THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY HORNING, APRIL 15, 1896. tclo gy mm yM Destiny Kcvealvd by Manyulutiua of . the Pasteboa.'tfs. . r . FORTUNES BOTH, GOOD AXD ILL 4a Old Grpsy's ythoi cf Learning the Secrets of Jt, Fntnro-.My.tlo Me"nf of the Cards Is DUelesod. rom thfit. York Worl(L The Mr , i ?lffls of forecasting by them have rfljTcompiled upon the authority of a lulZT. nllIUi vim for niHnY '7. 1 ...1 na niu nf tkfa PTPJ t - i. rnrrl ronlra nf the century, tor J.L.. ,nvanlnw and that the reader may be able to more thoroughly rrnan the. nnh1-t. the meanings of the various cards are Riven first. It will always be found that llcht cards are moat favorable. Hearts come first, not as a matter of sentiment, but as a mat ter of fact. Then follow In regular or-ili-r diamonds, iilulw and spades. Very few cards of the last-named suit, are if gofid omen. They usually mean sor row, disappointment and the like. Clubs are better, but not as kixmI as diamonds, though some card readers Hver that the rlnb suit Is the best suit of all. Kxiierlence has not proved this to be so. One thing you can depend upon nine times out of ten Is that If you take a puck of cards and out it on the ace of diamonds you will surely Bet a letter, no mntter If you haven't had one for six weeks. This Is Inter estlns. It's nlx'.i a Rood thins to re member. Now tor '.ho cards and their mystic moaninss. 1TKA11T3. .Ve of heai'ts-Tf attended by spades 11 (shinnies sickness; if by hearls, love; IT by diamonds, goad fortune; If by ii'iius, h:inilii(-?s. King of hearts A fair man of loving disposition but ho.-Uy temper; a kuoJ till lid. Queen of hearts A good wnmnn, faithful und iiffectlonate and sure to make a good wife. Knave of hearts Your dearest friend on earth. Ten of hearts This card slgnlllos nany children and wealth, and In near ly sill eases augur well. Nine of heartsThis is ihp wish rard. V lint ever you wish Is sure to come true. Kight of hearts True friend; kind ness and' happiness. Seven of hearts l'nlse friend; beware of treachery and exercise great caution in all business transactions. Six of hearts A generous but tricky I t r son who will seek to entrap you. Five of hearts A bright and happy change; unfounded Jealousy; fond of excitement. Four of hearts A stubborn person not easily won. Three of hearts Prepare to change for the better, but be careful lest your own imprudence cause you much sor row. Two of hearts Expect good news In a letter; be discreet in all that you do. DIAMONDS. Ace of diamonds A letter and good news. King of diamonds A handsome and . -upright man; a good card. Queen of diamonds A lovable wo-riiu-n who is fond of good company and who Is usually very agreeable and en tertaining herself. Knave of diamonds A near relative who considers only his own Interests. Ten of diamonds This card usually signifies ten pieces of money. When attended by favorable cards it means a bright change and improved financial conditions. Nine .of diamonds A person who is fond of water. You are likely to short ly go on a journey. Kight of diamonds A second mar 1-luge late In life. Seven of diamonds This Is In most instances an evil card. Friends are speaking evil of you. Six of diamonds Loss of wife or hus band early In life, Five of diamonds Here's a jolly lit tle card. It means unexpected riches, good news and much hnpplness. Four of diamonds Beware of your friends; tell them no secrets. Three of diamonds Look well to your domestic affairs, and guard your con duct well, lor a divorce suit Is threat envd. Two of diamonds An engagement v hleh you should not keep. This np plles both to business and love. Re member this well. CLUBS. Ace of clubs Something new and liuppiness King of clubs An affectionate man; an unrelenting enemy. Study well the attending cards. Queen of clubs A treacherous wo man. whose terrible temper and fierce jealousy are sure to cause untold trouble. If offset by hearts, the outlook Is not so bad, Knave of clubs A hasty friend who Is thinking of you Ten of clubu Unexpected riches and marriage, lull have nothing to fear from this card. Nine of clubs Do as your own mind suggests. Take no advice from others, Eight of clubs Use caution in busi ness transactions. Seven of clubs Itlng at the bell, When this card lies between court curds beware of the opposite sex Six of clubs Bad news. Use care in all new business ventures. Five of clubs An unfavorable mar riage; guard yourself against trickery and deception. Fotrr of clubs Tbu" cartnoF exercise too much cure in money dealings; de fer hnpoitunt correspondence on this day. Three of clubs A pair of new shoes; also innrriace, Two of clubs This little card of two spots signifies a great deal. It means disappointment and a lot of other ex tremely disagreeable things. SPADKH. Ace of spades Misfortune, unhappi- iirs: spite, King of spades A handsome, ambi tious and unscrupulous man. who will allow nothing to stand between him and the accomplishment of his designs, Queen of spades A bad-tempered nd melancholy woinun, whom It is not safe to trust. Knave of spades A man who drinks to excess and one who Is not to be trusted; also a dark person Is thinking t.f you. Ten of spades This is an exceedingly tinpropltlous card. It portends un happiness, Imprisonment and grief. Nina of spades Misfortune will be followed by happiness and-good luck, Eight of spades If you are cautious In your business transactions success wilt attend all your ventures. '. Seven of spades Look out for this card. It means the loss of a dear friend and trouble. Six of spades Wealth through in dustry. Five of spades Correct your bad temper. , Four of spades Sickness end ells aster. This Is never a good card, and . Svoo to the one to whom it falls, - Three of spades A Journey across the water; a lucky card. Two of spades Bo good and you will be happy; also a removal This concludes tho list of slgnine. lions. HOW TO USE THE CARDS. !' Now take a pack of cards and shuffle It threft times. Cut them three times. Then face the cuts and seo what the curds mean. Select a king or queen according your sex and the color of your eyes, to represent yourself. If your eyes are light choose a light cord If dark then take a card of the op posite suit. Plat the card represent ing yourself In the center of a table. nd shuffle the remaining cards. J nen take three cards from the remainder of the pack and lay them to one side. Then take the next or fourth card of the table or near the one representing out-self, but always at the righthand corner. Now take the Dark and repeat the operation, putting the second fourth ard at the left-hand corner 01 tne lauie or an equal distance from your own, just aa you did with the first fourth ard. Follow this method until ine four corners are covered. Always be gin at the righthand corner, and al ways lay down the fourth card, it an ace or the nine of hearts turns up at the righthand corner you are sure to have a lucky week and lots of happi ness. If the nine of spades makes its appearance then beware, for you will meet with speedly disappointment. Now take three cards from what re mains of the pack and put them on the card representing yourself. In start ing to read your fortune take these cards off first. Do not do so, however, until you have made a wish, and have chosen the color you desire. Take the ards up slowly and carefully, consult- ng the guide all the while. If you have chosen a light color and the cards of that suit predomniate, you will get your wish. If the dark curds are In ex- ess, you will certainly be disappoint ed. Out of the remaining cards draw six. Wish on them. If more light ards than dark ones prevail, you will get your wish. You can bank on this. In rending the cards you must, or ourse, do no Intelligently. A little practice will soon make you proficient. Should a card fall at vour feet or toward you while engaged In shuttling hem, whatever It signifies Is applicable to your future. This is not generally known, and tt Is really worth while re membering. Little things count In tho long run. TUB GYPSY'S SKCR.KT. The Gypsy Queen's Secret Is a very valuable thing for card readers to know. It Is better than all the para graphs and oujuhs that were ever In vented. You have only to try It to find this out for yourself. In this method of Uvlnation the nee Is the ruling card. The single spots are of paramount Im portance. Always fhuiilo the cards well. Poor shuffling Is always product ive of unsatisfactory results. Bear this well In mind. In order to work out the famous Gypsy Queen's Secret, you begin at the left-hand corner, ami not at the right. Alter liming carefully shuffled the cards, run the puck out by placing a nrd on each of four corners. Keep this up In regular order until the Inst ard has been laid on the table. Now up the first little pile of cards. Take off card after card until you come to an ace. Then lay the cards you have lifted "off to one side. Take up the second or upper left-hand corner pile and place upon the ace and other ards you ore holding In your hand. Do not put them underneath, but right on top and against the ace. Now lift off the upper cards until you come to an ace. Lay the lifted cards to one side, just as you did before. Sometimes it so happens that the top card of one of the little piles Is an ace. In that case simply place them on top of those you already hold in your hand and go on to the next pile. When you have gone through all four piles, distribute them again, this time Into only three little packs, and not touching those cards you previously laid aside. Go through the same pro cess of card shedding, stopping only when you have come to an ace. Hav ing done this, you distribute them again, this time Into two little packs. It Is, of course, supposed that you have made your wish before beginning. The object of all this card piling in little packs and card shedding is to In the end bring all the aces of the pack to gether. If you succeed In doing this your wish will positively come true. You can almost wager your life on this. If you don't believe It Just try the ex periment. After having distributed the cards for the third time,- and having gone through the final process of card shed ding, you will find that the cards have resolved themselves Into one very small heap. Now to determine whether your wish will come true. If, as stated, only aces remain, nothing can keep you from getting your wish. If the wish card (the nine of hearts) is In the pile, you are reasonably certain of getting that which you desire. Should two dnrk cards be numbered among those that remain, you will not get your wish. tou can depend upon this. It s bound to be so. The significance of other cards that may remain can be determined by referring to the guide. An easy way to tell your fortune Is to lay the cards In rows of seven. Then read them from left to right. Their position sometimes changes their rela tive meaning. But this may all be learned by constant practice. Another way is to place the card representing yourself on the table and range the others around it In such a way as to form a triangle. Head from your card up, down and across. If there are many picture curds near your own you may accept the forecast In Its brightest sense. Comimny. good friends and so cial und financial Improvement are gen erally augureu uy these cards. whiskers i KOM tiii: si:a. And Long drown Hair That Is .Made from the Samo Material. There Is a marvelous marine growth called sertulnria which has tit appear ance of a delicate bush, although Its slender stalks or fibres are built up by thousands of minute animals, some thing as the coral polyp builds up coral. It is found in clumps and bunches on wreckage and stones and elsewhere. and sometimes It is torn loonrn storms" und driven ashore. The many thous ands of tiny creatures which have built it up and inhabit it die, and the dead bush Is called u skeleton. Its fibres shrink some now, and so they are even liner than they were. They mny be a foot in length; sometimes nearly two l'eet. They are brown, some bunches being dark and some nf a lighter shade. As the children of the carpenter adorn themselves with shavings from their father's work bench, so do the children of the fishermen with the ser tulurlu cast up from the sea. Its libres ure pretty nearly straight, so they can not be made to serve us ringlets, as cur ly shavings do, but the girls take the longer, liner bunches which are usually ine ngnier in snaae, ana make or them long brown tresses. The boys make great moustaches of the sertularla, and flowing Dundreary whiskers and sober beards. In wandering along the shore one might come upon a stranded boat hauled high above the tide and with her side stove In, perhaps, so that she would not lloat, but occupied by a dreaming youth in sertularla beard and moustaches, who Imagined her a gal lant ship and himself her bearded torn mande.". New York Huu. TIIK DIVORCE ft VI I. Soma of the Onuses Widen Account for the Present Tendencies. The extent to which the marriage re latlon Is falling Into contempt with a certain class of people In this metro polls Is Illustrated by. the fact that In one day recently thirty divorce cases became before one of the city courts. In a majority of the eaxep brought to hciubi inaj tne wives were tne com plainunts, and the evidence In each went to show that the husband had been unfaithful. But it wan also ap parent that in a majority of instances the meninges had been hasty and In considerate, and without- any motive of affection, says a writer in Leslie's Weekly. . It is Inevitable that tn such 'cases wedlock should prove , an uncertain venture, resulting as a i)ule, In discon tent and misery, but this fact hardly affords a Justification for the ostenta tious display of the mutual unrest and disappointment In spectacular proceed ings for divorce. It may be unreason able to Insist that parties who !nli matrimony without any proper re gard for Its responsibilities, or any real Appreciation of the considerations which should alone Inspire it, shall bear the penalties which they rashly incur; but It is certainly consistent with jus tice and In harmony with sound morals that they should refrain from obtrud ing their Infelicities, often amounting to scandalous deformities of life upon the public notice. As to the best and most effective methods of arresting the growing ten dencies to divorce, illustrated by the fact that while in 1S79 there was in this country one divorce for every 3,517 marriages, the proportion ten years later was one to 2.051, there Is a great difference of opinion. Moral Influence must be chiefly relied upon to check the evil, but something could be done In the same direction by a more vigor ous and literal enforcement of existing laws. Some of our courts are not only ex ceedingly lax in their Interpretation of the sanctities of the marriage relation, finding excuses for its dissolution in the most trilling causes, but they so mini mize the penalties of the law as to de prive them of all their deterrent force. Another influence which contributes to the ease and frequency of divorces Is the Incongruity of the laws of the var ious states. A federal law making the causes and penalties of divorce the same in all our states and territories would put an end to a large proportion of the scandals which now find their way Into the public prints, and help to reestab lish In the public mind the obligatory character of the marriage tie.- KIDDY'S CHARMED LIFE. A Hen's Exciting Hide on Ice Cakes in the .Maine freshet- From the Lewiston Daily Journal. One of the most exciting things that occurred recently was the going over the falls of a hen on a cake of Ice. Prob ably 3.000 people saw the hen in Auburn and Lewiston. It was in the forenoon and the Ice was running In large cakes over the falls. As one cake approached the dam a liv ing object was seen moving on It. Home one cried out that it was a buby, others that It was a dog. When it sped, eddy ing and turning, by Little Island, those on the Auburn endof the Maine Central railroad bridge thought that they dis cerned a hen sitting on the Ice," and us It drew nenrer It proved to be one. She was taking It easily and seemed rather to enjoy life. As the cake un which she sat went over the first undulation of the west end of the dam she cast her weather eye up at the folks on the pier as much as to say: "Why don't you folks come and take a ride with me?" "That hen Is a goner!" said one who saw the cake of ice strike another and go to pieces in the rips below the falls. But Biddy culmly fluttered over onto the bigger piece and rode on. A great crowd came rushing down to see her fate in the thrashing caldron of West Pitch. "Now she's as good as dead," and It did seem to worry her. for when the enke of lee rode up over the top ofthe Old Gentleman of the Falls and plunged downward into the mass of flying spray and foam the hen gave a surprised sort of call and spread out her short wings and flew cackling over the dashing waters and seething foam, out and down Into the eddy below the falls. where she lit on the nearest Ice cake and sailed calmly on. Right under the Grand Trunk bridge, says, Mr. Nelson A. Dodge, of Whipple street, she lost her footing on the cake she was on and got Into the water, but she fluttered and floundered on to another cake, and in a minute or two disappeared below the Island. "That hen will live." said the man who saw it go over the falls. "If she doesn't go near enough to the Bhore to get off she will be picked up at sea by some passing vessel." BICYCLE NEWS AND GOSSIP. Harold Bunting Is riding a new "Win- ton." Louis Bunnell has purchased a new Victor." Major Everett Warren Is enjoying the sport on a " '9ti" Columbia. Blttenbender & Co. have Just received a large shipment cf "Yellow Fellows." The "contrast ' tamlem team. Qarney and Hitchcock, will go into training soon. v atcn em. Attend the "cinder path mcetimr at Carbondale on Friday evening. All wheel men invited. Frank Beavers, the popular drug clerk at Phelps' drug store, hus purchased a 28-Inch frame Spalding. The frame is enameled In maroon and Is a beauty. The carbondale wheelmen received a $200 subscription yesterday as a starter for the "cinder path." If everybody Inter ested does a little the path will be a "sure thing." About twent-flve members of the Scran ton Bicycle club followed Captain Lucas on a club run to Olyphant on Sunday af ternoon last, two or tne ooys became tangled In "ruts" along the boulevard and were compelled to walk In from Dick son. Some of the West Side Wheelmen are considering the advisubility of organiz ing a bicycle elub in that section of the city. We see no reason why a club would not be a success in that locality. There are plenty of wheelmen there, most of whom nro enterprising young men who generall push with vigor anything they undertake. The good condition of the roads lust Sunday brought out hundreds of riders. The favorite route, as usual, whs up the vnlley to Carbondale. One continuous stream of humanity on wheels passed buck and forth along the main road all afternoon. Many Hcrunton wheelmen rode to Carbondale, Olyphant or Peck ville and many wheelmen from those places could be seen on our main .thor oughfares. The Spalding-Bldwell bicycle carriage Is a very unique affair. C. M. Florey, the bi cycle dealer, la the local agent. The ma chine attracts much attentloji-On.-lhe street." "It Is a three wheel affair with an ordinary bicycle saddle midway between the rear axle and the front wheel for the operator. A carriage seat Is built direct ly over the rear axle, between the rear wheels capable of carrying two people. It Is a ease where a "back seat" is prefer able. The Carbondale wheel.nen are pushing the "cinder path" for ail they are worth. A meeting to which all wheelmen are cor d'nlly Invited, will be held In the club house of the Carbondale Cycle club, Car bondale, on Friday evening. A delega tion from the Ureen Kldge wheelmen will go from this city. Delegations from Oly phant, Peckvillu and ull the towns along tho .proposed route will attend. A full at tendance is desired us complete figures, plans, etc., will be ready. C. LI FLOREY PREPARING RUBBER TIRES Description of an Interesting Depart ment of Bicycle-Making. MASSIVE MACHINERY REQUIRED To Establish a Plant Capable of Produc ing 400 Tires a Day Necessitates aa Investment of More Than Thirty Thousand Dollars. From the Peoria Journal. The rubber tires on a bicycle are probably the most Important part of the silent, steel steed. There Is no part of a bicycle, unless It be the bearings, on which such care is expended or which It Is more Important should be as perfect as mechanical skill can make them. Only a wheelman who has had a tire collapse with him on a hot day Ave miles beyond the end of the street car line, can denounce In fitting and appro priate words the spurious goods of the manufacturer of inferior rubber tires. There have been bicycle factories in Teorla for years, but until within the past few weeks rubber tires were not made In this city. Now. the new bi cycle factory in Itlchwoods township has Installed a big rubber plant and AW tires a day will be turned out by the workmen in charge. The process of preparing rubber tires Is an Interesting one and i-ontalns many surprises for the uninitiated. It is a rather startling statement yet none the less true that the Peoria factory was obliged to place machinery in their rub ber department as big and massive, re quiring as much power and resembling In many ways the massive machinery of a steel rail mill. The machinery is attached directly to the main power shaft of the manufactory and the big gest machine a calendar cost some thing like $7,500 while the smallest was purchased for J.W0. The rubber from the time It enters the factory until It assumes the shape of a completed rub ber bicycle tire passes through no less than ten different pairs of hands. A rubber plant with a capacity equal to the Peoria plnnt cannot be constructed fur less than $30,000. ' RUBBER HAMS. Possibly a description of the process from til's t to lust would not be without Interest. As Is well known the crude material is secured from the rubber tree or rubber plant native in tropical countries, large quantities being ob tained in South America. The gum or sap is taken from the trees by natives at the auspicious season. When the gum starts to run' it looks not unlike milk and the natives catch it on a stlcK. A slow fire Is bunded, the seed or a tropical plant being used for fuel. The fire thickens the gum as It is turned and twisted on the stick and makes It of a consistency easy to handle. The crude gum is In chunks now and Is taken to the seaboard for shipment to the markets. It may be said right here that the ex act output is known every year and Is bought un by a single country, the others being obliged to pay the price demanded. Millions of dollars have been made handling rubber and there Is still millions In it. The natives are eareless in obtaining the gum and kill many of the trees and as a consequence the supply grows more limited each year. The Peoria factory gets its supply of raw material through the Boston and New York brokers. The stuff Is now selling for 84 cents per pound. As it arrives In the factory It Is In the shape of what is called "rubber nams and they look not unlike a ham cut tn two. The crude rubber smells not un like old and decaying smoked meat. As soon as the rubber is received It is put Into cleansing vat. Here It Is thorough ly soaked and steamed to remove lm purities. THE CRUSHING MILL. It Is next taken to a crushing mill. This mill can be beBt described by com paring it to a clothes wringer, except that the rollers are about ten Inches in diameter of steel and Instead of being pronelled by the brawny arm of a washerwoman are driven with llleslstl ble force bv steam power. The rollers are not one above the other, but side to side and one is smooth, while the surface of the other Is corrugated like the surface of a washboard. The com parison to washing utensils of this ma chine is not at all Inapt as the process is one of ' washing and cleaning, a stream of water flowing down Into the rolls during the process. When the rubber comes from this mill It is ns dry as cork and looks not at all unlike great sheets of dark brown bark, although not possessing brittle qualities. It goes upstairs now and is kept in a store room of regular temper ature. For three or lour weens it re mains in this ropm drying out and cur ing. It next comes back to another big mill. This mill Is similar In appear ance to the one described, except that both rollers are of polished steel and as smooth ns tempered steel can be made. These rollers are hollow and are so ar ranged that either hot or cold water may he Introduced Into them to keep tht Ir temperature normal. It Is during the process of crushing in this mill that sulphur and other elements are ground Into the stock to cure it. This is gen erally what Is called compounding the rubber, but the bicycle tire made In Peoria Is not a compounded one, so that this part of the process and Intro tluctton of sulphur and other elements FOR A NEW BICYCLE or the repair of a Wheel, see E. R. PARKER, Who hi the lonceit experience In this line ol any men In the city. Vuu will save mnitcv by following this advice. 321 ti'ktCh tr. 9. SCRflNTON, PENNfl. JIl iiii is carried only to the extent of curlna the trude stock. I Would be difficult In.Wrl tn Imir. Ine the resistance offered bv this crude rubber stock that eoea Into thn mill ithout seeing it- a i,Lmu -.. square In being crushed will check the rvvuiuiions oi a iw-norse-power en cine. Whptt n mill la K-( .irf.l ua rollers have hot water forced Into them vi neat mem. out in a short time the friction of the rubber is so great that ine not water is substituted by cold. This watching of the temperature of the rollers Is neoeaniirv na tn aiinw tKa rubber to go Into the mills without any care or supervision would cause the rollers to burst and the mill to be ruined. LIKE A BIG SAUSAGE, When this crushing process in fin ished all the fibre in the rubber hna disappeared and It is of a dark brown. shiny appearance. Its consistency is about that of a piece cf chewing gum which a high school girl rftis thorough masticated, although hardly as soft as tnat tne gum. not the girL It Is In the shape of a roll and looks not unlike a great big bologna sausage, although of a much darker brown. Its elasticity now becomes apparent, and If you pull a little piece away from the roll It will snap back when released from the fin gers. Another peculiarity of the rub ber at this stage Is that It will heal Itself if a cut or wound 13 made In it. the knife hardly being withdrawn be fore the cut has disappeared. the rubber is a lowed to stand strain for some hours to become more thor oughly dried. Next It Is taken out and run through a mill the rollers of which are hot. though not hot enough to burn the stock. The rubber is now warmed up and easily worked. Now It goes to the calendar. This la the biggest and most expensive ma chine in the rubber plant. The crude stock Is crushed by Immense nressure Into a great thin sheet which goes over the bis rollers of the culendar time und again. The calendar, like the other nuns, can be described by its compari son with the clothcswringer, only that its rollers are nearly two feet in diam eter, and so arranged that either hot or cold water can be forced Into them to change the temperature. v hen the rubber conies from the cal ender it Is cut In strips about two and one-half inches wide by knives on the sides of the rollers of the calendar. It Is still In a crude state and if the thin sheets were allowed to come In contact one with another they would stick to gether. To obviate this trouble the thin rubber is wound In a roll with can vas b-'tween each two strips. bo tar the process has been solely one of preparing the crude rubber, but now the muteriul begins to assume the shape of a tire. A steel bar equal In diameter to that of a bicycle tire is used and the rubber strip shaped about It and cemented on with rubber cement. FINISHING TOUCHES. It next goes to the machine which covers the rubber Inside tube. This machine Is the most Interesting to watch and at the same time the most difficult to describe. The rubber tire it must be remembered is stretched over a steel pole and covered with cement. The machine to which It goes Is for the purpose of wearing a linen coat over the rubber. The steel pole Is set on a hanger in the middle of the machine The machine has a circular rim like carriage about eight feet In dlametr of steel and about four Inches aoro. On this rim are mounted something n Ke ninety-six Dig spools in pairs Wound on these spools are strands of the strongest kind of linen cord, each strand containing nine distinct pieces of the cord. The ends are taken from LARGEST DEALERS OF Not one High Grade called the "Best on Earth," but eight Leading, Well-Known and Popular Machines. Every one guar, anteed against breakage by accident or otherwise. OUR LEADERS: ST E A R N S Tha Yellow Fellow. SYRACUSE-Crimson Rim. BARN ESHAfliite Flyer. PEERLESS Blue Bird. Also a large complete line of Medium department, under the management of command your attention. 1 sales agents: W. EI. BITTEN BEN DER. WILLIS A. KEMMERER. Arrangements Bicvcle Parlors. BITTEN BENDER & GO the spools to the renter of the rim where the tire has been placed, then the machine started. The lroa rim re volves round and round the pairs of spools, each in an opposite direction The result is to weave on the crude rubber tire a hard, firm coat, yet one tnat is not so rigid as to ehect Its usefulness. The tire now has another coat of rub ber placed over the woven linen coat and the nipple for Inflating it Is now placed In position. The joint maklna what has been a straight hollow tube a circular tire Is carefully made and the whole goes down stairs again. Here the tire is Inflated and put Into an Iron mold made for the purpose. The iron mold is placed in big hydraulio presses. The tire Is here subjected to both Immense pressure and heat. This is the process of vulcanising. All along the rubber has been of a dark brown or chocolate color, but when It comes from the vulcanlier It Is black and like It Is seen on the completed bicycle. All that remains to be done Is to mount the tire on the wheel and test It. A square yard of the rubber that is put into bicycle tires Is worth about a dollar, and the ugly, fcul-smelling stuff that arrives at the factory from tropi cal lands Is also expensive, a handful of the crude stuff, or a pound and a quarter, being worth a dollar. WHAT nittOMKSOF OLD WUEELS. Once True and Stanch friends Now Gone to Pieces. Have yon ever wondered what has become of the thousands of old solid tire wheels that were in such universal use before pneumatics revolutionised things? A Star reporter put the ques tion to a dealer the other day. "A few were converted Into pneumatics and cushions and are still on the streets." he said, "and some were taken by the dealers as part payment on new ma chines, and are still stowed away In their shops, there being no sale for solid tires. The second-hand dealers and repairers bought a great many of them un, dissected them, so to speak, and are now utilising the parts in re pair work. The balls, hubs, spokes, cones, axles, bolts and nuts are all useful, and at the last the old frames and rims can be broken up and sold aa scrap iron. Some have gone to the country, and Josh Hayseed may be seen complacently pedaling down to the mill for a bag of corn. Machinists use them for making models, occasionally a TlllkVl-Cnrf U'lll ho BOan mmmtA.l sin . - ..... - -- ...wu.... vi, n y rusty old wheels, and even the boys on me runi lane me small wneels ror the making or express wagons. And the balnnce. t ttitmnao vnt.'ii m stowed away In the cellars and wood- sneas or tneir possessors, once true and stanch friends, they are now of no use in the world. Abandoned to cobwebs and ashes, with no company but rats and mice, they dream away their few remaining days. Once again they stand in full suit of glittering nickel, admired, caressed and praised by. all beholders; again they are on the road, bearing their masters In safety down long rough hills and through sand and mud. Once again they see the smooth, hard track, respond to the efforts of the riders as they throw every ounce of effort Into the last sprint, and hear the shouts of the excited-crowds as they whis across the tane. Abadoned and aolne, eating out their hearts with rust, thev eraduallv dmn tn nlaMi tnn n..i - - - -.J ,wv VUU of their vanished prestige to give one luuuKiii. 01 envy 10 me modern pneu matic." Toeing the Mark. Yabsley-"Well, did you make Bmlthers tna tVia niimlr na t 1 ..... w um mam, yuu fm yuil WUUIU f Mudffe "Er-yes. I wai the mark.' Indianapolis Journal. IN FALCON -Gold Crank. FENTONBIub Crown. AM E R I C A Truss Frami PHCENIX-lt Stands tho Racket. BE 1 Display Parlors, 3 1 UlAlrtiY AreiHartiv ... viawit7, Wyoming can be made for private instructions at our IIUr.1DEQS Maaafaetand by HUMBER & CO., The Larrat and Wealthlat OeaearaW w Etna In Mw - orld. naattar v Three In England, une in kushu. One in France. One in Portugal One in Mas. WE SELL THEM. JfjWjtcti TaU Space ler List at Hiua- a F Uadca Street. Op. Ceart Hmm. WB ALSO HAVE LU-MI-NUMS AND UNIONS. ITS A fLVH ana tht velocity of wind, ateaai aat wings are suggested ay his progress. vatlon In means of travel since the Intro 4T 1 m wmnwuTi, ana we are lit .,w in 7 W ilh uh ceoeimcuoa ana Biesna of propulsion. Healthy-minded people are thoaa waa commend and practice Its use. To such we need hardly say. Tour Mey tie should be the latest and test Call and examine ours before buying. . J.D.WL11S.BR0. 3IUND 314 UCUWMM IVE. 434 Lackawaaaa Arenas, Wlnton Bicydet an guar anteed. "The Wlnton It a Winner." The tisat CoaaaeU Co THE CITY. Grades. Our repair D. J. Slowe, should I. 31 Spruce St. 205-207 DS-20T Avenue, Top Floor. CHASE Hi 'i "1