r1. THE SCRANTON TftlBUNE---WEDNESDAY MORNING, APfcft. '29, i81?. 6 EOT VEEnjXFEREKCE It is'ia Ett of Widespread Import oacc to Methodism MANY QUESTIONS PENDING i YhaAdalaatoaof Women, the Abolition f fha Time Llalt and the Ooeetloa ' Popalar Ameadmente Are Some of Them. From tlm Buffalo Express. Cleveland. O.. April ST.-Cleveland Is the mecca of Methodism this year. The twenty-aecond delegated Keneral con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet here the first week In May, and devote a month to lega tion which will affect nearly 3,000,000 of members. Delegations are expected from all section of the United States, and from Norway, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, Mexico and Bouth Amer ica. Fraternal messengers will repre aent English, Irish and Canadian Meth odists, the Methodist Episcopal Church South and other evangelical denomina tions. There will bo over 600 delegates in the general conference. Since this conference Is the great quadrlcnnlal event of this denomination, it is safe to assume that the visiting preachers and laymen will be numbered by the hun- iImiI. anil -nnaalhlv thnilRAndS. The nil- merous vital questions to be settled and the accessibility of Cleveland increase the probability of a large attendance of visitors. The entertainment commit tee, of which Dr. A. J. Palmer, of New York, la chairman, has secured from the hotels a promise that the usual rates will not be Increased during the confer ence; The expenses of delegates will be paid by the church, but. of course, visitors will be required to pay their own expenses. The sessions of the conference will be held in the auditorium of the new armory. Indeed, it was the promised completion of this auditorium that led to the selection of Cleveland as the place for holding the conference, be cause there was no other place of meet ing In Cleveland large enough for the purpose. Early In the winter the au ditorium was ready for the floor, and was being hurried to completion when a decision of the Supreme court put a stop to all work. It was found that $10, 000 would finish and furnish the au ditorium and committee rooms. Per mission was obtained from the com missioners. Methodist laymen of Cleve land gave the money, and the work was resumed. The auditorium will be ready for use when wanted, on May 4. AN .INTERESTING AFFAIR. A general conference of the Method ist Episcopal church is as Interesting in many ways as a national political convention or a session of congress. It attracts numerous visitors who are more or less interested in the matters up for consideration and who are eager to be present at each session. The tinance committee this year has de cided to charge $100 for a box and $10 for a chair,- and the momentum of in terest among the visitors will doubt less cause them to pay the amount asked without a murmur, and thus help replenish a treasury badly In need of funds. Visitors from what is known as the "third house," or the lobby. .While the visiting preachers would scorn the methods of a trained lobby ist, nevertheless they are not averse to practice the Beductlve art of sugges tion and persuasion on delegates whom they desire to pursue a given course at the conference. Their methods are subtle, refined, Interesting and often successful. The coming conference Is one of pe culiar interest because of the various constitutional questions to be settled, if possible. For years women have CLOTHIER Our store will be stocked with an unsurpassed lot of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Nothing old or out of date. Everything ab soutely new and manufactured expressly for us. It will be our aim to sell Better Clothing at Lower Prices than any other house in the pity. We will also carry a complete stock of Gents' Furnishings, fiats, Caps, Etc. P. J. GRIFFIN, VJE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS AND PRICES claimed the right to assist In making the laws of the church, but the men have denied them the right on the ground that it was unscriptural and inexpedient for women, to have the rule over men In the church. By a large majority the church at large has ex pressed itself In favor of the admission of women to the general conference. Four women have been elected and will present themselves for recognition. Those opposed to women contend that the vote in favor of admitting them will not be a law. until ratified by the general conference. Since the women were elected several months ago, it will be claimed that they cannot come In at the present session. Their friends will undoubtedly endeavor to seat them by a direct vote. They have the power and may exercise It. but such a course may lead to a serious disturbance of ecclesiastical harmony. THE TIME LIMIT. Next In importance to the woman question Is the proposed removal of the time limit regulating the length of a preacher's stay In charge of one church. The bishop fixes the appoint ments at the session of the annual con ference, but cannot reappoint for more than five years. At the end of five years the law of the church requires the removal of the preacher. During the past quadrtennlum there has been considerable discussion of this question, particularly among the city pastors. The circuit riders and men appointed to small stations are not much in favor of a removal of the limit. The argu ment urged by those who want the limit removed is that a metropolitan church cannot be developed to a high degree of efficiency by a pastorate of five years. The removal of the limit places the whole responsibility on the bishop, who must continue to reappoint a pastor as long as he wants him to stay at one place. Early In the history of the de nomination there was no time limit. but the limit was enacted at the earn est solicitation of a pioneer bishop, who found that there were some things that even a Methodist bishop could not do. It was a hard thing sometimes to move a preacher by mere authority, and it was considered more desirable to have a law that would create vacancies at stated Intervals. At first the limit was two years. Four years ago it was ex tended to five years, and now" the de mand is made to have it removed alto gether. The matter will doubtless pro voke considerable discussion. .. AS TO AMUSEMENTS. Another question of more widespread Interest among the laity, and especially the young people. Is the proposed elim ination from the church -discipline of the specific rules against ' popular amusements. Dancing, card-playing and theater-going are named particu larly, and provision; made for the ex pulsion of any Indulging in these amusements. A rigorous enforcement of these rules would have a bod effect on the membership of some of the city churches, where there is a superabund ance of wealth, society and young peo ple. These specific restrictions did not emanate from the mind of John Wes ley, the founder of the church. They were incorporated in the discipline as a sort of Interpretation of a clause In the general rules which forbids amuse ments that cannot be taken in the name of Christ. They have given preachers endless trouble, because a literal en forcement arouses resentment and fails to accomplish the desired object. Preachers who are opposed to the amusements named urge the removal of the specific restrictions because they feel that tho proper way Is to make the amusement question a matter of conscience, and not of arbitrary restric tion. The matter has been freely dis cussed and there is a strong probabil ity that the rules touching amusements will be considerably revised. ADDITIONAL BISHOPS. A matter of deep concern to the more advanced Methodists and the leaders in Formal - Our GUS all sections Is that of the' election of additional bishops to particular geo graphical stations. At present there are eighteen bishops, two of the number being designated as missionary bish ops." The distinction is that a mis sionary bishop is in power only while in a particular territory, while a "regu lar" bishop is in full authority any where in the world. Blvhop Thoburn, of India, and Bishop Walker, of Africa, are missionary bishops. There will doubtless be a move to abolish the dis tinction and make missionary bishops bishops indeed. Closely related to this question is the one of episcopal resi dence and geographical restrictions. Methodist episcotwl bishops are not limited at present the same as Roman Catholic or episcopal bishops. They travel all over the world and exercise a general superlntendcncy over the vari ous annual conferences, according to a mutual understanding and agreement. Bishop liowman resides in St. Louis. yet he exercises Episcopal functions In all parts of the United States. Bishop Goodsell has his Episcopal headquar ters In San Francisco, but has recently been assigned to duty in Europe. All bishops are equal, but Bishop Bowman presides at their semi-annual meetings by virtue of his seniority. A bishop has no authority aside from that given by the discipline; which Is the crystal lised enactments of the general confer ences. A number of prominent preach ers and laymen have been urging a plan of episcopacy requiring each bishop to look after a given territory for a term of four years. This move ment also includes the quadrennial lo cation of a bishop in China, South America, Africa, India and Europe, the remaining bishops to be stationed in various parts of the United States. It is claimed that this plan will enable each bishop to gain a more Intimate and accurate knowledge of his field than he can possibly gain under the present system of dependence in presiding eld ers and preachers. The consolation of the book concern Is under consideration. At present the publishing interests of the church are carried on by two establishments, one In New York and one in Cincinnati. Branch offices and depositories are lo cated in the leading cities. This move ment toward consolidation also carries with it the proposition to elect laymen as agents Instead of preachers. A LEGISLATIVE BODY. The general conference is purely a legislative body. It makes all the laws of the church. .In a general way It corresponds with the national con gress. Ministerial and lay delegates are sent by the hundred or more annual conferences. Four years ago there were 315 preachers and ISO laymen, - This session there will probably be an In crease. Ministerial and lay delegates meet In one body and have equal pow ers, although not equal in numbers. Separate votes can be taken on ques tions before the conference If demanded. The bishops preside in rotation one session each. They are not allowed the privileges of the floor. Unlike some legislative bodies the bishop cannot call a substitute to the chair, take the floor and make a speech no matter how much he may desii-e to do so. Like congress, most of the work is done in committee. There are twelve standing committees, viz.: Episcopacy, itiner arcy, boundaries, revivals, temporal, economy, state of the church, book con cern, missions, education, church exten sion, Sunday schools and tracts, freed man's aid and work In the south. Each member of each delegation, beginning with the chairman, selects a committee, and so on through the list until the del egation Is represented on each commit tee. None of the standing committees are appointed by the presiding officer. Each delegate will be on several com mittees, and each committee will have about 100 members. The names of the committees indicate the class of legis lation referred to them. The committee on episcopacy stands first In impor tance. It is formed of the chairmen of the various delegations. The com Mwm STORE! Opening Thursday, Force of Assistants EDWARDS, mittee Inquires Into the character and behavior of the bishops. The name of each bishop is called in turn, and if any delegate has any complaint he presents it when the name Is called. All rec ommendations relating to the election of additional bishops and changes in the episcopacy come from this commit tee. The committee on boundaries Is final In Its conclusion, but the remain ing committee are merely for refer ence. The order of business of the con ference is to hold a general session In the forenoon, committee meetings in the afternoon, and anniversaries and receptions to fraternal messengers at night. t GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. The new armory where the general conference will meet is a massive stone building In the heart of tho city, and only one block from the lake. It Is within five minutes of the Union de pot, two blocks from the postoflice and two blocks from the noted public square from which all the Street-car lines ra diate. Visitors who have attended other sessions of the general conference say the Internal arrangements of the armory are far superior to any place where sessions have been previously held. Thera will be1 ample room for the delegates, and thousands of seats for visitors. Ample rrovlslon has been mode for cloak-rooms, waiting-rooms, editorial-rooms of the Daily Advocate, private rooms for the bishops, postof fice, telegraph offices, wash-room and press representatives. The committee in charge of arrange ments has secured a written contract from the hotels to entertnln delegates for $1 a day, and to make nrdiscrimina Uon because of color or nationality. The committee will assign delegates to places of entertainment, and each hotel. Including the finest In tho city, will have colored delegates to entertain, on au equal footing with whites. TROLLEY CARS IN ROME. Uow They Art Equipped to Mount the Hills of the Eternal City. From tho Buffalo Commercial. The eternal city, "Rome of Caesar, Rome of Peter," has been invaded again, this time by the trolley car. The road connects the main railway sta tion with the center of the city. It starts from the Piazza S. Sllvestro and goes up the Vlo dl Capo de Case and then through the Ludovlsian Quarter to the Piazza dl Termini. It Is a double track and Is located on the slope. The power station Is located on the slope of the Sabine Hills, and the elec tricity Is generated from turbines placed In the waterfalls about eighteen miles out of the city. Power Is conveyed to the city by four large cables that run Into a transformer house near the Porta Pia. The cars, like all rolling stock on EuroppRji trolley lines, are model vehicles. They are Hooded with light at night, and instead of signal ing the conductor when one wants the car to stop, all he has to do Is to press a button on the seat behind him. Some of the hills on the line are so steep that special brakes are neces sary. Both hnnd and feet brakes ore used, one acting on the wheels direct ly and the other on the rails. In ad dition there is an electric emergency brake, which will stop the car in a few yards, even when going quickly down hill. The principle of It consists In short-circuiting the motors, which are then driven as dynamos by the momen tum of the car, which Is thus rapidly stopped. . . An American company strung the overhead wires and equipped the cars. Affection Not Too Ardent. Caller "I suppose you love your new BiMier wry ut-any, TOfflmyf Tommy (eyeing the baby coldlvl "Yes. But I'd a good deal rather have a dog." Domervuiu journal. The Nickel Plate Road Is the shortest line between Buffalo and. Chicago. v It in AMD Include the Following Well-Known Gentlemen: JOHN COLLINS, LOUIS ALLEN, STRICTLY ONE PRICE, AND SCRANTO OF YESTERDAY A Glimpse at Some Things That Prophesied Her Greatness. A WW RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS Iatereitlaf Episodes of Long Ago For signers then and Now-Fraak Ilea milk aad Uls Marvolous Ability as Political Leader. Written for The Tribune. The Scran ton of a quarter of a cen tury or more ago gave sign and promise of the greater Scranton of today. It was a hustling, bustling ballwlck then with every citizen a true blue shouter for the town. The problem of the city's progress was involved In the Intense local loyalty that manifested Itself. Though litigants were forced to go to Wilkes-Barre with their cases, the dream of a new county with Us needful accommodations, inspired the hearts of the wideawake men of the early 70's, who only bided their time to break away from old Luzerne and there were giants in those days wonderful workers In the field of politics. There was the late Frank Beamish, for Instance. And Mike Philbln, of WllkesBarre. and Mike Reap of Plttston. and Doc. Trimmer.of White Haven, and a host of others, for It should be remembered that Luzerne In those days rolled up Democratic majori ties amounting anywhere to from 3,000 to 4.000. The fights were in the conven tions and there are those in this city today who will recall that hey were frequently of a sanguinary hue, as a nomination meant an election. The Scranton end of campaigns was always left In the hands of Mr. Beamish, and he never betrayed his trusts. Tricky? Well, what of It? Did you ever know of a first-class political fighter who wasn't? A trick in politics Is only an other name for good generalship. You certainly will subscribe to that, you who are pulling the wires today and who hae Just returned from Harrlsburg. When a man tqlls me that a politician is as "straight as a die," I begin to sus pect that political general. I don't mean that it implies that he Is dis honest, but I think you will agree with me when I say that conscience in poll tics Is as conditions now stand, an un promising factor. But I digress. Frank Beamish in his palmy days was a marvelous man. He never lost his temper and yet he could whip his weight in wild cats. He had the faculty of winning men to him by the force of his powerful magnetism. On one oc casion at Archbald, or somewhere up that way Phil Coyne will remember when 3000 Democratic voters stood lis tening to. the eloquence of Democratic orators who spoke from thet high bal cony of a "hotel," Beamish noted the presence of a disturbing element Ex- Judge Stanton, who had met misfortune In the convention, was out on an Inde pendent ticket He was a warm favor ite in the section Invaded that night by the "straights." As the speakers suc ceeded each other with their ardent ap peals to stand by the men named by the convention, and before the last one had been colled up, in the distance were heard the echoes of horses' feet flying fast toward the little town, and soon out of the shadows and Into the moon light that brightened the black sur roundings of the hotel, rolled a buggy containing two men, Phil. Coyne and "Billy" Stanton. Then there were signs of agitation. Brawny miners pulled out of the crowd which stood listening to the regular speakers on the balcony, to make another around the vehicle that had brought the two new-comers to the scene. For a time there was a deep Ai 9 a mm i i ii II mi ii I it i flVIGJUVV FUMSIHE NIW hush, followed quickly by low rmirmura which suddenly broke Into a roar. Before the speakers, standing; out In the bright light of a full roomi. were three thousand scowling men. Sudden ly somebody yelled out. "Hurrah for Stanton!" which was supplemented by a fiercer If more profane proclamation ot To with Stanton!" It was a moment of supreme excitement. The orators backed off the high porch Into the apartments behind them. Those who carried plstqls pulled them out and examined them carefully. Those who did not, pulled out their Masks and took something" to steady their nerves. Then In the air there arose a co-ming ling of shouts from the myriad hoarse and angry throats outside the tavern. Just at that moment, when a bloody tight of tremendous significance seemed imminent, and when two men who stood in the centre of the great throng, ap parent leaders of the disputing factions, were prparing to savagly attack each other, the form of a gray-clad man was seen wiggling his way through the thick mass of humanity, like a Titan forcing the biggest giants to one side as if they were mere babes. This man reached the wrangling leaders, and tak ing each by the throat he commanded the crowd to fall back and make a ring for these two to settle their dis putes In. And the crowd moved by some mysterious Instinct, parted, until the moon revealed a bare syace big enough for the fighters to exploit their science if they so desired. For a moment they hesitated but then came together with a clash and ringing oaths at the command of the little man in gray. The fight of the faction leaders quieted the faction troubles for that night, and the man In gray who brought It all about was Frank Beamish. To be sure, there was a foreign ele ment In Scranton thirty years ago as there is now. But It was of a very different kind than that which we rec ognize today. The "Laddybucks" of '70 disputed over their beer and broke each others heads occasionally, but every mother's son of them loved the bonny flag that bore the stars and stripes and was willing to fight or die for It in a minute. The tolling foreigner of that day, whether he was an Irishman, a German, a Welshman or a Scotchman, recognised the bountiful blessings in volved In the free school, and worked harder that his children might secure all the advantages of a good education. And where are those children today? Not In the mines. Not roysterlng with maniacal fury at christenings. Not en gaging In fierce and bloody contests with knife and bludgeon on the occas Ion of wedding festivities. No Indeed. They are among the school teachers, our lawyers, our doctors, our mer chants, and occupying places In every honorable walk of life. Will It be pos sible to say as much thirty years hence of the children ot the chief foreign ele ment that has been pouring Into Penn sylvanlo, like a polluted stream, of re cent years? Time alone will reveal. The newspapers In the early '70's, though much smaller than the mom moth products of today, were none the less Interesting. There were some lively pens engaged on the Scranton papers a quarter of a century ago. The Its publican occupied meagre quarters on the second floor Oi a bt"ldin on Lacka wanna avenue, with a bookstore on one side and a faro bank on tho other. Nor ton ran the one and Jim Maury the otner. But "Joe s" paper then as now. was hotly aggressive at times, while the exciting features of local life made it possible to make Mie city page a con spicuously thrilling one. The Times, whose ownership was Involved tn mys tery, which continued until not very long ago stood boldly out for Democracy and the trenchant pens of a Walsh, a Merrlfleld and a Williams, were applied with a vigor and force that attracted attention. The Democrat the only af OODS! April 30 B. T THAT THE ternoon resreaajftatlva waa maimed by tlttl T I) A .1 a n.m MBW grapha with a teonaclty rarely equalled mm BDuuy io spti looacco juice. Ana last, but bv n ninim letvat nl thm Sunday Frees Press. with Frank Beamish and Jim Coon at Uva head, firing broadsides Into the enemy on each Lord's day, and sending its Issue out over the hills by pony express to many un'unumi oi inieresiea readers. And though the mm m-hn iilnna.1 h.i occasionally In gall aiid wormwood ainsi eacn other In bitter tirades ot uue were supposed to be at sword points socially, the few who saw them gathered in the "Marble Palace", of Coyne and Stephens, on Penn avwiM at night hobnobbing like princes an) teasing the "ruby" with equal freedom. ""icea or tins- fact that news-: paper men are the queerest people In the world. K a v MEASLVO OP STATE NAMES. ofAr?h!f.,,eved to m" " Samt mUKh,1e uthorlty claims tna u SLcft . "hot furnace?' romnKi nTii.hLr.X" from Illinois took its name from the Illinois tribe of Indians, who in turn were reaJiJ the Illlnl or Illlnlwok. "the men Kentucky Is a native name and means bloody ground. Many conflicts took plioi there tn early days. tnm The name Oregon Is derived from the Spanish orcaano, "wild marjoram" or wood sago," which grows abundantly in that state. Rhode Island may have taken Its nam the. name of an early settler, but it Is prob- u,o nam, caiiiiu hdoui Decause oi tot, tine anchorage or roadstead between the island and the mainland. Wisconsin takes Its name from the Wis consin river, which was derived from Mis koniiing, "wild running channel," be stowed on it by Jbllet. Montana means land of mountains. Maryland was named In honor of Queen Henrietta Maria, being called Terra Maria In the charter first given. Experienced. Sarcastic Reader "I noticed that you had a communication In the first number of your paper signed "Old Subscriber." Editor "Well, that was aJl right." Sarcastic Reader "How so?" Hdltor "Why, that communication written by a man who began subscribing to different papers and magaslnps mora than thirty ytars ago." Somervlile Jour mil. See this Pail! Get one like It from your grocer and try You will like it, but you won't like the imitations. Avoid then. Gnaine.hu trade muk "Cbtfolmt" tni wr' htam atton-flmnt tmath on tin. THE N. K. FAIHBAXK COMPAHTf Chicago, Kew Tor, FhlteeelpfcU, Plttieirg. Ini HOLMAN. VERY LOWEST v Mm J. , 222 DAVDOW AWAM Ml