The Red At Ian. Being a tale of Master Roger Selby, once esquire in the service of His Grace the Marquis of Worcester. Author Copyright, 1X06, by Bacholler, PAIIT I. Those of my lord marquis house hold who like myself were noble, or at leaBt gentle-born, were wont to serve him at his meat, and to remain In at tendance, until my lord went Into his closet. This was at hlRh noon; there fore It chanced oftentimes that Scuda more, dough and others among my mates were not risen from their meal until three of the clock. In faith, on this July eventide, 1C45. 'twas nlgher lour when we saw the tables bare, and et to play at bowls In the lower pleas aunce. The troublousness of the times rumoring his majesty's defeat, ktrt us within bounds, and the confinement which it occasioned caused us heav iness of spirit, so that the sport went but tamely. Truth to tell, I was as deep In the dumns as well could be a stout lad of seventeen, and was Idly kicking my ball over the clipped turf, when one of the pages came to the wicket, crying that peddlers were at the great gate with news of the war. At the word, we were all off, spurning the grass with our heels, nor were we late at the feast, for on near approach we found old Cooke, the gate-keeper, two men-at-arms, and a score of Idle grooms hold ing parley with the chap-men. Scuda more and I stood aside, hearkening to the fellow's tale, which, as we Baddened to learn later on, was a very tissue of lying, but which then, as it spoke of victory to the king's forces, warmed ub to the heart. We or Raglan had been perforce so well kept within wall, that we were wearied out and so gave the tale more credence that at busier moments. Yet even 1, although 1 held the fellow's words In a fair belief, did not snare my doubts, by reason of his villainous appearance and shifty eye, and was no less Inclined to credit him for the gllbness of his tale. Moreover I fell to Inward laughing at the sim plicity of the audience, who stood about with their mouths agape swallowing the tale as t'were their small-beer, and breaking In with a reverential 'oh!" "ah!" "marry now!" as though the ped fller were no less than Prince Rupert. Cooke was such an old shrew, that I was not loathe to behold him so gulled, and fell to much laughter when the peddler was borne off to revel In the Kitchen tower. Strangers were not readily admitted to Raglan In those days, nor perchance would this one have been, had my Lord Charles, or my lord of Worcester himself, been stirring to see him pass. But earlier that day dispatches had been brought In haste to the marquis; he had at dinner shown much preoccupation of countenance, and was even now closely conferring with my Lord Charles and Dr. Bailey, so that 'twas no great wonder he was not about to behold the peddler's tri umph. I was deeper than ever In the dumps, and was returning slothfully to my dis taseful vastime when Mtoyle, my lord's usher, called to me that I was looked for Instantly In the closet So thither I turned my steps, glad of Piny occupa tion, and tapped respectfully upon the panel. "Twa my lord himself bade me en ter, and the Instant I closed the door behind me I felt a plucking at my heart that told me that this was no trivial erand; that here lay my chance to make or mar my fortunes. For my lord's voice rang deeper than with Its accus tomed garrulous) pipe of age, his brow was deeply ploughed with thought, and when he fixed me with his eye 'twas with a dreadful, probing gaze, as 'twere to challenge my fidelity, very different rrom his usual habit of Jesting toler ance. Mine honored master, then gray tn years, was a man of girth and great bulk, much enfeebled by his Infirmi ties, so that he rarely stood or walked about, but sat continually In a great chair by the window. Dr. Ba41ey, his chaplain, sat over against him, and made a squint at me to express reas surance, for my lord's sternness of vls- sage had cast me Into a hurried self- catechism as to my misdoings. My lord began without preliminary, . hearkening at once to the core of the matter. "Roger Selby," he said, folding be fore him one withered' hand, "Dr. Bailey here has given me such hope -of you, that I have, on his advice, chosen you from those of my household, for an especial service." This preface so gladdened and .mated me that I could make him no adequate answer beyond bowing and murmuring my fidelity. "You are, I know, a hardy and active youth," proceeded my lord, in the same deepened voice. "I have the assurance of Dr. Bailey that you are faithful and brave. That you are discreet I have voucher by your bearing in my house hold. This is, above all, an opportun ity for your discretion and dispatch. .If you are content to do my bidding with swiftness and exactitude, asking no questions, seeking to know no more than what is under your nose and keeping a close tongue In your mouth afterwards, now is your chance equally to serve me, your king and country." "I thank your lordship," I made re ply. "In this matter I shall move as your lordship's hand will you tell me your lordship's desire?" "You make no protestations," he laid, knitting hia brows at me. ' "There is no need, my lord. They sin but mane my weakness apparent hould I fail, your lordship, and they aonor me put uttie it i ao well." "Then to work," pursued my lord. In kindlier tones, as one not ill-pleased FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by Cuticura Soap ' ASHAMED TO BB SEEN because of dliflg . urlng facial humours 1b the condition of thonsaads who lira ia ignorance of the fact feat la Ctrriooai Boar. Ii to be found the purest, sweeten, and most effective ikln puri aerandbeentlner In the world, for pimples, blackheads, ted and oily akin, red, rough band with ahapsleie-nalU, dry, thin, and fall lag hair, It e wonderful. - MtkfMMt1kwri. Meai saaati F. rTiir. Slav , 1. dent-at, Uodoa. Pom an ass Gaes. Ceaf H Mt ft-, hM, tf.S, A. 1 ITW 11 'VJi I I7 IB Night s of " Alain of Halfdene." Johnson and Banhelhn with my reply; "hearken to me, lad. This night upon eleven of the clock receive a visitor of whose coming no soul In Raglan must be cognisant save our three selves. It will be your tasK to conduct this person to me. jou know the bill beyond Raglan village where the thorn hedge grows?" 1 signified assent. O.jod." Mv lord's voice grew sharn and commanding.. "Leave Raglan when ten o'clock has sounded, by the secret passage In the Yellow tower. Your de uarture must of course be swift, and unirhallemred bv friend or foe. Bear a luntorn with vou. but take heed you set It not alight till you are well under the brow of the hill beyond Raglan walls. There wait by the roadside till you are accosted by a mounted cavalier, to whom you Bhall address tne woras: 'Whose horse ride you?' If he reply 'The king's,' 'tis very well; take you the bridle-reins and lead him Instanter to the door of the passage, where he will dismount. Thence lend him straight way here, to me. You' can use a sword?" 'On occasion, yes, my lord," I replied, gaining more assurance, and Dr. Bailey Interposed, lauding my swordsmanship with such praise as, minding me of many a bygone trick on the good man, my cheeks reddened to hear. "Then remember that on this occa sion you must use It well," my lord cried out, shaking one gouty hand at me. "Should you be stayed, or ques tioned I care not by whom 'tis a turn of your sword, I say! Bear it naked before you, and never let past the thought that you are the safe-guard of him you lead." "I will bear a brace of pistols like wise, an' your lordship think It well." "1 do assuredly, hut with this arma ment, my cockerel, be not reckless either, but bear yourself with the cau tion of a man-of-arms." I entreated my master to repeat his Instructions, which I then felt toler ably sure of, and on this I bowed and left him, containing my excitement, and with as unmoved a face as ever I wore in my life. The one question I longed to put, I choked into my teeth, namely whv he had chosen me. a lad, for so important a mission when he was surrounded by old and tried servl- THE DOOR OPENED UPON A DITCH. tors. Upon reflection, however, I made a shrewd guess that my lord would rather entrust to the enthusiasm end youthful romance of a boy. than to the keener sight and calmer brains of one who bore knowledge of his affairs. 'Twas among the softest of Julv davs. and the sweet summer air breathed on my forehead as I crossed the court. All things looked fair to me; I wan touched with pride; my pulse beat with adven ture, and my heart with lovaJtv: In Imagining I beheld myself early in ad vancement, guerdoned with the trust of my superiors. What the service signi fied to which I was hidden, I hazarded no guess, my lord had forbidden such conjecture. Nevertheless I could not but surmise from the secret manner of this embassy, that it concerned some weighty business of state, some turn of fortunes wneel lor k nsr or oarllament. some anchor for the storm-tossed bark of the Stuarts. And my soul glowed at the thought that I, Roger Selby, bore a. imn m ims, anu that perchance the roll of history might l..,u h among those great. Plunged Into high thoughts. I shunned my mates, and among the fra grant rains of the Pleasaunco wan dered musingly until sundown. now J was by nature studious, pi vim to r.p.T.dfng my hours over Tacitus or S'llly. bc it was remarked of nurn? iSres- ont thut I drew apart after the evening meal, and got me to my chamber. From by window-pane the Fountain canrt seemed a blazing chequer-work f light ; iiiu-.j nuwea lonn in snatches on the night air; and although dark clouds had r.'sen to gloom the heavens, all Rag Inn p c wed like a beacon. Speedily us might be I got me into my bu.T coat and riding breeches, buckled on ray sword-belt and tried my weapon, and fitted a tallow dip Into the horn lantern Dr. Bailey had caused to be placed in my toom. Thus equipped I bent my spirit to patience for more than an hour, which time of waiting I passed In fitting meditations, and In the repeti tion of my lord's nstructlons. As time sped on, light after light glimmered out, the music ceased, the velvet soft turf was overhung with a pall of black ness, and night seemed to brood over Raglan like some mighty bird. When the hour had struck I rose, opened cau tiously the door of my chamber court, and at the Yellow tower, without the tap of a footfall. The hidden passage, by which I was to make my sortie, was no secret to the Inmates of the castle, being but lately digged at my lord's command, and leading under the moat of the Keep to the highway beyond the outer wall. The bolts, I found, had been touched with oil, and it opened without a creak of the hinges. In our good days, many a time had I raced through the blackness of it. so that the procedure had naught of novel for me.- I stepped firmly, knowing each step, and laying my hand without fall on the knob which led me out into the night air. I now stood under the curve of the hill, up to my knees In mire, for the door opened upon a ditch, and out of gait of the castle shrouded in its veil of trees. No sound of man smote my fws at I stood allstenlng, naught save the whistle of the night wind that had vrt up his pipe at sundown. This wind mude a, pretty crackling and rustling among the thorn bushes, and blew bits of straw Into my face as I strove to shield the wick of my lantern while setting it alight. This done, I rlam beied to the thorn hedge, the wind's noise leading me to it, and there sat me down to wait. The highway curled by me, going up hill on my left hand nu down hill on my right. The wind flowed cold along it, but I was shel tered by the kindly thorn-bush and did not feel it unduly. There was no moon, nor even a star, so I was fain to turn from the heavens to my own lantern wherein the flame twisted, and swayed. . Thus sat I, for what seemed a long space, when suddenly the breese brought tor my ears a faint and steady soi-nd, the tread of horses, more than . I THRUST OUT MY LANTERN. one and stepping slowly. My heart rang loud In my ears at this, and l thrust my tell-tale lantern deep Into the thorn-bush till I should know what thid portended. The sound came near er, climbing up the hill toward me, then ceased a little way off, and I could hear the shifting of the horses . as tney rubbed and muzzled each other. This continued for a space along with the whisperings of men's voices, than over the brow of the hill, dark against the one clear quarter of the sky. grew the figure of a man on horseback, one who rode with drooping head and slack rein. He came on slowly, looking to right and left, until he all but overrid me; but I rose under the horse's foot and thrust out my lantern, so that lie mlgnt see the light. PART II. "Fair sir. whose steed ride you?" I asked, with as much firmness of tone as I could muster. A very gentle voice made answer to me: "The king's." Upon this there fell a silence, for as I had made no manner of guess at the rank of my accoster, I was put to It by what title to address him. He him self spoke the next word. "I am at your leadership, sir. I fol low you." I slipped to the horse's head, and took his bridle rein and, doing this, the lantern's light fell clear on me, for the gentleman moved in the saddle, saying: "My lord of Worcester has In good sooth chosen a young messenger!" "And therefore the better to serve him with all my strength," I answered. "Yet, methinks, for so dangerous an errand he has more fitting and tried es quires?" the voice remained gentle, and emboldened me in replying: "Mayhap, he thought it best if there be danger, that these should not suffer it, my lord." The man sighed, and we spoke no further. We gained the ditch, fighting the new arisen wind, and I assisted the cavalier to alight, opened the door for him and put the lantern Into his hand, bidding him enter. This he did with Arm step, while I tethered the horse to a near stump, and returned bearing my bared sword. The night was quiet, yet I felt a shiver of distrust. "You go well armed," said he, as we prepared to set forth. "There may be need," I replied. "Will your honor permit me to be your candle-bearer?" In this manner we set forward, I go ing first with the light held aloft, and naked blade cleaving the darkness of the passage. 'Twas of necessity a Blower Journey than when I had come alone, for my companion stumbled at the Irregularities of the way, groped somewhat fearfully with his hands, and muttered under his breath. Al though I turned on moments to aid him, yet I never clearly saw what man ner of man I was conducting, save that he wore fair hair curled over the lace collar of his buff-coat, and was In fig ure thin, not much over my own height. His dress was that of a simple cavalier, but there was wrought hold-work at his sword-hilt, at his ear I caught the gieam oi a great pearl, and on his breast hung the miniature of a lady, richly encased and rimmed with bril liants. The hand that caught betimes at my shoulder, or the wall, was white anu aciicate, but or the race under the shadow of his beaver, I saw not a fea ture. We passed on, neither sneaking, save a word on my part to charge him of a step or pitfall, till we came out in the gallery of the Keep, and thence upon the draw-bridge, where, to be sure. I snuffed my lantern. The castle lay In utter silence, as 'twere empty of life, In my lord's closet not the tiniest spark showed that we were stayed for. Hut my heart sung as we crept upon the stair, and I thought at once to taste the sweetness of my patron's praise. This as It turned out I was not yet to have, for when we stood, the visitor and I,, be fore my lord marquis' door 'twas open to my companion only, and I was bid den by Dr. Bailey in a few short words to remain in attpnlnncp In th on. I NEVER SAW CLEARLY WHAT MANNHK Of MAN I WAS CONDUCTING. chamber. This, to make no lies about the matter, very greatly disconcerted me. I had been appointed to a place of trust, responsiDie actions had been thrust Into my hands, and I looked roollshly ror something further; to enter where the other had entered, to Btiare witn mm tne counsel or my bet ters. Instead of which I was here, on the wrong side or tne door, like anv ward robe page, bidden to stand like a child mi x was Bpoxen to. uon was my vanity, and such my discomfiture. Nevertheless as I stood on guard In the silence of the sleeping room my head began to hum with visionary honors, I saw myself foremost In the turmoils of war, a belted knight at the feet of his majesty. Then the excitement which had throbbed till now tn my veins liowea out, leaving me weaic and wearv: I recalled that the hour was past mid night, and In my despite mine eyes be gan to glue together. The opening of the door asralnst whose panel I had leaned my heavy head started me broad awake, as a man came iortn, tne strong light of the wax torcnes Dealing against his face. He stood regarding me; and in that gaie, tuna, weary ana unutterably sor rowfuL by the high white forehead, the flowing hair. I saw In a Hash, it was ut other than the king blinself based as I was by sleep, and bewidernwnt. this conviction struck me like a hand on the shoulder to iny knees, saying no word. Ah." said Charles, playfully, "it Is our candle-bearer!" . Still I spoke not. for my voice would not come. "Your majesty must assuredly be fatigued, will you not at once to your chamber?" said my lord's voice. "Alas that circumstance forbid my offering your majesty a suitable train! Myself as waiting gentleman and the good doctor for usher, but for sewer and page" Good friend." broke in the king. "I am too proud after this night that you should serve me as a waiting gentleman. Get you to your rest, we beseech you. And bethink you. my lord, we are now soldiers: we live In tents; we have cast aside the ceremoni ous trapping of a court. This lad here will serve my turn as page; that Is," he continued, "if he will consent, even, for a night, to exchange your service for that of an unhappy gentleman who has no gold nor preferment to offer him?" He tendered me his hand as he spoke, and I set my lips to it, though indeed, I found it icy cold. A ' few broken words only could I say, but they caused htm to smile on me the kindlier. "Then let us forward." said the king, more cheerfully, turning once more to his host. My lord had, by the help of Dr. Bailey's arm. gotten to his knees. His face, as I could see. looked strange and sad, as he strove to kiss his majes ty's hand, but the king prevented him. "Old and tried servant," he said, and the sweetness of his tone accounted at once for the devotion of his friends; "between thou and us this night there must be none or this. Age and good deeds should kneel to God alone." My lord was, as I could see plainly. affected by this to the breaking point of tears. "Sire," he said, as Charles helped him once more to his feet, "I have not a thought In my heart that tends not to the services of my God and you!" Upon this he waved us away, that we might not behold him weep. Dr. Bailey lighted the king tn silence to his chamber, which he had often times occupied, the casement thereof opening upon a fair wide sweep of field and park. In this prospect his majesty had been wont to take much delight, and 'twas a token of his heavy spirit that he said no word of It on entering. The king unbuckled his sword upon a table and flung himself, silent. Into an arm-chair, while the doctor, having set down the waxen candle, respectful ly withdrew. I, as page, stretched my self before the arras till I should be needed, for the king had refused all proffers of our respectful assistance, and now sat in his chair, head on hand, sorrow visibly widening upon his brow, the very picture of one who had aban doned hope. THE KINO TOOK HIS ASSAILANT , BY THE WRIST. I was no fool, and knew better than to intrude on his privacy, but my throat swelled with tears at his desolate plight and Uie gentle kindliness of his counte nance. Yet even at this hour, and in this place, I must have slept an hour or so, for when I looked again dawn showed a shrunken face at the case ment, the candles spluttered pale upon the table and the figure of his majesty sat where It had been, sleeping per chance, or sunk deep In bitter waters of thought. I was stiff, and I was shifting foot but warily so as not to annoy him; when on a sudden my heart leaped to my throat, and there stuck. The door behind the king's back leading into the ante-chamber moved, very gently, a face peered Into the crack, no Other face than that of the lying Roundhead ped dler with his evil eye. Then a hand came through, curled about the hilt of a great knife such as cooks use. and this made a pass in the direction of the king's back. All this was so noiseless that I took myself to be dreaming until I saw the creature make a stealthy step forward. At that, without more ado I leapt to my feet, and flung open the door crying shrilly; "Run, sire! For God's sake!" xne King started to his reet with a violent movement, glanced behind and saw the murderer between him and the table whereon lay his sword, and then sprang, but not too soon, for the blade suwed In the air, and stood upright, quivering, in his choir's silken cushion. Ere the man could recover it the king was through the door, which I had closed after him, flinging myself be fore it. I drew my sword and held It lu readiness, but my fingers were limp upon the hilt, t am not certain what was in my mind at the time; I know my throat was dry, and that 1 com- mended my soul to God, thinking that my last hour drew near But the vlllian'K affair was not With me. he gripped me by the elbows and dashed me, sword and all, against the wall, while he sped Into the gallery after the king, the clatter of whose fly ing heels met mine ears on the opening of the door. Blood gushed from my B ADMITS PILLS, Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD BUT EFFECTIVE. Partly vegetable, act without pain, elegant ly coated, taeteleis, email and tur to lake. Kadwajr rills aikt nature, ttimulatlns to healthful activity the liver, bowele and other aigojiiTe orgeat, leering we oowole in a net oral oondltioa without any bad alter effect. Cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AND All Liver Disorders. RADWAV'I PILLS are purely vegotsblis mild f ! . venae porrect insi'Stion, own plote absorption and healthful regularity. -I !-. A' Brag iileta or by nail -bow w Tie-- rree oj mail. fUDWAY A CO., V. 0. Beg Mo, New Terk. naeje at the blow, but I was after them I in a trice, cursing the slippery floor where I slid and faltered. I was light heeled, yet that vile rascal's feet were winged, and 1 saw that soon must the king cum to grip with him. fur he gained raoidly. Down the long, dark gallery sped the king-, his fair hair streaming from his head; faster, and growing close, followed the wild beast, after them both the wilder I. screaming for hel: as I ran. 8o sunken are men in sleep Just before the dawn that all this passed unnoted, and 'twas many seconds ere all Raglan began to hum with an alarm. " At the end of the gallery were two doors; the king whipped thro' one of them, up the stone stair, and so out on the battlement, where he doubtless looked to be seen of the men-of-arms. His pursuer was at his very heels; I put forth my best, a sob broke in my throat as I saw the man so close, I fair ly flew, never had I run to such pur pose. Just as I sprang Into view on the battlement the , king doubled, turned, and took his assailant by the wrist. He was no wrestler; there was his op ponent slashing the air with that ugly knife, but I was on them now, and beat my fist on the man's face as I would hammer a stone. With the knife he cut at me, laying open my shoulder. The king's quick breathing In my ear fired me. I stopped and pulled the man's ankles while the king twisted the wrist that held the knife. And all the time we were pulling him to the edge of the battlement. I heard shouts and the clang of mailed feet on the stone stairs, just as with one wrench I toppled the man into space, the knife making a glittering arc as it fell. The murderer gripped desperately at the stone edge, failed, slipped and pitched head fore most far below, where he lay still. The blood on my face and shoulders had dyed my hands and my eyes were dizzy. The castle walls wavered be fore me like a candle flame, and only the king's arm kept me from falling. When I awoke from my swoon I was tn my chamber and my Lord Charles' face bent over me. It wa even-tide, the king had ridden forth train in rhaste. I did not know it was to his death. At the head of my bed and fall ing to my pillow was a broad blue rib bon and a sparkling jewel, my greatest treasure, and the treasure of my chil dren, the king's own "George" which he had left for me. Of my lord's goodness to me, here Is no fitting place to speak, that and my "George" remain to me. but all else has passed into oblivion of what was known In the country side as the "Red Night at Raglan." The Man Who Drives The doctor, the salesman the man who drives as a business and the man who drives for pleasure, know the difficulty of keeping linen collars and culls clean. With. TRAD t LLULOIO MARK- IMTHLINVBi collars and rafts the driver can defy the flying dust and occasional shower. They are waterproof, and when soiled they can be quickly and easily cleaned by wiping them oft with a damp cloth or sponge. Look just like linen. One "CELLULOID" collar will outwearsix linen collars, besides saving many times its worth in laundry bills. Auk th deftlnr for them, or mead direct to as. Collim iOc. CulTa . pair, mailua paid. Stat ica and Htylo. Take no llnitatlona but Inaiat upon nuda vita above trad mark it ion wiah lull aal iiattlon. TUB CELLULOID COMPACT, New York. GAPOLIO la the beat cleanaaj tor theaa (god. E. rs Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tbe Celebrated i CAPACITY) Barrels per Annum THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK OF SCRAMTOH. ORGANIZED 189a CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $250,000 40,000 JOHN T. PORTER, Preildent. W. W. WATSON, Vice Preildent, P. L. PHILLIPS, CASHIER. DIRECTOR Robert Beadle, Jaraee H. ETcrhart. Irving A. riuoD, naroe f loier, joeepn t. jerrnyn, M. L RmiiMr. Charlfia I. BlittnavL Johll T, Porter, W. W. Wateon, Cnarlee Bealater, 1 W. Morn. INTEREST PAID ON TlflE DEPOSITS. Thia bank Invitee the oatronaM of buataeee aeu ens anna geaeraur. niin la hi i V,'E ARE K03 LOCATED IN 01) New Store 130 Wyedng Avssss. Our store and stock will speak for themselves and need no puffs from us. Our friends are all invited to inspect us. JEWELERS, I jo WVOMINQ AVE. CALL UP 3682! OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 41 TO li MERIDIAN STREET. M. W. COLLINS, Manager. 2,000,000 KJHOHEY OIL 1KDMKN0F1CIURH6 CO. illiKii wmtm 1 Made and Sold In Six Months, ending flared 1, 1896, ioiai rroauct or 1 nnim The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crnahv'a Siinerlntivts la anlil Pacific Coast to St. lohn'u. New and Scotland very largely, and is E3EGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ACTIVE Building Corporations Desiring Extra Fine Growth HEMLOCK Immediately Just Kindly Let Manager Name Our Prices Quick. Richards Sells TRADE Under Value; Will Xpect Your Z-zling 422, & Orders. Richards Lumber Co., Comith Bl'D'g, Scranton, Pa IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Jinds, Yurnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Supe plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. ITTE1KBEB SCRANTON. PA. NATIONAL STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896i RESOURCES. Leans H.tM.778 Overdrafts 714 01 U. 8. Bonds 1M.00O 00 Other Bonde , M1.565 V Panklnc Houee 26,734 05 remlume on U. 8. Bonde S.MO 09 Due from U. 8. Treasurer.... 7,770 00 Due from Banks 167,304 73 Cain 12o,7U ss 2,191,J00 30 WM. CONNELL, President: OEO. H. CATLIN. vice President: WM. H. PECK. Chler. DIRECTOItS-Wn. Connell, Henry Bella, Jr.. James Archbald, Wa. T. Smith, Ucorge H. Catlln, Luther Keller, Alfred Hand. Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. Three per cent, inure on Time Deposits. X31LK3L Basalt In 4 weeks. r."AH.0t.'H.,!J"J! fEAL MIDICINg for ) toy JOHN H. PHElrU firtioe) 8trtw Soranton Pa. f-r.ii -i" .AeNUlMMTt , in., 1.1, .at nee) BY DRL W. F. The doctor is now located over the Famous Shoe Store, 326 Lack wanna ahenuc, where he may bo. consulted on all cases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat trouble. Special care given to difficult Eye Fitting. BARRELS recognized as the best flour in the ft OF LIABILITIES. Capttal Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Dividends Unpaid Deposits .$ 200,000 09 . 2SO.0O0 n ,. 81.4W t . 88, Drill 01 108 74 . 1.BW.744 ! . 24,8' 11 None None 82, 191,400 Due to Banks.. Re-Discounts . JMIMB -?W19 ................. RESTORE LOST VIGOR HELL SCRANTON WkM la daaMwriattaaaa fcr Ktnroaa SaMltty. Lm of laiual fewtr (In attkar f C?1 '!W"Jf' Alraose. Vaileaeale and .iker waaknwua, any aw I aailaa riUa. Dnlna elite., aad full la; quick! mund. If nFgujcnd, nek l1' J'1 (Mranta. m cum ai nhad in. iimi, Addnas CO., Clanlaad. OhtaT Pharmaolst. oor. Wyoming Avaiw antt