THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT TAGES 5G COLUMNS. tSCB ANTON, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, lb9. TWO CENTS A COPY. I ... '..5. '; -:. '"l-V We've Started Our Spring Clearing l'p lit' stocks In our Clonk Depart inent and the work will go merrily tm from this date rorwurd. Notti Ing will be spared from the slaugh ter, unit price cuii mi longer prove a harrier to intending buyers, be cause tin- new figures arc so low dial the l"i!'tallcni to lniy in iire slslulde. Every. Qmiat Offered Is M tie fay Likzl ft ' And viewed from any standpoint you will, there is no Cloak stork In this city to compare with that shown at the GLOBE WAREHOUSE. ' Tk Hot Wave ' has Just passed induced us to start marking down earlier than usual. We we were a trifle j hasty, out you get the benefit. iamniple 'gates. CMIta's SI As nobby as make, trim and fabric can make them. All Unlit mix tures, smart military braiding:, etc. ijur $3.00 gurnients, Cleaning up price $1.98 Anotk iu Lift Fine All-Wool Cloths. In navy only. Fancy braid trims, deep sailor col lar, etc., etc., all sizes; were $3.25 yesterday. Cleaning up price $2J2J The very brightest fashion thoughts Of InT'STriUMTnTeprer sented in this lot. Light, tweedy mixtures describe the cloths, while the effects produced, by the elabor ate Shepherd and Russian braid trims are strikingly pretty. Yes terday we asked $;!.."i0 for them. Cleaning up price $2.39 Women's; Correct Jackets Covert Coats In right spring shades, Inlaid velvet collars. 4-button box fronts jaunty looking garments, properly made and fashioned. Yes-terday's-prlce, $4.50. Cleaning up price $3.25 40 pieces fine all-wool twill French Flannels, in the prettiest of light spring patterns, dainty stripes, tiel leate tints, etc. This is guaranteed to be a genuine 80c. cloth. We bought It at a bargain price, and now we say. UPc. 'Till Closed Out JSE- Willi M WOI bitter Strife Promised in the Illinois State Convention. BAD POLITICS IX Xttt BATTLE I'ricnJs of the Ohio Cundidate Will At tempt to tlrgnnlze the Convention and Changs tha Order of llusi-ness-Thc? May Fall. Washington. April 27. A special to tin- Tost from ' Springfield, 111., says: Major William McKinley expects to be iiuiiiliiuti'il tor president In this town next Wednesday. Senator Shelby M. fu'lnm says he wants the nomination himself. There is this different:. In their plan if campaigning: McKinley wards to have the ilelcgates-.iit-large instructed for him. believing that If this Is done the opposition will melt away by the time the St. Louis convention meets. Ciillom Is modes! and does not Reek in structions In his own stat '. He merely at-ksnn un instructed delation, so that ! imnots win ce rree 10 puss on ins cmmis t!p ,, tno m.Ht miiot. ,mi! nt. s ul-uig with thlce of McKlnli y. Wee I, At- a randldnte," said lavld Martin t.Klay. Ilsi.ii and Morton when the national Continuing, the delegate to the na c nventlon meets. In the selection ot , ronvention from the Fifth fn tiistilct delegates McKinley thus far BIVHslon, dlstHet. said: "The Repub lias a shade the best of It. So the dele- m,an( ((f n ,lli)t,.1(., nn, OV(,nvhelmlng- Kuies-ai-iarge may tie., n.e i n o. - , tiol of the Illinois delegation when it comes to selecting a member of the ci inmiltee on credential at St. Lonln. Though the convention does not meet till Wednesday, both sides are already t illy V'piesented at Springfield. B.ith I sides clulm to be absolutely sure of a mupoiity of the delegates, while they are nl reality nervous and appr-hen-sive. The exact situation Is such that neither the friends nor the opponents of Major McKinley are Justllled in making daiins. Their lack of real confidence is Merely a foreshadowing of the uncer tainty which surrounds the action of the convention. The wisdom which j cumes from roll calls is not yet mani fest. MAJORITY FOit OHIO MAX The convention will be made up of ! I.SSii tlelegntcs.Major McKlnley's nmna tiers claim that more than sihi of t:ie tleleuates are either Instructed or pledged in favor of instructing the dele gate -at-large for blm.lf this were true. there would be no doubt over the out-.j come, nnil they would not be under the necessity of adopting extraordinary means to force the presidential issue to the front. They could afford to await the test of eontidi'iice at whatever. stage of the proceedings it would come. Ac tually about 600 delegates have either been Instructed for McKinley or In dorsed his candidacy, .but a good many of the delegates whose conventions have Indorsed McKinley Interpret this as meaning thut the policy of Instruc tions Is by Implication condemned, Thoy take the ground that the conVi ti tions knew the difference between in dorsement and instructions, and they propose to act accordingly. They do not assume that Cullom Is favored. The combined Cullom, and ant I-McKinley forces assort that an actual ma jority of the delegates having been elected without Instructions their course, will govern in tho convention, but In their hearts they know that a portion of these unlnstructed delegates will Moat with the McKinley tide. Tn private they express the belief that they may be able to hold the convention from Instructing for McKinley. This is the limit of their ability. It Is all they ask, and they are making a tremendous tight. M'KINLKY'S FOOI..1SL FRIENDS. Major McKlnley's managers have mapped out a scheme which will force a good many s-ipporters of McKinley in antagonism in tht. preliminary skirmishing. They piopn to capture the organization of the convention for the alleged purpose of securing fair play and preventing mehlite methods from stilling the voice of the peot'le. They announce that they wll1 take the orsarl-ctlon out of the hands of John R. Tanner and his friends. Instruct the delegates-at-large, elect their own men for those places and then let the con vention attend to whatever business It pleases. This plan Is bad political tactics. The convention is called for the primary purpose of nominating a state ticket. Custom and the otllclal call put this ahedd o" the choice of deiegates-ut-large. Tho candidates for the various state oflice want their own fate set tled before going Into national affairs. While they extremely dlrllke doing any thing that seems to run counter to the McKinley sentiment, self-preservation Is the first law with them, and their Influence will be thrown against pro jecting the presidential question into the foreground . The attempted organization is taken by John R. Tanner as an open attack on himself. He is justified li this lxisi- tlon. because some of the McKinley leHtlcrd deTlHTtThe IS opposing -Mclvln- ley, and they propose ri take no chances. Tills is in a measure true. Tanner Is with the Chicago organiza tion and the party leaders ol the stute In opposing Instructions on general principles. Then every consideration of political friendship makes him favor Cullom. And f Colluni can't be nom inated, he Is for Allison. Again, If It should come down to u choice between Reed and McKinley he would be likely to turn to Reed. While his position on the presidential question has been pretty well understood, it has not kept him from gathering In the delegates. He has fully 1,000, probably) more. Noth ing can beat his nomination. Tanner has passed the word along the line that he wants the usual prac tice followed, the candidates for state officers nominated and the presidential Issue taken up In Its proper place. Moreover, he objects positively and strenuously to a McKinley. oigclza tlon of un Illinois state convention He tells his friends that the Issue has I n forced on him. and he Is going to meet it. He assures them that every dele gate will have the fullest opportunity to debate and vote on Instructing the delegates-at-lurge. but that matter must come up in its regular order. TANXER WILL OUQANIZK IT. Under these circumstances it is not difficult to guess that the organization of the convention will be a Tanner and not a McKinley one. A large number of delegates who will ultimately vote for McKinley Instructions will support a Tanner organization of the conven tion. The band wagon crowd Is also likely to be with hlni. Thero may be doubt about McKinley being president. There Is none about Tanner being gov ernor of Illinois. And the governor ship comes a little closer to them than the presidency. Ex-Congressman George E. Adams and others of McKlnley's conservative supporters In the state have tried to moderate the seal of the radicals who are at the head of the movement. They would be willing to rest everything on a square vote of instructions, but their advice has been thus far disregarded. VV. W. Tracy, ex-president of the Re- publican league; C. W, Raymond, pres ident of the State league, and General jonn Mcxuita, receiver or the whisky trust, are Insisting on a radical policy, find they have gone too far to right about. A change in tactics now would hurt them almost as much us to go ahead 'and be beaen. So It is quite probable that in the preliminary strug gles of the Illinois convention McKin ley will meet with reverses. Rut this should not be accepted a conclusive on the tlnal verdict. Senator Cullom. Candidate Tanner and Congressman Lorlmer and the leaders of the Chicago organization think they are going to prevent Instructions, yet the margin Is too narrow for them to put too much trust in the mistukes of the major's supporters. The whole country under stands the bearing of the result on. the St. Louis convention. If McKinley In structions are beaten In Illinois the combination may take fresh courage. Senator Allison has ptrhnps a more di rect interest than the other candidates, because, next to Cullmn. most of tho uulnstrutted delegates are for him. MARTIN FOR M'KIXLEY. Tho Phlludolphian Will Stand by tho Mujoi 1'ntil Ills I'lug llus Keen Volun tarily Lowered. Philadelphia, April 27.- iave de- .,1.1... 1 r. C. Mcili't. l,.L.ll,l .11 ! ft candidate for thc'presidentlul nomina- . f M,.Klnlev. It irlves the irrentest Republican majority, and Is the largest manufacturing district in the United States and both the manufacturers and the worklngmen are almost unanimous ly for McKinley. 1 should not fairly represent their views did not vote for him."' or wishes if I M'KINLEY ON CURRENCY. Important Letter from Senator Sherman to the nrooMyn Voting Republican Club llivoklyn, X. Y., April 27. At a meet ing of the Brooklyn Young Republi- can club this evening a letter from Benator jonn rnermun, or miro. was read, In which he said: "There can be no doubt as to the opinions of Major -McKinley on the money question. He ; I.- ii'iiuiii i leu ill ce-i ? ii'i iiii iiy wit 11 and otherwise to the Republican policy of maintaining the present gold coin of the I'nlted States as the standard of value. He, in common with myself nnd oth ers, believes that silver should be em- ployed as money, nlways, however, to be maintained at par with gold. The convenience of silver coins for the ' for a tt)Ke amount of machinery in minor transactions of lite is so manl- competition with large concerns in this fest that no sound money man would country. Cheap clothing, all of which desire Its discontinuance, but upon the i was formerly purchased In the United primary conditions that its coinage , states and Europe is now nianufac should be limited and Its purchasing I tured In Mexico. At Chihuahua a can- power maintained by the flat or the . government at par wun goiu. e oe- i lleves. as I do, that a tariff should be ; udopted that will Impartially protect all American Industries from undue com petition with foreign productions that can be ami ought to be produced in the United States. The meeting passed resolutions Indorsing McKinley as the presidential candidate by a large ma jority. . .. gl3ti,S61,Sl2 DEFICIT. The Democracy's Own Statement of llow It Has Unit the Nntlon in Pcht. Washington, t. C, April 27. The i treasury deficit for the fiscal year end ing June 30. 1'J6, will be approximately $2.",000.000. This Is the opinion of of ficials and others best qualified to make an Intelligent estimate of the result of the fiscal operations of the year. In his annual estimates sent to congress at the beginning of the present session, the secretary of the treasury estimated I the recelrts from customs during' the vclopment is steady and remarkable year at $172,000,000. So far, with nearly throughout. In the northwest part of ten months of the year gone, the cus- , Mexico a railroad will be built within toms receipts have reached about $137,- ' the next year, running from El Paso 000,000, with a fair prospect of Increas- 1 to a point south of Corralltas, a dis lng to $165,000,000 by the close of the j tance ot 250 miles, opening up a coun year. The estimate of the receipts from try rich in mines and agricultural re- intcrnnl revenue sources was $15N,000,- ; 000. Up to this time they have reached $120,000,000, and it Is expected that the figures for the completed year will be about $146,000,000. The receipts from miscellaneous sources are expected to slightly exceed the estimates of $15,000,000, making the total receipts for the year about $327, 000,000. The secretary's estimate of the year'1! expenditures was $:62.0OO.00O. which, according to his figures, would leave a deficiency of $17,000,000. The actual expenditures, however, it Is now thought, will aggregate about $352,000, 000. or $10,000,000 less than Mr. Carlisle's estimate of December last, so that the deficit at the close of the year, It is believed, will not show any very mate rial change from Saturday's figures, $25,102,423. This makes the total deficit for the three fiscal years ending June 30, ISftB, S136.S61.81z.. The secretary's estimates at the time they were made were believed by those of long experience In the department to be extremely conservative. The re- celpts from boill customs and In ternaT revenue sources, however, have been surprisingly low, and there does not seem to be any immediate prospect of material Improvement. EULOGIZING A HERO. Ninth Annual Dinner of the Grant Ban quet Association. New York. April 27. The ninth an nual dinner of the Grant Banquet as sociation was held tonight nt the Wal dorf hotel. Covers were laid for 108 in the ball room. Speeches were made by General Dodge, Postmaster General Wilson, Governor Hastings and Gener al Horace D. Porter, eulogizing the life and services or oeneral Grant. "Governor Hnstings In the course of his address told a number of amusing stories and In conclusion said: . - ' "General Grant was the apostle of opportunity In the struggle for the perpetuation of the union. He Is-' grand and lasting figure, a great sol dier and an honor to his country." SURRENDERED COWAN. A IMttsbiirgcr Wanted for Forgery Is Given Up hy (tiintctnnlnns. Washington, April 27. The state de partment today received a belated tele gram from Pierce M. B. Young. Unit ed States minister to Guatemala, saying that the Guatemalan government had surrendered John L. Cowan, wanted for forgery in Pittsburg, Pa., to the agent of the state of Pennsylvania, and that he had sailed In custody, for" the United States, on the 23d Inst. The government has no extradition, with Guatemala and the surrender was mude as an act of comity. stenronhip Arrivals. New York, April 27. Arrived: Allor from Bremen ml fiomhnmpton.NrttUrl.i from Marseilles anil Naples. Arrived out: Werra, at Ulbraltal (and proceeded for Genoa); Hekln, at Copenhagen, Stilled for New York: Bonn, from Bremen, April 28, Noordland, from Antwerp, April 26. Sighted: Elm, from Rotterdam for New York, passed Hook f Holland, April 2ti. .lohti Downs n Prince. London, April 27. Prlnco Christian, of Sen lea wig Holsteln, husband of Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria, was Knocked down by a cab while crossing a "in-fi tuuMy aim oauiy snaaen up,1,. PROSPERITY OF MEXICO Effects of a Silver Currency Standard of AN IXDC I'EXDEXT COUNTRY By the Dcmonotuotlon of Silver Mexican People Have Been Indoeed to Do Their Own Mauufaeturiag-.Monc and Industries Kept at Uone. Washington, April 27. Representa tive Newlands, of Nevada, is endeav oring to have the ways and means committee Inquire what effect the dif ference of exchange between gold standard and silver standard countries has upon the agricultural and manu facturing industries of the I'nlted States and report by bill or otherwise. In this connection he requested Mr. Alex R. Shepherd, who has lived in Mexico since 1CS0, to give his vclews on the economic, conditions of that coun try as he found them while its finan cial .policy rested upon a silver basis. Today he received the following reply: "I have been u resident of Mexico since 1SS0. When I first went there the ratio between silver and gold was lOVi to 1. The first exchange I bought was at the rate of 15 per cent, in coin silver on a New York draft. Since then, ow ing to the demonetization of silver, ninny changes have occurred In the rate of exchange. During the famine which existed the whole period from ISSll to 1!I3. when two-thirds of ull the grain used for food in Mexico was bought from the nlted States, the rates of ex change tanged from SO to 95 ior cent, abd at times went as high as 100. Not withstanding this, Mexico met all her obligations, paid all her Interest and suffered less than any other country. KNCOL'RAGK MANUFACTURING. "The present condition of the silver market is leading the Mexican people to doing their own manufacturing. As un Instance of this. I may cite Chihau hua as an example. An Iron foundry and machine shop was established there some time ago with Itio.oOO capital for the purpose of manufacturing the min ing and other machinery for which thero was a large and growing demand In that vicinity and which was former ly supplied by the United States. The success of this venture may be realized when It is known that the capital stock ' was Increased to $300,0u0 and that the I enmimnv secured a. contract recently nlng establishment, with a capital of $.r,o0.000. Is now being organized for the purpose of preserving meats and fruit und a large brewery, with a cnpl tnl of $200,000, Is being put In operation. A woolen factory, with $200,000 capital, was started and was enlarged last sea son to meet the Increased demands upon It. and smelters at Chihuahua now treat the Mexican ores that were formerly sent across the border at heavy ex pense.- ' ENTERPRISES ESTABLISHED. "Numerous other enterprises have been established and are in contempla Hon, all having the effect of giving re munerative emnloynient to Mexican artisans anil laborers, and, what Is equally Important, serving to keep Mexican money In Mexico, for the fruit of all these forms of industry repre sent the necessities for which Mexico has hitherto been dependent on this country and Europe. The conditions in Chihuahua are truer of the more ad- vaneed portions of Mexico and the de sources. The $5,000,000 capital for the undertaking has been furnished by New York parties. "The conditions of the people have Improved co-relatlvely with the devel opment of the country. The district of El Puerte which furnishes the part of the mountains In which mines are li cated, has doubled in population In the post fifteen years, and its productive capacity correspondingly increased. Formerly the Peon system of labor which prevailed all Mexico was the rule In El Puerte. Now the scarcity of workmen Is so great that almost every thing Is xirodticed on shares and It Is almost impossible to raise a crop unless the workmen are interested In it INSTANCE OF PROGRESS. Another Instance may be recited showing the wonderful progress of northwest Mexico. When the Mexican Central railroad was first opened it was thought that Mie northern part of It would be unremuneratlve. The open in.T nf mine and the development of agriculture along this portion, however. has made It one of the most profitable sections of the road. Shortly before my departure I was conversing with a very intelligent Mex ican banker. He declared that he want ed the difference between silver nnd gold to be maintained us it enabled the Mexicans to keep their money In their own country. Other Mexicans finan ciers with whom I have talked hold the same views. "There have been but two or three bank failures since I have resided there. The Mexican banks are required to keep one-third of their circulation In silver dollars in their vaults. The system In Mexico allows the miner to send his silver to the govern ment depositories and receive silver dollars In return for It In any part of the country, where there Is an assay office, the government tax and cost be lng.abnuri'. percent. "Perhaps the best sign of the stabil ity of Mexico under a silver policy may be found In the fact that Mexican five per cent, bonds stand at 93 in London." FIFTEEN HUNDRED STRIKE. Trouble at Chicago Ship Building Com pany's Yards Chicago, April 27. Fifteen hundred men employed at the Chicago Ship Building company's yard at South Chi cago went on Btrlke today. The cause of the strike Is said to be a difference In regerd to the wages and hours, and the walkout has been In prospect for several days. This morning when time came for the men to go to work not one put in ap pearanoe.' The officials of the company sny..-they hope to have the dispute ud--jUted In a short time. Suffocated bv Gns. Pottsvllle, Pa., April 27.-.Mntt Fleming ami Kilwurd Burns were suffocated by gas at Albright & Co.'s Sllverton colliery, nonr Mlnersville, this a f terrain. Both were young men anuunmarrleu. ' For a Statno of Grant. wasmngton. April si. A ravorable re- Sort was made this afternoon to Senator quires' bill appropriating $300,oim for an equestrian statue of General Grant in mi. cuy. THE KEWS THIS 3I0RNIXG. Weather Indications Today : Cloudy and Threatening; Warmer. 1 McKinley or Cullom? Prosperity of Mexico, l'emocruts Gathering at Allentown. Progress of the Jackson Trial. Enormous Democratic Heliolt. Philadelphia Traction Trouble. 2 Congressional Polnirs. Tho Business World. 3 (Locan School Tax Rate Increased 20 Per Cent. Argument Court Opens. 4 Editorials l'p-to-Date Orator. 5 (Local) Local Political Msiters. Preparations for .May Conclave. Apportionment of Liquor License Money. Wanted a Child Wife. $ (Sports) Cuban Giants Defeat Scran ton. Power Matter Settled. The National League Battle. 7 Suburban News. Market and Stock Reports. 8 News Up and Down the Valley. MOKE TRACT10X TROUBLE. The Indictment of a Nnmbor of Ids tnrbcrs at Philadelphia Mot Precipitate Another Strike on the Union Lines. Philadelphia, April 27. Since the Mg street car strike here last December there have been many assaults of non union men who took the strikers' places and were retained In the Traction com pany's employ after the strike was de clared off. This culminated today In the finding of true bills of Indictment by the grand Jury against William Mc Gee, Joseph Dlnsmore and William Harp, three union motormen, who were arrested Saturday for having brutally beaten Daniel Keenan, a non-union man. The police authorities had de termined. If possible, to break up these frequent assaults, and the three men were arraigned this morning before Magistrate South and were placed un der heavy ball to await the action of the grand jury. The latter body acted immediately, and. as stated above, found true bills against the prisoners this afternoon. They will be placed on trial tomorrow. The board of directors of the Union Traction company todny adopted reso lutions declaring; that the persistent ef forts of a few men In the employ of the company to stir up strife and incite dis affection among Its employes Interfered greatly with the company's business, and Instructed the general manager to promptly discharge any employe found guilty of such hostility to the company and under no circumstances to rein state such discharged employes Into the company's service. The grievance committee of the employes will tomor row have a conference with President Welsh, of the Union Traction company, In relation to the recent demands of the men for $2 a day for ten hours' work and the reinstatement of men discharged for unjust cause since Do centner 10 last. The outcome of this conference Is awt.ittd with eagerness by the employes. DR. PULLMAN APOLOGIZES. French Actress Withdraws Her Suit Against the Bridgeport Pastor. Bridgeport, Conn., April 27. The sen sational slander suit of Jnne May Hu ber, the French actress, against Rev. Dr. Pullman, pastor of the First Meth ndlst church of this city, has been set tied. Dr. Pullman has made a state ment. In which he publicly retracts all statements made which were deroga tory to the actress. The retraction and apology have been accepted, and for a consideration of $1 the suit has been withdrawn. The suit grew out nf certain state ments made by Dr. Pullman during a sermon preached to his congregation shortly after the appearance of Mile, May In this city In "Pygmalion" last November. The papers were drawn claiming $25,000 damages. Dr. Pullman was arrested one night Just as he was about to open prayer meeting. All through the meeting Sheriff Beck occu pled a front seat In the church. VENEZUELAN MATTER. Communications Kegnrdlng Arbitration Are Now Under Consideration. London. April 27. Sir William Har court. In accordance with notice given by him on April 23 asked the govern ment what, if any, arrangements had been made to conclude by arbitration a settlement of the differences between the Unltd States and Greut Britain in regard to Venezuela. A. J. Balfour, first lord of the treas ury, Staid that arrangements to arbi trate In respect of the Venezuelan and other questions was a matter which both the British nnd the United States governments hud tn view. The latest eotninlintenUnn nn tile subject Which has been received from the United States on Friday were now under con sideration, and dealt with both tho general question of arbitration nnd the Venezuelan dispute. To give further information concerning the matter, he concluded, would nt the present time be Inexpedient. BILL in Kourrv. New York, Susquehanna and Western vs. Itclnwnre, l.nvknwnnna end Western. Philadelphia, April 27. There was begun before Judge Acheson In the United States circuit court today, ar gument upon the demurrer presented for the defendant to the bill In equity filed by the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad company against the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railrond company, nsk Ing that the latter be enjoined from prosecuting n stilt against the Susque hanna afld Western road, brought In the supreme court of New York. It Is also alleged that the Susquehan na nnd Western Aoinpnny has no resi dence In New York, such as an office or place of business, hence the alleged Invalidity of the bill filed In New York. The argument will be resumed tomor row morning. THE LENZ MURDER. Steps Token to Have the "loyalist's Death Avonaed. Pittsburg, Anrll 27.-W. L. Snehtel ben, of Alton, III., who went to Turkey in search of the missing Pittsburg wheelman, Frank Lenz, and ascer tained that he had been murdered by Kurds, spent todny with Lenz's moth er, giving her a detailed report of his search and discoveries. Steps will be taken to place the mat ter of Lenz's murder before the United States authorities nt Washington, with the purpose of demanding Indemnity from the Turkish government. Sach telben starts for home this evening, Ocnlcs Iris Confession, illaslcton, Pu., . April 27.-Catherl:io An inn, wno aeicnawieiignti she shot An gelo Dongola last Montlny at Lnttlmer, has since denied all knowledge nf the in nr. der. It Is believed she confessed to Um murder to auow tne rent murderer, Alex, antler Anuta, who is missing, time to ' cape. GATHERING OF FAITHFUL The City of Allentown Swarming With Harrityites. THEY WILL INDORSE PATTIS0N The Unit Knle Will Probably be Adopted in Interest of Pennsylvania's Favorite Son-Uarmony la Predicted by Robert Wright. Allen town. Pa.. April 27. This town Is showing visible evidence of the near ness of the Democratic state conven tion. The hotel lobbies and haunts of politicians are filling with party lead ers and workers. Every Incoming train Is adding to the crowd. Pitts burg and Dauphin delegates arrived this evening and are making their headquarters nt the American hotel breezy and lively. National Chair man Harrity drifted quietly into town late last night and was busying him self all day with convention prelimi naries. Tonight he is closeted at State Chairman Wrleht's home with the lat ter. Naval Officer Wright and other leaders. Among the afternoon arriv als were James B. O. Cowan, of Greens- burg, and nited States District Attor ney Harry li. Hall, of Ridgway. Chair man Wright today appointed James S. Dllllnger, of this city, as his private secretary and assistant to Secretary M. W. Savage. National Chairman Harrity declared this evening that he was satisfied that there will he little If any opposition In the convention to the endorsement of Pattison, and says he cannot figure out more than seventy-five votes against the unit rule. The unit rule, he said, would be of incalcul able value to Governor Pattlson's can didacy for the presidency, as It would enable his mends to make deals in his behulf. It Is the unit rule, he declared, that gives New York Us great iiower in national conventions. State Chairman Robert E. Wright, who has headquarters at the American house. Is equally confident, and pre dicts thnt the convention will be re markable for the exhibition of har mony that will be made. There is quite a large amount of work for the committee on contests to do, but no trouble is anticipated in smoothing away all the rough spots, SCOTT JACKSON'S TRIAL. Detective Crlm Gives Important Testl- ninny Against Pearl Bryan's Murderer. Cincinnati, O., April 27. Detective Csim took the witness stand In the Scott Jackson trial this morning and described the scene of the murder on the afternoon of the day the body was found. In reply to a question from the prosecutor, Crim stated that he searched Jackson's room on Feb. 9 and found a black pair of stockings, a lady's pocketbook with a chain at tached to it, two pairs of white gloves, a cap in the closet and letters ad dressed to Jackson. Witness was ques tloned as to the statements made by Jackson and Walling at the time of their arrest. After detailing the charges and coun ter-charges of the prisoners in Mayor Caldwell's office on Feb 6, the judge In structed the Jury to exclude from their minds all of the testimony of Mayor Caldwell and Detective Crlm relating to anything which Walling may have charged Jackson with, and which Jack son denied. This ruling of Judge Helm shuts off a very sensational story, part of which is that of Walling about Jack son that he was going to kill Pearl Bryan with cocoalne. Detective Joseph McDermott was the first witness of the afternoon session. He said that the marks on the ground at th scene of the murder would indi cate that Pearl Bryan had been vio lently thrown down on the bank. He also related the circumstances of the conversations in the "Sensitive cell J. E. Grlllow, a newspaper reporter. was shown, Pearl Bryan s handker chiefs and Identified them as being found on Jackson when he was searched. Charles Rogers, employed at Helder's restaurant and hotel, Cincinnati, where Walling and Jackson boarded, testified that he saw Jackson in the early morn ing of February 1. Walling, he said came tn about 3 a. m. Walling was In a hurry anil asked for a room. It was the first time Walling ever slept at the hotel. The upper part of Walllng's clothing was wet. William 1 Finch, a nuwspaper re porter, next testified to the finding of Jackson's coat in the sewer at the cor ner of Richmond and John streets. He saw Detective Wr1tte search the coat and saw him take out a small handful of leaves from tho upper outside ixicket and also a leaf from a lower pocket, Will Wood was then recalled and Bald that he was at Plypmouth, Ind., on Feb. 1. vLsltlnir from Frlilay noon tn Monday noon. He wrote to Scott Jack son from Plymouth on Sunday on typewriter. He signed It with a "B, Attorney Crawford produced a letter, which the witness Identified as the one he had sent. He also Identified as his own the interlineations with a lead pen ell. He was at the Oliver house, in South Bentl Feb. 3 and wrote Jackson a letter on that day and signed It "B. Crawford produced another letter, which the witness also Identified as the one he had written, These are the letters which were un printable and were missing for several days. In answer to questions, Wood said that Jackson had had a most degrading influence over him sliice he was 17 years old This testimony was objected to by At torney Crawford and after hearing ar guments on the point. Judge Helm ad journed court until tomorrow, GIVEN THE CHAIRMAN. Will Lead Lancaster I'nterrlfled at State Convention. Lancaster, Pa., April 2". The Lan caster county Democrat committee met today for reorganization. It re-elect' ed William B. Given, of Columbia, chairman. There will be contesting del egates at the state convention from this city. The delegates to tho state convention from this county met today and decid ed to present the name of William B, Given for delegate-at-large to the state convention. Crushed In a Cav-in. York, Pa., April 27. A cnve-ln occurr nt the slate uuarry of John W. Jones, a Delta, tuday, In which two workmen, Lew Kvans untl Harry Jones, were cruxiicu ai most beyond recognition. Both the vie tltns lived ut Delta. ' Herald's Forecast. New York, April 28. Herald's wentlie forecast: In the .Mlilille Suites toilav. ami warmer weather, and fresh easterly t southerly wlnils will prevail, precede anil followed bv fog nnd cloiullnesa on tl coasts. On Wednesday, fair weather, warmer, and rresh noutnensteriy wimtf will tirevull nreceded by cloudiness Hnil fog on the coasts and ponnlbly followed istion'." the WMtern J",lrlut8 uf lEM'S SOME Specials tm IMsWect Three Special Drives In all-wool Dress Goods. 20 pieces all-wool Chev iots 25c. a yard; former price 37 4c 15 pieces all-wool Chev- iots, 40 inches wide, 35c. a yard; former price 48c 17 pieces all-wool Chev ots. 40 inches wide. Jac quards styles, 43c. a yard" former price 63c. MOHAIR SPECIALS.' 42-iach SIcilicMcs, 45c cs, S: es, S s, All these numbers ex ceptional values. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SPRING FOOTWEAR DRESS SHOES And Slipper, for Every Uember ef the Family. s, 1M AND 110 WYOMING AVE. Wholesale and Retail. Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel, the Jeweler, has a nice line of Bicycle Belti. Call and see them. One of the latest novel ties. 40S SPRUCE STREET. HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. ws Atlantic Leal, ffiCI Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure I Linseed Oil; Guaranteed, MESS MM .' v. ... . . ..,'.. t -!,.. ....( ; ; ......