The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1896, Image 1

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Vp of storks in our Clonk Depart
ment and the work will bo merrily
on from thlH date forwnnl. Noth
ing will be spared from the slaugh
ter, and price can no longer prove a
barrier to Intending Imycm be
cause the new figures nre so low
that the temptation to buy la Irre
slttuble. Every Garment Offered
Is if tk Very Latest
Correct Spring
And viewed from any standpoint
you will, there la no Cloak stock In
this city to compare with trat
shown at the
The Hat Waye
That has Just passed Induced As to
start marking: down earlier than
usual. We suppose we Were a trllle
hasty, but you get the benefit
As nobby as make, trim and fabric
can make them. All light mix
tures, smart military braiding, etc.
Our $3.00 garments,
Cleaning up price $1.93
Fine All-Wool Cloths, in navy only.
Fancy braid trims, deep sailor col
lar, etc., etc., all sizes; were $3.25
Cleaning up price 2A7
The very brightest fashion
thoughts of the season are repre- I
senteo in tnis lot. Light, tweedy
mixtures describe the cloths, while
tne errects prouucea by the elabor
ate Shepherd and Russian braid
trims are strikingly pretty. Yes
terday we asked $3.&0 for them.
Cleaning up price $2.39
Covert Coats In right spring shades.
Inlaid velvet collars. 4-button box
fronts Jaunty looking garments,
property maue anu iasmonea. tea
terday's price, $4.60.
Cleaning up price $3.25
40 pieces fine all-wool twill French
Flannels, In the prettiest of light
spring patterns, dainty stripes, del
icate tints, etc. This Is guaranteed
to be a genuine 30c. cloth. We
bought It at a bargain price, and
now we say,
19c. Till Closed Out
.1. Frank Clark Talks on the Situation
in Cuba.
American Correspondents Are Kept In
Havana and Allowed No Information-Cause
of Failures on
Tart of Spanish Tionp.
New York. April 2fi. Some Unlit is
thrown upon the actual situation In
Cuba today by the following interview
with J. Frank Clark. stalT correspond
ent of the United Tress, who has Just
arrived from Havana. Mr. Clark said:
Three conclusions force thennulves
uinon me as the result of live months'
bservatlon of the progress of the revo
lution in Cuba. The Insurgents are
making a reinarknbly good light. Ha!n
hns demonstrated her inability to put
them down. The end Is not in sight,
but Cuba Is surely slipping away fro-.n
Spain, and unless gome new element Is
Introduced she will be lopt to the moth-
r country. Meanwhile atrocities are
being committed nnd methods of wur
fare are being followed which nre not
countcnanA'd by civilized nations. I
have made two trips to Cuba. The first
was at the beginning of April, 1S!5,
when the Insurrection was in its in
fancy.. I remulued two months, return
ing to the states in June. Karly In
anuary 1 went back to Cuba, finding
that Uomez and Mnceo, whom I left In
the mountains of the eastern district.
had marched six hundred miles, carry
ing the wave of revolution westward.
nd were then almost at the gates of
he capital city. When I left Havana
week ago, the Insurrection was larger.
more formidable, and apparently more
promising of success than at any time
in the fourteen months since the
Cubans rose against Spain.
I went to Cuba, not as the repre
sentative of any one newspaper with
an editorial opinion of its own: but on
the correspondent of the I'nlted Press,
an association whose solo mission Is to
obtain facts and disseminate news.
"In the early part of the struggle.
before the insurgents had made much
progress, my reports were criticised by
.'ulians as unfair to them. Now that
tlu-y have swept over the Island, push
ing the troops of Spain before them
and making a record thnt will live in
history, Spaniards say that my reports
are unfair to Spain. In both cases I
have told the truth.
"Before the arrival of Oeneral Wey-
ler. enrresnondents were permitted to
accompany the Spanish columns, and
In the early stage of the war Spanish
generals even permitted correspond
ents to visit the enemy's camps. Since
enemy has grown from scattered bands
to organized to fairly well armed and
drilled columns it is a matter of life
and death for a corresjiondent to pene
trate the rebel lines. He would be wel-
omed by the Insurgents, but shot upon
his return to Spanish camps. I have
had experience with four captains gen
eral Calleja, Campos, Marin and Wey-
ler. The last Is the only one of them
who made the life of a war correspond
ent burdensome. Suave and courteous
in his talk, profuse in efforts to aid cor
respondents In sifting truth from error.
polite in his reception of all Americans,
yet he had a way of Impressing upon a
correspondent without putting It Into
words that it would conduce to his per
sonal safety to report nothing but
Spanish official news.
As they fall to mention a single In
surgent success from the beginning and
are a record of many Spanish victories
which exist on paper only, the corre
spondent who accepted them at their
face value beguiles his readers. If
Spain were winning battles, why not
permit accredited correspondents to
accompany columns of troops and re
port from personal observations? If
battles are fought whenever announced
otliclally, why are correspondents re-
ruseu a safe conduct pass to enable
them to visit the battlefield when all
is over? If the affair at Ouatao was a
battle and not a butchery, why were
two correspondents thrown into Morro
Castle charged with having visited the
place, which is only twelve miles from
The Spanish correspondents of Ma
drid papers, the Spanish reporters of
Havana papers, all subject to the press
censor, and the American correspond
ents, are penned up in Havana, and ev
ery effort Is made to keep the world in
darkness as to what Is being done in
Cuba Every cable dispatch is care
fully edited before it can be transmit
ted. Everything unfavorable to Spain
or favorable to the Cuban cause is
eliminated. The mails are searched to
prevent newspaper correspondence be
ing sent off. Jiut with all these pre
cautions, the truth cannot be sup-
and every
Saturday the papers of the United
States arrive In Havana and long ac
counts of rebel victories and Spanish
brutalities which are trut, are read by
the English speaking residents and
translated for the benefit of Spaniards.
The situation in uuba is not difficult
to gauge.
Spain has sent 140,000 regulars and
60,000 volunteers have been raised in
the cities of the island. The latter are
used almost entirely for home defense".
Of the regulars approximately 25.000
have succumbed to bullets and disease
during the year: 15.000 are in the hos
pitals or have been relieved from duty.
and about 100,000 are available for act
ive operations. These figures are esti
mates made by an army surgeon and
are very near the truth. The Spanish
official loss of 3,800 men from all
causes during the year is too absurd to
be considered. Fully half of the regu
lars available for active operations are
required for garrison duty In cities and
towns. About 2.000 small forts or block
houses have been built, and these are
occupied by the troops. The establish
ment of the latest trocha, that between
Marlel and Majana, absorbs 30,000
regulars for the defense of the line.
There are about 10,000 regulars divided
Into flying columns of 1,500 to 2,000 men
each operating aggressively against
Maceo just west of the trocha In Pinar
Del Rio, and In all of the other prov
inces there are not more than 15,000
troops In the field against the enemy.
"General Weyler made numerous at
tempts to surround and crush Maceo
and Gomes during his first month on
the Island. He did not succeed. He
then resorted to the well-worn Spanish
device called a trocha, which had been
abandoned by Campos and Marin as
"In order to make It a strong line he
has practically stopped aggressive
operations In all the provinces except
the western one and concentrated his
troops there. Gomes, Laeret, Jose Ma
ceo, Callxto Garcia and other Insurgent
leaders with large forces are unop
posed. They move from one province
to another, constantly recruiting, and
spreading the flame of rebellion. They
are gaining accessions dally from the
better classes, and their followers can
no longer be designated as Ignorant
blacks. The number of Insurgents tin-
der arms is now fully 45.0ih. Cubans
claim anywhere from Srt.noo to 73.000.
but they include unarmed camp fol
lowers and men whose only weapon Is
the machete.
"Spaniards say that Cubans will not
fight, but I have seen many train loads
of wounded Spanish soldiers brought
into Havana and other cities and
American planters upon whose estates
encounters have taken place declare
the Cubans are absolutely reckless un
der fire. They go Into a fight with
two or three rounds of ammunition to
the man. knowing that they must cap
ture cartridges or they cannot light on
the morrow. When their last shot is
gone, they charge upon the mule train
with machetes and generally obtain
supplies for the next day.
"It Is time they avoid general en
gagements. They have not the am
munition nor the artillery to operate
as a fully equipped army. They there
fore resort to guerilla warfare, and
Spain can make no progress against
them. There are many reasons for
this. In the first place Oomcs and Ma
rco are mm of military genius. The
rank nnd file of the Insurgents wor
ship their leaders and obey orders Im
" On the other hand there are jealous
ies, political intrigues and personal am
bitions among nil grades of Spanish of
ficers. General Weyler says that when
nn otllccr obtnlus a rank above that of
colonel In Culm his usefulness is gone.
Twelve brigadier generals have been
sent back to Snnin for Incompetency
since General Weyler's arrival.
"The Spanish troops themselves have
no heart In the light. They are raw
conscripts from the peasant class of
Spain. They are poorly fed and are
driven, about like cattle. They obey
orders faithfully, undergo hardship
and exposure In a climate to which they
are unused, and fall by the wayside or
die In hospitals the victims of a war In
which thev have no Interest. Their
condition is pitiable Indeed. In a few
weeks the rainv season will set in and
yellow fever will cut wider swaths In
their I'll n 1(8 than the bullets of the
enemy have yet done.
"The entire Intel lor of the Island Is
either In actual possession of the Insur
gents or Is In sympathy with them. In
every small town the Cubans are doing
what they can to aid the men In the
"The office-holding class of Stinnlards
nnd the merchants who profit by Span
ish continuance In power, still Insist
that Spain must win. even though the
Island be lnld In ashes, and her sod
drenched with gore.
"The rabid Spaniards nre the ones
who forced the recall of General Mar
tinez Campos. They have recently at
tacked General Weyler, accusing him
of being as lenient as Campos."
1'ivo Persons Killed, Throe Fatally
Wounded and Seventeen Are Injured.
Fnrra Property Seriously Damaged.
Clay Center, Kas., April 26. A cy
clone of tremendous force Bped through
Clay county lust night, dealing death
and destruction on every hand. As far
as known tonight, five persons were
killed, three fatally wounded and
seventeen injured. The dead are:
Frank Peterson, Mrs. Frank Peterson,
child of the Peterson's, Mrs. Oleo An
derson and a grandchild of Peter An
derson. A full list of the Injured is un
obtainable, but It Is known that every
member of the families of John Morris,
G. Welkin, Peter Anderson and Henry
Gardner were hourt, and three of them
have wounds said to be fatal.
A large number of horses and cattle
was killed and the damage to farm
property Is Immense. The cyclone
started about six miles south of Clif
ton, and went in a northeasterly direc
tion for twelve or fifteen miles and
then lost Its force by spreading. It
passed about half way between Clif
ton and Morganville. Its track varied
from 150 yards to a quarter of a mile In
width. It tore through a farming com
munity and nothing is left standing.
The cyclone was followed by terrific
rain storm, which lasted several hours,
flooding the devastated district.
The storm struck Peter Anderson's
home at 9.30 o'clock. This was about a
mile from the starting point. The
house was demolished In nn instant.
Every member of the Anderson family
was Injured. When they had extricat
ed themselves from the debris, they
discovered that Anderson's grandchild
was missing. The dead body of the
child was found this morning in a ra
vine half a mile away. It evidently
had been carried there by the wind.
. -. -
Judge Stevens Communis on the Position
n Archbishop Ireland.
St. Louis. April 28.-.ludge H. D.
Stevens, president of the American
Protective asoclntion when his atten
tion was called to Archbishop Ireland's
Interview on the American Protective
association, said: "I have read with
interest and amusement. Archbishop
..Trelnnd's Interview mi 'lit American
Protective association. The organiza
tion was not formed us a political party
end probably never will form u politi
cal party, except when the principles
that It stands upon shnil become a di
rect Issue, We count over a million
votes, but In a few Ill-advised Instances
has the association ever run a ticket
under its own name. It votes for the
best candidate Irrespective of party and
stands for purity In politics.
"The archbishop says the principles
of the American Protective association
are un-American. These nre our prin
ciples: The total separation of church
nnd state, the maintenance of our pub
lic school system, the restriction of im
migration and non-sectarian appro
priations. These- principles are the
foundation, the corner-stone of the re
Sixty-seven .Mexicans Hurled Alive at
Snnta F.tilnlln.
EI Paso, .April 26. The late! t news
of the catastrophe at the S,mtr Eulalla
mines, near Chihuahua, Mexico, Thurs
day nlglft Is to the effect t'.iat eighty
five men were working In the mines
when a caveln occurred, burying alive
sixty-seven of the men, all of whom
were Mexicans.
Thirty-seven have been recovered, ten
deBd, seven dying nnd twenty fatally
hurt. At Inst accounts there were thirty
men still in the ruins, with no hope of
recovering them alive.
Judge Houston Dead.
Wilmington, Del., April 26. Hon. John
W. Houston, who was an aKHoclate judge
of the courts of this state from18f5 until
1893. when he was retired on a pension
owing to disabilities Incident to old age,
died tonight at his huine, in Georgetown.
Ho was born In 1814. Air. Houston was
secretary of state under Governor Cooper,
and was elected by the Whigs to congress
In 1844. He served three terms.
Stonmshlp Arrivals.-
New York, April 2. Arrived: Steamers
Maa.ilani, from Kotterdsm and Boulogne;
La Rrotngno. from Havre; Pulntla, from
Hamburg: Kaandum, from Amsterdam.
Sailed: Anchoriu, for Glasgow. Arrived
out: I.n Touralno, at Havre; Suale, at
Southampton. Sailed for New York: Lu
canlu, from Queenstown. Stunted: Prus
sia, from New York Xor Hamburg, passed
The Ohio
Champion Claims
General Urosvenor Thinks That thoj-'lrst
or May Will See Mckinley In Keaeh
of a MujorUv-A Rosy View
of the Situation.
Washington. April 28. General Gros
venor gave out tonight his regular
weekly statement of McKinley votes.
As usual, he declines to make any fig
ures upon other people's strength, con
lining his figures to a comparison be
tween the McKinley vote and the num
ber necessary to a choice, 456. He also
declines to discuss the accuracy of the
tables of votes tif anybody and eutd
"I rely with absolute confidence upon'
ultimate results to vindicate my tig-'
MeKinley's strength, as General.
Grovesnor gives it, stands today at 444.
He further states:
''I do not place any votes In Connecti
cut or New Hampshire In the McKinley
table at this time, although I see that
the New York Tribune gives the nanu s
of three Connecticut delegates. 1 pre
fer to leave those -states to mnke known
their status when the roll of the con
vention Is called, nnd I may add In this
same connection that there are a con
siderable number of delegates not
classed as McKinley men In other
states than Connecticut and New
Hampshire who may be relied upon to
protect McKinley from any combina
tion looking to his defeat,
"Now, looking forward, the prospect
is very pleasant. There are about 200
delegates to be elected hereafter, as
follows: Alabama, 4; Georgia, 4; Illi
nois, 12; Vermont, 3; Arizona, 6; Cali
fornia, IS; Michigan, 20; Nevada, 6;
West Virginia. 3; Montana, 6; Missouri,
16; Delaware, 6; Colorado, X; Washing
ton, 6; Idaho, 6; Wyoming, 6; North
Carolina, IS; total, 166.
"And the balance, making up about
200, are scattered by dlstriicts over the
entire country.
"It will be observed by a careful
analysis of these votes yet to come
that It Is a modest and conservative
statement to clnlm thnt McKinley will
have 125 of those votes and probably
more. Thus It will be seen that my
statement that the 1st of May would see
McKinley within reach of a majority
was nut only not an exaggeration, but
has been verified by results and will
be conclusively demonstrated by ac
tual figures when the delegates are
Ills Figure Do Not Correspond With
Those Furnished by McKinley Mnnp-
Washington, April 26. Mr. Maflley,
of Maine, gave out the following state
ment this evening:
"Congressman Aldrlch, of Illinois,
left for his state Saturday, He will
attend the state convention at Spring
field on Wednesday of this week. His
statement of April 20, which was
made upon accurate and reliable In
formation obtained from every state
and territory where delegates had been
elected, and In many instances upon in
formation derived from the delegates
themselves, was based upon the elec
tion of 604 delegates. Of this number
Mr. Reed was given 12S delegates,
Governor McKinley 214, doubtful 64,
and all others lti. It gave Mr. McKin
ley 35 per cent, rif the delegates
elected. The statement was made with
so much care and accuracy that It can
be relied upon with the utmost confi
dence. "I have taken Mr. Aldrich's estimate
as a basis for my statement of dele
gates elected up to that date, adding
those elected from the 20th to the 2Kth
of A :rll. Inclusive, nnd have classified
them with the follosvlng results. It
will be seen thnt there are many dele
gates placed In the doubtful column.
There are many instances of contested
delegates, and It does not seem proper
that prior to the actlvn of the national
committee, which has to net as a com
mittee on credentials for the tem
porary roll of the convention, and prior
to the action of the credentials com
mittee of the convention, that any one
has a right to assume thnt delegates
will bo seated In the convention and,
therefore, I have not presumed to
clnlm how these delegates would vote,
but have preferred to place them where
they belong, In the doubtful column.
In no Instance hove I anticipated the
election of any delegates this state
ment only relates to the delegates ac
tually elected.
"Out of 250 delegates thus far chosen
In the block of states north of the Pit
tomnc and east of Ohio a block of
states containing a greater portion of
the manufacturing nnd commercial In
terests of the country Governor Mc
Kinley has secured only nine votes.
Governor MeKinley's percentage of the
delegates elected remains practically
as it did one week ago. Whole number
elected. 711; for Thomas It. Reed. 161;
for Governor McKinley, 2'0; for all oth
er candidates, 217; doubtful nnd con
tested, M.
Alabama. Reed 7, McKinley 3; Ar
kansas, McKinley 16; Connecticut,
Reed 12: Florida, Reed 2; Georgia, Reed
12. McKinley 7; Illinois, McKinley 20;
Indiana, McKinley 12; Kansas, McKin
ley 16; Kentucky, McKinley 8; Louisi
ana, Reed 15, McKinley 1; Maine, Reed
12; Maryland, Reed 10. McKinley 1;
Massachusetts, Reed 30; Michigan,
Rei'd 1, McKinley 1; Minnesota, McKin
ley 10; Missouri, McKinley 14; Nebras
ka, McKinley 16; New Hampshire,
Reed 8: New Jersey. McKinley 2; New
York, McKinley 2; North Cnrollna, Mc
Kinley 2: North Dakota, McKlnlev 6f
Ohio, McKinley 38; Pennsylvania. Mc
Kinley 2; Rhode Island, Reed 8; South
Carolina. Reed 2. McKinley 8; South
Dakota, McKinley 8; Tennessee, Reed
4, McKinley 16; Texas, Heed 20, McKin
ley 3; Virginia, Reed 4. McKinley 12;
Wisconsin, Mctvinley 24; Oklahoma,
Reed 6; District of Columbia, Reed 1.
Mr. Anna burgh's Dead Body Found In a
flrle, Pa., April 2(t. The mutilated
body of Mrs. Anna Burgh, a malmod
and feeble-minded woman who hud
been missing for five or six days, was
found yesterday In a ravine on the out
skirts of the city by schoal children
who were gathering flowers. The sur
roundings, the woman's clothing nnd
her bruised body showed thnt she hud
been nssaulted and had either died from
the effects of her injuries or was mur
dered outright.
The authorities are Investigating. It
Is thought the crime was committed by
Flvo Persons Killed
' Clay Center. Kan., April 28. Five peo
pie were killed and seventeen wounded by
a cyclone today near Clifton, Wusblur-
.to;i county.
Weather Indications Today i
Generally Fair; Warmer.
I The Cuban Situation.
StrenKth of residential Candidates.
Victims of a Lunatic.
Work Hcfore Congress.
I K. It. Sturges on Cost and Price or
I (IiOoali Sunday In S.-ranton Churches.
Sentenco Day In Court.
I Editorial.
Only One National Candidate.
5 (Local) Local Democrats All for Har-
Pennsylvania Grand Council Y. M
(Sports) Sunday
and Saturday
Suburban News.
Market und Stock Reports.
News Up nnd own the Valley.
World of liusineBS.
General Pension Mensuro Will t Brought
to a Vote-Senate Will Consider Ap
propriation Bills-Other Business in
Washington. April 26. It Is probable
that the general pension bill will be
brought to a vote tomorrow under the
operation of an order to be reported by
the committee on rules. General Hen
derson, chairman of the committee on
Judiciary, expects that the house will
pthen take up the bankruptcy bill and
discuss It for two or three days.
f Mr. Lubcock, chnirnian of the Dls-
Ltrlct of Columbia committee, to which
committee mommy s sessioruis assigned
'under the rules, says thnt if deprived
'of that day's session his committee will
insist upon some other day in the week
in which to press district bills.
Aside from the pension and bank
runtcv bills, the programme of the
'house is uncertain and dependent upon
developments from day to day.
The sennte will probably continue to
devote most of Its time to the consid
eration of appropriation bills, being far
behind the house In the disposition of
these bills. Mr. Hale will call up the
naval bill tomorrow. Mr. Erye ex
pects to report the river and harbor bill
either tomorrow or Tuesday at the lat
est, and It Is the expectation that both
these bills will be passed before the
week Is ended.
Mr. Sherman may renew his attempt
to secure the passage of the bill to re
peal the free alcohol for the arts clause
of the tarliT bill. Should he do so.
Senators Lodge, Chandler, Piatt and
Pritchnrd will vigorously oppose him,
and it Is openly said that if this mat
ter should be pressed it will Involve un
indefinite prolongation of the session
nnd the opening of a general tariff dis
cussion. Meanwhile Mr. Peffer's bond resolu
tion, now divested of nearly all Its sal
ient features, holds its place as the un
finished business, giving way from day
to dny for the conlderation of appro
priation bills.
Wednesday Mr. Vila will present
resolutions accepting the statue of Pere
Marquette, and will make a speech on
the resolution.
It is Thought That an Attempt Will bo
Mado to Prove That the Murderer is
Philadelphia. April 26. Henry W.
r.ullock, the Indianapolis, attorney of
II. H. Holmes, the convicted murderer
of Benjamin F. Pltezel, arrived here to
day. Asked about his connection with
the case he said: "I am scarcely con
nected with the case here. In Deomber
last Holmes wrote us that he had nev
er been able to gather any evidence in
his own behalf outside of Philadelphia;
that his letters to the west had fa Hon
by the way, and that he wanted us
to gather some facts for him at Indian
apolis, Detroit nnd Chicago. My at
torney here, Mr. McCaffrey, called on
him frequently and received the proper
data, and we have succeeded In secur
lug considerable evidence regarding his
movements during the past three years,
Vo can locate him in Indianapolis al
most to an hour, and trace his and the
Pltezel hoy's movements while there."
Mr. Hullock said that Coroner Caster,
of Indianapolis, will be here: "but," he
continued, "he Is not going to do any
thing rash." The Indianapolis coroner
will have records of the Howard Pietzel
inquest. He and Mr. Hullock will meet
Lawyer Rotan, nml the three will nrob
nbly cnll on Holmes In prison, when it
will be decided whether or not the gov
ernor will be petitioned to grant Holmes
a reprieve. It is possible that an effort
will be mado to convince the governor
of a probability of Holmes' Insanity,
though how the records of the Howard
Pietzel inquest or Mr. Itullock's data
of any aid is a mystery which counsel
are not yet prepared to explain.
Many Pcnplo Think Cocking Murdered
His Wife nnd Her Sister.
Ia Plata, Mil., Am II 2G. The murder
er who took the lives of Mrs. Joseph
Cocking and her sister, Miss Daisy Mil
ler, on Thursday night is believed by
the citizens of this place to be none
other than the husband and brother-in-law,
Joseph Cocking, who was him
self found bound In the cellar after the
tragedy, apparently half unconscious.
This belief hns become so strong In the
minds of the neighbors and the citizens
of the surrounding towns that threats
of lynching are being freely made.
Cocking is virtually under arrest, but
Sheriff Wade will not say positively
whether it is because he is suspected
of the crime or because It Is feared that.
ho may come to harm at the hands of
Irate citizens who believe him guilty.
The fact that no clew has been un
earthed whereby any one except the oc-,
cupants or tne cocking store and dwell
ing could be connected with the crime
Is telling against Cocking. A number
of extra deputy sheriffs ore stationed
In and about the Cocking house with a
view of gunrding against any surprise
on the part of those who believe in
Cocklng's guilt.
Ool loved to llovo Murdered His Children,
Adam and Kvc.
Pottstown, Pa.,Aprll 28. Paul Quoza,
who was arrested yesterday charged
with threatening to kill his wife, Is
likely to be held for a graver crime. It
Is thought that he Is responsible for
the death of his twin children. Adam
and Eve. The children were born last
December, and, after being In appar
ently good health, the boy suddenly
died on April 15. This was followed
four days later by the death of the
After the first child had died Quoza
was heard to remark that the other
would not live long. Mrs. Ouoza made
an affidavit this afternoon before Mag'
Istrate (Iraham, In which she said that
on a number of occasions her husband
had threatened to take the Uvea of her-
ir nnn children.
Seven Persons Are Killed in Rock-
tillc, Ind.
Us Shoots a Woman and Her Two Chil
dren, the Sheriff, a Constable and
Ulmself-llis Sister Dies
from Shock.
Rockvllle. Ind.. April 26. Peter Eg
bert, 2:1 years old, shot and killed Mrs.
Herman Hascke and her two children,
Herman nnd Agnes; Sheriff W. D. Mull
and Constable W. M. Sweem early yes
terday morning. He then killed him
self, and Miss Florence Egbert, his
sister, who was ill from typhoid fever,
died shortly after the tragedy as a re
sult of the shock.
Egbert was sent into the back yard
about 7 o'clock to saw some wood for
family use. Shortly afterward, while
Mrs. Hascke was out milking her cow,
Egbert secured a double-barrelled
shotgun, and. going into her house,
which was next, door to his own home,
shot Agnes Hascke, 10 years old, dead.
He wounded the boy, two years young
er, who ran out on the porch, where
Egbert shot him again, killing him In
stantly. The murderer then went Into the al
ley, and leveled his gun at Mrs. Hascke,
who, seeing his Intention, attempted to
escape. He shot her, however, the
charge taking effect in the top of her
head, removing part of her skull. Mrs.
Hascko lingered in an unconscious
state for about two hours before she
Eglert shouldered his gun and delib
erately walked up Into the business
part of the town. Sheriff Mull and Con
stable Sweem were planning a way of
capturing him. He was walking across
the north side of the square, holding
his gun in position to shoot, when he
saw Mull and Sweem crossing the street
toward him. He called out to them not
to come any nearer. The two officers
then retired Into a stairway in the No
tional Hunk building for a. moment's
consultation. Egbert turned, and, com
ing upon them suddenly, shot and In
stantly killed them both.
The murderer then started to run,
taking a westward course toward the
Fair grounds, with a number of men
in close pursuit. He ran like a deer
until, while he wns crossing an open
Held Just west of the town, a shot from
one of his pursuers took effect In his
heel. This crippled him and, though li
managed to scale the fence of the Fair
grounds, he wns unable to run further.
Crawling into a stall, he shot himself in
the right breast. The tire from his gun
Ignited his clothing, which was partial
ly burned when he was found.
business Is suspended in the town.
The dead are being prepared for burial.
but no arrangements for their funerals
huve been made. Egbert was at one
time confined in an insane asylum, but
be was discharged as cured.
Fsmale Conviot Confesses a Crlm for
Which the Robinsons Wcra Sentenced.
Buffalo, April 26. Information has
been received here that a woman con
fined In the Wisconsin state prison, at
Waupun, Wis., has confessed to the
murder of Montgomery . Oibbs, the
young lawyer of this city, for which
crimo Clarence and Sadie Robinson are
now serving sentences In Auburn pris
on. This letter was received by War
den Stout:
Wisconsin State 1'rlson.
Waupun, Wis., April 21, 1R91.
James C. fllopl, Warden Auburn State.
l'rlson Auburn, N. V.
.My Dear Sir: I will now state to you
the reason of my desiring to gnt the name
and address of the father of Ciarenee Rob
inson. There Is a this prison
who tins made a confession tint she shot
nnd killed .Montgomery Olbbs In l.)!aWHre
avenue, in UnfTiilo, N. Y., In April, lN'il,
for which crimo the snld Clarence and
Sailie. Robinson, his wife, are now Im
prlso'ifed. She says she makes this confes
sion for the sako of hsvlng them liberated.
She hns but one more year to serve here,
nml 1 desire the address of the father for
the purpose of Informing him that hr
might take steps toward investigating the
mHtter. I would suggest that you ask
Clarence Roblr.son to name some friend
or attorney who will make a thorough In
vestigation. Yours truly,
W. W. Bancroft,
Chaplain Wisconsin State Prison.
Montgomery Oibbs was shot on the
night of April 2S. ISM, while on his way
home about 9.S0 o'clock. Nearly a year
later the Robinsons were arrested in
Cleveland for the crime, Sadie having
made a confession that they committed
It. They were brought here for trial
nnd were convicted. Clarence of mur
der In the second degree and Sadie of
manslaughter In the first degree.
MiMxt; I'.iiRKAir M'i'.ni.i).
Extract from Report of Secretary of In
ternal Affelrs.
Harrisburg. Pa., April 26. The forth
coming reoort of Secretary of Internal
Affairs will devote considerable atten
tion the department of mine Inspec
tion. It will give the reports of the
eight anthracite and ten bituminous
Inspectors for the last year, and will
recommend legislation looking to the
organization of a mining bureau under
the supervision of the department of
internal affairs. Under present condi
tions the Inspectors do about as they
please. Last year there were i,605
Persons employed In the anthracite re
gion, an Increase of 3,910 over the pre
vious year and the output was DO.Mi
104 tons, nn Increase of 5,n40.P2... The
accidents were greatly decreased. In
the bituminous region tho number of
employes was 81,904, n decrease of 1
27.1. due to strikes and suspensions.
The output was 51,813,112, an Increase
of 12.012,1)02 tons over tho previous year.
Luzerne county holds the lead In the
anthracite region with a production of
19,143,101 tons last year and Allegheny
leads the bituminous region. There
were 420 fatal accidents In the anthra
cite region and 155 In the bituminous
Theosophlsts In Convention.
New York, April 26. A second nnnunl
convention of the Theosophlcal Society of
America began today In the concert hall
of Mndlon Square garden. The attend
ance wus very large, Theosophlsts from
all parts of the United States being pivm
ent. Krnest T. Hargrove, .of KugiiiiiJ,
was elcted president, and K. August N'eru
rhelitipr, of Havarln, wa elected vice
president and treasurer.
Slxtv Persons Bnptlsed.
McKeesport, Pa., April 2il. Hixty-tnroo
persons, men, women nnd children, recent
converts of the llethlehem Colored Hun
tlst church of this city, were baptised here
by Immersion In the Youghlogheny river.
The ceremony occupied two hours and
was witnessed by 3,t)lK spectators.
Herald's Forecast.
New York, April 27. Herald's weather
forecast: In the Middle states today fulr
weather will prevail with light and freh
enstorly ti southerly winds followed on
the comets by hnzlncxg and possibly cloud
iness und In the Interior by a warm wave,
On Tuosdny fair and warmer weather will
prevail, with fresh southerly winds, fol
Imenii 'rl rsln.
. Specials far Ibis Week. '
Three Special Drives In
all-wool Dress Goods.
20 pieces all-wool Chev- j
lots 25c. a yard; former
price 2iy2z.
15 pieces all-wool Cliev-
lots, 40 Inches wide, 35c. i
a yard; former price 48c
17 pieces all-wool Chev
iots, 40 inches wide, Jac
quards styles, 48c. a yard;
former price 63c.
4 SC.
IS, 5W,
H-iic! Sidelines, '950,
All these numbers
ceptional values.
510 AND 512
And Slippers for Every Member of Hit
Wholesale and Retail.
Take Notice
Welchel, the Jeweler,
has a nice line of Bicycle
Belts. Call and see them.
One of the latest novel-'
Carriage Faiits,
s ttes
Ready Mixed i
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pu. ,
Linseed Oil, Guaranteed.