The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1896, Image 1

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    .5 "
' Jn
Not of weaves you're tirei looking
at, or fabrics that stand the test of
honest service, or r.f poorly dyed
cloths that lik old before they
leave the counter, but of
than -which money will procure
. (nothing more desirable. It Is
rarely good offering, and one that
thoughtful, shrewd women can III
(afford to pass by. for no matter
(what the rage In colors may be, an
I up-to-date black dress is indlspen
. J sable.
Value-. Facts.
The pick of all th? choicest weaves
and designs, and the most popular
cloth on the market today.
' The leading effects are Canvas,
Dresden, Grenadine, with ribbon
stripes, etc. Here's the new price
. V ' , '
75c Quality now 55c
$ 1 .25 Quality now 95c
I .50 Quality now' $1.12
1.75 Quality now 1.25
2.00 Quality now 1.35
Etc., Etc.
selected from the serge stock to
Illustrate the values you may ex
pect throughout the entire range of
28c Quality at 20c
75c Quality at 65c
A prime favorite among the many
popular weaves especially Intended
for skirts. Just one example from
many 65c quality, fully SO Inches
wide and hpmitirni finish,
Sale Price, 45c
The leader of them all. A cloth
where style and thrift Join hands.
Many patterns, many qualities, uni
formly good values. One Illustra
tion will suffice: Mohair Brocades,
4(1 Inches wide, beautiful designs
and a quality fully worth 65c.,
Sale Price, 49c
Sale; Opens
April 29th.
Democrats Are ia Possession of the
City of reanuts. "
Bolegates bow Meekly to His Sceptre.
Work of Inflotlnf the Pa tt lion Boom
Begins-Representatives 10 '
tioaal Convention.
Allentown, Pa., April 28. -The Dem
ocrats are in possession of Allentown
tonight. The city is alive with march
ing clubs and the decorations are
sumptuous. The state convention,
which will be called to order at noon
tomorrow in Music hail will start' the
presidential boom of ex-Governor Rob
ert K. Pattison, and a strong endorse
ment will be given the man who has
twice been elected as the chief execu
tive of Pennsylvania.
The executive committee of the state
Democratic committee met this after
noon and decided upon William H. Giv
en, of Columbia, Lancaster county, for
temporary chairman of the convention.
Mr. Given Is a lawyer, editor and busi
ness manager of Columbia, he biting
editor of the Columbia Weekly Herald.
The secretaries will be George H. Hoff
man, of Philadelphia; W. J. Kountz.
Allegheny; P. 8. Cotter, McKean, and
P. C. Shearln. Crawford. The slate tor
congressmeu-at-large nominees so far
as agreed upon, names Smedley 1.
Garrett, of Delaware county, ' and
James M. Rraden. of Washington coun
ty. The delegutes at large to the na
tional convention will probably be Na
tional Chairman William F. Harrity,
of Philadelphia; Charles A. Pagan. Al
legheny; State Senator o. Henry focn
ran. Wllltamsport; John 8. Rilling.
Erie; John T. Lenahan, Luzerne, and
llenjamln F. Meyers. Hnrrlsburg. The
eighth delegates may be either Dr. John
Todd, of Montgomery, or A. M. Hold
ing, of Chester.
The presidential elector at large will
be William M. Slngerly, of Philadel
phia; James Denton Hancock, Venan
go; George W. Guthrie, Allegheny, and
Thomas Collins, Center. The district
electors have not yet all been agreed
upon, for the reason that a number of
the delegations will not caucus tomor
row morning. The names of Dwight M.
Lowrey, of Philadelphia; John M. Gar
man, Luzerne, and Robert E. James,
Northampton, are mentioned In con
nection with the permanent chairman
ship of the convention.
A large parade took place tonight and
the streets wore ablaze with fireworks.
Two thousand men were in line and
Lieutenant Colonel F. C. O'Neill was
chief marshal. The members of the
state committee and the local reception
committee rode in open carriages.
National Chairman HarYlty was giv
en a reception at the Hotel Allen after
the parade by the William F. Harrity
club of South Bethlehem. The recep
tion continued for two hours and Har
rity shook the hands of hundreds of
A special, uispatcn to me rnuaaei-
phia Record says: The selection of fifty-
six delegates to tne national conven
tion from the twenty-eignt congres
sional districts, as announced by the
different delegations, and which will be
ratified by the convention, are as fol
lows: First district (Philadelphia) Geo.
W. Gibbons and John J. Curley: Sec
ond (Philadelphia). Charles E. Ingersoll
and Louis J. McGrath; Third (Philadel
phia). Peter Monro? and Matthew Dltt-
man: lourtn ( t'nuadeipnia;, -i nomas
Delahunty and Gustave A. Muller;
Fifth (Philadelphia), Edward r . Den
nis and John Taylor; Sixth, Frank E.
Hnusc, Chester, and Fiank H. Rhoades,
Delaware; seventn, Kdwara . Kane,
Montgomery, and Paul Appslbach,
Bucks; Eighth. Howard Muteh'.er,
Northampton, and either Francis Shar
key, of Carbon, or John B. utorm, or
Monroe: Ninth, W. Oscar Miller, of
link?, and either Sureilnte nrtent of ti e
Mint Kretz or William H. Shaffner, also
of Herks; Tenth. Horace L. Haldeman
and Richard M. Rellly, MarUtta: Elev
enth, Postmaster Frank M. VandlU'B
and John K. Roche.both of 8eranton;
Twelfth, John M. Garman and Elliott
P. Klsner, of Luzerne; Thirteenth.
James Ellis and William A. Mann, of
Schuylkill: Fourteenth. K. P. Light.
Lebanon, and John K. Royal, Dauphin;
Fifteenth, not announced; Sixteenth,
John O. Reardon, Lycoming, and Will-
lam Dent, Tioga: Hevenieentn, urani
Herring. Columbia, and J. Kllnger,
Northumberland; Eighteenth, Jay O.
Welser. Snyder, and either Mr. Petri-
ken, of Huntingdon, or Mr. Sweeney, of
Franklin: Nineteenth, Jere carl or
Harry Gltt, of York, and either A.
Urady, of Adams, or ex-Congressman
Frank Beltzhoover, of Cumberland:
Twentieth. County Chairman George
W. Rhine. Blair, and ex-Sheriff Joseph.
Gray. Cambria; Twenty-first. John H.
Keenan, Westmoreland, and W. K.
Stoneback, Indiana: Twenty-second
(Pittsburg), George 8. Fleming and Ed-
wln Frauenholm; Twenty-tlilrd (Allu
ehenv). Hay Walker, Jr., and Samuel
W. Black; Twenty-fourth, Frank
Thompson. Allegheny, and A. F. 811
vlus. Green; Twenty-fifth, Robert 8.
Ritchie. Heaver, and Robert Markham,
Butler; Twenty-sixth, Frank E. Mc
Lane. Krle. and William H. Gaskill,
Crawford; Twenty-seventh, not an
nounced; Twenty-eighth, Matt Savage,
Clearfield, and J. K. P. Hall, Elk.
The only contests to be settled by the
committee on credentials affecting the
choice of District National delegates
are In the Nineteenth and Twenty
fourth districts. Eight of the nine del
egates to the convention from Lacka
wanna county are contested. The Har
rity delegates who were elected by the
legislative districts are headed by
Postmaster Vandllng, of Scranton, and
the "antls" are headed by ex-Sheriff
Faliey. of the county committee. Ex
Senator McDonald will appear before
the credentials committee on behalf of
the Harrity delegates.
The contest caused In the Nineteenth
district by the York trouble will re
sult In sending to the national conven
tion cither Jere Carl, of York, and ex
Congressman Beltahoover, of Cumber
land (Harrity men), or Harry Gitt, of
York, and A. Brady, of Adams,, who
are said to also be for Pattlson.
The platform will declare unequivo
cally for a gold standard of the cur
rency, the retirement of all treasury
notes and all evidence of government
obligations and for the redemption in
gold of every form of government
notes; for the subsidiary coin and for
the rigid maintenance of the gold stand
ard. It will declare for government
taxation for revenue purposes only by
customs and excise tax and against
every form of protection and favorit
ism. The maintenance of friendly rela
tions with all foreign countries and en
tangling alliances with none, as pro
claimed and expounded by Jefferson
and Monroe will be insisted upon.
The platfqrm will strongly denounce
the list Republican state legislature for
Its failure to economise In expenditures
and to equalize taxation;' for its crea
tion of sufierfluoua and unnecessary of
fices In order to pension political fa
vorites; for its refusal and failure to
make apportionments, to enforce the
constitution and to administer the state
treasury. It will also Instruct the del-egatcs-at-large
to vote for and use all
honorable means to secure the presi
dential nomination of Hon. Robert E.
Pattlson. .
It was announced late tonight that
Dwight M. LowTey, or Philadelphia,
will be permanent chairman of the con
vention. The remaining two nominees
for deiegates-at-large will not be de
cided upon until tomorrow morning.
Forging the Links of Evidence 4 boat the
Murderer of Pearl Brvaa-Iuterettlag
Letters Produced.
Cincinnati. Ohio, April 28. At the
Jackson trial In Newport this morning,
the colored coachman Jackson was
called to the witness stand, but ho
failed to respond to his name. While
an officer went In search of him the
time was taen up In reading Jackson's
letters to Pearl liryan at various times
last year. One of the letters was from
Jackson to Dr. Gillespie, at Green
Castle. These letters were handed to
the court by Attorney Hayes, of Green
Castle, who has been assisting in the
prosecution. The one written to Pearl
were presumably furnished by the dead
girl's relatives. They clearly showed
how Jackson could assume when the
occasion required, the air of a young
man of a religious turn of mind. The
letter to Dr. Gillespie Is considered
highly Important from the fact that
It was written on Jan. 31, of this year,
the day before the headless body was
found. In it Jackson cautions Gilles
pie to stick to him. The first witness
was Ed H. Anthony, a newspaper re
porter, who described the finding of
Jackson's coat in a sewer on John street
wrapped In a newspaper. Witness said
the newspaper bore date of Jan. 0, 1896.
This is at variance with the testimony
of Detective Wltte, who stated that the
newspaper was dated Feb. 9.
Anthony also testified to various In
terviews with the accused. Detective
Wltte was recalled and amended his
testimony as to the date of the news
paper in which Jackson's coat was
found In the sewer. He said he meant
to say It bore the date of the Sunday
before the arrest instead of the Sunday
after the arrest.
At the afternoon session Chester Mul
len testified that Walling hired his
Rockaway coue and gray house on
Friday afternoon. Jan. HI. He did not
rc-tuin with the rig until 4 o'clock Sat
urday morning.
George Jackson, the coachman, who
claims tr have driven Jackson and
Walling to the scene of the murder was
the next witness. He said: "About
11.30 on Friday night, as I was walking
uiong George street, near Elm, a white
man slopped me and asked me If I
wanted to make $5. I asked him what
he wanted me to do. He said: 'Driv
ing about a square beyond the New
port bridge.' 1 told bl m that I would
take the job. He then said he had a
sick I'Milent he wanted to take over.
The man .'eft mc and went up Elm
street. I waited about half an hour
when the cuirlage drove up. I drove
down - Elm street to Third, then to
Broadway- and thence to the Newport
bridge. Jurt then the man who hired
me got ti beside me to direct the way.
We went two squares and then he said
'turn to the left.' We went three squares
and then zig-zag all the way. I heard
a noise in the back of the carriage like
a v.unian suffering with toothache. I
did not like the Job and told the man
bo. I put my foot down to get out of
thy carriage, when the man pulled out
an Pgly looking revolver and threat
ened to shoot me. I drove on and Just
as wo reached the bridge I heard the
mean again. We went on to where sev
eral roads met. Half way down the
hi'l the man in the back said there wan
where we wanted to stop and I checked
"Who was the man on the seat with
"Alonzo Walling."
"And the man In the back?"
"I since learned his name. It
was Scott Jackson.'1
"The man in the back of the carriage
carried the woman out and the man in
front ran round and got on the other
side of the lady. They helped her
along and told me to drive off. I looked
back and the last I saw of them was
as they were getting over the fence. I
drove to the end of the hill. I heard a
peculiar noise after I had waited about
fifteen mlnuteH I expect not that long
and then I started for home afoot."
Jackson was put through a rigid
cross-examination, which failed to
elicit anything new.
Lively Strugglo Before tho .Vitelline and
tho Mekinlevitca.
Springfield. III., April 2S.-On the eve
of .what will be the largest and what
promises to be the stormiest state con
vention In the history of the Republi
cans of Illinois, the situation Is decid
edly chaotic. It has t een a day of fine
work rather than excitement and noisy
enthusiasm with the outsldara, and-
while the McKlnley element claims not
only to have held its own but to have
secured sufficient pledges to make tho
victory certain, the opposition Is ap
parently more confident and certainly
more defiant than twenty-four hours
The bringing of Senator Culiom from
Washington is conceded by both sides
to have been a master stroke on the
part of the state managers. The senior
senator has held forth at his headquar
ters with scarcely an intermission for
refreshments or conference since nn
early hour this morning, and hundreds
of county delegates have been piloted
to his immediate neighborhood by his
active lieutenants.
Heading, Lackawanna and l.elilgh
crease Prices 2.1 Cents a Ton.
New York, April 28. Circulars Issued
today by the Reading, the Lackawanna
and the Lehigh Valley companies, gave
the first intimation of an advance in
the price of anthracite coat that will
undoubtedly become general. Each
coal producing company will make a
general advance of 25 cents per ton, to
take effect May 1. Following Is the
new schedule:
Grate, per ton, $3.50: egg, $3.75; chest
nut, $3.75, and stove, $4.
It Is expected that the circulars of
the Pennsylvania, Delaware and Hud
son, the Erie and other companies will
be out tomorrow or Thursday. The ag
gregate anthracite output for April will
reach about 3.000,000 tons, which is
about the same as April, 1895, although
the output for April of last year, was,
by agreement, restricted to 2,400,000.
r.lond Burst nt Waterloo.
Dubuque, Ia., April 28. A cloud burst
at Raymond, east of Waterloo, at 2
ttcioca mi morning waxneu out tht
track and derailed the Illlnoln Central fast
limited train for Ohtcatto. Two pn.irh
were overturned snd several pnrnengers
injureu, iiquc, imwgj-rr, uungcroiiuiy,
William Paul Hanged
,: Columbus. O.,. April 29.-Wllllam Paul
'was hanged In the state prh-on at 12.30 a.
m. He claimed his innocence to the last
snd met death bravely, His nerk was
broken by the fall. Paul was hanged for
inn murcier or nis iainer-in-iaw.
Olive Branch Tendered to Salisbury
by President Cleveland.
Gives the Britisher a Chance to Settle the
Venezuela Question In a Mnn
ner Not Humiliating to
Ilia Pride.
Chicago. April 28. Walter Wellman
telegraphs from Washington to the
Times-Herald: Lord Salisbury now has
before him for his consideration an in
formal proposition from President
Cleveland of a treaty of general arbi
tration of all matters In dispute be
tween the United States and Great
Britain, and of all disputes between
either of these powers and any other
power in which the good offices of the
other government have been tendered.
The meaning of this Is that the presi
dent has offered to the British premier
a general scheme of arbitration de
signed to embrace the Venezuelan
question, but without reference thereto
by name, thus affording a method by
which Lord Salisbury may easby reach
a settlement of that vexing dispute
without too directly humbling his pride.
To this proposal made some time ago,
after a series of fruitless negotiations
along other linea, no reply has as yet
ben ifcelved.
This Is the present state of the Vene
zuelan question as It Is learned from
authoritative sources. No conclusion
has betn reached, and on the other
hand nothing has appeared to cause the
vll:htest fear of other than amlcabio
adjustment In the future. Borne prog
ress has been made In the spirit with
which the negotiations are conduefd.
Though Lord Salisbury Is still ttuhborn
there ui e signs of the coming of a more
rotionn. view on his part, and the In
tonated diplomats believe the prelimi
nary though fruitless exchange of pro
postln was IndlspenBlble to the subse
quent success, which is now hoped for.
The fact that the president has pro
posed a general arbitration treaty
shows that the United States as well
as Great Britain are disposed to mono
concessions, and that a conclllatoiy
pirit has characterized the negotia
tions which have been In progress.
No answer has yet been hade by Great
Britain to Secretary Olney's proposi
tion for a general arbitration schem.
It may be said, however, that the nu
thorltiesare scarcely expecting Its ac
ceptance. It brings out tco broadly tho
principles of the Monroe doctrine tJ
incourage the belief that Lord Salis
bury will accept it In the form pro
posed. The last communication of Sec
retary Olney embracing this proposi
tion was delivered to Lord Salisbury
about a week or ten days ago. Dis
patches from London indicate that
Lord Salisbury has rejected it, and the
authorities here are therefore expect
ing to have within a few days official
notification to the same effect. But
they. do not anticipate that Lord Salis
bury's reply will put an end to further
negotiations. On the contrji y.they are
looking for some counter preposition
which will be in the nature of a conces
sion front the position previously taken
by the English premier, and that the
effect will be to bring the two countries
nearer together In their efforts to reach
the one general object which they both
appear to have in view.
The conclusions of the Venezuelan
boundary committee will undoubtedly
have an Important bearing on what
ever derision may be reached between
the two countries, whether an agree
ment Is arrived at before the report Is
made or not. Although the mrmbeis
of the committee will not admit that
any decision has been reached by the
committee aa awhole, l am in a post
tlon to reaffirm the statements made
some time ago In these dispatches to
the etfect thnt the president and Hecre
tnry Olney are aware of the trend of
opinion on the part of the commission
ers and are thoroughly convinced that
their final conclusions will In the main
be adverse to Great Britain and In
favor of Venezuela. In fact, an inti
mation to that effect has already been
given to the British foreign ofilte. It It
hoped receipt ot this information will
Induce a more conciliatory spirit en
the part of lord Salisbury. The Vene
zuelan commission has commanded n
great deal of respect In England, and
in other countries, and Lord Salisbury
ia probably aware that public opinion,
even In Great Britain, would not up
hold a refusal to submit to arbitration
a dispute in which a court of such high
character had found against the Brit
ish claims. In effect, the Venezuelan
commission has already reached a con
clusion unfavorable to Great Britain,
and the British premier is now given
his choice of agreeing to a general plan
of arbitration be'ore that conclusion
shall be made public.
Prisoners Sentenced to Death for Treason
Are Not Thought to Be la Any Great
London, April 23. A report is circu
lated and generally credited in the lob
by of the house of commons that Co
lonial Secretary Chamberlain advised
the surrender of Colonel Rhodes and his
comrades to the legal authorities of
Pretoria, and also advised them to en
ter a plea of guilty upon the assurance
that the Pretoria authorities would
treat them with leniency. The opposi
tion are framing a series of questions
to be propounded to the government
with the object of forcing them to make
revelations showing precisely what
part the English government has
played in the affair.
The Globe in an article on the con
demnation of Rhodes, Hammond and
the others to death, says: "The news
absorbs the entire Interest of the house
of commons. The concensus of opin
ion Is that the condemned men are in
no real danger, but the feeling Is unani
mous that in the event of the contrary
there must be Instant war. It ' would
bo impossible for even the present gov
ernment to hold office for a day If any
other course were taken."
Pretoria, April 28.--Among the other
members of the reform committee, who
were sentenced today are four Ameri
cans, Captain Mcin, chief engineer of
the Robinson Gold Mining company;
Victor B, Clement, assistant consulting
engineer ot the Consolidated Gold Field
Mining company; J. C. Curtis, a
wealthy engineer, who la well known In
New York, and a Mr. Lawley. They
were each sentenced to pay a fine of
$10,000, to undergo two years' Imprison
ment, and then be banished from the
Transvaal for three years.
Ilooth-Tnokcr Arrosted.
New York, April 28. Booth Tucker, thn
present commander or tne salvation Army
In the United States, was arrested tonight
for wearing a disguise. Tucker had bften
on a slumming trip among the Chinatown
oiiiutn dens and Pan Tans aamea. Ma
signed a station house ball bond for $300
anu men reiumea nm tour ay visiting some
of the Bowery lodging houses. He will
answer to the choree In eourt tomorrow.
Weather ladlcatleas Tedayt
Fair; Easterly te Southerly Wlad.
I Cleveland Wants General Arbitration.
Democratic Hosts Gather at Allen
town. Mr. Hill Would Protect Americana,
Philadelphia Traction Troubles.
3 Whitney's Weekly Budget.
S (Local) Attorney Smith on Trial.
4 Editorial.
How (Long Must Cuba Walt?
5 (Local) Anniversary of the Y. U. C. A.
Hotel-Keeper's Skull Fractured.
6 Next Week's Methodist Conference.
Scranton of Yesterday.
7 Suburban News.
Market and Stock Reports.
8 (Sports) Scranton Downs the Cuban
Make-up of Scranton Team Nearing
National League Games and Standing.
Greater New York.
World of Business.
10 (Btory)-"The Red Night at Raglaia" (
II For and Airainst Women.
Tin-Plate Trade of Wales.
United States Is a Big Country.
12 News Up and Down the Valley.
Johnnie MoGrath and Joseph Wallnskl
Indulge in a Eaeounter Whleh Results
In the Death of the Former.
Speelal to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City. April 28. A very sad ac
cident occurred here last evening, about
7.30, which resulted in the death of
Johnnie McGrath. Together with a
number ot other boys he was playing
at what' In known among the smaller
portion of the community as "Kick the
Can." when a lad named Joseph Wal
lnskl came along. The two engaged In
a dispute and finally decided to go to a
spot on Htggins alley. Just behind the
Fleming house barn and "tight it out."
The evidence brought out afterwards
showed that young McGrath struck
Wallnskl once on the forehead and
Wallnskl hit McGrath on the chin. The
urchins, ranging from 8 to 12 years of
age, who were nearby, saw McGrath
step back In a dazed manner, and then
pitch partly forward and partly side
ways, striking on the side of his head.
He lay there without getting up and
only groaned once or twice Immediately
after he foil. At first the boys thought
he was shamming but finally became
alarmed and notified T. C. Manser,
who hastened to the scene and found
the boy dead.
There were no marks on him save a
few scratches on the side ot his face,
where he had fallen. Mr. Manzer car
ried him to his home on Main street
and Dr. Dwyer was summoned. The
physician found that the boy's neck
had been broken and gave It as his
opinion that death had been instant
aneous. No one witnessed the accident
except a number of the lad's small
W. J. Maxey, justice of the peace, at
once summoned the following Jury: W.
H. Leek. W. J. Davis, M. J. Collins,
John McDonald, J. D. Jones and Benja
min Maxey. They viewed the body,
heard the physician's testimony as to
the cause of death and listened to the
evidence of some of the boys who wero
present at the time of young McGrath's
death. They then adjourned until 8
o'clock yesterdny morning when they
reassembled to hear further evidence.
After getting all the Information pos
sible the jury returned a verdict to tho
effect "that the said John McGrath
came to hlB death on the 27th day of
April, 1S9G. at Forest City aforesaid, of
a dislocated neck, sustained by a fall,
during an altercation between said
John McGrath and another boy, ono
Joseph Wallnskl, and that the jury can
not determine the cause of the fall from
the evidence given, but that in the opin
ion of the jury no blame can be at
tached to sold Joseph Wallnskl."
Young McGrath was a grandson of
Daniel McGrath and was thirteen years
of age. He was a bright and manly lit
tle fellow and was well liked by his
playmates. Wallnskl was about the
same age and Is a Polander. Neither of
the boys were of a quarrelsome disposi
tion, but the result of their boyish
difference Is sad to contemplate.
Funeral services will be held this af
ternoon. Father Coroner will preach.
the funeral sermon at St. Agnes' church
at 2.30 and Interment villi be in St.
Rose's cemetery at Carbondale.
All Demands on Part of tho Men Are
Ana In Kcfused Tho Situation is De
eldedlv Critical.
Philadelphia, April 28. A grievance
committee of the employes of the Union
Traction comuany today presented to
the executive committee of the board
of directors ot the company a list of
grievances which they ask to be ad-
Justed, The employes' oommlttoo were
received by the officials In the office of
President J. Lowber Welsh and the
conference lasted for over two hours.
At the conclusion of the conference It
was announced that all the demands of
the men had been refused.
A meeting of the central board of the
Amalgamated association waB held this
afternoon for the purpose of taking
action on the ineffectual conference. It
Is conceded that the situation now is
critical; that the refusal ot the officials
to agree to any ot the demands has
given the employes the alternative of
striking or remaining at work with
their alleged grievances unadjusted.
Two more union motormen, Nicholas
walthers and Patrick Mullen, were ar
raigned before Magistrate South today
on the charge ot assaulting Edward
Chrlstensen and Charles H. Barnes,
non-union motormen. They were re
spectively held in $2,000 ball and $1,000
bail for eourt. This afternoon the ac
cused were indicted by the grand jury,
making nine Indictments of this char
acter that have been found yesterday
and today, 'tne men will be tried be
fore Judge Yerkes in a few days.
Late tonight it was learned that at
the meeting this evening the central
comnflttee of the Amalgamated asso
elation decided to call a strike at 4
o'clock Thursday morning on the lines
of the Union Traction company,
Steitmahtp Arrivals.
New York, April 28. Arrived: Ethiopia.
from Glasgow and Novllle; Ems. from
Genoa anil Naples. Sailed: Trave, for
Hremen. Arn veil out: tsaale, at Bremer
haven. Anrll 27: Prussia, at Hambtirir.
April 27. Sltrtited: Havel, from New York
for Bremen, passed Sellly: Teutonic, from
New York for Liverpool, parxed Brow
Heart: Halle, from New York for Bremen.
panned Dover; Phoenleln. from New York
ror Mainour. pHsseo uizzaru: itottertiain
from Botterdum for New York, uasnoi!
Beachy Heart ; Schiedam, from New York
tor Amsterdam, pnsseu inn jvizzuru; Am
sterilam, from New York for Glasgaw,
passed Tory Island.
Favor Free Coinage of Silver.
Towanda, Pa., April 28. The Bradford
county Democratic convention todnv
adopted resolutions favoring free coinage
of sliver and sent a delgatlon to the state
convention neauert y u. u. DeWltt,
prominent free silver advocate.
He Thiaks it High Time That America
Protect Her Cititens.
Miscellaneous Bnslaess Transacted la
the House-Qnaekenbush on the Re
tired List-Other Matters of
Interest la Congress. '
Washington, April 28. After passing
the general pension bill by a vote of 187
to 54, the house today entered upon a
five days' consideration of the bank
ruptcy bill. The pension bill was sup
ported by the votes of Republicans and
Populists and ot Messrs. Cummings and
Walsh (N. Y.), Layton and Sorg (Ohio),
Fltspatrick (Mass.) and Downing (III.)
Democrats. General debate on the
bankruptcy bill will extend over tomor
row's and Thursday's sessions, and
Friday and Saturday it will be con
sidered under the five-minute rule for
amendment until 4 o'clock on the lat
ter day, when a vote will be taken on
the passage. Notice was given by Mr.
Bailey (Dem., Tex.) that one or two
substitutes for the pending bill will be
offered for the action of the house by
friends of voluntary bankruptcy only.
The opening speech ot the debate was
made by General Henderson (Rep., Ia.)
in support of the bill, which Is prac
tically the Torrey bill, providing tor
both voluntary and Involuntary bank
ruptcy. At the conclusion of Mr. Hen
derson's speech at S.10 o'clock, the
house adjourned.
Some miscellaneous business was
transacted, Including the passage of a
bill to place John N. Quackenbuah. on
the retired list of the navy, by a vote
of 1S1 to 49. This bill was intended to
cure what has been considered by the
beneficiary and Ms friends a great in
justice perpetrated upon him. A bill
was also passed directing the secretary
of the Interior to restore to the public
domain the lands within the limits of
Fort Lewis military reservation In
Mr. Mahaney (Rep., N. Y.) asked im
mediate consideration of a resolution
directing the secretary of state to In
terpose In behalf of John Hayi Ham
mond, the Mexican citizen concerned in
the Transvall troubles, South Africa;
but objection was made by Mr. Mc-
Creary (Dem., Ky.) and the resolution
went to the committee on foreign af
fairs. In the course of the colloquy over the
resolution Mr. Hill (Rep., Conn.) said:
Mr. Speaker, a few weeks ago I wrote
to the secretary of state In regard to
Mr. Hammond, at the request of one of
my constituents. I received the truly
American reply that the state depart
ment had no knowledge on the subject
except what had been acquired from
the newspapers, but that Its Impression
was that Mr. Hammond's Interests
were being guarded by the English
government. It seems to me it is high
time that the American government
protected its own citizens abroad, and I
am heartily in favor of this resolution.
The whole of today's session In the
senate was occupied in the considera
tion of the naval appropriation bill.
The first two hours passed in the dis
cussion of the amendment offered on
Monday from the committee on naval
affairs prohibiting officers of the navy
or marine corps on the retired list from
taking employment la the service of
persons or corporations having con
tracts with the government for the sup
ply of material. The amendment was
finally agreed to years, 45; nays, 11.
The remainder of the day's session was
occupied by a speech of Mr. Gorman
(Dem., Md.) on an amendment offered
by him to reduce the number of battle
ships provided for in the bill from four
to two. The speech was almost en
tirely on political lines although Mr.
Gorman did not spare members of his
own party especially the secretary of
the navy whom he ridiculed for his
pretensions to become a great admiral.
Senators Sherman (Rep., Ohio) and
Hale (Rep., Me.) took part In the dis
cussion, which assumed quite an ani
mated character.
ThoWyanoke Collides With the Cruiser
Fortress Monroe. Va.. April 28. The
old Dominion steamer, Wyanoke, on her
way from Richmond to New York,
while coming to the dock at Newport
News at 3 o'clock this morning, col
lided with the cruiser Columbia, anch
ored off the port, and sunk In about
thirty minutes. There were 1U7 pas
sengers on board and a crew of forty
men. Boats were at once lowered from
both vessels.
Captain Janery, with the crew of the
Wyanoke, and a number of passengers,
went ashore, while utlieis were taken
on board the Columbia. The Wyanoke
struck the Columbia with such force as
to awaken all the passengers and crew,
and it is thought no lives were lost.
The Wyanoke lies In about forty feet of
water and can no doubt be raised.
Indianapolis Is Shy litis Yonr, According
to Enumerator Wolf.
Indianapolis, Ind., April 28. George
Wolf, school enumerator of this city,
makes the surprising declaration that
the tabulated reports of the enumera
tion will show a shrinkage running
from 7,00 to 10,000 children, as com
pared with lost year, notwithstanding
the natural Increase in population. As
the cost of the enumeration Is paid on
tho number of children enumerated, the
city has overpaid many times what it
should In the years preceding.
Tho discovery cuts both ways, as the
state apportionment Is divided among
the several counties according to the
number of school children, and this
shortage will materially affect the al
lowance to be made to Marlon county,
of which this city is the Integral part,
Senator Wolcott Outlines the Plans of
the Colorado Delegation.
Washington, April 28. Senator Wol
cott, of Colorado, today sent a letter to
Irving W. Howbert. chairman of the
Republican state committee of Colora
do in which he outlines what he believes
should be the position of the silver Re
publicans towards the nominee of the
national convention.
Mr. Wolcott says that if Colorado
sends a free silver delegation to St.
Louis it should do everything It can
towards securing recognition for Bllver.
Herald's Forecast.
New York, April 28. Herald's weather
forecast: In the Middle states today, part
ly cloudy te fair, warmer weather will
prevail today, preceded by a fog unJ
cloudiness on tne coast. On Thursday,
fair to partly cloudy warmer and Trnnh
southerly winds will prevail, followed by
Increasing cloudiness and possibly by
light local rain, and on Friday, partly
cloudy weather and high temperature,
followed by rap
Three Special Drives In
all-wool Dress Goods.
20 pieces all-wool Chev
iots 25c. a yard; former
price 37c.
15 pieces all-wool Chev
iots, 40 inches wide, 35c.
a yard; former price 48c
17 pieces all-wool Chev
iots, 40 inches wide, Jac
quards styles, 43c. a yard)
former price 63c.
42-iicl SicilBics, 45c
50-iicli SldlkHCS, 50c
54-lncli Slcillenmcs, 95c
All these numbers ex
ceptional values.
510 AND 512
And Slipper for Every Member of tte)
Wholesale snd Retail.
Take Notice
Welchel, the Jeweler,
has a nice line of Bicycle
Belts. Call and see them.
One of the latest novel
ties. s
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Linseed Oil, Guaranteed.
ItBS '
. Specials Ibr This WccIL