The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Pure and
Baking powder.
"I prefer Cleveland's baking powder because it Is
pure and wholesome. It takes less for the same baking,
it never fails, and bread and cake keep their fresh
ness and flavor."
Miss Cornkua Caupbiu Bidfoid, Supl. New Yerk Cking StkL
Horrman & Mooro
120 Wyoming Avo.
' sot Ptra Ave.
The most com
plete stock oil
Special Patterns
made strictly
private tons for
i scranion.
Join the Bluei and eat Turkey.
The composite sidewalk on the Spruce
street aide of the Commonwealth build
lug: 1h toeing relald.
' Alfred Shifter, of Mifflin avenue, who
lost his slKlit through paralysis a, week
uko, has recovered It.
The Consolidated Milling Exchange of
Minneapolis, Minn., intends to open a
branch office In this city.
Clarke Hros., the West Side merchants,
have purchased a plot of ground adjoin
ing their stores to enable them to build
an addition to their dry goods depart
ment. The teachers and officers of Grace Re
formed Kpiseopal church will hold a meet
ing this evening at 'the close of the prayer
service and arrange for the annual ex
cursion and picnic.
The funeral of Mrs. Lona n. Day will
take place tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock. Services will be conducted In the
Bpworth League room of the Kim Park
church and Interment will be made In Dun
more cemetery.
The Wlnnett Stock company will give a
matirtee at the Frothingham this after
noon at prices of 10 and 20 cents. By spe
cial request the compuny will present
"Wife for Wife." The bill for this even
ing will be "The Unknown."
After May 1 Charles Orchard will have
oharpe of the Bridge street and Vine
street freight stations of the Delaware and
Hudson company. R. A. Williams, who
hoa been In charge of the Vine street
station, has resigned.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts John T. Thom
as to George Phillips and Annie Maruxlns
kl, Wlnton; Edmund O. Thomson and Eliz
abeth Bliss Ashelman, Scranton; Martin
Murphy and Bridget Armstrong, Benin
ton. A stated meeting of the County Medical
society waa held in the arbitration room
at the court house last night. Dr. H. V.
ogan had been announced as the essay
ist of the evening, but he was unable to
be present. Only minor business was
The John B. Smith Fire company filed
an application for a charter today In
the Gillie of Prothonotary Pryor. The
names of the subscribers are: Patrick
F. Horo, Bernard Sweeney. Michael E.
McQowan, John J. Rellly, John J. Loft us,
Michael J. McHaJa and Millard J. Bren
nan. The New York Herald yesterday con
tained a picture of Captain Hannah Mas
land, who was until two weeks ago In
charge of the Salvation Army of this city.
The Herald has her labeled as one of the
officers of Balllngton Booth's new Ameri
?an. Volunteer organisation. Miss Mas
land has always been a warm admirer of
iBalllngton and Mrs. Booth.
-Many chances are being made at the
Railroad Youiik Men's Christian associa
tion building. The inside Is being repaint
ed In light and attractive colors, which
greatly adds to the beautifying of the
place. A one-story annex Is being built,
which will be used as a wash room. Other
minor Improvements are also being made
to make the place more comfortable fcs
well as attractive.
The retail liquor license of H. A. Beehe,
of the Second waril i.r .lnri.m immii.n
was yesterday transferred to L. F. Craw
ford. The. license of Krwurd Weiss, of the
Kigbteenth ward, was transferred to Pat
rick J. Hoar. The license of Annie Mo
ponougn, of the Fifth ward, was trains
'STf.1! i J,aS? 8- Rougher. The license
oT-Mlehael Sharsk. of 716 West Lacka
wanna avenue, was transferred to Patrick
T. Kllmartln. The license of Julia Gllli
can, of the borough of Throop, was trans
ferred to Joseph Olrdxeunas.
,-NeW contributions to the Foundling
Home fund are: Uri.lget Godwin, fi; Will
lam Worthing, $1; Mrs. V. M. Rellly
Thomas Connor, fi; Michael Moriarity. tl:
James Downing, tl; Michael Cotter, II;
Mrs. Ann Clifford, tl: Miss Anna Shenan,
Si; Daniel Hurley. 2; Mis. Hurley, tl;
Patrick Bolund, tl; Miles Sweeney, tl:
Patrick Sweeney, tl: Patrick McOarry tl:
Mrs. Ann McNally, tl; Andrew McQee. tl:
air Boland, tl; Michael Corbett, fi
liate Corbelt. tl : total, 122; previously ac
knowledged, 2,489; gramHotal, 12,611. .
Good Farco Comedy Welt Presented ot
tho Academy of .Musie.
The Scranton lodge of Elks can con
gratulate itself upon securing such an
excellent attraction as Joseph Hart and
his company for their benefit. They
gave the laughable farce, "A Clay Old
Hoy," at the Academy of Music last
night with a snap and dash that kept
the large audience laughing and ap
plauding from the time the curtain
arose until It fell. -
Joseph Hart has his name printed on
the house bill In large letters, but the
rent star of the company is petite little
Carrie De Mar, who sings and dances
her way Into the good graces of an an.
nienco before she is on the stage ten
minutes. Lost' night was' the com
, pany's second appearance in the oltv
I this season and Miss De Mar greatly
Vtrengthened by her cleverness and vl-
f amy me good impression sne made
n the company's previous appearance.
fie win soon rank as one of the leading
rce-comeay souDrettei.
ir. Hart is also a great entertainer
F a way that is all his ownand besides
His Pe Mar he has several good oeonie
fa hit company. Winifred Blake Is a
nn vncanst and AI Leech gave tome
tnteitalnlng specialties. s
i Plltafm PVa Vtmi .nta fiawa au
Jty flTrMOtamlsa7. T
It Is Exemplified la tho Store of Sic
beaker and Watkias.
Slebeckcr & Watklns have Just com
pleted tho remodeling of their new
store, 40ti Lackawanna avenue, and It
can now truly be said to be one of the
largest, most complete and best ap
pointed business houses in Northeast
ern Pennsylvania,
Five entire floors are devoted to their
business, one for each department. In
the basement is the department where
the linoleums, oil cloths, window
nhades and the like are displayed and
fitted. On the llrst floor is the tapestry
and curtain department. The second
floor contains the carpet department.
Hues and mattings take up the whole
of the third floor. On the fourth floor
are the work rooms where two corps of
ladles are constantly employed, the one
fitting and sewing carpets, the otner
attending to the tapestries and cur
tains. A passenger and freight eleva
tor operated by an electric dynamo
makes communication between the dif
ferent departments a matter of ease.
Nothing more attractive In the way
of a business house display cun be Im
agined than the ground floor as It Is at
present arranKcd. First of all to at
tract the attention is the immense win
dow, 8x17. claimed to be tho second
lamest In the state of Pennsylvania.
More attractive still, however. Is the
display behind it. Two completely and
luxuriously furnished rooms are shown,
one a parlor effect, the other a library.
The wealth of rugs, carpets, tupestrles
and curtains, with sufficient harmon
ious furniture and bric-a-brac to carry
out the intended effect, cannot but till
with delight the henrt of a woman of
decorative taste, and a man, no matter
how unappreclatlve he may be In mat
ters of this kind, will stop to survey
and admire the beautiful picture which
the settings present. The window
decorations are under the personal su
pervision of Mr. Watklns and will be
made a permanent feature.
On entering the store one hesitates
before proceeding through the maze of
curtains and tapestries that are hung
parallel with the avenue In a tasteful
arrangement the whole length of the
store from' front to rear. Everything
In this line which trade demands and
of a variety in prlc nd style to suit
every purse and taste can be found on
this floor.
A picturesque stairway in keeping
with the artistic Interior adds not a
little to the general attractiveness of
the place. By this the second floor will
he quite as often reached no doubt as
by the elevator, for it is Inviting by rea
son of Its design and decoration. At
the head of this stair one Is struck with
the contrast as compared with the floor
below. Above Is a monotonous metallic
celling broken only by a sky-light In
the center: below is the unbroken
stretch of smooth, polished floor: the
sides of the hall add to the monotony by
contributing rows upon rows of carpet
rolls the back of the carpet, of course,
turned out, and thereby by reason of
the sameness of color loaning their
small share to the rather unplcturesque
view. This department, however, is not
supposed to be pretty. It Is arranged
with a view to convenience and adapt
ability and in these it is as much to be
admired as any department of the store.
There are miles of carpe piled up here
and thousands of-dollars are repre
sented In them. Which, when considered,
makes the department bear a peculiar
Interest. .
The nlid floor has a profusion of
rugs and mattings tastefully arranged
along the walls and is quite as attrac
tive as the main floor. Home of the
rugs are very costly and show it even
to the untutored eye. Visitors to the
store should not fall to see this de
partment. Messrs. Slebecker and Watklns are to
be congratulated upon their aggressive
ness in giving to the city so complete
and extensive a slpr. That they will
command a patronage which their push,
experience and business reputation
comiu&dg goes wlthoutsaylng.
Say That Thsy liave Been Ignored by
Their Partners.
An equity suit was begun in court
yesterday by Attorneys Watson &
Dlehl, representing James Nolan, of
Carbondale, and Thomas McDonald, of
Susquehanna, Pa., against the Hpearl
Heater company, a corporation with Its
principal office In Carbondale and en
gaged in the manufacture of heaters.
The board of directors of the com
pany consist of C. E. Rettew, A. P.
Trautweln, E. E. Hendrick, E. Clark
son, E. W. Mills, K. W. Jackson and
A. D. Harding, of which Mr. Rettew is
president and Mr. Harding secretary.
The company was chartered on May 11,
1894, and established a plant with ex
pensive machinery, and on Jan. 1, 18U5,
commenced thd manufacturing of heat
ers, and doing such other things prop
erly connected with the company that
it was enabled to declare a dividend of
3 per cent, at the end of the first six
mouths, and profit sufficient since that
time to declare a dividend of 6 per cent.
Nolan and McDonald are stockhold
ers; the former owns 10 shares at the
par value of $50 and the. latter owns
8 shares at the same r -r value. Not
withstanding the fact t -t the corpora
tion is doing a profitable business, the
Slalntlffs complain that the secretary
ad a notice published in the Carbon
dale Leader calling for a special meet
ing of the stockholders for the purpose
ot accepting or rejecting a proposition
from another Arm for the manufactur
ing of its heaters, and also for consider
ing the advisability of leasing the Bhop
premises to another corporation.
In pursuance of that meeting no no
tice of which was given to the plaintiffs
as they allege although the by-laws
require it, the board of directors passed
a resolution to lease tho premises to the
Pendleton Manufacturing company.
The court granted, as prayed for, a pre
liminary injunction and also a rule to
continue the same returnable Monday,
May 4, at a. m.
Kingston Young Man Pell llononth o
Train at Olypliunt Last Night.
A young man named Neary, of Kings
ton, was run over by cars and killed
last night at 9 o'clock on the Delaware
and Hudson railroad a short way above
the Olyphant station. He. and a boy
named Lever were riding on a trip of
coal cars. Lever says that Neary took
sick suddenly and fell down between
the cars. Half o.f the train passed over
him and his life was extinct when he
was picked up.
The body was removed to Sweeney's
undertaking establishment. Detective
Crlppen sent a telegram to the dead
man's relatives in Kingston, and the
body will be kept awaiting their ar
rival. Coroner Longstreet was not
notified last night, but will likely hold
an Inqueet today.
1 llnmphreys'ls Honest. v
D. W. Hun jreys turned over to the
police a purtr containing money and
valuable papers whleh he found at the
ball park yesterday.
Anniversary of Yoang Men's Chris
tian Association.
Work of the Various Committees of the
' Association for tho Year Past-New
Year is Bcgna I'nder Most
Favorable Ausplees.
In the left parlor of Young Men's
Christian association hall last night the
twenty-eighth anniversary of the as
sociation was celebrated. There was a
feellnK of felicitation pervading the
members as they gathered to hear the
reports of'the work of the past year and
listened to the words of. encourage
ment. A. V. Dickson, president of the asso
ciation, was in the chair. He called
the meettnc to order and the hymn,
"How Firm a Foundation." was sung.
Secretary Mahy led in prayer and Mr.
Dickson read his annual report, which
is given below.
H. It. Coxe. chairman of the rooms
committee, read his report. The sum
of tl,5H0 was expended in furnishing
the rooms and supplying needed de
mands, and $2,500 was expended on the
fourth story for the fitting up of the
pluce for tho John Haymond Institute.
The report of the library committee
shows that twenty daily, seventy week
ly and thirty-two religious papers are
received at the rooms, besides sixty
one miscellaneous papers and eleven
maguzlnes. The New York papers are
In great demand.
A healthy report was made by Walter
11. Buell, chairman of the educational
committee. He spoke of the establish
ment of the John Haymond Institute
and the work It has done In the tlrst six
months of its existence. There were
nineteen classes, 1148 sessions and a to
tal enrollment of 736. The branches
taught were business correspondence,
commercial paper, arithmetic, gram
mar, spellinK, reading, Herman, nlse
bra, geometry, mechanical, architectur
al and freehand drawhig, electricity,
plumbing, woodworking and music.
The lowest percentage of attendance
was 87. but that was In a class ror
which there was good excuse: the next
lowest persentage was 77, and the high
est was 95. Mr. Buell spoke in kindly
terms of the generosity of A. W. Dick
son and H. C. Schaffer In offering
The report of the devotional commit
tee, of which W. A. Wilcox Is chairman,
stated that the attendance at the re
ligious exercises was most encouraging.
The meetings were held ten months of
the year In the rooms and two month3
at Nay Aug Falls. Going out to the
woodlawn In the summer was nn ex
pedient that was forced upon them be
cause of the renovating and refurnish
ing, but the open air summer meetings
were so successful that they will be
resumed this year. The music won un
der the direction of Tallle Morgan and
when he resigned under the direction of
J. M. Chance, was praised very highly.
One fact 'that was noticeably assuring
was that many young men who were
attracted to the rooms through the
gymnasium and educational depart
ment showed a great interest in the
welfare of their souls.
J. W. Oakford made the report for
the lecture and entertulnment commit
tee. Notwithstanding the many at
tractions In other places the events at
the association hall were well patron
ised. The receipts amounted to $793.30
and the disbursements were $134.75 less.
W. R. M'Olave for the physical de
partment committee, reported that the
number of gymnastic exercises by mem
bers was 3,667 and by those not mem
bers, 2,194, making a total of fi.Stil.
There were 4,900 baths taken. The base
ball team made a wide reputation for
skill and gentlemanly deportment and
played a schedule of thirty-two games,
winning thirty, and earning the cham
pionship of the county. Two of the
members of the gymnasium won cluht
prizes In the out-door games at W'llkcs
Barre. Secretaries Pear sail and Mahy spoke
in a fervent way of the prospect for
the coming year. Dr. Dickson's report
is as follows:
"Watchman tell us of the niitht
What Its signs of promise art-."
I know of no more responsible position
In all this world 'than that of watchman.
From the humble waver of his little flag
st the railroad crossing, who holds In his
care the safety of the unconscious traveler
and who by neslect of duty may endanger
valuable lives and property, to the presi
dent In his chair of state or the king
on his throne as he watches over tho des
tiny of a nation, the position is one calling
ror ran mm anu conscientious- service.
If this Is so In material and temporal
things and man's Judgment Is so severe
uoon those who occuiy positions reou'r-
ing faithfulness who are neglectful of
their trust, how much more responsible
Is the position of the watchman who looks
out for the soots of men with the tnoro
awf uldangers which threaten them whose
duty It is to guard against snares and
stumbling-blocks In the way of the
and to sue to It, so far as he is able, that
stones are rolled away and pit-falls
bridged so mat "ine waytaring man,
though a fool, may not err therein."
As I look at It the officers of our asso
ciation are watchmen in this hiKher sense
and tncy are set upon a watch lower us
a board or directors to watch and care
for all the Important interests of the as
sociation and its members, both spiritual,
mental, financial and physical. If they
are unfaithful if they fail to properly
.estimala their responsibility If thev allow
the rnruiy within the gates If they de
mand not the wateyvorcl of those profess
ing to be friends, Xauld not the great eap
.lnln vi-iin rives BViieeded Instruction wh
supplies all oaV,words anil whose irivi
lece It Is to remove for cause, call them
to account as unworthy and unfaithful
If, however, they do watch as those who
wait ror tneir lorir, ir tney sleep not,
neither grgw weary, but watch unto
prayer If they realize that unless the
Lord keep the city the watchman watch-
etn out in vain, anil so witn entire an I
consecrated lovaltv to the Great Cantatn
they watch for souls, then "Blessed are
those servants whom the Lord, when He
comein, snau nnu so doing."
And now. at the close of another venr
H is proper and right to ask of these
watchmen, What of the night? How has
It been in tne past : vt nat are the signs
of promise?
The past year has been a busy one. It
has only been necessary to visit the build
ing to see that work was being don,. 1
do not remember a year in our hlsiory
when more was attempted or accomplished
than during the year just closing. In all
lines there has been activity and pro
gress. We hope with a single eye to
uoii h giory aim m kouu or young men.
If this is so, 1 1 results will abide.
We begnn the year after a determined
struggle to pay off old debts, thus exhaust
ing ourselves and our frlonds ami making
It harder to sustain the work In the early
months of the association year. This ef
fort, together with the exceeding busi
ness and Industrial depression has made
the work of providing the ways and means
a problem calling for wisdom and worse,
verance. I am happy 'to say that the re-
suit er uniteu ana launrui etlort has been
gratifying, and we are able to report
we start the new year with a clean sheet,
a solvent corporation.
The year has been characterized, bv a
spirit of revival In various direction', not
ably In a greater loyalty and seal In the
membership, i nis is shown In a larger at
tendance at the classes, the rooms, the
gymnasium anu ino meetings.
Tha Blue and Red contest for mtmlur,
ship, a happy and generous rivalry led
by Captains Atherton and McClave, In the
effort to recruit our ranks, Is nearly end
ed. The atmosphere Is charged with
mystery, so that breathing is dtttlcut and
It is Impossible at this writing even to
guess the outcome of this notable battle
of the giants. But the contest, conducted
fairly and generously,, must redound to
the good of the cause In many ways. It
naa oeen a spring ionic wnoso good er
fects must abide in greater strength, en
thuslasm and loyalty. .
The beginnings of our tnsnusl training
work have been most encouraging. Owing
to the generosity of our goof friend, Mrs.
Hackley, who, since our last report has
supplemented ner gins 10 our association,
It has been fosslble t fit up the fourth
floor comfortably and conveniently for
class purposes ahd that part of our build
ing has bwn a busy hive throughout the
bchoot season.
Our secretary's report will give detaiU
of the successful work under the rare
of our educational committee, presided
over by Chairman Buell, with Professor
Burroughs and his corps of trained lieu
tenants. The gymnasium, with Mr. Holt at its
head, has lost nothing of prestige or use
fulness. The loss of Mr. Weston was keen
ly felt by all friends of the association,
but we are glad to feel that In his suc
cessor we nave a muscular Christian
competent for the work In his charge,
and we are connced that our athletic
department, with Its tine base ball team,
will be beard from this season In a satis
factory way.
The Bibio class work and the other dis
tinctly spiritual features of the work
have been blessed of God In a larger at
tendance and livelier Interest, and we feel
sure that our secretaries, Mahy and Pear
sail, run thank God and take courage as
they review the way over which God has
led them in their service for souls.
They have faithfully stood In their lots,
cheerful amid discouragements and have
greatly stimulated other workers by their
devotion and enthusiastic push. It has
been u comfort to the president to feel
that two such yoke fellows were praying
and working every day with only a single
thought and purpose the glory ot God
and the saving of men.
One of the disappointments has been
that we have not ere this had the prom
ised building for the railroad bnuv-h.
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick."
And that sickness Is manifested In the
great shrinkage in the railroad member
ship. But courage, brothers, it will come;
be patient. Skies are brightening, times
are Improving, you will not have long to
wait and soon you will Invite us to join
In a grand housewarnilng In the new
Thin Is one of the signs of promise as the
watchman looks (.broad. Rejoice with our
brethren of the railroad department In the
hope and expectation that the company
and Its general manager, who have given
so much thought an! practical aid In the
past, will &m soon as the times will per
mit, do oil that Is needed for the etllckn.
cy a greatly enlarged work.
Another slsn of promise is the awakened
Interest In the hearts of good people for
and in our work, the recognition of the
claims of the work upon the prayers and
purses of all rood cliizons.
The growing feoltng that ours Is a
work which claims a place In the hffurts
ami sympathies of young and old, rich
ami poor, learned ami unlearned, because
It Is an unselllsh undenominational effort
to help to a higher plain of usefulness and
etliclcncy and to a nobler Christian cltlz jn
shlp. Then, courage, good friends, fellow
workers, watch, work, wait, pray: the
Master Is near, nearer than we think.
Be faithful, be watchful, be patient, be
earnest, be loyal, and the glory shall be
His forever and forever.
Child of tnfortunate Mary Jane Lewis
Follows Its Mother-The Coroner's In
vestigation. The babv of the unfortunate Mary
Jane Lewis died last night. Mrs. Wil
liam HaycB, of North Main avenue,
who has been caring for the child since
its mother's death realizing that the
clays of the little one were numbered
took It to Coroner Longstreet last even
ing In order that he might see Its physi
cal condition so that in case of the
little one dying on her hands she would
be free from censure. Then she started
for the West Side to turn the child over
to Its grandfather, Alfred Lewis, and
while passing along West Lackawanna
avenue the babe died in her arms.
In her consternation she called upon
Patrolman Marker and In his company
she proceeded to the house of Mrs.
Cavel Uartron, of 724 West Lackawan
na avenue, where Mr. Lewis was sum
moned. He took charge of the remains
and had them removed to his home.
Coroner Longstreet's Investigation
into the cause of Mary Jane Lewis'
death yesterday satisfied htm that there
was no occasion for an inquest. He
found the physician who attended her
in her lust illness and he stated posit
ively, to the eoroner that the woman
died from bldod poisoning but that
drugs were not the cause of that condi
the Agent's Keport Showed That Much
Good Work Is Being Accomplished.
The board of associated charities had
a sllmly attended meeting last night
and as a consequence but little busi
ness was transacted.
The report of the agent, Mrs. Dug
pan, wns as follows: Cases Investigat
ed, 30; found worthy, 21; work furn
ished. 7; transportation furnished, 4;
sent to hospitals, 3; sent to House of
Good Shepherd, 1; sent 0 Florence Mis
sion, sent to St. Patrick's Orphan
age, 6; children arrested for begging, 3;
cases referred to board of health, 2;
cared for at Emergency hospltal 6.
Miss Klesel, the city nurse, reported
having cared for five cases. Just, pre
vious to coming to the meeting Mrs.
D'lXgnn was called to attend a sad case
on Keyser avenue. Benjamin Young
and wife were found suffering from
typhoid fever and their three children
wore In actual want for the barest
necessities of life. The husband was
removed to the Lackawanna hospital
and the wife, who is convalescing, was
furnished with medical attendance. A
supply ol clothing and groceries and
help tu prepare them was supplied for
the children.
Itev. J. V. Moylon, of llazleton; Appointed
Pastor of llonesdalo.
Rev. J. V. Moylan entered upon the
pastorate of the Honesdale Catholic
parish yesterdny to which he was ap
pointed as successor of Itev. J. J. Doh
erty, D. D., deceased.
Rev. Father Moylan was formerly
pastor of Archbald parish, but for four
years uast was assistant to Rev. J. J.
Comlskcy. of Hazleton. He has a host
of friends in this valley, who will be
pleased to learn of his promotion to the
responsible charge with which he has
been invested. .
Drama Given a Stirring Presentation by
Wlnnott's Company at Frothlngham.
"Passion's Slave" was produced by the
Wlnnett Stock company last night be
fore a good sized audience at the
Frothlngham. It Is a play of strong
dramatic Interest and was given a good
Interpretation by Joseph SUayton and
the other members of the company.
This afternoon the company will pro
duce "Wife for Wife" and tonight the
bill will be "The Unknown." That will
close the engagement.
A Prisoner Escapes from tho Oast lie at
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, April 28. Olo' Hallstead, a
prisoner in the county jail escaped
yesterday afternoon and when last seen
was headed northeast. He was quite
a lartte man, 6' feet 10 inches high, blue
eyes, light hair and complexion and
weighed about 170 pounds. Sheriff
Leonard offers a reward of $25 for his
capture or Information which will re
sult In same. Hallstead left without
coat or hat.
He was sentenced on Monday lost bv
Judge Searle for four months, having
pleaded guilty to larceny in conJunc
tlon with John and Lizzie Walker, who
were given a year at the Eastern pen
itent lury, Philadelphia, but on account
of his previous good character his pen
alty was made exceedingly light.
The Nickel Plate Road Is the low
rate, best service, short line between
Buffalo and. Chicago.'
Dronk Trout.
Lohmann, on Spruce .treet, will erv
you with Brook Trout fre.h from the
mountain streams, ,
Hotel Keeper Kciscffluk the Victim
. of Yicions Assanlt.
Ilia Assailaats Uave Fled Bat Warraats
Are Oat for Their Arrest Dead
Body of a Colored Maa Fosad
ia Aostla Woods.
Hotelkeeper John Von Weisenfluh, of
Taylor, is now lying in a precarious
condition as a result of an assault upon
him by David Davis and William Mor
ris, early yesterday morning.
Weisenfluh was trying to eject the
two men when the assault occurred. He
formerly kept a hotel on I'nlon street,
but recently moved his place ot busi
ness to Taylor street. Monday night
he was giving an opening and several
turbulent characters attended.
When it came time to close up he had
much difficulty In clearing the house.
Finally all were Induced to leave with
the exception of Davis and Morris.
They refused to get out and when the
proprietor attempted to eject them they
turned upon him and gave him a vic
ious beating.
Some weapon was doubtlessly used
for Welsenfluh's skull was fractured.
He also sustained other injuries and the
opinion of Dr. Houser, who was called
to attend him, is that the chances are
against his recovery. He was still alive
last night but his condition remained
His assailants have disappeared.
Warrants were yesterday Issued for
their arrest, but no trace could be found
of their whereabouts.
Mr. Weisenfluh is a Swiss and one of
the leading men of that race In this
A party of fire fighters found the
dead body of an unknown colored man
In the woods near Austin Heights,
about a mile back of the Sibley mine,
Monday afternoon. Some brambles
were twisted about his neck and near
him lay a broken, strap, which had evi
dently been used by him as a belt His
pockets were searched to see If any
thing could be found that would give
a clew to his Identity, but they con
tained nothing .except 20 cents and a
paper containing some illegible writing.
The body was badly decomposed, and
had probably lain there for several
Coroner Longstreet was yesterday
notified and' directed Justice of the
Peace Reese, of Old Forge, to hold an
inquest. A Jury was empanelled and
after viewing the remains and finding
no evidences of foul play, came to the
conclusion that it was a case of sui
The Y. M. C. A Membership Contest Will
Close Tomorrow Night.
An exciting episode will be the close
of the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion red and blue membership contest
tomorrow night. Then It will be known
at the association rooms which of the
two sides has won the banquet, the re
ward for securing the larger number
ot new members during the last six
The standing In the contest has been
kept secret In consequence of which
the struggle has been sharp and ener
getic. The result will interest not only
the captains, lieutenants and privates
of the opposing factions, about 200
members, but Is anxiously awaited by
hundreds of the new members and the
older friends of the association.
A Free Lecture.
On the evening of Thursday, April 30,
at 8 o'clock, the Hon. Terrence V. Pow
derly, labor's greatest champion, will
deliver his famous lecture "Labor and
Christianity," at Wood's college.
President Williams will meet every
expense in order to give his students
and friends the full benefit of the great
advocate's latest thoughts on a great
A cordial Invitation Is extended to all
pupils, patrons, the clergy and the
Ask Your Dealer
for McQarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-cent boxes. Never Bold In bulk.
Take po other.
There Is an unsurpassed Dining Car
service on the Nickel Plate Road.
Trimmed Millinery.
Enough new hats are ready to set the
town a-talklng. Some are from Paris and
some are our own creations, $1.50 to $13
and not one of those sold shall be dupli
cated. Exclusive stylish, fairly priced
An eye for beauty, fairly deft fingers
and a few bits of wire, straw, ribbons
and a flower spray and you can make as
pretty a hat as one would care to see.
To help you we have gathered more pret
ty bits of millinery than evr before.
Children's Hats from age, to S1.75.
Ladles' Hats from 35c. to
Trimmed Sailors from 47c. to fj.go.
Black A White Novelties $1. aB to $a.go
Flowers from 10c, a Spray to $3.00.
A. R. SAWYER, Wyon?, Av,
Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Including tha painless .extracting of
teeth by an entirely new proceas.
5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
331 Spruce St. Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
New Colorings and Patterns, Dado and Fringe on
Both ends, or licnred All Over Portieres. TA
PESTRY CURTAINS, Rich Effects, at Remarkably
Low Prices. I his kind of fabric is fast becoming
the popular door drapery.
Smyrna Rugs (3d floor)
We are Rtlll aellini.n .... ...
IVfE 8my.rna Rugs nt usually sell at
tS'exSVoxlOteet.18- Bamb VOnh
o. in,
423 Lsckama kimi
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
to fit everybody. . We make
a specialty of fitting Glasses.
These hams are the finest
quality of bams sold in this
city. We fill match them
against any hams sold for
14 cents per pound, and we
are selling them at the ex
tremely low price of
We are just exhibiting a
fine line of the above.
Acknowledged by lovers ot
art the best ever made.
We will be pleased to have
you call and examine.
231 Pena Ava. Opm Baptist Church,
8, POWELL fi
aao-ajo WVOMINO AVE.
f I
big ems
For three days only we
will offer the balance of
r e 1- te 1
150 All. Wool Capes, four
. yards sweep..
ISO All Silk Capes.bcauti.
fully Iiiicd...JL
150 Velvet Capes, beautl.
fully UncdJL .
150 Broadcloth Capes, all
150 Children's Coats,
from 4 to 14 years, at..
Ono lot of Blazer Suits
One lot ot Skirts, stiff
Inner lining
One lot of Silk Waist
One lot of Laundrled
Ono lot of Misses' Waists '
One lot of Infants Coats,
long and short, at..
One lot ot Infants' Lawn
HatH ... , ....
. Have Your Fan Storaged.
138 Wjonilng
Malcolm Lots.
Clongh ft Warns,
And LowD. Grades at
Very Low Prices.
1 inwRFHrp mm
That Is Positively Striking.
Furnishing Goods, Correct
Ideas in Fancy Shirts, Ex
elusive and Rich Patterns.
Lowest Prices Prevail.
215 Lackawanna Avenue.
nr. 11 Tit , ThmIw
at lntrintlo value prices, and aa there ia not
one cent'a worth of oar large and attractive
took that haa not oome direct to oar new
(tore from manufacturers, importers and Job
bers, we tninK a looar tnrougn 11 mignc u
tereat you.
Will Open About April 1.
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry,
Ue at ulfiaESi
90S Waettlneten Av. Soranton.PaJ