The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 20, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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' laisaaWI
Johasoas aad Terry Mixed Vp la a
Tragedy ia White aad Blask
That Ended ia kcllcy's Pateh.
The notorious Kelley's patch on Lu
serne stre was the scene yesterday of
a prolonRwl tight among: the colored
clement of the neighborhood. Begin
ning at S o'clock in the morning a con
tinual wrangle was kept up until last
evening, when the tolice quieted the
disorder. Bon. Johnson, he of the con
vict suit, ash wagon and educated dog,
was the central figure of the melee.
No bones were broken, but a shot gun
was snapped ill two by a ulr of scuf
llers. Johnson received u knife thrust
on the riiiht thumb. The blade also
made a slit in the back of Ken's coat,
lie churged Sam Terry us the slinger
of the steel. A warrant was issued
last night from the ollice of Alderman
Blair for the arrest of Terry on a
charge of assault, threatening and at
tempt to kill. A hearing was held In
the police court at .X0 o'clock.
Jt was a motley assemblage that lis
tened to the ease. Johnson's wife Is a
white woman, and in the neighborhood
hi the patch the white man lives In
the same house as the black man. Tiie
women ar even more familiar. Iist
night Johnson Jiad as his witnesses
two black men,, his white wife, two
black' daughters, a, ' 14-year-old "white
boy and two white girls. Terry hail, no
Witnesses and no defense except an oc
casional Interruption. '. It was shown
that Terry struck at -Johnson with an
tipen knife- In, his hand. The knife
Made closed,! cutting Terry's finger.
Johnson showed the stH in the buck of
)iis coat. He accused Terry of cutting
that slit. "No," said Terry.
Then after a weighty discouse John
son proved that.he.hiiiihself could not
have-'i)osslbly have cut the slit. The
testimony of Annie Llewellyn and Nel
lie Aten, the two white .girls!'. showed
that their habits of life' might be
changed with good results. The Aten
girl Jives on Tenth street. She Is spe
cially recommended to the attention of
Mrs. IJuggnn. of the Associated churl
ties ; The light was the result of an old
urudlge,. "Terry boarded once upon a
time at Johnson's house. He refused to
pay -ftip-the hi Mini and Johnson confis
cated a pair of Terry's shoes in lieu of
money. The alderman held Terry In
$000 bail to n'pear at court. Johnson
was' balled at"4UK to appear as prose
cutor und the two black witnesses,
tleorge .Matthews and William Wade,
Were held in $M each.
All was l'urniBhcd except Terry's. He
will go to Jail. The main fight was In
Matthews' house, VSi Seranton street,
from whence Terry chased Johnson to
the Kelley patch rendezvous.
A Very critical operation was per
formed Saturday on the right limb of
.Mm Wuanchi the West Lackawanna
uvenue hotel keeier. Disease hud eat
en Its way into the bone of the leg and
there was Imminent danger of a fatal
ity. Dr. Reynolds, IV. Fennypacker,
Coroner Longstreet and lr. Lynch, of
Moscow, were present and performed
the operation. . five amputations were
necessary and the time taken in the
work waH from It a. in. to 4 p. m. Mr.
Wuench bore the shock well nml his
chances for recovery are excellent.
Hungarians in a house In the West
" Side "tenderloin" precinct on lower
Jackson street had a beer broil last
night.' The West Side police force, as
sisted by David Owens and Tallle Ev
ans, carried three persons to the lock-
,up. Ope. of the prisoners was a woman,
weight l'.if. pounds. The light caused
great excitement. No one was serious
ly Injured.
One of the largest meetings in point
of attendance and one of the most suc
cessful In point of Interest wus Satur
day evening s Besslon of the Welsn
I'hilosophlcal society. Judge H. M.
Kdwarils spoke at length on the Cuban
question. The subject was discussed
by several of those present after Judge
Kdwards had given an Interesting and
eloquent Introduction.
A reception will be tendered next
Friday evening by the members of the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
their new pastor, Rev. J. R Sweet.
The reverend gentleman has already
become very popular with the members.
Hunters, or grovelers, after trailing
nrbutus were numerous yesterday. The
west mountain Is a favorite place for
the bashful little llower.
Steve Ilowen. of Hellevue heights,
made three trout fishing expeditions
last week. After each outing he Came
back with a goodly mess. Saturday
the captured lish weighed over eight
It is Interesting to know that Daniel
Sheehan, who died on this side last
week, was at one time one of the sweet
est and most popular ballad singers on
the stage. The Margaret Mather com
pany, which played In his city while
the dead minstrel was in Wymbs'
morgue, viewed the remains and left
Doctor or Clothier
Will you pay Ten Dollars for a
"Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with
out and let the doctor charge you $50.00
for curing pneumonia?
There are no coats in Scranton like
these. Think of it! Ten Dollars for a
'Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a
Twenty-five dollar look about it. Other
Coats other prices, $10.00, $12.00,,
$13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00,
lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal
to the best custom tailor's make.
i ;
Square Dealing Clothiers,
of th? Stibtirbs. '
a little testimonial of their sorrow.
Mis Mather was personam? acquaint
ed with Mr. Sheehan.
lira. Jvhn T. Evans, of Beaver Mead
ows,. Is visiting Mrs. Thomas Evans, of
Sumner avenue.
At. this evening's meeting of the
Hyde Park Literary and Debating so
ciety a mock trial will be conducted.
The charge will be Impromptu and the
Jury will be selected from the speca
tors. The public Is Invited to attend.
The original Columbian quartette
wish to enlighten the public to the ef
fect that there is a rival organisation
In existence which is not the "original"
and whose methods are not those of the
pioneer four.
Sundav on the West Side was the
most dlsgraitful in recent years.
Drunken broils were as numerous as
church services and the station house
was as comfortably tilled as many
sanctuaries. Not alone the West Side,
tut every section of the city was taint
ed with disorder.
Morris Thomas has accepted the posi
tion of soloist for the choir of the Penn
Avenue Baptist church. Mr. Thomas
Is at the present time a member of the
quartette of the Washburn Street Pres
bvterlan church.
Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Williams, of FelUvllle.
West Side Dustiness IHrcctorir.
FLORIST Cut flowers snd funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful
as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. .Har
riet J. Davis, florist.
PHOTI G It Al'HER Cabinet ThntoS. $140
per dosen. They are lust lovely. Con
vince yourself by railing nt Starner s
Photo l'uilois, lul and 103 South Ma.n
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tlie
stock of J. C. King, lttlt and HKti Jack
son street.
Mlse Mumo Roche, of WUkes-Barre.
spenf yesterday with 'Mends in the
North Knd.
H. Stanley Hooker, of Clark's Sum
mil, visited friends in this section on
Saturday. .
Osborne Richards, of the wIh drug
store, circulated umong Plttston friends
yesterday. ...
W. O. Hughes, of the North F.nd, is
visiting friends in Wllkes-Burre.
An eiitertulmnent and pie social will
be hold In the Puritan Congregational
church tomorrow evening under the
auspices of the Sunday school.
The Kndenvor union of Providence
met In Fenner & Chuppell s hall on Sat
urday evening and the following pro
gramme was given: Solo. Arthur Hud
son; recitation. Miss Mabel Mallory;
solo. Miss Kdith Jones; stump speech.
David Bush; .recitutioil, Miss Phoebe
Stuurt; selection, Odd Fellow quar
tette; recitation. Miss Mattie Hughes;
uddress, H. L. Bullock; recitation. Miss
Sarah Sweetzer; solo, Miss Katie Bra
dor; Instrumental music, colored trio;
recitation, Miss Kva Dorsey; mandolin
solo, H. H. Drinker; recitation. Miss
Jones: solo, Miss Mattie Huntsman.
Harry Francis, John Owens and F.d
ward Smith spent yesterday with
friends In Chinchilla.
The social of the Mlnooka Base Rail
club will be held this evening at Cal
lery's hall.
Martin McDonough, of Mlnooka, who
was seriously 111, Is fully recovered.
Martin King and Mary Cuslok, of Ml
nooka, will be married tomorrow after
noon. The Forest band entertainment and
social will be held this evening at St.
John's hall.
Rev. K. L. Schmidt, pastor of the
Evangelical Church of Peace, was In
stalled yesterday. The services were
attended by a large congregation.
iV fj'tjcci.has been built along the em
bankment on Cedar avenue between
Palm and Pear streets, and the dan
ger to pedestrians has been removed.
rpkA Qainiimll mill la nnarntlnir nnlv
four days a week; it is Idle on Mondays
and Saturdays.
John McCreo, of Plttston, was a vis
itor in town Sunday.
Patrick Coyne, of Wllkes-Barre, vis
ited friends here yesterday.
The Mtnool'.a base ball club will con
duct a grand social and entertainment
at Callery's hall this evening. The fol
lowing will be rendered: Solo, Mr.
Fogurty, piano solo, T. R. Davis; vocal
solo, Miss Jennie Loughney; vocal solo,
Miss May Cooke; recitation. Miss Cella
Dunleavy; vocal solo, John Casey; clog.
J. Ryder; vocal sok). Miss Celia Lan
gns; solo, K. J. Mclntyre; recitation, H.
j. Morcland; vocal solo, P, J. yulnn;
Cornet solo. F.dward Harris; comic song.
Thomas Walsh; clog, Messrs. McDon
ough and Walsh; duet, Murphy Broth
ers; sentimental songs, D. Ureene, vocal
solo, Miss Lizzie Cook. A social will be
held after the entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sullivan, of Lu
zerne borough, visited friends on Davis
street, yesterday.
. John Hart and Will Ruane were Ash-
Hatters Mil Furnishers.
1 K
Ing In the vicinity of Bear'a Creek Sat
urday. They returned home yesterday
morning laden with speckled beauties.
O. M. Atwater. of Durvea. called on
his father, Charles Atwater. of Dick
son avenue, Saturday.
Mr. Mora spent last week at Itis some
in Tunkhannock.
Mr. Sheldon, of Honesdale, visited
friends in the Ridge on Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Goodwin, of East mar
ket street, spent Sunday at her home
In East Newton.
F. M. Millard spent StTnday at Nich
Miss Treverton. of Peckvillc. spent
Sunday with Dr. Charles Treverton, of
Saoderson avenue.
Fourteenth Ward Couslablo Trampled ty
a Runaway Uorso. While Standing, cm
the Sidewalk of Jackson Street.
Constable Lawrence Rooney. of the
Fourteenth ward, was perhaps fatally
Injured yesterday afternoon on the
West Side by being knocked down by a
runaway horse. Mr. Rooney was con
versing with Michael Fadgen on Jack
son street at about 5 o'clock. The two
men were on the right sidewalk of the
1SU0 block. A large bay horse, driver
less and running at its utmost speed.
came down Jackkson street pulling a
light buggy. When within a few feet
of Mr. Rooney the runaway swerved
from the road and rushed upon tlie
sidewulk. and before tne constable
could move he was knocked down and
trampled upon by the terror-stricken
nnimal. As the horse plunged onward
the buggy bounded over the vrostrate
body of Mr. Rooney.
He was picked up and carried into a
near by house and Dr. J. J. Carroll was
called. After an examination of the
Injured constable Dr. Carroll conveyed
the constable to the Rooney home on
lower Lafayette street. The Injuries
consist of a badly cut head and the frac
ture of three ribs. Presumably tlie
horse's foot fell upon the man's breast
and the weight forced In the ribs, also
causing dangerous Internal injuries.
Mr. Rooney also suffered other body
bruises and at last reports his recovery
is doubtful.
The horse was being driven by two
young men from the North End. As
they were rounding the corner of Grant
avenue and Jackson street, at the top
of Boone hill, one of the buggy wheels
fell off. The horse became frightened
and made a lunge forward. Both men
were thrown out of the buggy. One,
however, held on to the reins and was
dragged a distance of fifty feet. He
and his companion were severely hurt.
They were tuken Into the house of a
Mr. Flynn, and after a few hours' rest
the two were able to walk to their
After knocking down Mr. Rooney, the
runaway went as fur as Sumner ave
nue, where It wus stopped.
Mr. Rooney Is an aged man. This
fact greatly lessens his chances for re
covery. At a late hour last night he
was sinking rapidly. He is generally
known throughout the city. The
names of the two young men could not
be learned. They were unknown to
anybody In the vicinity of the accident,
and they disappeared leaving no names
- '
Semi-Annual Convention of the Asso
ciated Boards to be Held To-morrow.
Tomorrow afternoon and evening the
second semi-annual convention of the
associated boards of health of Lacka
wanna county, the only organization
of Its kind In the state, will meet in
city hall, - Delegates will be present
from all the county boards affiliated
with the association, and it Is expected
that representatives of other boards
will also attend to become acquainted
with the alms and purposes of the or
ganization. The convention will be formally
opened with an address of welcome by
Mayor Bailey and will be Introduced
by the president, Dr. J. K. Bentley.
Addresses on appropriate subjects will
be delivered by Hon. T. V. Powderly,
Dr. George C. Groff, of Lewisburg, Pa.;
Dr. H. V. -Logan, state medical Inspec
tor; Professor J. C. Taylor, superin
tendent of Lackawanna county schools,
and Judge H. M. Kdwards.
The business of the convention will
be transacted during the afternoon ses
Railroad Department of the V, M. C. A.
Will Celebrate It To-night.
The Railroad department of. the
Young Men's Christian association will
celebrate Its fifteenth anniversary to
night F. S. Goodman, state secretary
of the New York associations, and G. A.
Warburton, secretary of the Railroad
branch, New York city, will deliver ad
dresses; the Railroad Male chorus will
sing and Bauer's orchestra will furnish
Mr. Goodman Is one of the leading
association men in the country and the
Railroad department is fortunate in se
curing him. Mr. Warburton is secre
tary of the Railroad branch in New
York city, which has for Its home the
magnificent Railroad Men's building,
which Cornelius Vanderbilt erected and
presented to his employes at a cost of
$22!).000 on a nlot of errnunrl. valued nt
tends a cordial invitation to all rail
road people to attend the anniversary
exercises which will be of special in
terest. Refreshments will be served.
To Celebrate the Fourth.
There Is a movement on foot to have
n old fashioned celebration In this
city on July 4, and with a view to be
ginning arrangements for it a meeting
of .those Interested In such a demon
stration will be held In the Hotel Jer
myn tonight.
Rheumatism Cured in 24 Hours,
T. J. Blackmore, of Haller & Black-
more, Pittsburg, Pa., says: "A short
time since I procured a bottle of "Mvs-
tlc Cure.' It got me out of the house
In twenty-four hours. I took to my bed
with rheumatism nine months ago and
the 'Mystic Cure' is the only medicine
that did me any good. I had five of the
best physicians In the city, but I re
ceived very little relief from them. I
know the 'Mystic Cure' to be what It
Is represented and take pleasure In rec
ommending It to other poor sufferers.'
Sold by Carl Lorenz. druggist, 418 Lack
awanna avenue, Scranton.
Buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, April 18.-Cattle Steady; good
to choice feeders, $3.8oa3.6U; fair to good
fat cows. tl.Xm'i: veals weak nt 13 Sn.1 .v.
Hogs Fairly steady; Yorkers, good to
enoiee, ,.i.'mo.ii; pigs, jj.-.Dul; mixed
packers, i:i.8i; heavy weights. I3.7ua:t K.V
roughs, :tu3.;3; stags, I2.25a2.75. Sheep
and lambs Active, prime handy wool
lambs, tt.85aS; Rood to choice, W.ROat.SO:
culls to fair, t3.6Ua4.fiU; clipped Inmbs, good
to choice, ft.4l)a4.60; culls to fair, $3a4.&;
humiy wool sheep, three sheep, goo.( to
cnoice, n.ioaj.w; uuus ana common, yi.wa
8.25; clipped sheep, fair to extra, S3.2i.i:i.!ft;
export clipped sheep, 3.4Ua3.Cu; clipped ex
port lambs, 4.2ritt.30.
Oil Marke,
Oil City, Pa., April 18. -oil market, $1.21,
the only uuotatlon for options today: Nu-
tlonul Transit run. 29,1110 barrels; ship
ments, IWtl barrels; Buckeye runs not In;
shipments, G0.U09 barrels. Credit balances,
Pittsburg, April 18.-OII market-The
only quotalona on options today was at
11. 21. Credit balances, $1,20.
Wall Street Review.
New York. April Is. A firmer tone
characterized tit trading at the Stock
Kxchang -today. It appears that on yes
terday ta-o prominent traders concluded
to take profits and fully 3U.0QU shares of
various stocks, including Bugar and the
Grangers, were thrown overboard. The
stock was well taken, however, and today
when 4he bears discovered that there was
no additional stock pressing on the market
changed front and attempted to cover.
Sugar was the special feature of the
trading and on dealings of 20,000 shares
moved up to 123. which is within per
rent, of the best figure of the year.
Washington houses and brokers connect
ed with refining Interests bought block.
Tobacco Jumped from tiXH to 7271, recent
short sellers being conspicuous buyers.
In Gas stocks Consolidated of New York
bounded up from lo7 to ItW'j oe Intima
tions that there will be no unfavorable
legislation at Albany at this session. Cot
ton Kll common and Preferred ruled
higher, the common rising to 14 and the
Preferred to 57. The talk on this sto.'k
is anything hut favorahle. because of the
retirement of Directors Ailums and Cheney
from the management, k will be recalled
that Adams was a factor In the last re
organisation of the property. In the rail
way list Manhattan moved up I'fc to 110
and then returned to luf'.alfS1. The
change otherwise call for no special men
tion. Speculation closed strong. Net
changes show gain of 4a24s per cent.
Tobacco leading. Total sales were "t.!01
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL
LEN & Co., correspondents for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ing.
Am. Tobacco Co 69 72 l '.1
Am. Cotton Oil 13'4 U 1SV& 14
Am. Sugar Ref..Co..l23"4 llttVj
Atch., To. At 8. Fe... Iti'i 16'i 16i ltfi
Clies. & Ohio HI-1, Hi'i lli lU'i
Chicago Oa ", IS (W 6S?4
Chic. & N. W 104 1014 1't h'v
Chic, B. & Q 78 7s' 7S-4 7
C. C. C. & St. L Wit S4:'t 344 W-i
Chlo., .Mil. & St. P.. 7H! 76- 7GVi 7C7s
Chic, R. I. 4 Pac... 71 71'i 71 71,
I list. C. F lxti 18i ldH
Gen. Klectrie S7'4 37'd 37 37H
Lake Shore Ul UTt 147 11",
Louis. & Nash hi f.l-S, Til M l,
M. K. A Texas. Pr... 27' 27-, 274 27i
Manhatan Kle U lti lona VU
Mo. Pac 2jti HP ir.T 1U
Nat. Lead 27'4 27 27V 27-,
N. Y S. r W., Pr... 23V4 23'4 23-, 23
Nor. Pac 1H l'n 1H )'i
Ontario & West 1! 15 1.1
Omaha 39"4 39"i il
Pac. Mall 27k 27l 27S 274
Phil. & Read U'4 12 ll'i 12i
Southern R. H 9"ii r fSi
Southern R. R. Pr ... V4 30", 30' j 30T,
Tenn. C .& Iron 30'4 3U '2!r-i 3
Union Pacltlc, 8'4 tt3i ' Mi
Wabash C'i 7 ' 1
Wabash, Pr K W4 M? Wi
Western Union 84"4 84'4 84'i 84'
W. L 9-U 9 H Oii
V. S. Leather 9 9 9 9
T. 8. Leather, Pr .. 61 Gl'i Bl 61
P. S. Rubber 2S4 26'n 2ii 2ti4
Op'n- High- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing.
May tW i'4 Si 5'4
July b73 67 W4 tii
Mav 20 20 194 14
July 20, 20", 20s 20
May 30'4 S0',j 30 30'.,
July Sits 3I 31'i SI '.i,
September 32? 3 82H 32",
May 4.07 4.97 4.92 4.92
July 6.10 S.IO 6.07 6.07
May 8.72 8.72 8.00 8.C0
July 8.92 e.92 8.00 8.80
Scranton Board of Trade I.xcbangeQuo-tations-AII
Quotations Based, on Pur
of 100.
Name. Bid. AskeJ.
Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 140
Scranton Lace C'trtaln Co k
National Boring ft Drilling Co. . so
First National Bank est
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co '3
Klmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Scranton Axle Works aa
Scranton Savings bank 200
Scranton Traction Co ii
Bonta Plate Glass Co I
Scranton Car Replacer Co 100
Set anion Packing Co , aj
Weston Mill Co
Lackawanna Iron A Steel Co.. ... 160
Scranton Redding Co 103
Scranton Glass Co 100
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 no
Scranton Traction Co ff
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 Ill) ...
Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co aj
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1120 1U
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School h - 102
City of Scranton Street Imp ( ... 102
Scranton Axle Works.;, 100
Borough of Wlnton t 100
New York Produce Market.
New York, April lS.-Flour-Dnll,
steady, unchanged. Wheat Spot mar
ket, dull; lower, with options closing
firm; No. 2 red storo and elevator, nomi
nal; artoat. nomlnul; f. o. b., 794c to ar
rive; ungraded led, C3a84c; No. 1 north
ern, 75;c to arrive; options were dull and
unsettled, closing weak ait ac. below
yesterday on local realizing and lowest
with only a local scalping and switching
trde; .May and July most active; No. 2
red April. 7b?4c; May, 83',c; June, 72,e.;
July, 72ic; September, 72'4c; December,
74-4e. CornSpots, dull, easier, closing
steady; No. 2, M'jo. elevator; 39'ic afloat;
options were dull and easy a tV4aV4c. de
cline with the west; September and Aug
ust most active; April, 37c; May, S'i'ic.;
July, 37c; August, 38c; September, 38VjC
Gaits Spot quiet, steady; options quiet,
firm; May. 23c; July, 25c; spot prices. No.
2. 2ac; No. 2 white, 27c; No. 2 Chicago,
2ii4c; No. 3, 244c.; No. 3 white, 20c;
mixed western, 25a27c; white do., 26a29c;
white state, 28a29c Provisions Dull, un
changed. Lard Quiet, weak, western
steam, $5.25 asked; city, $4.7oa4.75; May,
$3.22; refined, t'ow; continent, $5.65; South
America, $5.85; compound, 4a444c Butter
Quiet, weaker; state dairy, 8al414c; do.
creamery, llaliic.; western dairy old, 7tja
94c; do. creamery, llnlic. ; do. held, 10a
13c; do. factory, 7Hal1c.; Elglns, 15c;
Imitation creamery, 10al2cv Cheese Quiet,
unchanged. Eggs Steady, moderate de
mand, unchanged.
PlilTa Jclpbta Provision MnTket;
Philadelphia, April 18. Provisions The
markHt ruled weak and dull In touch with
the western market conditions. Beef
Best city family, $9.50alo per barrel;
smoked beef, llal2c; beef hams, per bar
rel, $l5.50al(l, according to age. Pork
Family, flO.7nall.2a; sweet pickled hams,
cured In tierces, SaffHc; smoked, SalOVic:
sides, ribbed, In salt, SViao'je. ; smoked
(JUaGM.c; shoulders, pickle cured, 5',uc;
smoked, 6'4c; picnic hams, S. P. cured,
6?4alH4c.: do. smoked, Vka.V&c..; bellies In
pickle, according to average, loose, KaS-c;
breakfast bacon, ttyriHc Lard Pure city
refined. In tierces, fcitf'Ac; In tubs, 6V4aG'ic:
butchers' loose, 6a5V,c Tallow Is quiet
and steady. We quote: City, prime In
hogsheads, 3c: country, prime, In bar
rels, 3V&c; country, dark. In barrels, 3!c;
cakes, 3?4c; grease, 3c.
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo, April 18. Wheat Receipts, 4,238
bushels; shipments, 2,090 bushels; easy;
No. 2, May, 7374v, July, 70'4c; August,
69ljc; No. 3 red cash, 72c. Corn Receipts,
6,801 buithels; shipments, 92,600 bushels;
quiet; No. 2 mixed May, Sl'c; July, 33c.
Oats Receipts and shipments, none; nom
inal. Rye Dull; No. 2 cash, 38V4c Clover
seed Receipts, 450 bags; shipments, lto
bags; firmer: prime cush, $4.95; April, $4.&;
rtctober, $4.75.
Chicago l.lvo Stock.
Chicago, April 18. Cattle Receipts, 400
head; market steady; common to extra
steers, $3.25a4.25; stockers-and feeders, $Ja
4; cows and bulls, $1.40a3.26; calves, $2.50
4.75; Texans, $2.25a4.10. Hogs Receipts,
11.000 head; market firm to 10c higher;
heavy packing und shipping lots, $3.25a
8.55; choice nssorted, $3.85a4; light, $3.(
3.95: pigs, $3a3.95. Sheep Receipts, 4.5O0
head; market steady; Inferior to choice,
$2.50a3.C5; lambs, $3.60a4.u0.
We have carefully Investigated snd now es
peelslly recommend as safe Investment, the
Stocks of Thompson, floon-Anchor, tllobe
Hill, Consolidated, lndeptndencExtenslon,
Portland, Isabella and Uslon-dold Mining
138 Jackson Street, Chicago, III., Bank Ploor.
L. M. Knselsnd, Msnsger. Members of all Col
orado 1- xebanges-direct private wires, Or
dors piuinptly excuted-corresponeDOS so
lid tea.
APRIL 20. 18.
Atop RcSsiHe, Purely Vegetable,
Pare!? vegetable, aet without pals, alegaat
tf co ted. tasteleee, saull aad essy to take.
Kadwsy's Fills assist aature, cumulating to
healthful activity the liver, bewele aad other
reiuve orgeat, leaving the bowels in a nat
oral eoadlUoa without asy bad after effects.
Sfck Headache,
All Liver Disorders.
MDWaY'S PILLS are pnrfly vegetable, mild
ind reliable. Cause perfect Digestion, com
plete abeorptioa aud healthful regularity.
S eta a box. At Druggists, or by malL
"Book of Advioe" free by mail.
V. O. Box m. New York.
I Have the Largest
And Most Complete
In the City and Can Do
fliCkd Plating,
Tir? Uiilcanizing,
222 Wyoming Avenue.
Manufactured by
The Largest and Wealthiest Concern of
the Kind In the v. orld. Humber
Factories Are:
Three in England,
One in KuH.sIa,
One in France,
One in Portugal
One in Mass.
r-WatchThls Space tor List of Hum
ber Riders.
It F
Linden Street. Opp. Court House.
and the velocity of wind, steam and
i ro ""Ssesieu Dy nis progress.
The bicycle Is the most Imtmrinni inn.
ration In riipan of Travet"81nce -thrlniro-auction
of the locomotive, and we are In
the Infancy of Its use, construction and
means of nroDulslon.
Healthy-minded people are those who
cuimiieim arm practice its use.
To such wo need hardly say. Tour blcy
cle should be the latest and best.
Call and examine ours before buying.
Lackawanna A venae,
Wiaton Bicycles are guar'
"The Winton is a Winner."
The Hunt A Coannell Co
WOLF AMERICAN, The Finest snd Highest
Qrsde Wheels Made In America. 1806 Wheels,
Up-to-Date In Every Particular, SjS.go. Come
sndSee. E. R. PARKER, jsi Spruce Street.
Vou Csa Save Sis to Ijo on Your Bike.
All that is new, that is up-to-date, is here displayei ia pro
fusion, charming Turbans Handsome Bonnets a'
Fancy Straw Hats at prices which, ia many instances, are one
half what is asked for like goods elsewhere.
The novelties oi the weaves ol all the best makes at our
well known low prices, which w;ll insure a saving tf not less
than 35 per. cent
i!5c Novelty Dress Goods or all colors, j AC
Your choice .. iJ
25c. Novelty Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, beau OC
tiful combinations; Lo
10c Plaids, all new colorings, extra good value, Q30
choice J
35c Plaids, in choice stylos, big rauge of color- OKC
ings LO
60c Changeable Silks; this is a grand bargain. OTC
Your choice .. L J
Just take a look at our 3!)c. 50c, 75c, t)Sc and $1.25
line. See if you can match them for less than 60c, Toe., WSc.,
1.25, $1.65.
Prices ranging from 75c to $50 per pair. We will guaran
tee you a saving of at least. 25 per cent ou same.
Hss Moved to His New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Bank. He has bow in a
Comprising everything reqilslte for flae
Merchant Tailoring. And the same can
be shown to ftdvautsice in sis apltn
dialy utted up roms
Is Extended to All Readers ol The Trib
une to Csll oa "OLD RELIABLE" la His
New Business Home
Made a
ist Day. i m n:
Well Man
10th Day.
of Me.
TUB GREAT noth flnT.
produces the nhovH results In HO days. It rn-ti
powurdilly aud quickly. Cures wbcu all other ftil
VnuiiK men will roualn their Inst manhood, aud old
nun will rorovor their ynutlilul visor by ukIdii
ItKVlVO, It quickly and surely restores Nervous Loot Vitality, IiUiioteucy. MuUtly Emlmtlon?,
Lost l'owor, Patlitur Memory, Wuilltut DIkcikch. sud
III iNVcts ot srlf-aniiM or excess and iudisrretlen.
Milch mints one tor study, bnxineKS or marriage. It
not only cures by starting t the seat ot d.iftse. but
Is a srvnt nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
ing bark the pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing: the lire of youth. It wards off tnsanlty
sad Consumption. Insist on bavins
other. It can be carried in vest pocket. My DiE.ll.
1.00 per package, or all for 88.00, with a posl
tlve written Runrantee to rure or refund
the money. Circular tree. Address
stroiCINP f- " .. CHICAGO. V
For sale by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggists,
Scranton, Pa.
ill 11
(run Lilt
ivy wzsm
vi ri
Was ner& Rela, Lessees and.Msnagers.
The English Version of Bardou's
XapeUonlo Comedy,
Madame Sans Gene
. The Burcesa of Two Continents. Kathrya
Kidder, Augustus Cook, and the Entire Orig
inal ('set ot 40 Peon I o. An e and His
torically Correct Reproduction of the Court ol
With All the Original Pcenery, Proserties,
Empire Furniture.1 Tapestries and MaenlBoeat
Costumes, Direction ol Augustus Plteu.
You All Know Him,
Alvin Joslin
ISO Laughs In 180 Minutes.
$100,000 Collection of Diamonds Worn In
the Last Act ol "Alvin Joslin" Will Be en Ex
hibition, Day ef Performance, at Rexford's
Jewelry Store, Lackawanna Avenue.
Regular prices. Bale of seats now open.
One Solid Week, Commencing
Every evening and matinee Saturday, En
gagement extraordinary of the
queen of comedy,
Carrie Louis,
And her company ef players in a grand se
lection of popular and standard p'aye. Special
engagement of the QREAT ZfcRA, the high
clasa prestidigltatenr, assisted by Mme. Zero.
These artists will positively appear between
acts at each performance in f eata of magic.
Popular Prices, 10,20,30 and 50o
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
iaa AAA sT? ei wnala naMA niiffttl
The Finest In tbe City.
The latest lnprorea1 farnislv
lags and apparatus far
neat, butter aad eggs.
. 223 Wyoming Ave.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to a.
m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and
Particular Attention Given to Collectlene.
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Veur BusW
ncss ia Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134,
Of all kinds, manufactured at aic
sotkt, at Tbe Tribune Office
I ill H