A THE 6GRA27T02 .TIlIDUinE SATURDAY MOHNINtf. yVJPBIL 18. 1890. To r Y WEST SIDE EVENTS. Series of Mattings Arranged by Serantoa ChrtatUa Eadeavor Vnioa to Awak.a Iataraat. The Scranton Christian Endeavor union has arranged a series of meet ings to be held in different parts of the eity. On the West Side the meetings will begin on April 23. and will close with a lecture to be delivered by Dr. Clark, In the Frothtngham on April 30. A sub-committee met lasi evening and arranged the different places and I speakers as follows: Thursday. April 123, at the Washburn Street Presbyter lian church, ltev. W. H. gtubblebine. speaker; Friday. Sumner Avenue rres- uyterlan church, tev. Mugn uavis. BDeaker: Monday, Plymouth Congrega- Ltional church. Rev. J. P. Moftatt. Speaker: Tuesday. Sherman Avenue Mission house, Rev. John Grittlths, 'speaker; Wednesday, Welsh Calvinis tlc Methodist church. Rev. Thomas Bell, speaker. The meetings will begin at 7.30 o'clock on each evening. The purpose Is to Instill enthusiasm apropos the coming convention, VISITED FELLOW UNIONISTS. Over sixty young people from the first Welsh Baptist church paid a visit last evening to the Young People's So ciety of the Providence Welsh Baptist church. The action was In response to a similar visit by the North Knd so ciety which occurred several weeks ugo. At the Joint meeting lust even ing. Rev. W. S. Jones spoke. An en joyable time was offered to the visitors. BURIAL OF JOHN JENKINS. The remains of the late John Jenkins were laid at rest yesterday. Servlcea were conducted at the deceased's home on Bellevue Heights, Rev. J. T. Morria preaching the funeral Bermon. There were present at the funeral many of the former friends of the dead singer. The pall-bearers were Corner ThomaB, David Evans, Joan Jones, Frederick Springier, Reese Anthony and Benja min Phillips. Burial was made in the Washburn Street cemetery. A BARGAIN IN HOSIERY. Saturduy night only, 7 to 9 o'clock, iU men's, women's, boys and girls' hose irklch usually sells for 25 cents reduced to 20 cents or three pair for r7 cents. Also ladles' corset covers, good muslin lot 0 cents. R. and 8. and Armorslde tt corsets for only G" cents. Buttermilk Toilet soap, usual price 25 cents, for two hours we will sell it at only 7 cents a box. Kid gloves, slightly soiled for M cents, regular price $1.25 and $1.50. Mears & Hagen, 415 and 417 Lackawanna avenue, NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. During the shower of yesterday af ternoon lightning struck the Clarke building on South Main avenue. The streak ran along an electric wire cut ting It. One end foil to the stone walk and played fantnstic figures In splashed red. The light of the rtore was cut off. A child of Police; Officer and Mrs. Steve Dyer died yesterrtny. Judso H. M. Edwards will talk on the Cuban question at this evening's meeting of the Welsh Philosophical so ciety. Ther will be singing. The public Is at liberty to attend. Th.' ESIten rtnnrej last evening. A closing social will be liekl next Thurs day evening. Th Patriotic Order Sons of America Olee club rehearsed last evening In Beer's hall. A child of Evan L. Davis, of Bellevue Heights. Is ill. St. Brenden Council Literary circle met last evening and debuted the sub ject "Resolved, Thar Richard III was more of a monarch than was Charles II." Curt Andrews Is dangerously 111 at his home on Sixth street. A cantata entitled "Jepthaah." will be given at the Tabernacle Congrega tional church on the evening of May 13 and 14. Eighty voices will be In the chorus. The soloists are: R. Thomas. Mrs. Howell O. Reese, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Fanny Jones-Evans, Miss Llzzio Wil liams, Jenktn Y. Evans and orchestra; pianist, Miss- Jennie Reese; organist, Howell Q. Reese, conductor, H. A. Jones. Henry P. Jones lectured last evening before the Silurian lodge of Odd Fellows on the subject, "Popal Exploration." The meeting was held In Evans' hall on South Main avenue. The remains of Robert, son of Mr. ..an Mrs. Morgan Williams, were In terred yesterday afternoon in the Washburn street cemetery. The West Side Stars would like to meet the Magnet Juniors any day next week on the Little Woods grounds. An swer through this paper. Walter Hughes, manager; Will Gallagher, cap tain. St. David's church, corner Jackson Btreet and Bromley avenue, Rev. M. M. Mill, rector. Second Sunday after Easter. Morning prayer and sermon at - j Doctor or Clothier Will you pay Ten Dollars- for a Swell Spring Overcoat or will you go with- . out and let the doctor charge you $50.00 for curing pneumonia? There are no coats In Scrantdn , like these. Think of it ! Ten Dollars for a 'Swagger," Stylish Covert Coat, with a Twenty-five dollar look about It. Other ' Coats other prices, $10.00, ; $12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, lined with heaviest, richest silk, equal to the best custom tailor's make. Stpa D: CbttlMiv 10. JO a. m., evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school at 2.30 p. m.: Friday evening serv ice at 7.30, Seata tree. -, .v ... - j Wast Sid Baslaasa Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful aa gifts, at lot South Mala avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photoa. 11.40 per down. They are lust lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starnera Photo Parlors.. i and 101 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITVWBS-Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc Call and see the atock of J. C. King. 1024 and 103 Jack eon street. ' .. ' GREEN K1UGE. S. W. Craig, of Ashley, visited his old comrade. Charles Atwater, yester dav. The Junior Young People's Boclety cf Christian Endeavor. of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church held a very enjoyable road social last evening In the church parlors. The social was called a trip to Chinatown. A birthday surprise party was ten dered Miss Lulu Price, of East Market street, last night. '. . , Murtiu. Ridgeway .and brother leave today to attend the , funeral of their mother, Mrs, Pauline Ridgeway, of Benton. , ' A very enjoyable church social was held in the parlors of the Anbury Meth odist church last evening. Refresh ments were served. A BARGAIN IN HOSIERY. Saturday night only. 7 to 9 o'clock, all men's, women's, boys' and girls', hoso, which, usually sells for 25 cents, reduced to 20 rents or three pair for 57 cents. Also ladles' corset covers, good muslin for 5 cents. 11. & S. and Armor side $1 corsets for only 67 cents: But termilk Toilet soap, usual price 25 cents, for two hours we will sell It at only 7 cents a box. Kid gloves, slightly soiled, for 52 cents, regular price $1.25 and 11.60.-" 4 ., Mears & Hagen, 1 - 415 and 417 Laukawanna avenue. DUNMORE. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mowery, on North Blakely street, Thursday night. William Connolly, who has conduct ed a shoe store at the Corners for some time, has retired from business. . Rev. Mr. Mudge. of Princeton,' who has been heard. In this borough several times, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church tomorrow. "Captain Jack, or the Irish Outlaw" was repeated before a large audience last evening.. The parts were all well rendered, and the audience well pleased with the performance. , ' . ' Born To Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crlppen, of Webster aVenue, a daughter. One of the best moves made by the: borough authorities In some time. Is that of compelling the Traction com pany to fill In between Its tracks. The funeral of Rudolph Meyerhoffer, who was accidentally shot by Thomas Ruane on Wednesday; will take place this morning nt 10 o'clock from his late home on South Blakely street, and In terment will be made In the German Catholic cemetery on Williams street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist church will hold h social at the residence of Earl Bishop, on North Blakely street, Wednesduy evening, April 22, and all are most cordially lu vlted. The Pennsylvania Con! company and High School Base Ball teams will bat tle for supremacy on the No. 5 grounds this afternoon at 2.30. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Russell are re joicing over the arrival pf a son .at their home on Throop street, Mrs. Thomas Butler is quite 111 at her home on Elm Btreet. MI NOOK A. The employes of the Greenwood No. 1 and 2 collieries, will be paid this afternoon. Grocer Martin McDonough, who has been seriously 111 the past few weeks, Is recovering. Miss Mary Walsh, of Plttston, Visited Mlnooka friends yesterday. Tho St. Monica Branch Ladies In ternational Catholic Benevolent union, of this place .will receive holy com munion In a body Sunday mornig. Tho sporting fraternity of Greenwood Is trying to arrange a foot race be tween Joseph McDonough, of Green wood, and Sprinter McLaughlin, of Taylor. The Mlnooka base ball club will bat tle for honors with the Greenwood Blues on April 19 on Burke's ground. Miss Nellie Sullivan left Thursday for New York. She Intends to reside there permanently. ' When you think of the Nickel Plate Road tt brings to mind that delicious meal you had In the Dining Car, and the fine service and Low Rates, and you wonder why people will travel via any other line. Hattsrs suit Furnisltsri lHl a'atei j "" 8 l Slibfirbs; fiJi j fa r ,-. . "... . SOUTH SIDE NEWS. rorcat Band Will Coadaot aa Eatertaia Mat at St. joaa'a Hall Monday Night-Iastallatloa of a Pastor. The Forest band, which la the repre sentative organisation of its kind on the South Side, and one that Is always ready to lend assistance to any public or charitable purpose, will conduct an entertainment at St. John'a ball Mon day night, at which the following pro gramme will be rendered: March, "King Cotton." Cuslck s orchestra Solo James Mangan Reel and Jig James McCarthy VluUn solo Master John McAndrew Solo..- Misa Belinda Byron Recitation Miss Mamie Battle Mandolin selections James Touhlll Club Swinging Anthony Gordon Solo Will F. Burke Duett. Messrs. Langan and Curran.of Plttston Banjo selection '...Thomas Mangan Overture, "All the Rage," Cuslck a orchestra Solo Thomas Needham Solo..: Miss Delia Langan Recitation.. .William Jennings, Moosic Solo William Roberts Sulo B. J. Curran, Plttston Song and Dance, Messrs. Kelley, Lynch and Reardon Monologue William Luby Solo Professor Sullivan, Avoca Indian War Dance.. ..Michael McGraw Chorus Old Homestead Quartette INSTALLATION OF REV. E. L. 8CHMITT. Tomorrow evening the Installation of Rev. E. L, Schmltt, the new pastor of the Evangelical church of Peace, on Prospect -avenue, will take place. The service will be conducted at St. Paul's Lutheran church, where Rev. Mr. Schmltt'B congregation Is worshipping, awaiting the com:letlon of their own church. Rev. Mr. Lang and Rev. Mr. Holter will assist In the Installation. S.-A BARGAIN Tn HOSIERY. Saturday night only, 7 to 9 o'clock, all men's, women's, boys' and girls', hose, which usually sells for 25 cents, reduced to 20 cents or Jhree pair for 67 cents.' Also ladles' corset covers, good muslin for 5 cents. H. & S. and Armor side It corsets, for only 67 cents. But termilk Toilet soap, usual price 25 cents, for two hours we will sell It at only 7, rents a box. - Kid gloves, -slightly soiled, for 57 cents, regular price $1.25 and 11.60. Mears & Hagen, '415 and 417 Lackawanna avenue. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Druggist Otto Bresser. of Capouse ave nue. Is temporarily Indisposed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Zlegler have returned from their wedding Journey and are domiciled tn a pleasant home at 501 Cedar avenue. The remains of Michael' J. Fox, who died In Syracuse Wednesday, arrived here yesterday. The funeral will be held from the home of his mother, Mrs. Bridget Fox, of Hemlock street, at 9 o'clock this morning. A high mass of requiem will be celebrated In St. Peter's cathedral and Interment will be made In Hyde Park. The funeral of John Murphy, of Palm street, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. It was the North Steel mill which re sumed oieratlonB yesterday morning and not the South mill as we stated. PROVIDENCE. Endeavor union 455, E. A. U will give an entertainment this evening In Fenner & Chappell's hall, Providence, to which all are cordially Invited. Tickets, 15 cents, which Includes the refreshments to be served by the ladles. NO WORK ON SUNDAY. Photagrophers Docldo to Rest on the Lord's Day. All of the photographers of the city have decided to close their galleries on Sundays as will be seen by the follow ing: To our natrons and the public:- The undersigned photographers of Scranton, believing that one day of rest In seven Is the right and privilege of all, respectfully notify our paitrons and the public that from and after the pub lication of this notice our galleries will be closed on Sundays, and that we will refuse to make any engagements what ever for work In our line to be begun or finished on that day. (Signed) Charles L. Griffin, Fred Hummler, John Kemp, Oscfcr Grambo, M. M. Dewltt, Frank Jewell, H. S. Cramer. Jake Easterline, Henry Frey, George E. N. Starner. Scranton, Pa., April 17, 1896. FUNERAL OF MR. TIERNEV. Requiem Mass Celebrated at St. Peter's Cathedral. The funeral of the late Patrick Tier ney, of South Wyoming avenue, took place yesterday morning. At St. Peter's cathedral a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. J. W. Malone. Rev. J. J. B. Feeley was deacon and Rev. T. F. Carmody sub deacon. The pall-bearers were John Clark, Thomas McGinnls. Michael Lavelle, Michael Gaughan, Patrick Tlerney and Thomas O'Malley. Interment was made In Hyde Park Catholia cemetery. Opening of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Mew Delaware Klvcr Krldgo. Inauguration of All-Rail Train 0ervieo to the Seashore. The new Delaware River bridge of the Pennsylvania Railroad company will be opened to travel by the inaugu ration of through passenger train ser vice from Broad Btreet station to At lantic City, commencing Sunday, April 19, 1896. A morning express train will leave Broad street station dally at . 9.05 a, m., aftet arrival of the night express trains from all portions of the Penn sylvania railroad system, and arrive at Atlantic City at 10.55 a, in. An afternoon express train will leave Broad street station daily at 7 p. m., and arrive at Atlantic City at 8.60 p. m. This train will connect with the day express and main line express from all points In Pennsylvania and the west and north, and the train leaving Wash ington at 3.15 p. m. and Baltimore at 4.20 p. m. Returning, a morning train will leave Atlantic City daily at 10.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania lim ited and the fast line to the west iTnd north, and the 12.09 noon train for Baltimore and Washington. Another train will leave Atlantic City dally at 4.45 p: tn., arriving at Broad station at 6.40 p. m., and connecting with the 6.55 p. m. train for Baltimore and Wash ington and the evening trains for all points on the Pennsylvania system. All of these trains will carry parlor cars. , An extra fare of twenty-five cents will be charged In each direction on trains via the Delaware River Bridge, in connection with tickets good via Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, By the opening of this new. all-rail route to the seashore, the transfer of passengers and baggage through Phil adelphia 'win -be'a voided, and, as will be seen by the connections given above, can reach Atlantic City 'In a daylight can reach Atlantic City .In a dalllght Journey hasbeen extended. An, every di rection to Pittsburg, Buffalo, Danville, and Norfolk, Va. , -X .'-!;, ,..' r v '''.'' '. . FACTS THAT CANNOT BE DENIED: STROM STATEMENTS IH FAVOR OF HIS IMPROVED HOISOPITHIC REMEDIES. Aik Your Druggist for Munyon's Quid to Health, Select a 25 Cent Remedy and Cur Yourttlf. John D. Worth, 318 North Matlock Btreet, West Chester, Pa., saya: "I have taken Munyon's Cold Cure with re markable results. I think people ought to know more of the value of Munyon's Remedies. They will as well as 1 can tell them." Mrs. Ellen Chrlstman, 1130 Washing ton street. Wtlllamsport. Pa., says: i"I have suffered almost everything but death for the last twelve years with dyspepsia. I was treated by four of the best doctors In the place, but their prescriptions were worthless. One bot tle of Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure cured me, for which I shall ever feel thankful. I take pleasure In recommending them to all aflllcted as I have been. 'God bless Munyon.' " Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fulls to relieve in one to three hours, and cures ill a few days. Price 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms, of Indigestion and stomach trouble. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold In a few hours. Price. 25 cents. 1 Munyon's Cough Cure Btops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily heals -the lungs. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price, 25 cents. . Munyon's Headache Cure stops head ache In three minutes. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of plies. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impurities of the blood. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Cure with Herbs, $1.00. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fall. The Catarrh Cure price 25c eradicates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets price 25c cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Vltallser restores lost pow ers to weak men. Price, 25 rents. Munyon's Remedies at all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any disease. MARKET AND STOCK REPORT. Wall Street Review. New York, April 17. The tendency of prices at the stock exchange was down ward today, owing principally to the aggressiveness of the bear leaders who are claiming that the advance has been carried too far and that a reaction Is long overdue. Particular attention was paid to the Industrial group and these storks and Manhattan scored the greatest losses. Sugar was sold by a former member of the stock exchange who Is also a dealer in privileges and has calls falling due tomorrow at 125. The stock opened at 125. broke to 12.1 and closed at 123, a net loss of 2 per cent, on the day. Chicago Gas fell from 69 on reports from Chicago that a decision In the matter of opening streets for the purpose of laying mains had been rendered In favor of the Ogden Gob company, At the decline brokers who usually act for Chicago Gas com pany brought the stock and a rally to 69 ensued. Near the close under pres sure the stock fell to 68. American Cotton Oil was heavy and on liquida tions the preferred dropped 5 to 64a 55 and the common 2 to 12. A Btory was current to the, effect that the com pany could not meet Its dividend pay ment on the preferred stock now about due. The report was denied but it was generally understood that people close ly connected with former Insiders were liberal sellers. Manhattan was heavy and broke 3 per cent, to 108 on reali zations and short selling. The railway share list started off firm but the weak ness of the Industrials finally affected the market and a loss of a per cent, ensued. Speculation closed weak. Net changes show losses of a per cent. In the railways and a4 per cent, in the Industrials, and Cotton Oil leading. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN A Co., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- . Ing. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co.... C8 69 6794 6$ Am. Cotton Oil 14. 14 12 12 'i Am. Sugar Ref. Co.. 125 125 123 123 Atch., To. & 8. Fe .. 16 lf! 16 16 Canada Southern ... 49 49 49 49 Ches. tt Ohio 16 16 16 16 Chicago Qas 69 69 68 68 Chic. & N. W ...104 101 103 103 Chic, B. & Q 79- 79 78 78 Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 77 77 76 76 Chic, R. I. & Pac... 71 71 71 71 D L. & W 169 159 159 159 Dist. & C. F 18 18 17 18 Gen. Electric 37 37 37 37 Lake Shore 148 148 147N. 147 k, Louis. & Nash 51 52' 61 51 m. iv. v rex us. i-r.. zen zivt Manhattan Ele Ill 111 198 1(M Mo. Pae 26 26 25 N. J. Central 107 107 107 107 N. Y. Central 97 97 97 97 N. Y., L. E. & W 15 15 16 15 N. Y., 8. & W 8 8 8 hk N. Y S. & W., Pr... 23 23 23 23 Nor. Pac 1 1 1 1 Ontario & West 15 16 15 15 Omaha 39 41) 39 40 Pac Mail 27 27 27 27 Phil. & Read 11 11 11 11 Southern It. R 9 9 9 Southern R. R Pr.. 30 31 30 30 Tenn. C. & Iron 31 31 30 30 Texas Pacific ........ 8 8 8 8 Union Pacific 8 8 8 8 Wabash, Pr 18 18 18 . 18 Western Union 84 84 84 84 W. L 9 9 9 9 It. S. Leather, Pr .. 61 61 60 00 U. 8. Rubber 26 2'! 26 26 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- , WHEAT. Ing. est. est. In?. May 66 67 65 66 July ...... 67 68 66 f7 MONEY! Daniel Drew, who aeoamulated one of the largnst fortUDw ever made In Wall street, aid: "When the up runs up the troee buy stocks," and the records of Wall street for the past twenty yean show he was right. For full particulars as to how bnilneas Is done In Wall street, write for oar book, ''Spec ulation Fully Explained," alio our market let ter. Margin 8 to 6 per cent. Commission only 1-16 per cent. E. D. THORNBURGH & CO, Bankers Brokers, 41 Broadwayt New York. CRIPPLE CREEK' STOCKST We have carefully Inventtsated and now es pecially recommend as safe Investments, the Htncks of Thompson. noon-Anciior, aiobe Hill, Consolidated. Independence-Extension, Portland, Isabella and Union dold Mining Companies. - - THE MECHEM INVESTMENT COMPANY. MB jackaon Street, Chicago, III., Bank Floor. L. ft. Kneeland, Manager, lumbers of all Col orado Exciiangea-direat private wins. Or ders promptly executed eorresTondonos as- OATS. - May vu.j.i4.-t19 20 July '.;. 20. 2u CORN.. i , 19 20 S0 31 i2 SO 0 'A 21 32 'Ah 31 ! July 31 September , 32 May 5.00 July tU 6.15 PORK. May S.57 8.85 July 8.80 . 9.06 4.95 4 93 6.10 6.10 8.57 8.80 8.7J 8.92 Scraatoa Board of Trad ExohangeQao- tatloaa All Quotations Baaed oa Par of IOO. ' ' Nam. ' ' Bid. Askei Dime Dep. Die. Bank 140 Bcranton Lace Curtain Co aa National Boring at Drilling Co. ! M First National Bank e Hcrantqp. Jar Ji 8topper Co 'jj Blmaurst Boulevard Co joo Bcrantoa Axle Works ... a Bcranton Savings bank to Scranton Traction Co Bonta Plate Glasa Co 14 Scranton Car Replacer Ce lot Setaoton Packing Co at Weston MiU Co 3 Lackawanna Iron A Steel Co.. ... igo Bcranton Bedding Co lid BONDS. Scranton Glass Co ' lot Bcranton Pass. Railway, flrst mortgage due 1918 no Bcranton Traction Co aj People's Street Railway, flrst mortgage due 1918 11J ... Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co at People'a Btreet Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 lit Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. TownBhip School 5...i ... 102 City ef Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102 Scranton Axle Works ... lot Borough of Wlntgn 6 lot New York Prodnce Market. New York, April 17. Flour Unchanged, quiet steady. Wheat 8 pot market mod erately active: firm: No. 2 red store and elevator, nominal, afloat nominul; f. o. '.. 79o. to arrive; ungraded red, 64u81c; No. 1 northern, 75c. to arrive; options were fairly active and Arm- at ac. uilvuiioc 011 bad crop reports; firmer we.it and local covering. May and July most active; April, 76e.j May. 73c; June, 73c; July, 73c,i--August, 73c; September, 73i; December, 75c. Corn Spots dull, easier; No. 2 at 39c. elevator; 40c. afloat; options were dull and Arm at c advance follow ing the' west; April. 37c; Llay, 36c; July, 37c; September, 3Sc. Outs Spots fairly active; stronger; options more nc tlve; nrmer; May and July, 25c; spot prices No. 2 at 2oc; No. 2 white, 26c; No. t Chicago, 2c.; No. 8 at 24c; No. 3 white, 26c; mixed western, 25a27c.j white do., 26a29c; white state, 26u29c. Provisions Inactive, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, firmer; vestern steam, S5.27a5.S0; city at 84.75; May, $5.27; refined, quiet; continent,- 86.55; South America, 85.85; com pound. 4a4c. Pork Firm, more ac tive, old mesH, 9a9.50; new mess, $10at0.25. Butter Moderate demand, unsettled; state dairy, 9al6c; do. creamery, UalOc; west ern dairy old, 7a9c; do. creamery, Ua 16c; do. held, 10al3c.; do. fuctory, 7allc; Elglns, 15al6c; Imitation creamery, 10a 13c. Cheene Quieter, lens teaily; Btate large, 5al0c.; do. fancy, 9al0c; do. small, 6al0c; part skims, Sa5c; full skims,. alc Kggs Moderate demand, fancy firm; state and Pennsylvania, 12c; southern, 10aloc; western fresh, 10a llc; duck, 18a22c; goose, 30c Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, April 17. Provisions The marKet ruleu weak ajiu uil In touch with the western market conditions. Beef Best city family, $9.50al0 per barrel; smoked beef, Ual2c; beef hams, per bar rel, 15.60al3, according to age. Pork Fam ily, tllalt.50; sweet pickled hams, cured In tierces. 8a9c; smoked, 9al9c; sides, ribbed. In salt, 6a6c; smoked, 6a7c; Bhouldnrs, pickle cured, 5c. ; smoked, 6c; picnic hams, 8. P. cured, 54a6c; do. Ktnoked, 6u7c. ; bellies in pickle, ac cording to average, loose, 5a5c; breuk fast bacon, 6a7'ic. Lard Pure city re fined in tierces, a6c; in tubs, 6a6c; butchers' loose, 6a5c Tallow Is quiet and steady. We quote: City, prime in hogsheads, 3c. ; country, prime. In bar rels, 3c; country, dark, In barrels, 3'.!.; cakes, 3c; grease, 3c Toledo Groin Market. Toledo. Aoril 17. Close Wheat Re ceipts, 2,218 bushels; shipments, . 11,000 bushels; firm; No. 2red cash, 74c; July 7oc; Muy, 74c; August, 69c; No. 3 red cash, 71c. t'orn Receipts, 6,615 bush els: shipments, 12.6OO bushels: steady: No 3 cash. Sic; May. 81c; July, 35c; No. 3 yenow ca.in, ai'-ic uats receipts, uu bushels none; nominal. Cloverseed Re ceipts, 1S3 bags; shloments, 924 bushels; nrm; prime casn, 4.o; ueiouer, 94. to. Chicago Live Stock. ITnlon Stock Yards. April 17. Cattle- Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady; com mon to extra steers, $3.20o4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.90a4: cows and bulls, 81.60a 3.50; calves, 83a4.65; Texans, J2.2oal.10. Hogs Keoelpts, 18,000 Head; market easy ie. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, S3.50a3.70: common to choice mixed, 83.45a 3.85: choice assorted. 83.85a4: light. S:U0a 3.96; pigs, $2.90a3.90. Sheep Receipts, 8,0K neaa; mnrKPt slow ami wens: uuerior to choice, J2.50a3.60; lambs, J3.a0a4.45. Puffulo I.lvo Stock. Buaffto, N. Y., April 17,-Cattlc-Slow good light steers, 83.60a3.70: good stockers S3a3.25: feeders. S3.35a3.50: veuls Diime lots $3.8ra4. Hogs Slow and 6al0c lower: Yorkers. J3.90a3.9ii; pigs, x&goa3.9ii: inlxcl packers. Ii.80a3.85; roughs, J3a3.30; stags. 2.26a2.7E. Sheep and lambs Slow; prine wool lambs, J4.70a4.95; good to choice, J4.10a 4.65; handy clipped, J4.25a4.40; mixed wool sheen fair to choice, S3.3aa4; clipped wool sheep, S3.lno3.65; heavy clipped export sheep, J3.40aa.70. The Nickel Plate Road Is the shortest line between Buffalo and Chicago. No matter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheumatic, Bedridden, In firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgia, or prostrated with diseases may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Instant Ease. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum- bago, pains and weakness In the backp spine or moneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the Joints and palm of all kinds, the application of Radway's Ready Relief will afford Immediate ease, and Its continued use for a few days effect a permanent cure. Instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammation and cures con gestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels or other glands or mucous mem branes. Kadway's Ready Relief CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influen. za, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAINS In, from one to twenty minutes. Not on hour after reading this advertisement need any one BUFFER WITH PAIN. INTERi ALLY A half to a teaspoon fill In half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Colic, Flatu. lency, and all Internal pains. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Prloe, 80c. per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. DtniB MOB CO., Ioc'p. Capital,, I, OM.00O. BUST SJI.BO SHOE IN THE WOULD. ' "A dollar tavtd it a dollar tamed." -t This ladles' Solid French IlongolaKId But ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on receipt 01 ihd, uoney uraer, or Poiul Note for fl.SO. Kalinin every way the boots old In all retail torn for S2.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar- amtt ini, fiyi ana wrnr, and If any one It aot unified ira win reiunQ ine money oreendanolherpalr. Opera Toe or common Bente, kilies 1 to 9 sad Ball iliet. Send your ilu; 11 ni you, Illuttnted Cata logue FRCK Dexter Shoe Co.. FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. 1 . 7 Bpnitt ttrmt to Jtiiihrti ear.;,. ,ia!fSPl 1 nriys f ."kiiir I IIHUIir IN TiT jlllillUIUIallltlllMaillil THE :. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVEKUE 308 MILLINERY. Millinery with us la unusually active aot a surprising fact when the causes are considered. For the increased demand ve are fully prepared, with the richest array of choice MUll ncrjr ever displayed in Scranton; and oar prices. They'll Certainly Please You. DRESS GOODS. Does it seem strange to begin season with bargains and, yet that is just what we do. IIow do these prices sound for New, Fine Goods? All-Wool Series and Henriettas, 40 inches wide, in colors blacks, browns, blues, greys, greeus. reds and tans, assorted shades akk mmr of each color, worta &0c.; X choice of this lot Xm J Noveltv Dress Honda. 40 tnrhpa wt in an elegant assortment of colorinva aim styies.stricuy all wool, made to retail for We.; choice of this lot 49 Silk Mixed Dreaa (Inula, rhnira Una of styles; impossible to describe thU line, as the designs are amm mm r master work cf art: rnuu- J kax l lar S1.00:. yonr pick for.... J Headquarters for Ladies' Silk and Velvet Capas. Prices Low. Lnre Curtains. Direct Importers. 23 percent. Discount B M E iiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiwmiiiiHwuiuiniiiniiiiHiwiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiii: A5KMTREB?oKLT0f( GIVES THE. And !5 AB59iyTEiySAFE FOR SALE BY THE CO SCRANTON STATION. JAMES MOIR, 1 MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bank. Ho hits now in a fill Comprising everything requisite for flae Merchant Tailoring. And the same cau be shown to advantage in bis aplen dtaly fitted up rooma. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Rollers of The Trlb une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Home BALDWIN'S THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE T 5 CONNELL CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. RESTORES VITALITY. v. rjr ' k,i "i . iviaae a a a ofrir Jewell Man lthDay.Wy Of Me. TUB CHEAT 30th tny. FHEBIOH HEMEDY produces the above remits In 30 days. It arti powerfully and quickly, cures when all othein fail Young-ram will rrKntu tbolr lout manhood, and old liiou will rerovnr tlielr yoututul vmor by UHlng RiiVIVO. It quickly and mirely rentore Nervous xam. Lout Vitality, Impotency, Ninhtly Erulsatollf, Lost Power, tailing Memory, WaMllia UlHeaaea.aud 111 effects ot Belt-abuse or excetand Indiscretion, which untltB one tor study, bnalness or marriaso. It Mot only cures by startins at the seat ot d.3easc. but Is a treat nervv tonic and blood builder, brim lnu back tho pink glow to pale cheeks anil ro torlns the tire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on bavins RKVIVO.nr other. It cau be carried In vest pocket. By null HI. 00 per package, or six lor 98.00, with a post tive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular tree. AdJre.o "t"..Mroic;m5r ---,. CHICACO. For sate by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggists, ScaaatoB, Pa. , ATLANTIC lie II I II roiitvi.4 IT.ni tilt. MssastsaiMaaaaiawaaaeasasfcaiiia..waaiMaaa.l , Black Biocaded Wool Drees Goods, in 0 diOeraut pal tern. 10 iuuhea wide. Brocadra is all the rsga. a Import price, eta., apeclal. A I your choice , 45-Inch wide Blark Imperial Serge, or French Henrietta, extra silk Hnish; this line ia th. mm mm n regular il.Oo number; jour J ciiuice J , Take a look at onr Black Batla Dnch exe. 7 Inches wide, all silk, extra neavy.guaranteed to t j wear, sold for Il.TS: 1 ill this week leOV THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wagner Rels. Lessee and Managers. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, .'. The Young Romantic Actor, WILLIAM MORRIS AS It Presenting the Original and Only Author ' laid Version of This Grand Play by Julae Vernes and A. D'Fnnerv, In Fire Acts and Rix Tableaux. 10a People on the Stage. Qreat Cast. Elegant Scenery and Costumes, and Host of European Specialties. Regular Prices. Matinee Prices, 15. and 50a. Bale of seata opens Thursday, t a. in. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2L The English Version of Sardou'S Napoleonic Comedy, - (MADAME DON'T CARE.) The 8nccess of Two Continents. Kathryft . Kidder, Augustus Cook, and the Entira Orig inal Cast of W Poeple. An Elaborate and His torically Correct Reproduction of the Courtef NAPOLEON, With All the Original Scenery, Properties, Empire Furniture, Tapestries and Magnificent Costumes. Direction of Augustus Pitou. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, - One Solid Week, Commencing . MONDAV, APRIL aoth. Every evening and matinee Saturday. 'En gagement extraordinary of the queen of comedy, Carrie Louis, And her company of in a grand se lection of popnlnrand xtamlardp'aya. Special engagement ot tne ukeai zcka, tne niga class prestidigitateur, assisted by Mme. Zera. ' These artists will pusit.vely appear between acts at each performance in feats of magic Popular Prices, 10 20, 30 and 50c DAVIS' THEATER 3 DAYS, COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE, APRIL 20. NINTH SEASON FISHER'S FUNNY FARCE COMPANY, 1 J Only Fun In Town. An Up-to-Date Com pany ol Comedians. Including PERKINS 1). FISHER. PRICES 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS E. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In theOttjr. The latest Inproved fnrnltav lngk and apparataa far kagfiag eat, batter aid egf. t2a Wyoming kv. as m m MICHAEL STROGOFF v. A.