THE SCRANTON TRIBUNETUESDAY MORNINQ, APRIL 21, 1896. THE DEADER .124-126 Wjrains An TI pieces of fine printed cordrd Dlml- tlen, worth lie.. LKADKR'S PRICE. 12'jo. 2S piece of corded linen batiste, worth lie-.. LEADER'S PRICE. 10c. Si pieces of printed Bilk Crepes for wulsts and tea gowns worth LEADER'S PRICE. Be. One new lot of men's percale NckH Ifee Shirts, separate collars and cuffs, newest patterns, worth tl. LEADER'S PRICE, 790. 10 dozen men's fnncy Terks and Four in Hand, new and handsome, regular Wc. quality, LEADER'S PRICK. 35c. 23 doxen of boys' laumlried waists, white and colored, all sizes, perfect in lit and finish, LEApER'S PRICE. 49e. 12 dozen of ladles' tine muslin skirts trimmed with embroidery or Ince, LEADER'S PRICE, 490. One hundred of choice brocaded silk capes, also ribbed silks and velvet. Hover sold less than $3.98, LEADER'S PRICE. $2.98. 25 of much handsomer brocaded silk capes, lined throughout with tlk, worth 7.KS. LEADER'S PRICE, K9S. IK ladles' figured bi'lllluntine skirts luw patterns, lined throughout, live yards wide, special, LEADER'S PRICE. J1.91 Cm) 'children's parasols in all colors, styles and designs. Leader's Prie running from 15c. to l.V. Ladies' white parasols, with sticks and ribs to match, also with fancy hull- , dies. Leader's Price ranging from Mo. to HHS. (0 dozen fumy straw huts In all the shapes. These KOods retail all over ut from 1 to $1.60 a piece, LEADER'S PRICE, tte. 7S stylish- trlnimi'd' tovbans-and" wultr I n If hais, worth S3.5V, LEADER'S PRICE. 1.'JS. K spring hats trimmed in the latest styles, worth $5, LEADER'S PRICE. J:'.!. 100 bunches of roses, worth 40c. . LEADER'S PRICE, 19c Fine Filk ribbon plain uml fancy, In the 'Millinery department, from 10c. u- yard up. A bit of or'lni flannel. LEADER'S PRICE, 3c. One lot of remnants lndiu linen. LEADER'S .PRICE, 4c. a yatd. One lot of scrim for cui-tulns. LEADER'S PRICED So One lot of extru heavy towels. In Inches loin,', LEADER'S PRICE. 1: Co pieces of lawns, organdies and mulls, worth 10c., choice of lot, 5c. u yard. FACTORVIlLI Tlie warm weuther xt III continues ut this place. LiulUliiiR. making aniens uud house rWnfiig seem tn be the inuln business ikmv. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Keminer enter tained ubbut thirty young Indies and gentlemen Friday evening in tumor ttf their daughter, MIsh Jessie. The young people spent it very pleusant evening. (luring which refreshments were served. The party was a complete sur prise to Miss Kemmer. Hurry Stone, of Scranlon, spent Sun day in town. Mrs. Howell and son. Ralph, will spend this week at Onternuitiumi vis itiiiR friends. The Ladies' Aid of the First l?an tlst church win serve supper at the church dining rooms Wednesday uf ternoon from 5 until 7 o'clock. Warm maple sugar will also he served. Mrs. Everett Gardner and son, Leo, of Scranton, spent Monday In town. Mr, and Mrs. Frank okell, of Scran ton. were calling on friends In town Saturday. C. C. Gardner, Miles Gardner and Mason Reynolds are at Tunkhannork ns witnesses In the Well-Morgan case. W. H. Reynolds and Abel Gardner are serving as Jurors at the county seat tins week. Mrs. Walter Reynolds returned Sat urday evening from a t'vo weeks' visit with relatives at New York city. HON ESDALE, John C. Tlbbetts. son of Isaac Tlh betts, of this place, died at his home in Hyde Park, Scranton, Saturday at 5 p. m.. of 'typhoid-pneumonia. He was in his forty-fourth year, and is survived by his wffe, four children, Lillle, Ber tha Frank and Avis, his father, brother dale. The funeral will be held from his late hoive at 8.30 a. m. Tuesday. The body will be brought here on the 12.20 train end interment made in Glen jjyuerry cemetery, Uishop Rulison confirmed a class of tmrty-elght in Grace church Sunday morning. He confirmed another class at Haiem, this county, on Monday, in the class confirmed here were a number or young people rrom White Mills and way mart. FOLLOWING SPECIALS - When Baby wairick, gave her Castorta,. When aha was a Child, the cried for Castorta, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta, When she had Children, the gave them Gutorla. SPECIAL. We will sell you a good Brussels Car pet, Sewed; Laid and Lining For 59c Also a Good Velvet Carpet, Sewed, Laid and Lining, For 69c ' the above priced are for a few jdays nly. Call and examine, as the will net last long at these prices. ' J its. lli-n'ril" - uuui i inuuiuj nan rapur 419 UCMWIMM AVENUE. WATT Ml K CARDONDALE. o ? (Reader wit! rlease note that advertise ments, orders for tob work, end Items for gub'IcaUon-Jeft at the establishment of hannon A Co.. newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of fice open from S a. m. to 10 p. ml MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS. The ttieyelo Cinder Path Is Now a Sure Thing. nesnlte a few ritecourasrements which the Carbondale Cycle club have had in their efforts to build a cinder path be tween scranton and Crystal Lake, they have not given up the work and things hub a little brlshter. A meeting was appointed for lust Friday evening, but us few delegates from down the valley put In their appearance. It was posi tioned. The bovs think that some point between here and Scranton should be selected for a meeting, and according ly have secured a hall in Olyphant. w here all wheelmen in the valley Inter ested In the movement will meet Fri day evening. All those who desire to go from this place should meet at the club rooms at 6.30 sharp, from where they will go to Olyphant on tneir wheels. A little impetus and encouragement has been Trtyen to the work by the fact that already, without any soliciting on the part of the club, $2:!0 have been subscribed for the path. The latest to subscribe were Frank Hubbard and George Patterson, the former giving $23 and the latter Subscription blanks are now being printed and will be circu lated among the wheelmen as soon as ready. LAID AT REST. Services Held Over the l ate Mrs. Angus Cameron. The funeral of Mrs. Angus Cameron. who died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Anna Scurry, on Wyoming street, occurred yesterday afternoon at half past one. a large number of people at tending thus showing the love and es teem In which the deceased was new. The services were conducted by Itev. Chnrles Lee, of the First Presbyterian church. He took for his text the twenty-eighth verse of the eleventh chapter of Matthew: 'Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." and preached a must eloquent and touching sermon, which contained many thoughts of con solation for the bereaved ones. The pall-bearers were: Kdwnrd ei.'irkson. William .Mule. Irving Davis. ('. Robinson. Willlnm Hubbard, and John She:lKi'il. Many nco'ile frrni nut of town nt- tendrdY-utminK wtmnr were-: Vhurles tliuv und August Gray, Mlsser. Lottie, Emma and Ida Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, of Scranton, und Mr. and .Mrs. F. A. Davis, of Clifford. WENT TO MEET HER. I. A. Stanton Says lie Will Marry as Soon as lie Can (let n Divorce. J. A. Stanton seems to be very much in earnest In his love for Miss Kenu Cook, with whom he ran away a few weeks ago. Stanton and Miss Cook were locked up in the county Jull. but Stuutoii was released on condition that he should deed his property to his wife. I'pon Stanton's release he scraped to gether enough money to pay for the costs In the cuse upon which the girl's futher withdrew the charge, uml she wus set free yesterday ufternoon. t'ook went to Scranton to meet her and accompanied her back to this city. He is u! present endeavoring to get u divorce, ami says us soon as It is se cured he will marry the girl. EN.IOYAHI.E ENTERTAINMENT. (iiven bv the Kpwortli l.cugito Last l.ven ing. A most enjoyable entertainment wus given lust evening by the Kpworth league of the .Methodist church, which wns thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience present. The programme wus u good one und eu' h piece wus given In u muniier which relleels greut credit upon the performer. Those which deserve especial mention Were the eul solos by W. D. Evans anil T. F. t'lurk. The singing of the qi'i.ltelte composed of Mrs. Abbey, Misses Koblnsnu, liutler and Miller were very good. The piano duet by Misses Mirtlc unit Nettie Uayley was faultlessly executed. Hied nt the Hospital. John MiKliniiish. the man who was run over by a locomotive at Forest City Snturduv, and who wns afterward re moved to I his city, died early yester day morning. The inun's condition wns very l i t carious on Saturday, but his leg wus umputated by Dr. Dwyer, of Forest City. The shock and internal In J linen were too great for the unfor tunate man and he succumbed yester duy. M. R. Campbell Injured. A most unfortunate and painful, though not necessarily serious accident occurred to M. K. Campbell, of North Church street, yesterday morning. Mr. Campbell is employed as foreman at the Delaware and Hudson No. 1 col liery, and while at the performance of hU duties was struck by a heavy rail on the arm, and sustained bad In juries to that member. The ound was dressed by Dr. Glllls. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS Mrs. Frank White of Port Jervis, is spending the week with her husband's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Alberr"WhTt'e7 of Ruer street. Miss Bertha Trip, of Clifford, Is visit ing her sister, Miss Cora Lee, of this city. Thomas Hltcroft, of Scranton, divi sion passenger agent of the New York, Ontario and Western, was in this city on business yesterday. William Muir, of Honesdale, spent yesterday In this city. Mrs. H. Q. Springsteln. of East Wind sor, N. Y is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Lown, of Chestnut avenue. The Syracuse and Carbondale base ball teams attended the production of "Michael Strogoff" last evening at the invitation of Manager Keane. Miss Mollle Tracy Weston, of Brook lyn, who has been the guest of Miss Grace Bayley, for several days, has returned home. An application for an amended char ter for the Honesdale base ball team was made yesterduy by Attorney Butter. The many friends of Aleck Bryden, of Vanillins, will be pained to learn that he is very ill. The funeral of the late Adamson Yarrington will be held this afternoon from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Adam Kagler, No. 43 Wayne street. Mrs. V. M. Davis and Mrs. Griffith Morgan went to Danville yesterday to attend the funeral of a friend. They will make a short visit at Bloomsburg before returning. Mrs. E. D. Bryan, of Orange, N. ., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Burr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lyon, of North Church street, will leave soon on a southern trip. Mrs. G. .1. Avery, of Scranton, Is spending the week at the home of Jo seph Avery on Wyoming street. Frank Brewster, of Bridgeport, Conn., is the guest of friends In this city. City Engineer Frlck and family are making a short visit with relatives In LewlBburg, Pa. Mrs. H. J. Hookenberry returfled from a visit with her son Raymond at Carlisle ' and with her mother. Mrs. Elisabeth Hoffman, of Martlnsburg, W. Va.i last evening. Tha phonograph entertainment at bicycle rooms this evening promises to be a unique affair. Several promi nent Itx-al vocalists will participate in the course of the evening. Thomas Dufly. of the West Side, sustained gainful Injuries on- the On tario and Western Saturday night. H. H. Jadwln has rctursfq front his California trip. His health is much iuipToved and he speaks in glowing terms of the beautiful scenery and pure air of the western states. Father Curran was in the city yes terday afternoon. ' JERMYN, . Rushbrook lodge. No. 850, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, will hold a grand social and entertainment in the Odd Fellows' hall on Thursday. April 30. A large number of Invitations have been issued for the event, and the af fair rTomlses to eclipse all other at tempts n ade bv the order In this lo cality. The following excell?nt pro gramme has been arranged: Singing, by the cider; prayer, Rev. T. Williams; chairman's address. Charles L. Dell; anniversary song, composed! for the oc casion by Mr. 'Treharne, of Scranton; march. Freedom, God and Right," In dependent Order of Odd Fellows' quar tets; aduress, C. F. Baker; trio. "Tom, the Pl:nr's Son," Messrs. Green, Jop ling and Evans; recitation, William K. Davis; march, "Constellation," James Klleyj clarionet duet, "Sounds from Home," Messrs. Jopllng and Riley; ad dress. Professor K. D. Bovard; quar tette, "Call John," Messrs. Osborne, Baker. Griffiths, Bennett; recitation, Thomas Roberts; sailor's chorus; mock imitations: refreshments: selection, lit tle pendent Order of Odd Fellows' quur tette. The ways and means committee and the council's committee, which were ap pointed on the water question, are not Idle. They have scoured the surround ing country and chosen a'sppt for the well and icservoir. At an early , date operations will be besrun and the work pushed as much as possible. Drs. M. J. Shields and P. C. Manly will assist in giving a course of lec ture!, ut :he Emergency hospital, Car bondale, about May 1. A. M. Xctherton & Co., of Olyphant, will no tioMbt be the future residents of the Jeriuyn Ready Pay store build ing. It is tenorted that the Olyphant tirm have bought the building and will cc'iii-v thoVame at once. Dr. WlUlnin J. Huker left last eve ning f r H.tllstend, where he v. lil oviu tice lil.s in 1'isninn. A large not of liicnds v.'slt hlni success. Th ladles of St. Agnes Guild; of the St. James Episcopal church held a very success! ill social .111 Gllmore hall last evening. A lnnre number from up and down the vnlley were present. The Loyal Knights of America of Jermyn und Carbondale are arranging for another debate. The date has not Xet. been decided- u:m. Property owners on Second street are busily engaged this week laying their curbing nnd stone sidewalks. Th Hickory base ball team played their first game of the season at Alumni park on Saturday afternoon. The op posing team was the clerks of Jermyn und Maylleld. The Hickories won the game with u lurge score. - ---- . FECKVILLE. A K'leclul election will be held In Blukelyborotigh today to' see If the citizens are willing to bond the borough for to own there own wuter plant. Every voter should go to the polls to day und cast their vote In favor of their own plant. Mr. und Sirs. P. J. Holllster were the guests of the former's parents at Hol lisictvllle, over Sunday. A regular meeting or Orientiul Star Lodge, Flee und Accepted Musons, will be In Id this evening. G. L. Keller und G. W. Megutgel will leave this morning for a visit with Icliillxe? ut Wind Gup. .Miss Dora Hell, of Curhohdule, Is the guest of Miss Stella Wudeman. Miss Muud Trevrton soent Sunday with her cousin. Miss Peurl Trever loll. ol Or. en Ridge. Airs. Mary Chapuiun. of Ashley, is visiting her brother, Henry Chupmun, of the West End. Mrs. Wurt Page, who lias been speud Ing the past week with Mr. und Mrs. William Page, returned to her home ut pittston. last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Corey Jenkins and fam ily spent Sunday at Pltlston. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kimble, of Cailioiulale. spent Sunduy with rela tives In town. Mrs. David Bell and daughter. Maud. have returned from u visit with friends ! i;t Pltlston. ! Ross Lloyd, of olyohunt. a student I at the Baltimore Medical college, wus u u-m.-i iii inn ii iumi riunouy evening. T V. Crunlis, of Scranton, called on friends here. ' j l 'octors Coollilge und Brewster, of Sci.tuliih, were in town Inst Friday uml performed u successful operation on Mrs. William Allen, of Hickorv street. She Is doing nicely at this writing and tiieloctors entertain every hope of her I ei overy. OLYPHANT. George Weaver, a well-known and respected resident of this town, quietly passed away at his home on First street Sunday ufternoon after an illness of a few days. .Mr. Weaver was born In uryn .-lawr, uies, antt wus 37 years of age. lie hud innumerable friends and was well known for his many es tlmuble qualities. The funeral will taite place tomorrow-afternoon at t o clock from his late home. Rev. Geo, Ball will officiate. Interment will be made In Ridge cemetery. . The funeral of John McHale, one of the victims of the Eddy Creek mine accident last Saturdav, took place yesterday afternoon and was largely TitTemTeiT: Services were held In St. Patrick's church. Rev. P. J. Murphy preached an excellent sermon. The remains were then conveyed to St. Pat rick s cemetery and laid to rest. M. . .vieiKiiesome, or jermyn, was a caller In town yesterday. ' W. C. Mooncy, of Hyde ' Park, re turned home yesterday after a visit with friends on Dunmore street. Miss Fannie Stiglltis. of New York, is visiting relatives nere. The funeral of James and Robert Abbot, who were killed on Thursdavni Abbot, who were killed on Saturday last, will occur this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of the lat- ter In Throop. Know Hood's Cured Because It Made Pure Blood. "I was all run down and could not sleep at night on account of the continuous and severe pains through my body. I had also stom ach troubles and catarrh. After taking Hood's Sarsaparllla o short time I com menced to lm- prove, tud after using three hot- 5 ties in fell, my complaint en tirely left me. 11 now have an appetite, sleep well and am free from all stomach trouble. I know Hood's Pirsapnrllla hat cured me, and I cheerfully recommend Its use by til woman who re run down and need a buildlnsr up medicine." Miss ALICB what, V. Bridgewster, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the only True Blood Pnrifkr promt nsntly In the public eye todV y. UnSN'e Dllla otay.eMyloUk) S IVWVI O i 1110 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE WILKES-BARRE. SENSATION AT COL UT. Irregularities That May Save the Neck of Frank Shaffer. A senantlon occurred in the criminal court here yesterduy when the district attorney announced that Peter Wassll, alias "Terrible Pete," woum oe me first to be tried on the list, the charge being murder In the l!rt degree. It was alleged that he killed a countryman of Ills named Peter Kupersavage some two months ago. Eugene Wurd. his Attorney, asked for a continuance or the cuse, which was reruscu. Mr. Ward at once tiled objections in a renort to ouash the array of Jurora drawn to serve next week on the rrounil thnt the recently elected Jury commissioners, Taylor and Da hi. had failed to take the oath or omce as re iiutred by law, and claimed that all of the pnnels of Jurors drawn were irreg ular and viild, and that he would show this to be the fuel and prove it by tne Jury commissioners themselves. Judge Bennet then continueu me t unc until 10 o'clock tomorrow to give Mr. Ward a chance to brlnrr the Jury com missioners into court. If he enn prove his charge the entire panels of January. March and April grand Juries, common ideas and ounrter sei'sions pnnels of Juries will be I'legal and all prisoners convicted bv them will have to be .re tried. Frank Shaffer, the mountutn cut-oT murderer, would be acquitted. becum-e he was '.lied by an irregular Jury nnd the law says a mun cannot be tried twice for his life. TIIF. NKW PASTOR. Kcv. W. II. Stono AJJrosscs Ills New Consrcentlnn. tine of the largest congregations ever assembled in St. Clement's church gieeted the new pastor. Rev. W. H. Stone, Sunday morning unit weicomeo him to his new charge. Muny were obliged to stand during the services, but the sermon delivered amply repaid them Rev. Mr. -Stone-took for his text the words of St. Paul: "The night Is far spent nnd the day Is at hand." He laid particular stress upon the fact that many people postpone their entrance Im,. f'ln-istluii life until it Is too late. The music of the morning service wnsl the same ns that at Euster and was well rendered. A new feature was add ed to the musical programme, when Miss Emily Daniel played a prelude ut the commencement of the services and a postlude at the conclusion. In the evening Rev. Mr. Stone preached on "Watchfulness." V ALLEY Tit AIN DERAILED. Run Into a Rock at Stony Creek -I Ire man Slightly Hurt. Pussetiger train No. lU on the Lehigh Valley, due In this city at .:1U yesterday was delayed several hours ut Stony Creek by running into a rock which had fallen on the truck from the niuun tuln side. The engine and two cars were derailed uud Fireman Duggan slightly Injured. There Is only a single track ut that point two nnd oue-hulf miles this side of Penn Haven Junc tion. . A wrecking train was sent to the steiie and by noon the track was dear. Fortunately the engineer has his train under control or the damage might have been greater. HUKGLAKS AT FIVE POINTS. Secure a Ulg Lot of Stuff from William Dnnghcrtv. ' Yesterday morning between two and three o'clock the residence of William Dougherty at the Five Points, was en tered by burglars. Three hundred did-' lurs in money, a gold watch uud ull the silverware were carried tiff. There is no clue, and Mr. Dougherty feels his loss very keenly. He was at one time an engineer on the Valley roud, but for some time past hud been en gaged in the butcher business Mr. Dougherty lhvs on the corner of Ilur tense and Kidder streets The thieves effected nn entrance through the kitchen. Will Si up at Parsons. The Thr.mus ' concert tonight In the Welsh Huptist church will be a rare treut. Mr. Thomas is the well known and popular busso Foil of Wales. His daughter. Miss Mary Thomns. h.vs, be sides a well-trained and pleasing con tralto voice, a rare type of beauty that makes her a welcome guest. She Is a guld medalist of the Uoyal Academy of London and with her father has given a number of concerts. They will be assisted by W. A. Kelly and James Anwyl, Parsons; Miss Edith Morgan, of the Klara Schumnns, and several members of the Dr. Mason Glee club, Wilkes-Harre. The concert Is under the auspices of the Parsons' United choir. Names for a Vnlley liycr. LA The contest for a prize of I'.Ti In gold rBTjrst a flume for the new fnst passenger trains to be put Into service by the Lehigh Vrjey railroad between New York and lsuf falo, which shnll be acceptable to the management, closed nt 12 o'clock mid night ' on Wednesday. In ninny re spects, says the Allentown Leader, this contest has been a remarkable one, and the names presented will extend Into many thousands. It may, therefore, be some davs before the prize winner will be named. Levi Gibbons Dead. Levi Gibbons, aged 53, died nt his home, 184 Stanton street, Sunday after noon at 2.15 o'clock. Deceased had thirteen children and ten are living at present. One of 11 years died seven weeks ago. The children are Annie, Levi, Joseph, Maggie, Jennette, De borah, Viola, Joseph, Thomas, Franklin. Funernl will take place on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Deceased was sa member of the Knights of Pythias, Red Men. Ivor Ites and Pocahontas lodge. Pell nnd llrokc Ills Neck. Last Saturday afternoon Joseph Kitchen, aged 65 years, a well-known resident of ltoss township, was working on his farm with a team and wagon. While standing In the wagon his team ran away, throwing Mr. Kitchen out backward. He struck on his head and his neck wns broken, causing almost iniuant death. Ho Is survived by a wife and large family of adult chil dren. ;. 'cw Superintendent. Ward L. Davenport was yesterday elected superintendent of the Plymouth Water company and also of the Plym outh Light, Heat and Power company to till the vacancy caused by the elec tion of O. M. Lance to the position of superintendent of the consolidated water, companies of this valley., Mr. Davenport has for some months been employed by Register Davenport In making Indices for his office. The M. E.iHimdny School. .Rev. Dr.- Peafcre was Introduced to the Sunday school at the Flint Method- 1st Episcopal church Sunday, and de livered a pleasant address. The an nual promotions took place and the members of the normal class were giv en diplomas. George K. Powell re signed as teacher of one of the lecture classes and returned to the reserve corps, H. M. Espy succeeding him in charge of the lecture class. AVOC. At nbotit 1 o'clock on Sunday morn ing fire broke nut in No. 3 school and owing to the absence of tire plugs in that iocUitv nothing could be done by the lose company. All the school apparatus was destroyed "hnd in a short while nothing was left but a smoulder ing heap. A new school haM been erect ed a short distance away and will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. The tuoding carried $1,400 Insurance. The teachers were Misses Mary Kear ney and Alary Maioney. Mioses Jennie and Mary Campbell, of the West Side, have returned after a brief visit with friends in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindsay and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan. Mls-fts Kate nnd Mary Taylor, of Scranton, spent Sunday with friends In town. The Jury on the death of Patrick Tougher met in '8nuire Whalen's of fice Saturday evening and rendered a verdict that death was accidental and deceased was killed by being run over by ti Lehigh Valley engine while sleep ing on thi track. Tho jur.-' In the Evan's case renered a verdict that death was due to expo sure while wandering about the wild erness In the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre und Eastern railroad. Messrs. Curran, Hlgglns, O'Malley and Glhla ns, of Scranton. were visitors at the Curran residence on Sunday. DA J. J. Dougherty, a graduate of the P.f.ltlmore Medical college, Is visiting at the home of his parents. We wish tho doctor success in his new field of labor. The funeral of Maggie Murphy took pint e on Saturday ufternoon. That of Patrick Tougher, took place on Sun day, of ternoon.-- Interment-was mudertn St. Mary m cemetery. Miss Nellie Callahan is spending a few days with friends in Carbondale. James Gilhooley is doing jury duty this week. The bell social nt the silk mill this evening promises to be one of the most fashionable events of the season. Ad mission, 10 cents. . If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow' Soothing Symp has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil liens of Mothers for taelr Children While Teething, witll Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for. Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. M QUICKLY. SAFELY. PERMANENTLY- Abfioluto euro giiRrauteoil of riipturo loCeithor sex i cud or young, no uiattcr how io nc Htuuding, without tlie usa of tli knife; 'Hie new method of treutnient Is cer taiuly I'llKK from nil danger. No cut tinir, no pain, iio.oiur:ition. Takes hut four or eiuht weeks with n visit one n week, to cure nbrolutely. No detent ieu lrom business, i'rrixins from out nf towu can receive trentmmlt and return the sumo day. ('oiiirfiltntiim mid Ex amination Fi-cc. No truss rt'ipilrcd when returned. ' Dll. A. O'Jl ALLEY Kupture Specialist. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Twenty yor" continuous practice in Willus Pui-re. ?Ra.H:iw.niina 11? IjFlYWHERt 11 9 ROOfflS I AND 2, COiH'LTH B'L'D'u, SCRANTON, PA, MINING AND BLASTING WDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and Repsuna Chemical Cos HIQH EXPLOS1VF8. ON THE LINE OF THE PACIFIC n III 1 S HIT POWDER are located the finest fishing nnd hunting grounds in the wo'ld. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to nil points In Mulne, Canuda and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canuillun and Vnlted States Northwest, VanVouver, Seattle, Tacomu, Portland, Ore., Sun Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to nil throught trains. Tourist cars fully lit ted with bedding, curtains and speclully. adapted to wants of families may be had with second-clnss tickets. Rates always Ibs than via other lln. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. THE, mm THE FAIR, Which, on Account ot Extensive Alterations, Has Been Closed for the Last Two Months, is NOW And has Placed on Sale Dry Goods, ladies' and ; Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Infants' Wear, Capes, Suits, Jackets, Wrappers, And House Furnishing Goods, -AT Weli-Rnown ESTABLISHED 1873 S.G. KERR, SON &CO. ' JOHN CB0SSLEY A SOfo HALIFAX, ENGLAND; UNRIVALLED TAPESTRY CARPETS In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina tions and Coloring, which have made the goods so justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for Scranton. Our Complete Line of FOR THE SPRING TRADE Have now been received, and includes everything ap propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta pestries and Extra Quality Ingrains, with Bor ders to match. , An inspection of our stock and ex amination of prices will prove interesting. A(0 Lackawanna Ave. r v O Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming Housi THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO 8CRANT0N AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKO PUMPING MACHINERY. Oencral Office: SCRANTON, PA. 4 it- t the ups ' " I I AND DO WITS J of life make it impossible for a man to always pay cash. One day good fortune conies his way. The next day it may No matter what sort of luck "? clothes. These the reasons why CLOTHING We put it in everybody's reach to dress well. No extra price is added because of the credit. You can pay us in easy installments and all the time be getting the benefit of the clothes. Our stock is big enough, and good enough to suit 99 men in 100, and our prices will never be found high. We make a specialty of suits for boys. . Another great feature of our store is to sell house furnishings on the installment plan. FAIR W2 uum UL OPEN an Entire New Stock of J OUR Low Prices. TELEPHONE 8184 1 a man. has, he must have' .varying conditions of life are we sell ON CREDIT CLOTHIERS, ' HOUSE FURNISHERS. 218,225 30(127 Wyoming Avenue.. BRUSSELS