The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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124-126 Wiomini Ai
Are showing the most complete
assortments ot all the newest and
choicest collection of Millinery,
(louks, Suits, Capes, Separate
j&llrts, Silk and Wash Waists,
Dress Goods, Silks and in fact
everything appertaining to a first
class establishment.
20 dozen of men's web suspenders,
worth l$o.,
25 dozen of men's mixed seamless bait
hose, worth 10e.,
45 dozpn of children's and boy's heavy
ribbed fast black stockings, double
knees, full seamless, sizes 6 to
10 i.leoes all-wool fancy weave crepon
in all the. new sprint; coloring, real
value, lie.,
3.1 pieces of all-wool serKes. also fancy
weaves in spring dress fabrics, rcfu-
lar price, SJlic,
10 pieces of black tigured brilliantine
worth 'c,
6 pieces of bluck wool sers;e, the regu
lar 'Sc. quality,
All of our finest fancy wash silks that
have been
Eu pieces of French organdies, very
choice designs.
U pieces of fine colored dimities, war
ranted fast colors,
IS plMOa tit white checked muslin for
10 dozen bleached Turkish bath tow
els, worth 15c.,
10 dozen of bleached bath towels, 44
inches long, worth, 3.V.,
Z0 pleci of cotton toweling.
10 pieces of linen crush,
6 pieces of extra quality table linen,
25 pieces of Hill 4-4 bit-ached muslin,
40 pieces Fruit of the Loom, yard
wide, bleached muslin,
In our Millinery department we guur
anteee prices to be Just as low as in
all other departments. Hear In mind
we have stylish up-to-date hats from
91.98 and upwnrd,
Also flue flowers from a bunch up,
and fancy ribbons from luc. a yard
Ve guarantee to Rive you satisfaction
In every particular.
10 pieces of 4u-lnch French batiste,
Bpeclnl sales of Swiss embroidery In
four widths at 8., loo., 12c. and
' 15c., worth exactly double.
Ve will cheefully give you samples for
comparison and you will be con
vinced that we offer these goods for
' half price.
CO ladles' figured brilliantine skirts,
lined throughout, velvet fnclntr.
100 children's navy reefers, sizes 4 to
. 14, good value, $1.00,
75 dozen of ladles' laundried percale
shirt waists in all sizes, good value,
lis Was Willing to Fight. Blood and Pie
for Ills Country.
A flery-looklnit party with his hand
stuck Into the bosom of his coat and his
mustachlos bristling like the angry fore
front of war walked Into The Star office
the? other morning- and approached the
editor of the crank department
"Excuse me, sir," he said, with a
sweeping bow, "but may I speak with
you a moment on a matter of Import
ance?" The editor wondered whether It was
going to be a dime- or a quarter, but
told the visitor to proceed.
"I want to publish a card In your
paper, sir, but before doing so I desire
to obtain a few facts relative thereto."
"Go on with your rat-kllllng," said the
editor, with pleasing and easy famil
iarity. The visitor frowned slightly, but went
"I desire to ask, sir," he said, "It
there is any probability of war between
the United States and Great Britain."
. "None in the leant."
"Nor any with Spain?"
"Still less."
''Do you know of any other country
We may have trouble with?"
.' "And you would say that we shall
have a period of absolute peace for the
next ten years?"
"I'll bet my salary on It in advance
for that time."
"Then If you will be so kind I would
be pleased to have you publish this
article in your valuable journal over
my signature, sir." and the visitor ex
tended a fot mid able looking document,
tied with red tape, toward the editor.
-!WBat--bout?-"Inquired theedti
tor. taking it gingerly.
The visitor straightened himself up
"1 Is an appeal, sir, to the patriots of
this great and glorious republic, sir,
to defend the nation's honor at what
ever cost of blood and treasure, sir, and
In that article I announce that I desire
o enlist a thousand men at once who
Will be ready at a moment's notice to lay
down their lives with me at their head
In defense of liberty and our native
land. We must defy all foreign govern
ments, sir, and effete monarchies, and
I desire to go upon the record, sir, as a
patriot with blood to shed on my coun
tiy's altar."
The editor applauded the valor of the
visitor, told him there were hundreds
like him and took the communication
under advisement, where it still is.
Uniformed colored portersare"-in
charge of day coaches to show all atten
tion to the passengers on the Nickel
Plate Road.
Has been wonderfully lin
proved by adding 1 .000 square
feet to our already spacious
store. And we have just re
ceivtd the finest assortment of
, Curpets the market can pro.
i , duce. The patterns are of the
very latest.
Wall Paoer Donartmsnt
Has been Increased to twice Its
former size, so that you can
hue the finest add mimt artLiu
styles and colorings ever
shown In the market. Prices
always the lowest. v .
419 Uekawanna Avs.
scon ill lis
(Readers will please not that advertise,
menta, orders for lob work, and Items for
Eublleatlon left at the establishment of
hannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; ol
eic open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.
Two Hundred lk.lar Subscribed by
Robert W. Johnson.
The Carbondale Cycle club have re
ceived a big encouragement in their
work for a cinder path between Scran
ton and Crystal Lake and the ECheine
now begins to materialise. What has
given the boys so much encouragement
came yesterday in the shape of a check
for two hundred tlollars which was sub
scribed by Kobert W. Johnson, of New
Brunswick. N. J. Mr. Johnson is one
of the leading members of the Crystal
Lake Park association and thinks the
path will do much toward making the
lake a popular resort.
At the meeting to be held on Friday
evening, more definite plans will be en
tered into. The path, if built, will prob
ably run along the bank of the creek
which Is the outlet of the lake. This
would make the grade very slight, so
that no difficulty would be experienced
by riders.
Bids to be Sent by the Mitchell Hose
The streets at this period of the year
are extremely dirty and the warm
weather of the past few days has dried
the mud up so that the air Is now full
of flying dust, making It very disagree
able to persons.
This matter should receive the atten
tion of the councils at once, and ar
rangements should be made by which
the sprinkling and sweeping could com
mence. There will probably be some
competition this year as to wfco shall
get the contract for sweeping. AtiMng
others who have been looking Into the
matter are members of the Mitchell hose
company and they will probably put In
a bid for the work. Their street sprink
ling venture turned out so well that
they are thinking seriously of trying
for all the street cleaning.
Kxelting Caso Ilcnrd-Thrllllng
linmanco In Dlnok and White.
The office of Alderman Jones was the
scene of much interest at a case In
which Vandllng parties were concerned.
Loving another man's wife Is not con
ducive to peace In the family and this
was the cause of the trouble.
The case was brought by Thomas
Williamson aguinst Amos White, a col
ored mun. und liix wife. White Is a
boarder of Mr. Williamson, but as Mrs,
Williamson seemed to prefer White's
company to thnt of her husband, he
grew Jealous. When he found his wife
hugging White he could stand it no
longer, and so hied himself off to the
alderman's. He charged them with
unseemly and obscene conduct. Officer
Neary brought In White, but Mrs. Wil
liamson escaped. However, agreement
was made between Williamson and
White and the matter was settled.
Will be tho Most I ashionnblo Affair of
tho Season.
The Lotus club are making .prepara
tion for their seventh annual banquet
which will be held at. Burke's hall on
Wednesday, April 29. The general com
mittee of arrangements met on Sun
day evening and appointed the several
sub-committees. The gentlemen who
have charge of the affair are: J. J.
Nealon, P. P. I.avln, M. P. Neary, J.
E. Clune, P. A. Duffy, J. E. Bergan,
L. O'Grady and R. Malone.
The toasts have been arranged and
will be responded to by P. P. Lavln,
Dr. J. J. Kelly, P. A. Duffy. J. E. Clune,
James Uodwood, Mayor O'Neill, J. J.
Nealon, P. W. Anderson. The Invita
tions will be sent out on Wednesday
evening. Many guests from down the
valley will be present.
The llamracrlo-Moon Woddine.
At the parlors of Trinity rectory this
afternoon Miss Alice Hamnierle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ham
merle and Edwin Moon, jr., will be
united in marriage. The wedding has
been kept very quiet and will only
be witnessed by the immediate friends
of the couple. The young people are
well known and enjoy a large circle
of acquaintances, who will wish them
much happiness. On their return from
a tour they will take up residence on
South Church street.
Dr. Conwell's Lecture.
Rev. Dr. Russell Conwell will appear
at the Masonic Temple tonight, where
he will give a lecture entitled "The
Jolly Earthquake or How to be Happy."
Mr. Conwell has been In this city sev
eral times before and Is a great fa
vorite here. It is in response to the
numerous requests for Dr. Conwell
that the committee have secured him.
Miss Martha Nicolls, who baa been
visiting Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Salem
avenue, for the past few days, has re
turned to her home in Hyde Park.
Mrs. George Moore, of Aldenvllle, Pa.,
Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Er
nest Olver, on Jeffrey street.
K.l ! l I T.. n ..
stieet, has returned after a few months'
visit with friends in Plymouth and
James Murrln has resumed his studies
at Georgetown university after a short
visit with his parents.
Superintendent C. R. Manvllle is hav
ing some maple trees set out along the
ridge from No. 1 bridge by Racket
Brook to the falls near Maplewood
cemetery. They will add much to the
appearance of the surroundings.
John Parrell and P. J. Collins enjoyed
a drive to Scranton.
Miss Lizzie Mullady, of South Main
street. Is confined to her home by Ill
ness. Michael Connaughton, of Scranton, Is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Walsh,
of Lunny court.
Miss Murphy Is teaching In Miss Far
rell's room in No. 3 school. Miss Far
rell has been at the bedside of her
brother, who died last evening.
John Connnaughton Is visiting friends
in Scranton.
Miss Emma Dunleavy, who has been
the gueBt of Miss Emma Swartz, of
Dundalt street, for a number of days,
has returned to her home in Scranton.
Mrs. Benjamin Vreeland, of Columbia
heights, will leave next week for Phila
delphia, where she will enter a hospital
to undergo an operation for removal of
William Davis, general manager of
the Sauquolt silk works at Scranton,
visited tho Klots and Pendleton fac
tories in this city Monday.
General Superintendent of Transpor
tation George Van Kenreln and Gen
eral Roadmaster H. P. Baldwin, of the
Erie, were In this city Saturday. They
came In private car No. C02 and were
here most of the day.
' Dr. D. L. Bailey spent yesterday In
Montrose. .
A broken -sewer connection caused
considerable damage at the Carbondale
laundry yesterday,.
The members of the Y. M. I. met last
evening to make arrangements for at
tending the funeral of Andrew Fsrrell.
The employes of No. 1, S and Pow
dcrly mines were paid yesterday after
noon, 'i
" ' "
Miss Lena Reynolds, an estimable
young lady of this borough; died at her
home on Susquehanna street. Monday
morning at 3 o'clock. She was 18 years
old. The funeral services will be held
Thursday morning at 7.30 o'clock. In
terment will be at South Gibson. Miss
Reynolds had suffered from a sickness
of several weeks' duration, and it had
been known for a week or more that
she could not recover. She was the
organist for St. Agnes' church choir,
and took a prominent part in all mus
ical n flairs in the borough and will be
greatly missed.
The body of an Infant was discov
ered yesterday morning In the woods
near Hillside cemetery by a number of
boys, who were playing in that vicinity.
The boys at once informed Officer Bunt
ing of their discovery and the latter
In company with 'Squire D. R. Bra
man and George Leyord, went to the
place and viewed the remains. The
body had been laid In a box and placed
In a hole, which had been dug tor the
purpose. The top of the box protruded
from the ground. An investigation will
probably be made.
An Italian bone picker from down
the valley met with a rather rough ex
perience yesterday. He was gathering
up bones In the rear ot H. Joseph's
residence, on Main street, when Mr.
Joseph's large St. Bernard dog, evi
dently not liking the appearance ot the
dago, rushed upon him and catching
him by the shoulder forced him to the
ground. The Italian would probably
have received serious Injury had not
Mr. Joseph come to his rescue and
taken the dog off. As it was he was
only badly frightened.
The board of directors of the Young
Men's Christian association met Mon
day evening In the Presbyterian church
and elected the following officers to
serve one year: President, V. L. Pet
erson; first vice president, I. H. May;
second vice president, R. E. Randall;
secretary, M. D. Evans; treasurer, Ben
jamin Maxey, sr. '
At the last regulur meeting of St.
Agnes' Pioneer corps, of Forest City,
held March 31, 1896, the following reso
lutions wore unanimously adopted:
Whereas. It has pleased Almlghtly
God, In his all-wise and inscrutable
providence, to remove from us our be
loved brother, Anthony Thornton,
therefore be !t
Resolved, That we realize the fact
that by his death our society has lost
a good member and the community a
respected citizen.
Resolved, That we bow In humole
submission to God's will, and deeply
sympathize with the bereaved relatives
and sorrowing friends, and commend
them to Him, who doeth all things for
the best.
Resolved, That In tribute of respect
the charter of this society be draped
In mourning for ninety days, and that
a copy of these resolutions be Spread
upon the minutes of this society, and
that the some be printed in the Car
bondale Herald, The Scranton Tribune
and The Forest City News.
Farewell, dear friends, my life Is past.
So long for you my love did last.
And now for me no sorrow take,
But love my friends for my sake.
James McAndrew,
David Healey.
William Cole,
The borough council met In regular
session on Monday evening. There was
full attendance of members and Presi
dent Jones presided. . Orders were dl
recte to Issue in payment of the fol
lowing bills. P. J. O'Boyle, $10; George
Cartlza, $1; T. Whoftln, $25; H. E. Lln
derman, $25; John H. Kearney, 125;
Thomas Swift, $1.25; Henry Simon, $1.25;
Crescent Electric, company, $200; street
commissioner's time, $34.88; James Car
den, $1; H. Wagner, $1; Thomas Malone,
of Pine street, presented a claim of
$100 for damage caused by the over
flow from a culvert and Bernard Col
meyer also asked to be paid for the
damage done to his property from the
same cause. Action was deferred until
the claims are Investigated. Action on
the bill of Archbald Water company
was postponed until the contract exist
ing between the borough and the com
pany Is produced. A number of the
residents of South Main street peti
tioned for a sidewalk along the river
between Wayne street bridge and Mar
vin Myers', thus making it unnecessary
for children going to or coming from
to cross the street railway. This mat
ter was referred to the road committee.
Chairman H. C. Llnderman, of the
board ot auditors, presented the annual
report 'and made several good sugges
tions as to the needs of the borough
council. Among other things he sug
gested that a vault or cabinet be made
for the storage of borough documents.
At present the auditors are consider
ably hampered in their work by the
lack of system In arranging borough
papers and the difficulty In getting ac
cess to borough documents of past
years. He also suggested that a can
cellation stamp be given to the borough
treasury. Mr. Linderman's suggestions
were practical and business-like, and
they deserve the Immediate attention
of the council. During the discussion
which his remarks created some one
suggested that the borough safe be
used for that purpose, but this being
too small was promptly sold to Post
master O'Rourke for $25. The bond of
Treasurer Sommers In $12,000 was ap
proved. His sureties are Anthony
Brill, George Heckman, John Carden,
Michael Baltes, Henry Probst and An
thony Probst. A resolution was passed
directing that an order be Issued in
favor of Tax Collector Philbln for over
payment of his account. Burgess Burke
suggested that the council pass an or
.."' . . V. . vi-
colliery, Wyoming,-!
me noisy aemonstrations or tne boys
who piay Dase ban on Sunday.
matter was referred to a committee,
which will report at the next meeting.
Misses Mame Mangan, of Pittston,
and Delia Callahan, of Scranton, visit
ed friends here on Monday.
The new Blakely poor board organ
ized In Jones, Simpson & Co.'s office
yesterday, all the members having
been present.. John Lillibrldge was
chosen president, E. A. Jones, secre
tary; James J. Lynch, treasurer; Dr.
J. J. Kelly, physician; F. M. Fleltz, at
torney. HONESDALE,
Miss Barbara Schultz left for Carbon
dale last night to attend the wedding
of her sister, Miss Carrie' to Augustus
Deneke; both parties are of this place.
The ceremony was performed at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George
The title deeds , to the Lake Ariel
property to C. It. Schadt and P. J.
Horan were put on record yesterday
by Homer Greene.'
Miss Grace Wilbur returns to her
home In New York city today.
At n meeting of the school board held
Monday evening Miss Nora Murphy,
teacher at No. 3 school, was appointed
to fill the vacancy at No. 1 school,
caused by Professor Cawley's resigna
tion and Miss Clara Grler, the present
substitute teacher, was assigned tathe
vacancy at No. 3 school.
f As She Understood It.
"Every man should give His wife a reg
ular and liberal allowance," fie said rish:
eously. .
"Yes," was the reply. "It gives a man
some place to go and borrow between sal
ary days." Washington Star.
Daughter (home from boarding school)
"Huy. maw, city folks keep their table
knives a heap sharper'n these."
Motncr "iaw uKei i sh'a think they'd
tro.?.0' cutt'"" "-"-t-l
Yossc Mem Chased Five
Before Captured.
Two young; men named Thsmas
Evans, alias Stelbold, and Mtaliael
O'Donnell ,who are wanted by the po
lice on charges of assault and defraud
ing, were arrested on Hazle street Mon
day evening by Officer Jeff Ruddy af
ter an exciting chase. Several of the
officers had warrants for the young
men and yesterday Officer Hiram 8.
Davis, of Pottsville, came up with an
other warrant for the men. Sergeant
Schmltt and Officer Drake learning
that the men were In a saloon on Hazle
street, tried to capture them but the
boys escaped. An exciting chase en
sued." Officer Drake followed them out
to the Blackman mine, around by the
Empire and Stanton culm plies, back
by the Mallnkrodt convent where he
lost them.
The men thought they had made good
their escape when they ran into the
arms of Officer Ruddy on Hazle street.
At the hearing yesterday morning a
Mr. Williams appeared against them,
charging assault, and Mrs. Jane Lewis
said they swindled her out of a board
bill. Evans signed his pay over to Mrs.
Lewis and they were both given In
charge of the Pottsville officer, who
took them away on an afternoon train.
Rumor That the Russian Government
Will Extradito Wasscl.
The countrymen of Peter Wassel al
lege that the Russian government hus
forwarded papers of extradition to
bring "Terrible Pete" to Russia to
answer a charge of poisoning his first
wife In Russia. Attorney Eugene Ward,
who Is counsel for Wassel. says Was
sel's friends Informed htm that the Rus
sian government was making an effort
to secure the prisoner.
District Attorney Fell was seen in
reference to the matter yesterday and
he said he had not received any letters
from Russia, but added that the czar
would have to watt until after the
commonwealth of Pennsylvania Is done
with Wassel. "Terrible Pete" Is now In
Ju.ll ciia'-.ed with the murder ct Frank
Kupersavage, at Georgetown, last Jan
uary. The murder was a cowardly one.
the victim being shot through a window
while he was seated at a stove in his
house. Wassel will be placed on trial
on Monday and sensational develop
ments are expected.
For Delegate at Large to the National
A meeting of the Republican State
delegates of Luzerne county was held
this morning, being called to order by
Chairman W. T. Reed. Thomas Gwll
lym was secretary. Hon. Charles A.
Miner was unanimously endorsed for
de)egute-at-liirge to the National Con
vention. Hon. Galusha A.. Grow was
also endorsed for cjngivssnran-ttt-larg?.
Permanent organization of the dele
gates was effected by the election of
S. L. French as chairman and Dr. A.
F. Fell as secretary.
Thrown from His Itieyclc.
At 11 o'clock yesterday morning as
Hamilton Farnham of 15 South street,
was riding his bicycle In the alley be
tween Nos. 28 and 30 South Franklin
street, he was thrown from his wheel,
the shock of the fall causing uncon
sciousness. He was carried into the
latter house and Dr. Bullard was culled.
After a few minutes work the young
man was revived and an examination
showed that no bones were broken and
no further Injuries sustained. After a
short resting spell he was able to walk
to his home. He Is now fully recovered
from the effects of the fall.
Look Oit for Varioloid.
Benjamin Lee, secretay of the state
board of health, sent a letter to the
health officers In this city, stating that
the following named persons had' land
ed at Philadelphia from the steamer
Illinois, April 10, and started for this
city. As there had been varioloid on
board the vessel, the authorities are no
titled to look out for them. Their
names are Anna Kromada, Michael
Kosar, Anna Drahaus, Henry Madzel
uskl, Vasll Hamokn, Peter Morsukylat.
Secretary Lee also sent a similar warn
ing to Plymouth.
Douglass F.ntortnlnmcnt.
Next Tuesday evening, April 21, an
entertainment will be given at the
Young Men's Christian Association
auditorium by Charles E. Douglass in
modern magic, ventriloquism and illus
trations. Mr. Douglass has been suc
cessful in engaging Wllkes-Barre's no
ted mandolin trio, Messrs. Hartland,
Bennett and Dana, and also banjo solo
ists, Master Stearns Hoton. Diagram
is now open at the Young Men's Chris
tian Association office. A delightful
evening is anticipated.
Another Vicious Dog.
Mrs. Susan Nikum, of Blackman
street, swore out a warrant before
Mayor Nichols this morning for the ar
rest of a man named Cole, whose dog
bit her little 8-year-old boy. She avers
that the dog was unmuzzled at the time
and also that he is very vicious. Cole
will be given a hearing this evening.
James Mecloskle, a driver in the Twin
shaft, was crushed to death yesterday
by falling under cars.
i l.u.liuo .., ...w
on Monday, was admitted to the hos
pital today. His shoulder blade is
Dennis Noonan, of Eno street, and
Miss Catherine Lord, of Vine street,
well-known young people of Plymouth,
went to Btnghamton on Monday and
were married there.
Martin Burke, an Insurance agent of
this city, and Miss Ella Doyle, of Ash
ley, were joined in marriage at eleven
o'clock yesterday morning in St. Leo's
church, Ashley, by Rev. T. J. Rea, of
Sugar Notch. Miss Dehlia Toy, of
Scranton, was bridesmaid, and Mr.
Coyne, of Pittston, was best man.
Worn Out Women
Should read this letter. It shows the
wonderful building-up powers of Hood's
SarsaparilU, the
great blood purifier.
"I wish I could
stand in some pub
lic place and cry to
lulling humanity,
Hear this, ye peo
ple, what wonder
ful things Hood's
Sarsaparilla has
done for meaud my
family. 1 cannot
express what I suf
fered. Only one of my sex knows what s
woman can suffer in my condition. I wae
prostrate with nervousness and weakness.
The least noise would drive me frantic.
I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
am overjoyed to say that I sm now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
is the best msdiolns for those suffering st
Ihavcsuffered." Mns. 0. C. Eibxpatrick,
Pins Grove, Penn. fl j sis f or f 5.
Hood's Pills KtoStrsi1
Father and. Son Set Free at
Aslieville, N. C
Little Charley Fogleaiaa Uses Tobacc Sloce
Babyhood, a ad His Father Smoked sad
Chewed far tat Past Twenty Years.
Aslieville, N. C., Special "Is that
true?-' asked the News' man at Pel
hum's Pharmacy, as he laid down a let
ter in the presence of a dozen inter
ested customers.
"Yes, It Is" promptly answered the
proprietor. "It was written here on one
of our letterheads and signed by J. C.
Joglerr.un, who lives at No. 6 Buxton
street. We all know h? Is a man of his
This Is what the letter said:
Office of Pelham's Phaimacy, 2 Pat
ton avenue, Ashevllle. N. C: Gentle
menMy Utile boy, now 8 yeaM, b -gan
chewing tobacco when 3 yeara old by
the advice of our family physician, in
the place of stronger stimulants. Four
weeks ao I began giving him No-To-linc,
which I bought at Pelham's
Pharmacy, and to my great surprise,
and delight, No-To-Bac completely
cured him. He does not care for to
bacco, and Is very much Improved in
health, eats heartily and has a much
better color.
"Finding such results from the use of
No-To-Bac I began myself, and it cured
me after using tobacco, In all forms,
for twenty years.
"I make this plain statement for the
benefit of others. (Signed)
V hat's that?" asked Chief of Police
H. S. Hawkins, whose manly form at
tired in the new police uniform, like
Solomon In all his glory, came to the
"Why, No-To-Bac cures!"
"Cures? Why, 1 sould say so. I used
It myself. It cured me. I bought one
box of No-To-Hac from Pelham and
was cured after using tobacco chiefly
chewing for eight (8) or ten (10)
Everybody looked astonished and
wondered what would next turn up.
"Suppose it don't cure?" someone
"Then you get your mony back."
replied the druggist. "No-To-Bac Is
made by the Sterling Remedy Co., Chi
cago, Montreal and New York, and
every druggist In America is author
ized to sell No-To-Iiac under an abso
lute guarantee to cure or money re
funded. They always do the square
thing. Here, read their famous book
let "Don't Tobacco Spit and In it."
Written guarantee and free sample
mailed for the asking.
Wagner still the I avorlto in Germany
nd Austria.
Twelve operas by Wagner were given
1.057 times in Germany and Austria
during lsM. "Lohengrin" heads the
lift with 1'70 performances, then come
"Tantihauser." 2T.I; "The Flying Dutch
man." 118; "Die Melsterslnger," 113;
"Walkure, 88; "Siegfried," 64; "Gotter
dammerung," 50; "Rheingold," 4; and
"Parsifal," which Is only given at
Bayreuth, 9. Humperdlnck's "Hansel
und Gretel," was given 4fi times.
Lortzlng, with 4!0 performances, Flo
tow, with 3!0. and Nessler, with 214,
lead the modern composers. Of the
classical authors Mozart Is the favorite,
with 449 performances of eight operas:
"The Magic Flute" being given 1S2
times, Figaro's "Hockzeit" 122, and
"Don Giovanni" 116. Beethoven's
"Fldello" had 149 representations, and
Wtber had 409 for six operas. In all,
out of 7.S23 performances 4,713 were of
operas by Germans.
The Italian operas given were 2,014,
Verdi with 572 performances of nine
operas at the head; the most popular
in Wagnerian Germany was "II Trova
tore," performed 206 times; there were
90 performances of "Falstnff," 80 of
"Rlgoletto," and 66 of "Atda." "Caval
lerla Rustlcatia." was given 515 times,
and "I Pagllacti" 467. Rossini was rep
resented 14 times, 112 with "H Bar
blere." mid 52 with "William Tell;"
Donizetti 154 and Bellini 39. Of French
operas there were 1,01)6 performances,
the order of composers being Gounod
228, of which 204 stand for "Faust;"
Bizet, 194; Auber, 149; Adolphe Adam.
134, and Ambrolse Thomas, 117. Ger
mans do not care for Massenet, as
three of his operas were performed only
12 times In all.
The Nickel Plate Road runs along
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Absolute eure guaranteed of rupture
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The latest loprored farnlsb'
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223 Wyoming Ava
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In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina
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ders to match. . An inspection of our stock and cx
amination of prices will prove interesting.
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U. 8. Bonds
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714 01
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8,660 00
7.770 00
. Io7.a04 7J
. 125.7US U
I2.191.JW JO
WM. CONNELL, President: OEO. H. CATLIN. Vice President; WM. H. PECK. Cashier...
DIRECTORS-Wn. Conntll, Henry Bella, Jr.. Jaara Archbald, Wab T. talth. Oeorf & ,
CatHa, Luther Keller, Alfred Hand.
Special atteatlaa glvea te Business and Persaaal Accaaata, Three per Mat. latareal
ea TIum Deposits.
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ACTIVE Building Corporations Desiring Extra
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The tendency of our patrons to want better
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All the Comforts of Home
Sold On Easy Payments
Lackawanna Ava.
Opposite .ha Main Entrance to Wyog Hoasi
8 200 000 00
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.1 tM M
101 M .
Due to Banks
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4 KlA Ui te A
11,131,100 ,
218, 225 and 227
Wyoming Avenue: If
IE llil
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1 1 -... .