The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Only rounded spoonfuls are required not
lorrman & Lloon
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Old Solid Comfort to have one encircled
around your neck, we are giving
tnem to our patron.
Sot Penn Ave.
I. .8 . JSii
The most com
pletfl stock of
Special Patterns
made strictly
private to as for
Join the Blues and eat Turkey.
The social at the Young Women's Chris
tlan association rooms last night took tne
lorm oi a inimDie tea.
Ground has been broken on North Wash
ington avenue, Qreen Rid (re, for a new
home for Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dlmmlnck.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern Railroad company is about to erect
nanasome new uepot at ciarKS summit,
The Keith-Herbert musicals at Young
Men's Christian association hall Thurs
day evening promises to be ono of the
musical events oi tne season.
The old Whvte's hotel orooerty on
Franklin avenue was sold to Blttenbender
& Co., yesterday morning. It is not defi
nitely .settled as to what uses it will be
put, .
Complaint was made at the mayor's of
fice yesterday of the "keep off the grass"
wires stretched along the sidewalks in
front of a number of Wyoming avenue
In the suit of Daniel Williams against
the Scranton Stove works for 1195, money
alleged to be due as a balance on a con
tract, a verdict for the defendant was
rendered yesterday by the jury,
The first appointment made by Mayor
Bailey since taking his office was given
out yesterday. W. H. Williams, special of
ficer at the Delaware, Lackawanna and
western uepot, naa ma commission rt
A characteristic letter from C. E. Whit,
tiey, the well-known versatile Susquehan
na Journalist, appears In another colunm
today. Whit's orlgnal communications
win oe among Tne Tribune many pleas
Ins; features In future.
Otto Rosenkrani, of Mill City, and Lli-
sie rrer, oi miiwauKie, tne rormer agea
'8 and the latter 16, were married yester
day by Alderman Fuller. The Broom was
accompanied by bis father and the bride
oy ner moiner.
. Street Commissioner tflnnW hail hi.
(men out last night giving the central city
eireei. mair nrsi uatn lor tne summer,
lie had decided to use the flushlnir system.
for the present at least, on the business
thoroughfares, reserving the sweeping
yroces. iu mo resilience streets.
jsew contnoutions, to the Foundling
Home fund are as follows: John Collins,
- V; Patrick F. Casey, $1; Edward Bowe,
Ifi: 'Vincent Larklns. Hazleton IK; Ril-
ward W. Hawley, $2; John M. Murphy, 12;
Mrs. Florence SIcCarthy, $5; Michael B.
ODonnoll, $3; James Jolce, $1; Timothy
Costello, Si; Miles Cawley, 11; Thomas
Murphy, 11; a friend, $2; John Mooney, $1;
3. J. Scanlon, 1; T. F. Gllmartln, il; total,
133; previously acknowledged, 12,201; grand
Attorneys Henry W. Mulhnllnnrt nn,1
James K. Watklns were appointed com
missioners yesterday and Attorney M. J.
McAndrew was appointed stenographer
oy in. coun in ine contested elections
of M. F. Fadden, John J. Altken, James
Co villi and Fred Rles. of thn fWnn.l uro
of the borough of Dickson City. The court
airecis tnai tne commissioners shall be'
In within ten days and end within thir.
ty days thereafter. The voters who have
been specified as Illegal will have to come
before the commissioners and prove their
ngni to. vote.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
ttay by Clerk of the Courts John H. Thorn
bo td Daniel Ross and Mamie Stark, New
ton; Michael Rebln and Anna Tedersa
jsarDenown, uia v orRe; utto KOSenkranx,
of Mill City, and Lizzie Parker, of Mil.
waukle; Patrick J. Cawley and Bridget
McHalo, Olyphant; Andrew H. Kane,
Scranton. and Anna B. Btlne, Moscow:
Thomas J. Harris, of Olyphant, and (Mar
garet Roderick, of Scranton; James Ruane
and Sarah Healey, Scranton; Albert Bur
nett, of Taylor, and 'Mary Cornelius, of
Scranton; William C. Edwards and Maude
Churchill, Scranton; Henry E. Moss and
Rushla Swingle, Scranton: Edward Robin-
won ana unuget jtegan, ocranton.
I'MnsssI Darcalna lit Oriental Bn.a.
Tnla Ik the last week of our special
ale. of Oriental rues. Call at 121 Wuh.
facton tivenue, and Bet a rue; at half
wm raw price, .we like to sell no matter
H peiow coot.
. , v Mlchaellan Bros. Y Co,
Dr. Bhimberer, tne optician, hag re.
knoved from 806 to 438 BDruce street on.
poslte Commonwealth building. Look
Tor the Ium anaotanl aim.
' MisaMoLaj la now In Utf new atort,
an ,wumagvom avenue
"Pure and Sure."
Meeting of the Lackawanna Presby
terian Foreign Missionary Society.
Officers for the Year Will bo Chosen and
New Committees Appointed-Addresses
by Mrs. G. F. Dale.
Missionary to Syria.
The Women's Foreign Missionary so-
clety of the Lackawanna presbytery of
the Scranton district began lis eign-
teenth annual convention yesterday af
ternoon In the Providence Presbyterian
church. The meeting continued during
the evening and will re-convene in tne
church this morning.
It had been Intended yesterday to
elect a delegate to the board meeting.
but the session lasted until too late
an hour and the election was deferred
until this morning, as was the appoint
ment of committees. The meetings
were open to the public and were at
tended by falr-slxed audiences.
A devotional service led by Mrs. A.
W. Welles, the presbyterlal president.
opened the morning session. After the
roll call and response of delegates, Mrs.
T. 8. Morgan, the recording secretary,
read the minutes of the last meeting,
and Miss Dickson, of this city, made
her report as corresponding secretary.
The report of the treasurer, Mrs.
Raynor, of Carbondale. Indicated that
the society had not contributed ns much
toward the church s foreign mission as
It did last year.
Two reports, .each a compilation of
the work and condition of half of the
auxiliaries of the Boclety were read.
Mrs. N. P. Osterhout, of the North
End, read a paper on "What the Mis
sionary Is, and What the Missionary
Should Be." It was a very capable and
helpful effort'
Mrs. Charles E. Robinson read a let
ter from Rev. Charles Werner, who left
this country last year, accompanied by
Joseph Phlpps, colored, for the mission
ary field In Africa. Phlpps was a Res
cue mission convert and a protege of
the Second Presbyterian church and its
pastor, Rev. Dr.- Robinson. He was as
signed to work In the interior several
hundred miles from the mouth of the
Zambeeze, and, according to Mr. Wer
ner's letter, has met with great suc
Mrs. Gerald F. Dale, a returned mis
slonary to Syria, talked briefly but en-
ertainir.fiy oi mission work in that
The evening session was a non-busi
ness meeting over which Rev. George E.
uuua, pastor oi tne church, nresidprl.
After a service of prayer, scripture
reading and song. Mrs. DaJe.whn in iked
at the afternoon meeting, gave another
auaresa on ynan religious customs,
Monammeflism, and paid esoecial at
tention to the Presbyterian missionary
work. Her subject matter tpmlerl tn
give the audience a very comprehensive
iaea or me aims ana accomplishments
ox tne missions in tne Syrian field.
sne remarked UDon the excommunl
cation, boycotting and persecution of
Christian natives by the government
officials and Moslem priests. Hundreds
espoused the Christian faith but kept
it secret except in cases near the pro
tectlon of mission stations. The con'
verts were generally conscientious and
earnest, two qualities which the faith of
Mohammed did not encourage nor de
Mrs. Dale made a general reference
to the Presbyterian educational sys
tem which includes day and industrial
schools and colleges for both sexes.
The work has progressed so well that
the teachers graduated from the higher
schools are sought after by the English
missions which have no educational
system, and are located In stations
scattered throughout Palestine.
She said little difficulty was exper
ienced In holding the converts stead
fast, as the Christian belief gives them
great inducements In Its promises.
beauty and fulfillment, three things al
most undreamed of by -a Moslem. The
converts were also attracted by the
patience, love and ministrations of the
Christian missionaries which also was
something different from the cruelty of
the religion of the country, a religion
of fanaticism, blasphemous worship,
watch crys and prayer towers.
. The missionary heroes and heroines
are native converts located at Isolated
stations in the Interior where months
go by without the appearance of mall
or a stranger.
Before adjournment a collection was
made for the printing and contingent
Following Will be this morning's pro
gramme, whlchrwlll include the election
of officers and a delegate to the board
meeting and the appointment of com
mittees: Devotional meeting, led by Mrs. Frisble.
Presbyterian report.
. Report of missionary literature.
Report of letter from Presbyterlal mis
sionary Report of one half of bands.
Duet, Misses Catherine and Lizzie Ga
briel. Report of one half of bands.
Paper, Mrs. Charles Lee.
Reading, selected.
Report of committees.
Election of officers.
Closing hymn.
Mayor Bailey Familiarizing Urmself with
That Department.
Mayor Bailey spent the greater part
of yesterday afternoon familiarising
himself with the board of health regu
lations and the routine of work in that
department. All the members of the
hoard, with the exception of Colonel E.
H. Ripple, who was out of town, met
with the mayor In Secretary Brlggs' of
fice and discussed the affairs of the
board and advised together on plans
for the coming year,
The newspaper men were assured
that neither appointments nor any oth
er matter of a political nature was In
troduced into the meeting.
Retail Liquor Dealers Held Meeting tn
Ratio's Hall Yesterday.
The Retail Liquor Dealers' associa
tion of this city met In Raub'a hall,
Wyoming- avenue, yesterday afternopn
and elected officers for the coming year
aa follows; President, Thomas Cos
grove, of the West Side; vice president
John J. Flanaghan; treasurer, Charles
Kaestner, of Cedar avenue; financial
secretary, ' August Schlmpff, of the
South Side; recording secretary, W. A.
Rutledge, of Lackawanna avenue. -
State President Patterson and Na
tional Organiser Nolan of the asaocla-
heaping spoonfuls.
tion were notified to come to Scranton
next Tuesday, when the task of organ
ising the West Side. North End. and
bunmore retailers will begin. They
were expected yesterday but could not
Qreen Kldge Bicyclists Uctd an Election
- Last Night.
The following ofllrers were elected at
a meet'ng of the Green Ridge Wheel
yesterday. President. James Garney, Jr.; vice
president. W. M. Finn; secretary and
treasurer, Henry P. Hitchcock; cap
tain, Charles Carr; directors, D. L.
Meirlmnn, T. Flitcroft and K. T. Howe.
The retiring president, William Curr,
addressed the members acknowledging
their help and support during nia reg
ime. A lunch was served aftur the
Ho Will llo Compelled to Answer for the
Murder of John Mickus.
John Grlshka. who was arrested nt
the instance of the coroner's Jury for
tiie murder of John Mickus, near
Tripp's crossing on the night of March
17, was yesterday taken uown irom tne
ctmntv la II and given a preliminary
nettling before Alderman Millar, bo that
he intent be formally charged with tne
County Detective Leyshon represent
ed llio commonwealth and C. H. Soper
appeared for the accused. The evldncs
adduced ut the inquest was In part sub
mitted und it pointed bo Htrongly to
Giishitas' guilt that there was no hesi
tancy on the part of the alderman in
committing him to answer at court.
Onlv three witnesses were heard.
Adum Fein ceder, of Price street, wh.i
was the murdered man's miner; P. M.
Messett. a Btreet car conductor, and
Coroner f. P. Longstreet. Schroeder
testified that Mickus had told him on
the Monday preceding St. Patrick's Day
that his wife threatened that her
brother and Grlshka would kill him,
Conductor Messett told of the incident
on the street car, by which the com
monwealth hopes to prove that! the
murdered man and Grlshka were to
(tether the night of the murder.
About 9.15 o'clock p. m. four men,
either Poles or Hungarlans.boarded the
Luzerne street car, of which Messett
was In charge, and on reaching Seventh
street one of them tendered a $20 bill in
payment for his fare, although he had
a nickel In his hand. The conductor re
fused to change the bill and a wrangle
ensued, which ended In the man giving
over the nickel. He had caused so much
trouble on the car that when the corner
of Main avenue and Jackson street was
reached the conductor called a police
man and had him put off. The other
three rode as far as Washburn street.
where they got off and started back to
wards Jackson street. One of them an
swered the description of Mickus, the
murdered man, and the other, Grlshka,
tallies in many respects with the man
with whom Conductor Messett had the
trouble. (
County Detective Leyshon had MIc
kus put on his cap and stood him up
before Messett The witness said the
cap, which Is light colored and of the
bicycle style, is similar to the cap worn
by the man with whom he had the
trouble. The features he had also seen
before, but he would not say that
Mickus and the passenger in question
were one and the same,
Coroner Longstreet told of how the
body lay when found and showed that
death could not have possibly resulted
from Mickus being struck by a train.
He then described how his notice was
attracted to Grlshka, who was one of
the crowd that gathered on the scene,
and how, after becoming satisfied that
the fellow s suspicious actions would
bear investigation, he called him to him
and discovered blood stains on his over
coat. He also stated that he saw Grlsh
ka attempt to wash oft the stains with
snow after he had been handed over to
the custody of Patrolman Evans.
Mr. Soper asked a number of ques
tions of each witness. The law tre-
vented him from making any argument,
dui ne remarked mat his client was not
guilty ana that he could not be con
It transpired during the hearlne that
Mrs. Mlckus.wife of the murdered man,
gave birth to a child on Easter Satur
Charles Miller waa arrested last eve
ning as being an accessory to the mur
der of John Mickus. At the time of
the coroner s inquest Miller was bus
pected of being implicated in the crime.
'mere was not, however, sufficient evl
dence to hold him. County Detective
Leyshon has since that time gathered
further proof and as a result Miller was
arrested last night, while he waa at
the Lloyd street home of his sister.
Mra John Fickus, wife of the murdered
Lieutenant Spellman and John Jones
of Jackson street, assisted in making
the arrest. Miller vaa taken to the
West Side police station, where he
spent the night. To a Tribune renort
er he denied any knowledge of the mur
der. He was home at the time of the
discovery. He is a middle-aged man,
Ono of the chief causes which led to
Miller's arreBt was the threat made to
Mickus by his wife that her brother,
Killer, and Grlshka would kill him,
which threat he repeated to his miner,
Adam Schroeder, on the Monday pre
ceding tne murder.
Margaret Mather returned to a Scran
ton audience last night after an absence
or several years, as junct, in shake
speare's "Romeo ond Juliet." Miss
Mather Is not an Ideal Juliet In appear.
ance, cut ror mat mntter Adelaide Nell
son, the greatest Juliet who ever trod
the boards, was not, neither were her
greatest successors In that role. Some one
has said that no woman can truly portray
Juliet as Shakespeare created her, the
very embodiment of love and passion, tin
til time has matured her powers and un
fortunately has at least nartlallr de
Btroyed that girlish contour of face and
form that should msrk the Ideal Juliet.
Nevertheless Miss Mather made a very
satisfactory Juliet last night.
She Is somewhat robust In fleure and
voice, yet was more successful Inst night
In the love scenes with Romeo than when
reciting the tragic lines with which the
closing scenes of the tragedy are so richly
studded. When sho was tender, sweet and
loving her voice was vibrant, yet caress
ing, and when alarmed for the safety of
ner nimnanu it was very exprossive and
appealing, in tne tragic scenes ner voici
acquired a harshness that Erated unnlnns
antly on the ear, ond her conception of
that phase of Juliet's character was not
marked by the delicacy that she showed
In the more tranaull scenes.
She waB given good support by Freder
ick Paulding as Romeo; W, S. Hnrt, as
Mercutlo: E. Rrewstcrr aa Paris, and
William Fnrnum, ns Tybalt. The tragedy
was carefully staged and altogether was
enjoyed vy tne large and fashionable a
oiencs present. -r . '
Schultt he putt up prescription!.
wo Brothers tnstaatlj Killed ii tie
Tine Brook Shaft.
Th. Foarth Cas Waa When Accident
Sustained a Week Af o Beanlted la
the Man's Death Last Night
Details of Four Deaths.
Four deaths waa yesterday's record
of fatal accidents. Richard Gaughan
and John Gaughan, brothers, were In
stantly killed in the Pine llrook snait;
James H. Collins was fatally injured
on the Delaware and Hudson tracks in
Green Ridge, and died at the Lacka
wanna hospital, and Steven Kofsky, of
the South Side, died at the Moses Tay
lor hospital, as the result of two frac
tured ribs, sustained a week ago at
the blast furnace.
Richard and John Gaughan worked
together In a chamber on the old Po-
cono vein in the Pine Brook shaft. They
tired a blast about 10 o'clock and went
bock to the face of the chamber as
miners are wont to do after the smoke
clears away, to pee what amount of
coal has been loosened. They were
only a few moments returned when a
slab of roof weighing ten tons fell down
and crushed them to death.
The body of Richard was fearfully
crushed, but that of John was without
any marks, except a small one on the
temple. They were removed to the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Gaughan, on Fourth. Btreet,
Richard was married Ave months ago
to Misa Emily ltornasco. of Stafford
avenue. South Side, and.they lived with
her parents. He had purchased a lot
on that Btreet, and was preparing to
build a home. He was banjo and
violin player of great skill, and was a
young man of good character. He was
31 years old.
John was 20 years old and his mar
riage with Miss Emme Frank, of the
Flats, was announced to take place
within two weeks. He waa also re
spected for his good traits.
Last week their slater, Miss Bridget
Gaughan, was married to Joseph Gow
er, of the South Side. Their deaths
have stricken their mother with Ill
ness and her condition Is serious. Their
father in a miner in the same shaft, and
when the sad news was broken to him
after the bodies had been uncovered
from the weight of rock, he swooned
and lost consciousness for several min
utes. William Gaughan, clerk at Mat
thew Bros'. Btore, was their brother.
The double funeral will ake place
tomorrow morning at o'clock from
the home on Fourth street. High mass
of requiem will be celebrated at St.
Peter's cathedral and Interment will tie
made in Hyde Park cemetery.
On his way to work yesterday after
noon at 5 o'clock James H. Collins, 29
years old, son of Hugh Collins, of
Phelps street, was fatally Injured on
the Delaware and Hudson railroad near
Poplar street, and he died a few hours
later at the Lackawanna hospital. The
deceased waa employed as a wiper at
the Green Ridge round house. A train
of coal cars was passing and In at
tempting to get on he stumbled and fell
beneath the wheels. The left leg was
crushed to a pulp between the ankle
and knee; there was a serious lacerated
wound in the back, and his body was
very badly bruised.. The cause of his
death was the shock which resulted.
Several cars passed over him. He was
taken to the Green Ridge depot on the
train and from there to the hospital in
the ambulance. He did not rally and
died In two hours. Tbe body was re
moved at 9 o'clock' t6 his to his home.
Arrangements for the funeral have not
yet been made.
Steven Kofsky, of Stone avenue, who
was Injured a week ago at the blast
furnace, died last evening at 8 o'clock
at the Moses Taylor hospital. He was
struck In the side by a bar of Iron and
two ribs were broken. Blood poisoning
ensued and resulted fatally. He was
45 years old and leaves a wife and
family. The remains were removed
from the hospital to his late home. Ar
rangements for the funeral have not
yet been made.
Sha Was Bronght Dcforo the Board of
Charities at Its Meeting.
One of the first things the Board of
Associated Charities did at its meeting
last night was to dispose of a little
Impostor whom Mrs. Duggan picked up
on ner way to anend the meeting.
The Impostor is a 10-year-old girl
named Rose UabotchnleK, of Raymond
court, who goes about late at night
selling matches and working on the
sympathies of the people with a story
that if she does not dispose of all her
matches her father will whip her and
send ner to bed without any supper.
In nearly every case the little one
leaves the house or store, as the case
may be, with her stock of matches un
diminished and the price -of the whole
basketfull tucked away in her pocket.
Mra. Duggan had received several in
quiries about her, and upon looking un
her case, discovered that her father
owns a horse and wagon and is In
every way able to support her without
compelling her to go out begging. So
last night when the little match ped
dler accldcntly selected Mrs. Duggan
for a victim she ran iier head "into a
trap. Mr. Kelly, of the child saving
committee, with the authorization of
the board. Bent the girl home in the
custody of a pollce officer with a mes
sage to her father to the effect that If
the child was again caught begging
the board would take steps to have her
removed from his charge.
Rev. Rogers Israel reported that Col
onel Ripple, T. J. Moore and himself,
the committee appointed to consider
tho advisability and feasibility of es.
tabllshlng a Wayfarers' Lodge, had dis
cussed the matter and concluded that
it would not bo advisable to take any
steps in that direction until next fall.
Mr. Sanborn, superintendent of the
Rescue Mission, had expressed will
Ingncss to supervise the contemplated
home in conjunction with hiB mission
work, and it is likely that his offer will
be accepted if tho plan is carried Into
Ex-Mayor Connell's review of that
pnrt of the board of charities work
which came under his direction during
his term of office, which report has been
printed In full In The Tribune, was sub'
mltted to the board last night and or
dered made part of the records. While
the report was under consideration T.
J. Kelly, chairman of the child saving
committee, and Mrs. Duggan, agent of
the hoard, testified to the ex-mayor's
many acts of kindness and his con'
stant readiness to do everything In his
power to aid the board and Its work
Several Instances were cited to show
the deep Interest which he evlne.d In
the work, nnd Mr. Kelly went bo far
as to say that ex-Mayor Connell had
virtually established the board, Mr.
Gibbons provoked' applause with the
remark: "He couldn't help being In
terested In charitable work; he's a Con
nell.", , v, , , ,. ,
The question of securing Helen Beech
Yaw, the calibrated California soprano,
for a' concert In the aid of the fund waa
referred to the committee on enter'
talnmenu; of which J. R. Cohen la
- Mra. tkuggan reported that ahe re
ceives on an average fifteen applica
tions a day. for work from women and
girls, and would like to have parties d '
siring such help to communicate with
her. During the post' two weeks she
reports having investigated forty-one
cases, thirty-one of which wvre found
worthy. Work was found for eight,
transportation furnished six, meals and
lodging furnished four. Two were sent
to hospitals, one to the HnuBe of the
Good Shepherd, two to the Rescue
mission, two to reformatories, and one
child was returned to parents. The
district nurse, MIfs Klesel, reported
having attended seven patients.
bicicleTub addition
Plaas for the Improvement That Usvo
' Been Approved
Plans have been prepared by Archi
tect Edward H. Davis for the large and
commodious addition to the Scranton
Bicycle Club house. The plans have
been aproved and a committee is now
engaged in getting anr estimate of the
cost of the contemplated Improvement.
If the cost Is not excessive the work of
erecting the addition to the club house
will be done this summer.
The size of the present bulldina- ts
32x52 and the addition will be 34x86
giving a building that will extend back
to the court at the rear of the lot. A
sub-basement will be excavated under
the proposed addition which will be a
swimming tank 12x30 feet In size and
the proposed addition in which will be a
shower and other bathing accommoda
tions. In the rear of this will be the
gymnasium and on the south side of
the building provisions are made for a
bowling alley. Along the sides and
ends of the gymnasium and swimming
tank, it is the Intention to run a gal
lery on the level of the present cellar
floor, whore spectators can watch those
in the "gym" and swimming tank. In
this gallery will be located the lockers
for the members. Training quarters
will also be provided In this part of the
building. The partitions, etc., in the
cellar under the present building will
oe cleared out ana the suace converted
Into a wheel room.
The plans contemplate the use of the
first floor of the present building for a
parlor and toilet rooms and the first
iloor of the addition will he used as a
ball room, giving a dancing floor of
33x7(1 or nearly three times the size of
the floor now available for dancing.
The floor of the ball room will be de
pressed several feet below the level of
the present first floor to give greater
hlcht to the ball room. There will be
a gallery for musicians and In the rear
of the ball room will be a stairway
leading to a banquet hall on the second
The second floor of the building as It
now exists will be cut up into three
rooms and used either as card rooms or
will be fitted up and rented to members.
In the adldtlon will be the billiard room.
banquet hall and kitchen. The third
floor will contain ten additional cham
bers with bathing accommodations
which will be rented to the members.
A system of steam heat will supplant
the present hot air system. A side en'
trance to the building will be construct'
ed with a stairway leading to the sec
ond floor so that members can get In
and out of the building without dis
turbing or Intruding on those who may
have the first floor of the building rent
If the contemplated Improvements
are made the Bicycle club will have the
finest club house In this part of the
John aollihtly Dead.
John Golluhtlv. one of the men se
verely burned In the Woodward shaft ex
plosion last evening, died yesterday morn
ing after great suffering. He leaves a
widow and 'Ave children. The condition
of two of the other men hurt in the ex
plosion is serious.
When you think of the Nickel Plate
Road it brings to mind that delicious
meal you had In the Dining Car, and
the- fine service and Low Rates, and
you wonder why people will travel via
any other line.
DICKSON In' Scranton, April 13, 1891,
Kkinryn i-yaia, daughter or Walter M.
and Amanda M. Dickson, aged seven
months. Services at the residence, H30
Jefferson avenue, at 2.30 o'clock this af
ternoon. Interment private.
JENKINS In Scranton, at 1 a. m., April
jo, icw, jonn jenmns, at nis nome, 27
Landis street. Bellevue Heights, aged
84 years. He Is survived by a wife and
three children.
NEVILLE Ann Neville, April 13, 1899.
Bkea on years, r unerai Wednesday af
ternoon from residence In Green place,
Pine Brook. Interment at Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery.
It is tald "there is room at the top."
So there is, but has it ever occurred to
you there can be only one at the top.
We're gaining that enviable position by
being worthy of It. We have set the paco
In everything. Store, style, quality, relia
bility and more than all low prices. Look
at the new spring hats. Where else In
Scranton can you find such correctness
such Individuality such tone and charac
ter? Nowhere. Why shouldn't we be at
the top. If everybody knew It, what a
scramble thcre'd be for our kind of mil
linery. But everybody doesn't know, and
that's why old goods masquerade as new
and so-called "bargains" figure at 50
per cent, profit. We are not tied down
to old-fashioned Ideas and prices here are
always on speaking terms with cost.
Ai. RjLSAWYERtWyomlng-Ave.
Wholesale and Retail Milliner.
Inoluding the painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely new process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
321 Spruce St.i Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
To Carpet Buyers
After three months of attempting to sell Carpets In
a room 25x30 feet, we now have tbe pleasure of
showing goods in our new Carpet Department, which
Is well lighted and contains ample floor space to
properly show our select line of Carpets, consisting
of Moquettes. Axminsters, Velvets, Body and Tapes"
try Brussels, 1 lircc-My, Agra and Ingrains.
MtTCarpcts Sewed ane laid promptly. Examine
our stock and prices. . .
,406 Lackawanna Ave,
423 Lackawanna Avsnus.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
to fit everybody. We make
a specialty of fitting Glasses.
TRY OUll 50c. SPECS.
Ml $6.98 SI1ITS
We have over 100 Suits to
pick from. Last year tbe iden
tical eoods were sold for io.
Tbe cloth is absolutely all
wool and fast colors, well made
in sack coat style. Sizes 34
to 42.
We are just exhibiting a
fine line of tbe above,
Acknowledged by lovers of
art the best ever made.
We will be pleased to have
you call and examine.
231 Penn Are. - Opp. Baptist Church.
A Few
Part of a Piano Is the Interior, You want ser
vice as well as tone and appearance. In our
selection we aim to give all these qualities.
936.330 WVOMINQ AVB.
(Large Show
One Lot of Infanta' Coats at
$1.19. worth $2.2.
One Lot of Ladies Capes, all
wool, at 08c., worth $2.00.
One Lot of Ladies' Silk Capes at
$5.00, worth $8.00.
One Lot of Ladies' Velvet Capes
at $3.75. worth $5.75.
One Lot of ladles' Suits in Mixed
Goods at $2.75, worth $5.00.
One Lot of Fancy Brilliantlne
Skirts at $1.19, worth $2.50.
One Lot of Silk Waists, all
shades, at $1.98, worth $4.25.
We offer one lot of Trimmed
Hats tor $1.93, worth $4,25.
One Lot of Flowers, with
Foliage, 5c. Bunch, worih'25c
138 Wyoming Annua.
Clongh ft'Iama,
Malcolm Lots.
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices.
That Is Positively Striking.
Furnishing Goods, Correct
Ideas In Fancy Shirts, Ex
elusive and Rich Patterns.
Lowest Prices Prevail.
215 Lackawanna Avenue.
We sell Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, eta.,
at lntrinsio value prices, and as there is not
one cent's worth ot our largo and attractive
stock that has not como direct to onr new
store from manufacturers, importers nd Job
bers, we think a look through it might in
terest you.
Will Open About April t.
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry,
tn at riwsal tb. Moit repute saa rnfemi Iff
Ltxiuii AiriMJi
Wartreonii OppeiiteCotambntleaameat,
SOBWitth I ngton Av. Sera nton.PaJ
Js- Dunn's