. v '! . THE FCBANTON TBIBDNE-FKIDAY MORNING, ArBIL 17, 1S9G. " t THE COST OF HIS HEAD, , . -i : : 7 By MRS. ALEXANDER. 4 ; v ' Author of "The Wooing O't." ciytitht IcVtt by Bschsller, Johnson sn J Bsca1lt BYNOPSIS. Colonel Capri, an Knxlish ollloer. gent to take command In U,e Cork district of lrt land during the troublesome times of the llrst decade of the century, arranges to stop on his way from Dublin anil visit Mr. John DiKby and his daughter, tlraee, at Athgarven. He Is eaperlully chanted lo secure ona Valentine t'ostello, a youn Irishman, educated In Krnnre, who Is ac tive In bchair of the Kenlans. Cail ar rived at AthKarven and tin. Is Grace and tier frlund, Nelly O'Urady. As tlrace, wnu fceimn Avitiiieil iibout sumethlnu, is re- i-tivtiig him, the arrival of Mine, de Su resne, urace g rormer Koverness, is .111 Dounced, who has come on a visit, t'ltpcl Is deeply Interested In Grace, whom he bad met at Hath, but he noticed the rather strange' appearance of Mine, de Suresmv Who is dressed In old-fashioned Barb, with long mits, a lace handkerchief over her hair und blue spectacles. PAHT IT. Capel found himself Installed In a large, luxuriously furnished bedroom. To be sure everything that could be worn out hud bemi considerably used, not to say fruyed. Still, there was an air of luxury about the apartment which made It pleasant to the eye, und t'apel dressed for dinner in u very rheerful mood. Whatever Miss Dlsby's Hint Impression on his appeurunce hud been, nhe wus.'really glad to see him. What eyes she hud! Ami how they poke, She was u good deul his junior. Yet he was a young man still. Indeed, line he had left boyhood behind, he bad rarely felt so young an at present. In a way, ton. Grace Dlgby was not young for her nineteen years there was u wealth of w-onmnUiiess ubout her that ruined her above mere girlhood, and suggested heavenly Idcus us to what her love would be. When Capel descended to the drawing-room he was cordtully greeted by the master of the house, who was In possession of the heurth-rug, before a lurge turf fire. Dlgby was u tall, handsome, white-haired man, with a Hear brown lomplexloii und heulthy color. There was a keeh look in his ' dark eyes and a humorous curl In the corners of his somewhat full-lipped mouth, which suggested un oll-pervud-Ing sense of fun. fUegad, I am sorry I wasn't at home to receive you." he said, when he hud inducted his guest Into a comfortuide armchair. "Hut 1 am sure Grace took "MY DEAR MADAM THIS 18 A KKAL. PLKASl'UE." care of you! And tomorrow I'll show you a bend In the stream where you'll find 'trout galore. Are you a lover of the rod? It's the only sort of sport to be had at this time." 1 can't say I am much of an angler. I prefer shooting, and still more hunt ing." "I hope we shall be able to show you some sport In the autumn! I only heard the day before yesterday thnt you were to take command of the south west district. I hope you'll stay over the winter. We count Cork next door. It's not much more than thirty-live miles." Here Ellen, or more commonly Nel ly O'Grady came in, and. Joining her uncle' on the hearth-rug, pussed her arm through his. "What is only thirty-five miles off, dear?" she asked. ' "The beautiful city called Cork, darlln.' Faith, our horses ought to know the wuy there! My girls have the devil's own duck of a milliner there, a Trench woman no less, and no mat ter what wars and blockudes and scrimmages are going on, she manages to have the latest modes from Purls, it's, m belief she Invents them all in her own back parlor, und Axes her price, too." 'The more to her credit, uncle, rioetn't invention deserve reward?" "The ladies can hardly go and re turn that distance In a day." "No, nor the horses, either; hut 'hiad'molselle Is most accommodating. She has elegant lodgings to let. over the shop, Svhere her favorite customers may try on from morning till night, find empty the pockets of mankind in these parts." "Come, uncle! Grace and I are the most prudent young women in Mun ster"" "Faith, yon are, my Jewel! Why, here s mudame." The door opened as he spoke, and firace Dlgby entered. She wore u dress of delicate gray, the long pluln diree- u.in' sunt belled out ut the bottom with several nurrow flounces; and u lace llchu crossed over the bosom be came her well. Capel could hardly turn his eyes from her to the figure Which leaned on her arm. though It was sufficiently remarkable. A tall, stiff old lady, clad In a gor R.ous brocaded silk of many colors, looped up over a iiillted petticoat, long lane mittens over her hands and arms very white hair plied on' the top of her head and a large, half handker chief of .costly black luce thrown over It and tied loosely under her chin, n Ftr.ull diamond star fastening the point of her hair In front. Her cheeks were highly rouged, and In striking con trust to this effect of youth she wore large blue spectacles. She was angu lar in figure and held herself very up rlMit. "My dear Mme. de Snresne," cried her host, advancing with empr-'ssnvnt, and bowing over her hand. "This Is a real pleasure. We feared that my ladv Found In Cutlcura - and Purity , r , - - f salt thrwtkost k woflil, lritlih stpoti r. Iftir. wi'S Cats. Vsr., lot tnpt., Ikaiua, 1. 1. A. " " 111 ;.:Beauty Matsarene would not have parted with you, especially as we looked for you yesterday In vain." "Ah. mon ami! my var' Root friend! I am obliged to hasten my steps! Mon son, my Victor, la 111. He needs the presence of his mother, and I must hasten to him. Hut you. dear Mr. Dlgby, you look well, and these dear children," a wave of her fan toward Grace and her cousin, "they bloom like the fair tlowers a very fatrdluahrdluu the fulr flowers they are!" "I fear you have hail a very fatigu ing Journey, madame." "Mo fol, it was a trying one! the last I shall make In this green Isle of yours." "Pray do not say so! Iet me pre sent my friend. Colonel Capel, to you, a gentleman of Somersetshire whose acquaintance we had the pleasure of making in Hath last winter." "I am very pleased to know you. sir." and she mude him an enormous courtesy. "If you please, miss, the dinner Is served." said the cranky. looking but ler, with a discontented sniff. "Come, madame. It is a long time since 1 have had this pleasure," said the host, offering his arm. "Viil you luke Nelly?" suld Miss lWf. With a laughing look ut Cnpel. "Why not both?" remarked Nelly. "Certainly," he returned, offering un arm to each. "Mudiime." of course, sat o.t Mr. D'g by'S tignt. und Grace. placed Capel on the sume side opposite ' Miss O'Giudy. The dinner was good and ubundant, nnd conversation Mowed freely, Mr. Dlgby tuklng the chief purt, being v 11 supported by the ex-governess. She spoke English with a decided Irish ac cent, but frequently lapsed Into French, with which her host was fa miliar. Capel found his young hostess most gracious, und charming. She asked him If he would ride with her the fol lowing day. us she was ufruld her fa ther had some magisterial busintss to trunsuct in the town. "We call Hal Tinuger a 'town,' Colonel Cupel. 1 do not funev It looks like one to you." "Oh. bedad. It thinks Itself a fine town!" cried Dlgby. "I haven't been down there this week past, so I must go tomorrow." "Pray do not tremble yourself about me." Cnpel was beginning, when De luny. the butler, who hud just lifted the cover from a pair of roast duck lings, put In his contribution to the talk with the odd familiarity which formely existed in Ireland with nearly abject respect for "The Masther" und the "fam'lly." "A' then I'm glad nayther yourself nor the young ludles were down in the town today, anyways." "How so, Delany?" "Sure, I thought the sight would lave me eyes this evenln', when I went down just to say a word to Flnigan's mother she dying, an' making a beautiful end, rest her sowl! what should I see but the polls sticking up a play card, offer ing five hundred pounds for that llll gant boy's head, young Valentine Cos tello's the cruel murdering devils! Five hundred pounds no less! and" (with a glance at his master's military guest "what is be but a boy that's not come to his right sense yet? Sure, in a year or so, he'll know better!" "In the meantime he may do a lot of mischief," said Capel, gravely. "That's true!" cried Digby, "if only young fellows and enthusiasts would stop and think of the awful responsi bility they Incur, and the misery they cause, they would see 'tis better to bear the ills we have." "And I seed that Informin' American Jeffries along with the polls, an' his pocket stuck out with the bills, an' a paste pot In his hands. He'll be hav ing a bullet in the side of his head, some night," put in the footman. "Howld your tongue, Watty," said Delaney In a loud bitter aside. "A long legged blundering gosson of your sort has no call to prate with the gentry!" Capel listened In amused astonish ment to this unheard of mingling of menials In the talk of their masters, while he noticed that Grace's cheeks grew pale. "This barbarous country Is not fit for so tender a soul," he thought. "Five hundred pounds for Val Cos tello's head! 1 never thought It would be, worth so much!" cried Nelly, with a slightly hysterical laugh. "Probably he never knew Its value before," said Mme. de Suresne. "Did you know this rebel?" asked Capel In much surprise. "As children we played together, but he went to France, and we have not seen him for many years," replied CAPEL LIFTED HIS HAND. EX CLAIMING: "WHAT'S THAT?" Grace, hastily. A pause followed which was broken by the old French lady who observed: "Ah. yes. I well remem ber him. he was what you call one imp of mischief!" As soon as the cloth was removed the ludles left the room, In spite of Mr. Dlirby's gallant remonstrance. The door seined scarcely to huve closed upon them, und Mr. Dlgby wus i;i the act of drawing his chair neurer to his guest, when Capel lifted his hand, excluinilng: "What's that?" "'I did not hear anything," suld the other. ' "Some one called. I fancied It was Miss Dlgby's voice." Her father rose at once, and went out of the room followed by Capel. In the hall they found a group of servants, with Grace and her cousin, gathered around Mme. de Suresne, whom the butler and the footman were In the act of raising from the parqueted Moor. "What Is the matter?" cried Dlgby. "Oh! It's so unfortunate!" cried Grace; "dear Mine, de Suresne slipped and fell. I fear she has sprained or dis located her ankle. See, she Is In great lialn." A low moan broke from the suf ferer. "Send for nurse!" cried Nelly. As she spoke, a stout, square, well-dressed woman came to them quickly, followed by a man In a striped waistcoat, car rying a cane chair. "Here!" cried nurse, In authoritative tones; "put the dear lady In this, and you and Watty can carry her upstairs no! Mr. Delany, you arc not lit to try. Stan' out of the way, Miss Nelly, Alannah!" ., , t- "Send for Dr. Stokes!" cried Dlgby. "Not a bit of It!" said nurse, stoutly; "I'm as good as any doctor for a sprain or a strain.' Lave her to me, .av your ladyship will be content with me?" "Yes, well content." murmured the sufferer, stretching out her hand and adding some words In French, which no one heeded, for the bearers lifted the chair and Its occupant, and went away upstairs, followed by all the women present. "Come back and have another glass of claret, Capel." said the host. "This Is rather an unlucky turn. A wrench of that kind Is bad for a woman of madame's years." "She seems remarkably vigorous," re turned Capel. "I observed that when the servants let her go, to place the chair behind her, she stood quite Arm for a moment, holding on. to the ban nisters." A little more talk, another glass of claret, and they were Interrupted by the entrance or Grace. "Well!" cried Dlgby. "Oh! she seems easier. Nurse has bound up her ankle loosely, with some of the famous lotion, and put her to bed. Nell is going to stay with her, and I have come to give you your tea, which is ready in the drawing room." The gentlemen followed her. and after the "cup which cheers," etc., Capel asked for a song. "Come Into the next room," she said. He obeyed, and found Its chief fur niture was a harp und a piano, a guitar and stands full of music books. . Gruce Dlgby drew the harp Bo her, and proceeded to tune It. "Is It not unlucky?" she said. "It will be some days before madame can come downstairs, but nurse says it Is not a bud sprain." "What a useful person," said Cupel. "I should huve liked you to see more of Mine, de Suresne; she is a most ngreeuble companion." "Yes; it Is unlucky nil around; but you are to sing, are you not?" Grace looked smilingly into his eyes. "You shall huve an old Irish ditty. I want to steep you In things Irish. Then you will understand and like us." "Like!" he echoed. "You have taught me more than liking!" Grace shook her, head at him with coquettish warning, and, stretching her white urms across the 'chords, begun the sweet, wild, puthetic ballad, "Sa votirneen Deelish," while Capel listened attentively. (To He Continued.) HUSINKSS IIRI'VITIICS. MAUf IT KXPoKTS. The Bureau of Statistics In Its monthly statement of imports und exports shows thut the ex portation of domestic merchanidse dur ing March amounted to $7:i.H!mi.l':iB. a guln or more than JlU.OOtl.OOO over March. ItBKi., For the last nine months there was a gain of over $fl .HOO.WJO. The Im ports of merchandise during March amounted to $u,6.:ix;I.1I3S. of which ubout $:!l.tMju.0UO wus free of duty. The loss for the month as compared with March, IS5, was about 13,000,000. There wus, however, a gain for the nine months of about STL'.IOU.MHJ; the excess of the ex ports for the month over the total Im ports was $9.144,01. In March, ls5. the imports of merchandise exceeded the exports by $4.1:1:1.646. The exports of gold coin and bullion during March aggregated &IX4.0NO, and the imports $77.7:i:i. The silver coin and bullion ex ports during March amounted to $5,014. 726. and the Imports to $1,353,526. F.x ports of general merchandise from the port of New York for the week ended yesterday aggregated $7,138,554 against $6,721,132 the preceding, week, and $", 553.HS7 the same week last year; since Januury 1. $113,235,688, against $103,035, 830 last year. II II II CASH RESERVE OF BANKS. The proportion of cash held to deposits of all the national banks in this country last September, when full report was made to the comptroller of currency, was 28.68 per cent. In Pennsylvania it was 28.65 per cent.1 In the three central reserve cities It was 28.40 per cent., and in the other reserve cities it as 30.04 per rent. In all reserve cities It was 2.1S per cent., and In the banks of the coun try outside the leading cities It was 28.19 per cent. I'nder the law the banks of this country must keep their cash re serve above 25 per cent, of their de posits. II II II COAL TRADE REVIEW. The an thracite coal stocks have been very quiet for a month or more. Last month coal was selling on an average of 40 cents per ton more than was obtained for domestic sizes In March last year. This month the Increase will be 55 cents per ton and next month 60 cents, providing current prices are obtained. Even if there Is no change In the circu lar now current, during the balance of the year, whirl,, Dy the wav is hirhlv Improbable, the Increases will pile up until they amount to 85 cents In July, August and September. Any advance in the present circular will, of course, add to these gains. There Is talk among a number of the coal companies of equalizing coal prices. It Is contended that anthracite coal In the western cit ies Is being sold too low compared with prices ruling In the East. It is believed however, that no steps will be taken in this direction until there Is an improve ment in the demand. Some of the leading producing companies in New York are averse to any change in prices, on the ground that, notwith standing collieries are being worked but four days a week, production Is still greuter than demand. Water ship ments of hard cou! will begin In ear nest In about three weeks. The freight season on the great lakes promises to be exceedingly active on account of the lurge quantities of grain and Iron ore awaiting transportation. II II " HOUSES AND POPI'LATION. Philadelphia, with a smaller popula tion thun New York, has fully twice as many houses und more thun twice us many residences. Brooklyn, with u You need never wear a limp or wilted collarifvou wenr the "Celluloid." It's rain ami perspiration proof. When it gets soiled you can clean it in a min ute with n wot cloth or sponge. It will outwear six linen collars, and save ma ny times its cost in laundry bills. The Elluloiq MARK- W INTERLINED is the only satisfactory water-proof collar made. The genuine "Celluloid'' interlined collars and cuffs arc stamped with the above trade thark. All others ore imitations. If rnnr furnlalirrrionin't noil Ilir "fvllulolil" Iowi, Hintl tn u (llm-t. rnlltir 'Juc, navli : cuffs v. pair, piMUwid. Mention aim auiUtyla (atauil-upurtiirmrf-tliiwn) wantpil. THU CUXLUIiOlU COMPANY. Hew Vorlt. " ' SAPOLIO"tt:" 0 13085' j U fiowrthflrjiertcta2 I 1 y 5 ounces for 10 cents. You n f may have " money to burn' but even Tjj l so, you needn't throw away 2 ounces a fl of good tobacco. For 5 cents you get U y almost as much "Battle Ax" as you R U do of other high grades for JO cents. Jr smaller population thun New York, hus 10.000 more residence houses. In the second-class cities of the West, such as Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Detroit, Kansas City, etc., the proportion of houses to popululion Is nearly the same as in Philadelphia. Of all kinds of houses, New York has 115.000, Brooklyn 125,000 and Philadel phia 250,0110. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil liens of Mother? for t:.elr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. How Mnny's In Your I'nmlly. The Washington housewife was under going that severe ordeal the employment of a new servant. She had called ill her hushund to assist her In selecting some body whose face would promise u cessa tion of mysterious illsuppeHrHiices from the pantry and unexplained entries In the grocery book. "The first thing I wants to know," said the prospective assistant, "Is how many's in your famiy?" "That's the llrst thing we want to know, too," replied the huslmnd. "How many's In your family?" Washington Star. STEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the World DECKER BROS., KRANICHE ft BACHE and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find s complete Mock and at prices as low as the qual ity of the instrument will permit at II. I HIILBERT'S riUSlC STORE. L 117 Wyoming Ave. - 'Scranto.i ROOF TIMUG A NO S0L0ERIN3 All done away with by the uc of HART MAX'S PATKNT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Kidvunlzed tin, short iron roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind .by many years, and Its cost does not exceed une-ltfth that of the cost of tinning. Is shM by the Job or pound. Contracts tnken hy ANTONIO HAKT.M ANN, 527 Ulrch BU Oi.Mat tlatDtf Before . .. A,'tr 0UIIBYDH.W.F.HN1. The doctor is now located over the Famous Shoe Stor.-, A'2V l.acl. wuniiH uhcntic, where li-- imiy be consulted on till eases of Lye, lair, Nose and Throat trouble. Spcciu jure given to difficult l.vo Fittin DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil suiTvrers ef I NKOHSOP YOU I II, I.OfiT VIlillK und DISI ASI S OF M F.N A.NIl WO.MFN. t ngi-M eluth bound; a e ovly oiil' d und Inn Ihi Itva 'ir wtnient bvtuol itrl t'.y i)nfidM.lnl, and a 1 nstdro qnlck rum (Ui sntied. .otnatt"r hew long i uncling, I w.ll t u.lUyuly sum joj. Writs or chII. AD I ftPR 920 N. ISth fit.. Phllnda., Pa. Ull. bUDD &- Jeri' ccntluifeus pruiuct. 'ftp? .. H2 THE TRADERS RATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1890. , CAPITAL, SURPLUS $250,000 40,000 JOHN T. PORTER, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice President, F. L. PHILLIPS, CASHIER. DIRECTORS; Robert Boiutle, .lames M. Evsrhort, Irving A. Finch, I'ierco B Finloy, Joseph J. Jormyn, M. N. Komeror, Charles P. Matthews- John T. Porter, W. W. Watson, Charles fechlafc'or, L W. Morss. INTEREST PAI D ON TINE DEPOSITS. This bank invites the patronago of business men and linns generally. The Electric City Awning and Tent Com pany 'null to inform thxir Inoidiatiri putinim tluit they have opened nn olIhM at 513 l.lndcn Street, with Reese & I oner, where any ui'ders, liy mail or telephone, for Tents, Fla,'S, Awn ltiKs, Waaon I'uvo sor llurso Cluthiu;; will bo given careful attuir.hm. n IUL II IIUItLllLI, ,ffl Telephone 3102. DUPONT'S (Rill NG, ELtSTilG AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwnliopon Mills, Luzerne county, I'a., und at Wil iiilnuton, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. ntncral Ascnt for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOAUNU AVENUE, Surenton, Pa. Third National Hunlt Uulldlns. AUHNCIH9: THOS. FORD, I'lttston, l'a. JullX I!. S.MITI1 A SOX. Plymouth, l'a. R W. .Ml'l.l.KIAN. Wllkca-Hanc. P.I. Art'iits for the Kepaiinu Chemical Cu;n luiny'H liiKh KxnloMiVfS. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC iTY are located the lincst fl.shlug und hunting KroumlH in the world. lJ.-KiTiptlw hooks on application. Tickets to nil points In .Value, Cunnila urn! Maritime Provinces, Mlimciipoll, Ht. Paul, Cunadiau and luited Suite Northwest, Vumouver, Seattle. Tacoina, Portland, Ore., Ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and DinliiT Cars attached to nil throttirht trains. Tourist cum fully fitted with bedding, curtains und specially adapted to wants of families may be hud with second-class tickets, Rules ulwuys less than vln other line. For further Information; time tutilen, etc., un application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., . 333 Broadway, New York. 1I; IB In H GO HI HI JAMES MOIR, MBiinn Has Msved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bauk. He has now in a fl Comprising everything requisite for fl is Merchant Tailoring. And the suie caa be shown to advantage in hi splen dialy fitted up rooms. A SFECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers of The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" la His New Business Home NOW IS THE Til TO "sr Rakes, floes, Spades, Garden Forks, Garden Barrou)s, Garden Trowels, Priming Shears, Carpet Whips, WE SELL THEM. foote im CO,, 119 WASHINGTON IVENUL MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best, quality for domestlo use, and of all sizes, delivered In any par) of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office, NO. 8 W'YOMINfj AVENUE, near room, first floor. Third National Bunk, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. DEXTER inOR CO..Inc,P.fsplil.l,000,00. BEST at.no HHOK IN THE WORLD. "A dollar tuned a dollar tarntd." . This Ladles' Kolld French Donfola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S.. on recei pi 01 lain, Money order, or Postal Note for St .60. Equals every way the boots sold In all retail stores for Si.50. We nako this boot ourselves, therefore we guar" un.," .way.., i y it f. i h , 11 r . i ii any one is dqi sauanea 1 will refund ths monev or send another pair. Open e or common sense, 1 .1 . 1. I ' I Tf t L' ..ilea 1 to 8 sod half Semlyouriiu; i nc you. luatrated Cats, locus FRCC Dexter Shoe CSS5L!T8; IB xm A .dirrMlM.?V '1 wmw J Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1806, Total Product of I The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. (.rosbyV Superlative is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundlund, una in England. Ireland und Scotland very largely, and is recognized us the best flour in the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. QenersJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. Wlwn In doubt what M HMn. rlllt. Ilralm treul'lw mull fatally, lUsult in 4 weeks. H-nLllr,,cr w? Clve run. meuicinb CO., For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruoa Straoe, Scranton Pa. WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN OUR. Hew Store 130 Wyoming Avenue. Our store and stock will speak for themselves and need no puffs from ns. Our friends are all invited to inspect us. JEWELERS, 130 WYOMING. AVE. E. I'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of ths Celebrated CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum Asparagus Green and Wai Beans Cucumbers, Radishes Lettnce, Cauliflower Ripe Tomatoes, Etc, BARRELS RESTORE LOST VIGOR ut. fw Nmsut OsUllty, Loia of tanal o (In tlthtt iheclud knit full tutor quickly mnrad. If n.l.a.a, auck Mallad aiwk.ia. aaal'd, fotli.ooi boM for Ijc. Wllk Lffal RuarantM tw curs or tafiod tba munay. Addina Clavalaad, Ohio. Pharmaolat, oor. Wyoming Avonu an mERGEREAU & GQNNELL ill SOLD' CONNELL
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