THE ' SCBANTON TRIBUNE WEDNE8DAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1896. 11 r W THEWOHIDCFWOUIND Topics of Interest to All Members of the Ceitle Sex. . HEALTH AND HOUSEHOLD HINTS Carefally Selected Recipes. Suggestions a to the Car of iho noma and Other Matters Entering lato " Womaa's Widening Sphere. "Complaint appears," says the Chl-cagoTlmes-Herald, "not ony In the United States but In France and Eng land that with adoption of the bicycle, golf, tennis, tha rltle and the sword for fencing by women a new type of the sex. Is appearing. It Is the grown-up tom boy, the adult hoyden. Such a. .com plaint ought not to be permitted to endure. Athletics ought to be as sal utary for women as for men. The open air Is as natural atmosphere for. the one sex as for the other. Judicious muscular development is as wholesome for one-half the human species a for I he other half. There Is no more rea Hon why healthful exercise, even If ac quired In the form of H!ort. should make women unwomanly than that the fame exercise should make men ruf l'ans. The woman hoyden Is only the effeminate modulation of the male rowdy. Neither Is a legitimate product of fresh air, genuine sport or enliven ing recreation. indeed, for women, athletic exercise within metes and bounds cannot be too earnestly recom mended. Society having done Its 'best to place her for by far the greater portion of her life In nulet and seclu sion. Bhe Is liable to become Inert be cause of foreordained Inaction, and to degenerate Into llubblness for lack of reasonable employment of her natural force. Conventionality conspires with nurses, mothers, doctors, preachers and teachers from her cradle to send her to her grave without any more of physical development than she Is likely to wrest from her environment In spite of Its restraints. Woman Is physically strongest In those countries In which conventionality Impinges least on her personal liberty, and the greatest boon nature elves to her sex, mother hood, she enjoys to the highest degree where she has liberty of flesh air, free dom of personal Inclination, and a much larger measure of physical activity than she gets In countries where.for the present, Intellectual and social progress are deemed higher by -women them selves than a rounded-out and Bym metrical development of body and mind. ii jr ii "Athletics In women s colleges are al most unknown as yet.Indulgence In vig orous pastimes is reluctant on the part of most women students, and is even viewed askance .by too large a propor tion of their professional guides. Mens Sana In corpore sano is not yet fully understood In woman's education. The bicycle, the ball, the racket, even the toll If properly used, like good wine. In moderation, must be good for normul women. Instead of Inciting to hoyden- ishuess, these animating expedients should prove for their bodies what logic, music, mathematics and poetry are for the mind. Woman being physically more plastic than mnn, she should find in scientific gymnastics only the sculp tor's dexterity and deftness. In ath letics she ought to be able to correct natural or acquired defects and to ap proximate more nearly to the Ideal fem inine model. According to multifarious tradition, Venus found aquatics a pro ducer and preserver of supreme beauty. whose first and always indispensable requisite is health. Diana was not the less feminine for her skill In archery, and Juno was more majestic by reason of her ease with the reins. Of course a refined woman will mount a wheel In a reflned way, and a coarse woman will show her coarseness In her dis mounting. Correct sensibility is not a universal quality in either man or wo man, and it Is not to be greatly -In creased or diminished by physical ex ercise unusual for women except by the exertion of the Individual will. ITob ably a graceful woman will acquire, If thoughtful, new grace by Indulgence In moderate and modest sport, and an un couth woman, In all probability, will be coarsened by Indulgences throwing her In novel and possibly, if she be a weak woman, demoralizing familiarity with promiscuous herds of men, none of whom may have any Interest In safe guarding her dignity, and many of whom will not be disposed to respect what all right-minded men consider the delicacy of her sex II "Let women take all the physical ex ercise they can that is good for their health. Though a few may go to ex cess and some Invite or tolerate a lack of deference, an entire sex . not to be punished for the folly or crossness of a minority. Painting Is not to be aban doned because of the existence of color blindness nor music be left to perish be cause deafness Is In the world. Every exercise which tends to make woman more healthful ought to make her more amiable. To be alert should mean for her to be more attractive and more ef flcienl. Instead of losing womanliness by athletics she should increase there by Its charms." The fact that drunkenness has of late years decreased among men Is general ly admitted, nnrl ft tins laii r Inmilnr whether the use of intoxicants may not nave increased during the same period niiiuiiK women, a lew years ago savs the Tlmca-HcriiM "ih .inhi r.t reSDeCtable U-Omnn ftrlnlrlnir an Intnvl cant at the public table of an American hotel was unknown. Today it la so common as almost to have ceased causing surprise. At almost any first class restaurant women, apparently rational anq refined, take the cocktail wnicn a lew years ago they knew noth ing about, with as little embarrass ment as their men companions; nor is It as rare as It should be that women will Order and drink cocktails even when unaccompanied by men. The latest prase of the Increase of lntoxl pants among women Is found In the fashionable candy establishments, where, under various names, small quantities of Intoxicating liquors are mixed for the accommodation of a con stantly enlarging demand. One of the strongest arguments commonly used In promotion of extension of suffrage to women is that their Influence would be cast In favor of conservative social legislation, especially in relation to In toxicants. All women inheriting Euro pean Ideas about wine and beer see no evil in their moderate use. if Ameri can women, to the manner born, be come themselves a tippling sex what will remain, after awhile, of the force of this argument? American physl elans are largely responsible for the in creased use of all kinds of liquor among American women. They prescribe stimulants In a large number of cases of Invalidism among women, with tha inevitable result that, whether snlutar or not for the sick, the habit grows among the healthful. It Is not a long step from hops to corn, from the brew to the still. It would surely be a melun eholy phenomenon of the closing decade or the century if intemperance, declin ing among Intelligent American men, should have made substantial and gen eral advance among intelligent Ameri can women. . II II II The Jeanne d'Arc Home for French; Swlsa and Belgian Girls was opened in New Tork last week.' A picture of Jeanne d'Arc, Jn her battle garb, draped in the Frencn colors, nangs in the front parlor. A statuette of Jeanne In bronse, with two- white- roses at the feet and the French and American flags Intermingled above, stands on the man tel. The house was presented by Miss Catharine Theresa Smith in memory of her mother, who was a French wo man, as a home for French girls wno are strangers in this country. - The furniture -was obtained with the pro- eeds of a fair, which was held under the auspices of the Brothers of Mercy for that purpose last December. French, Swiss and Belgian girls who are catno lies will be first received. Ji mere is room Protestant girls will be received as far as convenient There will be clean, homelike surroundings for twen ty-five girls, who will be expected to pay $3.50 a week if they have the means. For 15 cents a French girl ran get her Sunday dinner there among her own countrywomen. It Is expected to furnish an opportunity aiso ior appli cation for French servants. Nursery maids and housemaids will form the majority of the girls, who regard It as home, though governesses may perhaps find It convenient. II II II Vo less a nersonase than Sally Joy White, well known In the world of bet ters, considers the dishcloth the ple beian dishcloth. If you please an ob ject worthy of economical attention. She observes: "It Is an economy al ways to have the kitchen linen of the neatest and nicest. Not necessarily tne most expeslVe, but the choicest In ev ery sense of the term. Cast-off towels don't mnke the best dishtowels or even dishcloths. You should get one dozen dishcloths, and for these nothing Is bet ter than Turkish toweling. Hem your dishcloths; you will have more respect for them if they are nicely finished. and if you have a servant she will give them better treatment. Then you win want a doxen glass towels, a dosen tin towels, have a doxen crash towels for the hands, and a half doxen crash rol ler towels. In case there Is a servant to be considered you will want three kitchen tablecloths and half a doxen napkins. These may be of the halt bleached damask which wears so well, and which launders to a snowy white In time." All of which is most wise and practical advice to young house keepers II II II . Harriet Hubbard Ayer says In the New York Journal that the leaBt of fensive of all pigmentary discoloratlons is lentigo, or freckles, certainly tnese brown, oval-shaped spots dotted about the face and hands are not pretty. They do not look unclean, but they are disagreeable and unpleasant. Freckles are divided Into two classes. The first iiBlsts of summer freckles, which usually fall to the lot of fair-skinned, light or auburn haired girls, and are produced almost Instantly on exposure to strong light, disappearing In a little while if the subject remains within doors or in the shade. The other form of fr'-'-ies is called cold or winter freck. i'hese never disappear ex cept through external agencies, and then only with the cuticle Itself. For everyday or summer freckles the best treatment is aa follows: f requent bathing with pure soap and water, the use of the scrubbing brush, and a dry friction of the skin, carried to an ex tent a litfle short of irritation. The ad vantage of friction is not only that It assists In cleaning the skin, but excites cutaneous circulation. There are many simple remedies which will hasten the cure. The most effective of these to be used In connection with the scrubbing and dry friction are a cream or pomade to use at night, Just before retiring, and a wash to be used during the day. The cream is made as follows: CI1E.ME FOSSATI. I-anollne 6 grammes Sweet almond oil 5 grummet Sulphur (precipitated) 5 grammes iixi'ie or zinc ."& grammes Viulet extract H grummes 1'luce the sulphur and zinc first In the mortar, then add the almond oil a little at a time until a smooth paste Is form ed; next add the lanollne and finally the violet perfume.- Put in ointment boxes and keep closed. This pomade Is easily absorbed by the skin, and is excellent, not only In the treatment of freckles, but also for any of the lighter skin eruptions which frequently annoy girls between the ages of 14 and 18. In the morning wash the ointment care fully out of the skin and apply the fol lowing lotion. Itepeat the application of the lotion several times through the day: FORMULA FOR LOTION. LIqkor of potassa 1 fluid ounce Distilled water 19 ounces Mix, pour into a bottle and keep closely stoppered. II II II HOW TO COOK RHUBARB: Rhubarb, says the Sun. should be added to the dully bill of fare during the early spring. It is a healthful fruit and very much valued for Its medicinal uualities. The skin is said to contain the nutritions properties and the flavor, so the stalks BhouM be pulled and used when young and tenuer, oetore tne outer sitin becomes tough and stringy and it is necessary to peel them. Rhubarb Is an excellent tonic, and delicious and appetizing dishes may be made with it. Always use granite, earthen, or porcelain vessels for cooking rhubarb, as the acid of the fruit will be affected by tin or Iron ware. The leaves should be cut from the stulks as soon bs they are pulled, and It should be kept In a cool place, unuoaru may be canned and kept In reudlness for shortcakes and many kinds of desserts during another winter. Khu- tiaru Jelly made for winter use should not be put up until late in the season, when the rhubarb is older. To make this Jelly, wash the stalks and cut into small pieces. Put them Into a preserving kettle with water enough to cover them partly, and boll until they are a soft mass.' Strain turn to the. Deserving kettle. Whim the juice has boned ten minutes add one poll no or not sugar ror eacn pint oi juice and the juice of one lemon to three pints of the liquid Jelly. Boll fifteen minutes longer or until it will jelly, and then turn into tumblers. When the Jelly be comes cold cover the glass with papers, and keep them In a dark place. Sulced rhubarb is excellent to serve with meats. Slice the rhubarb, Into Inoh pieces and weigh it. Put the fruit Into a poroe-lain-llneil kettle, place It ever the back of the lire where it will be heated and the sugar dissolved, and adil a few whole cloves and some stick cinnamon. Cook slowly .until It is almost as thik as jam. Turn Into glasses and, when It Is cold, cover Perhaps the most wholesome way to maKe rnunarD sauce is tnus: cut rhu barb In pieces about an Inch In length, Wash them and put the fruit Into n puree lain or earthen pudding dish. To one quart of cut fruit, use one cup of granu lated sugar, a small half cup of water, and a little grated orange or lemon peel ing to suit the taste. Cover the dish with a plate and bake in a slow oven from two and a half to three hours. The fruit should remain whole and the sauce be a tine color. Another way of cooking rhubarb Is to make a rich syrup of granulated sugar and a little water. Cook in it a few straws cut from the yellow part of orange peel. Cut the rhuburb In two-inch lengths and drop enough of the pieces Into the syrup at one time to make a single layer. Cook them until they are clear and tender, then drain out and place them In a glass dish. Repeat until all the rhuburb la cooked. Pour the syrup that remains over the cooked fruit and serve cold. Rhubarb slump Is much nicer than the name would indicate. To make It, sift Into a bowl One pint of flour, a saltspoonful of salt, and one and ose-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, with the lingers rub Into the dry ingredients one tablespoonful of butter and the yolk of one egg. Then add milk enough to make a batter thick enouKh to Just roll. Shoe rhubarb enough to till two-thirds of a pudding dish. Scat ter over this halt a cup of seedless raisins arid the same amount of granuluted sugar. Over this spread the rolled dough, make an opening to allow the steam to escape, and place In a moderate oven. Cover the dish for the first fifteen minutes, then remove the cover and finish baking. Serve hot in the dish used for baking, accompa nied with a hard sauce. A favorite dish In New England Is called rhubarb fool. Wash and slice the rh'ubaib thin, and put It into a porcelain kettle, with only water enough to keep the fruit from burning, Cover and stew slowly un til the rhubarb Is tender,, then rub through a colander, measure, and return to the lire. To one pint of fruit put one ad one half cups of sugar and one teaspoonful of butter. When the mixture becomes hot, pour it- over the well-beaten yolks of three eggs and beat very hard. Menu-, while have the white of the eggs beaten stiff and stir them into the mixture. Turn It Into a dish and serve very cold. A delicious pudding Is rhubarb schollopa. Butter it pudding dish and cover '.the bot tom with a few fine bread-crumbs and then with a layer of rhubarb that; has Immii cut into thin 'pieces.- 8Jb,ttre; .rhu, bnrb thickly witn sugar an .MiitKrat in er onuige peel. Cover this with a second Isyer of bread crumbs and over the crumb put a few bits of butter, Con- tlnue to lilt the dish In this way to the top. The top layer should be crumbs. Bake the pudding IB a slow oven until the rhubarb is thoroughly cooked all through and the top browned. It Is to be served hot . Another pudding may be made of rhu barb with stale piece of bread. Cover the bottom of a buttered pudding dish with thin slices of buttered bread. Cover these with rhubarb cut into small pieces. Sprin kle generously with sugar and Scatter a few raisins here aad there. Then put an other layer of broad and butter and re peat until the dish Is t?.-d. Cover and bake half an hour; remove the cover an! bake lifteen minutes longer. Serve the pudding hot, with a rich liquid sauce. An old-fashioned dessert Is rhubarb shortcake and it is greatly liked by many. Wash the rhubarb am cut It in nalf-lnen pieces. Put them Into a granite" saucepan, and to each pound of fruit allow half a pound of sugar and a gill on the back part of the range until the of water. Cover the. pan and place It sugar Is melted, then place the pan where the rhubarb will simmer, but not boil, until It Is tender. The rhubarb cooked In this way should retain Its shape. A little corn starch or arrowroot may be moist ened and added to the etewed rhubarb if the juice seems too thin. To make the cake part, mix together one pint of flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one tablesuoonful of sugar, and one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt. With the lingers rub into the dry Ingredients two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter and gradually stir In a scant cup of milk. Dredge a moulding board with flour and roll the dough out to an inch In thickness and the site of a breakfast plate. Place it on buttered tins and bake in a hot oven about lifteen minutes. When the cakes are done spilt them with a sharp knife around the edge and break apart. Butter the lower piece and spread thickly with the prepared rhubarb. Place- the uppr im4 nf thn pake on the too and cover with the remaining fruit. Like all shortcakes It Is much better If It can be served Im mediately. Another of our grandmothers' recipes Is rhubarb tapioca. Wash one large cupful of pearl tapioca and soak It in three pints of water four hours. Butter" a pudding dish and cover the bottom with a thick laver of cut rhubarb. Urate a little orange peel over It ami sprinKie tnicaiy wim su gar. Turn over this half of the soaked tapioca and dot with tiny bits of butter. Put on another layer of rhubarb and finish with the tapioca. Bake one hour in a moderate oven. It should be eaten warm with sweetened cream. To make rhubarb jelly for a dessert: Soak one box of gelatine in a large cup of cold water one hour. Take one dozen stalks of rhubarb and cut it into small pieces. Wash and put them Into a graniio or porcelain saucepan with one pound of sugar. Cover and cook fifteen minutes. Adil the soaked gelatine and stir until It is dissolved and remove from the fire ami strain into the liquid Jelly the Juice of a small orange. Turn Into a mould and set In a cow place to Harden, serve wr.u whipped cream. To make rhubarb pie: Chop or slice very thin enough rhubarb to make a good pint. .Mix together one and a half cups of granulated sugar, two teaspoonfuls of flour, two beaten eggs, and a slight grat ing of lemon peel. Stir with the cut rhu barb. Line pie plates with rich pie crust and lill with rhubarb mixture. Cover with an upper crust. Bake the pies In a moder ately quiCK oven at nrsi una men reuiice the heat. Or this recipe may be followed: Cut the rhubarb Into small pieces, put it Into a saucepan with a very little water, and stew slowly until soft. Moisten a little cornstarch In water and add to the fruit. For each pie add one well-beaten egg anl a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Line deep pie plates with rich mists and till them with the DreDared rhu barb. I .ay narrow strips of the paste crosswise over tne pie and oaae in a mou erate oven. Rhubarb pies with two crusts are orton made without adding the egg. Fill '.he lined plate with the cut rhubarb and scat ter a few raisins among It. Add sugar and a grating of lemon peel before putting over tne upper crust. II II II SKLECTED RECIPES: Bacon and Liver Stew. Pour boiling water over a beef or calf liver, let stand one-half hour, then cut the liver with deep gushes. Insert thin slices of bacon In these cuts and fasten In with toothpicks. Have three or four slices of bacon In the pot over a hot tire, frying with an onion cut tine; when fried to a crisp put the liver in, cover tigntiy, let cook aoout ten min utes, turnlnc often, then dredse well with flour, pour boiling water over till the liver Is covered, put on the top of the stove where it will cook slowly. Cook three hours; a nice brown gravy will be done with tne liver. Yellow Cake. One cut) of granulated su gar, one-half cup butter, yolks of live eggs, one-half cup of milk, two and one- hair cups or nour, one teaspooniui oi nag Inir Dowder. flavor. A Cheese Sandwich. Pound together to a smooth paste one part of fresh butter and two parts of Parmesan cheese, with made mustard to taste. Butter some thin slices of bread with this mixture and lay on half their number thin slices of chicken. ham or other kind of meat desired. Press the cheese spread on the above, and cut Into neat, narrow sannwicnes. How to Cook Codfish. A new and most excellent dish of coiltlsh. invented or dis covered by Miss Bedford, of the r -k School of Cookery, is prepared In the fol lowing way. - As I have not the exact for mula 1 can only give It to you as it came to me: Tuke a good-sized piece of the llsh, freshen and soften it by soaking in cola water and take out the bones. ' Par boil the fish in milk and season it with white pepper and a dash of paprika. Take from the milk, break into Hakes and put into a saucepan with the juice of one onion and a large piece of butter, and heat until a light brown at the edges. Add to the fish a cupful of the meats of boiled walnuts, thicken the flour In which It was boiled slightly and brown In the oven. Maraschino Punch. For lunches which have llirhter courses than dinners llauid appetizers are appropriate, and the varl- mi "ariungemeniw or liquors wun orange or grupe fruits are considered de lleiniis. One of these Is known as mara schino punch, and Is prepared In the fol lowing manner: Select as many large oranges as the number of guests requires, and prepare them by giving each one a transverse cut anout nair an men irom tti o too. The Interior and Mils sliced part alno are then nicely scooped out and the pulp is pressed Into a sieve until thn Juice Is all extracted. This Is sweetened to taste and weakened with a little water until a strong orangeade Is made. Into this is nnaliy poureu a sumcieni quantity nf maraschino to flavor the mixture agree ably, and the empty oranges are filled with It. Two straws are then prettily tied to the tons by narrow ribbons drawn through two punctures. These ribbons must match the other decorations of the table, and harmonize as well with the col or of the oranges themselves. When the cap Is fitted again they are ready for serving. They may be prevented from upsetting and spilling the contents by be ing put in paper cases upon small aeoor ated plates. Philadelphia Record. II II II IIKALTII III??T3: The woman whose eyes are tired all the time should bathe them frequently in salt water. A teaspoonful of salt, to half a gluss of water, applied with soft lineu cloth. Bathe the first thing on rising, but do not rub the ball of the eye harshly, as that Is said to flatten It and destroy the sight. Once or twice during the day, and on retiring, will improve the eyes materi ally. Salt water will not make the eyes smart unless mere is some toreign sua stance in the water or salt. A torpid liver Is one of the concomitants of spring. Some people find great relief from the "gone" feeling experienced on rising In the morning, and caused by s torpid liver, by drinking the juice of one lemon In a glass of cool water, in which Is Just a sprinkle of liver. An orange eaten Derore leaving tne room is anoiner remedy Hull baths are nronounced good for nerv- oua and worn-out people. Put a table- spoonful of kitchen salt, or two or three, as your skin will stand It, Into a quart ol hot. water. Use a flannel cloth, a good. big one, which half wring out of the salt water, and then rub yourself for dear life. It Is very Invigorating for some, and there are others who can't stand It at all. The only way to find out is to test It. If you feel Urea and exhausted after it, lessen the salt. If that ooes not nip you, stop it en tlrelv. Why is it that a poor tired woman has the rabies every time anybody suggests that she rest live minutes every hour by lying down on a couch? Physicians Buy that it Is one of the very best ways In the world for a woman to keep up her strength, and that she can accomplish twice as much work if she will only take moderate care of horself. Have a couch In the kitchen. If you can, and drop nown wun yuur eyen eiuseu gnu limOS TC- laxeu.- wasningion mar, II If II HOUSEHOLD HINTS: . Plaster of Paris figures and 'busts are apt to become soiled and discolored. The nest way to clean tnem is to make a strong solution of saleratus In water, stand the figures In It, and throw the water ovei them. Places badly soiled may be rubbed with a soft cloth. Rinse In clean ulm. tus water and let them dry without wlp- Fine china or colored' class mav hm neat' ly mended by painting the edges with the white of an egg lightly beaten, dipping the edge in finely powdered unslacked -time, and quickly pressing the two edges tugriiier turn iiuiumfr nrmiyi ror a row moments, i ne lime will Slacken and hard en very quickly. Save your white cotton rags. They will make pretty rugs for the bathrooms. Cut them Into narrow strips, sew the strips together, and wind them Into balls, and when you have enough prepared have them woven with a blue warp the size reaulred. Put a blue cotton frince at each end. During the swing renovatlnr. If aa old wall paper Is to be removed, before going to work close the doors and windows tightly, place an old boiler or tub In the room, and Hl it with boiling water. Tne steam will moisten the paper, and the worn may oe uone quicker ana more eas ily. Dissolve a tablespoonful of turpentine In two quarts of hot Water and use for washinr class dishes or globes. It will give them a lustre. Turpentine win remove paint irom wool len or silk fabrics. Saturate the spot with spirits of turpentine and allow It to remain for hours. Rub the cloth between the fingers and the paint will crumble off without Injuring the goods. it is not known that rats cannot resist sunflower seeds. A trap baited with these seeds is the most effectual method of catching them. Shoes that have become stiff and uncom fortable by being worn in the rain or that have been lying unused for some time may be made soft and pliable by vaseline weii-ruDDed in wun a cloth ana ruooea on with a dry cloth. If cayenne Deuner Is strewn In the kitch en storeroom It will keep ants and cock roaches away. A cloth wet with cayenne in solution and stuffed into a mouse hole will prevent the Intrusion of thes trouble some visitors. When packing away ermine furs for the summer, place some pieces of white wax in witn them to Keep mem irom growing yellow. Put them in a cotton bag that has been colored with bluing, or use dark blue paper. A nound of coDDeras. which can be bought tor a few cents, dissolved In a gal- ion or Dolling water, is excellent 10 ciearwo a sink or closet. Remember the copperas Is poisonous. 'New York Sun. TKILY A BIG COIXTBY. Expenses of the lulled States Are Enor- mous-The People All Called t oon to Pay Liberally for Many Things. Wellman, In Pittsburg; News. If you want to get an Idea of the vaatneBs of this country, consult some of the appropriation bills recently passed by congress. Take, for example, the sundry civil bill, a measure In which appropriations for all sorts of purposes not otherwise classified are dumped, as Its title would Indicate. Some of the Items In this bill will give the reader an idea of the vastness of the country and also of the almost endless responsibil ities of the government For Instance. here Is an appropriation of J13.500 ror relief of the native Inhabitants of Alas ka, the poor children of nature, who would starve If Uncle Sam did not help them out. Resides this we spend 30,000 a year for educating those natives ana $5,000 In the experiment of raising; rein deer for their use. one of the surpris ing Items of the bill is 1577,000 for arti ficial limbs and appliances for disabled soldiers. The appropriation for tms purpose last year was only $132,000. but Chairman Cannon of the appropriation committee of the House explains ti..-t the maimed veterans are entitled to re newal of their artificial limbs every third year, and that this Is the year when most of them get a new outfit. It must be a pretty big- country in which It costs $810,000 a year to pay the salaries of the custodlansand Janitors of public buildings. No ' wonder Uncle Ham Is poor when he is In the Janitor business to that extent. Why, It costs $52,000 a year to keep the public parks and grounds In this city In good trim, and none of the money Is wasted either. This Is exclusive of the Capitol grounds, which takes $ more. To ugnt tne Capitol one year costs $21,000 and to keep it In repair $25,000. ThP White House is almost as expensive. Its "ex penses" are put down at $30,uoo a year and lighting at $15,000. PRINTING BILLS. Uncle Bam spends a good deal of his money for printing and engraving;. The appropriation for the coming fiscal year for engraving and printing, which means for the manufacture of money, securities, revenue stamps, etc., is $1,- 100,000. In addition to this it costs con slderably more than $1,000 a week for the distinctive paper used for the print ing of government securities. For pub lic printing- and binding, which means the government printing office, the ap propriation is $3,110,000, or $10,000 for every working day, It costs the government $125,000 a year to enforce the Chinese exclusion act and $100,000 to enforce the alien contract la bor law. The United States has a great many separate establishments of which the people do not hear much, but all of which have to be supported, and the aggregate cost Is a very pretty sum, Not a few of these concerns are appro priated for in other bills, but the follow ing appear in the sundry civil: The coast and geodetic survey, which triangulates the coasts and mountains, costs $3!io,ouo a year. The fish commission, which Intro duces food fishes to waters of all parts of the country, requires $340,000 a year. The geological survey, which makes scientific examinations of the country, cannot get along with less than $447,000. Homes for disabled volunteer soldiers cost $2,467,000 a year and in addition to this appropriation $725,000 Is given In aid of homes for soldiers and sailors In states and territories, The Inter-State Commerce commis sion, which will amount to something under recent decisions of the Supreme court, requires $2Z5,ouo a year. OTHER EXPENSES. The life saving service, one of the most admirable branches of the gov ernment. Is supported on $1,537,000 a year, while the lighthouse establish ment including beacons and fog sig nals, eats up $3,042,ooo, The revenue cutter service, which comprises a fleet of vessels for the pro tection of the coasts against smuggling, costs $990,000 a year. The Imorovemnts of rivers and har bors already authorised by law require -IIU,UVV. found In this hodge podge budget are tne iouowing: For publication of records of the re hnlllnn 11 IK AAA For suppressing counterfeiting and tuner crimes, tiw.wu. For the Washington monument, $11 Kfin. . For tbe Yellowstone National park $35,000. For headstones, etc., In national cemeteries, $220,000. For fuel, lights and water for public buildings. $900,000. For furniture for public buildings. For Chirkamauga and Chattanooa nark. 175.000. For recoinage of gold coins. $5,000; for rei-oinage or. suver coins, $100,000. . For the astrophyslcal observatory, Rmlthsnnlnn InatttuH nn 41 ft AAA For taret range at Jefferson barracks, $18,000. These Items give a good Idea of the multiplicity of the demands which are mn rift nnnn T Tm ,1 o Sam' An appropriation which will please many people is izo.uw to defray the ex- pennes ui a Hcienunc commission to i re port tne Desi means or preserving the lorests or me united states. It is indeed a great country and great government. Chronie Rheumatism Cured. Dr. B. H. Hettinger. Indianapolis, Ind. says: "For several months after snraln Ing my ankle I was severely afflicted witn Kneumausm. i nnaliy tried Det- ptiAn'a 'Mvatln din' fnp PhAiiMatlom and In 4 days could walk without my cane; two bottles cured me sound and well. I take great pleasure In recom mending the 'Mystic Cure' to all who are afflicted with Rheumatism." Sold oy can Lorens, uruggist, 418 Lacka wanna avenue, ucranton. . When you- think of the Nlckef Plats' Road it brings to mind that delicious meal you had In the Dining Car, and the line service and Low Rates, and you wonder why people will travel via any other line, H!f-FLATE TRADE OF VALES Competition for tbe Tii-PIte Trade Betweei Amerkt aid Kales. AMERICAN EDITOR AT CARDIFF The Falllat Oft or the Tla-Wste Trade la Wales attributed to the V'area eoaable itessaads of tha Worklagsaea. Tne well known editor of the Ameri can Artisan is now on a vlalt In Car diff and Is the guest of the editor-in-chief of the Western Mail. He was in terviewed by one of the reporters or that paper on the tin plate situation, which Is as follows: How Is it that the tin Dlate trade with America has seriously fallen off of late?" Because vour manufacturers do not compete with ours now," replied Mr. Stern. "You used to contend In Wales some years ago that tin plates could not be-made successfully in America, but, as a matter of fact, we are mak ing tin platea now and In competition with Wales." And how has this change in position of things come about?" I claim that the workmen of wales are responsible for It. and. Indirectly; the masters, for allowing the workmen to dictate to them. The tin plate trade was once considered Indigenous to Wales, and never should have been transplanted, but now It has gone, and not only America, but Spain. France and Germany are In keen competition with Wales. The Welsh workmen are acting very unwisely, and how they tolerate such a lot of agitators as those who now lead them by the nose is a matter of surprise to me. They have been preaching for years In favor of re striction of make, but I have yet to hear of the first valid reason for sup posing that restriction of make will prevent competition. Nine-tenths of the machinery we use In America Is Welsh machinery. The labor agitators here will not permit the men to make more than thirty-six boxes to the turn. But in America the workmen turn out nearly twice as many boxes with the same machinery In eight hours and are receiving double the amount of wages, Sometimes we have Welsh workmen and sometimes American workmen, and the minimum quantity turned out is fifty-six boxes. In some places tne average Is as high as sixty and sixty- four boxes per turn. As we get aouDie the auantlty of work turned out that you do here. It naturally follows that the cost of production the wqrk being done by tne same kind of macninery as you have here would be very much less. 'Then vou think restriction of out put Is a delusion and a snare?" 'The restriction or output mignt nave affected the prices when Wales had a monopoly. But Wales has no monopo ly now. If you did not make a box In twenty years It would not affect us In America. 'Does your observation of the present state of the Welsh trade enable you to suggest a remedy ? 'If you can make tinplate cheaper here than In America we would buy them, but the way in which the men carry on things here makes It Impos sible for Welsh manufacturers to com pete with us. My suggestion Is that the masters shall endeavor to educate the workmen and show thorn that the restriction of the make has been their curse. The workmen do not control the mills In America. Every year the amalgamated association nf the rep resentatives of the masters and men holds a meeting and there is a confer ence, which lasts sometimes one day, sometimes a week. There are some hot fights at these conferences, but eventu ally a sliding scale Is settled upon, and they all stick to it. The American workman has got the Interest of his employer at heart, but with you In Wales it seems to me the workmen are Jealous If their masters make a dollar. "Then you think there ought to be a better feeling existing between mas ters and workmen here?" "The workmen and the masters should certainly work more in unison. and the men should not allow them selves to be led away by such a set of agitators as those now at their head, If trade across the water got anything like as bad as the tinplate trade Is here, and if men carried on things with such a high hand, the masters would starve them out and get rid of the agitators. And I may say here that the masters in Wales will never get any satlsfac tton as long as the present agitators are at the head of the workmen. Another thing responsible for the tinplate trade being driven from this district is the Jealousy that exists between the mas ters themselves. My suggestion Is that Welsh tinplate manufacturers should now try to make tinplates as cheaply as possible, and the workmen should assist them in doing this and not allow themselves to be misled by ignorant agitators." "Are the American plate of as good Quality as the Welsh plates?" "There Is no question about quality, We get our materials from the same place as you do yours, and if you can not make tinplate more cheaply than your competitors In America and on the continent you may as well not make them at all." Mr. Stern also said he did not under stand why the Welsh manufacturer did not encourage the use of tin-plates for roofs which could be made Impervious to water and storm proof. They used millions of boxes of tin every year In America for this purpose, and why could it not be done here, A suggestion which he had made In this direction the other day was commented upon al the Swan sea Exchange, and a very prominent builder made the statement that he had Investigated the matter and found that the difference in the cost between slate roofing and tin-plate roofing was as be tween 7d. and HVfcd. Slate would, of course, last longer than tin for roof ing purposes, but then the difference In the price made up for any shortcoming of that kind. . The walls and rafters need not be so substantial to hold a tin-plate roof as a slate roof, and this would, of course, be a great advantage in its favor. In America the tin-plates used for roofing purposes were covered with red oxide of iron paint, and this would preserve them and keep out the moisture. "Tln-platlng Is also used for a variety of other purposes In America." con tlnued Mr. Stern, "and I would advise that Welsh manufacturers should look out for new markets. By the bye. In order that tin-plate roofing should be satisfactory, the plates would have to be fixed on the lock-seam principle, and not by driving a few nails Into them "I understood that the tin-plate In dustry Is not in a very healthy condl tion in America just now?" "That is so, and the reason of It Is that a great many manufacturers have accepted bonuses In the shape of land or cash from land syndicates, and are obliged to keep their works going wneiner iney pay or not. The land syndicates get a handsome revenue from the rentals of houses built In prox lmlty to the works. The syndicate svs tern, however, cannot last, and It has virtually orougnt about a crises al ready. WELSH NEWS NOTES, The only Welsh Radical member of par liament who In unblessed with superflu ous modesty is Mr. Rills Jnnea (IrllHth the member for Anglesey. He is an old presiaent oi ins i;amDriage union, a bar rister of the same standing on the North Wales circuit, and a frequent speaker at meetings of the literary caucus. Yet he nan not openeu ni mourn in parliament. Mr. Thomas Darllnirton. whn vlalteA Bcranton in 1894 and delivered a Welsh speech at the. laurel Hill park eisteddfod n in tan oi ism, win lane up nis resi dence at Aberystwlth In June nxt Though he is a master of a vigorous and idiomatic Welsh style and ran speak Welsh with but little of tbe liedlaita of the Saxon, 1t Is curious that he has never lived in Wales. He was born In the border county of Shropshire, and was led to take aa interest in Welsh matters through his friendship wih an eld Welsh farmer la the parish. Two Welsh blshoiui tiava umuml mm members of a choir at national elstedd- louau. tne oisoop or uangor Is tbe for tunate posseesor of a fine baritone voice, which Is probably the most sonorous or gan on the episcopal bench, and he ap peared among the bassers at the Brecon National Eisteddfod. The Roman Cath. olic Vicar Apostolic of Wales the Bishop of Ascalon In partlbus who Is a brother or Hir tiers Mfwty-n. and to the elder branch of Lord Mostyn'a family, also appeared at the Carnarvon eisteddfod as a lenor In the Birkenhead Male choir. "Abwvdvn." writes "Another Welsh man," "Is a favorite word with the bards. Professor Rhys years ago In the days when he had not yet learned pfidence and discretion made aa onslaught oil the bards, which the sons ot Ceridwen re sented as hotly as they do the Iconoclas.n of Professor Morris Jones. They avenged themselves by hurling 'englyition, at the professor, and the concluding couplet has stuck in popular memory ever since. Pro fessor itnys, oe it noted, was at one time a schoolmaster at Rhosybol, in An glesia: ttnys uacn o Rhosybol, llyll abwydyn hoilvwLodol. It Is significant that the learned principal has not entered, the held In defence of his distinguished pupil. Mrs. Ceirioff Huches is housekeener to Lord Rendel's brother, at Newcastle-on- Tyne, and lives close to Ernest Rhys' ta mer. The Rev. W. A. Edwards the nromoter of the "Church Reform" meeting, la the only son of the Rev. William Edwards, rector or Lianuow, and is, tiiererore, the nephew of tbe Bishop of St. Asaph. Mr. Edwards was educated at Llandovery and t'owbrldge schools and Jesus college, tlx- lorn, ne is oareiy years or age, an-i possesses more than his share of the fam ily good looks and fluency of tongue. He was very popular at oxrord and is cer tain to be heard of In the Welsh church. He Is married to the daughter of a 'soulre in tne vaie or iiiamorgan. Mr. William Jones, "of Oxford." has not severed his connection with that seat of learning on the election to the house of commons. Twice or three times a week he tourneys to the city on the Isls. and Instructs the students of Somervlile Hall on the beauties of English. French. Ger man ana Italian literature, so engrossed Indeed is the versatile rentleainn In this fascinating work that he is in danger of iorgemng tne true functions or a mem ber ot parliament. Certain it Is that. though the house has been sitting for several months and several Welsh ques tions have been discussed, the member for North Carnarvonshire has contributed nothing to the wisdom, amusement or in- iormation ot tne nouse, The Hon. Slinasbv Bethnll. clerk to the house of lords. Just deceased, boasted in a Velsh name. The Bethells are supposed to nave written tneir names originally au linens. At the Wrexham eisteddfod on flood Friday not one of the three presidents could boast of Welsh blood. Two were Englishmen and the third was a German, yet the trio are said to be good Welsh UllKIIIHlH. Political parties In the narlsh of t.landv- sui are known as Long Horns and Short Horns. All the members of the new parish councils are long Horns, and it is expect ed that some ripping good bull tights will tune piuee. A lurae eacle has -been filnviilni? the farmers cf South Pembrokeshire recently. It has carrledway a lamb and parties hjii been organized, but, like the Llbflratlonist, the unwelcome visitor is sun ut lurge. The news that the nrlnea at Wales will visit Alierstwlth struck terror Into the hearts of the county police. This feelltiif found vent in an atiueal bv the men In he SUUUlled W'th new clothes for the neeaalnn It is understood that the Glamorgan uiil- lonn is tne stanuarii or tneir guadv ne. sires, with the single exception that the front plate on the helmet will, as usual, bear a fac simile of the rountv seal, whl.-h gives a prominent position to an outline or tne iiuuuiugs or tne university college, of Wales. "SWEET "BERDAR." Old sights are changed, there is no doubt, mm, ui tneir glory is not gone. Some nooks and corners are found out Kor poets' eyes to dwell upon. He who retirement seeks may yet Some charming little spots secure, Whereon the sun of life may set In splendour monarchs could endure. The tilctureealie Is not destroyed. Though marred In some respects, wc ear; And spirits, by Its charms decoyed, Oft hither come from far and near. Romantic scenery abounds As in the Idle days of yore, And here and there are lovely grounds, Where one might bide for evermore. Beauty and grandeur aye will dwell Within the range of Aberdare As long as men can feel and spell Its vales and hills have everywhere. Majestic oaks still spread their limbs. Display the strength that men admire, And when no cloud the cornllelds dims They flame up with poetic tire! Yea, truly Aberdare affords To weary men a neaceful rest Rich groves wherein Dame Nature hoards neaun-giving germs tor every guest, A GOOD Ql'EEX And What Is Better Still, a Good, Kind Woman, One of the ladles In waiting on Queen Victoria, in a letter to a friend in this country, tells an amusing story of the queens kindness and tact. During her Biay at usnorne castle an Irish nurse came with her little charges, the chll dren of the duke of U., to visit the chil dren oi tne frlncess of Battenbers-. While they were at tea In the nursery the queen entered unexpectedly. Irish Nelly stood up, pale and trembling. The queen presently saw tier, andt said, kindly: "The children do credit to your care of them." On this Nelly fell on her knees in a frenzy or embarrassment, crying out: "ies, o yueen; no, o Queen!" bend Ing her head with each sentence. "It's from the County Cork I came, an' little does me father know I do be acquaint ed this day wid the great queen of the world. The children hurst Intr. nhrlcVu nf laughter, but the queen, checking the smile that rose to her own lips, shook her head at them, gently bade the wo mand rise, and sent her upon an er rand until Bhe should recover her wits, Tbe early biographies of Victoria de scribe her as Imperious In manner and fully conscious of the gulf that sepa rated her from the rest of mankind The Duke of Wellington, after an au dience with his youthful sovereign, once shrugged his shoulders as he came out, saying with a laugh "How the little lady does love to rule!" But the officials that surround her at court now In her old age represent her as kind and considerate of the feelings and comfort of her poorest servant or neighbor, and apparently forgetful, In her attention to the great questions of the day, of her own exalted rank. The great queen ruling for more than half a century over a large portion of the globe Is taught by years, like the ordinary woman, to feel that all men, rulers and ruled, stand on one level as children of the sama Father. Youth's Companion, THE COMPASS PLANT. Nature's Crestlon to Enable Peopto to Find North snd South. The "compass plant" Is one of the oddest creations of the vegetable king dom. It derives its name from the fact that Its leaves always point directly north and south. So, If you are out on a Western prairie and lose your way, Just look for one of the plants and re member that they always point in the directions Indicated. HotanlBts call this curious plant "Helphlum Laclnlatum." It Is unpre tentious In appearance and bears yellow flowers that are not unlike field daisies. It has a remarkably thin leaf, so thin as to be noticeable even to the untutored eye. The "compass plant" Is really a Western flower, and Is Indigenous to the prairies of that section, New York Journal. Uniformed colored porters are In charge of day coaches to show all atten tion to the passengers on the Nickel Plate Road DOMESTIC 3aABTYBSL ; Lots ot women suffer constantly, and seldom utter complaint. Good men rarely know the pa la , endured by the women of their owm. household, or the efforts they make to appear cheerful and happy whea they ought to be in bed,-their sufferiaf is really so great. Our habits of life and dren tall sadly upon women's , delicate organiza tions. They ought to be told juatwherex the danger lies, for their whole fn-1 ture may I depend upon that knowledge. and how tol overcome it. There is no' need of our de-l scribing the ex periences of inch women 1 here, they are ' too well known by those who have nf fered, but we will impress upon every one that these are the never-failins; symptoms of serious womb trouble, and unless relieved at once, a life will be forfeited. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound never fails to relieve the distress Ing troubles above referred to i it has held the faith of the women of America -for twenty years. It gives tone to the womb, strength ens the muscles, banishes backache and relieves all pains incident to women's diseases. A WAIL OF WOE. A Story of Slow Not to Hear a Play Fitted ' to Fashionable Requirements. From the New York Evening Sun. Leaving the street outside, he en tered the luxurious reception room of Mildred Frothingham s ancestral home on One Hundred and Sixteenth street. Aa the time waned on apace Algernon de Mongmorongcy grew steadily more . Impatient. Twice did he importune the maid servant to convey a message to her lady. At 7.68 p. m. he sent up this note: "The show begins at 8 p. m." At 8.13 another missive was dis patched. It ran thus: "The show Is on; are you?" To these came answers of uniform courtesy and encouragement. Noting the status of his chloride of gold chron ometer at 8.19, he heaved a saffron sigh and muttered cheerily: "I wouldn't have had Job's Job for 19." II. Mildred Frothlrighum. effulgently gowned In a supiemtt creation of anti toxin blue and carmine frappe, ap peared upon the threshold of the front parlor Just as Algernon de Mongmor ongcy was striving to put his thoughts In words of fitting fervor at 8.20 p. m. Smiling sweetly as a newborn sunflsh, Bh advanced to greet him, and he, mile and nuaklng, clung to the piano for support, ' i : - ., - i "lui)u evening, dear," Bhe said, de murely, "did I keep you waiting?" "Oh, my no!" he returned, weakly. Tying a rug about, his neck, he climbed up the portiere and fainted on the celling. III. Like the boy In the swimming-hole, the last act of "The Fatal Lard" was drawing to its close. A handsome young couple nervously entered the well-appointed theater Just in time to get a programme and see the curtain fall. In a contiguous oyster palace, soon afterward, she said: "Wasn't it too good of you to take me to the play; I enjoyed It so much!" Swallowing a robust btvalve,shell and all, he replied gracefully: "And so did I, but I should like to have heard at least one remark from the actors. It we had only been a little earlier " "yes," she Interrupted, "but the horse cars were so slow. Next time we go we'll have a cab, won't we, dear?" "Certainly," he answered, "or a hearse." Rising, he staggered through the plate glass window and was lost In the haze of night. At her request the pro prietor hung up SL20 for the oysters. THE VALt'E OF IIQNEV. As a Food It Is Essy to Digest and Benefi cial in Certain Forms of Disease. From the Albany Cultivator. Probably most people consider honey as the equal In value for food of any sweet sauce no better, no worse. All should know that It possesses one great superiority ease of digestion. The nectar of flowers Is almost wholly cane sugar. The secretions added by the bees change this to grape sugar, and so prepare It that It is almost ready for assimilation without any ef fort on the part of the stomach; In fact, Professor A. J. Cook once styled honey "digested nectar." It will be readily seen that honey Is a very desir able food for those with weakened di gestive powers. If a person is very tired, "too exhausted to eat," it is as tontshlng how a few tastes of honey will act alniout like magic. Almost no effort is required to make It ready for assimilation. Persons suffering from some forms of kidney trouble will find that honey Is a much more beneficial fond for them than Ib cane sugar. In eating comb honey many strive to eject every particle of wax, fearing that, as wax Is indigestible, nightmare and other troublesome consequences will follow an Indulgence In warm bis cuit and honey. It is true that bread is more easily digested than warm bis cuit, as the latter Is inclined to "pack" in chewing, but it may surprise some to know that comb honey is really an aid to the digestion of hot bread or biscuit. The philosophy of tbe matter 1b that the Hakes of wax prevent the "packing" while the honey readily dissolves out, leaving passages for the gastrlo Juice to enter the mass of food. The flakes of wax are indigestible, that Is true, but when warmed are perfectly smooth and soft, and will not injure the most delicate membrane; in fact, they act as a gentle stimulant, and are bene ficial in some forms of alimentary diffi culties. The unpleasant symptoms from which some Buffer after eating honey may often be removed by drink ing a little milk. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York, Opp. CJrace Church. -European Plan. Rooms fi.oo a Day snd Upwards. Ini modest snd unobtrusive wsy there1 are fw better conducted hotel la the metropolis than the St. Donis. The great popularity it has acquired caa rendlly be traced to Its unique loration, its Domelike atmosphere, the peculiar excellence ut its oulelue sad service, and its vary mader te prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. k-LA,, . trie Vi lYi 1 -s V I If ii . v f f ii a l 1 , l r y .4