The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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A Texas Colonel Conquers
a Life Long Foe.
Mary l Stragfte fcr Yesrs. Eadiag
success at Laat Tk Here's
Owa Sutcsjcat.
Hurrah! S
Another vic
tory won.
And after a
Me of fiithting.
In youth, men
recklessly ac
quire habits,
which for a
time they can
easily manage.
Hut as time
icoea on the
struggle be
eomt one of
life and (ieith,
and In the
iase of the to-liuo-o
vice the
flprht l almost
hopeless. H e
who nllon-M the tifiie to 80 by when he
an still av "111 quit." and do it. Is In
a serious position. Nerve paralysed
with constant Irritation; brain deaden
ed with everlasting tobacco toipor;
nextial power destroyed, leave man but
an emasculated wreck who knows not
what lite Is.
When tobacco tins a hold on a man
he Ims but one hope-No-To-Bac
which hns been the salvation of HOO.OOO
such cased, and Is cuilns thuu-ar.ds ev
ery day. . Jf the tobacco victims will
but know what It Is to be once mow
firm of step, bright of eye. full of en
ergy, magnetism and vital force, No-Tu-Uac
will eradicate the toha-.o rab!t
from the vices of mankind. Hear what
f'olonel MeClary has to say of h.s Klor-
luus victory, caused by No-To-Hao's
timely appearance on the buttle Held:
I ton ha ni. Texas. Aug. 1. INK".
Gentlemen 1'ermU an old broken-down
Confederate to give his experience In tna
use of No-To-Bac. June 1 last I boiiKhl
one box of It from John Peeler, druggist,
to try ns an experiment. 1 quite the use or
tobacco "Instanter." I took the box cf
tablets In ten days taking eight per day.
Now lor the result. Kor two months
(June and July) 1 have had little desire for
tobacco. 1 now loathe and detest nml
hate It ! 1 am tW years of age smoked and
chewed at the same lime regularly for
about twenty years. I have been a reg
ular tobacco-chewer for llfty years.
M. Mct'lary.
Xo-To-Uae will do It for you. quickly,
easily, permanently. If you will only do
your share, llegln today. You take no
risk whutever If you buy from your own
druggist under absolute guarantee to
cure, fiet our booklet "Don't Tobacco
Kplt and Smoke Your I.tfe Away."
Written guarantiee and free sample
mailed for the asking. Addres The
Sterling Remedy Co., Chlcaj or Xew
'Reader will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main
street, willTecelve prompt attention; of
Oca open from t a. m. to 10 p. m.)
Tho Uoorns Are Now Complete In Every
The new athletic club will probably
open Its rooniB on May 1, as all the
mcvssary paraphernalia Is now In
place. It will be a success without a
tioiibt, as 'one look at the fixtures w ill
eatii-ty. , , .
The rooms occuny the entire third
floor and the change which has taken
plnce during the last few weeks Is In
deed great. The lloor Is divided Into
smoking room, parlor, gymnasium and
buth moms. Everything Is furnished
li: the best possible manner. At the
heed of the stairs Is the cosy smoking
room, uid back pf this are the numer
ous bath rooms. At the front, facing
the street, are tho large rarlors, which
have been fitted up in a most elegant
Probably what will be of the greatest
interest to 'many Is the gymnasium,
which is very large. It has been fitted
up In the most complete manner.
Among other things arc seen parallel
bars, lifting machines, punching hag,
horizontal bar, kicking apparatus,
clomblng poles and many more, on
the side of the wall are the Indian
clubs, dumbbells foils and masks and
boxing gloves.
Tht club Is to be congratulated on
the manner In which they have gone to
work. Great Interest is shown on all
sides and the applications for mem
hri'shii are numerous. There will bo
no card playing or drinking allowed in
ti t rooms.
We Do Not Eipoot to Bo Beaten This
The game between Carbondale and
Seranton will come oft this afternoon
and there promises to be a large crowd
from this city who will witness the
frav. Seranton seems to be a little
downhearted Just at present and their
hackers do not seem so confident as
thev have. On the other hand the Car
bondale team seems to have gained
confidence and there are some who
would back them against anybody. Of
course we have not had the advantage
of so many games as Seranton but
their men are changed around so much
that they are not likely to play well
Anderson will probaDiy ne in tne pox
for Carbondule and either Patchtn or
Luoey will catch. This will give us a
strong battery and it will be hard to
I vat.
Will Assume Charge of tho Cerbondale
A change has just been made In the
management of the Carbondule laun
dry, A. N. Harnes of Seranton, having
assumed charge of the business. Mr
Harnes was connected with the Eureka
laundry In that city und has made a
name for himself In that line. He Is
considered one of the most expert laun
drymeu in this section of the country,
nnd he will at once make several
chuneffl in the establishment here.
This means better work and therefore
large patronage which he will no doubt
easily secure.
Mr. Barnes says that the greatest
care Is taken so that very few pieces are
t - - .- - ... .... 1
We will sell you a good Brussels Car
pet, Sewed, Laid and Lining
For 59c
Also, a Good Velvet Carpet, Sewed,
; Laid and Lining.
For 69c
The above prices are for a few days
only. Call and examine, ai the; will
not last long at these prices.
Ufa.ll Ddlll
if nan rajioi
ii ucuwmm avenue.
ever Injured. Ha purchased his share
In the business from Mrs. M. O'Heara.
Maay tabacribers Received foe Ike Tele
phone Eichasife.
The work of anvasslng the city for
subscribers to the new telephone ex
change seems to be meeting with great
success. Bo far, there has been no trou
ble In getting subscribers, especially
among the professional men. and this
shows how badly a telephone system
was needed In this city. There Is no
doubt as to the exchange being a per
manent thing.
The work of the exchange has proved
satisfactory In every manner and the
operators ore becoming quite expert.
Conductor Hurt.
A painful accident occurred to Eu
gene Hudson, one of the conductors on
the Traction company's line yesterday
afternoon. Hudson had charge of an
open car and was walking along the
foot-board when he leaned too far out
and his head struck one of the poles.
It was thnusht at first that he was
badly hurt but on examination It was
found that there were only several bad
Improvements Commenced.
The Improvements on the various
school properties have been commenced.
Contractor Hryce U. Blair having made
quite a big :ngress in the work. As
soon us he has finished here he will
begin on the Brooklyn and South Main
street schools where he has also se-
cured the contracts.
Special Train Service.
Those from this place who attend the
baseball game at Seranton today will
be glad to hear that the Delaware and
Uudsi.n truln which leaves this plnce
at 3 o'clock will stop nl the Carbon
street junction to let off those who so
desire. The S.15 train from Seranton
will also stop to enable paas-ngcrs re
turning from the game to get on.
Mrs. 1). W. Humphrey, of Salem ave
nue, is routined to her home by sick
Miss Lizzie Fellcws hns gone on a
business trip to New York and Phila
J. A. Hrennan. of South Main street,
who has been prospecting in West v ir
glniu, has accepted a position
In t
Mrs. John Sheyer and Miss Elvira
Duncan, of Hcrnellsvllle, N. i., are j
visiting their father. D. J. imncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kearney and
daughters, Kate, Nellie and Itrldgct,
and Miss Xora Healey, of this cltjVat-
tended the funeral of Eusene Hagger
ty. of Forest City.
Miss Laura Hill, of Belmont street,
has left for Blnghamton, N. Y., where
she will spend several months with
A case of diphtheria hus been report
ed at the home of James Walker, on
litrkett street.
J. P. McNulty, of Archbald, was a
visitor In this city yesterday.
The household goods left in tho late
home of William RUel. on Hirkett
street, were disposed df ut constable's
sale yesterday morning at the Instance
of Joseph Hirkett.
The Ontario and Western will not
run the proposed excursion to Seran
ton tomorrow for the base ball game.
The company wanted a guarantee of.
200 passengers.
John Sharpsteen has been spending a
few days with his mother at Hones-
The friends of Harry Vandermark
will be glud to hear that he has been
placed in charge of the company office
at Knoxvllle us freight and passenger
agent. Mr. Vandermark has been
working under Mr. Schriver, a former
tesldent of this place, at Lexington,
P. W. Brown, of Seranton, a former
resident. s:ent Monday In this city.
Miss Mary L. McHale, of Dnnmore,
who has been visiting Miss Agnes Fin-
negan, or South Main street, for the
past week, hus returned home.
Mr. ana Mrs. c. J", rlose and son.
Clarence, of Wyoming street, are
spending a few days with Mr. Hose's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Kilborn,
of Brooklyn. N. Y
Bert Weed, who had his arm ampu
tated at the hospital some time ago,
has gone home.
H. A. Purple has opened a branch
of his bicycle business In Forest City.
It will be in charge of John Matey.
Dr. Higgins, of Wilkes-uarre, was a
visitor In the city Monday evening.
Miss Minnie Taylor, of Wayne street.
has returned from a visit with her aunt,
Mrs. Smith, or Oreen Kldge.
Mr. and Mrs. William Branson have
left for a visit at Philadelphia.
W. P. Lltti had quite an agreeable
surprise accorded him last Saturday
evening by a number of his friends.
The evening was spent Very pleasantly
with music, waltzing, etc. Refresh
ments were served, after which the
guests departed bidding their host and
hostess good night. The following
were present: Mr. and Mrs.W. P. Lifts,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clifford, Misses
Grace King. Marian Smith, Lilian Sil
nlas, Minnie Bortree, Leanora Uortree,
Anna McCormle, Carrie Vasburg, Lydla
Perkins, Stella Miller, Lucy Barton,
Carrie Colvln: Messrs. W. D. Smith,
James Drawns, Walter McCornile. W.
H. Parker. Harold Parker, Frank Keith,
Ned Nicholas, 8. C. Koons, Wlllurd
Vosburg. Dr. Helnier Scmalne.
Mrs. Thomas Swunmlc, of Nicholson,
has returned home after visiting her
sister. Mrs. Thomas Carmndy.
W. P. Mttx und O. K. Beemer are
treating their houses to a new coat of
Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Hiker, of Eust
Lemon. Visited frleiuls lu-re M.imly
and Tuesday
The depot caught fire Monday after
noon, but it was soon extinguished. It
would not be much U-ss If it did burn,
for it Is a disgrace to our 111 tie town
The Willing Workers will meet nt
Mrs. Mart Colvln's this afternoon
(Wednesday.) All are InvlU'tl.
For sale chea:, n portable bnlp oven
In good condition. Inquire at the bai;cry
In Hullstead.
A utdon ma"S meeting and lecture
on Armenia by Shadrack Kitllejluu, a
thciiU.glcal student of l!ui:ort, Ar
menia, will be given In the
church cdncsday evening.
Mrs. liufus Smith Is seriously 111.
Mrs. John Jones Is the guest of friends
In New Mllfurd,
Frl ndly Hand lodge, I.CllS Tnilenend-
I f lit Order of Odd Fellows, attended the
Alt'lnodlat church Sunday evening and
listened to an able sermon by Key. J.
S. Crompton.
Mrs. llache and family will arrive
here on Thursday to Biuud the sii-im r.
Al Sloal had a. finger quite badly In-jur-'d
on Tuesday.
, There Is talkVf having an oval for
bicycle riding '.nls summer.
The roads n-ar Lackawanna station
have been put In excellent condition by
putting In a broken stone foundation.
Miss Jennie Drake spent Sunday with
friends In Siisquchannu,
A number of our young people have
purchased new bicycles this spring.
K. Drake and family are spending a
few days at Mount Pocono.
If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Sirs. Wlnslow':; Koothltift Eyrup hot
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
Jlcns of Mother ; for t.ielr Children
while Teething, with Forfeit Success,
It Soothes the Child, Bofteni the Oums.
Allays all Pain; ures Wind Collo and
ts the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold
by PruggisU in every part of the world.
Be sum and Mk for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup." and take no othtr
kind. Twtnfjr-flv cents bottl.
a Boat Goes Over the Naattooke Pass.
One Man Rescued.
lieween S and 4 o'clock Monday after
noon a small row boat with two men
In it went over the Nanticoke dam, a
fall of alMut ten feet. One of the men,
Walter broblnskl, was drowned and
the other, Sguaxu Jaradowskl, clung to
the beat which caught on a rock In the
middle of the river.
Two Pennsylvania railroaders, Hants
and W'elllver. with considerable diffi
culty, brought . Pnrc.dowskl safe to
shore. The rescued man said that he
and Drohlnsk! started from a place
across the river from Mill Creek on
Sunday to pa to Danviil In search of
work and stopped In Plymouth over
tiunday night resuming their trip down
the river yesterday. The rescued man
said be was asleep in the bottom of
the boat and thp.t his companion was
eating a lunch and probably did not
notice how near they were to the dam.
He also stated that Droblnskl had be
tween S400 and XutiO in hot clothes when
! he was drowned.
Hie Valley's Vjw Train.
H. H. Wilbur, general superintend
ent Charles 8. rec, general passenger
iiipii-1: C. Higginr, superintendent of
iiK'livt power; John S. l.entz, supcrin
teiul' nl of car department, and J. II.
Seal, superintendent of the dining car
department of the Lth!gh Valley rail
road, have gone to Chicago to Inspect
the new ttaln now finished at the Pull
man works. The new train, which, by
the way. has not yet been named, will
begin running between New York and
liutfalo dally. Sundays excepted, on ur
Blumt .Yley 17. It is now stated that
1(0 0C0 n imes have been re?e ved for th?
new tiain. In th? prize mutes:, a id that
the result will bo unnuunced when the
flyer goes cn the road.
They llnd u Narrow Escape.
Monday ns Miss Mnrjorle Harvey and
Miss Maria Payne were riding al ng
Klver street, near Market, they met
with a serious accident. Some men
were trimming the trees and a falling
limb r-truck the children os they were
pnssing under It. Miss Harvey's face
was considerably bruised and she was
unconscious for u short time. Miss
Pnvne's elbow was dislocated." In this
! case no cue was on tho lo.iknut and
the children were permitted to pass
Immediately under the llmh as It was
felling. They might have been killed
Schiimiiun-nlauvelt Concert,
Tuesday, May 5, will be a red letter
niirht for th lovers of good music In
this city. In addition to the fumous
UlauveK, Mips Mary Thomas, contralto
prize inedniUt of the Iloyal Academy of
Music of London, has kindly consented
to slve the Schumann's two selections
and possibly a duet with Blauvelt.
burglars nt It Again.
hen the watchman at the residence
of M. 11. Houpt teturned at 10.45 one
evening last week they found that a
room had been thoroughly ransacked
and the gas left burning. Mr. Houpt
and the family ure out of town, and his
son and the watchman were left in
charge of the premises.
Died nt W; mouth.
Jacob Hobbs, of Shawnee, Plymouth,
died yesterday from a spinal affection
from which he was a sufferer for a
number of years. He was about 30
ytnrs old and was single.
Dr. Ilobert Bruce Wilson', brother of
Hon. Henry Wilson, one of the editors
of the Honesdale Citizen, died in th9
Presbyterian hospital, New York city,
on Monday, having undergone an oper
ation from which he did not recover.
Deceased was 58 years old, is survived
by his wife, brother Henry, of this
place, and sister, Mrs. Berkeley, of
For the past few weeks lower Main
street has been the scene of disorderly
rows and disturbances by drunken men
that should not be permitted. Fights
are frequent, and after business housts
ure closed It is not safe for people to
travel in the neighborhood.
Misses Rowena Spencer and Kate
Mlnoi, of Yonkero, N. Y., are home for
a short visit.
Although has several time been made
In our various papers that Honesdale
Is now supplied with the long distance
telephone, few people seem to realize
the fact. You can now use any of the
phon?H on the Bell telephone system
In How rdale and talk with any of the
long I'islnncs connectlms. The central
Is located In Peterson's Jewelry store.
Our city fathers are again agitating
the question of seating the park and
erecting a fountain.
Uev. Mr. Hogan, of the Methodist
church, will be in Philadelphia on Sun
day next and his pulpit tilled from
Hev. Mr. Glllctt Is expected to de
liver the Decoration Day address. The
Grand Army of the Republic and the
Patriotic Order Sons of America will
assist in the coremonla.
The Methodist church received a dose
of house cleanlncr this week.
It Is now whUn?nd In society Vhat
Professor Moxlcy has a cinch on the
Vounty superintend -nicy.
Miss Inez Shelp returned Tuesday
from a visit umong friends at Kirk
wood. Lundlord Phlnney, of the Kagie, Is
trying to conquer o hike. -
Dr. V. C. Aincy was In Montrose on
The Heart Lake Ice dealers are shlp-
p n 1-fint tv.-r.nly i.-rg pee ilti-
(.'.t'r c: filed school closes on Thursduy
of this wplt with a grand entertain
ment at the opuia house. Profesrnr
Horton, us an U-.truetor, has a choice
p!a?a In the hearts of New Mllford
people, and u guarantee of his-ability
is always witnessed a, these, exhibi
tions. - .
John Jay was in Blnghamlon Tues
day. '
Crcaimries la these here parts are
only puyinff former IVt cents per quart.
Such prk'ts nr.? enough t make any re
spftttalli bovine fllo of tubtrculufis.
A certain liuflnoss man In town who
owns a r'Uivu Is tryliig to tva;h to
say "No I: f.i't. .
Flrrt-ciims po'ntnci can be bought .n
this vicinity at IOsIj vents per bushel.
I'rnf. psor C. T. Moxlcy, of llallstend.
wrn In town yesteiucy In the interest of
his cHt:u!(Uicy for RUpciirtemK-nt Of
schools In irusquf hnnna county. When
lur. Moxley flrt't entered the race h'.B
cluii.ns v.'fre not conrtdored the best,
because there were live candidates,
snme t f them equally ti popular as
himself personally and all of I hem
Bcenilu,Tlv d' to maUe a fight
to th f:r'..-ii. Mr. Moxley, however,
conducted Ids campaign In such an ag
gressive manner, '.hat he noon demon
strated Mint It v-ould ttllce the Held to
beat him, and thu result war that three
of the candidates have dropped out,
leaving na his only opponent Professor
Rogers, of Lfinesbcro. f-'vetyone con
ccdea that Professor Moxley will eoilly
win. The convention of directors moots
nt Montropc Tuesday, May li, nntl the
l'orcrt City directors expiet to attend,
and It Is understood will vote unani
mously for thi Ilallstcnd man. Protes
tor Moxley Is !!0 years of uge, has been
principal of Un Hallstetid schools seven
yrars and will make a painstaking and
able, superintendent.
Mi. Fred Abranw, of Hj'de park, l
Visiting relatives here. ' .'
Frank P, Mclleynolds Is visiting rela
tives and friends In' Pybcrry and
Dr. Farnsworth will lecture on the
Armenian queatlou In Bethany Conre-
rational church on Friday evening. He
has been a missionary In that country
for forty years. Admission will be free.
Mlaa Bertha Dolph returned to
Mooslo yesterday, after visiting rela
tives In this borough. -
The funeral of Miss Myrtle Faats was
held on Monday at 10.30 a. m. from the
Presbyterian church, and was largely
attended. Interment was at Broo aside
cemetery in Carbondale.
After a lingering Illness of over a
year Hugh lllrney, one of the represen
tative young men of Montrose, was
finally forced to yield to the ravases of
consumption. Mr. Blrney was 24 years
of age, he has always resided la Mont
rose, and his death at this time, when
he was entering upon the full tide of
manhood, l.s itaot't sad. Beloved bv his
fellow men and having been possessed
of a kind and manly disposition he will
be missed ur.d to his family a volume
cf sympathy Is extended. His funeral
was held on Tuesday morning at
o'clock from the Church of the Holy
Name of Mary. Rescue Hook and Lad
der company, of which he was an active
member, attended In a body. '
- In the spiing a young Susquehanna
county man's fancy turns heavily to
wards the register and recorder's of
llce and If he succeeds In obtaining a
neat license which will allow him to
take to the hymeniul altar the fair
maiden of his fond affection, he scoffs
at bachelordom. The following recent
ly took advantage of the result of wint
er courting and secured licenses: Alex
ander Karazeaskl to marry Hulenka
Outowsczanka, both of Forest City;
John Mucolultch and Annie Saradensko
also of Forest City,-will Boon wed: O.
B. Pickering, of Uelatt, has a Basket,
Dora It., by name, which he will carry
to the parson: Nelson Beck and J.?
Wilbur, of Montrose, will scon sing
"derry down dcrry and off will go and
merrily marry." and In Susquehanna
the wedding bells will soon ring for
John W. Murphy and Frances M.
While da'.a for the above was being
hastily jotted down a pleasant looking
man entered the recorder's otflce. His
dlflldence reminded one of Whitney of
Susquehanna, but one could easily tell
that it waa not he because truth stood
out In hold relief on his chiseled feat
ures. "Is this the place where you get
marriage licenses?" he asked rather
sheepishly. He was referred to Deputy
Barnes, "You see," he said. "I want ter
git married, but tho minister sed I'd
have ter git a license and I want one."
While Mr. Barnes was filling out the
necessary affidavit he anproaehed the
writer and observed that the names of
those having procured licenses were
being copied. He could hardly under
stand It until a friend entered and
asked how The Tribune was standing
the hot spell, then It seemed to dawn
upon this rural Individual that "a
chicl's among ye ta.kln' notes and faith
he'll prent 'em." "Be you a reporter?"
he asked grapplng me with a plow
handle grlj), "don't print it about me
en here (he dived Into a spacious
pocket and brought forth a silver dime),
take this, don t say a word fer I told
the fellers down home I'd git married
without a license or bust, and If they
find out I had ter git one they'll give m
the worst hornln as ever was in our
section; here, take this money." It
was refused with a solemn promise not
to say a word about it.
Mrs. Tlce and Miss Rodgers, of Seran
ton, visited Miss Grace Travis last
J. M. Noack is attending court In
Utlca, N. Y., this week.
Mrs. K. Simpson was called to West
Philadelphia last week by the serious
illness of her granddaughter, Miss Ber
tha Simpson.
Thomas Day, of Philadelphia, Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs., Nelson Bennett.
C. H. Travis attended the graduating
exercises of the Baltimore Medical col
lege last week.
Mrs. Clarlnda Cease died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Free
man, on Thursday. Funeral took place
at the Methodist Episcopal church on
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Peter Hamlin returned to her
home in Mooslc Friday, after spending
a few days with her father, Henry He-
A surprise party was tendered Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Hathrlll on Saturday
evening. Those present were Rev. and
Mrs. A. D. David, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Clements, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Posten,
Dr. and Mrs. L'Amoreaux. Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Uardner, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Clouse, Mr. and Mrs. George Bortree,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Noack, Misses Helen
Clouse, Mamie Bortree, Ruth Oardner,
J. E. Loveland, F. W. Posten and Dan
iel Gardner.
Dr. George Travis returned Home
from Baltimore Medical college Thurs
day. H. W. Swarts and daughter, Effle,
visited friends In town on Sunday.
Fred Turner, of Brooklyn, is visiting
Warren Barbour.
Oren Carr, of Green Ridge, sent Sun
day with Howard Yeager.
Indiana Woman Dispense Free Soda
Wotcr to Patrons .
Elwood. Ind., April 28. A war Is on
between the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union of Alexandria and the
owner of a saloon which has been lo
cated just outside the gate leading to
the big union steel plant.
The women been given the use
of a small building just inside the gate,
und ure dhipcnslng suda water, lemon
ade. Ice cream soda and other tem
pi-nine drinks in opposition to the Ka-
Willi the lesuli Uial lils trade llns
nearly nil been taken away from him,
and, us he depends upon the steel work
ers' patronn;;e for Ida support, he will
be drlvtn uway from there.
Don't Get Excited
Wss what the doctors told me, and they
laid I must not ruu, on account oi Cut
taring of my hor.rt. I van e!ck over a
year with tlysj:rp:ln. could nor, e'.rep or
?at ia comfort, wa.i u c;a!ly miserable.
Mocd'3 Sa.'Gspa.'illa
Ifnvo mo refrpshlnec floor, s.rntly nerves
unil better lienlth thun ever, 1 have great
(nlth in Hood's. II. H. Pit:cr. Heiidlne. Fa.
Hood'a Pills r7St.Yc,rytak0'
To r.1 m'ffiior. tf VKKOUStir YOU I It,
LOST VltiOU nd IHSIiASliS )!' MliN ANl
WO.MLN. m t.m: .tloili bound;
Hikll suit moUd fna. Ir.-ntmvot ItdiiII
utrti t!y nouftdvntlKl, nti4 i oaitlv. qnlok i ure
m otrl. io ni.ittiT o"r lnuR .lundlug, I
will tv-H'tsry our. jon. Wrlto or mil,
DP I ARR 3a0 18,h Phllsda., Pa.
UlW Ll 30 ft risr.' cuuLmus prrV,
.f$9 ? M
Yields Quickly
as do other diseases caused by
an impoverished condition of the
blood, when Bovinine is used.
It is not a medicine, but the
most perfect food product, con
taining all the vital principles of
lean, raw beef. It is quietly
assimilated, and by its wonder
ful power of creating new flesh
tissue and enriching the blood,
soon puts the patient , in a
physical state where disease can
find no footing.
besides its wonderful effect as a
focd, is invaluable in such cases
as an external application,
nourishing by absorption, and
creating new, healthy flesh, where
the disease, is manifested. Dr.
II. M. Sanger of Providence, R.
I., says that he effected very
rapid cures with slight spreading
and no suppuration in three
cases of erysipelas, two by
simply applying gauze saturated
with, and the third by injecting
Bovinine at the border of the
Inflamed patch. All Druggists.
Garden Forks,
Garden BarrouJs,
Garden TrouIs,
Pruning Shears,
Carpet Whips,
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills,
Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wll- .
mlngton, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
Ii8 WYOMINO AVENUE, Seranton, Pa.
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD. Pitts ton. Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre. Pa.
Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com
pany's High Explosives.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
use, and of all sizes, delivered In any part
of the city at lowest prlee.
Orders left at my Olllce.
Rear room, first floor. Third National
Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the
mine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will be made for th
sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
Witt. T. SMITH.
R003I3 1 Ml 2, COnTH B'L'O'S,
i.Ii'c-trlP n:ittrr!o. Fuses for explod
ing blasts, E.ifety Kus and
F.C35iii) Chemical Co.'s ExPl!i)LVa
mm pacific it
nro locntcii the iine3t flHhlmr and hunting
H'ounilh in the world, Dexcrifitive 4ooitH
on application. Tickets to all points in
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Mimirapoll.1, St. Paul, Canadian ami
t'nlied States Northwest, Vanvouver,
Brattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ure., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dinin.? Cars
attached to r11 throimht trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with balding, curtains
and specially adupted to wants of families
may be had with second-class .tickets.
Rates alwnyft less than via other linos.
For further Information, time table's, etc.,
on application to .. - -
E. V. SKINNER, 0. E. A.;
3S3 Broadway, New York.
1Mb Mir
The following "SPECIAL BARQAINS" will
be sold for the balance of ' .
500 Ladies' and Misses' Spriugjackets,
black, navy, brown and tans, worth
4.00 to $6.00 each. Your choice,
I Case H. & H. Corsets, all sizes, in
drab and white. Regular price, 75
cents; sale price,
Great 25 c. Department
Glassware, Crockery, Wooden
Ware and Tinware, Best Articles
in the Market, 25c. Each.
We Have Never
That approached the present one in every desirable quality,
the colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety
greater and values far beyond anything we ever did,
Draperies and Upholstery
Our Decorators are practical men, of long experience,
formerly employed in the Largest Houses in New York ;
they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original drawings
in colors while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmoniz- ,
ing Wall Papers, Carpets and Furniture.
S. 6. KERR,
Opposite Main Eatrsace
to th Wy.mlng House.
Locomotives. Stationary Engines, Boilorc,
OMMnlOfflctt 5CRAKT0N, PA.
A Model Home
The House and
Unr entire lives arc spnnt in work ana toil, and the great aim of our labor
is to make life comfortable. Nothing is more essential to happiness and con
ten tment than to have a comfortable house where we can for a few abort hours
lay aside the cares of struggle for our existence.
To secure such happiness and comfort. You can buy an entire outfit for $113.
Head the long list of Furniture and Household Goods offered at this price:
4 ROOiiS' FOR $113
' P A P 1 A P ' 'lve liecP" of Tarlor Furniture, conslsling of Tete.
lilllKvlk Pint form Rocker, Gentlemen's Arm Chair, Wall
Chair and lteccptlon Chair all mahogany, pol
hlied finish, upholstered in brocatelle, crush plush or silk plush. Brussels
fJni'lHit. latest (lelp;iiH. Lace Curtnlns; Curtalu Poles and brass trimmings;
Center Table with slielf, piano polished and Parlor Lamp.
P V WVC S"Ui consisting of bedstead, dresser, (beveled large
I) 1j UllUUiU plate), wash staud, (with splasher back) cane seat
chair, cane sent rockers, lamp stand, towel rack
all pieces nutlqnc finish - cotton top mattress, woven wire spring, Ingrain car
pet 10 patterns to select from.
ft! l I VP P fi C Six high back carved chairs, fl-feet long extension
UliMlAU lUJViU table (Deut designs), picture (game or fruit sub
ject), window shades, ingrain flowered carpet.
KITCHEN Kitchen Table, 2 chain, piece of oil cloth.
FREE With Above Outfit, a 100-Piece Dinner Set
to Every Purchaser.
I . . .
Tt!e;h:r.a Call 5154b
Offered a Line of
SOtl Hi CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue.
218, 225 and 227
Wvominz Avenue.