut $200 for a vacant lot ten years ago Is now selling for $1,000. and even more. One has only to go into the outer dis tricts of the new city to hear Buch strange, true stories of growth of values as must astonish even the boomers or the plains of the southwest. The growth In rapid transit facilities throughout the city nas woricea sum wonders in this respect as to almost surpass the belief of the uninformed. MUNICIPAL ADVANTAGES. Of the future growth In the business centerof the metropolis one can scarce ly hazard a guess, for the reason mat the piling up of office buildings has even now created a congestion in the lower streets that at certain hours is becoming unendurable. The available transportation facilities for passengers are loaded to the last gasp already. The transportation of freight through down-town Btreets Is already greatly hamiered. How. much longer this hampering may be endured is a ques tion not easily answered. For time out of mind, the citizens of old New York have been watching the growth of population upon the island. There are plenty or men living wno rememDer when Lafayette place and Bleecker street were centers of aristocratic resi denceswhen the city, hall was some where near the center or tne city, w ltn the building of the elevated roads and the. annexing of the. Twenty-third and Twentyfourth wards the center of the city leaped away north .until One Hun dred and Twenty-fifth Btreet was very near the geographical center. A more remarkable effect has been produced by the last union of the municipalities of the metropolitan center, for now the geographical center or. the metropolis Is at the head of the cycle path and Boulevard, one block south of Prospect park A rough estimate of the cash value of the new city may be had by reference to the tax rolls.- New York city real estate is assessed at $1,646,028,655 on a basis of 0 per cent, of its cash value. Brooklyn real estate is assessed at $540,- S08.J46 on a basis of. 70. per cent, or its cash value. New York is assessed $370,- 919.007 on personal estate and Brooklyn $28,627,446. But when one considers how much personal property escapes the as sessor it is not a very extravagant statement to say that the actual value of the Greater New York real estate Is $5,000,000,000, while the personal prop erty should double this sum. ...In view of the wealth and intelligence of this" metropolitan center, it is an Interesting fact that we have In Brook lyn and New York alone 269.62 miles of cobble stone pavement tnat ror rugged simplicity and destructive tendencies In the matter of wheeled transportation is not to be matched outside the gorges of the mountains of the Interior. Of asphalt pavements in the two larger municipalities there are but 96.07 miles, However, there are some hundreds of miles of dirt roads that make very good bicycle trails In the summer after a rain has laid the dust If the system of street paving Is not a matter of pride there are a number of bridges within the metropolis well worth the study of the engineer and the attention of the lover of the pic turesque. No city In the world has such exhibits as those afforded bv the East river suspension bridge and the steel arches of the Boulevard bridge over the Harlem. Nor are the stone arches of High bridge over the Harlem, Macomb's Dam bridge, and the ther small bridges across the Harlem to be omitted in a mention of engineering works. Moreover, these are but the be ginning of a vast system which within a couple of decades will be found here. One of the chief arguments of the ad vocates of union was that "consolida tion means more bridges more facil ities for travel." . . . .. THE WATER SUPPLY. And then there are the sytems by which this vast urban population Is suppled with potable water. The huge tunnel which was needed to bring the Croton water to the city is one of the engineering wonders of the world, while' the curious system of driven wells by which Brooklyn has hitherto drawn at least one-third of her water supply from the earth Is at least novelty, and a remarkable one at that. That a city could be suppleld by driv ing tubes less than three Inches in di ameter into the earth at Intervals of i few feet and connecting them with pumps is 'not Infrequently supposed to be an impossibility by the uninformed when the matter Is mentioned. One of the Improvements In administration which is certain to be effected by the consolidation is putting an end to the waste of water in Brooklyn. The sup ply runs up to eighty gallons for "each head of population there, but because of waste there are often complaints of a famine. The report of the factory Inspectors for 1894 contains a most interesting table for the citizen of the Greater New York. In that year the inspectors vis lted 1,647 separate factories on Long Island and Htaten island, or which practically all were within the Greater New York. In these were employed 69,790 hands. In old New York the number of factories visited was 6,294 and the number of hands 171,943. This was not the total number of factories by any means, but it gives an Inkling of the number ir not tne variety or in dustrlM that flourish in the metropolis. While on the subject of Industries it may be worth while to recall the fact that New York was ones a great ship building center. It would be now but for the fact that strikes Inaugurated fifty years ago or so drove the industry away, while the fear of them keeps it away. No place, not even the Dela ware river, is naturally better suited for ship building, while the natural commerce that demands the ships and the repairing of ships is here. That a great American liner had to go to the Delaware not long ago for an overhaul ing is a matter that ought not to be overlooked. The fact should be men tioned that enormous dry -docks are to be found In the Erie basin. Naturally every citizen is proud of the metropolis as a center of literature and arc Frenchmen do not come here yet to complete their education as art ista New Yorkers do go to Paris or Rome. But no New Yorker despairs of the future of the city In this respect. The growth of knowledge among the whole people In this matter must be apparent to every one familiar with the facts. Some- people of the west have occasionally derided the metrop olis for a lack of what they call public spirit. It may be admitted that New Yorkers do not lie awake at night to devise new schemes for advertising and booming the town. Nor do they arro gantly ostracize one who criticises features of the city and its lire. But they rejected the Heine monument. So, too, people are proud or the schools from Columbia college down to the lowest grade of the primary school. but this docs not prevent their seeing that he schools are inadequate In num ber, space and facilities. And then there aie the private schools and col leges. The people of Spanish America send their sons to New York, and es pecially to the schools of theology, med icine and law. It is reasonably certain also that as a school In politics the Greater New York under Professors Piatt and Croker can give points to any other school of the kind on earth. ' PLEASURE RESORTS. As a summer resort and as a place for an outing, curiously enough, the second city of the globe surpasses all other cities of any sise whatever. Other cities have bathing beaches within easy reach, of course. New York has Coney Island and Rockaway Beach within its borders. Nor should the resorts else whereBowery Bay on the Sound arid South Beach on Staten Island be ig nored. To these places the people re sort by tens of thousands every day In the season. Very likely more than 175,- 000 people go to them on a hot day In August, while the quiet nooks and gardens throughout the wide suburban belt that extends from Spuyten Duyvil around to the east and south and west and across Gravesend Bay to Staten Island furnish rest and recreation and beer to tens perhaps to hundreds of thousands more, One laughs at the Englishmen who have now and again landed in New York with rifles loaded ready for buf falo, deer and grizzlies. But the cock neys were mistaken only in the choice of weapons. A good Birmingham shot gun was the weapon they needed. It Is a curious fact that out of 800 and odd birds found within the limits of the whole nation nearly a half are set down as residents or migrants within the limits of this where the papulation In the world a city where the popula tion averages 8.298 plus to the square mile. In the lagoons back of Rocka way Beach may be found in the season ducks in great variety sometimes in great numbers even redheads and can vasbacks. More interesting still, the Canada goose honks low above those meadows, and the brant comes to the decoys. There are shore birds that .-Vt among the frozen deserts of the ft north and pass their winters south otyie torrid zone that call by the way to give sport to the hunter who lies In wait within the limits of the Greater New York. There are quails, too, and English snipe and woodcock a whir ring host for the upland shooter who konws where and how to look for them There are owls In the common varieties the screech and the barn and the short-horned owls, of course, but more Interesting still Is the great hoot or great horned owl, who, with his silent flight, comes when the shadows of night deepen, and carries off the unwary fowl More remarkable still, the great snowy owl he who lives ordinarily beyond the Mohawk and delights In nothing more than snatching speckled trout through a hole In the Ice over an Adirondack stream he has been known to come within the limits of the American met ropolis, ' There are hawks, too the sparrow nawa ana tne coopers, and the sharp- SKineu ana tne duck hawk fierce winged robbers, that grow fat on met ropolltan birds of weaker mould, and even the bald eagle Is sometimes seen. That the fish-hawk comes is a matter or course. And then there are the wild hnt The buffalo, the elk, the deer, and the antelope are, of course. Been only In the munagene, dui or small mammals there are not a few. . An observer of long experience has seen four kinds of bats, two kinds of moles, and the red, the gray, the black, and the striped squir rels running wild. The kangaroo mouse may be found; so can the woodchuck; so can the skunk and the muskrat. The fox has not yet. been exterminated, nor has the weasel. More remarkable still the sly mink still peers with his black bead eyes from the haunts along the streams as he searches for metropolitan wild fowl and fish, while the hair seal has been Been rearing his head from metropolitan brine within recent years For fishing let the angler try the waters back of Rockaway Beach, when the sheepshead run or the blue-fish are coming In, or he can cast his hook over the grass' Into the lagoonB when the bass are biting,, or he may go for the bass to Hellgate or to other resorts In the head of the Sound. He can try for nun in n variety or places In the bay try with success, and there are men of experience who will recommend personal friends to try a day at Prince's Bay. In spite of market llshing there Is no end to the sport that may be had with hook and line within the limits of New York. But one who knows the trout of the Adirondacks cannot recom mend the fat and lazy, if beautiful Bpeckled fellows that .Inhabit the too warm streams of the second city of the world. OTHER POINTS. No traveler In the metropolis should fall to examine the farms. One reads of the products of the farms of the Irri gated west; reads with pleasure, too; but the farmers of southern California and of Arizona and of Idaho ought to see the farms of the metropolis If they wish to learn how to get the greatest product from the smallesf area of land. California may excel us In the matter of oranges and grapes,, Arizona In the matter of prunes, and Idaho In wheat, oats, and alfalfa, but when It comes to garden truck, one must search far and wide to find any one who can begin hoeing earlier or gather a crop later and get more money for the crop when It Is lu market than the farmer living In Greater New York. And lest this seem to be vain glortgus let the fact be cited that these fanners, have land worth $1,000 an acre, but are neverthe less able to pay taxes, earn Interest, live well, and lend money on western mort gages all out of their garden truck. More Interesting still Is the farm land under water. Here the farmers plant oysters bought In Connecticut and brought to their farms In tiny sloops and schooners. One hundred dollars an acre Is a fair annual yield of these under-water farms, and the owners do not have to work too hard to get It, either. From the year 1613 to the year 1886 Is a far cry. The site of the Greater. New York was In 1613 first settled by the thrifty Dutch. It was a wilderness that echoed only to the howl of the wild beast and the shout of the aborigines, buf.as Henry Hudson said, It was "the handsomest and most pleasant country that man can behold." In the 283 years that have passed, the quaint little homes that the Dutch erected with brick- and tiles brough from the old country have been replaced with struc- JAMES C. tures that tower twenty times higher In air, and are built of steel dug from the hills of the new country. The queer old ships with but two or three sails to the mast and a cargo capacity of a hundred tons or so, ships that required months for a passage across the west ern ocean, have been renlaced with steamers that could carry Hudson's ship on deck and 6,000 tons of cargo be sidesships that can cross the ocean In days where the old ships sometimes required months. The handful of Dutch traders. In fear of their lives from assaults of ill-used wild men have Increased to a city of 3.000,000 souls liv ing in security under the flag of free dom In "a mart of nations. the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the hon orable of the earth." THE SLOW KILLING. Sentsnees of Death Arc Too Long De ferred In This Country. Munsey for April. Civilized society has always been more or leBS puzzled to know what to do with Its deadliest criminals. It fears to let the convicted murderer live; yet It hesitates to take his life. A killing, even under the warrant of law. Is a re volting thing. Even the strongest sup porters of capital punishment In theory, acknowledge It to be shocking and awful In practice. Stoning, crucifixion, and burning were the methods of bygone ages; and hid eous Is the chanter they make In the dark history of man's Inhumanity to man. Modern penology, far less piti less, has sought to make the criminal's ending as free from torture as possible. Yet every new form of capital punish ment is made more horrible, at least for a time, by its very novelty. So It was with the terrible "little lady" of the French Revolution, though It was as a merciful Improvement on the gallows that Dr. Guillotine suggested the ma chine which has made his name immor tal. So It was a few years ago with the electric chair, when first Introduced In to New York state. A failure to kill the first victim Instantly was loudly taken up by the press; yet it Is safe to say that had the gallows been a new thing, and had the first hanging been marked by such horrible Incidents as have oc curred again and again at hangings such an occurrence in February at an execution In St. Louis, where the rope broke and the agonized victim had to wait nearly an hour for another the public outcry would undoubtedly have been a thousand times more emphatic. If It had not gained acceptance from Its long use, hanging would be regarded as about as brutal and disgusting a form of capital punishment as could be devised. The Ohio legislature Is now considering various substitutes of It. None of them is pleasant, yet it is prob able that any one of them Is more civil ized than the gallows. But the most hideous of all tortures Is one that is too common In this country the torture of delay, of hope. One of the most exquisite devices of the medie val Jiiller was to leave his victim's dour unlocked, his cell apparently unguard ed. The thought of escape owuld Hash through the wretch's mind, With Infin ite pains he would creep noiselessly along the dark corridor Into his keep er's arms! 'And that Is the torture' we Inflict upon criminals whoso cases are dragged from court to court, prolonged by appeals, stays and every form of legal deluy to end In death when legal Ingenuity can no longer defer the exe cution o? the awful sentence. ... "?''- . r-'AYmuf ;. Trie sun shone warmly. " "Oh. I'll take a fall out of you," he ex claimed, addressing' the months of Ootn. br, November and the firm few days of December. Detroit Tribune, The Nickel Plate Road runs along the . shore of Lake Brie and through Erie, Cleveland, Fostorla and Fort Wayne . . 40,624,012 OVER FORTY MILLION DOLLARS of Surplus is back of the Guarantees in the new Guaranteed Cash Value Pol icy of the Equitable. Many important new features, privileges and guarantees and all of them embodied in the policy and guaranteed by a Society with a Surplus of OVER FORTY MILLION DOLLARS Energetic men of ability and character are Invited to negotiate regarding agency posi tion trith the undersigned, THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. V. ALEXANDER, Vice President HENRY B. HYDE, i L RICE, General Agent. a W. MILLER, District Manager, Scranton, Bmsiiniess AN ADVANCE LIKELY. It Is not unlikely that anthracite coal prices will be advanced almost immediately twenty-five cents a ton at tide, and further advances may be expected in the more or less near future. The an thracite coal combination Is apparently In excellent working order, and proml lsea to give a good account of Itself. All parties now recognize that In union Is Btrength, and the rnore union the more strength. Every ton of coal produced and sold below a reasonable price Is a waste to the producer, who not only loses on the sale of the ton, but by rea son of the depreciation of the value of his mine. The Reading company has already Issued notice of a 25-cent ad vance. II II II SILVER COINAGE Tlii laano of 'standard silver dollars from the mints ana treasury offices for the week end ing April 25 was $3:16,108, and for the corresponding period last year was $344,700. The shipment of fractional sil ver coin from April 1 to 25 aggregated $612,898.60. II II II LESS PASSENGER TRAVEL. Dur ing 1805 the Pennsylvania Railroad company carried 90,177,980 passengers between New York city, Chicago and St. Louis. This is a falling off, as com pared with previous years, of nearly 6, 000,000, which decrease Is accounted for by the severe competition of the trolley lines. The trolley system parallels the Pennsylvania lines In many places, and the drain won so great Upon the local travel of the company, that early In the year reductions were made In fares to a number of the suburban points. The decrease in passenger traffic, Is almoet universal, as all the trunk lines have suffered In the same manner. The Philadelphia and Reading railroad also suffered from the trolley competition, although when Its travel began to fall off. It made a big cut In the passenger rates to local points, which brought considerable of Its local trade back to It In 1895, this company carried to and from the Terminal station, Phila delphia, 17,996,380 passengers, while In the previous year It rarrled 19.041.293. In 1893, when the business was divided up between Ninth street and the Read ing Terminal, 20,715,111 passengers were carried. II II II BRITISH LIQUOR TRADE. The British Medical. Journal gives some In teresting figures, showing a steady In crease lit the revenue the British gov ernment derives from the liquor trade. In 1893 the amount of beer on which excise duties were collected was 30, 594,350 gallons; In 1894, 31,745.462 gallons: and In 1895, 32.225,743 gallons, equivalent to 480,281 gallons more than in 1894. Of srilrlts consumed there were In 1894, 37.535,615 gallons, and In li)b, 39,082.783 gallons, equivalent to nn Increase over 1893 of 1,547,168. Of wine there were In 1894, 13,846.299 gallons, while In 189." the amount rose to 14,835,568 gallons, show ing an increase over 1894 of 789,209 gal lons. The entire revenue from this source In 1894 was 31,32:1,000. which In creased In 1895 to 32,214,000, an advance of 891,000. Thus there has been nn all around and larire Increase In the con sumption of Intoxicating liquors. II II II FACTS ABOUT GOLD. The average annual gold exports from this county for the ten years from 1886 to 1895 In clusive, were $60,175,156, and the aver age Imports $31,781,431, or an average annual net loss of $28,394,725. In two of the years 1886 and 1887 the ImportB exceeded the exports by $35,770,832. The net loss to this country for the ten years was $283,947,250. The amount of gold produced, in the United States In the ten years was $858,450,000, giving us an Increase In gold stock of $74,502,750. The largest production for any one year Brevities. in our history was $65,000,000 In 1852; the smallest since that date was $31,800,000 In 1885. The production in 1895 was about $50,000,000, being $10,600,000 great er than In 1894. Enlarging the field of observation, it is estimated that the production of the world was $205,000, 000 In 1895, the largest yield ever re corded. The distribution of the world's production of $180,626,000 In 1894 shows Australasia at the head with $41,761,000, followed by Africa with $40,271,000. the United States with $39,500,000. Russia with $24,133,400, and South America with 11,164,800, no other country contributing as much as $10,000,000. The approxi mate stock of gold money in the world In 1895 was $4,086,800,000, of which France held the largest amount ($850,000,000), Germany $625,000,000, the United States $618,100,000, the United Kingdom $500, 000,000, Russia $480,000,000, and Austria Hungary $140,000,000. On April 9, 1896, the bank of England held about $284, 000,000 gold, the bank of France $389, 600,000, and the bank of Germany $219, 920,000, aggregating about $3.0(K,000 greater than on April 11, 1895. Russia has been steadily accumulating gold of late. On March 16, 1896, the bank of Russia held $426,080,000, an increase of nearly $115,000,000 over the amount in Its vaults one year before. The great banks of these four European nations hold the prodigious amount of $1,279, 600,000 gold, or nearly 15 per cent, of the total production of the world since 1792. The total gold production of the world since the discovery of America Is cal culated at about 425,000.000 ounces, val ued at about $8,700,00M06T MINOR GLEANINGS: London employs 500,000 clerks. Japan boasts 1,000 newspapers. New Zealand has fifty-three dally a pers. French railroads employ 25,000 wo men. Value of the world's diamonds, $1,000, 800,000. Argentine received 58,000 Immigrants Inst year. The south has 197,146,420 acres of timber land. The New York state canals will be open to traffic about May 4. At least $720,000,000 worth of British property Is always on the sea. In Great Britain the yearly loss In wages through ill-health Is 11,000,000. Six hundred eggs is a good record for a hen during an average lifetime. More fowls fall below than exceed this figure. It Is now seventy years since the first railway In the world was finished, and now some 400.000 miles are In existence. A newspaper published In Madrid Is printed on linen, which may be washed and used afterward as a handkerchief. It Is said that out of 28,000 Hebrews In the city of Amsterdam, 10.000 are occupied in the trade of dlumond deal ing. The dromedary parcel post service In the. German territories of southwestern Africa has given better results than were expected. The longest artificial water course In the world Is the Hn,inl canal, In In dia, 900 miles; the next Is Erie, 3C3. Each cost nearly $10,000,000. The Canadian parliament has passed a resolution grnntlttg a subsidy of $50, 000 for a fortnightly steamship service between Canada and France. i The quantity of tallow produced In New South Wales during 1894 wart 1, 089,100 hundredweight, of which 847,236 hundredweight were exported, Cuba furnishes practically all the timber for making cigar boxes, it Is a very fine grain of cedar, which retains the aroma of the cigars. American cedar has never been found available to any great degree. It costs about $4,760 per shot to lire one of Krupp's 130-ton steel guns. The gun costs $195,000, and It can only be fired, at the most, 60 times. The gun President. Pa. has a range of fifteen miles, and the projectiles weigh 2,600 pounds. At the present time there are owned and controlled by the railroads and pri vate car companies of America nearly 1,250,000 freight cars, or, In other words, enough cars to make two continuous trains reaching from Boston to San Francisco, with an engine for every forty-five cars. The number of vessels built In the United States during the first quarter of this year Is given at 124 vessels at 18,170 tons, as compared with 128 ves sels of 29,336 tons built In the previous quarter. Fifty-nine of the new vessels were steam and 65 sail. The steel steamers built were nine of 12,349 tons, of which two, of 7004 tons, were built on the great lakes. PENSIONERS IV THE SOUTH. Colonics of Veterans Settling In Mlldr Climate. The time may not be distant when a third, and perhaps half, of the pen sion money paid out by the government will be distributed in the south. The movement of members of the Grand Army of the Republic, particularly of thos who receive pensions, to the south ern Btates Is now so large as to attract general attention, and It la steadily growing In volume. The reason of this is that the old soldiers of the north suf fer from the effects of wounds received or diseases contracted In the war, and are anxious to pass their declining years In a milder climate. The long and se vere northern winters are thinning their ranks rapidly. They believe they would live longer and would have better health In the south. That Is why so many of them are settling In North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala bama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. In a dispatch published last Thurs day, giving an account of the move ment of Immigrants from the west to Alabama, It was stated that at present about $7,500,000 of federal pension money Is paid out In the south annually, and that it Is estimated that $15,000,009 will be paid out next year. If this estimate should not prove erroneous it affords good ground for saying that the time Is not distant when half the money will be paid to northern veterans living In the south, CROWS HINT A VOX. And Reynard llnd a Very Uncomfortable Time of It with Lively Enemies. Ira Stone, of Taylorsvllle, Va., recent, ly witnessed a most curious combat. While crossing a field he saw a number of crows lighting furiously with some thing. As he neared the scene of the conflict he saw that the object of at tack was a large gray fox. The fox would rush open mouthed upon his an tagonists, but they would dodge and peck viciously at his back. Once when the fox sought escape by running, the birds formed a solid wall before him. Reynard immediately changed his tactics. He threw himself on the ground nnd began to roll quickly over in the direction of his foes. ThlB ruse proved effective, for the crowa simply widened the circle they had drawn around him, and ns he came tumbling toward them attacked him with re doubled energy. Tho fox would in all probability have been vanquished had not the Hlght of Mr. Stone put all tht combntants to flight. Evidently froii the many tufts of fur found on th' ground, the fox suffered considerably. When Baby was sick, ws gars her Castor!, When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla. When she became 11 to, she clutig to Castorla, When the hod Children, iu gars tbtia OUtorta. i-:: .:.i -i a k