The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Pure and
Every ingredient used in making Cleveland's bak
ing powder is plainly printed on the label, information
not given by makers of other powders. "
Recipe boot free. Seed stamp and address. Cleveland Baking Towder Co., N. Y.
wm Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Ave.
Tie most com
plete stock of
Special Patterns
mads strictly
prinate to us for
Join the Tillies and eat Turkey.
Conrad Pell, blacksmith, of l'lttston ave
nue, had a liiir toe crushed yesterday by
a bar of Iron fullltlf,' oil It.
Fifteen different sewers tire contcmp'ut
pil or in course of construction 111 the city
at present. The North Knd has the larg
est share of them.
The pupil" of Mrs. Kathorlne Wilcox will
Klve a musicale in the Assembly hall of
the Yoimi? Women's Christian association
ioiiIkIu ui 7. .'to o'clock prompt.
The Woman's Christian Tempcranee
union will hold their regular evaiitfcllstl.!
services this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
meetiiiif will be led by Jlrs. UeorKC Field.
All welcome.
The Oreen ItldKe Woman's Christian
Temperance union Will hold 11 mother's
meeting in their rooms, on I'eiin avenue,
TutMilay at 2.M p. 111. A cordial invitation
Is extended to all.
A month's mind mass for the late Ucv.
Oernlil .lc.l array, of Dunmore, will be
celebrated Wednesday moming nt !U1')
li. St. Mary's Catholic church, cf wlii. h
1 atlier Mcjliirray was for years paster.
The hearing of Arthur Kioihinidrmi for
aain nttcmptiiiK to build Hie pei tieo did
not take place yesterday afternuen. owing
10 Alderman Millar's absence from the
city. The alderman will be hack next S.ti
iiiday and will then render his deeluu in
the lirst case.
Mariiaire licenses were granted yester
day to Frank KaralnrUh and Ml la fiiel,
anowitz, l'rlrehiiii?: Kreilrrli'k l.iiwn nee
and MiiMgie Kaub, Seranlon; Willi. 1111 U 1 I'
ll r and Mary A. (lullnithcr, Si-ninlon;
Herbert F. Loney and Kuiclitie I.MI,'.',
Scranton; Henry Wets luid Ida Hicdnul
ler, Scranton.
. lira. Margaret Day, wife of Police
Otlicer Luna Day, died yesterday nf
ternoon at her home, ".10 Washington
avenue. Shu was a young woman M
years of age whose worth and amiabil
ity won admiration and respect for her
v.hetcver she was known. She was
married on June 4, 18!Ii, in this city to
Hicer Day. who Is overwhelmed with
. grief by the death of his young wife.
ISeslde her husband she Is survived by
a little daughter who was born on Apt 11
18. Mrs. Day's parents are Mr. and
Jlrs. Cross, of Sterling, Wayne county.
Mrs. Catherine O'Hara, wife of John
O'Hara, of the West Side, will be burled
Wednesday at !i a. in. In St. Patrick's
Catholic church of the West Side a ie
ftilem mass will be celebrated and In
terment will follow in Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery .
The funeral of the late Emma Dean
Anderson will take place this morning
at 10.30 from her home, 2-130 North Main
avenue. Interment will be j.ilvate.
Mrs. Moses M. Andicva irlfn of the
alderman of the Fourteenth ward, died
'ut 3.!0 o'clock yesterday afternoon nt
,her home, 4X1 North Sixth street.
Pneumonia und rheumatism, lrom
wh'ch latted disease she had suffered
for several years, were the cause of
death. Deceased was 19 years of age.
She was born nt 1 leaver Meadow, Pa.,
and resided on the West Side for tin
past twenty-nine years, moving there
soon after her marring:'. Her husband
nnd three children, V. I Andrews,.
Curtis C. Andrews and Theodore Per
nell Andrews, survive. The funeral
'..ill be private. The arrangements
have not yet been completed. Curtis
t Andrews Is at the present time suf
fering from a serious attack of pneu
monia. Mrs. John Williams died yesterday
morning at her home, 312 Kdwards
court. The deceased Is survived by her
husband and several children. She
was 3t years of age. The funeral will
occur Thursday afternoon,
Edward Carson died Sunday night nt
11 o'clock ot his home on Parker street
of pneumonia. He had been suffering
from It for some time, but was not
thought to be In a dangerous condition
until Sunday, when he rapidly grew
.worse and sank until 11 p. m., when he
expired. . . Mr. Carson was about 30
years of nge and was the son of Thom
as Carson, inside foreman at the Storrs
shaft. Ho is survived by a wife and
one child..;;.
Thomas O'Donnell, of 2492 Plttston
avenue, died yesterday morning after
a long illness. He was a well-known
resident of the Twentieth wnrd, and
. before movlg there he lived for many
; years In f Jreenwood. A wife nnd
grown-up fnmlly survive him. The
. names of the latter are James, Rich
ard, Patrick, of New York, Mary and
Katlu. The funeral announcement will
be made tomorrow.
Linden Street Dridgo Approach.
The curbing of the approach to the
Linden street bridge Is about to bo
commenced and the paving . will Im
mediately follow. Contractor Cleary
ays that the work will be completed
.according to contract by July 1, the
. urn limit. .. .. .
U hat the llcrulj lUis to Say About Ucv.
Ir. Mcl.cnd.
In the course of a column of Interest
in;; iv?iy u-ry pnt.s, tin1 Carhondale
lliial.l h'u.s this to say of a popular
ri-i ;i 11 Inn imsim ;
"Ktw Dr. McLeod, who was much In
ovlilctue I nrohuMy the most npproii
slVf niiin In the'kawannu juvshy
tory. fills a wry iiiiixirtant place.
There Is nw.l uf just such a man. He
lias Iil-as. all his own, ami he Is lint
nfra'il In express them whether they
are in harmony v!th those of others or
rot. He never wavers from his convic
tions, and only nits tlown when voted
il.uvn. lie evidently admires the man
with spirit enouich to li;;ht for what he
lielicvcs to he risrht, for when KluVr
Dickson spoke against the ovi rturcs he
pn pos'd sinilliii; to tile policial as
sembly, the doctor said: "1 am
there is one elder here who dares op
pose his pastor." The iillestlon was de
bated, hotly, too, und the elder won. In
less than live minutes the doctor and
elder were havlnir a hearty embrace In
the rear of the church. That spirit of
brotherly love seemed to dominate In
every individual. No unpleasant per
sonal feelliiKS were engendered by the
strictest nnlngonisni 011 nuestions at
issue. Dr. Mcl.end has n happy facul
ty of KcttliiK nearly anything he de
sires through the presbytery when ins
elder Isn't opposed to him."
This Arabian I lijcntly Head Charles
Dicken. .
KlRht Arabians, four men, two wo
men, a boy and a pii'l. called nt the of
lice of Clerk of the Courts John H.
Thomas yesterday, their purpose Ih'Iiir
to Ret a marrlaKe license for one of the
1111 n mid the little rIi-I, whose ki did
not appear to be much more than 10
years, althoimh they protested that she
is Mr. Thomas chased them out of
I lie oirice.
The (till was decked out In a sky-blue
wrapper, many sizes too bin for her.
Her hat was a larpe one with a wealth
of black feathers, and over her should
ers she wore a scurf of the same color
as her dress, but several shades darker.
The attempt to give her nn older ap
penrance by means of the clothinR was
Krotesiiue in the extreme.
' The man to whom she was betrothed
Is an unhealthy looking specimen of his
sex. He is about ".. years of bru and
pave his name ns John Ponchea. The
Rill's name is Kurus Haddnd. Her
mother was along, or at least a woman
who represented herself as such.
It was a great disappointment to
them to be refused a license, Hnd they
spent over two hours around the court
house. They went to Attorney John P.
Scragg's olilce and wanted him to In
tercede for them, but were not success
ful. They live In the central part of
the city on one of the courts.
Interesting Mcctins to be Held in Y. M.
C. A. Hull Tonight.
This evening nt S o'clock there will
be held in the association parlors one
of the most Important gatherings ever
held by the Young Men's Christian as
sociation. The occasion Is the twenty
fifth annual meeting of the association.
The programme will consist of music
and brcif nddresses by President A. W.
Dickson and others nnd of reports
from the following gentlemen, who
have been chairmen of the different as
sociation committees during the year:
William A. Wilcox, Professor W. H.
Duell. P. K. Piatt. W. W. IiirMs. W. It.
McClave, H. II. Cox nnd Churl. 'S Cen
ter. The reports of the various com
mittees will no doubt be received with
intense interest, ns It Is understv:!
Hint this has been one of the most suc
cessful years in the history of the as
Intends to Ascertain '.ho Kiuct Cause of
the Dentil of Mary .la no tawls.
Coroner S. P. I.ongstreet will go to
the West Side this morning to investi
gate' the cuuse of the death of Mary
June Lewis.
The coroner will examine the rela
tives of the dead girl and take other
testimony to throw lljrht on the case.
He may. If he thinks the facts war
rant such a proceeding, issue an order
to have the body exhumed and an au
topsy held to determine the exact
cause of the girl's death.
Dr. Lnngstreet is determined to probe
the matter to the bottom, nnd If there
be nny criminality connected with it
every effort will bo made to have pun
ishment meted out to the guilty ones.
Produced bv the Winnctt Stock Company
nt the I'rothinshnm.
At the Prothlngham last evening the
W Innett Stock company opened n tint-.
days' engagement by producing "Wife
for Wife," a melodrama of striking In
terest the scene of which Is located In
the sunny South. The company Is
headed by Joseph Slay tor, an uetor of
the romstlo school who possesses much
real ability. Charles Jiowon nnd K. H.
Le Due were the most meritorious mem
bers of the rather weak comnnny that
supports Mr. Slay tor. Specialties were
introduced by Mart Fuiler and May
belle lionner.
Tonight the same company will be
seen In "Passion's Slave."
"" FFLL'fNiHi:i;x veei,
Dunmore Carpenter Sustain a. Com
pound I ractnrc of tlio Thigh.
Michaed Monaghan. of Mende street,
Dunmore, a carpenter by trade, was
f mployed in the construction of a house
on Drinkei turnpike yesterday and he
fell from the scaffolding to the ground,
n dlrlanct of nineteen feet and sus
tained a compound fracture of the right
He was brought to the Lackawanna
hospital In the afternoon And his In
juries attended to. An examination
failed to reveal that he suffered any
oilier injuries.
A Tree l.ccturo.
On the evening ot Thursday, April 30,
nt 8 o'clock, the lion. Terrence V, Pow
derly, labor's greatest champion, will
deliver his famous lecture "Labor and
Chiistinnlty, nt Wood s college.
President Williams will meet every
expense in order to give his students
and friends the full benefit of the great
advocate's latest thoughts on a great
A cordlnl Invitation is extended to all
pupils, patrons, the clergy and the
press. '
Humphreys is Honest.
D. W. Hunphreys turned over to the
police a purse containing money and
valuable papers which he found at the
ball park yesterday.
The celebrated Armorslde Corsets at
Superintendent of Schools
Will Be Chosen.
Mayor Bailey Think That There Will Not
Me a .Meeting of .Select Council on
- Thursday Night-Coins to
State Convention.
Next Tuesday morning. May?, at 10
o'clock, the school directors of Lacka
wanna county, except those ot Hcrau
ton. Carbondale and Dunmore. will as
semble In l!- main room of the court
bouse uu.l elect a county superintend
ent of schools. J. C. Taylor, the pres
ent superintendent, will, to ull appear
ances, be re-elected without any oppo
positlon. Sir. Taylor Is being accorded what it
has been customary to fc'ivo to county
superintendents in the oast, a second
teim. He has spoken on his visits
around the county to the different di
rectors, und they seem to be agreed
that his service in the ottlce has been of
such sulliclent and satisfactory nature
ns to entitle him to a second term.
There are : directors in the county,
und they will meet, elect a chairman
nnd secretary nnd proceed through the
routine of balloting. It will nlso Is
necessary to 11 x the salary of the super
intendent. That will very likely take
Up but very li'tle time, US Iheiv does
Pot aoiiear to be a disposition to In
crease Hie amount from $2,0n0 R year,
at which figure it lias remained for sev
eral veins.
out of this the superintendent must
pay the expenses of the titlice, which
amount to about Sseo u year, leaving
him $1,200 net.
There Is some talk about the streets
of a special meeting of select council.
Thursday night, to receive Mayor Hal
ley's appointments, but in city hall
nothing is known of any such intended
Several Democratic selectmen who
were Interviewed, said they had heard
no Intimation of a call further than
street rumor, and if a call was to be
made they felt that they wniiui know
something about It. City Clerk l,n
velle, who would necessarily bo called
upon t.i Issue the notices If the meet
lug was to be called by the chairman,
had 110 knowledge of nny Intended
Mayor Ilailey, when approached on
the subject, said he had no intention of
c ulling a meeting, nnd had heard noth
ing of any intended special meeting.
"If there Is a meeting Thursday night
will you send In your appointments?"
he was asked.
"It is not likely that there will be a
"Hut, If there is a meeting, will your
appointments go In?
"No, 1 think not," answered the may
or after a few moments ot deliberation,
The Indications are that the aspir
ants are doomed to another week on the
anxious scut.
Mayor Ilailey absolutely reiuses lo
commit himself for publication with re
gard to the appointments he contem
plates making. Within the last few
days a slate has several times appeared
In print, which, It is said, he has de
cided upon. It gives Captain ltobling
the position of chief of police, promotes
Patrolman John Molr to the ofllce of
captain, and puts Common Councilman
P. J. Hlckey in ehnrge of the tire de
partment. These men may be appoint
ed; and, In fact, It is the general lm
.presslon now among the leading Dem
ocrats of the city that Robling Is sure
of the police department berth, but at
the same time they are not betting nny
large amount of their coin on the entire
slate mentioned above.
If the mayor has decided upon his ap
pointments, as many believe, It is only
reasonable to suppose that he would
call a meeting of the select council
Thursday night and present his men for
the consideration of the selectmen.
That would end the a;--ony he has been
enduring since election. No appoint
ments 'Will be made Thursday night,
Fays the mayor, and from this the con
clusion Is drawn that he is not yet
ready to speak his mind In the matter.
In the meantime the persistent sports
men are getting more nnd more hungry
with each succeeding day, but many
men who used to spend hours each day
In their back yards learning how to
swing a policeman's club with ease nnd
grace, have become disgusted and are
returning to the ordinary vocations of
life, where the lime light of publicity
does not so eagerly search a man out
ns when he wears the blue.
The Lackawanna Democrats will
start today for Allentown to attend
Harrlty's state convention, County
Chairman James O'Neill and the dele
gates elected by his committee will
leave this morning on n Delaware and
Hudson train for Wllkes-Rarre and
from that place will proceed to Allen-
town over the Lehigh Valley road.
They will be accompanied by a number
of Democrats whose interests ure linked
with those of the delegates.
At 12.45 the delegates who will con
test the right of the men elected by the
county committee to hold seats In the
convention will start for Allentown. go
ing over the central Railroad of New-
Jersey. These men are anxious to lie
recognized for the reason that they will
have the naming of the two national
delegates from this county If they suc
ceed in getting seats In the convention
to the exclusion of county committee
Death lie J Kcpentcnccs tho Subject o f the
Sermon nt the
Rev. P. F. Qulnnun, of Plttston,
preached the sermon at the cathedral
last night. No sermon will be deliv
ered tonight, that the confessions of all
may be heard. The forty hours' devo
tion will close tomorrow morning with
a high mass at li o'clock.
Rev, Father Qulnnnn's theme was on
the necessity of being at nil times pre
pared for death: not to delay repent
ance until the deathbed. He spoke of
persons who pass along through life
with very little regard for their salva
tion, hoping to wait until old age comes
upon them, nnd then they expect to
have sulllclcnt time, when they are
good for nothing else, 40 pray nnd make
their pence with Almighty Ood. Ex
perlences are presented every day
around us to teach well the lesson that
no one can tell nt what hour und In
what manner death will come, hence
the necessity of being at all times pre
pared. J. It. CAnTiEV'S 'troubles.
Ills Drug Storo Sold Out by the Shoriff
Deputy Sheriff T. J. Price went to
Providence yesterday afternoon and
sold out the drug store of John 11. Cnf
fiey, on West Market street. Tho sale
brought $105, and the stock was bought
In by Klehtml Caffrey, the defendant's
father, who was the first to enter un
execution of S2.000. There were other
claims ugalnst the missing druggist,
but tho sheriff's sale was mude in pur
suance of this execution.
(leorge O'Donnell hnd a landlord's
warrant for $174,811 for rent; A. P.
O'Donnell had a Judgment, for $123.75
for board; li. A. Knight hnd a con
stable's writ for $il.r for wages; and
there was another wage claim amount
ing to $7. The money realised on tho
sale will likely have to be paid Into
court, on account of the various claims
that are entered.
Senator M. K. McDonald, represent
ing Richard Cnffrcy, (lied a petition In
court yesterday for a writ of alterna
tive mandamus directed to Alderman
P. De Lacy, of the Seventh ward, that
he show cause why be refused to ac
cept paynwnt of coata in the assumpsit
suit of A. P. O'Donnell against John
li. Caffrey for the board bill afore
mentioned, in order that the defendant
could appeal the case.
Mr. o Donnell sued Druggist Caffrey
for $12S.ii and got judgment. The
petition for the mandamus alleges that
on April 20 the defendant went to the
alderman's office and offered to pay the
costs, which were $15.61 so aa to take
n appeal, nut the alderman refused
to accept the costs, and now the court
la asked to compel him. The writ la
made returnable on Monday, May 11,
at a. m. The effort tei appeal was
made by the druggist's father; the drug
gist is out cr town.
Whole l'u::ili (re is From Eating
Cnu:i, .1 KhnNiib.
Pie made from canned rhubarb poi
soned Jacob Rronson, his wife, three
daughters, one son nnd Professor
Houser, a hoarder, of Dudley street,, on Saturday night.
The prompt administration of emetics
by a physician relieved the affected
persons, but Internal pain was suffered
by all for several hours. The fact that
they ate sparingly of the pie made the
case less serious than it might have
Apportionments Made by the County
Treasurer of tha Monor Derived from
l iquor Licenses of the County.
This year the amount of money ild
Into the county treasurer's olilce for
liipior llcensis was Jl iH.S 12.07. Last
year the amount was $1"0,10.81, or s,
sl.26 less. There were S,;.6 licenses paid
for this year. Seven licenses thut were
granted have not been taken out.
The money paid in for wholesale,
brewer's and bottler's licenses amounts
to Ju:!,6XO..r.o. This goes without reserve
to the state treusury. The money re
ceived for retail licenses . amounts to
l 15.101.57. Of this four-fifths go? to
the cities boroughs and townshli-s of
the county. Kach district Is entitled to
that proportion of the amount of nicney
paid 'n from the district. The other
one-fifth remains in the general county
Deputy Treasurer John A. Schadt will
be prepared on and after May 5 to pay
to the treasurers of the various districts
the amount due them, llorough treas
urers must have orders signed by the
proper authorities and township treas
urers must have an order from their
suprvh-ori?. The amount each district
Is entitled to Is us follows:
The detailed statement showing the
amount due the county and each town
ship, borough and city follows:
No, of Amt.dne
Lore Illy. licenses.
Archbuld borough 21
Klnkely borough
Demon township 1
Carbondale township 7
Cnrliomlale city 25
Clifton township 1
1 Hilton borough I
Dickson City borough 20
Damncrc boron1i 3H
Kirniiiii'st . borough 3
Fell township 17
Ci'er.biiru borough I
liiwiilleld township 1
Jermyn borough II
Jeficmon lownshl) 1
Lackawanna township 17
Madison township i
2,4i7 S3
S7 S3
4111 :i
9,rkVi 00
t7 33
114 Ui
2,293 21
4,3'7 11
313 !S
971 12
1 1 l'.ii
r.7 33
l.i! 27
57 33
974 K2
111 OS
802 fi.l
2.407 Hi
4,242 15
u7 33
57 33
77,201 90
229 :-2
1,211 27
3,219 50
" A CO
2,293 21
29,604 49
MavlleM boroimh ..
obi Forge township
Olyphnnt boroimh
Ransom township
Siott townshli
Scranton rlty
South Ablngton township.
Throop borough
Taylor borough
V averly borouah
Winton borough
County of Lackawanna ...
, 42
, 37
, 1
, 1
, 4
. 11
. 28
, 1
. 20
Total 528
Due from wholesalers, bot
tlers and brewers to Com
monwealth of Pennsylva
nia 39
$145,101 57
$13 tiSO 50
Grand total
..565 $158,812 07
International School of Correspondence
Will Licet It oil Wyoming Avenue.
Two large and handsome buildings
will soon grace the plot on Wyoming
nvenue how occupied by James 1".
Dicks ill's frame dwelling. "In them
will be housed the International School
of Correspondence nnd the large print
ing establishment which the school
The principal building will be In
French Renaissance style, three stories
high, forty feet front and 100 feet deep.
It will be set back far enough to ac
commodate a twenty-foot lawn on each
side. The other building, which will
be used for printing, will abut forty
seven feet on Forest court. It will be
somewhat plainer than the school
building, but In harmony nevertheless.
The work of tearing down the old
buildings on the site will be com
menced in a few days.
Darns Sustained by Young llopskcnlsh
l.ikclv to Prove I ntnl.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja
min llopskcnlsh, of Scrnnton street,
who was severely burned on Sunday
evening, Is still alive, but at last re
ports was Hearing the end. Dr. Herr
manns, who Is in attendance, states
that the chances of tecovery are very
The burns are upon the breast and
face. In attempting to smother tho
Humes, the mother's arms and hands
were badly burned.
Victim of tho Assault nt tho Continental
May Die.
John Maluhlck, who was assaulted
by three of his countrymen at the Con
tinental about two weeks ago, is In
such a serious condition that It cannot
bo said with any assurance that he will
The hearing of John Poloskl, one of
his assailants, which was set down for
Saturday, had to be postponed for 11
week on account of Maluhlck's inabil
ity lo be present. The other two as
sailants have not been captured.
In tho Keulster of Wills Office
Register of Wills Hopkins yesterday
granted letters of administration to
Kva l'llger in the estate ut her hus
band, William Pllger, who committed
suicide on Sunday, April l'J, at his home
on Rlchter avenue, In the Tenth ward
In the estate of Margaret McHttle, lnte
of Scranton, letters of administration
were granted to John Mcllnle. In the
estate nt Morgan II. Williams, late of
this city, the will was probated and let
tors testamentary were granted to Mar
garet Williams.
lesso Left His Home,
Jesse Teels, a boy Indentured to J. O.
Stovens, of Green Ridge, ran away from
homo last1 August and ever since has
refused to live with his adopted par
ents. Mr. Stevens has had the boy ar
rested In order ta. compel him to live
at home until he Is 21 years of age.
- -
' 'I'nken to n Hospital.
Miction iveiiy, or nttsion nvenue,
who 11ns been at the station house for
several days suffering from dellrum
tremens was yesterday removed by
friends to Dr. Thomson s hospital for
I lcctrlc Plant In Hospital,
The Scranton Electrlo Construction
company has been awarded a contract
for furnishing BOO-llght dynamos to the
Moses Taylor hospital. The Blemus &
llolske make will he used and It will
be put in place by Robert Klple.
f t'rook Trout.
Lohmann, on Spruce street, will servn
you with Hrook Trout-i-fresh from tha
mountain streams.
Makiay Ready for the .May Conclave
of the Grand Lodge.
Will He No Conflict with the Barnaul Cir
cus Poscant-l-'our Commaadertcs
AJdcii to the List of Expected
A meeting; of the executive commit
tee of tho Knights Templar, which has
in charge the gvneral arrangements
for the conclave of the grand com
mandery In this city May 25, 26 and 27,
was held lust niyht lu the Masonic
Temple, Pt-nn avenue nnd Linden
street. Reports were received from a
number of sub-committees. There
have been no Important changes in the
three-days' programme.
In addition to the commanderies titles have already been pub
lished, notice has been given that the
following will be here: Packer. No. 23.
of Mauch Chunk: Tyagaghton. N. 2$,
of Wellsbnro, and Ivnnhoe. No. 20, of
Mahanoy City. Malta coinmandery. of
liinghaiiiton, will also be here us 11
body through the courtesy of the grand
commandery nnd locul executive com
mute und will take part In the parade.
The hour of the parade on Tuesday,
which, it was thought, might conflict
with the Harnum circus parade on
thnt morning, will be nt 10 o'clock.
Mayor Ilailey has given the sir knights
the use of the streets ut that hour.
The Knights Teinnlnr have not had
any understanding with tho Harnum
circus people, consequently it is as
sumed that the latter have decided to
have their parade at noon. The grand
coinmandery pageant will last ubout
an hour.
On the night of Monday. May 25. the
Scranton commanderies will have a re
ception In the rooms of the Scranton
Rowing association. Other receptions
will be as follows: (Irand Commander
Kdwnrd 11. Spencer at the Jermyn; St.
Albans and (mmandey No, 2. at the
Wyoming: two commanderies of Rend
ing, nt the St. Charles; Chester com
mandery, nt the Valley house.
Tuesday morning's parade will In
clude at least thirty-eight eomnionder
les numbering about 2.000 uniformed
sir knights, and nearly every com
mandery will be preceded by a band.
In the evening, when will also lie held
grand commnnilery will be held at 3
o'clock in the Frothlnghnm theater.
The ball will take place In the theater
In the evenlngq, when will also he held
the reception of Mary commandery, of
Philadelphia. In the Young Men's
Christian association building.
The grand commnndery will continue
Its sessions Wednesday morning, when
the election will tnke place at 10
o'clock. The Installation in the after
noon will be semi-public, admission be
ing by invitation.
Kieks Its Driver and breaks Its Leg Trj-
na to Itcpcnt Performance,
Frank Schulz, a Polander. living at
Park Hill, was badly Injured about the
arms yesterday by being kicked by a
mule at the Rrishln mine, where he was
employed as a driver.
The force of the kick sent him under
a car and In endeavoring to again kick
him while In this position, the mule
broke his leg and had to be shot.
Approved by tho Mayor.
Mayor Ralley yesterday sent back to
City Clerk Lavelle, approved, resolu
tions directing the clerk to advertise
the petition for paving Ninth, Robinson
and Jackson streets; instructing the
city engineer to give an estimate of the
cr.Mt of the proposed pave, and nlso In
structing him to make plans for a sew
er on Penn avenue, between Green
Ridge and Marlon street.
We open today a new stock of Ladies
"King" Waists, in French Percales.
Dimities and Plaid Zephyrs.
' Finley's.
What a silly thing It Is to attempt to
conduct any business, be It millinery,
clothing, real estate or Hiiy lino of legiti
mate trade upon the assumption ttoat your
patrons, whose trade you solicit, are to
be creatures entirely berert or interest.
You can deneml uuon It when cheao
prices -are taiivertlsed the articles so ad
vertised ara cheap or out of date. Per
haps such advertising "pays," but that Is
not tne Kinu we uo. we are Belling mil
linery upon the basis of a permanent ami
constantly Increasing trade to make it
an advertising medium by itself, and ns
we stated In our first "ad." which was
our bow to th8 public and we state it
again, uur styles anu qualities are right
and prices as low as any house in tho
state. If purchases ure not entirely sat
isfactory, return the goods and get your
A. R. SAWYER, w.
lyoming Ave.
Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Houses for Sals and for Rent,
It y uii miilcinplMlc punliuidiin or Iwrar
inir a house, vr want to Invest in a lot,
ee the lists of desirable property on
page a ol The Tribune.
Inuhullnj the. painless cxtructin;
tuetli by au entirely uuw process.
S. C. SNYDER. D. D. S.,
311 Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Jew (.olorings und Putlerns. Dado and Fringe on
Hnth l itds. or Figured All Over Portieres. TA.
PI-SI KV CURTAINS, Kich Fflects, ut Remuikubly
Low Prices. This kind of fabric is fust becoming
the populur door drapery.
Smyrna Rugs (3d floor)
JYVifA """R-0'" Rlv"K away-at
1.8S, JOxdO Smyrna Runs that usually sell ut
S2.S0. JUuts nt 5(1 cents. Bum boo Porch Cur.
tains, 6x0, 8x8, 8x10 feet.
1 l BERRY,
423 Lackawanna Aunia
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
to fit evcrybodj'. We make
a specialty of fitting Glasses.
These hams are the finest
quality of bams sold in this
city. We will match them
against any hams sold for
14 cents per ponnd, and we
are selling them at the ex
tremely low price of
We are just exhibiting a
fine line of the above,
Acknowledged by lovers ot
art the best ever made.
We will be pleased to have
you call and examine.
231 Penn Ave. Cpp. Baptist Church.
1 1
For three days only we
will offer the balance of
our Capes for half price:
ISO All. Wotl Capes, four OQ
' yurds sweep . 0 '('
150 All Silk Cnpcs.bcuutl
fully lined
150 Velvet Cupes beauti
fully lined
150 Itroudclotli Capes, nil
150 Children's Coats,
from 4 to 11 years, ut ...
One lot of Illazcr Suits
One lot of Skirts, stiff
Inner lining
One lot ot Silk Wuists
Ut ;
One lot of Laundrled
One lot of Misses' Wuists
One lot of Infants' Couts,
long und short, at
One lot of Infants' Luwn
Huts M
Have Your Furs Storaged.
138 Wyoming Avenuj.
Clongh A WamB,
Malcolm Lots.
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Pricas.
That Is Positively Striking.
Furnishing Goods, Correct
Ideas in Fancy Shirts, Ex
clusive and Rich Patterns.
Lowest Prices Prevail.
21 5 Lackawanna Avenus.
We soil Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, ate.,
at Intriimio value prices, and as there is not
onn cent's worth of oar Urge and attractive
stuck that has not corns direct to oar new
storo from mauufuoturers, importers and job
bers, wo think a look through it might in
tcrest you.
Will Open About April I.
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry,
lie at Prtmt tbe Most r.pelsr sit rtttofsl It
Lssauif aoiu
Wirtroomi! OppeilteColumbutMoanmMt,
909 Washington Av. Soranton.Pfu