The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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It b Said Thai Effort Will Bo Mad to
Establish a Draneh of American
There will be exciting times In local
Salvation nrmy circles In a few weeks.
Major Watklns. of the American Vol
unteers, Is coming here and with her
will come Mies Hannah Masland and
Alias Nellie Ureeu. late leaders of the
Scrauton Salvation army corps. It is
;.lsed about that the two young women
will manage a local Volunteer corps,
which will be organised when Major
"Wntkins arrives. The nucleus for the
new corps is to be drawn from the
Scranton solvation army. It Is untrue
that the Tabernacle Congregational
church has been offered to Major Wat
kins. The meeting place has not been
Redded upon. There are at present
'bout seventy-five members In the Sal
vation army corps. Of these -perhnps
it. half dozen have signified their will
ingness to Join the rival organization.
A prominent Scran ton lawyer is act
ing In this city as the representative
of Balling ton Booth. He It was, ac
cording to rumor, who weaned the
Misses Masland nnd Green from the
' Salvation army and caused them to
Join the new movement.
In New Jersey. New York city and
In Chicago, Balllngton Booth's Influ
ence is most felt. According to local
Salvation army leudcrs the new move
ment is successful only bemuse of the
attractive personality of the younger
Booth and his wife. One of the officers
recently sold: "The Volunteer move
ment will hurt us in this city. It will
stimulate thn work In which we are at
present engaged In, but both organiza
tions will suffer from financial wants.
We have hard work now to keep the
I'rloo street barracks, and with the
two children at the table the food will
hardly go around. This is where It will
do 111."
Miss Mamie E. Kramer, of North
Hyde Park avenue, and D. W. (Saun
ders were married last evening at the
borne of the groom's purents on Price
street. Rev. W. M. Hillem, of Susque
hanna, was the officiating ck-rgynian
Mr. llllleni Is a former pastor of the
bride. At S.M) o'clock the bridal party
entered the lower apartments of the
house and while they stood under an
arch of green the ceremony was per
formed. The group presented an at
tractive appearance. Around the room
were scattered potted palms and plants,
with bunching of flowers. The brides
maid was Miss Annie Stevans, and the
groomsman was Charles Mechtold.
Miss Krotner was gowned In a lans
clowun costume, with t! (minings of
Persian silk nnd lace. Miss Stevans
wore a pretty gamier.1:. After the wed
oing a soolul time was enjoyed by the
Invited guests to the number of about
100 persons. The Columbian quartette
made the evening pleasant with the
singing of songs. The out-of-town
guests were the Misses Anna. Margar
et and Mamie Stevans, of Curbnndale;
Miss Iottie, Mrs. Maria Kromer
p.nd Hnny Shepple, of xaverly; Miss
Fmrene Snyres. or Moscow, ana Dr.
Halt hair., of Philadelphia.
Tills afternoon nt 4.30 o'clock Miss
Nettle Fern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kern, of North Sumner avenue,
and Attorney Charles K. Diver will he
wedded at the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church. The event Is Impor
tant In local society circles.
Atticus Renshaw. of the central city,
and MIs.h AJioe Williams, of North
Main avenue, will be married at 1
o'clov'i this afternoon at the bride's
ho..e. After the ceremony the newly
married couple will leave Immediately
on a wedding tour.
Htir'.nl services over the remains of
the late Samuel-Jeffreys were held yes
terday afternoon at the Simpson Meth
odist EpjRijopal church. Rev. J. B.
Sweet, pastor f the church, preached
an eloquent sei. n. The pall-hearers
were: T. H. Allen. Llewellyn Thomas,
John Lever, John Frank, William Den
oian and John Saunders. Interment
vim made in Washburn street ceme
Miss Mary'An.-i Opllagher, of Meri
dian street, and Wiilinm Kafferty, of
Luzerne street, were wedded yesterday
afternoon at 4.30 o'clock at St. Pat
rick's church. In the evening a supper
was served at the bride'. home. Mr.
and Mrs. Rafferty will reside on this
A reception was tendered William
Williams at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Williams, of North
Sumner avenue, Monday evening. The
occasion wns the celebration of his
twenty-first birthday and was one long
Doctor or Clothier
Wiii you pay Ten Dollars for a'
Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with
out and let the Joctor charge you $50.00
for curing pr.umonla?
There are no coats in Scranton like
these. Think of it! Ten Dollars for a
"Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a
Twenty-five dollar look about it. Other
Coats other prices, $10.00, $12.00,
$13.50, $15.00,. $18.00, $20.90, $25.00,
lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal
to the best custom tailor's make.
Sqiare Dealing Clothiers, Hatter ed Fclsbrt ; : ,
ol tb? Sdbdrbs,
to be remembered. A large number of
friends wars r resent and passed the
evening pleasantly in music, games and
other social diversions wnicn tena to
make merry such affairs. Mr. Williams
was the recipient of many handsome
and useful gifts as tokens of the esteem
In which he Is held by his acquaint
ances. Several out-of-town visitors
were present. At a late hour refresh
ments were served by Miss Jennie Wil
liams, assisted by Misses Jemima Jones
and Mary A. Watklns.
Born A girl, to Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Boyle, of Meridian street.
Miss Gwladys Ii Joseph Is In New
York city on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staples, of
Stroudsburg. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Charles LaUar, of North Hyde Park
Mrs. Maria Kromer. of Waverly, is
the guest of her son, Marwln G. Krom
er, of North Hyde Park avenue.
Mrs. William Dempster, of Philadel
phia, who has been visiting relatives on
this side, returned home yesterday.
Mrsj Richard Hall, of Hampton
street, returned home yesterday from
u visit to friends at Mauch Chunk.
The funeral of ' the late Mrs. John
O'Hara, of Scrauton street, will take
place this morning at 7 o'clock. A
requiem mass will be celebrated at St.
Patrick's church. Interment will be
made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Deorge and John Robertson, of Au
denrled, returned home yesterday after
a visit to Andrew Robertson, of this
Notes of amateur base ball happen
ings intended for publication can be
left at the West Side office of The Trib
une. Score cards can be obtained there
upon application.
The Misses Margaret and Charlotte
Lloyd, of the North End. attended the
Kromur-Saundcrs nuptials lust eve
ning. Special Officer John Jones, of Jack
son street. Is after trout.
The funeral of Mrs. John Williams
will take place this afternoon at 3
o'clock from the late home In Edwards'
Mrs. Laura Copeland, of Wel'sboro,
has returned home after a visit to her
brother, Professor Cruttenden, of
Washburn street.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. L. Sklllhorn. of
Philadelphia, are visiting West Side
(lus Ferber, son of Chief Ferber, of
the llr department, is seriously 111.
Judge H. M. Edwards will be one of
the presidents at the great Denver eis
teddfod. Cunip 178, Sons of America, will have
charge of the institution of a new camp
at Oreen Ridge this evening.
A child of Pinion Shean, of Frlnk
street, Is 111.
Miss Jenuii Roberts, of South Main
avenue, is spending a few weeks as the
guest of her aunt, Mile. Morello, of
New York city.
Frank Shultz, of Eynon street, was
injured Monduy by the kick of a Brls
bin mine mule.
West Side Business Directory.
FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral figures, usefiil
as Riflr. at 101 South Main avenue. Har
rut J. Davl'i. florist.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 11.49
per dozen They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner's
Photo Parlors. 101 and 103 South Main
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tool?, etc. Call and see the
stock of J. C. King, 1021 and 1028 Jack
son street.
Ira H. Stevens attended the funeral
of his uncle at Plttston on Tuesday.
The Young People's society of the
Green Ridge Baptist church held a so
cial at Miss Maggie Lewis' home on
Dickson avenue last evening.
Miss Stephens, of Bloomsburg, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Volght, of Monsey
H. W. Swart, of Marlon street, spent
Sunday last at Elmhurst.
Bert Potter was the guest of friends
in Hollistervllle over Sunday.
Edward Baryler, cf Delaware street,
has returned home from Philadelphia
where he was attending the funeral of
his brother who was killed on the rail
road some time lust week.
The Youth? Peonle's. soeletv of the
Presby terian chui-cli held a social in the
church paiiwS last evening.
The next lecture In the course at the
Presbyterian church will be given on
May 4 on "Pompeii."
W. W. Patterson, of Sunset avenue,
will entertain the Misses Stahl for a
few weeks.
William Coleman, of tho Weston Mill
company, called on Green Ridge busi
ness men yesterday.
I. J. Newman, ol Monsey avenue, has
moved to the hill.
Miss Sadie Bonder, of East Market
street, has gone to Berwick where she
will remain a few days with her grand
mother who is seriously 111,
Mrs. Stephens and daughters, of
Beach Lake, are visiting friends here.
Mr. Nelson and Frank Van Duzen
went to Honesdale to take charge of the
Postal Telegraph office at that place for
a few weeks.
Frank Gardner spent Tuesday at
Charles Hopewell, of East Market
street, spent the first of the week at
Spring Brook.
Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt. of Capouse
avenue, are rejoicing over the arrival
of a girl baby. .
The Senior Epworth League of the
Asbury Methodist Episcopal church
gave a social Monday evening In the
lecture room of the church. A short
programme was given consisting of the
following: A piano solo. Miss Minnie
Peck; recitation. Miss Eva Dorsey;
duett. Miss Edith Jones and Miss Min
nie Peck. Ice cream and cake were to
be had after the entertainment.'
A new camp of the Patriotic Order
Sons of America will be Instituted In
Brown's hall on East Market street
tonight at T.30 o'clock. All members of
the order will be welcome. All signers
for membership and any American
citizens desiring to be Identified with
the order are respectfully requested to
be present. .
After a lingering illness of Ave years
Joseph Klbler, of 625 Cedar avenue, died
at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He
leaves a wife and six children. He was
a member of Robert Burns Lodge, No.
S5i, Independent Order of Odd Fellows;
Carpenters' union. No. 563; and Lacka
wanna Encampment, Independent Or
der of Odil Fellows. He was 41 years
old. The funeral will be held Frlduy
afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
A movement is astir among the mem
bers of the' Century Hose company to
procure better quarters, giving them
more room. They are worse oft In this
respect than any other company In the
city ami feel that the time to demand
redress is at hand.
The funeral of Thomas O'Donnell, of
Plttston avenue, will be held this morn
ing at 9 o'clock. A high, mass requiem
will be celebrated at St. Joseph's
church, Minooka, and Interment will be
made In the cemetery of that parish. ,
This evening the play "Our Flat" pre
sented by Emily Bancker for the bene
fit or the Scranton Athletic club will
be on the boards at the Academy of
On June 23, the annual excursion of
tho Saengerrunde will be run to Far
view. The Epworth League of Cedar Ave
nue Methodist Episcopal church will
give a dime social this evening at the
home of Miss Mayme Clearwater, on
Peur street. The seventeenth anniver
sary of the league will be celebrated
Sunday night.
Miss Shrah Carson, of New York, will
begin a week of evangelistic services at
the South Sido Young Men's Christian
association rooms this evening at 1.30.
Timekeeper J. E. Clifford has been
promoted to the position in fhe rail
shed of the South Steel mill, lately oc
cupied by D. P. Mannle; John Holllday
has been appointed to Mr. Clifford's
po 'tlon and Thomas MeCann will be
made foreman at the furnaces to suc
ceed the late Patrick B. Ryan.
The funeral of the late Edward A.
Carson will take place tomorrow after
noon from his late home on Parker
street at 2 o'clock. Funeral services
will be Conducted in the Providence
Methodist church by the Rev. William
Garfield lodge, No. 28, Loyal Knights
of America, gave a smoker last even
ing In their rooms In the Osterhout
building. The following programme
was rendered: Address, J. B. Owens
declamation, George W. Bo wen; ad
dress, Isaac S. Jones; song, William J.
Owens; address, Armlt Thomas. Re
freshments were served. This lodge is
one of the strongest and most success
ful in the city. David D. Reese acted
as chairman.
Four boys, Anthony and Michael Mc
Donnell, Edward-Cusick and Michael
Murray, were returning from school
yesterday at noon, and when they
reached the corner of Brick avenue and
West Market street, they espied a
wagon owned by a ragman named H.
Frlnburg, who was In a near by store.
The youngsters thought they would
have some fun and the McDonnell boys
climbed into the wagon and stole two
bags of rags and the other boys helped
them to carry them away. Mr. Frln
burg obtained the names of the boys
and had warrants Issued for their ar
rest. They were arraigned before Al
derman Roberts, who held the McDon
nell and Murray boys In bail to appear
at court. The Cusick boy was dis
charged. Thomas B. Evans returned home last
evening from New York College of
Pharmacy, where he Is pursuing his
, The funeral of the late T. J. Detwell
er took place yesterday from his late
home on Church avenue. The business
men showed their respect for the de
ceased by closing their stores from 2
until 4 o'clock. The Independent Order
of Odd Fellows attended In a body. In
terment was made In Forest Hill ceme
tery. DUNMORE.
Joseph Medway, of Buffalo, N. Y., is
the guest of his brother, Frank, on Irv
ing avenue.
, Willie Loveland, who has been dan
gerously ill for some time, la now rnn.
Eugene Mitchell, of Hollistervllle, was
calling on friends in town yesterday.
ne nuuitu wnicn was to nave oeen
held at the Eulscupal rectory tonight
will be held at the residence of A. B.
Oliver. Rev. A. L. Urban Is prepar
ing to move to his new charge at Wood
bury, N. J., and this will also be given
as a farewell to him and his family.
They have been very active In church
circles while residents of this borough,
and this parting event should be large
ly attended.
Mrs. Young and Jacob Weaver are Im
proving their Cherry street properties
by the erection of new fences.
J. C. Hltchner, of West Plttston, was
circulating among friends in this place
The remains of John Robblns were
taken to Oxford, N. J., on the 9.50 Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western train
yesterday morning, where interment
was made.
The prayer meeting In the Presbyter
ian church tonight will be led by Rev.
Richard Hlorns.
A birthday social was held at the
Dudley Street Baptist church last night
and was well attended, netting the so
ciety a neat sum.
Rev, Aldrlchi of Scranton, gave a
very Interesting talk to the Christian
Endeavorers at the Presbyterian
church last evening, and It should have
been much more largely attended,
English , Capital for Aroerisan Invest
ments. '
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish capital for new enterprises. A list
containing the names and addresses of I'M
successful promoters who hove Disced
over 100.000,000 sterling In foreign invest,
ments within the last six years, and over
118,000,003 for the seven months of 18S5.
price 5 or 125, payable by postal order
to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London, B. C
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of introduction to any
of these successful promoters.
This list Is first class in every respect,
and every man or firm whoso name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. Fur
placing the following It will ba found In
valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial,
Commercial , and Financial r
Mortgage loansrtBala of Lands. Patents or
Directors sin svivaiiu j, Hutuk -
i- j vs-.. nnvs Diirrn,,,
They Care SteauKk Treaties aad Indlges.
tlea Aay way. Whether Yea have Faith la
All physicians agree that the element
of faith has a great deal to do In the
cure of disease.
Firm belief and confidence In a fam
ily physician or the same confidence
and faith In a patent medicine, have
produced remarkable cures, in all ages.
This Is especially true in nervous
troubles and no field offers so prolifio a
harvest for the quack and charlatan, aa
the diseases arising from a weak or
run down nervous system.
Nevertheless, the most common of all
ilisrasis, indigestion and etamach trou
bles, which in turn cause nervous dis
eases, heart troubles, consumption and
loss of llcsh, require something besides
faith to cure.
Mere faith will not digest your food
for you, will not give you an appetite,
will not Increase your tlesh and
strengthen your nerves and heart, but
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these
things, because they are composed or
the elements or digestion, they contain
the juices, acids and peptones neces
sary to the digestion and assimilation
of oil wholesome food.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will di
gest food If placed In a Jar or bottle in
water heated to Sit degrees, and they
will do It much more effectively when
taken Into the stomach after meals,
whether you have faith that they will
or not.
They Invigorate the stomach, make
pure blood and strong nerves, In the
only way that nature can do It, and that
is, from plenty of wholesome food well
digested. It is not what we eat, but
what we digest that does us good.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
by nearly all druggists at Co cents for
full sized packago, ur by mall from the
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
In- the English Metropolis Living Is
Choa per Than In New York.
The London Dally Graphic, In com
menting upon a paragraph which ap
peared In this column some time ago
concerning the pay of literary workers,
smiles at the Idea of $5,000 a year being
regarded as a small income. I never
said that it was a small Income. What
I did say was that it was small In pro
portion to the demands upon It. It
would be good pay for a bachelor, but
not tor a gentleman of family. The
Graphic closes its remarks by saying:
"We know of scores of literary workers
In London, who. In the historic phrase
of the cabman, 'wish that they had hulf
the complaint' of the new paupers of
New York." From the Graphic's point
of view, 13,000 a year is a good deal of
money, for the Graphic is a London
paper, and $2,500 a year in London is
equal to $5,000 In New York. A family
man with $5,000 a year In this city can
not afford to live in a house, as I
have said before; In London he could
afford a very good house. I know of
one man of letters In London, tor ex
ample, who has a house that I would
be proud to live in, and all he pays is
50 a year. This may not Include
rates and taxes I hope for the sake of
the landlord that It does not but even
with those expenses added the rent
would be pretty low. Where In New
York could he get a house or even a
flat for such a price?
A Suggestion That Ladles Should Shave
Tholr Husbands.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Do you ever notice how clean shav
en that man Is?" asked a young wo
man pointing to a. merchant well known
on Main street the other day. When
she was answered In the affirmative the
young woman continued:
"Well, that shows what a woman
can do. His wife shaves him. I sur
prise you? I would surprise you more
if I told you the names of a dozen more
well-known merchants who Indulge
their whims and their wives' desires in
this direction. It almost amounted to a
fad for a time, and was at its height
lust summer, ji Louisville woman who
was visiting east saw some women
barbers at work In New York, and as
she noted the ease and grace with which
the professionals removed the superflu
ous hirsute growth she concluded she
would try It when she returned home.
Her husband objected at first, but when
he was finally induced to subject him
self to the ordeal he congratulated him
self on the result. After that he would
not allow a regular barber to touch his
face. The fad spread, and I couldn't
tell you how many more followed suit."
The dentist was torturing hie Victim in
the usual double fashion.
The story he was telling at that moment
was on himself.
''When I was young In the profession,"
said he, "I was working In a country place
for a few weeks to help a friend. One day
a farmer came in a big, muscular chap,
full blooded one of the sort whose teeth
come like the roots of oak trees.
"As he sat in the chair, he asked, 'Wilt
it hurt?'
"Feeling in rather a jocular mood, I an
swered, 'Well, if it doesn't It shan't co3t
you anything. Then I fell to work.
"The tooth came even Viarder than I ex
pected, so as the man got up from the
chair and pulled himself together he had
not uttered a sound I said, 'Well, did it
" 'Not a bit,' answered the countryman,
and strode out of t'he office, eaving me
minus a fee, completely nonplussed, and
tho laughrng Btock of my friend and the
two or three patrons who sat about the
"I have never tried to be funny profes
sionally Ince," said he, meditatively."
Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. Yerger "That's s very handsome
clock you have there on the mantelpiece."
Mrs. Peterby "Yes: it keeps very good
time, too. It is very useful during the
"1 should think It would be still more
useful during- the night. You can tell then
at what hour your husband comes home."
"I don't need any clock for that pur-
. .V.
"Why not?"
vou see. if he banirs thn frnnt
door and makes a great deal of noise, I
know then that it Is quite early. If be
does not make much noise, Is very pleas
ant In his talk and says 'good-eveninK,'
then I know that it is late. If he takes
off his boots and goes to bed without
lighting the gas, then I am sure that it Is
about 8 o'clock In the morning. As I said,
the clock Is quite convenient during the
day, but I really don't need one at night."
Texas Sif tings.
Judge Buck, of the Superior court, nt
Spokane, has for three days past been
hearing arguments in the case of the state
against John W. Consldlne, proprietor of
a variety theater, who Is charged with tho
crime of having violated a new state law
called the "barmaid act," which prohibits
females from being employed In any place
where liquor Is cold, and which was being
attacked as to its constitutionality. The
lawyers had all assembled In court this
morning to resume arguments, when
Juilgo Buck arose and said:
"Gentlemen, I learned for the first time
last night that my wife was the author of
that bill, and, that being the case, I will
decline to pass upon the question of its
The arguments will not have to be gone
over again before one of the other judges.
Bt. Louis Ulobe-rumocra.t. , ' ,
. , - '
A Father's Pride. ' "
Conduotor"Dld you see the man with
the kid?"
Orlpnian 'No."
Conductor "He's the proudest father I
ever struck Insisted on paying full fare
for tho li'inonths-old boy!" Chicago Re
cord. - Ko form's Loan t Ion.
. Sturrip Speaker "1 say, we've got to
have reform in our politics! It's in tho
air!" .
..Skeptical Auditor-" 'Bout time It struck
th earth, Isn't t'r"-Kobury Oasstlei ,
Wall Street Review.
Nar Tnrk Anril 9LTradine at the
Btock Exchange was light today, only UJ.
H share changing hands. During the
early dealings the tendency of prices was
upward and prices advanced anywher
from ; to t per cent., the Improvement be
ing most pronounced in 4he case of the
Grangers, Consolidated Gas and the spe
cialties. London bought the Grangers and
local operators also purchased these
stocks. The favorable earnings recently
reported having had a stimulating influ
ence. In the late trading business picked
up, but the increase was at the expense
of values. Foreign houses wer seller of
St. Paul and other international stocks,
the developments in South Africa having
Induced foreign liquidations. In the ag
gregate it 1 to be said the sales for
this account were light. Manhattan was
rather heavy on sales of about 5,000 shares
and fell from INK to 10t'4aNV The de
cline in the atclve railway list ranged from
ft la 1 per cent. In the Industrials Suaar
was the feature. The stock ranged be
tween 124a 12M and closed H per cent,
lower on he day at 124 Tobacco llrei
rose to tlVi and then fell to 714- In the
specialties Albany and Susquehanna rose
2 to 1U2 on dealings of til shares. Specula
tion closed weak in tone. Net changes
show losses to "al per cent. Consolidated
Gas was an exception, gaining 2 points on
the day.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL
LEN & Co.. correspondents for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ing.
Am. Tobacco Co 72i 73Vi 714 71'i
Am. Sugar Ref. Co.. 125 VXA 124 124S
Atch., To. & 8. Ke... Mii l( IB l
Ches. & Ohio IS lit ITS, I7
Chicago Oaa IW tis'4 "
Chic. & N. W 100 ion's. Ie5 10M
Chic., B. & Q 82 2H ":.'
C. C. C. & St. L ST.'i 35 35 X,
Chic, Mil. ft St. P .. 7!i 7'4 784 TSS,
Chic. It. I. Pac ... 73V 73 72 72.
Del. ft Hudson 12K 128 128 12
Dlst. ft C. F 214 2iM 1!H4 1!4
(Sen. Electric 371 3714 37'4
Lake Shore la. 15. 150i 150
Louis, ft Nash M 53', 52 52
M. K. & Texas. Pr .. 2SS 2X 28 28
Manhattan Ele 1104 110 10S 1'Wt
Mo. Pae 28 2S 28 2S
Nat. Cordage ",14 B4 5'-4 . 5V.
Nat. Lead 27i 27i 27 27
N. J. Central 107' 107',4 107' 107Va
N. Y. Central 9SM, HH'i 84 IW'i
N. Y., 8. ft W.. Pr... 24 24'n 24' 2i'4
N. Y.. 8. ft W Pr... 1 l l'y i',4
Ont. ft West 15 15 15 15
Omaha 4514 Hi 4
Pac. Mail 27i 28 211 "
Phil, ft Read 12St 12 12 12
Southern H. R 10't, 10' 10 10
Southern H. K., fr.. 324
Tenn. C. ft Iron 30
Texas Pacific. K'i
1'nlon Pacific
Wabash 7'i
Wabash, Pr 1!)
32 31 31
30 V4
84 8
x4 fc
7Vj 7'4 7'
19 1SH W
western union n
w. 1 io'4
Ni'.l, Xti 80
11 iou low
V. 8. Leather t'4 Mi 9 '
IT. S. Leather. Pr.. 62 02 B2 K2V
U. 8. Rubber 2614 !? H4 26T4
Op'n- High- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. ing. est. est. Ing.
May 62U 2Hi m' tJ4
July 63 64 ttl U3'
May 18 I8T4 I8M1 W
July ID'S ltt'a Wi W
Mav 29'4 2V4 2874 29
July 30',, 30H 9';
September 31 31 314
May 4,72 4,7.2 4.17 4.W
July 4.85 4.8iz 4.S2 1.S2
May ..." 117 8.22 8.10 8.15
July 8.37 8.43 8.30 8.32
Scranton Board of Trado F.xehangeQuo-
lations-AII Quotation Based on Pur
of 100.
Name. . Bid. Asked.
Dime Dep. A Dls. Bank 140
Bcranton Lace Curtain Co u
National Boring A Drilling Co. ... 80
First National Bank 654
Scranton Jar A Stopper Co a
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Scranton Axle Works M
Scranton Savings Bank 200
Bcranton Traction Co 15
Bonta Plate Glass Co 10
Bcranton Car Replacer Co 00
Scanton Packing Co 93
Weston Mill Co CO
Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co.. ... 150
Bcranton Bedding Co ... 109
Bcranton Glass Co 100
Bcranton Pass. Railway, first , '
mortgage due 1911 Ill
Bcranton Traction Co f
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1118 lit ...
fcranton A Plttston Tfao. Co 9
eopls's Street Railway, Seo-
ond mortgage due 1920 lit
DIcksonManufacturlng Co 109
Lacks. Township Sohool 8 102
City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 103
Scranton Axle Works 109
Borough ef Wlnton t lot
Mt. Vernon Coal Co.. 85
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, April 28. Provisions were
In light Jobbing demand and barely steady.
We quote: Beef-City family, per barrel,
$9.50al0; city, smoked beef, ll'jal2c. Beef
hams $15al5.50. Pork Family, $10.50u 11 ;
hams, 8. P. cured, In tierces, 8a914c; do.
smoked. 9al014c as to average; sides,
ribbed, In salt, 5a514c.; do. do. smoked, 5',a
6c; shoulders, pickle-cured, 67aBV4cj do.
do. smoked, B14bGc4 picnic hams, B. '.
cured, 5a44,o.; do. do. smoked, 6a7c;
bellies, in pickle, according to average,
loose, 65o. ; breakfast bacon, 714al0c.
for round and Jobbing lots, as to brand and
average. Lard Pure, city refined, in
tierces, 5a6c; do. do. do., in tubs 6a6.;
do. butchers' loose, 6c; city tallow, in
hogsheads, 3,ic; country, do., 3a3c. as
to quality; aad cakes, 3c.
New York Produce Market.
New York, April 28.-Flour-Dull, steady,
unchanged. Wheat Spot market dull,
easier; I. o. b., 77c. to arrive; ungraded red,
70a80c; No. 1 northern, 72t4c to arrive;
options dull and Irregular, closing weak
at 14ae. decline; No. 2 red May .7014c.;
June, July and September, 70$4c; Decem
ber, 72c. Corn Spots dull, easier; No. 2,
35c. elevator; 3B'4c afloat; options were
dull and steady at Uac; decline; April,
35c; May, 3514c; July, 36c; September,
37Vc Oats Spots moderately active, eas
ier"; options dull, steady; May, 2414c; spot
prices, No. 3 at 2514c; No. 2 white, 2(io.;
No. 2 Chicago. 26c; No. 3 at 2414c; No. 3
white, 25c; mixed western, 2fiu2to.; white
do., 26a28c; white state, 2(ia28c. Beef
Slow, easy, unchanged. Reef hams Quiet;
$14al5.50. Tlerced beef Dull; city extra
India mess, $14al5.50. Cut meats Quiet,
steady; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4c;
do. shoulders, 4a4c: pickled hams, 84a
9c Lard Quiet, weak; western steam
closed at la.lXi bid: Oil V 01 )4.50: May. ;:
retined, quiet; continent, 15.40; South Amer
ica, $5.76; compound, 4'Aa4'4c Hork Ac
tive, steady; old mess, $a.50; new mea,
110. Butter Choice firm, good demand;
state dairy, 8aH',4c.; do., creamery, 10al5c;
western dairy old, 7a9c.; do. creamery, 10a
15c; do. held, sallc; do. factory, 7al0c;
Klglns, 15c, occasionally, 151c; Imitation
creamery, Dtyalllfcc Cheese Kasy, rpilet,
unchanged. Kggs Liberal receipts, fancy
steady, unchanged.
Toledo Groin Market.
Toledo, April 28. Close Wheat Re
celpis, 7,031 bushels; shipments, 28.305 bush
els; easier; 'No. 2 red cash and May, 89V,c;
July, 66c; August, 65c; No. 3 red cash,
C7c. Corn Receipts, 7,200 bushels; ship
ments, 64,710 bushels; quiet; No. 2 mixed
May, 30'4c.rNo. 3 yellow cash, 30c Oats
Recipts. 000 bushels; shipments, 3,000 bush
els; dull; No. 2 mixed Muy, 19c; July,
201tc Cloverseed Receipts, 275 bags; ship
ments, 138 bags; steady; prime cssh and
April, $l.t0; October,
Ilnffalo Ltvs Stock.
Buffalo. N. Y., April 28.-Cattle About
steady. Veals Dull; choice, $3.Oa4: com
mon to good, $3a3.7ii. Hogs Strong and
shadn higher; good weights yorkers, tla
4.U.1; light do.,4.Uua4.10; pigs,; mili
um and mixed packers, I3.80u3.90; extreme
heavy, 3.70a3.7u; roughs, 13a3.20; stags, ll!a
2.D0. Sheep and lambs Dull and weaker.
Chicago Llv Stock.
Union Stock Yards, 111., April 28. Cattle
Receipts, 3,000 head; market firm; com
mon to extra steerB, 3.40a4.25; stackers and
feeders, i3.10u3.85; cowb and bulls, ll.liOa
8.60; calves, $a3.85; Texans, 3a3.75. Hogs
Receipts, 23,000; market steady to
6c, lower; heavy pocking and shipping
jots,; common to choice mixed,
t3.35a3.65; uholee assorted, 3.li5a3.80; light,
t3.45a3.77Vi. t Igs-a3.75. Sheep Receipts,
16,0)10 head; market steady; Inferior to
choice, t2.50a3.ttt; lambs, 3.7ua4.80.
All done away with by tho use of HART
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conalsts
of ingredients well-known to all. It ran be
applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron
roofs, bIbo to brick dwellings, which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
ing or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and Its cost does notloxceod one-fifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the lob
or pound'. .Contracts taken by
ANTQNto HARTMANN, (27 Birch 8U
It is a pleasure to refer to these facts in 6alling your
attention to oar special line of DrCSS GOOdS. Cipes, Shirt
Waists and Millinery. -
50 pieces of all-wool Serge, 36 inches wide, OC
in all colors, made to retail for 40a; your pick ,UU
Ask to see our line of Silk aad Wool Mixed 7C
Dress Goods, 43 in. wide, worth $1; your pick' OC
In Fenian and Print Wrap Silk our line at 60C, 75c
9Sc. and $1.25, are at least 25 per cent under value,
$2.9$ Silk Cape, nioely made and lined, worth 14.00.
11.18 Silk Cape. Ask to see this special line, worth $6
We will give you as good a Shirt Waist for 39c. as
you can buy elsewhere for 50c. Try it. No harm done.
There are poorer Shirt Waists advertised elsewhere
for 98c. than the ones we are selling at 73c. Seeing is
: M L L I N EI R Y
Dou't miss seeing our Millinery. As far as prices
and styles are conoerned we defy competition.
Trimmed Sailors at 25c, 39c, 50c. Worth 39c, 50c, 69c
is, r GO ID IN Hi
The Electric City Awning and Tent Com
psny wish to inform their friends and patrons
that they hare opened an office at 31s Linden
Street, with Rese A Long, where any orders,
by mail or telephone, for Tents, Flags, Awn
ings, Wagon Covers or Horse Clothing will be
given careful attention.
TtlephM 3102.
' Has Moved to HI New Quarter!,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Bank. Us baa now in
Comprising everything reqnlsits for flue
Merchant Tailoring. And the same can
be shown to advantage in his splen
didly fitted up rooms.
Is Extended to All Renders of The Trib
une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His
New Business Home
w us vivo
Made a
1st Day.
pVell Man
"""Ifff of Me.
t:e qreat 30th Day.
jpxixiKroxx n.xiACxiD'sr
produces the above remits In SO days. It art!
?ower(nlly and quickly. Cures when all others fail
ouug men will regain their lost miuliood, and old
men will recover their youthful visor by mlng
R f ; VI VO. It quickly and surely mtorni Nenroua
now, Lost Vitality, Iiupoteuoy, Mstitly Kmiwloaf,
LostPowor, Falling Memory, Wasting Dlneweii.and
II effect ol self-ahum or nr.ets and indiscretion,
t liloh unfits one for study, bnstnean or marriage. It
not ouly cures by starting at tho soat of d-srue, but
Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to pal vheeki and re
storing tie Ore of youth. It wardn off )nolv
and Consumption, lnalst on having ItU VIVO, no
dtlirr. It ran be carried In vent pocket. By null,
9 1 .00 per package, or all tor aS.OO, with a pol
tiro written gnsrantee to rare or refund
be money. Circular tree. Addren ,
1 "V MmtCNIV ?. .. CHICMfl.
For sal by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggists,
' . Sctaatoa, Pa. -'
VagMrfcRaia, Lessees and Managsra.
APRIL 27. 28 AND 29.
Monday Night aad Wedntsdsy Matinee,
Tuesday Nlght-PASSIO.N'S SLAVE.
Wednesday Night THE UNKNOWN.
Produced by a strong company, headed b
the romantio young actor, Joseph Slaytor,
PRICES-ioc, aoc. and 30c- Hals of seats
now open.
; Wednnsday, April St
For the Benefit of the SCRANTON
In the 0 real Comedy Hit,
Salo of seats opens Monday morning at I
o'clock. Cfieake will be given out at S.
Acknowledged the Leading
Ol the Warlat
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasers will always find a complete,
stock and at prices low as the qual
tty of the instrument will permit at
N. A.
117 Wyoming Ave. dcratttoa
The Finest In the Onj.
The latest Improved furnish
isp ana apparatus Mr K
Mat, butter aad cfga.
223 Wyoming Aw
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
W W W "4"4F"W
OFFICE HOURS from 7.80 a. m. t I . ' ,
tn. (1 hour intermission tat fllnnr tut '
supper.) '
Particular Attention (liven t Cellectlenw
Prompt Settlement Uuaranteed. Your Bush
new Is Respectfully Suliuttd. Tttephan ij, .
Of all kinds, manufactured at aktt
otkt, at Tho Tribune Qfice.
' i' v '